Multilateralism - Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik

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Multilateralism - Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
NO. 9 MARCH 2020              Introduction

Variants, Potential, Constraints and Conditions for Success
Hanns W. Maull

In view of the current challenges facing world politics and its specific structural
conditions (national sovereignty, power diffusion), multilateralism appears to be
an almost indispensable form of international diplomacy. Nevertheless, it seems
controversial: multilateralism is currently under fire, particularly from the White
House and the State Department, whilst both China’s President Xi Jinping and his
Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin pose as advocates and defenders of multilateral-
ism. On closer inspection, however, the controversy is not about multilateralism as a
diplomatic procedure, but essentially about the question of which principles, values
and organizations should determine the international order and thus shape inter-
national politics. At the same time, the inherent difficulties and limitations of multi-
lateralism are often underestimated, and its potential overestimated. In order to
make multilateralism as effective as possible, a realistic assessment of its precondi-
tions and a wise understanding of the peculiarities of multilateral politics are there-
fore essential.

“Multilateralism” is axiomatic for German      “Multilateralism”:
foreign policy. The same applies to the        a clarification of terms
Common Foreign and Security Policy and
the Common Security and Defence Policy of      Furthermore, outside the EU, governments
the European Union (Article 21 EU-Treaty).     appear firmly committed to multilateral-
It is in this spirit that the Foreign Office   ism, at least if we are to believe the ringing
(together with the French Foreign Ministry)    endorsements offered by China’s President
launched the “Alliance for Multilateralism”    Xi Jinping, his Russian counterpart Vladi-
in September 2019. But what exactly does it    mir Putin, or the Indian President Narendra
mean when the Federal Foreign Office on        Modi. Yet it is questionable that they all
its homepage describes “the commitment to      mean the same thing when they express
multilateralism” as one of the “guard rails    their support for multilateralism.
of German foreign policy”?                        So: what is multilateralism? First, it
                                               simply means the coordinated diplomatic
                                               interaction of three or more states (or other
actors) in international politics. According      although it would also be promoted “multi-
                to this definition, the term is not contro-       laterally”, i.e. together with others.
                versial; “multilateral” foreign and security         It is this meaning of the term that seems
                policy stands in contrast to bilateral or uni-    to prevail in international politics today. In
                lateral action. This understanding of multi-      this sense, the notion of “multilateralism”
                lateralism (“Multilateralism I”) is therefore a   contains, conveys and transports norms and
                purely formal category: multilateral policy       values; it identifies the ends and the appro-
                is about the “how” not the “what”, about          priate means to conduct foreign policy;
                the conduct rather than the substance and         and it concerns the international order con-
                goals of international politics. In short, this   sidered desirable and the regulatory policies
                version of multilateralism is a diplomatic        considered conducive to it by a specific
                approach to achieving certain unspecified         actor. These ideas will often not be made
                ends.                                             explicit, however, and even be deliberately
                    German foreign policy uses the concept        disguised. Multilateralism in this sense is
                of multilateralism with a different, rather       therefore no longer primarily about acting
                more exigent interpretation (“Multilateral-       together with others, but rather about
                ism II”). This combines coordinated diplo-        securing certain objectives and interests
                matic interactions of more than two actors        that are closely linked to highly specific
                with action within the framework of inter-        (and possibly controversial) ideas of inter-
                national organizations, oriented towards          national order. Multilateralism II a priori
                the principles and norms and carried out in       does not say anything about which princi-
                accordance with the rules and regulations         ples, values, norms, rules, organizations
                that underlie those organizations (such as,       and procedures (should) be followed in
                for example, the United Nations Charter).         the conduct of international affairs. But if
                In this version, a multilateral foreign policy    “multilateralism” is elevated into a prin-
                stands not only for a specific diplomatic         ciple (as in the case of German foreign
                approach, but also for a commitment to            policy), or (more precisely) if it is freighted
                certain principles, substantive goals and         with certain principles and values, then we
                methods of foreign policy – and for an            are in fact dealing with several, possibly
                underlying set of values.                         very different and even controversial notions
                    Multilateralism thus comes to stand for       of multilateralism, with – as is currently
                foreign policy action within the normative        the case – the views of important actors
                framework of a system of ideas about what         differing about the desirable ideological
                diplomacy should strive for, and by what          and normative foundations of the inter-
                means it should pursue its goals. Occasion-       national order.
                ally there is talk of a “multilateral system”        The fact that there is no broad consensus
                that must be preserved (as, for example, in       in world politics today on the principles
                the Norwegian Foreign Ministry’s White            and norms of the international order is
                Paper on multilateralism). This “system”          ignored by the third meaning of the term
                is in fact the liberal, Western-style inter-      multilateralism (“Multilateralism III”). Here,
                national order of 1945 in its renewed             “multilateralism” refers to the “right” and
                version of 1990.                                  “appropriate” answers to the current prob-
                    “Multilateralism II” refers to foreign        lems of world politics and thus stands for
                and security policies that seek to establish,     effective world governance. The European
                maintain and further develop a specific,          Union’s first Security Strategy of 2003 spe-
                normative international order through             cifically used this understanding when it
                specific forms of international diplomacy.        developed the notion of “effective multi-
                The order may be the currently disintegrat-       lateralism” as its guiding concept; today,
                ing liberal international order, but it could     however, the word “multilateralism” often
                also be another, quite different order that       seems to be equated with “effective global
                would be based on a different ideology,           governance”.

