Online Mission Planning for Cooperative Target Tracking of Marine Vehicles

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Online Mission Planning for Cooperative Target Tracking of Marine Vehicles
Online Mission Planning for Cooperative
                            Target Tracking of Marine Vehicles ⋆
                                     M. Bayat ∗ F. Vanni ∗ A. Pedro Aguiar ∗
                          Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR), Instituto Superior Técnico
                        (IST), Lisbon, Portugal. (e-mail: {mbayat,fvanni,pedro}

            Abstract: In the cooperative target tracking maneuvering a group of vehicles is required to
            follow a target while maintaining a desired formation in space. For that effect, the trajectory of
            the target has to be estimated (for example by one of the vehicles in formation), translated into
            mission codes (to save communication resources) and transmitted to the other vehicles. This
            paper addresses the online mission planning task of converting the absolute or relative position
            data available from the positioning system installed on the target (e.g. INS, GPS) into a set of
            lines and constant curvature arcs. Two algorithms are proposed: one using a polynomial fitting
            and a more complex one using an Interactive Multiple-Model Kalman filter. Simulation results
            using experimental data and a set of simulated data corrupted with noise and data loss are
            presented and discussed.

            Keywords: Target Tracking, Mission Planning, Interactive Multiple-Model, Polynomial Fitting

                  1. INTRODUCTION                              if the target’s trajectory was first approximated by a series
                                                               of simple, parametrized curves, defined by a few variables
The past few decades have witnessed considerable interest      that could be sent to the other vehicles at a lower rate. This
in the area of motion control of autonomous marine ve-         would be particularly beneficial in the case of underwater
hicles (AMV) (Aguiar and Pascoal (2007); Alonge et al.         applications, where vehicles exchange information over low
(2001); Encarnacao and Pascoal (2000); Fossen (1994);          bandwidth, short range communication channels that are
Jiang (2002); Lefeber et al. (2003); Leonard (1995)). In       plagued with intermittent failures, multi-path effects, and
a great number of scenarios, which range from ocean            distance-dependent delays. Moreover, this strategy has the
exploration to military applications, AMVs have the ca-        advantage of only requiring vehicles equipped with low
pability to perform missions that would be unfeasible, or      cost off-the-shelf controllers, capable of steering them only
too dangerous, for a human crew. Current research how-         along simple trajectories such as straight lines or constant
ever goes well beyond single vehicle control. Considerable     curvature arcs.
effort is being placed on the deployment of groups of net-     This work proposes online 2D mission planning algorithms
worked AMVs which can interact autonomously with the           for cooperative target tracking. Fig. 1 shows the schematic
environment and other vehicles, resulting in a significant     block diagram of a generic cooperative target tracking
improvement in efficiency, performance, reconfigurability      scenario. The goal is to design a real-time algorithm that
and robustness, and in the emergence of new capabili-          translates the absolute or relative position data available
ties beyond the ones of individual vehicles (Klein et al.      from the navigation system installed on the target (e.g.
(2008); Vanni et al. (2008); Aguiar et al. (2009)). One of     INS, GPS) into a set of mission codes. These mission
the most challenging cooperative missions is cooperative       codes are sent to the cooperative target tracking module
target tracking, where a group of vehicles is required to      (which is not addressed in this article) to be translated
follow a target while maintaining a certain formation in       into identical missions for each of the follower AMVs, so
space. Amongst the many scenarios of this kind that can        that they can track the moving target in formation. It
be envisioned, some may require the vehicles to move along     is important to stress that the translation of the original
the same trajectory that the target has traced (Blidberg       trajectory into mission codes allows the use of a low
et al. (1991)). For this case, the position of the target      capacity communication channel with a low refresh rate.
has to be known either to a ground station or to one           In this paper the translated mission code consists of a
of the vehicles in the formation (a “leader”), who could       combination of lines and constant curvature arcs. This
then communicate it to the other vehicles. However, this       solution was adopted for the GREX Project (GREX
solution presents significant requirements in terms of com-    (2006–2009)) and is currently being implemented.
munication resources, requirements that could be reduced
                                                               We propose two methods of online mission planning. One
⋆ This work was supported in part by projects GREX/CEC-
                                                               uses polynomial fitting and the other Interactive Multiple-
IST (contract No. 035223), FREEsubNET (EU under con-           Model Kalman filter (IMM-KF). The next section de-
tract number MRTN-CT-2006-036186), Co3-AUVs (EU FP7 un-        scribes the algorithms developed. To compare how these
der grant agreement No. 231378), DENO/FCT-PT (PTDC/EEA-
                                                               methods behave in a practical case, results based on simu-
ACR/67020/2006), and the CMU-Portugal program. The first au-
thor benefited from a PhD scholarship of FCT.
Online Mission Planning for Cooperative Target Tracking of Marine Vehicles
Fig. 3. Data blocks: Diagram of creating data blocks
                                                                                         together with start and end data blocks.
Fig. 1. Schematic block diagram of cooperative target
     tracking.                                                                       2.1 Curvature estimation using polynomial fitting

