The Refugee Drama in Syria, Turkey, and Greece - Stiftung ...

The Refugee Drama in Syria, Turkey, and Greece - Stiftung ...
NO. 16 APRIL 2020              Introduction

The Refugee Drama in Syria, Turkey,
and Greece
Why a Comprehensive Approach Is Needed
Sinem Adar, Steffen Angenendt, Muriel Asseburg, Raphael Bossong, and David Kipp

The plight of refugees in the Syrian province of Idlib, on the Greek islands, and on
the EU’s external borders has worsened dramatically over the last few months. Once
more, the European Union (EU) is split on questions of asylum and migration, and it
portrays limited capacity to act in issues of foreign and security policy. What options
does the EU have to address the deteriorating situation? This question has become
even more pressing due to the spread of Covid-19. The EU-Turkey statement of 2016
has strengthened cooperation with Ankara on humanitarian aid and border controls,
but it also has major weaknesses. A comprehensive approach is needed. The EU
should prioritise providing new financial resources for Turkey that should be com-
plemented by scaling-up assistance to Greece as well as to Syria’s neighbours. In
addition, the Europeans should support the creation of a safe zone in northern Idlib.

As in 2015, the worsening of the refugee          paign with the support of its allies –
situation in Greece and Turkey today stems        Russia, Iran, and Iranian-led militias.
from an escalation in the (civil) war in Syria.      In order to counter the advances of the
Since April 2019, the regime in Damascus          Syrian army, Ankara increasingly supported
has launched a number of military offen-          Syrian rebels and brought its own troops
sives aimed at reconquering the province          and heavy equipment to the frontlines
of Idlib in the country’s north-west, with        starting in February 2020. Turkey wants
the overall goal of reclaiming the whole          to prevent a renewed rush of refugees to its
of Syria’s territory. An agreement between        borders, to underpin its demand for a safe
Russia and Turkey (the September 2018             zone or buffer zone in the border region,
Sochi Agreement) had previously averted           and to shore up its negotiating position
the offensive, but it was ultimately unable       with regard to three areas on Syrian terri-
to prevent it. Even the Turkish observation       tory that it currently occupies. After a dra-
posts along the agreed ceasefire line did not     matic escalation between Turkey and Syr-
change this. In December 2019 the Syrian          ian rebels on the one hand, and the Syrian
regime launched its latest military cam-          army, Russia, Iran, and Iranian-led militias
on the other, Moscow and Ankara agreed           current crisis, 2.8 million people in north-
                 upon another ceasefire on 5 March 2020.          west Syria were dependent on humanitarian
                 The ceasefire applies to a narrow six-kilo-      aid. Harsh weather conditions have added
                 metre strip on both sides of the M4 motor-       to the worsening situation of refugees:
                 way connecting the Syrian provincial capi-       There is a lack of (heated) shelters, water,
                 tals Latakia and Aleppo. Even if the cease-      sanitary facilities, food, and protection
                 fire has since resulted in a cessation of air    against attacks.
                 strikes, the arrangement is not intended to         Further forced displacement from Syria
                 be permanent and does not settle the con-        towards Turkey is foreseeable once the
                 flicting interests of the actors involved. Its   fighting in the province of Idlib intensifies
                 implementation has also proven to be             again or if Damascus takes control of the
                 difficult.                                       north-west of the country. Yet, Turkey is
                                                                  not ready to accept more refugees and is
                                                                  therefore likely to keep the border closed.
                 Dramatic Situation of                            Even in the mid to long term, Syrian refu-
                 Internally Displaced Persons                     gees are unlikely to return to Syria in
                 in Northern Syria                                significant numbers. Rather, more Syrians
                                                                  are likely to leave, or want to leave, the
                 Against this background, the predicament         country in order to escape repression and
                 of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in        persecution or – in view of the economic
                 Syria has further worsened. According to         and currency crisis – to make a living else-
                 the United Nations (UN), from the begin-         where.
                 ning of December 2019 to mid-March 2020,
                 almost one million Syrians – approximately
                 60 per cent of which are children and 20         Situation of Refugees in Turkey
                 per cent women – fled from the fighting
                 and the advancing Syrian Arab Army.              Turkey hosts the largest refugee population
                 Today, around a quarter of the people in         worldwide. Syrians, with around 3.6 mil-
                 the affected areas of the provinces of Idlib     lion people, constitute the largest group. In
                 and Aleppo are on the run. The way to            addition, there are 400,000 to 500,000 non-
                 Turkey, however, is blocked – all border         Syrian refugees, mainly from Afghanistan,
                 crossings into Turkey have, in principle,        Iraq, and Iran. Syrian refugees enjoy tem-
                 been kept closed since March 2015. Turkey        porary protection in Turkey, and only about
                 also completed a border wall in 2018 and         2 per cent of them live in refugee camps.
                 has used force to repel new refugees from        They can obtain work permits, but this
                 Syria, as reported by human rights organi-       ultimately depends on the goodwill of their
                 sations. Some 550,000 Syrians have thus          employers. Compared with neighbouring
                 sought refuge in the border region in north-     countries, refugees in Turkey have a high
                 western Idlib, and more than 400,000 have        rate of school enrolment and a large pro-
                 moved to Turkish-controlled areas further        portion work in the (mainly) informal sec-
                 east, mainly in the enclaves of al-Bab and       tor. Nevertheless, it remains a major chal-
                 Afrin.                                           lenge for Turkey to integrate Syrian refu-
                    For many, it is not their first displace-     gees into its society and economy (see SWP
                 ment. Since 2017, some 1.5 million Syrians       Comments 1/2020 and 5/2020). Moreover,
                 have been evacuated to Idlib from other          popular attitudes towards refugees have
                 parts of the country in the course of so-        become increasingly hostile as the economic
                 called reconciliation agreements, which          crisis in the country deepens. As a result,
                 served the regime in Damascus to recon-          the government has ramped up restrictive
                 quer breakaway territories, or have fled         measures. Syrian refugees are no longer
                 there. This has doubled the population           allowed to stay in Istanbul, but only in the
                 in the province of Idlib. Even before the        districts where they were originally regis-

