Page created by Danny Avila
                                  SOCIAL SCIENCES
                       ISSN-E: 2181-2047, ISSN-P: 2181-2039      Vol 1, Issue 2 2021
                                                      DIGITIZATION OF EDUCATION AND THE ROLE OF TEACHERS
       ZARIPOVA D.A.                                              AND STUDENTS IN THIS PROCESS
                                                      ОЦИФРОВКА ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И РОЛЬ ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛЕЙ И
                                                               СТУДЕНТОВ В ЭТОМ ПРОЦЕССЕ

                                                         TA’LIMNI RAQAMLASHTIRISH VA UNDA O'QITUVCHI VA
                                                                      TALABALARNING O’RNI

                                                     Abstract: The article discusses the measures taken in the transition to digital
                                                     education in the Republic of Uzbekistan and the digitalization of the educational
                                                     process and its advantages. There is also an understanding of the role of teachers and
                                                     students in the digitization of the educational process.
TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF                               Keywords: electronic diary, gamification, peripheral equipment, monitoring,
     INFORMATION                                     digitization, digital assignment, digital university, virtual school
                                                     Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются меры, принимаемые при переходе к
                                                     цифровому образованию в Республике Узбекистан и цифровизации
                                                     образовательного процесса, и ее преимущества. Также есть понимание роли
                                                     преподавателей и студентов в оцифровке образовательного процесса.
                                                     Ключевые слова: электронный дневник, геймификация, периферийное
                                                     оборудование, мониторинг, оцифровка, цифровое назначение, цифровой
                                                     университет, виртуальная школа.

                                                     Annotatsiya. Maqolada O'zbekiston Respublikasida raqamli ta'limga o'tish va ta'lim
                                                     jarayonini raqamlashtirish bo'yicha ko'rilgan chora-tadbirlar va uning afzalliklari
                                                     muhokama qilinadi. Shuningdek, o'quv jarayonini raqamlashtirishda o'qituvchilar va
                                                     talabalarning o'rni to'g'risida tushuncha mavjud.
                                                     Kalit so'zlar: elektron kundalik, gamifikatsiya, atrof-muhit uskunalari, monitoring,
                                                     raqamlashtirish, raqamli topshiriq, raqamli universitet, virtual maktab

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                     publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may beseen at

                                  SOCIAL SCIENCES
                       ISSN-E: 2181-2047, ISSN-P: 2181-2039      Vol 1, Issue 2 2021
      Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 6, 2020 No PF-6108 "On
measures to develop education and science in the new period of development of Uzbekistan"
(hereinafter - Decree) in order to ensure the implementation of:
      Increasing the use of information and communication technologies in higher education:

  Gradual digitization of educational and scientific processes through the
  development of the information system "Digital University"; (February 2021)

  Enrichment of the content of specialty programs developed by higher education
  institutions with topics on the application of information and communication
  technologies in the field, taking into account the suggestions of staff; (August

  Organization of additional training courses on information and communication
  technologies on a contract basis. (From the academic year 2021/2022)

  The decree also stipulates the development of a national curriculum until March
  1, 2021. By the 2022/2023 academic year, the Electronic Diary program will be
  introduced in all secondary schools in order to digitize and ensure transparency
  in the process of assessing students' knowledge.

                                                                  Main part
     Advantages in digitization of educational process
     Digital education plays a crucial role in education. Digital education is changing the traditional
way of teaching day by day.
Copyright © Author(s). This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution(CC BY 4.0) licenses. Anyone may reproduce, distribute,
 translate and create derivativeworks of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to fullattribution to the original
                     publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may beseen at

