The State of Always-On Marketing Study - THE STATE OF ALWAYS-ON MARKETING STUDY
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The State of Always-On Marketing Study THE STATE OF ALWAYS-ON MARKETING STUDY | 2014 1 SM
So you think your marketing is Always-On? “ Razorfish defines Always-On Marketing as data-driven, IT’S TIME TO GET REAL AND MAKE PLATFORMS, ANALYTICS, CHANNELS AND EXPERIENCES WORK TOGETHER TO ACHIEVE TANGIBLE RESULTS Written By Mark Taylor, VP, Data-Driven Marketing and content-led Brian Colwell, Ph.D. Associate Director, Data Sciences experiences, In digital, experiences enable business success. The experience is what attracts delivered across and engages customers moment-to-moment and drives your business toward your goals. Knowing that successful experiences depend on platforms, analytics channels and devices ” and channels working together in an integrated way, Razorfish, a global interac- in real time. tive marketing and technology company, and Adobe, the world’s only end-to-end digital marketing solutions provider, wanted to find out how effectively companies are delivering marketing services to their customers in real time. Last year, the two companies surveyed 685 C-level marketing, technology and business execu- tives about how they use marketing technology with services to deliver targeted experiences to the Always-On consumer. The result is The State of Always-On Marketing Study. THE STATE OF ALWAYS-ON MARKETING STUDY | 2014 1
Razorfish defines Always-On Marketing (AOM) as data-driven, content-led expe- riences, delivered across channels and devices in real time. The study uncovered some striking contrasts between AOM perception and reality. One of the most startling was that, contrary to executives’ self-assessments, very few businesses are equipped to compete in real time, and most struggle with the most basic “ technology and marketing programs. Very few businesses This article will help you evaluate your AOM readiness and close the gap be- tween where you are now and where you want to be, by bringing together plat- are equipped to forms, analytics and channel management to drive meaningful experiences and, compete in real time, ultimately, successful AOM. and most struggle Figure 1: PACE framework identifies business’ ability to support each AOM dimension, with the most from platform through to experience. basic technology and marketing 1P LATFORMS 3C HANNELS ” programs. How data/content is How insights are translated collected, aggregated and used into levers that inform which channels to engage which customers The unified brand experience that customers engage with Data converted into customer insights across channels to fuel business decisions 4E XPER E N CES 2A N A LY T I C S I Figure 2: PACE IndexTM, a Razorfish proprietary evaluation framework for Always-On Marketing. PACE INDEX TM Our study utilizes the PACE Index™, a proprietary tool developed by Razorfish, which evaluates a compa- ny’s perceived state of digital market- ing readiness across four marketing PLATFORMS ANALYTICS CHANNELS EXPERIENCES dimensions: platforms, analytics, channels and experiences. It ag- gregates responses from 18 survey Data Collection and Customer Customer Identification/ Cross-Channel Content questions (see Methodology) into a Execution Measurement Measurement Delivery single scale ranging from a possible (6 Questions) (1 Question) (4 Questions) (2 Questions) low of one to a high of 100. A com- Digital Data Insight/ Customer Needs Insights Applied Across pany’s PACE IndexTM score serves as Strategy Analysis Delivery Digital Channels an initial metric that aids in developing (1 Question) (1 Question) (1 Question) (1 Question) a blueprint to activate Always-On Content Marketing. Development (1 Question) THE STATE OF ALWAYS-ON MARKETING STUDY | 2014 2
AOM Today Real-time is reality, not theory. Consumers are now more connected and expect more meaningful brand experi- What’s driving the need to become ences — in real time — than ever before. Companies recognize this and want to an Always-On marketer? The pace respond with real-time experiences and solutions. However, our proprietary re- of change and intensity of disruption search found that they struggle with even the most basic technology and market- is accelerating, fueled by an increase ing programs. Surprisingly, only 13 percent of businesses can target a recognized in socially connected people who are segment and measure results — indicating that most companies lack the ability today’s mainstream. These consum- to tie together the various elements of their business required to take action on ers access brands multiple times