Our approach to behaviour at Risedale - Name: The Risedale Way Version 3 updated January 2019 - Risedale Sports & Community College

Page created by Walter Holt
Our approach to behaviour at Risedale - Name: The Risedale Way Version 3 updated January 2019 - Risedale Sports & Community College
Our approach to behaviour at Risedale


                    The Risedale Way
                         Version 3 updated January 2019
Our approach to behaviour at Risedale - Name: The Risedale Way Version 3 updated January 2019 - Risedale Sports & Community College
All students will:
1. Be ready and equipped to learn.

2. Respect themselves and all others.

3. Always do their best.
Our approach to behaviour at Risedale - Name: The Risedale Way Version 3 updated January 2019 - Risedale Sports & Community College
WELLL               ‘What Excellent Learning Looks Like’
                                                                                     WEL LL

   1     ‘I am ready to learn and be awesome!’

   2     ‘I am in charge of my own learning and thinking’
   3     ‘Literacy, numeracy and creativity are the keys to my success’
   4     ‘I respect the learning, contributions and thoughts of others’
   5    ‘I am resilient - challenge me!’
At each SP point students will receive the following: A - always M - mostly S - sometimes R - rarely
Our approach to behaviour at Risedale - Name: The Risedale Way Version 3 updated January 2019 - Risedale Sports & Community College
Risedale Rewards
                  The Risedale Rewards system has been
                   developed in conjunction with staff and students.
                  The following rewards will be available to students
                   who go above and beyond the expectations of
                   WELLL (What Excellent Learning Looks Like).
                  All rewards are to be recorded on BROMCOM/
                   MCAS to enable parents to see them.

Available rewards include:
   Star of the Week (SotW): a certificate issued on a weekly basis by the core
    subjects only; English, Maths and Science.
   Student of the Month (SotM): a certificate issued on a monthly basis by all
   Principal ‘drop-ins’: if the Principal visits a lesson and observes a student
    demonstrating an outstanding attitude to learning an ‘on-the-spot’ reward
    voucher may be issued.
   Positive comments entered onto BROMCOM / MCAS by staff.
   Postcards sent home and thank-you cards for students from staff.
   Fantastic Fridays: a tutor group celebration time. An opportunity to share
    positives from the week, talk about achievements and identify ‘Unsung Heroes’.
   Tutor Group Cup: the tutor group that accumulates the most positives on
    Bromcom for the week is awarded ‘The Tutor Group Cup’ and a certificate
    during Monday’s whole school assembly. The cup will be kept for a week and
    then passed to the next winning tutor group.
   Attendance Cup: the tutor group with highest combined attendance percentage
    for the week is awarded ‘The Attendance Cup’ and a certificate during Monday’s
    whole school assembly. The cup will be kept for the week and then passed to the
    next winning tutor group.
   Attendance Certificates: 100% attendance certificates
    awarded on a termly basis.
   Raffle: to be held at the end of the year for students who
    were awarded Student of the Month throughout the year.
   Awards at Presentation Assembly and Presentation
    Evening: a celebration of student achievement over the
    course of the academic year; certificates, trophies and
Our approach to behaviour at Risedale - Name: The Risedale Way Version 3 updated January 2019 - Risedale Sports & Community College
Our approach to behaviour at Risedale - Name: The Risedale Way Version 3 updated January 2019 - Risedale Sports & Community College
The Risedale Way - all students will:
                              1.   Be ready and equipped to learn.
                              2.   Respect themselves and all others.
                              3.   Always do their best.

The Risedale Way booklet brings together key documents that staff, students and parents can refer to
for lots of helpful information. This booklet is intended to help everyone to work together to create a
positive and safe learning environment which supports our caring values; ‘Aspiration, Belief and
Confidence’. The vast majority of our students always get it right but some students find routines
challenging and need additional guidance. The following documents are included within this booklet
and will also be displayed as posters around college for reference; Expectations, Risedale Sanctions,
WELLL ‘The Big 5’, Mobile Phone, Uniform and Equipment policies.

                                                 What they mean and approaches to use:

           Not following the expectations of The Risedale Way.
           You have been told that you are not behaving as expected. Stop, think and remember we
           are all here to work hard, have respect for each other and do your best.

