Page created by Rafael Boyd
                         NETWORKS AND PROGRAMMES


Project Title:
Bioenergy Villages (BioVill) - Increasing the Market Uptake of Sustainable Bioenergy

Grant Agreement N° 691661

Deliverable N° 7.5        Presentations to national and European networks and programs

Lead Partner:             GIZ

Submission date:          February 2019
BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes


This document is issued by the consortium formed for the implementation of the BioVill project under Grant
Agreement N° 691661 by the following partners:

GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (Germany)
WIP – Wirtschaft und Infrastruktur GmbH & Co Planungs- KG (Germany)
KEA - Klimaschutz- und Energieagentur Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
AEA – Österreichische Energieagentur Austrian Energy Agency (Austria)
REGEA – Regionalna Energetska Agencija Sjeverozapadne Hrvatske (Croatia)
SDEWES-Skopje – International Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems -
Macedonian Section (Macedonia)
GEA – Asociatia Green Energy (Romania)
GIS – Gozdarski Institut Slovenije (Slovenia)
SKGO – Stalna Konferencija Gradova i Opstina (Serbia)

Lead Partner for the compilation of this document:
GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (Germany)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (Germany)
Reichpietschufer 20
10785 Berlin
Mr. Jens Adler
Tel: +49 30 72614460
Fax: +49 151 63390461

Authors of this report:
Jens Adler and Jana Mastaller (GIZ)

© 2019 by authors. No part of this work may be reproduced by print, photocopy or any other means without the
permission in written from the main authors.

Neither GIZ nor any other consortium member nor the authors will accept any liability at any time for any kind of
damage or loss that might occur to anybody from referring to this document. In addition, neither the European
Commission nor the Agencies (or any person acting on their behalf) can be held responsible for the use made of the
information provided in this document.

Further information about the BioVill project on:

                                                                   This project has received funding from the
                                          European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
                                                                          under Grant Agreement N° 691661
BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

List of Figures .............................................................................................................................................................. 4

List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................................... 4

Abbreviations and Acronyms....................................................................................................................................... 5

1.     Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
     1.1       The BioVill project .............................................................................................................................................. 6
     1.2       Scope of the task/deliverable ............................................................................................................................ 6

2.     Summary List of BioVill Project Presentations ..................................................................................................... 7

3.     Selected Presentations of the BioVill Project ..................................................................................................... 15

4.     Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................................... 26

5.     Annex................................................................................................................................................................ 27

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

List of Figures

Figure 1: BioVill presentation at the International Summer School in Romania 2016 ...............................................16
Figure 2: BioVill presentation by GEA at the 16th EFIKOT conference in Romania .....................................................17
Figure 3: BioVill presentation by GEA at the Interreg DanuBioValNet 2017 in Prague ..............................................18
Figure 4: BioVill poster presentation by WIP at the 28th EUBCE 2018 in Copenhagen ..............................................18
Figure 5: Vasil Bozhikaliev, Natasha Markovska and Verica Taseska Gjorgievska at the 8th EPMES
          Meeting in Bel-grade, Serbia ..........................................................................................................................19
Figure 6: Natasha Markovska (SDEWES-Skopje) at the 1st LA SDEWES conference in Rio de Janeiro,
          Brazil ................................................................................................................................................................20
Figure 7: Certificate of presentation of the conference paper “Techno-economic, social and
          environmental assessment of biomass based district heating in a bioenergy village” at the
          1st LA SDEWES 2018 ........................................................................................................................................20
Figure 8: BioVill project presentation by AEA at the Young Researchers conference at the World
          Sustainable Energy Days 2018 .......................................................................................................................21
Figure 9: BioVill project presentation by GIS at the Regional Roundtable "Smart Villages " 2018 ............................22
Figure 10: BioVill project presentation by AEA at the EU4Energy Vienna Policy Forum on Bioenergy for
           Heat 2018 ........................................................................................................................................................22
Figure 11: Meeting at the County Council of Brasov for a delegation from the Energy and Biomass
           Cluster from Republic of Moldova, 2018.......................................................................................................23
Figure 12: The BioVill project receiving the "Innovator Award 2018” by MIERT, Romania .........................................24
Figure 13: BioVill project presentation by GEA at the Joint Hungarian Cluster Conference 2018 ..............................24

List of Tables

Table 1:        Summary list of BioVill project presentations to national, EU-wide and international
                networks and programmes .............................................................................................................................. 7

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

Abbreviations and Acronyms

CEE                            Central and Eastern Europe
CSE                            Conference for Sustainable Energy
CoDCR                          Council of Danube Cities and Regions
DBFZ                           Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum
EFIKOT                         Erdélyi Fiatal Közgazdászok és Vállalkozók Találkozója (Transylvanian Young
                               Economists and Entrepreneurs Meeting)
e.g.                           exempli gratia(lt.); for example
EnPa                           Energy Partnerships
EPMES                          Energy Planning and Modeling of Energy Systems
EU                             European Union
EUBCE                          European Biomass Conference & Exhibition
EUSEW                          European Sustainable Energy Week
GIZ                            Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
H2020                          Horizon2020 – EU Research and Innovation Programme
LA SDEWES                      Latin American Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and
                               Environment Systems
MIERT                          Magyar Ifjúsági Értekezlet (The Hungarian Youth Conference of Romania)
NGO                            Non-governmental organization
PA 8                           Priority Area No. 8 (one of 12 priority areas in Danube region referring to the
                               competitiveness of enterprises)
RENEXPO®                       International Trade Fare and Conference for Renewable Energy, Energy
                               Efficiency, Water and Waste Water
RESRB                          Renewable Energy Sources - Research and Business
SEE                            South-Eastern European countries
UNIDO                          United Nations Industrial Development Organization
UNIZAG                         University of Zagreb
WSED                           World Sustainable Energy Days

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

1.    Introduction

1.1    The BioVill project

BioVill is a three years project supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
with a budget of around 1.99 Mio EUR. The project started in March 2016 and is implemented by the Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in collaboration with 8 partners from the BioVill target
partner countries Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia, as well as from Germany and Austria.