SWP Comment 16
April 2020

tered. It also appears that some refugees        suspended the right to apply for asylum
have been pressured to sign up for “volun-       for one month. According to press reports,
tary” return. In practice they are threatened    a secret camp on the Greek mainland has
with deportation in inhumane conditions.         been used to detain newly arrived migrants
According to the United Nations High Com-        and refugees in order to return them directly
missioner for Refugees (UNHCR), approxi-         to Turkey, bypassing the rule of law. Numer-
mately 87,000 refugees returned to Syria         ous EU representatives, including Commis-
from Turkey between 2016 and January             sion President Ursula von der Leyen and
2020. It is fair to assume that a sizeable       the Council of Interior Ministers, expressed
portion of them did not do so voluntarily.       clear support for Greece in these endeav-
   The repatriation of refugees also plays       ours. Frontex, the EU’s border and coast
a growing role in Ankara’s military offen-       guard, was tasked with launching two rapid
sives against its southern neighbour. When       interventions to reinforce Greek land and
“Operation Olive Branch” began in January        sea borders with Turkey and to intensify
2018, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan em-         repatriation operations. For these and other
phasised in a speech that the goal was           measures – such as offering financial in-
“to return Afrin to its true owners ... and to   centive programmes for voluntary returns,
return three and a half million Syrians to       increasing reception capacities in the Evros
their homeland”. In September 2019 – one         region of Greece, and strengthening locally-
month before the latest military invasion –      needed infrastructure for health and safety
Erdoğan presented a plan to the UN General       screening – the EU Commission provided
Assembly that foresaw reconstruction proj-       €350 million in emergency aid. It announced
ects to settle about one million refugees in     that this amount would be doubled through
a safe zone in north-eastern Syria.              a reallocation of budgetary resources. Only
                                                 after some delay did the EU Commissioner
                                                 for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, voice
Escalation at the                                cautious criticisms of Greece’s clear viola-
Turkish-Greek Border                             tions of international and European refugee
                                                 law. Therefore, with the growing opera-
At the end of February 2020, the Turkish         tional involvement of EU agencies in north-
government announced that it would open          ern Greece, there is a risk of sharing respon-
its border to Europe. In doing so, it drew       sibility for the violations of human rights
refugees and migrants to the crossings with      and refugee law.
Greece, provoking a local humanitarian               By mid-March the immediate crisis at the
emergency. Four objectives informed An-          EU’s external border in Greece had eased.
kara’s decision: 1) to obtain more EU finan-     Since then, Turkey has transported several
cial support for hosting refugees; 2) to com-    thousand irregular migrants and refugees
mit Europe to providing stronger financial       that remained in the Evros border region
and diplomatic support in the face of the        back to Turkish cities. What has often been
humanitarian emergency in Idlib, which           described from a European perspective as
would help to overcome the crisis on the         attempted blackmail by Ankara appears
ground and prevent new refugee move-             to have come to an end for the time being.
ments into Turkey; 3) to shore up political/     The Turkish coast guard has also resumed
military backing for Turkey’s agenda in          its regular border surveillance. However,
northern Syria; and 4) to receive financial      this is unlikely to stop crossings to the
support for its reconstruction efforts there,    Greek Aegean islands completely, especially
including the creation of residential devel-     when milder weather conditions return in
opment projects for repatriated refugees.        the spring.
    The Greek government used tear gas
and rubber bullets to prevent refugees and
migrants from entering Greece, and it

                                                                                                  SWP Comment 16
                                                                                                       April 2020

Perpetual Crisis on the                          hand, Greek courts would have to consider
                 Greek Islands                                    Turkey as a safe third country. Related legal
                                                                  challenges have already been raised against
