THE RIGHT HELP AT THE RIGHT TIME: Assisting top people in trouble -

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THE RIGHT HELP AT THE RIGHT TIME: Assisting top people in trouble -
Assisting top people in trouble

The growth story of Soho House

Looking at the economies of the future

Social Impact brings charities and donors together

                                                     with... legal advice around the world
THE RIGHT HELP AT THE RIGHT TIME: Assisting top people in trouble -
 2 __Our news
 4 __ Straddling the Pacific Rim
 8 __ The Management Projekt
10 __ Making an impact
13 __ London’s fintech hotspot
16 __ Pinpointing the right location
19 __ Know your rights:
      Global IP perspective
22 __ The growth story
      of Soho House
24 __ Litigation needn’t be a gamble
28 __ Withers working in the
      community: Fundraising
      around the world
30 __ Bubbling to the top: The rise
      and rise of the Zonin family
33 __ Top people in trouble:
      Coming to the rescue
      of senior business leaders

THE RIGHT HELP AT THE RIGHT TIME: Assisting top people in trouble -
Welcome to the third issue of “With…us” magazine.
In this issue we are pleased to bring you interviews
with some Withers clients who are leaders in their
respective businesses.
These remarkable stories include the Zonin family, who have been producing
award-winning wine in the rolling hills of Italy for several generations. Claire
Cockerton, a ground-breaking champion for the fintech industry, explains how
technology is revolutionising the finance industry in London’s Canary Wharf.
The founders of SharedImpact are pioneering new products in philanthropic
giving around the world, and prominent sports agent, Marc Kosicke, tells us
how he is innovating in the business of football management on behalf of
stars like Jürgen Klopp.

As these articles indicate, the globalisation of successful people’s business
and personal interests is increasing in scale and complexity, and this drives
us to adapt and evolve our business too. Over the last twelve months we
have opened new offices and practices in Singapore, Tokyo, Sydney, San Diego,
Los Angeles and Rancho Santa Fe and are expecting to open a Dubai office soon.

We are proud to represent so many entrepreneurial and successful clients
from around the world and I hope that you enjoy reading about them.

Happy reading

Margaret Robertson
Managing Director
+44 (0)20 7597 6011

THE RIGHT HELP AT THE RIGHT TIME: Assisting top people in trouble -
Our news

                                                                                         How to talk about prenups

Singapore launch                            The new team contains highly                Top people –
In April 2015 we formed an alliance         experienced trusts and estate planning,     we’re in your corner
with one of Singapore’s most highly         litigation and charitable giving lawyers,   The scrutiny applied to senior managers
esteemed law firms, KhattarWong.            building on the base of our wealth          in leading businesses is more intense
The alliance enabled us to create           planning, corporate and real estate teams   than it has ever been. Regulators,
Withers KhattarWong, a combination          in California. Our growth in the US has     politicians, journalists and the general
of KhattarWong’s strengths in litigation,   not been limited to the west coast, and     public frequently look to senior executives
banking, real estate, corporate and tax     we have added a team of five partners       to accept full responsibility for the
with our unrivalled ability to serve the    in Greenwich, covering IP, corporate,       consequences of corporate errors,
personal and business needs of successful   litigation and more, as well as leading     no matter what the full circumstances
people around the world.                    wealth planning lawyer Christina Baltz      of the situation may be.
                                            in New York.
We are very excited about the new                                                       Withers is uniquely placed to advise
capabilities Withers KhattarWong gives      How to talk about prenups                   senior managers on these difficult and
us in Singapore and across South East       Prenup and postnup agreements are           potentially disastrous scenarios. We
Asia, adding 26 partners and a total        important tools to help couples manage      focus on representing individuals and
166 personnel to our worldwide team.        their assets and prevent protracted         our employment, regulatory, litigation
This makes us the second largest            disputes in the event of a breakup.         and corporate teams have a detailed
international law firm in Singapore.        Their use is growing at speed in the        knowledge of the technical and
                                            UK and Asia but, nonetheless, they          reputational pressures that continue
California growth                           can be an incredibly difficult subject      to grow on business heads.
Equally as exciting as our growth in Asia   to raise with your partner, particularly
was the opening of three new California     when you are both focused on your           Reputation and digital risks
offices in June 2015. We expanded upon      wedding plans!                              Social media is now a global phenomenon
our existing presence in San Francisco                                                  with so many people ready, willing and
and welcomed a team of nine partners,       Withers’ family law team has advised        able to post comments, pictures, news
17 other lawyers and almost 20 legal        on over 420 prenups and postnups in         and gossip immediately, and to hundreds
professionals, opening new offices in       the past five years alone and, with this    of thousands, at the touch of a screen.
San Diego, Los Angeles and Rancho           experience in mind, has put together        As a consequence, the nature of protecting
Santa Fe in the process.                    a practical guide on how to get started     and managing reputation and privacy
                                            on discussing and agreeing a prenup         has changed. The timescale in which
                                            without undermining your relationship.      to do it, given the 24-hour, non-stop
                                                                                        news cycle of the media in the digital age
                                            To request a copy of this guide, email      has also advanced. These developments
                                            over recent years provide the troubling
                                            and discover our top ten tips and the       ingredients for a fundamental attack on
                                            experiences of some of our clients.         privacy, reputation and brand.