Many South East European countries have high biomass potentials, but they are often not or only inefficiently used
for local energy supply and regional economic development. Thus, the overall objective of the BioVill project is to
support the development of regional bioenergy concepts and the establishment of bioenergy villages in Croatia,
Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia. This will be achieved by identifying suitable biomass value chains
according to local and regional needs and transferring existing experiences in Austria, Germany and other European
countries to the South-Eastern European partners. Thereby the market uptake of domestic bioenergy supply chains
will be increased and the role of locally produced biomass as a main source of energy supply and added value for
the local and regional economy will be strengthened.

Core activities of the BioVill project include national and local framework analyses, technological and economic
assessments of local bioenergy value chains, development of the institutional set-up and energy management
concepts for the potential Bioenergy villages as well as capacity building on financing schemes and business models.
As a key factor of success, the BioVill project uses a multi stakeholder approach fostering the involvement and active
participation of the citizens and all relevant stakeholders in the planning and implementation process.

Major results of the BioVill project will be the initiation of at least five bioenergy villages in the target partner
countries up to the investment stage for physical infrastructure, the raise of public acceptance and awareness of a
sustainable bioenergy production and its commercial opportunities as well as increased capacities of users and key
actors in business and legislation to sustainably manage bioenergy villages and to enact national and EU legislation.
Altogether the BioVill project will contribute to the expansion and sustainability of the bioenergy markets in Europe
and the European Union.

1.2    Scope of the task/deliverable

All BioVill partners committed themselves to present the BioVill project and its (interim) results at topic related
conferences, workshops or other relevant events of national or European networks and programmes promoting the
production and use of bioenergy. For this purpose, GIZ has prepared 3 versions of a standard presentation in English
which were translated and amended by each partner for the specific purpose of the presentation. Furthermore, the
consortium has contributed, upon invitation by the INEA, to common information and dissemination activities of
the EU to increase synergies between and the visibility of Horizon2020 supported actions.

In the annex, the report provides the complete printouts of the standard presentations in English language, which
have been compiled at different stages of project implementation, including e.g. the BioVill project overview,
objectives and approach, information on the 7 selected partner villages, their main objectives and activities and the
results achieved by the project. Further, the report also includes a summary list of events to which the BioVill project
presentations in standard or adapted version were given by the partners as well as a short description of selected

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

2. Summary List of BioVill Project Presentations

The following list presents in chronological order the summary of the BioVill project presentations in the frame of
the task 7.5 at national, EU-wide and international events, networks and programmes to a broad variety of
representatives of target groups, involving national, international and EU-policy makers, industry, media, scientific
community, the general public and investors. The BioVill consortium presented the project at 85 national, EU-wide
and international events in 16 countries. Approximately 19,800 stakeholders were directly informed about the
BioVill activities and results through these events. It can be assumed, that indirectly even more people were reached
by the communication and dissemination activities through the respective press releases and social media entries
(see deliverable D7.4 on media clippings).
Table 1:    Summary list of BioVill project presentations to national, EU-wide and international networks and

 Date        Country of      Event name                Presenter     BioVill      Number of      Yes/ No:    Yes/ No:
             event                                                   material     partici-       national    interna-
                                                                     used         pants          outreach    tional out-
 Feb.        Croatia         Seminar - Possibilities   REGEA         Na           244            Yes         No
 2016                        of using renewable
                             energy sources
                             (REGEA introduced
                             two Horizon 2020
                             projects - BioVill and
 Mar.        Brussels/       Brokerage Event: Bio-     GIZ           Na           30             Yes         Yes
 2016        Belgium         energy market
                             uptake projects
 May         Romania         Green Week 2016 –         GEA           Na           100            Yes         No
 2016                        Energy willow – the
                             plant that works for
                             people & nature
 May         Croatia         Zagreb Energy Week        REGEA         -            33             Yes         No
 2016                        2016
 May         Serbia          National stakeholder      SKGO          BioVill      12             Yes         No
 2016                        meeting                                 standard
 Jun.        Romania         BioVill presentation      AEA           Oral         18             Yes         Yes
 2016                        during a capacity                       presenta-
                             building workshop on                    tion
                             ISO 50001 for Mayors
                             by Energy
                             Partnerships (EnPa)
                             coordinator Gabriele
 Jun.        Romania         European Sustainable      GEA           Na           23             Yes         No
 2016                        Development Week
                             2016 – LIFE ON
 Jun.        Romania         European Sustainable      GEA           Na           37             Yes         No
 2016                        Energy Week
                             (EUSEW) 2016 – En-
                             ergy Independence

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

Jul.   Romania        Study visit in the        GEA           BioVill      35             Yes   Yes
2016                  frame of an interna-                    standard
                      tional summer school                    presenta-
                      - InnoHub Sf. Gheor-                    tion
Jul.   Romania        Summer school in          GEA           BioVill      58             Yes   Yes
2016                  Tusvanyos, Transylva-                   standard
                      nia - Hungarian Trade                   presenta-
                      House event, start-                     tion
                      ups and business de-
                      velopment section
Jul.   Romania        Meeting between the       GEA           BioVill      52             Yes   Yes
2016                  Business Incubators                     standard
                      Association from Ro-                    presenta-
                      mania and Business                      tion
                      Incubators from Mol-
Jul.   Germany        Governmental              GIZ           BioVill      50             Yes   Yes
2016                  negotiations between                    standard
                      Baden-Württemberg                       presenta-
                      and Romania                             tion
Sep.   Germany        Deutsches Biomasse-       GIZ           BioVill      150            Yes   No
2016                  forschungszentrum                       standard
                      (DBFZ) Annual Con-                      presenta-
                      ference on Biomass                      tion
Oct.   Romania        Bioeconomy - Inter-       GEA           BioVill      58             Yes   Yes
2016                  national conference                     standard
                      for clusters                            presenta-
Oct.   Germany        Governmental              GIZ           BioVill      30             Yes   Yes
2016                  negotiations between                    standard
                      Baden-Württemberg                       presenta-
                      and Serbia                              tion
Oct.   Macedonia      International Sympo-      SDEWES-       Fact         100            Yes   Yes
2016                  sium “Energetics          Skopje        sheet,
                      2016”                                   BioVill
Nov.   Serbia         SEE Energy – Connect      SKGO          BioVill      approx.        Yes   No
2016                  & Supply 2016 Con-                      standard     100
                      ference - Novi Sad                      presenta-
Nov.   Germany        5th Forum Agro-           WIP           BioVill      40             Yes   Yes
2016                  forstsysteme                            flyers