                 Living conditions for migrants and refugees      summary deportations of irregular migrants
                 on the Greek islands remain catastrophic.        during the current crisis. One the other
                 The facilities (so-called hotspots), which       hand, Ankara would need to offer construc-
                 were set up with EU support starting at the      tive cooperation, which has been funda-
                 end of 2015, were meant to accommodate           mentally called into question by the recent
                 just over 6,000 people, but they currently       crisis at the common land border.
                 house more than 41,000 people. The over-
                 crowding is an – unplanned – conse-
                 quence of the EU-Turkey statement of 2016,       Background of the
                 which stipulates, among other things, that       EU-Turkey Statement
                 asylum seekers may not, as a rule, be trans-
                 ferred to mainland Greece. At the same           Cooperation between the EU and Turkey is
                 time, asylum procedures on the islands           urgently needed, both for refugee protec-
                 have been extremely slow, and repatriations      tion and for border security. Over the past
                 to Turkey that were originally intended have     weeks, both sides have emphasised that
                 hardly been implemented. Non-govern-             the existing EU-Turkey statement of March
                 mental organisations (NGOs), UNHCR, and          2016 – often referred to as the refugee
                 various EU institutions have long criticised     or migration “pact” or “deal” – continues
                 the living conditions in the hotspots. In        to serve as a common point of reference.
                 addition to overcrowding, a lack of security,    Following a meeting with Erdoğan in Brus-
                 dismal sanitary conditions, and insufficient     sels on 9 March 2020, EU Council President
                 access to medical care and psycho-social         Charles Michel announced that EU High
                 support add to the humanitarian crisis.          Representative for Foreign Affairs and Secu-
                 Accidents and fires occur repeatedly, as do      rity Policy Josep Borrell and Turkish Foreign
                 violent riots, which have already claimed        Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu should jointly
                 several lives. The first Covid-19 infections     review how the 2016 statement could be
                 among migrants and refugees in a reception       better put into practice.
                 centre on the Greek mainland illustrate the         By 2014 the escalation of the civil war in
                 even more serious threat to the health and       Syria had led to a massive regional crisis of
                 lives of those detained in camps on the          forced displacement, all while the UNHCR
                 islands.                                         was facing severe shortages of humanitarian
                    For months already, the Greek govern-         aid. Brussels’ first response was to launch
                 ment has been considering the evacuation         the “EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to
                 of refugees to the mainland. In the medium       the Syrian Crisis” (“Madad Fund”). The trust
                 to long term, Athens wants to house new          fund provided initial financial support for
                 asylum seekers arriving on the islands in        several of Syria’s neighbouring countries in
                 closed facilities. However, local protests       2014, but it was far from sufficient. In view
                 have so far largely prevented their construc-    of rapidly rising refugee numbers, Brussels
                 tion. With the asylum law that came into         pursued more comprehensive stabilisation
                 force in January 2020, Greece has further        measures in autumn 2015 with the “EU-
                 restricted the rights that allow asylum          Turkey Joint Action Plan”. The first part of
                 seekers to stay in the country; the use of the   the plan aimed at improving the humani-
                 police and the military is intended to speed     tarian situation of refugees in Turkey. This
                 up the asylum procedures. Whether the            was to be achieved both through European
                 Greek government will succeed in return-         financial aid and through legal and institu-
                 ing rejected asylum seekers to Turkey in         tional reforms in Turkey. The latter were
                 larger numbers than in the past depends on       particularly decisive for providing Syrians
                 two questionable assumptions. On the one         with medium-term prospects. For example,

