The Right Platform for Database and Application Deployments

Page created by Raymond Sanders
Solution Overview
Cisco Public

The Right Platform for Database and
Application Deployments
Cisco HyperFlex Systems and Microsoft SQL Server

                                                           Our solution offers the capacity
                                                           and performance you need to
• Use preintegrated clusters that
                                                           reduce IT sprawl and deliver
  are fast to deploy, simple to                            insight faster and at less cost.
  manage, and easy to scale
                                                           If your organization is like most, Microsoft SQL Server
                                                           databases are used throughout your operation. Maybe you
                                                           rely on these databases for online transaction processing
                                                           (OLTP), data warehousing, or batch processing. Perhaps
                                                           you use business intelligence, online analytical processing
                       Respond                             (OLAP), or report generation tools. Most likely, you use a mix
• Deliver results faster with a                            of these systems. Whatever the workloads, your databases
  solution that provides fast access                       need to perform if they are going to be able to give your
  to growing volumes of data                               business applications and users fast access to information.

                                                           Cisco HyperFlex Systems and
                                                           Microsoft SQL Server
                                                           As computing and storage resources are added to
                       Optimize                            accommodate and process growing volumes of data, your
• Take advantage of always-on                              IT organization is left with a sprawling complex of databases
  inline compression,                                      and infrastructure. That’s when performance starts to decline
  deduplication, and monitoring                            and costs start to rise. Cisco HyperFlex™ systems running
                                                           Microsoft SQL Server deliver the scalability and performance
                                                           you need at a price you can afford. Our solution is fast to
                                                           deploy, simple to manage, and easy to scale and secure,
                                                           making it a trusted platform that won’t get in the way of
                                                           running your business.
• Eliminate bottlenecks with a
  system that securely distributes
  and optimizes data across
  scalable servers and storage tiers
© 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Solution Overview
Cisco Public

“HyperFlex’s                                                Innovative foundation Proven performance
approach                                                    These innovative systems combine
                                                            software-defined computing in the
                                                                                                      Our all-flash configurations allow
                                                                                                      you to run your database and

ensures high                                                form of Cisco Unified Computing
                                                            System™ (Cisco UCS®) servers
                                                                                                      applications on one platform and
                                                                                                      get predictable performance every

performance                                                 and software-defined storage
                                                            with the powerful Cisco HyperFlex
                                                                                                      time. All of the storage devices are
                                                                                                      combined into a single distributed,

of Microsoft                                                HX Data Platform software. The
                                                            result is a cluster that powers up
                                                                                                      multitier, object-based data store
                                                                                                      that allows all cluster resources to

SQL and Oracle                                              and configures itself in an hour or
                                                            less and is ready to accept your
                                                                                                      participate in I/O responsiveness. A
                                                                                                      purpose-built, high-performance,

databases                                                   application, database, and other
                                                                                                      scale-out file system dynamically
                                                                                                      distributes data across the data

and critical                                                Innovation does not end at the
                                                                                                      store. As you scale the cluster,
                                                                                                      every new and existing component
                                                            server. Our hyperconverged
applications with                                           solutions place added emphasis
                                                                                                      contributes processing power
                                                                                                      and storage capacity. When every
                                                            on the network, as storage I/O
faster delivery of                                          becomes east-west traffic. When
                                                                                                      cluster resource can participate in
                                                                                                      I/O responsiveness, you experience
                                                            you investigate hyperconverged
the environment,                                            offerings, choose one whose
                                                                                                      faster results.