SWP Comment 9
March 2020

If “Multilateralism II” stands for (various    ogies to the danger of nuclear war. At the
and controversial) regulatory ideas about         same time, according to assessments by
world politics, “Multilateralism III” ex-         the respective expert communities, many
presses the principle of hope. In order to        of those challenges place extraordinarily
fulfil this hope and to exploit the potential     high demands on the performance of inter-
of effective multilateralism, however, two        national politics in terms of global gov-
types of hurdles would need to be over-           ernance: decisive progress often appears
come. First, there must be consensus about        possible only when many actors work
the normative foundations and the concrete        together in broad coalitions bringing to-
contents of multilateral diplomacy: what is       gether not only states, but also non-state
at stake, what ends are to be achieved, what      actors such as international organizations,
interests and values are to be accommodated       civil society actors or companies. The influ-
and how – and what concepts of inter-             ence of even the largest powers (such as
national order will thereby be promoted.          the USA or the People’s Republic of China)
None of this can be contested or contro-          alone would not be sufficient.
versial.                                              Diffuse distribution of power and the principle
   The second hurdle on the road to effec-        of sovereignty. International politics will
tive multilateralism concerns its organiza-       continue to be determined by the absence
tion and implementation. Even where there         of hierarchy and a broad distribution of
is broad agreement on principles, values          power. This is due on the one hand to gen-
and goals, we have necessary but not yet          erally accepted principles of the current
sufficient preconditions for effective multi-     world order, in particular the principles
lateralism. Multilateral cooperation within       of territoriality and sovereignty of nation
the framework of the Paris Convention on          states, and on the other hand to the large
Climate Policy demonstrates this: it is based     number of state and non-state actors that
on common principles, standards and pro-          influence the course of world politics. The
cedures. Yet multilateral climate policy is       United Nations is now approaching 200
far from slowing global warming to the            state members, and there is also a rapidly,
desired and necessary extent. The specific        sometimes exponentially growing universe
problems and limitations of multilateral          of governmental and non-governmental
action are the crux here.                         international organizations, civil society
                                                  actors and transnational corporations.
                                                      The potential for shaping multilateralism. It is
Why do we need “multilateral”                     often assumed that if international coopera-
foreign policy?                                   tion were sufficiently broad, it would be
                                                  possible to develop options on a global scale
Anyone who argues in favour of multilater-        that would be analogous to those available
alism (i.e. for all three meanings of the term)   to the nation state within its own territory,
generally relates it to three contextual as-      as the term “global governance” suggests.
sumptions – assumptions about the mag-            Science and technology and the organisa-
nitude of upcoming global challenges,             tional resources of governments and non-
about the realities of power distribution in      state actors can and should indeed provide
international relations, and about the enor-      the necessary problem-solving potential.
mous potential of cooperative strategies.         This could be mobilized effectively if the
   The dimensions of the challenges ahead. Some   (theoretically extensive) problem-solving
of the global challenges currently facing         capacities of the nation state were effectively
international politics may be of existential      coordinated through international coopera-
importance for the future of humankind –          tion. In practice, however, the state’s mo-
from climate change to the manifold               nopoly on the use of force and its (ideal
destructions in our ecosphere, from the           or typical) extensive possibilities to shape
opportunities and risks of new technol-           politics within its own borders are often far