SWP Comment 16
April 2020

the Turkish labour market was opened           good €1.5 billion has also been earmarked
up and Syrian children were able to go to      directly for state agencies in Turkey, above
school. The second part of the Action Plan     all the Ministry of Education. In an audit at
focussed on border management and infor-       the end of 2018, the EU Court of Auditors
mation campaigns against irregular migra-      emphasised the need to shift from short-
tion. This was in the interest of Europe as    term, limited humanitarian aid to the crea-
well as Turkey. After all, Turkey wanted       tion of sustainable support structures for
to avoid serving as a corridor for irregular   refugees.
migration from various parts of the Middle         From a European perspective, the great-
East and Asia to Europe over the long term.    est achievement of the EU-Turkey statement
   However, a broader political agreement      is that the number of irregular border cross-
became necessary in order to get the co-       ings into the EU has been greatly reduced.
operation between Europe and Turkey off        For many proponents of the pact, the most
the ground and operational. This was done      important argument for its continuation is
in March 2016 with the EU-Turkey state-        the deterrent effect on sea crossings and the
ment, in which the Europeans committed         subsequently lower number of drownings.
to mobilise up to €6 billion until the end     The one-to-one mechanism has often been
of 2018. In return, no more asylum appli-      described as the reason for this develop-
cations were to be accepted from Syrians       ment, as Syrians received the political sig-
who landed irregularly on the Greek            nal that they would be deported from Greek
islands. Instead, they were to be returned     islands back to Turkey. However, in prac-
to Turkey as swiftly as possible – which       tice, the implementation of this aspect of
would be defined as a safe third country       the EU-Turkey statement has been very
for this purpose. Conversely, the EU would     limited. By the end of January 2020, only
accept vulnerable persons from Turkey          about 2,000 people had been transferred
through resettlement, ideally in corre-        from Greece to Turkey since 2016 – a frac-
sponding numbers to the Syrians returned       tion of the overall number of asylum seek-
from the Greek islands (“one-to-one mecha-     ers on the Greek islands over the same
nism”). In the case that irregular crossings   period. The largest group of returnees was
over the Aegean were by-and-large stopped,     comprised of Pakistanis, who have no pros-
Europe offered the prospect of further re-     pect of protection, either in the EU or in
settlements from Turkey. The EU also com-      Turkey. At the same time, the EU received
mitted to revitalising accession talks with    more than 25,000 Syrians from Turkey
Ankara to continue work on deepening           who were particularly in need of protec-
the customs union and accelerating nego-       tion. Despite the larger number of people,
tiations on visa liberalisation for Turkish    this was less than half of the quota origi-
citizens.                                      nally planned. In light of this, one can
                                               question whether the one-to-one mecha-
                                               nism of the EU-Turkey statement made
Implementation of the Statement                a significant and lasting impact on the
                                               number of irregular landings on the Greek
To date, most of the pledged €6 billion in     islands. Weather conditions, the improved
European financial support has been spent      humanitarian situation in Turkey, and
on education, health, and humanitarian         increased border controls on the so-called
aid. According to the EU Commission, con-      Western Balkan route could also be respon-
tracts for services worth €4.7 billion have    sible for the rapid and steep reduction in
been signed, of which €3.2 billion has         sea crossings, which was already apparent
already been paid out. Financial resources     in the winter of 2015/2016. More recently,
have been approved, mainly for projects        the inhumane reception and living con-
implemented by UN agencies, international      ditions on the Greek islands acted as a
financial organisations, and some NGOs. A      standalone deterrent factor.