THE RIGHT HELP AT THE RIGHT TIME: Assisting top people in trouble -
Assisting top people in trouble                Withers grows in Australia                 Withers KhattarWong Singapore alliance

Amber Melville-Brown, Head of Withers’         Our art law practice, led by Diana
Media & Reputation team, comments:             Wierbicki, based in New York and
“We provide our clients with the tools         working with Celia Lloyd Davidson in
to protect their privacy and reputation;       London and Christine Steiner in Los         This makes us
to defend those valuable rights if they        Angeles has seen a huge level of activity
are threatened; and to rebuild them            from clients around the world in the past
                                                                                           the second largest
in the event of a public attack. Our           year. Many of our clients require advice    international law
experience shows that this is reality, not     on the complex business of selling and      firm in Singapore.
fantasy, and that a hostile online action by   lending art and moving their pieces from
a third party, or an inadvertent action by     one jurisdiction to another. Despite the
ourselves, can easily morph into material      inter-connectedness of the global art
for a national news story, or be picked up     industry, this requires far more careful
by well-read websites, swiftly spreading to    planning than one might expect, given
multiple news sources. Advising our clients    the fees, taxes and verification issues
on what they can do in their day-to-day        that a number of jurisdictions impose
lives to lessen the risk of sharing or         on transfers.
allowing access to sensitive personal
information is a vital part of the work        Hotels and hospitality team
that we undertake for and with them.”          joins in Australia and Singapore
                                               A team from Ryan Lawyers, market-
Art market charts                              leading advisers to the hotel and
record-breaking levels                         hospitality sectors, joined Withers in
The global art market has recently hit         February 2016. Headed by partners
unprecedented highs, setting new records       Robert Williams and Justin Gross,
for the highest price reached at auction       the team works with major international
($179 million for a Picasso painting) and      hotel brands across Australia and Asia,
the highest ever guarantee for an auction      such as Starwood, Marriott, Hyatt
(over $500 million for the Estate of Alfred    and InterContinental.
Taubman). These extraordinary levels may
not be sustainable in the long term, but       Based in our Sydney and Singapore
even if the market returns to more normal      offices, it furthers enhances our strong
historic prices, these new highs have          record of working with hospitality and
recalibrated the top end of the art market.    hotel clients. The hospitality market in
                                               Asia is experiencing incredible growth,
                                               as the popularity of luxury resorts,
                                               restaurants and hotels reaches a
                                               broader market of affluent consumers.

THE RIGHT HELP AT THE RIGHT TIME: Assisting top people in trouble -
Straddling the Pacific Rim


                         The Pacific Rim region is           A new financial picture
                                                             The Pacific Rim is a hugely important
                         the financial success story of      economic and geographic area. It
                         the 21st Century and with a         accounts for almost 50 percent of world
                                                             trade and almost 45 percent of the
                         network of offices criss-crossing   world’s population. It’s a primary focus
                         this vibrant arena, Withers is      for trade, investment and economic
                                                             development opportunities.
                         equipped to advise businesses
                         and individuals on the world        The region’s coming of age is a
                         of trans-Pacific opportunity.       phenomenon that’s redrawing the world
                                                             financial map. A massive shift in wealth
                                                             from west to east has gradually taken
                                                             place, to the extent that Asia-Pacific is
                                                             now firmly on track to overtake North
                                                             America as the world’s richest region
                                                             by 2016.
THE RIGHT HELP AT THE RIGHT TIME: Assisting top people in trouble -
Illustration: Neil Webb

“Private wealth across Asia-Pacific           Creating regional cohesion                   Hussein adds: “The TPP marks the
increased by almost a third last year,        This dramatic redistribution of global       first significant regional agreement of
to reach nearly US$50 trillion. This is       wealth has been brought into focus by        its kind between Pacific Rim nations,
expected to rise at a dizzying rate, as       the agreement in October 2015 of the         and right now the full impact of it is yet
economies across the region expand and        Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), billed as   to be fully appreciated around the world.
businesses and investors from around          the ‘biggest trade deal in a generation’.    Critics have said that the negotiation
the world increase their involvement          International investment law adviser         process was secretive, whilst supporters
in the area. We are very excited at the       Hussein Haeri explains: “The TPP was         are hailing the more open trading
opportunity to be a part of this story, and   signed by 12 countries in the Americas,      environment across the region and the
have worked hard to establish ouselves        Asia and Australasia, representing 40        freer transfer of digital data. What is clear
across the key locations in the region,       percent of the global economy. The           is that it hails a new era in Asia-Pacific.”
peopled with legal experts who can help       agreement covers a vast array of trade,                                  Continued over>
our clients to harness the potential of       investment and regulatory issues -
Asia-Pacific,” says Withers’ Asia Senior      including lower trade tariffs across the
Partner Sharon Ser.                           region. It also contains a mechanism for
                                              investors and states to resolve disputes
                                              through international arbitration.”
THE RIGHT HELP AT THE RIGHT TIME: Assisting top people in trouble -
Straddling the Pacific Rim

The flow of assets,
individuals and families
between Australia and
South East Asia is a
very strong trend.

Wealth on the move                             The right approach to growth                   Digital drivers
A major trend driving closer cooperation       Withers has been investing in the Pacific      On the other side of the Pacific, San
and trading links in the Pacific Rim           Rim region for years, building a network       Francisco and nearby Silicon Valley
region is the increased mobility that          of offices that now crosses the Pacific        are home to the largest population of
has characterised wealthy holders of           – from Singapore, Tokyo, Hong Kong             ultra-high net worth individuals in the
private capital since the financial crisis.    and Sydney to Los Angeles, San Diego,          US, and are amongst the most vibrant
Today’s high-net worth individuals are         Rancho Santa Fe and San Francisco.             and interconnected commercial and
more international than ever before. As                                                       financial centres in the world. The city
they move around the world, they need          Speaking from Withers’ Singapore office,       is also a cultural melting pot, even by
to manage complex financial planning           newly expanded through an alliance             US standards: almost 40 percent of
issues, and to ensure they have the            with KhattarWong, Withers’ new Head            its residents were born overseas.
flexibility to transfer assets and wealth      of Corporate Tax in Asia, Eric Roose, puts
easily between different jurisdictions,        his role into perspective: “In recent years,   “We have witnessed a new east-west
as well as moving their families and staff.    the massive increase in corporate activity     trend here that’s gathering momentum
                                               across this region has really picked up        all the time: technology entrepreneurship
Australia is a well-established and            momentum. And in step with this trend,         and portfolio investments from Asia are
attractive jurisdiction for successful         we’ve been seeing quickening interest          coming to California. Looking to gain
individuals from across Asia, and has          from Asian investors in opportunities          a foothold in Silicon Valley, some of
the world’s highest level of wealth per        on the other side of the Pacific, as           Asia-Pacific’s most successful technology
adult after Switzerland. Sydney-based          well as intra-regional investment. My          companies have been investing
immigration partner Rita Chowdhury,            appointment, along with the arrival of         significant amounts in a number of high-
says: “The flow of assets, individuals and     my team in Tokyo, crystallises the             profile deals,” says San Francisco-based
families between Australia and South           significance of these developments.            Corporate partner Nancy Yamaguchi.
East Asia is a very strong trend, and we       It means we’re now able to advise
see a lot of activity in this area. Wealthy    clients – businesses, family offices           Nancy adds: “Softbank, Alibaba and
Asians are looking for stable, secure          and entrepreneurs – on region-wide             Tencent Holdings are just three of the
jurisdictions in which to invest, as well as   transactions of every kind.”                   Asian giants to have set up US investment
a place where they can access first-class                                                     offices and hired US-based investors
education for their children. Due to its       Eric adds: “Japan was, in many ways,           as they eye up opportunities in mobile,
relative proximity, Australia is often the     an obvious choice for Withers. As well         gaming, e-commerce and payment
top of the list for wealthy families looking   as being the second-largest nation             technologies. Asian companies and
to find and establish a second home            in the world by national wealth, and           investors are now assuming more of a
or new business ventures.”                     home to many of the world’s leading            headline role in US deals. In 2014, this
                                               manufacturers and tech businesses, the         saw them ‘leading’ 29 US deals involving
                                               Tokyo area has the largest metropolitan        venture capital firms, compared with
                                               economy in the world and the largest           none just five years before.”
                                               number of US dollar millionaire
                                               residents, at over 460,000.”