For the teacher: This is a clear verbal caution delivered privately wherever possible, making the learner
aware of their behaviour and clearly outlining the consequences if they continue. De-escalate and
decelerate where reasonable and possible and take the initiative to keep things positive and calm at
this stage. You are the adult and it is your classroom.
Gentle approach, personal, non-threatening, side on, eye level or lower.
Walk away; allow the learner time to decide what to do next. If there are comments as you walk away
write them down and follow up later. Resist endless discussions around behaviour and instead spend
your energy returning learners to their learning (recognise the behaviours you wish to see). Keep a
focus on positive language.

            Still not following the expectations of The Risedale Way.
            Incident recorded BROMCOM / MCAS > Restorative conversation.
            This means that you have been told that you are still not behaving as we expect you to. The
  member of staff might ask you to move seats within the class to help you to settle. It will be recorded
  on BROMCOM (so parents will get to know as well). The member of staff will want to have a
  conversation with you to ensure that next time things go much better. Your tutor may also discuss
  this with you during registration time.

For the teacher: This is the next stage to speak to the learner privately and give them a final opportunity
to engage. Offer a positive choice to do so and refer to previous examples of good behaviour.
State the behaviour that was observed and which rule/expectation/routine it contravenes.
Tell the learner what the consequences of their action is.
Refer to previous good behaviour/learning as a model for the desired behaviour.
Our approach to behaviour at Risedale - Name: The Risedale Way Version 3 updated January 2019 - Risedale Sports & Community College
Removal from class as repeatedly not following the expectations of The Risedale
             Way. 30 minute after school detention in Room 6. Incident recorded BROMCOM /
             MCAS > Restorative conversation > Parents contacted.
    This means that your behaviour has got to the point that you cannot remain in class and a ‘call in’
    has been requested. You will go and sit at the back of another class or removed to another area.
    Remain calm. You will attend a 30 minute after school detention in Room 6 on the same day,
    where you will have a chance to reflect about the situation and resolve it with the member of staff
    concerned or other staff present at the detention. This will allow restorative conversations to
    happen and allow the next day to be a fresh start. Failure to attend this detention will result in
    further consequences. This will be recorded on BROMCOM / MCAS and your parents, tutor and
    year team manager notified.

For the teacher: The teacher must log the incident on BROMCOM by 5.00pm the same day so parents
are aware of the incident detail and have a restorative conversation with the student. If it is not on
BROMCOM it is as if it never happened.
Call-ins can be requested for EMERGENCY SITUATIONS – this could be medical, safeguarding or if the
student is or goes missing.
Lesson support will be provided by various staff visiting the classrooms every lesson.

                                      Any repeated failure to comply, in or out of the classroom, will
                                      be dealt with by SLT and appropriate sanctions applied.
        Incident recorded BROMCOM / MCAS > SLT Sanctions > Parents contacted.
       Use call-in for support if a student is REPEATEDLY non-compliant in or out of classroom
        situations. SLT / Behaviour Team will record the incident on BROMCOM / MCAS. The student
        will be isolated where upon they must hand in their mobile phone and there WILL BE A
       ISOLATIONS CAN INCLUDE: Loss of break and / or lunchtimes, loss of entitlement to trips,
        being removed from sporting fixtures and being isolated from lessons. These sanctions will be
        decided by SLT and be proportionate with the breach of expectation.
       If this non-compliance happens in p5 or p6 the student may also be isolated the following
       Further monitoring of behaviour may occur using the online reporting system which parents
        can view on MCAS.

Restorative Conversations
A reparation meeting can be all that is needed. Staff will always deliver
sanctions calmly and with care. It is in nobody’s interest to confront poor
behaviour with rage but being firm and fair is essential.
At Risedale we promote calm consistent adult behaviour.
New day, clean sheet, every time with EVERY STUDENT.