                                                            roadmap includes innovation across
lower costs, and                                            computing, storage, and network
                                                                                                      Performance at every layer
                                                            components, improving the entire          When Microsoft SQL Server
more effective                                              system: Cisco HyperFlex.                  virtual machines can access all
                                                                                                      of the resources in the cluster,
management.”                                                                                          performance skyrockets. Why
                                                            Fast deployment                           does this matter? The databases
                                                                                                      and applications within your virtual
                                                            Time is money. Cisco HyperFlex
                                                                                                      machines need massive amounts
Edivaldo Rocha                                              systems are delivered as a
                                                                                                      of east-west traffic bandwidth and
CEO, CorpFlex                                               preintegrated cluster that is
                                                                                                      low latency to handle bursts of
                                                            up and running within an hour.
                                                                                                      application and user activity. With
                                                            Integrated management detects
                                                                                                      our solution, you get a solution
                                                            new components, allowing this
Read the case study.                                                                                  designed to eliminate bottlenecks.
                                                            self-aware and self-integrating
                                                            system to adapt quickly to changes        • Fast response: The data platform
                                                            in hardware configuration. This is          is built on a log‑structured file
                                                            made possible through Cisco UCS.            system that uses a caching layer
                                                            Within the system, every aspect             to accelerate read requests and
                                                            of a node’s identity, configuration,        write responses. Incoming data
                                                            and connectivity can be set through         is striped across the number of
                                                            software. This capability significantly     nodes you define to meet your
                                                            increases efficiency and security,          data availability requirements.
Innovative foundation                                       and reduces deployment time.                When data is added or updated,
                                                            From unboxing to being ready to             the system simply appends a new
The cornerstone of the solution is
                                                            run a workload, nothing deploys             block and updates the metadata,
the Cisco HyperFlex product family.                         more quickly than Cisco UCS.                requiring little use of the server’s
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Solution Overview
Cisco Public

                              processors. Data being moved                           connectivity that carries                                   clusters. Months of baselining
                              from cache to disk is deduplicated                     all production IP traffic,                                  and iterative testing using various
                              and compressed. This process                           hyperconvergence-layer                                      read/write profiles and block sizes
                              occurs after the write operation                       traffic, and management traffic                             showed that Cisco HyperFlex
                              is acknowledged, so there is                           over a single set of cables.                                systems handle more I/O—and
                              no performance penalty for                       • Consistent network                                              handle it faster—than other tested
                              these operations. In addition,                     performance: All traffic                                        platforms (Figure 1).
                              we store the most frequently                       reaches any other node in
                              used data in the caching layer                     the cluster with only a single
                              to accelerate read operations.                     network hop that accelerates                                    Storage efficiency
• Access to capacity and                                                         east-west traffic. There is no                                  The HyperFlex Data Platform
  bandwidth: The distributed                                                     switching that adds latency.
                                                                                                                                                 optimizes storage tiers for an
  architecture allows every virtual                                              Our latency is deterministic.
                                                                                                                                                 excellent balance between price
  machine to use the storage
                                                                               • Security: Every connection                                      and performance, delivering an
  storage input/output operations
                                                                                 in the cluster is treated as its                                environment that exceeds most
  per second (IOPS) and capacity
                                                                                 own microsegment, with the
  of the entire cluster, regardless                                                                                                              database service-level agreements
                                                                                 same level of security as if it
  of physical location.                                                                                                                          (SLAs). Data is continuously
                                                                                 were supported with a separate
• Fast storage and networking:                                                                                                                   optimized with real-time, always-on
                                                                                 physical link, making the
  All-flash configurations                                                                                                                       deduplication, compression,
                                                                                 integrated network more secure.
  and high throughput at the                                                                                                                     and optional encryption, helping
  networking layer deliver fast                                               Stunningly fast                                                    reduce your storage costs without
  access to large databases and                                               The Enterprise Strategy Group                                      affecting performance. Dynamic
  consistent performance.                                                     tested Cisco HyperFlex hybrid and                                  data placement in server memory,
• Fast fabric interconnects:                                                  all-flash systems using HCIBench,                                  caching, and capacity tiers increases
  Our interconnects provide                                                   an industry-standard tool that tests                               application performance and
  high-bandwidth, low-latency                                                 the performance of hyperconverged                                  reduces performance bottlenecks.

                               120,000                                                                                                                                                               60

                                                                             Hybrid cluster performance
                                                                             40 KB I/O size, 70 percent read operations, 100 percent random
                               100,000                                                                                                                                                               50
 I/O operations per second (IOPS)

                                    80,000                                                                                                                                                           40
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Latency (milliseconds)

                                    60,000                                                                                                                                                           30

                                    40,000                                                                                                                                                           20

                                    20,000                                                                                                                                                           10

                                        0                                                                                                                                                            0

                                                                                                                                Source: Hyperconverged Infrastructure with Consistent High Performance
                                             IOPS   Read latency   Average latency       Write latency
                                                                                                                                        for Virtual Machines, The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc., 2017

Figure 1 Cisco HyperFlex systems are stunningly fast

© 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Solution Overview
Cisco Public