per their data and use technology to execute effective targeted experiences. day — and spend more time online, The solution is AOM. An Always-On approach ensures that content is not only on more devices and in more locations well planned, but also continually optimized with the ability to respond to con- than ever before. sumer interactions with brands. »» In 2013, the average time spent with Our study summarizes diverse information about companies’ self-reported digital media per day surpassed TV effectiveness at marketing through their digital channels. What we found is viewing time for the first time in the that making the shift from campaign to real-time experiences is clearly difficult, U.S.1 and marketing executives are unrealistic about their AOM capabilities. We also »» More than 75 percent of people in discovered that the gap between perceived AOM strength and actual ability is most developed markets, and even significant. The survey revealed that less than 5 percent of the marketing popula- more in emerging markets, use social tion is capable of delivering AOM. tools.2 Using insights gained from interviewing hundreds of top executives, we can now »» More than half of U.S. mobile sub- help organizations coordinate and integrate their marketing efforts across chan- scribers owned smartphones in nels. Using an integrated approach, brands can much more readily build a strong 2013. In Western Europe, smart- services and technology foundation to enable successful AOM. phone penetration is expected to jump from 34 percent in 2011 to 67 percent by 2016.3 Consequently, marketers need to embrace the reality that consumers are demanding information in real time and enact change. Executives that Razorfish and Adobe speak to recog- nize this shift and the need to operate in real time — they know they need to leverage available technology and rethink how they are organizing their total ecosystem. 1 “Digital Set to Surpass TV in Time Spent with U.S. Media,”, August 1, 2013. 2 “Social Networking Reaches Nearly One in Four Around the World,”, June 18, 2013. 3 “The Real-Time Marketing Drumbeat Gets Louder, as Agencies, Brands Sign On,”, May 7, 2013. THE STATE OF ALWAYS-ON MARKETING STUDY | 2014 3
Our Findings A major executive disconnect exists between segmentation development and digital execution. Fifty-eight percent of all executives interviewed consider themselves strong at tar- geting experiences to segmented groups. So, we expected to find evidence that most execs are maneuvering their technology and marketing programs to pull off a holistic digital marketing program. That is not the case — only 38 percent of those interviewed are capable of targeting a new customer versus a returning customer. Most lack the ability to use critical behavioral data. Seventy-six percent of marketers are failing to use behavioral data in segmen- tation analysis and targeting execution. While the vast majority of them are only utilizing CRM, demographic and historic sales data, marketers are missing out on high-frequency, real-time data that is only made possible by integrating behavioral data. Segmentation and measurement isn’t informing digital execution. While execs consider themselves strong at targeting experiences to segmented groups, only 13 percent are delivering segmented experiences and measuring the results. So, even those who believe they have strong targeting capabilities (58 percent) may not be able to quantify that perceived value. Very few are capable of delivering real-time analytics and experiences. Less than 5 percent are actually able to manage experiences in an Always-On manner. And, of the 24 percent who are using behavioral data, less than 20 percent have the capabilities — technology, creative execution/processes and integrated data— to deliver a targeted experience to a recognized customer across channels. THE STATE OF ALWAYS-ON MARKETING STUDY | 2014 4
WHO’S IN THE LEAD? We wanted to know the characteristics of the subgroup of leading companies that have adopted digital marketing technology, so we used a statistical model to determine an organization’s likelihood of being a leader. We define a leader as a business that has fully implemented or made improvements toward implementa- tion of digital technology to support data-driven marketing. “ Figure 3: Predicted probabilities of being a “Leader.” We define a leader as Industry U.S. Germany France Canada U.K. Automotive 32% 29% 10% 29% 13% a business that has Financial Services 29% 12% 19% 13% 12% fully implemented or Leisure, Travel and Hospitality 35% 38% 11% 20% 22% Business to Business (B2B) 32% 28% 12% 14% 29% made improvements Retail and