THE RIGHT HELP AT THE RIGHT TIME: Assisting top people in trouble -
Asia-Pacific is now
firmly on track to
overtake North America
as the world’s richest
region by 2016.

The hub factor                              A small island in a                            Looking to the future
Located in one of the fastest growing       sea of opportunity                             With offices across the key financial
and most dynamic financial, commercial      Hong Kong is one of the world’s most           centres around this region, Withers
and legal centres in the world, Singapore   entrepreneurial and vibrant financial          has created a network of advisers that
is without doubt one of the principal       centres; the gateway to Mainland China;        can assist clients – from companies
hubs driving the growth of the wider        and an established hub for trans-Pacific       and investors to family offices and
Asia-Pacific economy and the region’s       business and regional business activity.       entrepreneurs – seeking to capitalise
alliances. What’s more, Singapore           Denis Petkovic is a corporate partner          on the breakneck economic growth
remains one of the most popular             in the firm’s Hong Kong office, working        that’s synonymous with the Pacific Rim.
places to live in the region and has        closely with banks, investors and family
a very strong education sector.             offices. He describes his experience of the    Whether it’s the ever more mobile
                                            region: “Hong Kong has only grown in           Asian private wealth sector, US-based
Winston Seow, who heads up                  size and importance since the handover         businesses targeting opportunities in
the corporate practice at Withers           in 1997 and since our office was first         Asia or, increasingly, Asia-Pacific investors
KhattarWong, explains: “Singapore has       opened in 2008. The city now has               looking for tech investments in Silicon
a long history as South East Asia’s main    probably the highest density of high-net       Valley and beyond, it promises to be
trading centre and, with a populace that    worth individuals in the whole of Asia,        a region of almost limitless potential.
has been drawn from countries across        and there continues to be exceptional
Asia, Singapore’s business community        and growing demand for premium
has strong links with all of the leading    advice on international tax, trust
economies in the wider region. The          and corporate issues.”
government has prioritised strong
relationships with its partners in Asia-    “Of course, one of the principal reasons
Pacific, and has taken major steps to       for Hong Kong’s commercial significance
develop and secure Singapore’s position     remains its special relationship with the
as a leading regional force.”               People’s Republic of China. The tax,
                                            dispute resolution, banking, trading and
“Singapore has the region’s second-         governance treaties with the PRC have
highest density of high-net worth           helped to maintain the city’s principal
individuals, and this concentration         role as the conduit for funds coming
has attracted a finance sector that has     into and out of the PRC, including
developed an unstoppable momentum.          being the first port of call for the
This, in turn, has led major nearby         current massive flow of capital from
emerging economies, such as Malaysia        China to the outside world. These funds
and Indonesia, to use Singapore as their    are flowing into property, listed securities
primary centre for financing and deal-      and alternative asset classes and
making,” adds Winston.                      we expect this growth to continue.”

THE RIGHT HELP AT THE RIGHT TIME: Assisting top people in trouble -
The Management Projekt

The Management
Football clubs often pay headline-grabbing
fees to sign new players, but it’s been a very
different story where managers and coaches
are concerned. To level the playing field, Marc
Kosicke set up Projekt B with Oliver Bierhoff,
a unique agency that provides professional
support to managers throughout their
careers… including advising Jürgen Klopp          Luca Ferrari
on his 2015 move to Liverpool FC.       

