The Social Scientist - Marshall University

Page created by Willie Schwartz
The Social Scientist - Marshall University
The Social Scientist
The Newsletter of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Marshall University

                    One John Marshall Drive, Smith Hall 727, Huntington, WV 25755 Phone: 304-696-6700 Web:

Volume 1, Issue 4                                                                                                                          Spring 2021

                                          Message from the Chair
                                          Welcome to The Department             dedication, and resiliency            complete your class
                                          of Sociology and                      over the last few weeks. I            requirements. You did well!
                                          Anthropology at Marshall              think it’s safe to say that           For those moving on, we wish
                                          University.                           nearly all of us are                  you all the best. For those
                                                                                experiencing “screen fatigue”         returning, we look forward to
                                          Wow, what a time to be a              or some form of physical and          seeing you back in the class-
                                          social scientist?!? Think             or emotional exhaustion from          room this Fall.
                                          about it...with all of the            increased screen time. I can’t
                                          challenges and changes we             thank our faculty, staff, and         For all of us, the end of the
                                          are faced with today as a             students enough for their             spring semester is a time for
                                          result of the coronavirus             willingness to adapt to these         remembrance. We take stock
                                          pandemic, there simply is no          changes in both learning,             of where we came from, and
                                          better time to study social           instruction, meetings, and            have a moment to think
                                          interaction (or distancing as         club events. Hopefully the            about where we are going, as
                                          the case may be), family, the         Fall 2021 semester will see           we pursue the future with
                                          workplace, race relations,            us return back to the                 hope. May your future be all
                                          politics, aging, public health,       classroom with minor                  that you hope for, and may it
                                          or the role that religion or          adjustments and as the                be sprinkled with love and
                                          sports, leisure, and recreation       number of people vaccinated           friendship.
                                          have in society. Social               continues to climb and we
                                          scientists are well positioned        reach herd immunity.
                                          to explore these topics and
                                          more!                                 To our majors, minors, and
                                                                                graduating seniors, we offer
                                          As we come to the end of yet          our most sincere
                                          another virtual semester,             congratulations! Many of you
                                          allow me to take a minute to          were juggling additional              Kristi M. Fondren
                                          thank our department                  family and work                       Professor and Chair
                                          faculty, staff, and students for      responsibilities, or the loss of
                                          all of their hard work,               an income, while trying to            304-696-2795

                                                                             Fall 2021 Courses
Don’t forget to follow us
on social media!
Twitter: @soc200MU
Instagram: sociolo-
The Social Scientist - Marshall University
V O LU M E 1 , I S S U E 4                T HE S O C I A L S C I E NT I S T                           PAGE 2

       Trail Magic or Gig Economy?                             The Wars Within, The Wars Without
        Trail Angel Culture on the                      Connecting Veteran Students at MU with Veterans
             Pacific Crest Trail                                     throughout the State
 Follow Dr. Kristi Fondren’s summer               The program, led by co-directors Robin Riner and Christina
 research thru-hike here                          Franzen, aims to help military veterans, active duty military,
 (          and members of the public reflect on contemporary war and
 urkeyB/) as she explores trail angel             its aftermath by making connections among three primary
 culture, and the giving and receiving of
                                                  conflicts: the civil war between Pompey and Caesar, the
 trail magic, on the PCT.
                                                  Vietnam War, and the Global War on Terrorism. There will
                                                  be a variety of public talks associated with the program held
     Leadership changes to Sociology
                                                  throughout the year, featuring speakers including Karl
           Graduate Program                       Marlantes and Massimo Pigliucci.
  Congratulations Dr. Donna Sullivan, our         The program involves three stages:
new Graduate Program Director! The previous       A three-day preparatory program, held August 18-20, 2021
GPD, Dr. Marty Laubach (thank you Marty),
                                                  on Marshall’s campus, for student veteran discussion leaders.
  will be on Sabbatical this Fall working on a
  database to index an archive of newsletters
                                                  A semester-long seminar for veteran and non-veteran
and journals of the American Neopagan move-       students at Marshall University.
ment from the 1980s as it was institutionaliz-    Five public discussion groups for veterans and the general
 ing into its current form. The archive will be   public, in which participants will read sections of Civil War
housed in the research collections at Marshall    and engage in sustained discussion about the text, drawing
and the database will be placed studying how      connections to their own experiences. Two of the groups
  ideas were exchanged among groups in the        will involve veterans and military friends and families, three
       formation of a community identity.         of the groups will be veteran-only.

 From Our Archaeological and Ethnographic Collection
 Our Department of                                         The piece was
 Sociology and Anthropology                                the subject of a
 houses an archaeological                                  capstone
 and ethnographic collection,                              project by our
 items from every continent                                anthropology
 and from all ages, going                                  student,
 back thousands of years ago
                                                           Ms. Michelle
 to the present.
                                                           Young, in the
 Pick a place and a time, and                              Spring of 2019.
 the odds are we have                                                                       Above: The papyrus
 something to show you!               She was aided by
                                      a world-renowned
 One treasure: An early 6th           papyrologist from                           restored, and translated
 Century papyrus from                 the University of                           the document. He
 Egypt, a tax roll from               Cincinnati,                                 subsequently published
 Herakleopolis, shedding              Dr. Peter van                               an article in an
 light on a small Graeco-             Minnen, who                                 international journal on
 Egyptian town and its                                                            our treasure.
The Social Scientist - Marshall University
V O LU M E 1 , I S S U E 4                       T HE S O C I A L S C I E NT I S T                                    PAGE 3

                                                                        Paris Fairfax
                                                        Outstanding Undergraduate in Sociology (academic)