Consumer Packaged Goods 46% 40% 23% 51% 34% toward implementation Telecom, Media and Entertainment Company Size (Annual Revenue $USD) 43% 28% 25% 33% 41% of digital technology 500 Million to 4.9 Billion 28% 23% 8% 19% 14% 5 Billion or Greater 51% 34% 32% 33% 28% to support data-driven ” marketing. Size matters. Unsurprisingly, company size is considered a significant factor in predicting lead- ership in digital marketing performance. For example, when larger companies in the U.S. enjoy annual sales in excess of $5 billion, they have a 51 percent chance of being a leader. By comparison, being a larger company in France increases the chance that a company will be a leader by three times (3X), and in the U.K. by 1.7 times (1.7X). Some industries have ground to make up. Companies in both the retail and consumer packaged goods, and telecom, media and entertainment industries generally stand out as leaders more than those belonging to other industry verticals. Conversely, with the exception of France, companies in the financial industry tend to have the lowest probability of leader- ship status within their respective countries. THE STATE OF ALWAYS-ON MARKETING STUDY | 2014 5
THE PACE INDEX™ PREDICTS LEADERS AND LAGGARDS Although the lowest possible PACE Index™ score is one and the highest possible score is 100, actual scores from our sample range from a low of six to a high of 100. The PACE Index™ generally increases when survey responses reflect posi- tive perceptions of a company’s digital maturity. However, a true AOM framework is an integrated marketing approach that is vulnerable to areas of relative weak- ness. Therefore, when a company’s perceptions across the four PACE elements — platforms, analytics, channels and experiences — are uneven, the score is slightly weighted toward the lower perceptions. Perceptions of AOM performance vary significantly by country. Given differing levels of technology-driven marketing adoption for Razorfish and Adobe clients across national markets, we expected to see a relatively high PACE Index™ score for U.S. companies in particular. However, the U.S. market has a fairly normal distribution around its median score of just 54. Surprisingly, France has a higher median score (63), with nearly half of French companies scoring 61–80. Germany mirrors the U.S. median score, but German companies have a much higher degree of score uniformity — 63 percent of companies rate themselves in the 41–60 range, while only 40 percent of U.S. companies report the same. In contrast to German companies, Canada (median 63) and the U.K. (median 62) both exhibit a lower degree of uniformity around their average index scores. Figure 4: PACE Index™ demonstrates differences across countries (% of respondents). United States France Mean=54 Mean=63 49% 40% 33% 23% 25% 11% 11% 2% 2% 5% 0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 Germany Canada Mean=55 Mean=63 63% 35% 37% 22% 10% 16% 10% 0% 4% 1% 0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 United Kingdom Mean=62 31% 33% 22% 13% 1% 0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 THE STATE OF ALWAYS-ON MARKETING STUDY | 2014 6
Executives in these countries are clearly assessing themselves according to diver- gent and perhaps localized standards of digital readiness. As a consequence, a CMO in one market may have an incomplete assessment of the true state of AOM possibilities. If this is the case, companies in countries where AOM is less common may lack knowledge of what’s currently possible and as a result may overestimate their AOM readiness in light of what’s possible in the industry as a whole. The gap between perceived strength and actual ability is wide. Figure 5: Percentage of senior executives who claim they are strong at optimizing their customer experiences and have the ability to distinguish a customer segment. 61% 50% 53% 43% 36% USA DE FR CA UK Upon further analysis, we discovered significant disconnects in France and Germany. Less than half of executives in France (36 percent) and Germany (43 percent) who consider themselves strong at delivering targeted experiences actu- ally have the ability to do so. Depending on geography, markets face different con- straints, and disconnects like those illustrated in Figure 5 prove that execs don’t have nearly as much control as they think. Perception and piecemeal evaluation is not enough to drive AOM readiness. If you think you’re ahead, you could be at a competitive disadvantage by failing to embrace available possibilities to execute and manage your PACE ecosystem for healthy AOM. To become AOM-ready, a quantifiable PACE assessment is essential. Use of technology for competitive advantage varies by country. When we employed a statistical model to explore the relationship between company size and technology adoption — while holding industry verticals con- stant — we saw that the U.S., U.K. and Canada all show statistically significant differences in their scores when they have more than $5 billion in annual revenue and use technology to support data-driven marketing. In the U.S., this represents a 64 percent difference in their PACE Index™ score.1 However, using the same criteria, France and Germany don’t show any statistically significant difference in their index score. 