          Jürgen Klopp      Marc kosicke          oliver Bierhoff

         ack in 2007, the mismatch              Working with Jürgen Klopp                      They replied ‘don’t worry, 80 to 90
         between the way football               All Marc’s business deals are sealed with      percent of our players speak English
         clubs sign their players and their     a handshake. However high profile the          worse than you!’”
         managers struck Marc Kosicke as        assignment, there are no contracts tying
both illogical and unfair. Based on that        clients to Projekt B… and one recent           Marc worked closely with his friend
conviction, he launched Projekt B, the          placement was as high profile as they          and client to assess the opportunity
first German agency to represent managers       come. Jürgen Klopp had been a brand            at Liverpool. “I gave him an overview
– and the catalyst since then for a whole       ambassador at Nike when Marc worked            of the club and its players, the strengths
new approach to this core talent group.         with the brand, and they’d got to know         of the squad, the value of the players,
                                                each other well. “When I moved to              the club’s budget – everything, in fact,
Marc picks up the story: “It’s still true       launch Projekt B, Jürgen asked me to help      that he needed to make the decision
that there are plenty of agents for players,    negotiate brand management contracts,          at a business level.”
while managers are not served in the same       and he became our second client.”
way at all. But back then, the situation was                                                   As the hiring process picked up steam,
far more pronounced.” Having worked             From that point, Marc has supported            Marc provided guidance and support
in sports sponsorship for over a decade,        Klopp throughout his career. And he’s          on the remuneration package and
he already knew the market well. His first      a great admirer of the famous ‘Klopp           endorsement rights, and he handled
client in 2007 – and simultaneously, his        style’: “He’s a skilled manager because he     contract negotiations from start to finish,
business partner – was Oliver Bierhoff          knows what he’s talking about – he knows       as well as helping to tie up marketing
(then manager of the German national            everything there is to know about football!    opportunities with sponsors that provided
football team).                                 He’s an expert on training and he knows        the best fit with Jürgen’s values.
                                                exactly the right squad to put on the pitch.
He’d started at the top, and that’s where       Soft skills are very important for a team      Assembling the ‘A’ team
Projekt B has remained. “Since then,            manager, and Jürgen invests the time           This was the first time Marc had handled
we’ve built a business on providing             to make sure that he knows everything          a move to a Premier League club. On
professional support to top managers            about his players.”                            such a big deal, he explains, he needed
and coaches throughout their careers,”                                                         a team that could cover all the angles:
says Marc, continuing: “plenty of other         “He never reads about himself in the           “We needed a skilled linguist with a
agencies have been set up with the same         newspaper, as the stress of doing so and       complete understanding of the nuances
mission, but we’ve been able to maintain        worrying about criticism takes up too          of English and German, a tax adviser and,
the clearest profile for this work in the       much time. His attitude is simple: focus       last but not least, a seasoned lawyer and
German football market.”                        on solving issues 80 percent of the time,      negotiator. That’s where Luca Ferrari,
                                                rather than complaining about the things       Withers’ Global Head of Sport, was
The right philosophy                            you can’t solve. That’s a big part of his      indispensable. He understands the specific
“We take a holistic approach to working         strength. If his team has had a bad game,      culture and issues of the sports sector,
with our clients. Where that’s a football       he looks to move on to the next challenge,     and he’s also discrete – confidentiality
club, we begin by evaluating the message        rather than dwell on the past.”                is the most important factor in an adviser
and values of the club and then focus                                                          on a deal like this. Withers’ US team also
on developing the brand around this.            The Liverpool scene                            played an important part, allowing the
It’s only by understanding the philosophy       Klopp’s 2015 move to Liverpool was             deal to be worked on 24 hours a day,
of the club that Projekt B can help them        trailed in the world’s press for months in     across time zones, and ensuring that
find the right coach for their team. That       advance. Marc knows the story inside-out:      it completed on deadline.”
makes sense. After all, the club’s fans are     “The first factor was that the club had
loyal to the brand of the club, rather than     always been Jürgen’s second favourite,         When the negotiations with Liverpool
the individual players and managers.”           after VfB Stuttgart. As a child, he dreamed    were successfully concluded, Sir Alex
                                                of playing for the team and he’s always        Ferguson commented: “He (Jürgen
Projekt B works with a combination of           admired Liverpool’s spirit.”                   Klopp) is going to make a difference at
clubs and individuals. Marc prefers to                                                         that club with his personality, drive and
keep it this way. It adds to the interest and   When the appointment was under                 knowledge.” And that prediction’s been
creates interesting offshoot opportunities:     consideration, Marc continues: “Jürgen         proved right, as any football fan will tell
“Out of this work, we’ve developed              got to know the owners and discovered          you. In fact, whoever they support, they’ll
a further business stream in offering           they were looking to develop the club          agree on one thing: any team managed by
speakers for corporate events. Because          and evolve something new. He’s an              Jürgen Klopp could never be boring.
of our network of contacts, we can              evolver and developer by nature,
provide speakers from leading individuals       so it was a great fit on that level. I know
in athletics, football and beyond,              that early on he expressed concerns
including players, managers, psychologists,     to Liverpool’s owners about his English
nutritionists, sports broadcasters and          language skills.
much more.”
Making an impact

a unique philosophy for philanthropy
                                                           Michelle Chow
                                                           Hong Kong

Sometimes described as ‘the Amazon and PayPal
of charity finance’, SharedImpact has a unique
philosophy for philanthropy. As a global donor-advised
fund, it allows philanthropists, family offices, donors,
and foundations to manage their philanthropic capital
in completely new ways, as well as recommending
the most suitable charities to meet donors’
philanthropic objectives.

Illustrations: Michel Streich

Paul Cheng                                     Bob North

Co-founder, Paul Cheng explains how            Specialist partners
the fund works: “SharedImpact provides         From the outset, SharedImpact has
a marketplace where philanthropists            worked with a wide range of specialist
can discover a whole range of charitable       advisers to make sure they give their        SharedImpact provides
causes to support.” A quick look at            ‘clients’ – philanthropists and charitable
the website gives an idea of that range.       causes – exactly what they’re looking        a marketplace where
There are 17 impact sectors, ranging           for. Withers, for example, played            philanthropists can
from education and fair trade to               an important part in establishing the        discover a whole range
female empowerment and sustainable             organisation as a dual-qualified charity,
agriculture. Paul goes on: “They can           registering it in the US, Hong Kong          of charitable causes
define the product type through which          and UK.                                      to support.
the donation will be made, with a wide
range of financial instruments on offer –      Bob explains: “It may seem incongruous
many of which would normally only be           to be focusing on tax aspects in a           The motivation for SharedImpact
available to larger-scale social investors.”   charitable situation, but the reality is     was our belief that the mechanism for
                                               that the more tax-efficient a solution we    bringing together these two communities
Using these instruments can provide            can provide, the more funds are available    had started to break down.”
donors with a choice of returns, or            for the charitable causes, and the more
the option to simply make a grant to           attractive they are to donors. Withers       “We’d talk to philanthropists and they’d
a selected charity. SharedImpact advises       doesn’t just understand the detail of        be asking us ‘what’s good out there?’
the donor on the most appropriate              dual-qualified charities, they have          They just didn’t have time to do all the
product to meet their aims, and to             effectively invented the genre.”             research themselves. And we’d talk to
achieve the desired effect. “The analogy                                                    charities and social enterprises and they’d
with Amazon or PayPal is not perfect,          As one of the few dual-qualified             be constantly worried about cash flow
because we provide a more ‘concierged’         donor funds, SharedImpact can offer          and fundraising challenges. There’s plenty
service, but it nicely covers our global       a tax break in two jurisdictions for the     of money looking for a home. It was the
reach, and breadth of activity, and the        same donation (if the donor is subject       mechanism for providing it that needed
fact that we’re accessible via an online       to tax in both places). It’s a capability,   a new approach.”
platform available 24/7.”                      Bob predicts, that will completely
                                               transform the landscape of global            Changing time, changing
“Having ‘impact’ in our name is                philanthropy over the next few years.        location and changing form…
no accident,” adds SharedImpact’s                                                           Being a donor-advised fund means
co-founder and CEO, Bob North.                 A charitable middleman                       SharedImpact offers a mechanism
“Our mission has always been to improve        Paul continues: “If you take a bird’s        through which philanthropists can
the financial efficiency and effectiveness     eye view, there are two key groups           make donations to charity before they
of charities and social enterprise. One of     out there – the people with money,           know which charitable causes they
the ways we do that is by helping them         the philanthropists, and the charities       want to support.
engage more efficiently with their donors      and social enterprises that need funding                            Continued over>
internationally. By working through            and financing to make a social impact.
SharedImpact, they spend less time
worrying about fundraising and more
time focusing on making a difference.”
Making an impact