Assertive Structures
       Always use please and thank you – you expect it from them.
       Be clear on your instructions and expectations.
       Choice (implied rather than explicit) “I know you will' … for example, “help to clean up the water”.
       Assertive sentence starters “I need to see” … for example, “you following the routine”.
       Closed requests “You need to” … for example, "speak to me at the side of the room”.
       Unreserved enthusiasm “We will” … “try again tomorrow”.
Our approach to behaviour at Risedale - Name: The Risedale Way Version 3 updated January 2019 - Risedale Sports & Community College
10 reasons for following up incidents personally (Teachers’ standards 7)
1.  You are best placed to have an impact on the behaviour of the student in your classroom.
2.  Colleagues cannot control the behaviour of students remotely.
3.  The student may come to the next lesson with resentment if previous incidents have not been
4. Inclusion is about building relationships with every student regardless of their individual needs.
5. You have a responsibility to talk to the student about their behaviour, repair trust and reinforce
    appropriate high expectations for the next lesson.
6. If you pass responsibility to a colleague the student begins to imagine that you are not able to
    manage their behaviour.
7. You can use the opportunity to speak privately to the student and redraw the boundaries for your
8. Many students with chaotic home lives are testing whether the adults around them are going to
    give up and pass them onto someone else.
9. You may discover information about the incident or background to it that will prove useful when
    managing the student in future.
10. Colleagues see that you are committed to managing the behaviour of all students; when you ask
    for support it is more likely to be provided enthusiastically.

                          NOT hierarchical but will be appropriate, proportionate and certain.

    RS1 > RS2 > RS3
    Report: Form Tutor – first instance to modify behaviours
    Report: Head of Faculty – subject specific problem
    Report: Year Team Manager – whole school and unstructured time issues, already been on Form
     Tutor report
    Isolations may include: Isolation at break and lunchtime for removal, isolation with Form Tutor,
     isolation in Room 6 (minimum 2 days > up to 2 weeks), loss of entitlement to attend trips/sporting
     fixtures, reparation, working in the Principal’s office
    Exclusion

The Risedale Way - Things to keep in mind…
1.   Consistent, calm adult behaviour.
2.   Recognise good conduct straight away.
3.   Apply routines relentlessly.
4.   Use the restorative conversations script.
5.   Restoration, not punishment to change behaviour.
6.   Apply sanctions that students will recognise they don’t like.
7.   Deliberately notice something new about each child.
8.   Focus positive attention on effort and recognise achievement.
9.   Try not to shout – unless ABSOLUTELY necessary for safety.
10. Introduce more non-verbal cues.
11. Focus positive recognition on those going over and above expectations.
12. End the lesson with positive reflections.

     - This guidance should be read in conjunction with the Behaviour policy -
Our approach to behaviour at Risedale - Name: The Risedale Way Version 3 updated January 2019 - Risedale Sports & Community College
Ri s ed al e San c t i o n s

                Not following the expectations of
RS1                     The Risedale Way.

              Still not following the expectations of
                         The Risedale Way.
RS2                      Incident recorded >
                      Restorative conversation.

             Removal from class as repeatedly not
                following the expectations of
                      The Risedale Way.
RS3          30 minute after school detention in Rm 6
                       Incident recorded >
                    Restorative conversation >
                       Parents contacted.

SLT Sanctions
   Any repeated failure to comply, in or out of the
         classroom, will be dealt with by SLT
          and appropriate sanctions applied.
Incident recorded > SLT Sanctions > Parents contacted.
Our approach to behaviour at Risedale - Name: The Risedale Way Version 3 updated January 2019 - Risedale Sports & Community College
Ri s ed al e San c t i o n s
                          Explanation of procedure for teachers and parents

                        Not following the expectations of The Risedale Way.
                        You have been told that you are not behaving as expected. Stop, think and
RS1                     remember we are all here to work hard, have respect for each other and do your

                        Still not following the expectations of The Risedale Way.
                        Incident recorded BROMCOM / MCAS > Restorative conversation.
                        This means that you have been told that you are still not behaving as we expect

RS2                     you to. The member of staff might ask you to move seats within the class to help
                        you to settle. It will be recorded on BROMCOM (so parents will get to know as
                        well). The member of staff will want to have a conversation with you to ensure
                        that next time things go much better. Your tutor may also discuss this with you
                        during registration time.