1 Statistical significance is set at the 95% confidence level. THE STATE OF ALWAYS-ON MARKETING STUDY | 2014 7
Figure 6: PACE IndexTM scores for company size and use of technology to support data- driven marketing. PACE IndexTM Scores, Controlling for Technology and Business Size >$5B and >$5B and Not Implemented Have Implemented 84 79 71 74 63 66 66 61 54 44 United States Germany France Canada United Kingdom Companies in the U.S., Canada and U.K. that have adopted technology perceive themselves a more “ready,” according to their PACE Index™ scores. Figure 6 shows that companies in the U.S., Canada and U.K. have a greater understanding of what AOM requires. In these markets, greater awareness of what is possible may lead to a greater sense of readiness on the part of CMOs after adopting the requi- site technology for AOM. Conversely, CMOs in these markets who have not adopt- ed technology for AOM may experience a suppressed sense of readiness because they are more aware of their vulnerabilities in the modern digital marketplace. While there are certainly many factors at play in these findings, differences be- tween the American and European systems of digital privacy laws could provide one explanation. For example, under the European regulations affecting France and Germany in particular, digital businesses are more constrained when it comes to performing basic data collection and profiling of individual customers. The U.S. and Canada, on the other hand, have no equivalent to Europe’s general data protection law (other than medical and financial records), and the U.K. has adopted a more pragmatic self-regulation position that arguably enables greater flexibility to maneuver in the real-time marketing context. So, the U.S., U.K. and Canada appear to have a greater advantage when creating a cohesive way to action data for better AOM. THE STATE OF ALWAYS-ON MARKETING STUDY | 2014 8
Get Real If You Want Tangible Results At this point you’re likely feeling really excited… or highly inadequate. The point is to not procrastinate any longer if you’re behind, or to take advantage and move ahead if you’re already a leader. Since technology roadmaps typically have about an 18-month horizon, businesses need to adapt fast to maximize their full set of investments. It’s not enough to perceive that you are using these capabilities. You have to quantify your actual ability in order to deliver AOM in a meaningful way. 1. EMBRACE NEW EVALUATION TECHNIQUES TO “ BECOME AOM-READY. You have to A business-wide self-evaluation is crucial to determine where you are, and how you can improve in each part of the PACE framework so that you can drive suc- quantify your actual cessful AOM and, ultimately, deliver more meaningful experiences. ability in order to Conventional discovery engagements take too long to determine how to take deliver AOM in a advantage of organization and technology investments. AOM requires a radical ” meaningful way. change to these old-fashioned approaches in order to understand how your business aligns tools with strategy, so that you can quickly generate insight from marketing tools and identify how to drive higher return from these investments. This is best accomplished by using a new breed of rapid evaluation solution of- ferings like Razorfish BoostSM, which is an example of an industrialized approach developed exclusively in partnership with a technology partner (Adobe) for this very purpose. THE STATE OF ALWAYS-ON MARKETING STUDY | 2014 9