                                                                                     The first solution proposed for curvature estimation con-
                                                                        continuous   sists in fitting the target position data through a low order
                                                                        Quantized    polynomial. More precisely, we set a buffer of size m that
                                                                                     is constantly filled as the measurements arrive with the
                                                Arc with                             last m position data from the target navigation system.
                                               Radius 1.11
                                                                                     Whenever the mission planning is called, the most recent
   Inverse Radius Ω=1/r

                           0.4                 Arc with                              unprocessed buffer is loaded to a data block (DB) inside
                                              Radius 1.66
                                                                                     the mission planning module. To compute Ω from the
                           0.2                                                       discrete position data (x, y) along time, a naive solution
                                             Arc with Radius 3.33
                                                                                     would be to compute V and ω and then use (1). However,
                            0                                                        this is not the best solution because the position data
                                                                                     is corrupted with noise and computing its derivative will
                          −0.2                                                       amplify it. Instead, we propose to first smooth the data by
                                                                                     fitting it to a low order polynomial p = (px , py ) and only
                                 0   1   2           3          4   5      6
                                                                                     then compute the curvature as follows:
                                                                                                       ∆x(tk ) = px (tk ) − px (tk−1 )         (3)
                                                                                                       ∆y(tk ) = py (tk ) − py (tk−1 )         (4)
Fig. 2. Quantization: Detection of arcs and lines with
                                                                                                                          ∆y(tk )
     quantization.                                                                                       θ(tk ) = atan2(          )            (5)
                                                                                                                          ∆x(tk )
lated data and on a set of experimental data are compared                                                         θ(tk ) − θ(tk−1 )
in Section 3. Concluding remarks are given in Section 4.                                              Ω(tk ) = p                               (6)
                                                                                                                  ∆x(tk )2 + ∆y(tk )2
  2. ONLINE MISSION PLANNING ALGORITHMS                                              Notice that the polynomial curve fitting may encounter
                                                                                     considerable discontinuity in the junction of two consecu-
Consider a target moving in a 2D space with its associ-                              tive fitted polynomials. To reduce this discontinuity, two
ated magnitude of velocity vector V (m/s), and angular                               more DBs of size l are attached to the beginning and end
velocity ω (rad/s). Let Ω(rad/m)                                                     of the main DB (see Fig. 3).
                               ω        1
                         Ω=         =               (1)                              2.2 Curvature estimation using IMM Kalman filter
                               V        r
be the curvature, where r denotes the radius. Note that
for straight lines Ω is zero. Consider the set                                       In this case, an Interactive Multiple Model Kalman filter
                                                                                     (IMM-KF) is developed to estimate the curvature Ω.
              Φ = {Ω0 , Ω1 , Ω2 , ..., Ωn }, Ωi ∈ R (2)                              The IMM-KF is a nonlinear filter that combines a bank
composed by n specified curvatures and let Ω0 = 0. The                               of Kalman filters running in parallel, each one using a
online mission planning problem can be decomposed as                                 different model for target motion, with a dynamic system
follows:                                                                             that computes the conditional probability of each KF. The
  • Computation of an estimative of Ω from the position                              output of the IMM-KF is the state estimate given by a
    (x, y) measurements of the target. In the following                              weighted sum of the state estimations produced by each
    subsections we will describe two methods.                                        Kalman filter. Fig. 4 shows the block diagram of the IMM-
  • Quantization of the estimated Ω according to Φ and                               KF. Further details on the IMM-KF can be found in the
    formulation of the corresponding trajectory into a set                           book by Bar-Shalom et al. (2002), and for a survey on
    of lines and arcs. Fig. 2 shows an example plot of Ω                             IMM methods in target tracking the reader is referred to
    versus time quantized by the set Φ = {0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9}                          Mazor et al. (1998).
    with 7 arcs.                                                                     In the present work, each Kalman filter j is designed
  • Transmission of the quantized estimated arc only if it                           according to the following discrete process model with a
    is different from the previous one.                                              constant sampling time Ts .
Online Mission Planning for Cooperative Target Tracking of Marine Vehicles
 j         j        j      j
                  xk+1 = xk + Ts Vk cos θk
                  y j = y j + T V j sin θj
                    k+1     k    s k        kp
                    j                                               (7)
                  θk+1
                       = θkj + Ts ω j p
                                       + wθjk Ts
                  j
                   Vk+1 = Vkj + wVj k Ts