Paul explains: “The legal mechanism           But if they default, the worst-case
is remarkably simple: the philanthropist      scenario is the same, financially,
makes a donation to SharedImpact,             as if we had given them the grant.
which, being a charity, unlocks the           So long as there’s the charitable            By working through
tax breaks for the donor. In due course,      impact, we can still be happy.”
they advise us on the various charitable      Charities often think of themselves          SharedImpact,
causes they want to be supported              as radically different from mainstream       [charities] spend less
with these funds.”                            business, but in reality there are many      time worrying about
                                              similarities. “There are so many things
In this way, Paul continues:                  in common,” says Bob “that it’s easier       fundraising and
“A donor-advised fund can be thought          to list the two things that are different:   more time focusing
of as ‘Changing Time’ – getting the tax       they don’t have shareholders with
break before the ultimate charitable          a profit-seeking motive, and their
                                                                                           on making a difference.
cause is identified and supported.            success is defined by their impact.”
But we take this further in two ways.
First, ‘Changing Location.’ Because we        Unlike businesses, however, charities
are fairly unique in our international        generally find it very difficult to obtain
structure, a US philanthropist based in       financing from banks. As Bob says:
the UK (or Hong Kong) can, for instance,      “Social investment takes a much
make a donation that is tax-efficient         more understanding approach. It can
in both countries, and then effectively       understand accounts that talk about
choose to support, say, an African social     impact, and it can accept a default,
enterprise. The third way is ‘Changing        if it happens, without further
Form.’ This is possible because we            damaging the charity.”
don’t just deploy funds out as donations.
We can also make loans, buy charitable        With the pooled benefit of their
bonds, take equity stakes in social           background as lawyers, business
enterprises and so on.”                       strategists and social investment
                                              experts, both co-founders are excited
Checking the advantages                       to be helping to drive forward a new
Compared to private foundations,              era for philanthropy. Paul sums up:
donor-advised funds have some                 “We feel we’re in a very privileged
significant advantages. They’re quicker       position, not only to understand and
and easier to set up, and much more           provide leadership on philanthropic
flexible in what they can do. There’s         issues, but also to be able to provide
no need to recruit trustees or file regular   the solutions people are asking for.
accounts. Unlike a US private foundation,     There is much more to do, but this
there’s also no legal obligation to deploy    is such a worthwhile journey.”
a minimum percentage of the fund
each year. And, of course, donations
can be made anonymously.

Bob puts this in perspective: “With a
grant to charity, there’s never a financial
return, just a charitable outcome. When
we make a social investment – a loan
to a charity, for example – there is
the charitable outcome, and also the
likelihood that we’ll get our funds
repaid to us.

London’s fintech hotspot

London’s fintech hotspot
Fintech is the collision of digital technologies
with the banking and finance industry and it
is big business. The UK leads the way in European
fintech and it’s well on the way to world domination.
At the heart of this amazing success story is Level39,
                                                         Chris Priestley
the vibrant tech ecosystem that is fully established     London
in London’s Canary Wharf. As a magnet for      

ambitious and exciting young companies, it’s
helping to shape a new world of finance, banking
and commerce, bringing together the best and
the brightest of London’s finance and technology
communities with spectacular results.

