Normalisation and Realignment in the Middle East

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Normalisation and Realignment in the Middle East
NO. 45 JULY 2021           Introduction

Normalisation and Realignment
in the Middle East
A New, Conflict-Prone Regional Order Takes Shape
Muriel Asseburg and Sarah Ch. Henkel

Between 2020 and 2021, Israel concluded normalisation agreements with four Arab
states. They were celebrated internationally as a breakthrough. Meanwhile, since
2018, and largely unnoticed by the public, Arab states have started repairing their
relations with Syria. Finally, in January 2021, Egypt, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the
United Arab Emirates (UAE) ended their boycott of Qatar during the meeting of
the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in Al-Ula, Saudi Arabia. Changing assessments
of the regional security situation and converging interests have enabled these rap-
prochements. However, these developments do not mean that the region is moving
towards peace and stability; on the contrary, long-lasting conflicts remain unresolved
and the threat perceptions of third actors are being exacerbated. Germany and its
partners in the EU should avoid being co-opted by local and regional conflicting par-
ties and should instead focus on supporting regional conflict management.

Several rapprochements are currently          their relations by signing the so-called
taking place between countries in the con-    Abraham Accords. Israel also concluded
flict-torn Middle East. They are decisively   agreements with Morocco and Sudan on
driven by the Arab Gulf States, especially    22 December 2020 and 6 January 2021,
the UAE, and are largely a symptom of the     respectively. All four agreements stipulate
regional power shifts emerging from the       mutual recognition and the establishment
so-called Arab Spring. Another contributing   of diplomatic relations.
factor can be seen in the fickle nature of       However, the depth of the relationships
the US’s Middle East policy as its focus      envisaged in the individual agreements
increasingly shifts away from the region.     varies significantly. Israel’s agreements
                                              with the UAE, Bahrain and Morocco build
                                              upon the Israeli-Arab normalisation of the
Israeli-Arab Normalisation                    1990s, which was made possible by the Oslo
                                              peace process between Israel and the Pales-
On 15 September 2020, Israel and the UAE,     tine Liberation Organization (PLO). At the
as well as Bahrain, agreed to normalise       time, this rapprochement facilitated trade
and tourism between Israel and a number          campaigns, and specific national interests
                 of Gulf and Maghreb states, albeit to            that played the most prominent roles.
                 varying degrees, and enabled the establish-         US President Trump sought to distinguish
                 ment of bilateral diplomatic or trade repre-     himself as a peacemaker in the Middle East,
                 sentations. Yet, these relations suffered        especially after his so-called “deal of the
                 massive setbacks as a result of the Second       century” to settle the Israeli-Palestinian
                 Intifada from 2000 to 2005.                      conflict remained unsuccessful after being
                    Today’s rapprochements with the three         put forward in January 2020. He also in-
                 states were possible because none of them        tended to mobilise regional support for his
                 had bilateral conflicts with Israel; nor had     maximum pressure campaign against Iran
                 any of them ever been significantly in-          and to strengthen the US economy through
                 volved in wars with Israel. Israel and the       arms deals.
                 UAE had already developed close intelli-            Israel prioritised closing the ranks against
                 gence, military and civilian ties in recent      Iran, while also seeking to establish a new
                 years. With the agreement, these arrange-        paradigm in which the Palestinian leader-
                 ments are now official, and attempts will        ship would no longer have veto power
                 be made to deepen and expand them to             over Israel’s regional relations. In addition,
                 include a societal dimension. In view of the     Israel sought to broaden its economic rela-
                 previous ties, these accords hardly qualify      tions and expand its presence in the Horn
                 as “peace agreements” – as framed by             of Africa. The US’s arms deliveries to Arab
                 then-US President Donald Trump – but             states were offset by its commitments to
                 rather a “coming out”.                           maintaining Israel’s qualitative military
                    The agreement between Israel and Sudan        edge.
                 should be judged differently, as the two            The UAE was primarily interested in
                 countries had been in a state of war up          accessing modern weapons systems and
                 until that point. Sudanese contingents           establishing a long-term bond with the US
                 fought in wars against Israel, and under         through extensive arms cooperation. The
                 Omar al-Bashir (1989–2019), Khartoum             Trump administration promised the UAE
                 maintained close relations with opponents        50 F35 fighter jets and 18 reaper drones for
                 of Israel, especially Iran and Hamas. Israel     their normalisation with Israel. In mid-
                 had repeatedly attacked convoys in Sudan         January 2021, it also designated the UAE
                 that were transporting weapons to Hamas.         and Bahrain as major US security partners.
                 This agreement, therefore, is in fact a          In addition, the UAE was interested in
                 “peace agreement”, albeit still awaiting         improving its reputation following its con-
                 implementation.                                  troversial involvement in the Yemen war.
                                                                  Further, Abu Dhabi sought to diversify its
                 Transactional Agreements                         economy and develop the country into a
                                                                  technology hub. The agreement between
                 The recent normalisations comprise prime         Israel and Bahrain, on the other hand, was
                 examples of transactional agreements. The        not so much the result of specific Bahraini
                 Trump administration played a crucial            interests as it was a signal of Saudi support
                 mediating role in their conclusion, placing      for closer cooperation between Bahrain and
                 Sudan under massive pressure and offering        Israel, seeing that Manama has hardly any
                 the UAE and Morocco additional incentives        independent decision-making capacity vis-à-
                 to sweeten the deal. After all, for all actors   vis Riyadh.
                 involved, interests, not the settlement of          Sudan, under de facto President Abdelfat-
                 conflict, took centre stage. Apart from the      tah al-Burhan, had motives for the agree-
                 convergence of the threat perceptions of         ment that actually bore no relation to
                 Israel and the Arab states, it was the per-      Israel at all. Rather, Washington had made
                 sonal motives of Trump and Netanyahu,            Sudan’s removal from its terror list and
                 who were both in the middle of election          immunisation against lawsuits brought by