                                                                             Abi Taylor
                                                               Outstanding Undergraduate in Anthropology

                                                                        Matthew Adkins
                                                          Outstanding Undergraduate in Sociology (service)

                                                                            Gara Fleming
 Congrats to our Spring                                        Outstanding Undergraduate in Anthropology
    2021 Graduates                                                             (service)

                                                                                  Claire Joswick
  Abi Taylor                     Emily O’Neal
                                                                           Outstanding Graduate (academic)
  Gara Fleming                   Grace Weekley
                                                                                    Claire Joswick
   Kate Bostic                   Jesseka Bush                                 Outstanding Graduate (service)

  Paris Fairfax                  Claire Joswick                                      Allen Ross
                                                                            Outstanding Graduate (teaching)

                               Faculty Highlight: Dr. Brian Hoey
Dr. Brian A. Hoey is a                        300,000 citizens in a nine-                  “This book is
professor of anthropology and                 county region, and the response              remarkable in
associate dean of the honors                  to the emergency, which                      so many ways”,
college. His collaborative                    amplified distrust that was                  said Angie
venture, titled I’m Afraid of That            already well-seeded in the area.             Rosser,
Water: A Collaborative                                                                     executive
Ethnography of a West Virginia                  “...exceptional in capturing               director, WV
Water Crisis, recently received                 how people felt about the                  Rivers. “It does
the Weatherford Award for best                  water crisis.” - judges,                   more than
books about Appalachia.                         Weatherford Award                          authentically
                                                                                           document the lived experiences
In the book,                                                                               of the water crisis; it carries an
Dr. Hoey and                                  Award monies for this prize will             empowering effect for the
colleagues                                    be donated to the West Virginia              people of Appalachia in seeing
capture a                                     Rivers Coalition, a non-profit               that their stories reveal shared
broad series of                               that serves the statewide voice              struggles for visibility and
stories about                                 for water-based recreation and               justice. It reminds us that within
the 2014                                      clean, drinkable rivers. The                 our stories is the power to co-
chemical spill                                book’s royalties will also be                create the world we want to live
that                                          donated to West Virginia                     in.”
contaminated                                  Rivers.
the water of                                                                               Congratulations Dr. Hoey!
The Social Scientist - Marshall University
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Student Highlight: Claire Joswick
The Sociology and Anthropology          sociology. As victims of trafficking       ences between sex work and sex
Department in the College of            have been wrongly prosecuted in            trafficking, and concluded with
Liberal Arts at Marshall University     the past due to a lack of knowledge        what officers can look for when try-
has been home to me for quite           between the two institutions, I felt       ing to identify victims or traffickers.
awhile now. I received my               as if this was an issue that needed
Bachelor’s degree in sociology at       to be discussed with West Virginia         As I reflect on my time at Marshall,
Marshall University in 2015, and I      law enforcement officers. While sex        I can say that the department of
will be receiving my Master’s degree    work is legal in Nevada, as well as        sociology and anthropology provided
in sociology at Marshall University     withing other countries, sex               me with the education and the
this coming May 2021. These two         trafficking is illegal in every            preparation I needed to apply for
degrees revolving around learning       country. Numbers of human sex              and accept a position as an
social constructs and studying the      trafficking cases in West Virginia         intelligence analyst at The Depart-
behavior of societies created a fire    are not nearly as high as those of         ment of Homeland Security’s Fusion
within my heart to fight for people     California or New York, but West           Center located in Charleston, WV.
who are unable to fight for them-       Virginia still accounts for some of        The purpose of West Virginia
selves. This drive for wanting to       the largest familial sex trafficking       Fusion Center is to collect, inte-
understand and help those who                                  cases in the        grate, evaluate, analyze, and dis-
need it most led me to my main                                 USA. It can be      seminate information and
area of interest and research. For                             assumed that        intelligence to support local, state
the past five years through under-                             anywhere there      and federal agencies in detecting,
graduate and graduate school I                                 is prostitution,    preventing, and responding to
have studied human sex traffick-                               the likelihood of   criminal and terrorist activity. The
ing, otherwise known as modern-                                sex trafficking     WVFC co-locates representatives of
day slavery. The severity of this                              is very high,       these agencies to share information
issue is that human trafficking                                whether the         and to facilitate joint efforts to
comes in as the fastest growing                                victims know        prevent and solve crimes to protect
global crime, with the USA being                               they are being      citizens. I am extremely fortunate
one of the top countries purchasing                            trafficked or       to have had the education to qualify
victims.                                                       not.                me for such an established role in
                                                                                   keeping West Virginians safe.
Holding the title as a graduate                               Through this
student and law enforcement                                   educational
officer, I had the opportunity to                             training I was       Claire Joswick
educate law-enforcement on the          able to educate officers on human
differences of these topics as a part   trafficking in general, the specific       MUPD Officer and Sociology
of my Problem Report requirement        types of trafficking that there are        Graduate Student
within the graduate program in          including sex trafficking, the differ-

Earn Your Master’s Degree Faster with our Accelerated
Master’s Program     Advantages of an Accelerated Degree:

Undergraduates accepted                    complete the Bachelor’s degree with up to 12 fewer credit
into our Accelerated                        hours;
Master’s Degree program in                 begin work on the Master’s degree during your senior year;
Sociology can begin
taking graduate coursework,                complete up to 12 graduate credits at undergraduate tuition
                                            rates; and
at undergraduate tuition
rates, in their senior year!               earn a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in less time.
The Social Scientist - Marshall University The Social Scientist - Marshall University
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