                       Removal from class as repeatedly not following the expectations of
                       The Risedale Way. 30 minute after school detention in Room 6.
                       Incident recorded BROMCOM / MCAS > Restorative conversation >
                       Parents contacted.
RS3                    This means that your behaviour has got to the point that you cannot remain in
                       class and a ‘call in’ has been requested. You will go and sit at the back of
                       another class or removed to another area. Remain calm. You will attend a 30
                       minute after school detention in Room 6 on the same day, where you will have a
                       chance to reflect about the situation and resolve it with the member of staff
                       concerned or other staff present at the detention. This will allow restorative
                       conversations to happen and allow the next day to be a fresh start. Failure to
                       attend this detention will result in further consequences. This will be recorded on
                       BROMCOM / MCAS and your parents, tutor and year team manager notified.

    SLT Sanctions
    Any repeated failure to comply, in or out of the classroom, will be dealt with by SLT
    and appropriate sanctions applied. Incident recorded BROMCOM / MCAS > SLT
    Sanctions > Parents contacted.
    Use call-in for support if a student is REPEATEDLY non-compliant in or out of classroom
     situations. SLT / Behaviour Team will record the incident on BROMCOM / MCAS. The student
     will be isolated where upon they must hand in their mobile phone and there WILL BE A PHONE
    ISOLATIONS CAN INCLUDE: Loss of break and / or lunchtimes, loss of entitlement to trips, being
     removed from sporting fixtures and being isolated from lessons. These sanctions will be decided
     by SLT and be proportionate with the breach of expectation.
    If this non-compliance happens in p5 or p6 the student may also be isolated the following morning.
    Further monitoring of behaviour may occur using the online reporting system which parents can
     view on MCAS.
Mobile Phone Policy
        YES                                          NO

  Mobile phones                          Mobile phones
  can be used:                           can’t be used:
                                       at all from 8:25-2:55
 in the classroom                    outside of the classroom
                                           this includes:
 as a learning tool                     in the corridors
 with the teacher’s                     outside
                                        in the dining room
    permission                          in tutor bases
                                        before school in any of the
                                         above locations, between
                                         lessons, at break or lunch times

                   Failure to comply with these simple rules will result in
                    your phone being confiscated and placed at Reception.
                   If your phone is confiscated on 3 occasions parents/carers
                    will be informed and you will not be allowed to bring
                    your phone into school until the start of the next
                    academic term.

                   Refusal to hand over your phone will result in possible
                    isolation or further sanctions that could include exclusion.

                   Any student in isolation must automatically hand their
                    phone to the supervising member of staff. Refusal to do
                    so will result in sanctions that could include exclusion.
Uniform and Equipment
At Risedale we believe that our uniform helps students to feel
part of the College. The College uniform and PE kit is a
requirement for every student and is available to purchase from

Our uniform:

    Blazer: A black blazer with patch pockets and the College
     badge (the badge is already embroidered onto the blazer).
    Tie: A College tie – clip on.
    Shirt: Formal white shirt or fitted blouse (worn tucked in)
     with neck button fastening for the tie.
    Skirts: Plain black, knee length or Trousers: Plain black, long. No denim material, no
     leggings, no jeggings, no skinny-leg trousers.
    Jumper: An optional plain black V-neck jumper may be worn.
    Shoes: Plain black dress shoes or boots only. Separate PE shoes/trainers are required.
    Black socks only or black/neutral coloured tights.
    Belts must be black with a small plain buckle.

The College has the right to respond to current styles of fashion in order to maintain consistency
and standards of uniform. Failure to comply with uniform regulations will result in isolation until
the issue is resolved. Please be careful accepting what supermarkets offer in their ‘school uniform
section’; these clothes often do not comply with school uniform regulations.

Other information regarding uniform and appearance:

    All students must have a bag suitable for carrying their books, pencil case and PE kit.
    Caps are not allowed.
    Outdoor coats must be warm and waterproof.
    Hair must be of one natural colour and extreme hairstyles are not allowed.
    Discreet make-up only.
    No false nails or nail polish to be worn.
    No jewellery except a watch. One small pair of sleepers/studs which may be worn in ears but
     no other piercings of any kind are permitted.
    All jewellery is to be removed for PE and where required in other practical lessons. No
     plasters to be worn to cover piercings.