                                                                                                         SWP Comment 9
                                                                                                            March 2020

less comprehensive and far less powerful          temporal dimension: negotiation outcomes
                than is assumed. These empirical deficien-        that reflect broad-based multilateral partici-
                cies in statehood can – to a degree – be          pation may take longer, but they will prob-
                compensated by new forms of interaction           ably last longer and thus be more sustain-
                between state and non-state actors and in-        able. Conversely, urgent problems requiring
                ternational organizations. Overall, however,      rapid action can be better tackled by a small
                the problem-solving capacity of multilater-       number of actors who are willing and able
                alism seems quite uncertain. Its potential        to move forward. Multilateral diplomacy is
                for realising effective world governance will     indispensable when fundamental issues of
                depend considerably on favourable con-            international governance have to be resolved.
                ditions.                                          In acute crises and in specific problem con-
                                                                  texts, on the other hand, the disadvantages
                                                                  of multilateralism are more significant.
                Multilateral diplomacy:                              Other inherent difficulties with multi-
                advantages and problems                           lateralism are the well-known problems of
                                                                  collective action. These include situations
                The strengths and weaknesses of multilateral      resembling the classic game theory pris-
                diplomacy in dealing with global challenges       oner’s dilemma, in which the best solution
                seem obvious. Multilateral diplomacy not          to a conflict for all involved cannot be
                only offers better opportunities for dealing      realized due to the absence of trust. An-
                with complex tasks, it is also better able        other problem is free riding and its weaker
                to legitimise the results achieved and thus       variant, in which the commitment to par-
                tends to make them more sustainable, since        ticipate in collective action is half-hearted:
                they emerge from joint efforts. This is par-      after all, others are already taking care of
                ticularly true if the participation is con-       the problem, so one’s own efforts can be
                sidered representative, i.e. if all important     reduced if not stopped (which would be
                interests and positions were represented.         full free riding). In the worst case scenario,
                    So “together we are strong”. Yes – but        multilateralism can nurture illusions –
                strength can show itself as stubborn per-         such as the illusion that the world is mak-
                sistence, but also as flexibility, adaptability   ing progress on military disarmament
                and assertiveness. What kind of strength          because multinational negotiations are
                is required depends on the context. Multi-        dealing with it. In some cases, this has been
                lateral negotiations tend to broaden their        the situation for decades, as with the Geneva
                agenda in order to take better account of         Conference on Disarmament, which has not
                the different objectives and interests of the     produced any significant results for over
                parties involved. This makes it difficult to      twenty years.
                set clear priorities. Multilateralism is more        Thirdly, the implementation of multi-
                protracted and costly than bilateral agree-       lateral agreements is generally left to the
                ments or a unilateral oktroi. While the           parties involved. In general, it is difficult to
                results of multilateral agreements are gen-       sanction violations of international agree-
                erally broad and weighty, they may not be         ments. Nevertheless, observation, monitor-
                very effective in responding to the problem       ing and review mechanisms can be set up
                at hand because they are characterised by         to improve the chances of successful imple-
                compromises and lowest common denomi-             mentation. International assistance can also
                nators. In principle, there is an inversely       be provided for corresponding national im-
                proportional relationship between legiti-         plementation measures where such possi-
                macy and effectiveness, which usually re-         bilities exist and the support is accepted.
                quires trade-offs. More legitimacy may have
                to be bought at the price of reduced effec-
                tiveness, more effectiveness at the price of
                reduced legitimacy. The same applies to the