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

Dec.   Croatia         PA 8 Event "Cluster       REGEA      -                   60         Yes   Yes
2016                   Networking and
                       Prospects in the
                       Danube Region"
Jan.   Austria         3 day poster presen-      AEA        BioVill poster      1,100      Yes   Yes
2017                   tation at the 5th Cen-
                       tral European Bio-
                       mass Conference in
                       Graz (Austria)
Jan.   Austria         5th Central European      WIP        BioVill flyers,     40         Yes   Yes
2017                   Biomass Conference                   poster
Feb.   Germany         Joint workshop with       GIZ        BioVill standard    15         Yes   No
2017                   H2020 project Bio-                   presentation
                       RES: Supporting more
                       efficient use of bioen-
                       ergy at local level:
                       What have we
                       learned? Best Prac-
                       tices of H2020 Pro-
                       jects related to Bio-
Feb.   Croatia         7th International         REGEA      BioVill Flyer       250        No    Yes
2017                   Wood Energy
                       Conference for
                       Biomass and
                       Renewable Energy
Mar.   Romania         Green and Blue Econ-      GEA        BioVill standard    200        Yes   No
2017                   omy, 16th EFIKOT                     presentation
Mar.   Romania         Circular economy &        GEA        BioVill standard    45         Yes   Yes
2017                   bioenergy with the                   presentation
                       goal to strengthen
                       the relation between
                       actors from the
                       Netherlands and
                       Romania in the field
Mar.   Czech Re-       International confer-     GEA        BioVill standard    97         Yes   Yes
2017   public          ence Bioeconomy in                   presentation
                       the Danube region
                       INTERREG Danube,
Mar.   Serbia          International Days of     SKGO       BioVill standard    Approx.    Yes   No
2017                   Energy and Invest-                   presentation        150
                       ment 2017 – Novi Sad
Mar.   Serbia          Energy Efficiency Day     SKGO       BioVill standard    50         Yes   No
2017                   of the Municipality of               presentation

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

Mar.   Serbia          SKGO Committee for        SKGO        BioVill standard    20        Yes   No
2017                   Communal Services                     presentation
                       and Energy 1st meet-
Mar.   Serbia          Technical Days in         SKGO        BioVill standard    30        Yes   No
2017                   Sabac organized in                    presentation
                       the scope of Horizon
                       2020 CoolHeating
Apr.   Romania         Smart specialization      GEA         BioVill standard    45        Yes   Yes
2017                   and sustainable de-                   presentation,
                       velopment - Saint                     BioVill flyer
                       George days expo
                       and economic
Apr.   Serbia          Renexpo 2017 - Wa-        SKGO        BioVill stand,      Approx.   Yes   No
2017                   ter and Energy West-                  leaflet and roll-   2,500
                       ern Balkans Fair                      up
May    Romania         Europa Day, meeting       GEA         BioVill standard    21        Yes   Yes
2017                   of researchers                        presentation
May    Serbia          SKGO Committee for        SKGO        BioVill standard    20        Yes   No
2017                   Environment and                       presentation
                       Emergencies 2nd
Jun.   Sweden          Poster presentations      GIZ     ,   BioVill poster,     70        Yes   Yes
2017                   and paper submission      WIP         flyers, paper
                       at 27th European Bio-
                       mass Conference &
                       Exhibition (EUBCE)
Jun.   Spain           5th World Bioenergy       KEA         BioVill standard    30        Yes   Yes
2017                   Congress                              presentation
Jul.   Romania         Meeting with stake-       GEA         BioVill standard    28        Yes   No
2017                   holders and repre-                    presentation
                       sentatives of Regional
                       Development Agency
Aug.   Nether-         CuriousU Interna-         GEA         BioVill standard    15        No    Yes
2017   lands           tional Summer School                  presentation
                       in Europe
Sep.   Romania         50th International        GEA         BioVill standard    190       Yes   Yes
2017                   Symposium in For-                     presentation
                       estry Mechanization,
                       Innovating the com-
                       petitive edge: from
                       research to impact
                       in the forest value
Sep.   Romania         Regional Polarisation     GEA         BioVill standard    28        Yes   Yes
2017                   and Unequal                           presentation,
                       Development in CEE:                   BioVill article
                       Challenges for
                       Innovative Place-
                       based Policies,
                       Regional Studies As-
                       sociation Central &
                       Eastern Europe Con-