London’s fintech hotspot

      rom Silicon Roundabout to Silicon          “Fintech was once described as a quiet
      Fen, Silicon Glen and beyond,              revolution,” Claire continues, “and with
      thriving British tech clusters are         the launch of Innovate Finance as the
setting the pace for digital innovation in       voice of the sector, it’s now making a
technologies such as robotics, analytics,        lot of noise. The transformation it’s
mobility and Big Data. Travel to London’s        creating in the finance industry results
Canary Wharf, take the lift to One               in a greater choice for consumers and
Canada Square’s 39th floor and you               has produced new challenger banks
step out into another tech ecosystem             and technology providers.”
that’s making headlines worldwide
for its pre-eminence in cutting-edge             Momentum from all sides
financial technology.                            The UK’s established banking sector has
                                                 fed into fintech through its great base of
Claire Cockerton, as co-founder of all           knowledge, together with the movement
three elements of this innovative fintech        of people from the banking industry starting
ecosystem, is a major figure in this field.      up their own businesses as entrepreneurs.
Level39 ( is the largest fintech      The impact of the financial crisis also
accelerator in Europe, ENTIQ (entiq.             played a big role in the emergence of
com) provides innovation solutions for           fintech in the UK, as Claire explains:         Claire Cockerton
businesses, and the Cognicity (cognicity.        “The finance sector contracted across the
london) project is encouraging the               board, leading to wide cuts at the banks       Spotlight on growth and innovation
development of smart city technology.            and many people moving to challenger           Growth in UK fintech has been driven
In just two and a half years, this               banks or taking the opportunity to start       by a combination of market demand and
powerhouse has already attracted over            up their own businesses.”                      innovative new technologies. Examples
160 fintech, retail, cyber-security and                                                         include Nutmeg Wealth Management
smart city start-ups – and it’s the engine       “The aftermath of the crisis led to a          (, Funding Circle
behind the UK’s emergence as Europe’s            big increase in regulation, increased          (, and eToro (
undisputed fintech leader. Claire was also       capital constraints and compliance rules.
instrumental in launching Innovate Finance,      Banks had to get better at dealing with        Claire explains: “Fintech benefits from
the UK’s fintech industry body which has         their customers, who were increasingly         the great business environment in the
provided a voice for the industry in fighting    demanding new technology services, and         UK, with tax incentives such as the patent
for its interests. Withers was proud to          increased efficiency through the use of new    box model and Collective Investment and
advise on the establishment of Innovate          technologies helped the banks to meet          Enterprise Investment schemes encouraging
Finance and its governance.                      their compliance requirements.”                entrepreneurs to start businesses here.
                                                                                                We’ve also got a friendly regulatory
UK Prime Minister David Cameron has              The sudden collapse in funding from            environment, with equity-based
publicly backed the ‘Innovate Finance            traditional banks meant that business –        crowdfunding encouraged through a
Manifesto: 2020’, which sets out three           especially young SMEs – sought alternative     fairer treatment of crowdfunders; and
key ‘visions’ for the next few years. These      sources, creating an opening for new           of course, the UK is well-positioned
include establishing the UK as the world’s       finance methods such as crowdfunding           geographically between the US and Asia.”
most investment-friendly environment for         and crowdseeding to come into effect.
fintech, attracting a total of US$8 billion of                                                  The big banks have been watching the
investment by 2020, and making the UK            Claire says: “At the same time,                emergence of fintech very closely. A
the premier location for 25 or more global       consumers were largely disillusioned           number of them have joined Innovate
fintech leaders.                                 with the incumbent banks, and were             Finance, and some have launched their
                                                 happy to look at alternatives. Younger         own accelerators, set up corporate venture
The journey to world leadership                  people, in particular, expect to deal with     funds investing in fintech, or created
Achieving these goals is already well            their finances in the same way they manage     partnerships with fintech businesses
underway. Fintech currently generates £20        the rest of their lives – through apps and     through which SME clients are referred
billion for the UK economy and directly          via their smartphone. Fintech has shone        to fintech finance providers.
employs 135,000 people. Claire picks up          due to its multi-disciplinary approach; the
the story: “Canary Wharf Group’s long-           sector has been able to draw on the UK’s       Naturally, all of them are monitoring
term vision is behind all of these activities.   creative, design and media strengths           developments to see how they can use the
Given the large group of international           to present exciting new alternatives.”         latest innovations in their own operations.
banks in Canary Wharf, the conglomeration
of established banks and fintech innovators
provides a virtuous circle of development.”

[Block chain is] helping
to decentralise the
exchange of currency
and finance across
market places – a trend
that’s set to be one of
the most disruptive
developments…in the
next few years.

New markets, new opportunities
So what are some of the latest
breakthrough technologies in this sector?
Claire highlights a selection, all of them
homegrown in Level39: “Block chain
technology for digital currencies, like
bitcoin, is an interesting area. By providing
a way of keeping these currencies safe and
efficient, it’s helping to decentralise the
exchange of currency and finance across         to get deeper and more granular insights        Thrilling times
market places – a trend that’s set to be one    into their customers that completely            Claire has made a global name for herself
of the most disruptive developments in this     transform the way in which services can         as a compelling spokesperson for fintech.
sector in the next few years.”                  be personalised and made more relevant.”        It’s the latest stage in a journey that began
                                                                                                in Canada where she founded a business in
“Data analytics and the management              It’s not just the core markets of banking       sustainable architecture, before becoming
and visualisation of data is another very       and finance that are being transformed by       inspired to develop a business that’s all
promising area. Some of the companies           fintech, says Claire: “Fintech is also likely   about helping entrepreneurs. “Nothing
in Level39 are developing tools to manage       to revolutionise the insurance industry by      is more thrilling, challenging and heart-
information in completely new ways.             allowing peer-to-peer insurance models          breaking than being an entrepreneur,” she
Take cybernetics, for example: combining        to develop. New aggregated products             sums up “and nothing’s more rewarding
behavioural analytics and technology,           could be developed for niche groups             than creating a better environment for start-
it’s being used to help firms understand        of consumers who have been under-               up companies and helping them to flourish,
and manage how and why traders make             insured in the past.”                           as well as energising large corporations to
decisions. As the field of data analytics                                                       act in entrepreneurial ways. It’s what we do
develops further, banks will be able                                                            at ENTIQ – and it’s what Innovate Finance
                                                                                                and Level39 are all about.”

Pinpointing the right location

                                                                       The location of a family office is a critical
                                                                       issue. Tax regimes, political stability, legal
                                                                       certainty and the calibre of local financial
                                                                       and professional services are all important
                    PINPOINTING                                        considerations. But ultimately the questions
                     THE RIGHT                                         that drive the final decision will be:
                                                                       Where do family members and trustworthy
                      LOCATION                                         management want to live and work?
                                                                       Where is the main focus for investment
                                                                       activity and personal services?