SWP Comment 45
July 2021

terror victims conditional upon Khartoum’s         In this vein, the Arab “normalisers” can-
normalisation of relations with Israel. This   not be expected to exert significant pressure
was crucial for the leadership in Khartoum,    on Israel to settle the Israeli-Palestinian
because it not only paved the way for the      conflict or Israel’s bilateral conflicts with
receipt of US developmental aid, but also      Syria and Lebanon. On the contrary, the
helped Sudan rid itself of the tarnished im-   UAE is even falling behind European posi-
age that had been left behind by the Bashir    tions on the matter, for example by failing
regime, thereby allowing it to regain access   to differentiate between Israel proper and
to international loans.                        Israeli settlements in occupied or annexed
   Morocco was incentivised by US recogni-     territories. Emirati companies have even
tion of Moroccan sovereignty over Western      concluded agreements with companies
Sahara and the promise that negotiations       active in Israeli settlements. While Morocco
on a settlement of the conflict there would    criticises Israel’s actions, including those
take place on the basis of Morocco’s autono-   that endanger the status quo on the Temple
my plan. As a result, not only the US, but     Mount/Haram al-Sharif, it is unlikely to
also the UAE, Bahrain and Jordan opened        use its political capital to actively counter
consulates in Western Sahara. In addition,     Israel’s occupation and annexation policies.
the US promised to supply Morocco with             The Trump administration’s stance,
drones and other precision weapons, as         the Israeli-Moroccan agreement and the
well as extensive aid and investment.          growing recognition of Moroccan sovereign-
                                               ty over Western Sahara have also led to
Problematic Side Effects                       both a hardening of Morocco’s position on
                                               the Western Sahara issue and to increasing
As a result of the agreement between Israel    tensions between Morocco and Algeria.
and the UAE, a large number of cooperative     Algiers feels threatened by the (potential)
ventures have since been agreed upon, not      expansion of Israeli-Moroccan cooperation
only at the state level, but also between      and sees itself as even more isolated in the
private and civil society actors. Thus, for    region, especially due to its support for the
the first time, a “warm peace” is emerging;    Polisario.
already, Israel’s relations with the UAE           Beyond these direct effects, three factors
have clearly outpaced those with Egypt and     in particular are likely to exacerbate con-
Jordan. Israel’s existence is not only being   flict in the region. First, the Trump admin-
recognised as a reality, the country is also   istration undermined principles of inter-
increasingly accepted as a partner and a       national law – above all the prohibition of
part of the region.                            the acquisition of territory by force – and
   However, this shift should not be con-      this is made abundantly clear in its prom-
fused with progress towards a settlement of    ises to Israel and Morocco. The second fac-
the conflicts between Israel and its neigh-    tor is the intensification of Tehran’s threat
bours. In the context of the agreements,       perception as it fears “strategic encircle-
Israel did commit to the Gulf States and the   ment”. The US’s commitments to deliver
US not to carry out the formal annexation      arms could thus trigger a new arms race in
of parts of the West Bank that it had an-      the region and prompt Iran to work to
nounced in May 2020. However, the              secure its strategic depth by expanding its
Abraham Accords make reference to the          network of (violent) non-state actors. Third,
Trump plan, thus legitimising the Israeli      Israel’s intelligence and IT cooperation with
right’s claim to parts of the West Bank as     authoritarian states in the region threatens
well as permanent, overarching Israeli         to further restrict the scope of action of
control over Israel and the occupied Pales-    opposition and civil society actors in these
tinian territories. They make no mention       states rather than promoting more inclusive
of a Palestinian state or concrete steps to    political systems. As recent reports about
resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.      the Israeli NSO Group’s spyware “Pegasus”

                                                                                                SWP Comment 45
                                                                                                      July 2021