Figure 7: The Razorfish BoostSM process. 1. EVALUATION 2. OPTIMIZED SOLUTION DESIGN 3. VALUE DELIVERY ROADMAP Alignment to your Alignment with your colleagues on the Roadmap for prioritized services and technology with detailed vision, key solutions that will amplify your existing marketing action plan. business drivers investments, augmenting service and stakeholder offerings with product capabilities. input on issues and goals. SITE TARGETING AND TESTING PLANS High TARGETING OFFER LTV STRATEGIES SEGMENTATION TAG MANAGEMENT CROSS-TEAM SERVICE ENABLEMENT REPORT DELIVERY OFFERING MATURITY LAST ACTION SEGMENTATION TAGGING DATA COLLECTION REMESSAGING DESIGN REMEDIATION ATTRIBUTION MEASUREMENT DASHBOARD DATA AUDIT SITE REPORTING CROSS-CHANNEL GOALS PLATFORMS DESIGNS REPORTING ROI BENCHMARK CAPABILITIES ANALYTICS QUICK WINS Low PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 CHANNELS ROADMAP INVESTMENT EXPERIENCES OBSTACLES PRODUCT CAPABILITY MATURITY High Leveraging more than 10 years of best-in-class evaluations, these new codified methodologies provide the diagnostic first step you need to quantify your AOM readiness, and get up and running in weeks, rather than months. Razorfish BoostSM quantifies and aligns your AOM performance issues to the PACE area for resolu- tion — taking into account your specific business goals and marketing objectives to deliver a customized recipe of products and services to drive value immediately, and shows you where to make smart investments over the next two to three years. Figure 8: Razorfish BoostSM client results comparing PACE IndexTM scores by industry, country and company size (blinded). Competitor Performance Criteria: All Up PACE Financial Client PACE Index™ Services, Index™ Score Respondents Country & Size (Blinded) PACE Index™ Score 59 60 58 (P)latform 58 62 58 Data Collection and Excecution 61 58 46 Digital Data Strategy 56 64 71 (A)nalytics 60 61 66 Defined Customer Measurement 58 52 57 Insights Analysis 61 74 76 (C)hannel 65 76 57 Customer Identification & Measurement 66 72 73 Organizational Capability to Deliver on 65 79 43 Customer Needs (E)xperience 54 54 49 Cross-Channel Content Delivery Enablement 50 51 48 Customer Insight Used Across Digital Channels 61 64 54 Content Development 50 48 46 THE STATE OF ALWAYS-ON MARKETING STUDY | 2014 10
2. EVOLVE YOUR AOM MARKETING AND TECHNOLOGY ORGANIZATION TOGETHER. Once you have identified opportunities to improve your AOM capabilities, you can quickly establish your digital marketing blueprint. You will also need to think about both the internal corporate governance, process and leadership required to realize data-driven marketing, in addition to the regulatory big picture (chang- ing national legal oversight). Your unique blueprint will help siloed teams ensure you focus dollars efficiently, while providing customers with an experience that is “ optimized to meet their needs. Not only does Working in an integrated way requires clear relationships and fluid governance with technology vendors and agency partnerships. Businesses have a strong de- incremental success sire to connect with the technology community, but limited resources to system- finance incremental atically evaluate new partners, leaving the door open for competitors to leapfrog technology and their AOM capabilities. We therefore recommend a lead partner that does not just work well with internal and external marketing staff, but also has the technical service phases, but ability to provide objective evaluation of technology and media partners. this also develops political capital across 3. COMPETE HARDER, MOMENT-TO-MOMENT. It’s hard work, but the potential payoff is worth it. Figure 9 illustrates a real the business with Razorfish client example of how targeted AOM experiences are built in iterative an evidence-driven, phases: Phase 1 and Phase 2 show targeting payment and ROI revenue projec- tions. The black line in this typical targeting roadmap indicates very pedestrian customer-centric ” growth if the client continues business as usual, void of net-new AOM dollars for approach. technology and services. Figure 9: Cumulative net cash flows ($ ’000), blinded client example. $3,500.00 $3,000.00 $2,500.00 Payback in 3 months $2,000.00 Payback in 8 weeks $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $0.00 ($500.00) Phase 2 ($1,000.00) Phase 1 8X 1.5X ROI ROI Phase 1 demonstrates an easy eight-week setup of basic analytics and targeting activities, where investment would put the client into the “red” temporarily for their $200K investment, with breakeven at eight weeks, followed by 1.5 times (1.5X) ROI. Phase 2 represents a more involved technology investment with a longer setup and investment, but it pays off with an even higher incremental ROI — eight times (8X) — paying for itself in just three months. THE STATE OF ALWAYS-ON MARKETING STUDY | 2014 11