   van Sacks, Withers’ chairman explains: “A family office in          jurisdictions in other states are increasingly popular, including
   the home location can be appropriate. In fact, close to home        South Dakota, Wyoming, Nevada and New Hampshire.
   can often be the best solution because it saves money and           Along with Delaware, these states are increasingly well known
fits the profile of the family. One of the best, most productive       for their state tax neutrality, use of private trust company legislation
family office moves I worked on was from New York to Virginia,         and structural advantages for fiduciary management.”
because the right people to give it substance wanted to move
there and we worked out the tax and other efficiencies to make         Benefits aside, consideration should be given to the
it work. It can be a nuanced discussion and the solution should        deepening of financial regulation in the wake of the Dodd-
be bespoke in every case. Many factors go into it and particular       Frank Act. It’s now essential for families locating in the US
family issues call for distinct approaches.”                           to take regulatory advice on their plans, as Ivan sums up:
                                                                       “Without the right advice, families will be at risk of becoming
Stateside advantages                                                   subject to US Securities and Exchange Commission registration
For privacy, safety and access to best-in-class services or laws,      and associated compliance, expense and loss of privacy. That
it’s quite commonplace for administration to be handled in             said, because of exceptions to the application of the regulation –
one country, with investment activities coordinated elsewhere          sometimes called the ‘Family Office exception’ (which Withers
from one of the world’s leading financial centres. Ivan continues:     was closely involved in influencing) – in most cases family
“It’s important to remember that the office itself does not need       offices can function in the US without becoming subject
to be the location for tax on income. The US has advantages            to those rules, provided clientele are limited to one family
in that regard. Investment management arrangements can                 and a limited number of associates.”
be structured so that service-level agreements use offshore
asset holding structures that can give tax neutrality, even            London calling
if managed from the US.”                                               The UK is, of course, another hugely popular location for
                                                                       family offices. Withers’ consultant Jeremy Arnold puts this into
“The US also often wins out on availability of talent and              perspective: “An important factor influencing location will be
attractiveness for living. We find that family offices from abroad     where the best talent is located and this may create a tension
tend to head to the NYC area, West Coast or Miami. For US              between the family’s particular wants and the needs or availability
families, and increasingly for some international families, designer   of senior and experienced professionals. The expert banking and
                                                                       finance skills needed may only be available in a different location
                                                                       from where the family is based.”
Illustrations: Neil Webb

“European families can have an aversion to locating in the US and        “Overall though, UK regulation is not too onerous. Provided the
triggering some of the issues that come with US extra-territoriality.    family office is only managing its own money, there’s no need
However, in reality, the office must follow the money, and be near       for UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) approval and regulation.
money managers and the money itself – whether that be where              But it’s important to remember that if the office is managing
it’s banked or where it is being invested. If a family is carrying out   other’s money, or has third-party investment, then approval will
hedge fund and private equity investments in the US, it may want         be required, and the FCA disclosure regime is one of the most
a US office to oversee this activity.”                                   intrusive around.”

Unlike some other jurisdictions the UK does not actively offer           Choosing Swiss stability
incentives to attract family offices. Jeremy continues: “One can’t       With a reputation for stability, security and good quality of life,
go and speak to regulators and get a definitive tax ruling here, as      Switzerland is another attractive destination, borne out by around
one sometimes can elsewhere in Europe. Management control is             100 single family offices and 500 multi-family offices locating
the biggest issue if family offices are based in London. Even UK-        themselves there. As head of Withers’ Swiss operations, Justine
resident directors can create issues, and board meetings must be         Markovitz, explains, the regulatory climate can be a major draw:
held elsewhere.”                                                         “Switzerland has over 60 tax treaties with other countries, which
                                                                         can be very helpful for international families. It is also possible to
                                                                         negotiate tax rulings with individual cantons and this can prove
                                                                         to be extremely advantageous.”
                                                                                                                              Continued over>

Family offices look for long-term relationships with their staff
and want trusted advisers. It’s easier now to find and recruit
these people.

Pinpointing the right location

“The eventual tax ruling will depend on the set up of the office;      conducted online, and criteria and requirements for various
how it is owned; how many people it’s employing; what assets           applications are usually clearly set out. On top of that, personal
it’s bringing in or managing; and what services it will offer. For     safety, security of property and low crime rates are
example, if it is providing asset management services or auxiliary     all major draws.”
management services to foreign subsidiaries, rather than carrying
out ordinary commercial transactions in Switzerland. The principal     “Many foreign law firms, trust companies, and other service
of the family office would typically show their business plan to       providers now have Singapore offices, meaning it’s both possible
the canton and discuss the various tax options, negotiating, for       and convenient to meet and speak face-to-face. Immigration
example, the pricing of services rendered to the principal.”           procedures are generally quick and straightforward, and political
                                                                       certainty is not an issue.”
Where banking regulation is concerned, family offices working
solely for the family do not generally need a licence. But under
anti-money laundering rules, they must be a member of a
self-regulating authority or submit to the Swiss financial market
authority. Family offices must be regulated if they are engaged
in collective investments.

Switzerland is a high-cost environment and rent is expensive. But,
as Justine points out, lay-offs by a number of banks and financial
intermediaries based in the country mean that skilled financial
professionals, always in high demand, are available on the market:
“Family offices look for long-term relationships with their staff
and want trusted advisers. It’s easier now to find and recruit these
people, although consideration should be given to the typically
high compensation packages that professionals from private             Singapore is making strides to encourage family offices to set up
banking backgrounds will expect.”                                      a base through its a residence-by-investment programme, which
                                                                       includes ‘Family Office’ as one of the approved investment sectors
Eastern approaches                                                     for Singapore permanent residence. The basic requirement is
Many jurisdictions have upgraded their legislation in a bid to         a S$2.5 million (less than £1.2 million) equity investment in the
attract family offices. Hong Kong is one of them, and large numbers    family office entity, which needs to employ at least five Singapore
of Hong Kong- and PRC-based families are now located there             citizens/permanent residents. Its annual business spending needs
(along with some Europe-based offices that have set up satellites      to be at least S$1 million (under £500,000).
to manage their Asian investment activities). Withers’ partner Katie
Graves profiles the local environment: “Wealthy PRC families           Another big attraction is Singapore’s system of taxation and the
often look to establish a base here. The issue for PRC families is     complete absence of resident non-dom rules, as Kwong Wing
getting funds offshore and having a family office in Hong Kong is      explains: “Singapore taxation is territorial and individuals are totally
extremely convenient. We also benefit from quite a favourable          exempt on foreign-sourced income of any description. As such,
tax regime, in terms of rates and scope and, with careful              they can bring as much as they please from outside Singapore
structuring, profits can be kept offshore.”                            into Singapore tax-free.”