                                  SOCIAL SCIENCES
                       ISSN-E: 2181-2047, ISSN-P: 2181-2039      Vol 1, Issue 2 2021
       Over time, the classroom has been transformed into digital tools and educational technology. The
most popular social network and communication is used to create digital assignments. Because it
allows students to show more interest in education in the form of digital learning and expand their
       a) Teaching aids engage teachers and parents more digitally. Technologies such as the digital
learning tool and social learning platform make it easier for the teacher to create and manage a group.
Because it allows the teacher to meet individual and group needs. This tailored learning has made
learning more effective by closing the gaps between learning and accelerating progress. mElimu
provides a planning tool for teachers that simplifies their task. Using digital tools and technologies,
teachers can connect with the global teaching community, where they can share their advice, ask
questions to enhance their knowledge, so that they can share their knowledge with their students. can
provide complete information. mElimu even offers digital content, gamification, digital learning tools
that integrate and enrich the curriculum, allow students to interact with teachers in a chat column, pdf
and attachments for student information possible. In addition to teachers, mElimu provides many
advantages of digital education because it is difficult for parents to track student activity due to
parental employment, but mElimu provides many opportunities for parents to learn through the digital
learning platform. can talk to the anteater about student development, will be updated immediately. for
classes, monitor students ’daily activities. The digital education platform helps teachers engage any
parent, regardless of factors such as career requirements, travel and other complex situations.
       b) Digital education makes students smart or knowledgeable. Digital learning tools and
technologies allow students to develop self-management skills. They are able to determine what needs
to be learned. When students learn with their interest in the content of their choice, they will remember
it for a longer period of time. Digital learning tools and technology are critical thinking skills. Children
who solve open-ended questions with imagination and logic learn how to make decisions. mElimu
offers students the Gamification feature for interactive learning as they learn to work in a team & build
trust in each other to win the game or achieve a goal. It also helps with efficiency, productivity and
teamwork, which are so necessary for learning. In the digital education process, students were required
to complete work within a set period of time that fostered discipline. Children who are frustrated with
the learning system can also move on to games longer, as this is a way to learn new things, develop
patience and hard work on their own. By using digital learning tools, children develop a sense of
positive outcomes in acquiring new knowledge, which in turn builds confidence in learning more and
more. mElimu offers customized courses designed by the best teachers and available to everyone, even
when accessing the Internet.
       c) Digital learning tools and technologies are increasing the immediate exchange of information.
In the process of digital learning, the student acquires more and more information and receives content
information tailored to their individual needs. Through digitization, this allows each student to help
them learn at the best pace and on the road for themselves. Digital learning tools and technologies
allow teachers to share information quickly with other teachers in real time. With the help of digital

Copyright © Author(s). This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution(CC BY 4.0) licenses. Anyone may reproduce, distribute,
 translate and create derivativeworks of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to fullattribution to the original
                     publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may beseen at

                                  SOCIAL SCIENCES
                       ISSN-E: 2181-2047, ISSN-P: 2181-2039      Vol 1, Issue 2 2021
learning devices, classrooms around the world can not only exchange information, but also coordinate
with each other to enrich and improve learning, experience, and communication skills.

                          Organization of digital activities of teachers and students
       In order to achieve the main objectives, the Center for Information on the quality of education
can work in the following areas:
       1. Computerization of educational institutions, which includes not only the provision of schools
and universities with computers, but also peripheral equipment, including multimedia projectors and
boards, printers, scanners, modems and more.
       2. Connecting educational institutions to the Internet. In the future, this will allow students to use
it directly during class, and teachers will be able to conduct classes remotely or take distance learning
courses in the workplace.
       3. Development and implementation of distance learning technologies. Today, this form of
teaching is the most promising. However, distance learning has a number of shortcomings, including
the high cost of courses and a somewhat unprocessed knowledge management system. In the future, it
is planned to carefully study the teaching methodology and reduce its cost, which will be open to all.
       4. Creating a unified knowledge system for monitoring sessions, which will help to conduct this
knowledge in a timely manner, to identify the advantages and disadvantages of a particular training
method. This is one of the main tasks of informatization. The quality of education needs to increase
significantly, experts say.
       5. Providing educational institutions with e-learning manuals that are compatible with the
curriculum. Recently, the problem of creating e-textbooks is also gaining popularity, which
significantly increases the effectiveness of teaching. However, today there are no single textbooks
structured according to the curriculum. In many cases, teachers independently develop electronic
guides for their students.
       6. The opening of information education centers, where not only students but also teachers can
improve computer literacy, get acquainted with the latest information technologies and methods of
their application in education.
       7. Informatization of education, as well as the creation of a regulatory framework for the
introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process. Naturally, the
introduction of new technologies requires a legal framework that takes into account not only the rights
and obligations, the procedure for the introduction of ICT, but also the issue of copyright for electronic
       Informatization of the education system has two main problems, which significantly affect the
speed of the introduction of ICT in the educational process.

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 translate and create derivativeworks of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to fullattribution to the original
                     publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may beseen at

                                  SOCIAL SCIENCES
                       ISSN-E: 2181-2047, ISSN-P: 2181-2039      Vol 1, Issue 2 2021

 Creating a constant need for teachers to
 use computers. The transition to the new                     The     need    for   continuous     teacher
 system requires the constant and                             improvement. When working with ICT, the
 continuous use of ICT in the learning                        teacher must constantly improve, learn new
 process. Today, not all teachers                             methods and techniques of work, master
 understand the importance of this                            new programs. Not everyone is happy with
 process and strive to conduct lessons in                     this situation. Also, unfortunately, not all
 accordance with old standards without                        teachers know how to use a computer.
 the use of technology.