confirm, the UAE’s leadership features as       Authoritarian Consolidation
                 one of the malware’s clients, employing it
                 for the surveillance of journalists, human      Nothing has changed with regard to the
                 rights activists, and even members of the       reasoning behind Syria’s original exclusion
                 Emirates’ royal families.                       from the Arab League, namely its massive
                                                                 human rights violations and alleged war
                                                                 crimes. Nonetheless, Arab states now assess
                 Rapprochement of Arab States                    the situation differently in light of various
                 with Syria                                      developments, including the military defeat
                                                                 of the Syrian opposition, the increased in-
                 Since the end of 2018, several Arab states      fluence of non-Arab powers in Syria, and
                 have gradually been normalising their           the devastating regional destabilisation
                 relations with Damascus. In the beginning       emanating from the Syrian conflict and the
                 of the Syrian civil war in 2011, a majority     Covid-19 pandemic. This shifting percep-
                 of Arab leaders condemned Assad’s actions       tion was also contributed to by the realisa-
                 against his own population and suspended        tion that, at least since Russia’s interven-
                 Syria’s membership in the Arab League.          tion in 2015, the US and the EU, despite
                 Some Arab Gulf States (above all Qatar and      their initial mobilisation against the Assad
                 Saudi Arabia) supported the Syrian oppo-        regime, were no longer seeking regime
                 sition and rebel groups. Yet at no point        change in Damascus. As a result, the Arab
                 during the civil war was Syria wholly iso-      Gulf States in particular favoured a rever-
                 lated in the region. Egypt, Algeria, Iraq,      sion to authoritarian consolidation across
                 Jordan, Lebanon and Oman never complete-        the region, including in Syria.
                 ly severed ties with Damascus. The UAE              The UAE justified its rapprochement with
                 maintained both economic and diplomatic         Damascus in December 2018 by highlight-
                 channels with Damascus and harboured            ing the necessity to push back the influence
                 several members of the Assad family.            of Iran and Turkey in Syria and to strength-
                    The UAE and Bahrain set Syria’s rehabili-    en the Sunni Arab presence there. Both Iran
                 tation into motion by reopening their em-       and Turkey militarily intervened indirectly
                 bassies in Damascus in December 2018. In        and directly on different sides in the con-
                 the run-up to the Arab League meeting in        flict early on. Initiated by Russia in 2017,
                 March 2019, other Arab states, including        the Astana Process saw Tehran and Ankara
                 Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon and Tunisia,      assume official roles in the management of
                 (unsuccessfully) lobbied for Syria’s readmis-   the Syrian conflict. Since then, their pres-
                 sion to the organisation. At that point, only   ence, or that of the militias they support,
                 Qatar and Saudi Arabia explicitly rejected      has been consolidated in various parts of
                 Syria’s return. US and EU pressure was most     the country. Indeed, Turkey has even
                 likely the main impediment to Syria’s re-       administratively incorporated enclaves in
                 admission.                                      northern Syria. For Abu Dhabi, the prospect
                    In October 2020, Oman reinstated its         of profiting from investment opportunities
                 ambassador to Damascus. In December             in the reconstruction of the war-torn coun-
                 2020, high-ranking representatives of the       try also plays a role. Before 2011, the UAE
                 Syrian regime met with Israeli security         was the second largest Arab investor in
                 officials at the Russian military base          Syria after Saudi Arabia, primarily in the
                 Hmeimim. Finally, in early May 2021, a          real estate and transportation sectors.
                 Saudi delegation led by intelligence chief      Since 2018, Abu Dhabi has been showing