Easy scalability                                           hyperconverged cluster into your
                                                           existing infrastructure, and achieve
                                                                                                      Continuous workload
Independent scaling allows you to                          consistency at scale.                      performance
match the resource needs of your
Microsoft SQL Server environments.                                                                    When software makes the
You can start small and scale to                           High data availability                     right workload decisions
support hundreds or thousands of                           Your enterprise applications and           in real time, your teams
users and petabytes of data. As you                        databases must be available all
add nodes to the cluster to expand                                                                    benefit. Cisco Workload
                                                           the time. The system distributes
capacity, data is automatically                            data across nodes based on                 Optimization Manager
rebalanced across shared                                   policies that you set to meet your         is a real-time decision
resources. Using thin provisioning,                        data availability requirements. You        engine. It continuously
you can size your data store larger                        can even replicate data to local
than the cluster and expand the                                                                       analyzes workload
                                                           or remote clusters for backup
solution as your databases grow.                           or disaster-recovery purposes.
                                                                                                      consumption, costs, and
                                                           In the unlikely event of a failure,        compliance constraints
Integrated network fabric                                  systems configured with five               and automatically allocates
In many platforms, networking is                           nodes or more can keep running             resources in real time
an afterthought. In contrast, Cisco                        even if all drives fail on two nodes
                                                           simultaneously. And the cluster
                                                                                                      so that your databases
UCS fabric interconnects give
you a single point of connectivity                         automatically recovers. In the event       and workloads get the
that lets you use Cisco HyperFlex                          of a drive or node failure, lost data is   resources they need when
nodes and Cisco UCS servers                                regenerated using the redundancy           they need them. You can:
together—a feature that no other                           mechanisms built into the system.
hyperconverged vendor offers.                              Plus your administrators can perform       • Validate that workload
After deployment, you can scale the                        system maintenance tasks without             requirements are met
cluster to its maximum size without                        disruption. That’s a database
needing to redesign the network.                           deployment you can count on.               • Use an optimization
                                                                                                        analysis to better place
As your environment grows and
begins to span your enterprise,                            Unified management                           workloads in the cluster
you can use Cisco® Application
Centric Infrastructure (Cisco
                                                           helps reduce costs                         • Understand the
ACI™) to implement a software-                             IT management shouldn’t be                   amount of hardware
defined network. Cisco ACI                                 an afterthought. All Cisco UCS               your databases and
provides automated, policy-based                           platforms, including Cisco HyperFlex         workloads actually need
network deployment that secures                            systems, have embedded model-
your applications within isolated                          based management. Automation is            • Increase workload density
containers. The network can attach                         controlled through the Cisco UCS
directly to virtual machines and                           management API by higher-level             • Improve application
physical servers with increased                            tools that allow you to configure a          response times
security, real-time monitoring                             cluster in minutes, with no risk of
and telemetry, and automated                               configuration creep or noncompliant
performance optimization. You                              settings. You can choose from a
can interconnect your entire data                          set of unified management tools
center network, integrating your                           (Figure 2).

© 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Solution Overview
Cisco Public

• Cisco HyperFlex Connect:                                               engine helps you proactively                            • Hypervisor management
  This intuitive, HTML 5-based                                           respond to impending issues such                          integration: Cisco HyperFlex
  management tool is device                                              as the need to scale capacity.                            systems management integrates
  independent, giving you access                                         Install edge deployments simply                           with both Microsoft Windows
  to all cluster features through                                        by claiming your nodes in the                             2016 Hyper-V and VMware
  any device, anywhere. All cluster                                      interface and the platform will                           vCenter. This level of management
  data platform features can be                                          configure a cluster remotely in                           integration enables you to manage
  managed through this interface.                                        minutes. Drill down into data                             the lifecycle of virtual machines—
• Cisco Intersight™ management                                           platform operations and you                               including storage management—
  as a service: This cloud-based                                         have exactly the same control                             without leaving the interface
  interface gives you instant access                                     as Cisco HyperFlex Connect                                familiar to your administrators.
  to all of your clusters, regardless of                                 provides—except that you do                               These management tools include
  where they are deployed. High-                                         not have to host management                               Microsoft System Center Virtual
  level resource inventory and status                                    software and you always have                              Machine Manager (SCVMM),
  are provided by Cisco Intersight                                       the most up-to-date versions.                             Microsoft Hyper-V Manager, and
  dashboards. A recommendation                                                                                                     a VMware vCenter plug-in.