Can you truly quantify your A more advanced version of this Razorfish solution allows our clients to deliver a AOM Capabilities? uniquely tailored message to their target audience every time. We’ve seen a four Given the common gap between per- times (4X) increase in ROI and a two times (2X) increase in vendor co-op media ceived digital marketing readiness and investment YoY. With early success, we extended the program to new platforms in the reality of executing AOM, consider first-to-market fashion: how well your marketing technology »» Within video, we can personalize a data overlay with products viewed on-site investments are aligned to reach the (40+ percent increase in video completion rates with this overlay). Always-On customer. Start by figuring out how you’d respond to these four »» Within social, we target .com visitors and personalize messaging to increase questions: traffic on Facebook and Twitter (50 percent lift in engagement rates). »» How confident are you that the »» We were the first advertiser to test cross-device retargeting (mobile-to-mobile data you capture provides a unified, and desktop-to-mobile) with dynamic, last-action product creative in 2013. cross-channel view of each customer’s What does this mean? Brands that continue this cycle programmatically in brand interactions and experiences? Razorfish are seeing triple-digit growth and, in some cases, upwards of 23 »» When you receive insights on cus- times (23X) the fully loaded (agency fees and technology costs) ROAS. The tomer behavior, how empowered payback from each previous phase essentially allows a continual “crawl, walk, do you feel to carry those insights run” investment cycle. Not only does incremental success finance incremental forward into concrete action plans? technology and service phases, but this also develops political capital across the business with an evidence-driven, customer-centric approach. »» Are your technology solutions and skill sets both available and suffi- Brandon Geary, SVP Strategy, contributed to this study. ciently synchronized to address each customer’s particular needs, regard- less of channel or device type? »» Are you delivering the relevant cus- tomer-facing experiences in each moment better than your competi- tors are? You have the opportunity to help your organization get real and close the gap between perception and reality. Prepare your organization now by integrating the technology, governance and leadership required to get ahead in AOM. THE STATE OF ALWAYS-ON MARKETING STUDY | 2014 12
Learn More LEARN ABOUT SERVICE OFFERINGS AND TECHNOLOGIES TO DEVELOP YOUR AOM STRATEGIC ROADMAP RAZORFISH BOOSTSM Razorfish BoostSM is a strategic evaluation that rapidly identifies the roadmap you need to extract the most value from your Adobe Marketing Cloud solutions. Boost arms you with an actionable plan to fill the gaps between your marketing goals and identified roadblocks using Adobe products and Razorfish marketing services for positive investment return. There are three primary deliverables: »» PACE Index™ benchmark: an evaluation of how your company is performing compared to your industry in order to determine areas where there is potential to achieve competitive advantage. »» 100-day plan with detailed steps and associated scope for projects that con-figure technology and modify or launch associated marketing programs. »» An 18-month roadmap that shows what additional technology configurations and marketing programs are needed. ADOBE MARKETING CLOUD Adobe Marketing Cloud is the most comprehensive and integrated set of digital marketing solutions available. It includes a complete set of analytics, social, ad- vertising, targeting, Web experience management and cross-channel campaign management solutions along with a unique set of shared capabilities that helps customers go from data to insights to action more efficiently and effectively than ever. Visit to learn more. RAZORFISH Razorfish, the only digital agency to receive back-to-back rankings in Advertising Age’s 2011 and 2012 A-List, creates experiences that build businesses. As one of the largest interactive marketing and technology companies in the world, Razorfish helps its clients build better brands by delivering business results through customer experiences. Razorfish combines the best thought leadership of the consulting world with the leading capabilities of the marketing services industry to support our clients’ business needs, such as launching new products, repositioning a brand or participat- ing in the social world. Razorfish has offices in markets across the United States, and in Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom. Clients include Mercedes, Unilever and McDonald’s. Razorfish is part of Publicis Groupe. Visit for more information. Follow Razorfish on Twitter @razorfish. ADOBE Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. For more information, visit THE STATE OF ALWAYS-ON MARKETING STUDY | 2014 13