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

Sep.   Hungary         Bi-regional cluster       GEA        BioVill standard    35         Yes   Yes
2017                   networking and busi-                 presentation
                       ness exchange meet-
Oct.   Hungary         Working group meet-       AEA        Leaflets, BioVill   20         No    Yes
2017                   ing „sustainability,                 standard
                       energy and environ-                  presentation
                       ment“ of Council of
                       Danube Cities and Re-
                       gions / CoDCR
Oct.   Croatia         UNIZAG, meeting           GEA        BioVill standard    35         Yes   Yes
2017                   with students and re-                presentation
Oct.   Romania         Conference for            GEA        BioVill standard    42         Yes
2017                   Sustainable Energy                   presentation
                       (CSE) 2017
Oct.   Croatia         12th Conference on        GEA        BioVill ppt, Bio-   23         Yes   Yes
2017                   Sustainable Develop-                 Vill article
                       ment of Energy, Wa-
                       ter and Environment
                       Systems (SDEWES)
Oct.   Nether-         Presentation at Euro-     KEA        BioVill standard    40         Yes   Yes
2017   lands           pean Utility Week                    presentation
                       2017, Amsterdam
Oct.   Serbia          8th Energy Planning       SDEWES     D4.2                50         Yes   Yes
2017                   and Modeling of En-       -Skopje
                       ergy Systems
                       (EPMES) Meeting in
Oct.   Serbia          Energy and Eco Fair       SKGO       BioVill standard    approx.    Yes   No
2017                   2017                                 presentation,       4,000
                                                            leaflet, stand,
                                                            roll-up, short
Nov.   Romania         6th Romanian              GEA        BioVill standard    54         Yes   No
2017                   National Cluster                     presentation
                       Conference, Smart
                       Clusters. Value
                       Chains. Business
                       Driven Innovation
Jan.   Serbia          Joint Networking          AEA        BioVill standard    40         Yes   Yes
2018                   Workshop                             presentation
Jan.   Brazil          1st Latin American        SDEWES     D4.2, D4.4, D5.4    180 (35    No    Yes
2018                   Conference on Sus-        -Skopje                        coun-
                       tainable Develop-                                        tries
                       ment of Energy, Wa-                                      and 5
                       ter and Environment                                      con-
                       Systems                                                  tinents)
Jan.   Brussels,       2nd Bioenergy Market      WIP        BioVill standard    20         Yes   Yes
2018   Belgium         Uptake Projects'                     presentation
Mar.   Austria         Young Researchers         AEA        BioVill standard    700        Yes   Yes
2018                   conference at the                    presentation
                       World Sustainable
                       Energy Days (WSED)
Mar.   Austria         Invitation of Japanese    AEA        BioVill standard    15         No    Yes
2018                   Delegation                           presentation

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

Mar.   Romania         Bio4Eco Interreg pro-     GEA        BioVill standard      32        Yes   Yes
2018                   ject“How to increase                 presentation
                       social acceptance of
                       bioenergy policies?”
Mar.   Slovenia        Regional roundtable       GIS        BioVill standard      70        yes   Yes
2018                   “Smart Villages“                     presentation,
                                                            BioVill anima-
                                                            tion video
Mar.   Slovenia        Regular general as-       GIS        BioVill standard      55        Yes   No
2018                   sembly of the                        presentation,
                       Association of forest                BioVill ani-
                       owners Sopota -                      mation video,
                       Laško                                BioVill flyers/
                                                            info sheets
Apr.   Austria         EU4Energy Policy Fo-      AEA        BioVill standard      50        No    Yes
2018                   rum on Bioenergy                     presentation
Apr.   Romania         Meeting with repre-       GEA        BioVill flyer, Bio-   25        Yes   Yes
2018                   sentatives of the En-                Vill standard
                       ergies and Biomass                   presentation
                       Cluster from Republic
                       of Moldova
Apr.   Slovenia        School for Wood pro-      GIS        BioVill flyers /      65        Yes   No
2018                   cessing, Forestry and                info sheets
                       Design - Forester and
                       Forestry technician
Jun.   Republic of     European Sustainable      GEA        BioVill flyer,        100       Yes   Yes
2018   Moldavia        Energy Week                          BioVill standard
                       (EUSEW) 2018 - En-                   presentation
                       ergy Independence
Jun.   Macedonia       Delegation of the Eu-     SDEWE      BioVill standard      15        Yes   Yes
2018                   ropean Union to           S-         presentation
                       Macedonia in a            Skopje
                       meeting with the
                       business sector in the
                       Regional Chamber in
Jun.   Serbia          31st International        SKGO       BioVill standard      approx.   Yes   No
2018                   Congress on Process                  presentation          250
                       Industry                             with focus on
                       Processing '18                       Kostojevici
Jun.   Serbia          3rd Renewable Energy      SKGO       BioVill standard      approx.   No    Yes
2018                   Sources - Research                   presentation          100
                       and Business (RESRB-                 with focus on
                       2018)                                Kostojevici
Jun.   Belgium         Final SECURECHAIN         WIP        BioVill flyers,       40        Yes   Yes
2018                   workshop                             BioVill presenta-

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

Jun.   Denmark         28th European Bio-        WIP        BioVill flyers,     40         Yes   Yes
2018                   mass Conference &                    poster, paper
                       Exhibition (EUBCE)
Jul.   Serbia          3rd South East Euro-      GEA        BioVill standard    25         Yes   Yes
2018                   pean Conference on                   presentation
                       Sustainable Develop-
                       ment of Energy, Wa-
                       ter and Environment
                       Systems (SDEWES)
Jul.   Hungary         ELTE Hungarian Sum-       GEA        BioVill standard    na         No    Yes
2018                   mer University in the                presentation
                       Carpathian Basin
                                                 GEA        BioVill standard    30         Yes   No
Sep.   Romania         Workshop on "Local
2018                   policies and actions
                       to drive innovation in
                       the built environment
                       and reduce carbon di-
                       oxide emissions"
Sep.   Germany         18th Professional Con-    KEA        BioVill standard    approx.    Yes   No
2018                   gress for wood                       presentation        100
Sep.   Serbia          City of Kragujevac En-    SKGO       BioVill standard    50         Yes   No
2018                   ergy Days                            presentation
                                                            with focus on
Oct.   Romania         MIERT conference,         GEA        BioVill flyer       80         Yes   No
2018                   “Innovator” award,
                       for the most innova-
                       tive project in the
                       field of smart and
Oct.   Romania         Discussion with the       GEA        BioVill standard    10         Yes   No
2018                   Bioenergy Cluster                    presentation
                       from the Republic of
Oct.   Serbia          Energy and Eco Fair       SKGO       BioVill leaflet,    approx.    Yes   No
2018                   2018                                 stand, roll-up,     4000
                                                            short video
Oct.   Serbia          National BioVill Con-     SKGO       BioVill leaflet,    101        Yes   No
2018                   ference - Business                   stand, roll-up
                       models sustainable
                       bioenergy implemen-
Nov.   Belgium         Final Conference Bio-     BioVill    BioVill standard    80         Yes   Yes
2018                   Vill                      Con-       presentation,
                                                 sortium    Poster, Leaflets,
                                                            Info sheets,
                                                            BioVill Guideline
Nov.   Romania         Joint Romanian-Hun-       GEA        BioVill standard    200        Yes   Yes
2018   and Hun-        garian Cluster confer-               presentation
       gary            ence
Dec.   Austria         Conference at UNIDO       AEA        BioVill standard    30         No    Yes
2018                                                        presentation