                 General Khaled Humaidan visited Damas-          increased interest in investing in luxury
                 cus. Both meetings are said to have             projects such as Marota City.
                 discussed the conditions for a regional             For Syria’s neighbours, it is above all
                 rehabilitation of the Assad regime.             economic interests that compel them to
                                                                 open up to Damascus. Jordan and Lebanon,

SWP Comment 45
July 2021

which have been severely impacted and             to reduce Iran’s footprint in Syria, this
destabilised by the civil war in Syria, seek to   would probably lead to a renewed flare-up
revive cross-border trade and profit by way       of armed conflict in areas controlled by the
of Syrian reconstruction. The Jordanian           regime, thus making the stabilisation of
leadership also fears the transnational           Syria even more difficult.
mobilisation of jihadist groups and is there-        Arab normalisation of relations with
fore interested in stabilising Syria and deep-    Damascus goes hand in hand with a de
ening its security cooperation with Damas-        facto recognition of Russia as the new
cus. Further, the interest in a swift repatria-   dominant foreign power in the Middle East,
tion of the more than 1.5 million Syrian          which means a further weakening of West-
refugees hosted by Jordan and Lebanon             ern influence. Last but not least, the reha-
plays a central role in their respective rap-     bilitation of Assad fits into the pattern of
prochements with the country.                     authoritarian restoration that can be ob-
   The decisive obstacles for the Arab            served in many other parts of the region.
leaders’ reengagement with Damascus are           Assad’s staying power and the regime’s self-
therefore political pressure from Washing-        presentation as a secular bulwark against
ton and Brussels, and US sanctions. Besides       religious extremism are not only seen as
the punitive measures levied against Presi-       constitutive of a model to be emulated by
dent Assad and his extended entourage,            some rulers in the region, but they have
the US sanction regime includes sectoral          also increasingly made an impression
sanctions that may also be applied to third       internationally.
country nationals who cooperate with                 Syria’s return to the Arab League could
Syria’s financial institutions, oil and natu-     thus also serve as a springboard for the
ral gas industries, and construction com-         country’s leadership to reintegrate into the
panies.                                           world community without any changes
                                                  in behaviour or reform. In any case, the
Assad’s Rehabilitation                            international rehabilitation of the Assad
                                                  regime is incrementally progressing. This
By gradually normalising their relations          dynamic undermines the UN-led Geneva
with Syria, Arab countries confer renewed         process, in which the parties to the conflict
regional legitimacy on the Assad regime.          are negotiating a political settlement. Yet,
Behavioural changes in terms of respect for       that route is largely deadlocked anyway,
human rights, rule of law, inclusion and          and offers little prospect of success in view
good governance, let alone a political tran-      of the military balance of power and the
sition and a power-sharing arrangement as         Astana Process.
envisaged in UN Security Council Resolu-
tion 2254 of 2015, are no longer part of the
discussion when it comes to Syria’s return        End of the Qatar Blockade
to the Arab League. As a result, the Syrian
population will continue to suffer massive        In January 2021, Saudi Arabia, the UAE,
repression. The majority of displaced Syr-        Bahrain and Egypt ended their boycott of
ians residing in neighbouring countries           Qatar after nearly four years. In June 2017,
will likely be forced to return home in the       this so-called quartet had suspended diplo-
medium-term, even if neither their safety         matic relations with Doha and imposed an
nor livelihoods are guaranteed.                   air, land and sea blockade on the country.
   Limiting Iran’s influence in Syria and         They demanded, among other things, that
expelling Tehran-backed militias has now          Qatar restrict its relations with Iran, close
become the Arab Gulf States’ most pressing        the Turkish military base that was recently
priority. Yet, President Assad depends on         established in Doha and stop supporting
these militias to maintain his claim to           the Muslim Brotherhood.
power. Should the Arab states in fact try