                                                                                               SWP Comment 16
                                                                                                    April 2020

Other elements of the EU-Turkey state-       riations to Turkey as well as of refugees
                 ment, such as accelerated visa liberalisa-      who are directly resettled from Turkey by
                 tion, could not – and cannot – be im-           EU member states. In conclusion, the pact
                 plemented due to the domestic political         as a whole is not working.
                 situation in Turkey since the attempted            Based on this assessment, one may rec-
                 coup of July 2016. Only the deepening of        ommend smaller or fundamental reforms
                 the customs union still seems feasible from     to the cooperation format with Turkey over
                 a technical point of view. However, eco-        migration control and border security. Very
                 nomic conditions have changed consider-         far-reaching proposals are coming from the
                 ably in the meantime, adding to general         European Stability Initiative (ESI), which sees
                 problems with regard to the rule of law         itself as the initiator of the EU-Turkey state-
                 in Turkey.                                      ment. The ESI advocates a structural over-
                    Of the nine points contained in the state-   haul and renewal, an “EU-Turkey statement
                 ment, only the European pledge of finan-        2.0” with short- and medium-term measures.
                 cial aid was ultimately kept – though with      The most urgent task would be to end the
                 considerable delays. The EU can point out       humanitarian emergency on the Greek
                 that the vast majority of the financial re-     islands by immediately emptying the camps
                 sources have been allocated, and funds that     while also preventing a new humanitarian
                 have not yet been disbursed will eventually     catastrophe on the Greek mainland.
                 all be paid out in the context of longer-term      To achieve such a transformation of the
                 projects. Nevertheless, Turkey can legiti-      current status quo, Greek authorities would
                 mately call for more resources and speedy       have to prioritise two measures. First, new
                 disbursements to avoid shortfalls, as the       and sufficient reception centres and shelters
                 first projects providing direct support for     would have to replace the existing camps,
                 Syrian families will come to an end in          which need to be closed. Second, the Greek
                 autumn 2020. The EU has not yet been            asylum system should undergo deep reform
                 able to agree internally on new funds for       to enable asylum procedures to be com-
                 Turkey, not least because the negotiations      pleted within two months, including the
                 on the next EU multiannual financial frame-     appealing of any decisions. Greece would
                 work (2021–2027) have proven to be very         need the support of other EU countries in
                 difficult so far. The Corona crisis is likely   planning and implementing such a system.
                 to exacerbate the situation and push inter-     According to the proposals of the ESI, newly
                 national humanitarian aid to the back-          arrived Syrians to Greece would be sent
                 burner, as EU member states are now ur-         back to Turkey without an individual asy-
                 gently adopting comprehensive emergency         lum procedure. This would have to be
                 and supplementary budgets to contain the        accompanied by a review mechanism with
                 economic damage at home.                        Ankara to ensure that they are treated in
                                                                 Turkey in accordance with international
                                                                 standards. It is argued that a “statement
                 Reform Proposals for the                        2.0” could stabilise the situation in the
                 EU-Turkey Statement                             Aegean and reduce the number of irregular
                                                                 entries into Greece. In return, the EU states
                 The starting point for any reform is to         should keep their promise to resettle more
                 evaluate the deficits of the existing frame-    refugees directly from Turkey. This would
                 work for cooperation under the EU-Turkey        have to be on a larger scale than in the
                 statement. The criticisms range from the        past, for example 50,000 people within the
                 lack of monitoring mechanisms, the miser-       first year. Moreover, an additional €6 bil-
                 able reception conditions on the Greek          lion should be provided to Turkey for its
                 islands, the insufficient quality and exces-    continuing efforts to host and integrate
                 sively long duration of asylum procedures       Syrian refugees, whose numbers are likely
                 in Greece, to insufficient numbers of repat-    to rise further over the coming years.