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

 Jan.        Belgium         3rd H2020 Contrac-        AEA,       BioVill standard    20         No         Yes
 2019                        tors' Workshop Bio-       SKGO       presentation
 Jan.        Austria         Presentation of re-       AEA        BioVill standard    50         Yes        No
 2019                        sults at AEA                         presentation
 Jan.        Slovenia        Insufficient small        GIS        BioVill standard    75         Yes        No
 2019                        wood biomass boil-                   presentation,
                             ers, improper burning                BioVill flyers/
                             and air pollution; Ex-               info sheets
                             pert consultation

 Jan.        Brussels,       2nd Bioenergy Market      SKGO       BioVill standard    20         Yes        No
 2019        Belgium         Uptake Projects'                     presentation
 Jan. /      Slovenia        Agritech - a trade fair   GIS        BioVill flyers/     20,700     Yes        Yes
 Feb.                        for agricultural and                 info sheets         visitors
 2019                        forestry technology                                      within
                                                                                      10% of

In the following chapters, selected events are highlighted more in detail providing an overview of the broad variety
of BioVill dissemination activities to national, EU-Wide and international networks over the entire project phase
2016 – 2019.

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

3. Selected Presentations of the BioVill Project

March 2016 - 1st Bioenergy market uptake projects Contractors' workshop
Right after the start of the BioVill project GIZ as the project coordinator participated at the first bioenergy market
uptake projects contractors' workshop organized in Brussels by INEA. The event brought together currently ongoing
bioenergy market uptake projects coordinated by INEA with the objective to get to know each other, to exchange
experiences and information on the projects and to identify opportunities for cooperation and joint activities. GIZ
presented to the 30 participants the BioVill project, the bioenergy village approach and the major project objectives
to the participating project coordinators and gained various tips on how to achieve and communicate best the pro-
ject impacts and results.

May 2016 - Zagreb Energy Week 2016
The Zagreb Energy Week presents a complex mosaic of a whole range of activities with the aim of including all
generations and stakeholders in a long-term fight against climate change. Their message “Development we don’t
want to stop, but pollution we can!” calls upon joint action in implementing projects for sustainable urban
development and the preservation of natural resources for future generations. Dealing with key issues of today's
world and problems in the field of energy and environment protection, the Zagreb Energy Week contains in its rich
program a number of international conferences, expert meetings, open door days, seminars, workshops,
presentations and specialized classes in schools and kindergartens of the City of Zagreb. Zagreb Energy Week was
held from 9th – 14th May 2016. On May 9th 2016 organized the workshop about the utilization of biomass energy
where also the project BioVill has been presented. The workshop gathered about 33 participants. Many stakeholders
play an important role in the Zagreb Energy Week, e.g. Croatian ministries, representatives of local and regional self-
government, educational and scientific institutions, the University of Zagreb, expert associations of craftsmen and
entrepreneurs, architects’ association and the chamber of architects, construction, mechanical and electrical
engineers, energy and development agencies, media representatives, civil society associations and expert
associations as well as many other local and international partners and associations.

May 2016 - 1st meeting with national stakeholders 2016
The dissemination activities from the Serbian BioVill partner started as early as May 2016 with the first meeting with
national stakeholders in the field of bioenergy. The meeting gathered representatives of major programmes in the
field of bioenergy, like GIZ DKTI and UNDP, but also representatives of national and regional institutions and
organizations. The aim of this meeting was to identify the most suitable candidates for the pilot bioenergy village,
but also to present the concept of the BioVill approach and intentions of SKGO within the project frame.

June 2016 - Green Week 2016, European Sustainable Development Week 2016 and Sustainable Energy Week
During the thematic days of these three national events, GEA presented the BioVill project to a broad audience.
These programmes were organized in Romania, Sfantu Gheorghe, as side events of the respective EU thematic

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

July 2016 - International Summer School 2016
GEA presented the BioVill project in July 2016 for the students who participated in an International Summer School
in the region. Around 35 students received information on the concept of bioenergy villages and the implementation
progress of the BioVill approach.

                                                    © GEA 2016
                Figure 1: BioVill presentation at the International Summer School in Romania 2016

July 2016 - Summer School Tusvanyos
In the frame of the Summer School Tusvanyos in July 2016, an event was organized by the Hungarian Trade House.
Approximately 50 participants were informed by GEA about the BioVill project and the bioenergy village concept.

October 2016 - International Symposium “Energetics 2016”
ZEMAK ( is an expert association with the basic purpose, to follow, promote and
support energy resources in the country. Further, it is an initiator and mediator in debating and solving urgent
questions and issues, related directly or indirectly to the development of the energy sector and the overall economy.
ZEMAK organizes national and international consulting seminars and invites experts from the country, the
neighbouring countries and the wider region. The main objectives of the International Symposium “Energetics 2016”
organised in Ohrid, Macedonia were to provide a platform for sharing the most important information,
achievements and experiences among energy experts from the industry, private sector companies, specialized
research centres, universities and other interested parties from the country and abroad. In addition, the energy
community presented and discussed the challenges which energy organizations, investors and users are facing at
the moment, so as to identify appropriate mechanisms to overcome the problems and to encourage the cooperation
among them. The steps taken in the direction of reducing the emission of harmful substances from legislative point
of view, the international obligations, the construction of databases, and the new energy technologies and
processes, were the main topics of the symposium. Additional topics referred to the knowledge and experiences on
the energy and economy nexus, especially concerning the privatization, free price forming, economic feasibility of
energy efficiency measures, and of environment and public health protection measures. The BioVill project and its
results were presented by the BioVill partner SDEWES Skopje and reached an auditorium of about 100 persons.