                                                                             Choice of management point
                                                                              for hardware and software
                                         Microsoft System
                                       Center Virtual Machine
                                       Manager and Hyper-V          VMware vSphere         Cisco Intersight    Cisco HyperFlex   Cisco Container
                                             Manager                   plugin          management as a service     Connect           Platform
                   Cisco UCS                                                                                                                       Cisco HyperFlex
                   management API                                                                                                                  management

                                                             Compute-only nodes                                   High-performance, high-capacity cluster
                                                            with Cisco UCS M4 and                               Cisco HyperFlex HX240c M5 All Flash Nodes
                                                           M5 blade and rack servers

        Cisco UCS 6200 or 6300                                                                                      High-performance cluster
        Series Fabric Interconnects                                                                         Cisco HyperFlex HX220c M5 All Flash Nodes

                                                                                                                          High-capacity cluster
                                                                                                                   Cisco HyperFlex HX240c M5 Nodes

                                                                                                                         Small-footprint cluster
                                                                                                                   Cisco HyperFlex HX220c M5 Nodes

        Use existing Cisco or third-
        party Gigabit Ethernet switches

                                                                                                                         Cisco HyperFlex Edge
                                                                                                        Deploy anywhere with 3 Cisco HyperFlex HX220c M5 nodes

Figure 2 The Cisco HyperFlex product family is supported by a choice of unified management tools

© 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Solution Overview
Cisco Public

Next steps                         Get the most out of                                                 approach for engaging third-
                                                                                                       party public cloud services.
Read the Cisco Validated Design    your databases and
Cisco HyperFlex All-Flash
Systems for Deploying Microsoft    applications                                                        Managed services
SQL Server Database.                                                                                   Using applications and Microsoft
                                   There are many ways that our
                                                                                                       SQL Server databases that run in
                                   solution can help your business.
Read the Enterprise Strategy                                                                           a cloud built on Cisco HyperFlex
Group report Cisco HyperFlex:                                                                          systems can help your IT staff
Hyperconverged Infrastructure      Infrastructure refresh and                                          accelerate service delivery and
with Consistent High Performance   database migrations                                                 lower costs. You can also tap
for Virtual Machines.              If your applications and databases                                  into the high availability delivered
                                   run on infrastructure that is due                                   by dedicated staff at a managed
                                   for a refresh, explore Cisco                                        services provider.
For more                           HyperFlex systems. The solutions
information                        you thought required traditional                                    What can you expect?
                                   converged architecture often
• Cisco HyperFlex systems                                                                              Customers tell us that the move to
                                   can run on higher-performing
                                                                                                       Cisco HyperFlex systems running
• Microsoft solutions              hyperconverged systems that are
                                                                                                       Microsoft SQL Server delivers many
                                   easy to manage and less costly to
                                                                                                       benefits, including:
                                   operate. Indeed, migrating your
                                   existing databases to Microsoft SQL                                  • Increased database availability
                                   Server running on Cisco HyperFlex                                    • Accelerated response times
                                   systems can give a boost to your
                                   existing mission-critical applications                               • Lower latency for critical database
                                   that use those databases. Your                                         and application systems
                                   applications and users will benefit                                  • Reduced storage footprint
                                   from the impressive capacity and                                     • Reduced total cost of ownership
                                   performance improvements across
                                   CPU, memory, disk, and system I/O.
                                                                                                       Get started
                                   Private and hybrid clouds                                           We make it easy to get started with
                                   Integration with Cisco ACI and                                      hyperconverged infrastructure.
                                   Cisco Enterprise Cloud Suite make                                   Using our Cisco HyperFlex sizing
                                   it easy to create a hybrid cloud                                    tools, you can determine which
                                   based on Cisco HyperFlex systems.                                   configuration is the right starting
                                   Your customers and clients can use                                  point for your workload. You can also
                                   the software’s integrated service                                   take the risk and guesswork out of
                                   catalog to order application-local                                  deployment with our Cisco Validated
                                   infrastructure customized the way                                   Design guide for deploying Microsoft
                                   they need it within the constraints                                 SQL Server Database on Cisco
                                   that you determine. And when                                        HyperFlex all-flash systems. The
                                   you need to augment capacity to                                     time is right for you to deploy high-
                                   handle periodic workload peaks,                                     performance databases that support
                                   you can use a policy-based                                          your applications at any scale.

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                                   Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL:
                                   trademarks. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does
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