SWP Comment 9
March 2020

Conditions for                                   structuring and advancing the agenda with
effective multilateralism                        a view to achieving effective results; ensur-
                                                 ing that deadlines are met and that progress
Effective multilateralism therefore depends      is made as quickly as possible; and breaking
on a number of prerequisites. The most           down blockades in the negotiations. In this
important concern the parties involved and       context, it becomes clear that even a for-
their attitude. First, do they share a genuine   eign policy that is consistently multilateral
interest in sustainable results, or does their   in orientation must also at times incorpo-
participation in the multilateral negotia-       rate unilateral action and, above all, inten-
tions merely serve tactical goals? Secondly,     sive bilateral diplomacy in order to make
is there willingness to compromise, i.e. are     effective multilateralism possible. The im-
the demands and expectations that have           portance of bilateral relations for the effec-
been made by the parties negotiable? Thirdly,    tiveness of multilateral diplomacy is illus-
is there willingness to act on the basis of      trated – both positively and negatively –
“diffuse reciprocity” (Robert O. Keohane),       by the role of the Franco-German tandem
i.e. to practise solidarity in the expectation   in the history and development of Euro-
that in the long run its benefits will out-      pean integration. In general, it is difficult to
weigh immediate short-term disadvantages?        imagine how coalitions could be successfully
Further prerequisites concern the (domestic)     forged or crises overcome in negotiation
legitimacy of the negotiators and their          processes without intensive bilateral diplo-
ability to make binding commitments on           macy. However, bilateralism is certainly
behalf of those they represent, as well as       problematic for multilateral diplomacy
organisational arrangements for the suc-         when it is not treated as a component of
cessful implementation of commitments            good multilateralism but rather as an alter-
made. If these conditions are not met, there     native to it.
is a risk that multilateral diplomacy will be
unable to achieve anything positive and
may even be harmful. Risks include agree-        The “Alliance for Multilateralism”
ments that prove unworkable (such as the
UN protection zones in the former Yugo-          With the “Alliance for Multilateralism”,
slavia in the early 1990s) or are irrelevant     German foreign policy – in close coopera-
because they ignore the real problems (such      tion with France – initiated an “informal
as the Munich Agreement of 1938, which           alliance” that aims to give multilateralism
did nothing to stop Hitler’s war prepara-        new momentum. Functioning segments
tions). Such agreements risk damaging the        of the current international order are to
perception, reputation and credibility of        be preserved, fragile areas renewed and
multilateralism, and contribute to the ero-      strengthened, and hitherto inadequately
sion or creeping reinterpretation of the         regulated parts are to be drawn into the
underlying international order. In the worst     multilateral order. At a meeting of the
case scenario, multilateral negotiations can     Alliance on the margins of the UN General
be tactically misused as smoke screens to        Assembly in September 2019, some fifty
conceal unilateral power politics.               states signalled their interest in participat-
    In principle, the disadvantages of multi-    ing.
lateralism can be mitigated and perhaps             The initiative builds on the strengths of
even eliminated by appropriate procedures,       German diplomacy. It persuaded France to
as long as the parties involved behave con-      serve as co-organizer of the New York meet-
structively and are willing to compromise.       ing and then took on board five more states
Essential for getting there, however, is wise    (Canada, Mexico, Chile, Ghana and Singa-
and effective political leadership, either by    pore), which demonstrated Germany’s
one actor alone or by a core group in the        ability to forge coalitions. However, the
negotiations. Their leadership tasks include     composition of the group – the Freedom

                                                                                                    SWP Comment 9
                                                                                                       March 2020