            Please note that College uniform and PE kit is available to purchase from

              Non-uniform clothing must be removed before morning registration
                          and stored in the student’s locker or bag.
Attendance, Absence and Punctuality
Good attendance leads to good progress and achievement. Always aim for 100% attendance.
Regular and prompt attendance forms the basis of the Student Attendance Policy. Parents/carers
are strongly encouraged to ensure their child understands the importance of punctuality as part
of their general education.

Punctuality: For students to achieve their best they should always try
to be on time and in school every day, unless there is a valid reason.
     Students should be on time for registration.
     Students should be punctual and go straight to their lessons.
     Students who arrive late to registration i.e. after 8.35am will have to
      complete a 15 minute break time detention.
     Persistent lateness will result in further sanctions.

Absence: When absence is unavoidable, perhaps due to illness, parents are asked to notify the
college as soon as possible.
     Our policy is to follow-up student absence as quickly as possible by text, telephone or letter.
     If students are absent from college please let us know as soon as possible. When students
      return to college they must bring a note from their parents giving the dates and reason for
      their absence.
     Should time off college be required for any reason, a note should be brought from parents
     Holidays should only be taken in college holiday times.

We ask parents to contact college by 9am on the first morning of an absence to avoid recording
an unauthorised absence. The college attendance officer will contact you if this is not done.
Parents are reminded that they cannot authorise holiday absence. Under new DfE guidance,
the Principal may only grant leave of absence in exceptional circumstances.

Appointments and signing out, illness and lunchtimes:
Appointments and signing out: Any student who needs to leave the premises during the
school day, for any reason, will need a letter from their parent/carer and must sign out at the
main reception. We ask that medical appointments are ideally made outside school
hours. However, if a student does need to leave school to attend a medical appointment they
must bring in a note from their doctor/dentist or have an appointment card/text. Students should
return to school as soon as possible after their appointment and must remember to sign in again.
Illness and Accident: If a student feels unwell they must inform a member of staff and they will
be sent to the main office. If a student is unable to continue with their lessons their parent/
carer will be contacted. Whilst the college has a number of qualified first aiders who can deal with
emergencies, we do not have a school nurse based on site. Students who report as ill will be
assessed and where necessary parents will be informed or an ambulance called. On no account
should a student take it upon themselves to leave a lesson or the school premises without
authorised permission from their parent and without following the correct signing out procedure.
Lunchtimes: All students are to remain on site at lunchtime.
Home College Partnership Agreement
For students to achieve success at College, we believe it to be important that
parents/carers, students and the College are able to work together, with each
party having an equally important part to play in the partnership.

The College will make a commitment to:
   provide a safe, well ordered and caring environment
   provide clear guidelines for working relationships through the College expectations
   provide a balanced curriculum and set clear targets for all students relating to their personal level and courses
    of study
   keep parents/carers regularly informed and consulted about general College matters and student progress (via
    the My Child at School Portal (MCAS), Student Progress Data, Consultation Evenings, letters home, telephone
    calls and texts)
   reward good behaviour, punctuality and citizenship of our students
   demonstrate that each student is valued as an individual whatever their background, and work with you to solve
    any problems which could harm your child’s progress at College

As parent/carer, I will make a commitment to:
   support the College in the standards it seeks to achieve
   take an interest in my child’s studies supporting them with homework and other opportunities for home
    learning (sign up to GoogleClassroom homework email alerts)
   attend Consultation Evenings about my child in order to work with the College to ensure their progress
   keep the College informed of any concerns or problems which might affect my child’s work or behaviour
   see that my child attends College every day, on time, in uniform and properly equipped

As a student, I will make a commitment to:
   attend College everyday, be on time for lessons and bring my bag, pencil case and all the equipment I need
   follow the guidelines set out in the College expectations
   take a pride in my appearance by wearing correct College uniform and PE kit
   use and take care of ICT equipment, together with responsible use of network software and access to internet
   show I am willing to work to the best of my ability by completing classwork/coursework and homework as well
    as I can.

Student Name:                                              Signature:                        Date:

Parent/Carer Name:                                         Signature:                        Date:
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