The sequences wθjk and wVj k are mutually independent,
stationary zero mean white Gaussian sequences of random
variables, with covariances Qjθ and QjV respectively. Here
the angular velocity ω j is set to be a constant in each
model, which is included in the set of possible ranges,
−ωmax to ωmax including the origin (straight line). In (7),
(xj , y j ) denote the position in 2D Cartesian space, and θj             Fig. 4. Block diagram of the IMM-KF.
is the angle of the speed vector (ẋj , ẏ j ).
                                                                                     x̂j (k + 1|k) = f (x̂0j (k|k), uk )               (12)
The IMM-KF algorithm is described as follows:                                                                           T
                                                                                     P (k + 1|k) = Ajk+1 P 0j (k|k)Ajk+1 +
                                                                                                                                 Q j
(1) Initialization:                                                                    j      j                   j  T
       The initial state vector x̂j (0) for each model j                             Sk+1 = Hk+1   P j (k + 1|k)Hk+1   +R
    is assumed to be a Gaussian random variable with                                  j                   j
                                                                                     rk+1 = yk+1 − h(x̂ (k + 1|k))
    known mean                                                                          j                     T j   −1
                                                                                     Kk+1  = P j (k + 1|k)Hkj Sk+1
                              E{x̂j (0)} = x̄j (0)                  (8)
                                                                          (5) Mode-matched filtering: The Innovation or measure-
     and known covariance matrix                                              ment residual rk+1    and its corresponding covariance
                                                      T                 matrix Sk+1|k of the Kalman filter j are used to
       P j (0) = E    x̂j (0) − x̄j (0) x̂j (0) − x̄j (0)                     generate mode-matched filtering:
                                                                    (9)                              j
                                                                                                  Sk+1            j   T   j    −1 j
    Also let µj (0) be the corresponding mixing probabil-                        Lj (k + 1) =          ns e
                                                                                                            − 21 rk+1   (Sk+1 ) rk+1 (13)
    ity initial condition.                                                                      (2π)    2