                                                                                                  SWP Comment 45
                                                                                                        July 2021

Already in 2014, Qatar’s divergent for-        Iran in the four capitals combined with the
                 eign and security policy priorities had led to    realisation that Doha was (inevitably) co-
                 a serious rift with Saudi Arabia, the UAE         operating more closely with Ankara and
                 and Bahrain. Doha saw the Arab uprisings          Tehran due to the boycott, contributed to
                 that began in 2011 as an opportunity to           the quartet’s willingness to overlook Doha’s
                 strengthen both its regional position as well     deviating foreign policy in favour of closing
                 as groups that it favoured. To this end, it       the ranks.
                 supported, among others, the Muslim                   Third, although less significant, the
                 Brotherhood and its local offshoots. The          lifting of the boycott offered the prospect of
                 leaderships in Abu Dhabi, Cairo, Manama           economic recovery. March 2020’s drop in
                 and Riyadh, on the other hand, soon re-           oil prices on the international market as
                 garded the uprisings, and especially the          well as the decline in global demand for oil
                 Muslim Brotherhood’s role therein, as an          due to the Covid-19 pandemic, resulted in
                 existential threat, and reverted to authori-      significant losses for the Gulf States. The
                 tarian restoration. Although the dispute          end of the embargo allowed for the revital-
                 ended in November 2014 with the signing           isation of cross-border trade, mutual invest-
                 of the “Riyadh Document”, divergence              ment and open air travel. The fact that the
                 remained. Again, in January 2021, the four        boycott forced Qatar to diversify its econo-
                 countries lifted the embargo on Qatar even        my has ironically made it a more attractive
                 though Doha had not met any of their              business partner for the other Gulf States.
                 thirteen demands.                                 This also provides an opportunity for the
                                                                   deeper integration of their economies.
                 Motives for Closing Ranks
                                                                   Limited Reconciliation
                 There were three main reasons for this dé-
                 tente. First, the lifting of the boycott, which   Still, the persistence of ideological diver-
                 was primarily initiated by Saudi Arabia,          gences and conflicts of interest is likely to
                 represented a concession to the new US            continue to cause tension among the GCC
                 administration. The Saudi royal family            states as well as between Qatar and Egypt.
                 sought to improve its reputation and bilat-       Despite reconciliation, the GCC is still far
                 eral relations vis-à-vis the US in this way.      from being an effective regional organisa-
                 During his presidential campaign, Joe Biden       tion, let alone a defensive alliance.
                 had already announced that he would with-
                 draw all support for Saudi Arabia’s war in
                 Yemen and fundamentally reassess rela-            Conflict-prone New Order
                 tions with the Gulf monarchy. This also
                 came against the backdrop of the killing of       The described normalisation processes and
                 journalist Jamal Khashoggi in October 2018,       rapprochements reflect the power shifts of
                 which was presumably ordered by Saudi             the last decade. They can be explained by
                 Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.                 countries’ changing assessments of the
                    Second, by lifting the embargo, the quar-      regional security situation, shared threat
                 tet intended to integrate Qatar more strong-      perceptions and converging interests –
                 ly into its “Sunni-Arab alliance” and thus        especially, but not exclusively, of the Arab
                 pull it away from the sphere of Iranian and       Gulf States and Israel.
                 Turkish influence. As the Biden administra-          The power shifts are primarily character-
                 tion sought to return to the 2015 Joint           ised by the rise of the small Gulf States, first
                 Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) or to        and foremost the UAE, as the engines of
                 negotiate a new nuclear deal with Iran, the       regional development. They emerged invig-
                 quartet feared a strengthening of Tehran          orated from the geostrategic disruptions
                 which (in their eyes) necessitated defensive      caused by the Arab Spring, while traditional
                 action. The heightened threat perception of       regional powers (Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Saudi