SWP Comment 16
April 2020

Some of these reform proposals are in-         minors, which still has to be put into prac-
deed essential. Especially in light of the        tice. Public health risks will be even less
Covid-19 crisis, it has become truly urgent       manageable if the situation in the camps
to empty the camps on the islands. It would       remains unaddressed. For rejected asylum
also be beneficial to support Greece in pro-      seekers, EU-funded programmes for volun-
cessing asylum applications, to undertake         tary return are conceivable, as far as the
more resettlements from mainland Greece           situation in the country of origin permits it.
to other EU states, and to make further           Effective support for Greece will also be a
financial contributions to Turkey. Yet, it        precondition for the fundamental reform
makes little sense to continue the one-to-        of the Common European Asylum System,
one mechanism of repatriation and resettle-       which will be proposed by the EU Commis-
ment. Even if the ESI acknowledges prob-          sion in the “Pact on Migration and Asylum”
lems with this provision of the EU-Turkey         later this spring. This structural endeavour
statement, its reform proposal still assumes      is more important than ever. The increas-
that any irregular migrant who arrives in         ingly widespread suspension of the right to
Greece after the entry into force of a new        asylum and the full closure of international
edition of the statement could be returned        borders during the Corona crisis must not
to Turkey. However, experience to date            be accepted as the new normal.
shows that the preconditions for consider-            Second, it is in Europe’s interest to be-
ably increasing the number of returns             come more involved in Syria’s neighbour-
to Turkey are too high. This component            ing states. The material and social costs that
should therefore be dispensed within any          the main host countries for Syrian refugees
future cooperation framework between              (Turkey: 3.6 million; Lebanon: 900,000;
the EU and Turkey.                                Jordan: 650,000; Iraq: 250,000) have accrued
                                                  need to be compensated more systematically.
                                                  Europe thus should prevent premature
A Comprehensive Approach                          returns from these countries to Syria, which
                                                  remains highly insecure. Early returns
It is clearly not sufficient to only reform the   would also completely overload the aid
EU-Turkey statement. Rather, Europe needs         organisations working in Syria. Instead,
to pursue a more comprehensive approach           Europeans should invest much more deci-
to deal with the challenges. First and fore-      sively than they have so far in the human
most, the EU must support Greece more             capital of the Syrian population within the
decisively. The perpetual state of emergency      diaspora. According to the United Nations
on the islands should be ended as soon as         Children’s Fund, about half of all Syrian
possible by means of evacuations to the           children in the country itself as well as in
mainland. Greece has currently more than          neighbouring countries currently do not
90,000 open asylum procedures. These              attend school. Regardless of whether refu-
cases cannot be processed adequately with-        gees return to Syria or remain permanently
out more substantial EU assistance. Earlier       in the respective host countries, adequate
this year, the European Asylum Support            education, training, and services are essen-
Office announced that it intends to double        tial to ensure that they do not remain de-
the number of officials seconded to Greece        pendent on aid in the long term. With this
to more than 1,000 this year. This promise        priority in mind, the EU should also deepen
needs to be fulfilled, despite the unexpected     its dialogue with host countries.
constraints of the Corona crisis. In parallel,        Third, it is in Europe’s interest to make a
programmes for resettlement to other mem-         rapid and substantial contribution towards
ber states are urgently needed for recog-         alleviating the plight of refugees in the
nised refugees. This should build on the          embattled Idlib province and preventing
first voluntary initiative by seven EU mem-       Covid-19 from spreading among the IDP
ber states to accept 1,600 unaccompanied          population. That is why the Europeans –