“Families should, however, investigate whether a licence will be       Preparing for increased regulatory scrutiny
required for investment management work and, if so, whether an         Looking ahead, family offices will be closely monitoring
exemption is available, depending on the family office’s activities.   developments at a global level. Increased regulatory scrutiny
If it’s a wide scope, third-party investment for example, then         in countries around the world is likely to see many single family
there’s tighter regulation.”                                           offices transformed into registered investment companies.
                                                                       Regardless of where they’ve chosen to locate themselves,
The focus for family offices in Hong Kong is often on investments,     in the run-up to this next phase, the focus for family offices
and whether they can find suitable people to advise them in that       will be on enhancing governance and more closely defining
area. Katie Graves continues: “If a family office is simply looking    the scope of their activities.
for a CIO then it will be able to find suitable people from the
international banks based here. But recruitment can be challenging
for more sophisticated family offices, with smaller pools of
experts in some niche areas.” Speaking from Withers
KhattarWong’s Singapore office, partner Leon Kwong Wing
outlines the country’s appeal: “Singapore scores well on efficiency.
Much of the interaction with government offices here can be

Know your rights
                                                Illustrations: Michel Streich

Know your rights:
Global IP perspective
What do pop stars, designer handbags,
pharmaceutical manufacturers and travel
businesses have in common? They all need
brand and image rights protection. Withers’
intellectual property (IP) team around the
world highlights some of the key infringement
risks – and how to be ready for them.

Know your rights

      rands and image rights create                                                             luxury brands on IP protection.
      huge financial opportunities –                                                            In her experience, there’s still too little
      and not just for their owners.                                                            awareness of this issue: “All too often we
Fuelled by e-commerce and the internet,        We see a lot of problems                         see fashion companies planning to enter
counterfeiting and infringement have                                                            new markets, but failing to recognise they
grown into massive global industries.          …amongst mid- and                                need to protect their trademark in that
Fast-moving and elusive, intellectual          small-sized fashion                              market. Take China, a huge market for
property theft is a problem that’s hard to     brands that fail to                              luxury brands with a massive infringement
keep track of, challenging to control and                                                       problem. Companies planning to enter
almost impossible to quantify because          formalise trademark                              mainland China must always file for
many companies are unwilling to go             agreements and                                   trademark registration in the Central
public about the scale of problem they                                                          Trademark Registry in Beijing, and
face. According to the World Customs
                                               rely on verbal                                   companies setting up in the Hong Kong
Organisation, European luxury brands           agreements instead.                              or Macau markets must file with the
alone lose an estimated £5 billion                                                              relevant registers there too.”
to counterfeiting each year.
                                                                                                She continues: “Registering a trademark
So what can companies and individuals          on it in her action against Topshop’s            provides improved protection against
do to defend themselves? That depends          parent company, Arcadia. T-shirts sold           counterfeiters. Documents that testify to
on the class of IP they own – and where        by Topshop featured a photo of Rihanna           registration are also mandatory to licensing,
they’re seeking to protect it.                 (taken by an independent photographer)           franchising and/or distribution agreements.
                                               and the case has arguably helped brand           We have recently won a case after a five
An image problem                               conscious personalities prevent their image      year legal battle for a client that lost control
Image rights (proprietary rights that          being exploited in the UK – but only if          of its brand in China. A local company had
individuals have in their image and in other   there’s a real chance of the public being        registered it and was demanding millions of
unique factors linked to their personality)    misled into thinking the celebrity has           dollars for its release. Throughout this time,
are a great example. Kenneth Mullen,           endorsed or is associated with the               our client had been unable to open a shop
who heads Withers’ London-based IP and         infringing products.                             in China…while the fake brand could!”
technology team, has advised many clients
on protecting these rights. It’s a lucrative   Kenneth continues: “Overall, celebrities         Europe can be easier to manage, as Ida
market for infringers and one where the        and their management teams are more              concludes: “It’s quite straightforward
law is far from clear-cut, as he explains:     aware of the issue than they used to be.         and cost effective to obtain Europe-wide
“There are major differences between           The commercial value of image rights             trademark and design rights through a one-
the UK, other continental European             has become a big feature in the UK               stop registration process. That said, we see
jurisdictions and states across the US.        sports and soccer industries, for example,       a lot of problems arising in Europe amongst
In the UK, there’s no legal image right,       with many leading players setting up             mid- and small-sized fashion brands that
or personality right, as such. If a            contracts to ensure their image rights           fail to formalise trademark agreements and
photographer snaps a picture, they             are recognised and managed through               rely on verbal agreements instead. Should
own the copyright in that image,               robust commercial arrangements.”                 problems then arise, it is often hard to
not the celebrity, and the photograph                                                           prove anything in court.”
could end up being used on a product.          In practical terms, how celebrities look after
So to protect these rights for clients who     their image rights will vary enormously and      Trademark and domain name scams
are in the public eye, we have to rely         more proactive, forward-looking strategies       A continuing scourge in Asia-Pacific is
on other IP rights such as those under         can make sense. For example, Professor           scam invoices inviting recipients to register
the law of trademarks, copyright and           Stephen Hawking, David Beckham                   their trademarks, designs and patents
passing off instead.”                          and Richard Branson have all registered          in official-looking publications. Jim Lim,
                                               their names as trademarks. Others have           head of Withers KhattarWong’s IP and
The law of passing off (that protects          registered signatures, personal logos or         technology practice, cautions: “Many of
unregistered goodwill in a brand) has been     even catchphrases for various goods              our clients have received these kinds of
a useful remedy for commercially active        and services, but whatever course is             invoices. It’s important to remember that
individuals. Since the racing driver, Eddie    taken, Kenneth sums up: “The priority            the purported ‘registration’ of trademarks,
Irvine, used it to good effect back in 2002,   is to plan this protection in advance.”          designs and patents with ‘registers’ that
it’s been successfully deployed by other                                                        are not administered by any national or
celebrities to safeguard their image from      Luxury brands at risk                            international authority have absolutely
unauthorised commercial exploitation.          Ida Palombella, who heads Withers’ Italian       no legal effect.”
In 2013, the singer Rihanna relied             IP and IT practice, advises many leading

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