House Index of 2019, which measures the           climate change is confronting foreign and
                degree of democracy and freedom in a              security policy with completely new chal-
                country on a scale of 1 (most free) to 7 (least   lenges, as one of the six initiatives of the
                free), classifies Mexico and Singapore as         Alliance for Multilateralism indicates. But
                “partly free”, while Canada, Chile and            what impact would the proposed referral of
                Ghana are “free” – indicates that different       these issues to the United Nations have on
                ideological and regulatory ideas can come         the Paris Climate Convention? What added
                together in this informal alliance. What          value would envisaged monitoring by the
                united the group under the perspective of         United Nations have compared to the cor-
                “Multilateralism II” is therefore not neces-      responding efforts within the framework
                sarily principled multilateralism in the          of UN climate policy? There is a danger that
                sense of German and European foreign              the effectiveness of climate policy will be
                policy. Indeed, there may not be a shared         impaired rather than enhanced by its link
                understanding of principles at all. Rather,       to security policy. Similarly, the support
                the Alliance is about pragmatic agreements        of the Alliance for Women’s Rights, which
                on specific issues. Although this is under-       focuses on the increased promotion of girls
                standable, it is not without its problems.        in educational systems in Africa, takes
                The Alliance concentrates on appeals in           up existing initiatives of UNESCO and the
                areas where agreements are relatively easy        G7 – but why? If the activities taking place
                to reach because the interests of the parties     within those frameworks are inadequate,
                involved are aligned (as in the case of the       the Alliance would need to explain how
                envisaged regime for lethal autonomous            it can make those efforts more effective.
                weapons systems of the future, in which           Otherwise, there is a risk that existing
                those states that are primarily involved in       efforts will be diluted.
                such systems do not participate). It also             Thus, the loose structure of the Alliance
                helps that (as in the case of the appeal for      and its variable geometry harbours the
                humanitarian aid) agreements are of a non-        danger that fundamental regulatory prin-
                binding nature. The Alliance thus focuses         ciples and norms of the existing inter-
                on secondary issues in international poli-        national order could be gradually weakened
                tics, which either avoid subjects where           or even redefined. Chinese diplomacy in
                fundamental regulatory differences make           particular is endeavouring to introduce its
                agreements hard, or exclude these differ-         view of the international order into multi-
                ences (and their protagonists) and thus           lateral politics and thus to reshape it – for
                arrive at agreements with limited relevance.      example, by strengthening the principle of
                However, the threat to the multilateral           non-interference in relation to universally
                order manifests itself most immediately in        valid human rights, or by measuring de-
                its core areas, such as international trade,      mocracy in international politics by the par-
                non-proliferation or human rights and             ticipation rights of states (and thus of their
                international law. Agreements on subordi-         respective rulers), but not those of the
                nate issues may, of course, still contribute      people in the states.
                to securing the international order, if they          Strategically, a foreign policy that is con-
                work well and circumstances are favour-           sistently multilateral in the sense of Ger-
                able. Yet they could also become part of          man and European principles and premises
                the erosion of the regulatory foundations         should seek solutions to specific problems
                of international order, for example by per-       only where this would not imply damage
                mitting the weakening of links between            to, or risks for, the future development of
                specific arrangements and the fundamental         the international order. The Alliance’s ini-
                elements of the old, liberal international        tiative to protect humanitarian aid organi-
                order, or by entering into agreements that        sations and their programmes for alleviat-
                implicitly or explicitly embody other, revi-      ing acute needs, for example, calls on states
                sionist principles. It is certainly true that     to disseminate knowledge of international