December 2016 - PA 8 Event "Cluster Networking and Development Prospects in the Danube Region"
The workshop was held in Vukovar from 12th - 13th December 2016. It gathered over 60 cluster actors, e.g. cluster
managers, experts for cluster-based socio-economic development, policy makers and academicians from Belgium,
Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Serbia, BiH and Croatia, successfully presenting the importance of clusters
developing, mapping, as well as of clusters promotion as one of most modern tools for competitiveness, quality,
standards and new working places. The workshop was opened by the County Prefect of the Vukovar-Srijem County,
the Mayor of the City of Vukovar and the State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts
of the Republic of Croatia. REGEA participated as a speaker and introduced the BioVill project and its activities. The
discussions later focused on technologies for environmental protection and energy efficiency.

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

February 2017 - 7th International Wood Energy Conference for Biomass and Renewable Energy Sources
The conference was held in Zagreb on 24th February 2017 and extensively discussed the current situation in the
renewable energy sources and biomass sector. REGEA was co-organizer of the event and introduced the BioVill
project and its activities. More than 250 participants attended the event. The conference was held under the
auspices of the Croatian Ministry of Environment and Energy, with presence of prominent experts and NGOs, among
whom were Davor Škrlec (MEP), Eric Vial (European Pellet Council Director), Dr. Heinz Kopetz (World Bioenergy
Association), and AIEL‘s Board of Directors member Paolo Perini. The conference was attended by companies
(forestry, wood processing, energy), suppliers (technologies for processing biomass), members of professional
chambers (forestry, wood technology, architecture, energy), local government and state institutions,
representatives of the financial sector, international investors, lawyers and financers, energy and development
agencies, academic community (professors, students, high school students), and the public media (general and

February 2017 - Joint lessons learnt workshop of H2020 projects BioRES and BioVill
“Supporting more efficient use of bioenergy at local level: What have we learnt?” was the title of the lessons learnt
workshop jointly organized by the two H2020 projects BioRES and BioVill in February 2017 in Germany, in the GIZ
trainings centre Feldafing. Main objective of the workshop was to summarize lessons learnt from both projects in
order to address existing bottlenecks for the implementation of local bioenergy project sin the South-Eastern
European partner countries. GIZ presented to the 20 participants the BioVill project and its bioenergy village
approach as well as the results from the selection of target villages and the respective national and local framework
analyses, which were undertaken during the first months of project implementation.

March 2017 - 16th EFIKOT Conference
In March 2017, GEA representatives spoke about the BioVill project and implementation in Odorheiu Secuiesc,
Romania, in the frame of the 16th EFIKOT Conference on “Green and Blue Economy”. The conference gathered
young people, entrepreneurs and politicians on a national level.

                                                   © EFIKOT 2017
                  Figure 2: BioVill presentation by GEA at the 16th EFIKOT conference in Romania

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

March 2017 - Interreg Danube DanuBioValNet
In March 2017, a GEA representative presented the BioVill project in Prague at the kick-off conference of the
Interreg Danube DanuBioValNet. 97 representatives from 67 organisations and 12 countries participated in the
meeting. Among them were stakeholders from cluster organisations and companies as well as representatives of
higher education institutions and policymakers.

                                               © Danubiovalnet 2017
                Figure 3: BioVill presentation by GEA at the Interreg DanuBioValNet 2017 in Prague

May 2017 and 2018 - European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (EUBCE) 2017 in Stockholm and 2018 in Copenhagen
Two years in a row, the BioVill project was selected to present a poster at the EUBCE, the largest gathering of
biomass experts in Europe. The EUBCE combines a biomass science and technology conference with a high quality
industry exhibition, attracting biomass professionals from around the globe. GIZ in 2017 and WIP in 2018 introduced
the BioVill project to the participants of the European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (EUBCE) 2017 in Stockholm
at the moderated poster sessions, enabling visitors and peers to review the projects work and engage in discussions,
thereby attracting attention beyond the project´s South-Eastern European scope. In addition, a paper on the
presentation was published in the proceedings of the conferences.

                       ©GIZ 2017                                                  ©WIP 2018
                Figure 4: BioVill poster presentation by WIP at the 28th EUBCE 2018 in Copenhagen

September 2017 - 50th International Symposium in Forestry Mechanization
GEA representatives introduced the BioVill project at the 50th International Symposium in Forestry Mechanization
“Innovating the Competitive Edge: from research to impact in the forest value chain” in front of an international
audience. The event from Brasov, Romania, gathered approximately 190 international participants.

September 2017 - Conference on Regional Polarisation and Unequal Development in CEE

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

Mr Tihamer Sebestyen, GEA representative, presented the BioVill concept and submitted a paper to the
international conference “Regional Polarisation and Unequal Development in CEE: Challenges for Innovative Place-
based Policies, Regional Studies Association Central & Eastern Europe”. The conference was attended by 300
participants from around the world.

October 2017 - 8th Energy Planning and Modelling of Energy Systems (EPMES)
The main challenge for South-East Europe (SEE) region economies is to commit to and sustain the implementation
of long-term reforms aimed at increasing competitiveness and promoting sustainable, inclusive and balanced
development as well as better integration between the EU Member States, candidate and potential candidate
countries and neighbouring countries. From the perspective of following the ambitions and adopting the new goals
concerning the climate change mitigation, an energy transition in the SEE countries is the challenge, which takes a
lot of effort, development and engagement. Transition from the current state of dominance of fossil fuels in the
energy sector to the large integration of renewable energy, with the subsequent reduction of GHG emissions,
requires sound planning and comprehensive changes. The transition is already on the way, with new power
exchanges recently established in Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro and new ones in Albania, Bosnia, and
Macedonia being prepared. The 8th EPMES meeting, held on 24th October 2017 at the University of Belgrade - Faculty
of Electrical Engineering first time in a conference format, arose from the regional initiative for energy research
exchange and cooperation, which previously held 7 meetings and workshops. On these events, energy planning
experts and scientists from the SEE share their research and views with the aim of working together in order to
facilitate the change needed to respond to the challenges of today's energy sector development. The newly
established conference focused on Energy planning for energy transition, but also on smart energy systems,
decoupling growth from resources decarbonisation, competitive integrated regional energy market, security of
supply, climate change and environment, and infrastructure development. SDEWES Skopje presented the BioVill
project, its bioenergy village approach as well as the current state of development in the target municipality Kicevo
to about 50 present persons of the international scientific community.