(2) Calculation of the mixing probabilities:                                  where ns represents the number of states, which is
                                                                              equal to 4 in this case.
                                                                          (6) Mode probability update:
                                            pij µi (k)
                           µi|j (k|k) =                           (10)                                       1
                                                c̄j                                         µj (k + 1) = Lj (k + 1)c̄j               (14)
                                   r                                                                         c
                                   X                                                              r
                           c̄j =         pij µi (k)
                                                                                            c=         Lj (k + 1)c̄j
    where P = [pij ]n×n is the Markov chain transition                    (7) Estimate and covariance combination:
    matrix between models. Here pij represents the prob-                                         r
    ability of switching from model i to model j.                              x̂(k + 1|k + 1) =   x̂j (k + 1|k + 1)µj (k + 1) (15)
(3) Mixed Initial condition for each j th model:                                                    j=1
                      r                                                                             X
                                                                                P (k + 1|k + 1) =         (µj (k + 1){P j (k + 1|k + 1)
      x̂0j (k|k) =           x̂i (k|k)µi|j (k|k)                  (11)
                         r                                                                            j
                        X                                                                        + [x̂ (k + 1|k + 1) − x̂(k + 1|k + 1)]
      P 0j (k|k) =           (µi|j (k|k){P i (k|k)
                                                                                                 .[x̂j (k + 1|k + 1) − x̂(k + 1|k + 1)]T })
                                                                                           3. SIMULATION RESULTS
       +         [x̂i (k|k) − x̂0j (k|k)].[x̂i (k|k) − x̂0j (k|k)]T })
                                                                          Figure 5 illustrates the online mission planning algorithms
(4) Propagation of state estimate and covariance matrix:                  described in the paper to generate a mission composed
    Each mixed initial condition (x̂0j (k|k), P 0j (k|k)) is              only by lines and arcs from the path traced by the target,
    used as initial condition for its corresponding model                 using polynomial fitting (Fig. 5(a)) and the IMM-KF filter
    j to propagate the estimate x̂j (k + 1|k + 1) and the                 (Fig 5(b)). In this simulation, the trajectory of the target
    covariance matrix P j (k + 1|k + 1) as follows:                       is composed by a set of GPS real data acquired during
                                                                          the experimental tests done in scope of the GREX project
        x̂j (k + 1|k + 1) = x̂j (k + 1|k) + Kk+1  j
                                                 rk+1                     (GREX (2006–2009)) in the summer of 2008 in Azores,
                                  j    j
        P j (k + 1|k + 1) = (I − Kk+1 Hk+1 )P j (k + 1|k)
                                                                          Figure 6 shows the time evolution of the error between
     where                                                                the target trajectory and the mission planning trajectory.
Polynomial fitting
                                                       Polynomial fitting
                       950                                                                                                                                            GPS data
                                                                                                                            300                                       Actual Trajectory
                       900                                                                                                                                            Joint Points
                                                                                                                                                                      Lines & Arcs Approximation

                                                                        Actual Trajectory                                   200

                                                                                                                    Y [m]
               Y [m]

                                                                        Joint Points
                                                                        Lines & Arcs Approximation


                       650                                                                                                   50

                               300   350       400    450    500 550            600        650     700                              0    50     100     150    200         250     300   350
                                                             X [m]                                                                                         X [m]

                                               (a) polynomial fitting                                                                         (a) polynomial fitting

                                                                                                                                                                      GPS data
               900                                                                                                          300                                       Actual Trajectory
                                                                                                                                                                      Estimated path
                                                                                                                                                                      Joint Points
               850                                                                                                          250
                                                                                                                                                                      Lines & Arcs Approximation

               800                                                          Actual Trajectory
    Y [m]

                                                                                                                    Y [m]

                                                                            Joint Points
                                                                            Lines & Arcs Approximation



                               300     350     400    450    500   550          600        650     700   750
                                                             X [m]                                                            0
                                                                                                                                   0    50      100     150    200         250    300    350    400
                                                                                                                                                           X [m]

                                                     (b) IMM-KF                                                                                    (b) IMM-KF

Fig. 5. Simulation results of the online mission planning                                                       Fig. 7. Simulation results of the online mission planning
     algorithms using real GPS data.                                                                                 algorithms using simulated GPS data.

                                                       Polynomial fitting
                                                                                                                            Table 1. Norm and RMS of the errors shown
                       2                                                                                                                    in Fig. 6.
                                                                                                                                                        l1         l2             l∞     RMS
     |e| [m]

                                                                                                                              Polynomial fitting       469        10.90          0.84    0.12
                 0.5                                                                                                          IMM-KF fitting           701        19.67          1.52    0.22


                       2                                                                                        See also the computed l1 , l2 , l∞ and RMS errors in Table
                                                                                                                1. From this experiment we can conclude that both the
                                                                                                                polynomial fitting and IMM-KF perform very well. To test
     |e| [m]

                       1                                                                                        the robustness of the proposed algorithms with respect to
                 0.5                                                                                            GPS failures, a second simulation was performed.
                       0                                                                                        Figures 7, 8 and Table 2 display the results for the case
                           0    1000         2000    3000    4000      5000         6000         7000    8000
                                                            Time [s]                                            of a lawn mower trajectory corrupted with noise and data
                                                                                                                loss for periods of 40 and 50 seconds in two sections. As it
                                                                                                                was expected the IMM-KF approach predicts the target
Fig. 6. Time evolution of the norm of the error between the
                                                                                                                motion (using the kinematic model) when it does not
     target trajectory and the mission planning trajectory                                                      receive data, and therefore the error norm is considerably
     for the real GPS data experiment.                                                                          smaller than the one achieved with the polynomial fitting
Polynomial fitting
                                                                                       In Proc. 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Con-
               10                                                                      trol, volume 5, 4421–4426 vol.5.
                8                                                                    Bar-Shalom, Y., Kirubarajan, T., and Li, X.R. (2002). Es-
                6                                                                      timation with Applications to Tracking and Navigation.
     |e| [m]