SWP Comment 45
July 2021

Arabia and Syria) lost stability and impor-        espousing political Islam. They see this
tance. At the same time, the partial with-         support as a challenge to the governance
drawal of the US as the formerly dominant          models of the Gulf monarchies and Egypt
foreign power in the region widened the            alike.
room for manoeuvre of emerging regional               Israel, Egypt and the Gulf States share
powers and non-state actors. It also offered       the security-motivated interest in tying the
Russia the opportunity to significantly            US to the region in the long-term. They are
expand its military presence in the Middle         also eager to promote economic recovery
East and Mediterranean region. Russia was          after Covid-19. The Arab Gulf States, in
therefore able to establish itself as an un-       turn, seek to (further) diversify their econ-
avoidable actor with limited power to shape        omies.
but great power to prevent.
   Another element of the new reality is
that Russia, Iran, the UAE and Turkey de-          Policy Recommendations for
ploy mercenaries and support militias as a         Germany and the EU
way of exerting their influence. In doing so,
they undermine state structures and spon-          A new, conflict-prone regional order is
sor a pool of fighters with different ideo-        taking shape in the Middle East. The rap-
logical orientations; a situation that is likely   prochements are first and foremost advan-
to destabilise the region in the long-term,        tageous for those states and leaders directly
even beyond the current conflict arenas.           involved. Only the normalisation of rela-
   The leaders’ assessments of regional security   tions between Israel and the UAE brings
dynamics have changed in that authoritarian        forth tangible effects for the respective
restoration following the Arab uprisings           populations in the sense of a “warm peace”.
can now be considered successful in much           Still, the rapprochements do not offer any
of the region, whereas regime change in            entry points for the settlement of long-
Syria is no longer considered realistic. Inter-    lasting inter- or intra-state conflicts or for
nationally, too, this authoritarian restora-       dealing with the socio-political causes of
tion is now increasingly accepted as with-         the Arab uprisings and their destabilising
out alternative. What is more, the Pales-          effects, for instance on Lebanon. On the
tinian question has lost further relevance         contrary, in third countries (such as Algeria
for the Arab states, not least because their       and Iran) they even intensify prevalent
threat perceptions have changed and their          threat perceptions.
interests have converged with those of                The potential for Germany and its part-
Israel.                                            ners in the EU to actively shape the trajec-
   The prevailing threat perception in Israel      tories of developments in their southern
and the Arab Gulf States, shared by leaders        neighbourhood is quite limited in view of
in Egypt and Morocco, is that Iran is ex-          the dynamics analysed. Moreover, the more
panding its influence in the Middle East           the policies and priorities of EU member
and the Mediterranean. Iranian attacks on          states diverge, the less influence they can
oil tankers in spring 2019, and drone and          exert. It is therefore crucial that Europeans
missile attacks on Saudi oil facilities exe-       come together on issues of principle. Euro-
cuted by Tehran-backed Yemeni Huthi                peans should avoid being dragged into
rebels in September, painfully revealed            regional rivalries and refrain from engaging
Riyadh and Abu Dhabi’s vulnerability.              in one-sided partisanship with conflicting
Additionally, the Huthis in Yemen scored           parties in the region. Further, Germany, the
military successes. The aforementioned             EU and its member states should not fuel
leaders also feel threatened by Turkey’s           armed conflicts by, for example, supplying
geostrategic claims in the region, Ankara’s        weapons to conflicting parties such as Saudi
increasingly interventionist policy in the         Arabia or the UAE.
Mediterranean and its support for groups