                                                                                                    SWP Comment 16
                                                                                                         April 2020

in cooperation with UNHCR, the World
                                 Health Organisation, the World Food Pro-
                                 gramme, international NGOs, and Tur-
                                 key – should immediately provide aid and
                                 emergency shelter for those who are forced
                                 to camp in inhuman conditions near the
                                 Turkish border. At the same time, Russia
                                 must be pressured to ensure that cross-
                                 border access for humanitarian aid is main-
                                 tained after 10 July 2020, when the respec-
© Stiftung Wissenschaft          tive Security Council resolution expires.
und Politik, 2020                Europeans should also exert efforts vis-à-vis
All rights reserved              Moscow and Ankara to extend and con-
                                 solidate the ceasefire in Idlib so that a
This Comment reflects
                                 political compromise can be negotiated for
the authors’ views.
                                 various points of contention (territorial
The online version of            control, protection for the civilian popu-
this publication contains        lation, dealing with armed fighters, etc.).
functioning links to other           Fourth, in this context, it would make
SWP texts and other relevant
                                 sense if Russia and Turkey committed to
                                 creating and securing a safe zone for IDPs
SWP Comments are subject         in the north of Idlib province. Europeans
to internal peer review, fact-   should offer support for the establishment
checking and copy-editing.       of such a zone, provided that certain mini-
For further information on       mum conditions are guaranteed, for exam-
our quality control pro-
                                 ple: the zone should be reserved for unarmed
cedures, please visit the SWP
website: https://www.swp-        civilians only; it should not become a base         for military operations; nor should it be
quality-management-for-          used for the repatriation of refugees from
swp-publications/                Turkey. Military engagement by Europeans
                                 or even NATO, as demanded by Ankara,
Stiftung Wissenschaft und
                                 would be rejected by Moscow (as well as
Politik                          Damascus) and would not receive a UN
German Institute for             Security Council mandate. It would there-
International and                fore run the risk of further escalating the
Security Affairs                 situation instead of helping to stabilise it.
                                 Nor should the Europeans provide diplo-
Ludwigkirchplatz 3–4
10719 Berlin                     matic, financial, or military support for
Telephone +49 30 880 07-0        Turkey’s military operations and political
Fax +49 30 880 07-100            ambitions in northern Syria. Although               Turkey has a legitimate interest in securing
                                 its border with Syria and fending off poten-
ISSN 1861-1761
                                 tial attacks on its territory, its military
doi: 10.18449/2020C16            invasions and occupation of Syrian territory
                                 are in clear breach of international law.
(English version of
SWP-Aktuell 22/2020)
                                 Dr Sinem Adar is a researcher at the Center for Applied Turkish Studies (CATS) at the SWP. CATS is funded by Stiftung
                                 Mercator and the German Federal Foreign Office. Dr Steffen Angenendt is Head of the Global Issues Division. Dr Muriel
                                 Asseburg is Senior Fellow in the Middle East and Africa Division. Dr Raphael Bossong is a researcher in the EU / Europe
                                 Division. David Kipp is a researcher in the Global Issues Division and works in the project “Forced Displacement, Migration
                                 and Development Cooperation”, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

       SWP Comment 16
       April 2020

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