SWP Comment 9
March 2020

humanitarian law and international hu-           However, these critically important leader-
manitarian principles, to support aid            ship responsibilities – in the sense of
organisations that are negotiating access        focusing the agenda, tight time manage-
to people in need, and to ensure “better”        ment, exploring possibilities for compro-
protection for aid workers. However, it is       mise, and the effective implementation of
doubtful what added value this appeal            agreements reached – demand intensive
could bring about: right-minded states will      bilateral diplomacy, and occasionally also
heed these demands anyway, while those           unilateral initiatives.
that are less well-intentioned will either not      The principles and normative orienta-
heed them at all or fulfil their obligations     tions of German and European foreign
at their own discretion. At the same time,       policy, and also a realistic assessment of
however, the appeal helps to shift the focus     power relations, suggest that German and
of human rights policies towards “humani-        European leadership in multilateral con-
tarian disasters” – and thus away from           texts must rely primarily on persuasion and
the domestic political conditions of human       incentives. This is less problematic than it
rights within states, to the detriment of        may at first seem in view of current trends
the worldwide observance of these rights.        in world politics: the shifts in power to-
                                                 wards authoritarian or neo-totalitarian
                                                 political systems often obscure the impact
Strategies and tactics for                       of power diffusion that tends to limit the
effective multilateralism                        influence of such systems. In this respect,
                                                 Germany and the European Union are not
Activity for activity’s sake therefore in-       in a particularly bad position in terms of
volves risks; less can be more. On the other     power politics. Doubts remain, however, as
hand, the ambition level of the alliance         to whether German and European foreign
should be raised, even if this increases the     policy are adequately mobilizing and utiliz-
risk of failure. In order to make progress       ing their power potential. The most impor-
in key areas, coalitions with partners are       tant cause for this weakness can be found
needed (these can be sub-state or non-state      in domestic political circumstances: up
actors, in addition to states and inter-         until now, European societies could not
national organisations). And these partners      be persuaded to give foreign and security
should not only be able and willing to com-      policies the importance they deserve and
promise on concrete issues, but also share       the resources they need.
fundamental normative and regulatory                To close this gap, or at least to reduce it,
convictions. In the case of agreements in        would require strategies aimed at streng-
secondary areas, care must be taken to           thening Germany’s and Europe’s own power
ensure that they do not have any indirect        base. Two factors are particularly important
negative effects on the core areas of the        in this respect: the enormous destructive
international order.                             potential of technological innovation for
    Tactically, German and European foreign      the future of our civilization, and the deep
policy should make a vigorous effort to          interdependencies between countries and
make multilateral processes as efficient as      societies, which are usually reciprocal but
possible. Here, a distinction must be made       also asymmetrical: all parties concerned
between the output (the formal results of        depend on each other, though not neces-
multilateral processes), their outcomes          sarily equally. The first factor suggests that
(i.e., their implementation) and finally their   military and economic deterrence will play
impact (the actual effects on the problem        a greater role in the future than has been
context). Advancing the negotiation pro-         the case over the last thirty years. With
cesses will require persistent and resolute      regard to the second factor, ways of instru-
leadership. Of course, Germany does not          mentalising asymmetrical interdependence
necessarily have to provide this on its own.     politically will assume even greater political

                                                                                                   SWP Comment 9
                                                                                                      March 2020

importance in international affairs. How-
                                 ever, the metaphor of “weaponized inter-
                                 dependence”, developed in this context,
                                 is as misleading as it is telling: analogous
                                 to the arguments by the arms lobby, it
                                 excludes the unintended, unexpected
                                 repercussions of using weapons on third
                                 parties and ultimately on the person who
                                 uses the weapon. (Note that the metaphor
                                 admits that it relates to interdependence and
© Stiftung Wissenschaft          thus implicitly recognizes potentially nega-
und Politik, 2020                tive effects on the actor herself!).
All rights reserved                 The power potential arising from asym-
                                 metric interdependence is therefore more
This Comment reflects
                                 difficult to actualize effectively and pre-
the author’s views.
                                 cisely than is usually recognized. Never-
The online version of            theless, it must be taken seriously. Yet the
this publication contains        possibilities for influencing other actors are
functioning links to other       not based on dependence per se, but on the
SWP texts and other relevant
                                 vulnerability of the target to the threat or
                                 actual interruption of exchanges (or, alter-
SWP Comments are subject         natively, on the corruptibility of the ad-
to internal peer review, fact-   dressee, i.e. his receptiveness to rewards
checking and copy-editing.       and incentives, if these are brought into
For further information on       play with the aim of influencing inter-
our quality control pro-
                                 dependence relationships). A wise foreign
cedures, please visit the SWP
website: https://www.swp-        policy of principled multilateralism there-         fore needs well-founded analyses of one’s
quality-management-for-          own vulnerabilities and those of one’s
swp-publications/                partners and adversaries, as well as policies
                                 and programmes that reduce one’s own
Stiftung Wissenschaft und
                                 vulnerabilities and target those of adver-
Politik                          saries. The former will have to include
German Institute for             educating one’s own population about
International and                the opportunities and risks, the benefits
Security Affairs                 and costs of multilateralism.
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10719 Berlin
Telephone +49 30 880 07-0
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ISSN 1861-1761
doi: 10.18449/2020C09

(Revised English version of
SWP-Aktuell 11/2020)

                                 Prof. Dr. Hanns W. Maull is a Senior Distinguished Fellow and a Visiting Fellow with the Executive Board of SWP.

      SWP Comment 9
      March 2020

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