                                              © SDEWES-Skopje 2018
 Figure 5: Vasil Bozhikaliev, Natasha Markovska and Verica Taseska Gjorgievska at the 8th EPMES Meeting in Bel-
                                                        grade, Serbia

November 2017 - 6th Romanian National Cluster Conference
The BioVill project was presented at the 6th Romanian National Cluster Conference “Smart Clusters. Value Chains.
Business Driven Innovation”, an international conference organized by the Romanian Cluster Association. The event
was held in Bucharest and gathered more than 250 participants.

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

January 2018 - Joint Networking Workshop
The Serbian BioVill partner SKGO organised a joint networking workshop for the local bioenergy working groups
from the BioVill target villages in Belgrade, Serbia on 30th – 31st January 2018 (see D3.5). The major objective of the
event was to strengthen the network between the working groups in the different target countries and to share the
experiences between them. About 40 participants actively contributed to the joint networking workshop including
political decision makers, administrative staff, utility representatives, local communities, entrepreneurs and other
institutions as well as guests from the Serbian Environmental Protection Ministry, the GIZ DKTI Biomass Project and
the GGE ESCO Serbia. Also other BioVill partners contributed to the workshop, e.g. AEA and KEA moderated working
group tables on technology and economic and financial issues and presented their results.

January 2018 - 1st Latin American Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
Following the success of the global Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES)
conferences, a regional series of biannual SDEWES conferences have been initiated. It shall provide a venue for the
researchers from the Latin American region, but also for world-wide researchers and specialists and those interested
in learning about the sustainability of development, to present research progress and to discuss the state of the art,
the future directions and priorities in the various areas of sustainable development and regional integration. The
first Latin American edition of the SDEWES conferences was held 28th -31st January 2018 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at
the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro ( It brought together 180 scientists,
researchers and experts in the field of sustainable development from 35 countries and 5 continents. The conference
was dedicated to the improvement and dissemination of knowledge on methods, policies and technologies for
increasing the sustainability of development by de-coupling growth from natural resources and replacing them with
knowledge based economy, taking into account its economic, environmental and social pillars. One of the main
issues of the coming decades is to improve efficiencies by integrating various life supporting systems, using excess
from one, as resource in other, and in exact moment when it is beneficial to all, integrating electricity, heating,
cooling, transport, water, buildings, waste, wastewater, industry, forestry and agriculture systems. SDEWES Skopje
held a presentation with the title “Techno-economic, social and environmental assessment of biomass based district
heating in a bioenergy village”. Afterwards, the authors of the paper, Vasil Bozhikaliev, Ilija Sazdovski, Jens Adler and
Natasha Markovska, received an invitation for publication of the paper in the special volume of the Journal of
Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems dedicated to the same conference.

 Figure 6: Natasha Markovska (SDEWES-Skopje) at the 1st          Figure 7: Certificate of presentation of the
           LA SDEWES conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil                  conference paper “Techno-economic,
                                                                           social and environmental assessment
                                                                           of biomass based district heating in a
                                                                           bioenergy village” at the 1st LA SDEWES

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

March 2018 - Young Researchers conference at the World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED) 2018
The WSED is one of Europe’s largest annual events in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency. The event
takes place in Wels/Austria and attracts around 700 participants from all over the world. Ms. Shruti Athavale, an
energy expert from the Austrian Energy Agency (AEA), held a presentation on the implementation of regional
bioenergy villages in South-East Europe and the techno-economic assessment of bioenergy projects in the target
villages at the young researchers conference. The conference is part of the World Sustainable Energy Days and
represents a platform to present the work and achievements of young researchers in the fields of biomass and
energy efficiency as well as to offer a valuable opportunity to network with researchers and industry experts from
all over the world. During the Young Biomass Researchers Conference also Ms. Valerija Vrček Habazin, project leader
of the BioVill consortium partner REGEA, held a complementary presentation on the best practices related to the
implementation of a biomass district heating projects in Croatia.

 ©WSED 2018                              ©WSED 2018                              © Shruti Athavale/AEA 2018
Figure 8: BioVill project presentation by AEA at the Young Researchers conference at the World Sustainable Energy
                                                           Days 2018

March 2018 - Thematic workshop 2018
On 6th March 2018, the BioVill project was outlined in Brasov at the thematic workshop on „How to increase social
acceptance of bioenergy policies?”, which was jointly organized with the Regional Development Agency of Centru
Region. The event was attended by about 40 participants, among them were project partners of the Bio4Eco Interreg
Europe project, representatives of local authorities, and public institutions.

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

March 2018 - Regional Roundtable "Smart Villages"
At the beginning of March 2018, a regional roundtable "Smart Villages" was held in Litija, organized by the Mayor
Franci Rokavec and the European parliament member Franc Bogovič. Good and existing "smart" solutions for the
Slovenian rural areas were presented (including the BioVill project), presented by six representatives of companies
and institutions from the local and wider state space. "Smart Villages" is the current sub-theme of the broader The
European Network for Rural Development thematic work on “Smart and Competitive Rural Areas”. The Thematic
Group contributes to the EU Action for Smart Villages by enabling exchange on innovative ways of creating more
vibrant, sustainable and attractive rural areas and by exploring how the Rural Development Programmes, the EU's
Cohesion policy and other financing instruments can be best used to support this. European parliament member
Franc Bogovič (working on Regional Development and Agriculture and Rural Development) pointed out that Smart
Villages emphasize communities in the countryside who must live a quality life. In the future, this will also encourage
young people not to leave the rural areas, as it offers enough jobs and quality living.