                                                                                                    SWP Comment 45
                                                                                                          July 2021

The EU and its member states will only
                                 be able to play a mediating role if they take
                                 into account the interests and threat per-
                                 ceptions of all relevant actors. This is all the
                                 more important when establishing or sup-
                                 porting new formats for cooperation. The
                                 East Mediterranean Gas Forum, for exam-
                                 ple, which brings together Egypt, France,
                                 Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, the Palestinian
                                 Authority and Cyprus (with the EU and US
© Stiftung Wissenschaft          as observers), is perceived by Turkey as
und Politik, 2021                an exclusive club. Consequently, since its
All rights reserved              inception in 2019, it has increased, not
                                 decreased, tensions in the Mediterranean.
This Comment reflects
                                 In this context, it is paramount to support
the authors’ views.
                                 the current approaches to resuming dia-
The online version of            logue between Ankara, Athens and Nicosia,
this publication contains        as well as between Ankara and Cairo
functioning links to other       through mediation.
SWP texts and other relevant
                                    While exchanging with the states of the
                                 Gulf Cooperation Council, the EU should
SWP Comments are subject         adequately consider the increased influence
to internal peer review, fact-   of the Arab Gulf States. This would mean,
checking and copy-editing.       among other things, not limiting itself to
For further information on       trade relations, but expanding the exchange
our quality control pro-
                                 to issues of regional order and security. This
cedures, please visit the SWP
website: https://www.swp-        should also include a dialogue that accom-         panies the negotiations on a new nuclear
quality-management-for-          agreement with Iran with the aim of pro-
swp-publications/                moting regional understanding and re-
                                 ducing perceived threats. A starting point
Stiftung Wissenschaft und
                                 for addressing the Saudi-Iranian hegemonic
Politik                          conflict could be the track-two talks which
German Institute for             the two states have been holding for some
International and                time. Another important topic should be
Security Affairs                 Syria. Here, the EU and its member states
                                 should focus their efforts primarily on
Ludwigkirchplatz 3–4
10719 Berlin                     improving the humanitarian situation and
Telephone +49 30 880 07-0        the enduring stabilisation of Syria instead
Fax +49 30 880 07-100            of concentrating on preventing Arab states’               rehabilitation of the country. Last but not
                                 least, the EU and its member states should
ISSN (Print) 1861-1761
                                 discuss with the states of the GCC how the
ISSN (Online) 2747-5107          normalisation agreements with Israel can
doi: 10.18449/2021C45            be conducive to constructively dealing with
                                 the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
(English version of
SWP-Aktuell 50/2021)

                                 Dr. Muriel Asseburg is a Senior Fellow in the Africa and Middle East Research Division at SWP.
                                 Sarah Charlotte Henkel is a Programme Manager at the SWP’s Brussels Office.

       SWP Comment 45
       July 2021

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