Supplemental Material METHODOLOGY In August 2013, Razorfish and Adobe jointly commissioned a reputable third-party vendor to collect data from companies on perceptions and adoption of digital mar- keting technologies. The questionnaire consisted of 46 questions, and addressed perceived marketing challenges, digital marketing maturity and specific technolog- ical capabilities. There were 685 CMOs, or similarly situated budget-setting marketing executives from five countries and six industry verticals (Figure 10), who participated in the study. Each respondent represents a single company whose annual revenue exceeds $500 million U.S. dollars. Figure 10: The State of Always-On Marketing Study sample counts by country and industry. Industry U.S. Germany France Canada U.K. N= Automotive 21 34 22 18 20 115 Financial Services 24 32 14 22 21 113 Leisure , Travel and Hospitality 22 33 22 20 20 117 Business to Business (B2B) 25 25 21 21 19 111 Retail and Consumer Packaged Goods 22 31 23 19 20 115 Telecom, Media and Entertainment 24 31 19 21 19 114 Country N= 138 186 121 121 119 685 National differences can affect results for either methodological or substantive reasons. Methodologically, respondents may interpret and answer the same set of questions differently, purely based on differences in cultural norms and con- versational conventions. Of these two sources of concern, past cross-national research on survey response bias does not reveal marked differences in response patterns among the countries included in the present study. Substantive factors may include, but are not limited to, market size, regulatory constraints, digital technology adoption, international affiliations and general macro-economic vitality. Figure 11 highlights a few of these unaccounted for cross-national differences that can be reasonably expected to shape our results. THE STATE OF ALWAYS-ON MARKETING STUDY | 2014 14
Figure 11: Technographic differences that demonstrate cross-national differences. U.S. Germany France Canada U.K. Mobile Broadband % 75% 41% 52% 50% 72% Penetration (ITU Estimates) Smartphone % Penetration 56% 40% 42% 56% 62% (Google Estimates) % of smartphone owners that 46% 32% 26% 27% 39% have made a purchase on device (Google Estimates) Per Capita Spend On e-Retail 286.44 207.77 196.36 59.45 442.43 (USD) in 2007 (Kshetri Bebenroth, Williamson 2010) Figures from the United Nations International Technology Union show that mobile broadband penetration in 2012 was much higher in the U.S. and U.K. than it was in other countries. Inclination to shop on a mobile device (Google, Our Mobile Planet) and the amount spent on ecommerce per capita (Kshetri, Bebenroth, Williamson 2010) are also higher in the U.S. and U.K. It is not clear how differences such as these might impact perceptions, since perceptions of how “well” one is doing are typically benchmarked against others. Across countries, the benchmarks that might inform respondent perceptions are not the same. The limited number of countries in the dataset prevents us from statistically confirming or ruling out either substantive or methodological factors as possible explanations for any observed cross-national differences. FIGURE 2 Predicted probabilities were obtained with a Poisson regression model using ro- bust standard errors to overcome the mean — variance equivalence assumption. Poisson model results were compared with those from negative binomial models with very little differences in coefficient output. Poisson model results were adopt- ed based on superior model fit statistics; however, both methodologies produce roughly the same probability estimates. THE STATE OF ALWAYS-ON MARKETING STUDY | 2014 15
PACE INDEX™ This study utilizes the PACE Index™, which evaluates a company’s perceived state of digital marketing readiness across four marketing dimensions: platforms, analytics, channels and experiences. It aggregates responses from 18 survey questions (see below) into a single scale ranging from a possible low of one to a high of 100. A company’s PACE Index™ score serves as an initial metric that aids in developing a blueprint to activate Always-On Marketing. PACE INDEX TM PLATFORMS ANALYTICS CHANNELS EXPERIENCES Data Collection and Customer Customer Identification/ Cross-Channel Content Execution Measurement Measurement Delivery (6 Questions) (1 Question) (4 Questions) (2 Questions) Digital Data Insight/ Customer Needs Insights Applied Across Strategy Analysis Delivery Digital Channels (1 Question) (1 Question) (1 Question) (1 Question) Content Development (1 Question) THE STATE OF ALWAYS-ON MARKETING STUDY | 2014 16
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