      As mentioned above, informatization of education is also the use of computers in the learning
process. This area is called computerization and involves the active use of computer technology in the
learning process.
      How can I diversify the lesson using a personal computer?
      Introduce students to a particular topic, supporting it with a colorful presentation. With its help,
two channels that are responsible for receiving information at the same time - hearing and vision - are
involved. The presentation can contain not only pictures and tables, basic descriptions, but also video
and audio materials.
      Use of video materials - movies, videos. The use of such materials is especially successful in the
study of historical literature, biology and geography, chemistry, astronomy.
      Use of special computer modulator programs. With their help, you can conduct various
experiments - physical or chemical, imitating galaxies and systems in astronomy. All you have to do is
set up your computer data.
      Use of training programs. They are the most popular programs for learning languages, they offer
not only to choose the correct answer, but also to enter the translation of the word, leaving out the
phrases from a certain set of letters.
      Introduction of computer testing. The use of computers to test knowledge not only makes
teachers ’lives easier, but also allows for more accurate assessment. The computer itself randomly asks
students questions from the database located on it and offers answers. The final grade is determined by
how many students are eligible.
      Use of special information programs, dictionaries and translators. Work is underway on
electronic dictionaries and reference books. With their help, students can find the information they
need in minutes by opening the information they need and entering the keyword to search.
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                     publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may beseen at

                                  SOCIAL SCIENCES
                       ISSN-E: 2181-2047, ISSN-P: 2181-2039      Vol 1, Issue 2 2021
       The role of teachers and students in the digitization of the educational process.
       Such an event as “digital university” does not exist today. Technological changes are
intensifying the process of stratification and specialization in higher education.
       Given the significant differences in the structure and specialization of different universities, a
single, standardized way of standardizing higher education is not possible. The development of digital
education in different universities should be tailored to the specific characteristics of the universities,
their students and partners. In addition, the development of digital education will further strengthen the
trend of stratification and specialization of universities.
       The digitization of university education changes the qualification requirements for university
professors and staff and calls into question their traditional roles.
       New forms of collaboration and teaching built around the student require students to take greater
responsibility for the quality of education. In the context of digital education, the role of professors as
“translators of knowledge” is declining and their importance as people who monitor the individual
learning of students is increasing. Such changes in educational formats require the development of new
competencies by teachers, including those related to digital technologies.
       Innovations in digital teaching are not just technical innovations, as changes in the content and
organization of training courses, the structure and organizational principles of the university.
       In the process of digitization, the structure of teaching and the organization of the learning
process has changed radically. These changes lead to serious difficulties in selecting and organizing
materials to complete the courses, as well as in managing the university.
       Digitization of training materials is not enough for successful digitization. The use of new media
is a prerequisite for further development of teaching, the evaluation criteria of which are useful to the
student. Innovations in the content and structure of courses, organizational and structural changes in
universities should bring real benefits to students.
      Changes in educational technology and curriculum structure are interrelated. As technological
changes take place, new scientific learning questions arise, which in turn require new technological
solutions. Universities should focus on developing their curricula at the expense of existing
infrastructure, rather than developing technological innovations such as creating their own electronic
resources and applications.
      In short, the digitalization of science is a complex and time-consuming process aimed at
introducing ICT tools and new teaching methods into the teaching process. It has both advantages and
disadvantages. Its main goal is to improve the quality of education at all levels.

       1.     Abbasov Yorqin Sodiqovich., AbdA teacher’s guide to using technology in the
              classroom by Karen S. Ivers;
       2.     Digital Connections in the Classroom by David M. Marcovitz;

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 translate and create derivativeworks of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to fullattribution to the original
                     publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may beseen at

                                  SOCIAL SCIENCES
                       ISSN-E: 2181-2047, ISSN-P: 2181-2039      Vol 1, Issue 2 2021
       3.     Digital storytelling in the classroom : new media pathways to literacy, learning, and
              creativity by Ohler, Jason.
       4.     ukarimov Bekzod Abobakirovich., Mominov Oybek Alisher ugli., Xolikov Abdumalik
              Abduvahob ugli. Research of the hydraulic resistance coefficient of sunny air heaters with
              bent pipes during turbulent air flow
       5.      Journal of critical reviews Issn-2394-5125 vol 7, issue 15, 2020 y. 1671-1678 p.

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