                4                                                                      John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, USA.
                2                                                                    Blidberg, D.R., Turner, R.M., and Chappell, S.G. (1991).
                                                                                       Autonomous underwater vehicles: Current activities and
                                                                                       research opportunities. Robotics and Autonomous Sys-
                                              IMM−KF                                   tems, 7(2-3), 139–150.
                                                                                     Encarnacao, P. and Pascoal, A. (2000). 3D path following
                                                                                       for autonomous underwater vehicle. In Proc. 39th IEEE
                6                                                                      Conference on Decision and Control, volume 3, 2977–
     |e| [m]

                4                                                                      2982 vol.3.
                2                                                                    Fossen, T.I. (1994). Guidance and Control of Ocean
                0                                                                      Vehicles. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2nd edition.
                    0   100   200   300       400      500     600     700     800
                                              Time [s]                               GREX (2006–2009).        The GREX project: Coordina-
                                                                                       tion and control of cooperating heterogeneous un-
                                                                                       manned systems in uncertain environments. URL
Fig. 8. Time evolution of the norm of the error between
     the target trajectory and the mission planning tra-                             Jiang, Z.P. (2002). Global tracking control of underactu-
     jectory in the simulation for the simulated GPS data                              ated ships by lyapunov’s direct method. Automatica,
     experiment                                                                        38(2), 301 – 309.
                                                                                     Klein, D.J., Bettale, P.K., Triplett, B.I., and Morgansen,
         Table 2. Norm and RMS of the errors shown                                     K.A. (2008). Autonomous underwater multivehicle con-
                         in Fig. 8.                                                    trol with limited communication: Theory and experi-
                                                                                       ment. In Proc. NGCUV’08 - IFAC Workshop on Navi-
                                             l1         l2       l∞          RMS
                                                                                       gation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles.
                Polynomial fitting         1671        72.8     8.63         2.49
                                                                                     Lefeber, E., Pettersen, K., and Nijmeijer, H. (2003). Track-
                IMM-KF fitting              239        14.8     2.45         0.51
                                                                                       ing control of an underactuated ship. IEEE Transac-
                                                                                       tions on Control Systems Technology, 11(1), 52–61.
                                4. CONCLUSION
                                                                                     Leonard, N. (1995). Control synthesis and adaptation
                                                                                       for an underactuated autonomous underwater vehicle.
We proposed two methods to generate missions in real                                   IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 20(3), 211–220.
time composed by lines and arcs. These algorithms play a                             Mazor, E., Averbuch, A., Bar-Shalom, Y., and Dayan, J.
key role on the target following maneuver where a group                                (1998). Interacting multiple model methods in target
of vehicles are required to follow a target in formation.                              tracking: a survey. Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
To convert the absolute or relative position data available                            IEEE Transactions on, 34(1), 103–123.
from the positioning system installed on the target (e.g.                            Vanni, F., Aguiar, A.P., and Pascoal, A.M. (2008). Co-
INS, GPS) into a set of lines and constant curvature                                   operative path-following of underactuated autonomous
arcs one method resorts to a polynomial fitting algorithm                              marine vehicles with logic-based communication. In
and the second method utilizes an interactive multiple-                                Proc. NGCUV’08 - IFAC Workshop on Navigation,
model Kalman filter (IMM-KF). Both approaches produce                                  Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles.
good results: while the polynomial fimial fitting method
is simpler to implement, the IMM-KF approach benefits
from a Kalman filter core, so it can predict the trajectory
in case of data loss. A rigorous analysis of the impact
of sensor noise and failures of communication on system
performance is a topic for future research.

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  vehicle motion control in the scope of the EU GREX
  project: Theory and Practice. In Proc. IEEE Confer-
  ence, Oceans’09.
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  following control for nonlinear systems with logic-based
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  Decision and Control, 1473–1479.
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