                                              © Municipality Litija 2018
          Figure 9: BioVill project presentation by GIS at the Regional Roundtable "Smart Villages " 2018

April 2018 - EU4Energy Vienna Policy Forum on Bioenergy for Heat 2018
Officials and experts from 11 Eastern Europe and Central Asian countries such as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan have met in Vienna on
24th April 2018, to explore how bioenergy and the deployment of other renewables can progress. The EU
Horizon2020 project BioVill has been selected to present a best practice example in knowledge transfer and capacity
building on the implementation of the bioenergy village approach in South-Eastern European (SEE) countries. During
the discussion, it turned out, that most countries have high potentials to use biomass resources more effectively
but      still lack     the     necessary   capacities.     More      information     can   be     found     under

                                               © EU4Energy/IEA 2018
Figure 10: BioVill project presentation by AEA at the EU4Energy Vienna Policy Forum on Bioenergy for Heat 2018

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

April 2018 - Delegation from the Energy and Biomass Cluster from Republic of Moldova
On the 26th of April 2018, GEA organized a meeting at the County Council of Brasov for a delegation from the Energy
and Biomass Cluster from Republic of Moldova, representatives of the county administration, the city of Brasov, the
Regional Development Agency as well as one parliamentary deputy. The aim of the event was to share experience
in the field of bioenergy and outline objectives to be achieved, in approaches such as the BioVill project
implementation. At this occasion, GEA presented the BioVill project and the achievements in the target villages.

                                                    © GEA 2018
  Figure 11: Meeting at the County Council of Brasov for a delegation from the Energy and Biomass Cluster from
                                                 Republic of Moldova, 2018

June 2018 - Processing Conference 2018 and 3rd Renewable Energy Sources 2018 - Research and Business
SKGO made use of the opportunity to present the BioVill project and the concept of bioenergy villages to the national
and international scientific and academia audience at Processing Conference and 3rd Renewable Energy Sources -
Research and Business both in June 2018. In addition to the standard presentation, articles on the BioVill project
and the development in the Serbian pilot bioenergy village Kostojevici have been published in information materials
of both conferences.

September 2018 - 18th Professional Congress of Wood Energy
BioVill project partner KEA presented the results of the BioVill project on the 18th Professional Congress of Wood
Energy taking place on 27th – 28th of September 2018 in Würzburg, Germany. The annual congress is a platform of
engineers, consultants, politicians and service providers who are discussing current problems, developments and
strategies in the field of biomass. The “Fachverband Holzenergie” organized the event. KEA’s presentation was
embedded in the Forum 1 “Supply of Resources” on the first day of the conference. The audience was very
interested in the implementation of the BioVill project, in learning more about the situation of the biomass sector
in South East Europe in general and about the challenges that emerge in the context of preparing and establishing
bioenergy villages in the five BioVill target countries.

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

October 2018 - 17th Edition of the “Smart and sustainable communities Academy”
The Hungarian Youth Council (MIERT) organized on 20th October 2018 in Oradea, Romania, the 17th Edition of the
“Smart and sustainable communities Academy”. The BioVill project was selected to be awarded with the “Innovator”
award, for the most innovative project in the field of smart and sustainable communities, implemented in the two
selected target villages from Romania, Estelic and Ghelinta. The event was attended by high ranking politicians and
representatives of local public administration, e.g. the State Councillor Laszlo Borbély and the President of the
Sustainable Development Department in Romania.

                                                    © GEA 2018
             Figure 12: The BioVill project receiving the "Innovator Award 2018” by MIERT, Romania

November 2018 - Joint Hungarian Cluster Conference 2018
The BioVill project was presented at the Joint Hungarian Cluster Conference, held in November 2018 in Oradea (RO)
and Debrecen (HU), where a GEA representative, Mr. Lajos Vajda, highlighted the achievements of the BioVill project
as well as the ongoing efforts of promoting the bioenergy village concept in rural areas. The event was attended by
cluster organisations and representatives of Hungarian and Romanian authorities.

                                                  © Clustero 2018
          Figure 13: BioVill project presentation by GEA at the Joint Hungarian Cluster Conference 2018

January 2019 - 3rd Bioenergy market uptake projects Contractors' workshop
On 24th January 2019, Mr. Martin Höher (AEA) presented the current results and the status of the BioVill
implementation to other EU H2020 projects e.g. BioEnergyTrain, BiogasAction or FORBIO also focussing on the
bioenergy market uptake. The major aim of the workshop was to discuss lessons learnt, identify potential synergies
and agree on joint actions.

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

January 2019 - Expert consultation: Insufficient small wood biomass boilers, improper burning and air pollution
This important event, which was attended by national political decision makers, took place in January 2019. GIS
introduced the BioVill project and the importance of a quality living environment, with an emphasis on the use of
high-quality renewable energy sources and the establishment of energy self-sufficiency in Slovenia. The programme
was organized by the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia – Chimneysweepers Section and was attended
by representatives of the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning and the Inspectorate of the Republic of
Slovenia for the Environment and Spatial Planning.

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

4. Conclusions

Public participation, continuous dissemination of relevant information and capacity building were key elements of
the BioVill project. Thus, it can be concluded that the success of the BioVill project also results to a great extend
from the strong focus on communication and dissemination activities carried out by the project partners. More than
19,800 people were directly reached by the above outlined presentations to national, EU-wide and international
network events and programs. Further, about 30 villages in the target countries with a population of almost 100,000
peoples have expressed their interest to follow the BioVill concept of implementing the bioenergy village approach
after being trained and informed in the frame of the projects’ outreach activities. Another key element was the
continuous dissemination of the project concept and communication of the bioenergy village idea to a broad
audience, reaching from local, national and international political level and local decision makers, to the scientific
community, the energy clusters, investors, local citizens and the general public. With 85 project presentations to a
national and international audience in 16 countries, the BioVill project has contributed to the market uptake of
sustainable energies in the EU and the South-Eastern European region.

BioVill – D7.5 Presentation to National and European Networks and Programmes

5. Annex

   1.   BioVill standard presentation Vol. 1
   2.   BioVill standard presentation Vol. 2
   3.   BioVill standard presentation Vol. 3

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