The Reference in Air Curtain Technology - TEDDINGTON - TEDDINGTON AIR CURTAIN SYSTEMS

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The Reference in Air Curtain Technology - TEDDINGTON - TEDDINGTON AIR CURTAIN SYSTEMS


         The Reference in
     Air Curtain Technology.

The Reference in Air Curtain Technology - TEDDINGTON - TEDDINGTON AIR CURTAIN SYSTEMS
TEDDINGTON What is Air Curtain Technology?

    It's definitely more than only hot air.
                                           Air curtains, castles in the air, hot air …
                                           What are air curtain systems used for?
                                           We all know the physical effects         The first air curtain systems used
                                           of hot air: “Hot air rises” – a law of   warm rising air at the permanently
                                           nature which is effectively used         open doors of department stores in
                                           primarily by balloonists or glider       the 1960s. In this respect you may be
                                           pilots.                                  reminded of the famous picture of
                                                                                    Marilyn Monroe standing over an air
                                           However, this effect is not only
                                                                                    shaft of Manhattan’s underground.
                                           beneficial. It causes a loss of warmth
                                           when doors are left open. These          The aim of the new technology at the
                                           unpleasant consequences of thermal       time was to protect the sales area
                                           currents as well as the cold air inlet   against cold air. Air curtain systems
                                           are countered by our air curtain         are still used for the same purpose
                                           systems.                                 today – among other things. Only the
                                           The benefits for you: Distinctly lower    air guide system as such has been
                                           energy costs and higher comfort.         adapted to the technical progress.
                                                                                    Today, the curtain is operated more
                                                                                    comfortably from top to bottom.
                                                                                    We are in the vanguard of progress
                                                                                    with respect to the air curtain
                                                                                    principle. Or rather, we have taken
                                                                                    the lead, and have opened up many
                                                                                    new applications.
                                                                                    Almost everywhere, where
                                                                                    differently conditioned air meets,
                                                                                    the systems produced by Teddington
                                                                                    offer economical and aesthetically
                                                                                    attractive solutions for more
                                                                                    comfort – and that in well-nigh
                                                                                    innumerable fields of applications.

           Warm air rises. Balloonists use this principle
           of thermal currents to rise into the skies.

           We act against the laws of thermal currents
           in order to reduce your costs of energy.

The Reference in Air Curtain Technology - TEDDINGTON - TEDDINGTON AIR CURTAIN SYSTEMS
The Reference in Air Curtain Technology - TEDDINGTON - TEDDINGTON AIR CURTAIN SYSTEMS
TEDDINGTON Function of Air Curtain Systems.

    It's no trick, it's only physics.
    The functional principle of air curtain systems:
    In each highly frequented building,        In the process volume flow, velocity,     Integrated energy saving.
    physics takes upon itself to ensure a      temperature and impulse have to          Air curtain systems contribute
    proper compensation of air masses.         correspond to the value of the entry     considerable to saving energy
                                               of cold air.                             costs. Even up to 80% with our
    What has been expensive to heat up,
                                                                                        patented EVOLVENT® system.
    now disappears through doors and           The air curtain jet stream R consists
    gates.                                     of the horizontal and vertical           Integrated sales psychology.
                                               components required.                     In a shop with just the right
    It is the task of the air curtain system
                                                                                        temperature without unpleasant
    to counter the unpleasant entry of         We have taken the principle of the air
                                                                                        draught, the customers are distinctly
    cold air K in the entrance area with a     curtain technology one step further.
                                                                                        more willing to stay and the
    counter current H.                         Quite some astonishing things have
                                                                                        inclination to buy something
                                               cropped up:
                                                                                        Integrated environmental
                                                                                        The energy savings of the operator
                                                                                        also result in a lower production of
                                                                                        energy required in the end, which is
                                                                                        good for the environment.
                                                                                        Integrated good climate.
                                                                                        Unpleasant smells or dust
                                                                                        developments, for example, can
                                                                                        be shielded in industry. Moreover,
                                                                                        the sick list of the staff members
                                                                                        is significantly reduced, if an air
                                                                                        curtain system is installed, because
                                                                                        the systems ensure a permanently
                                                                                        good climate.


            K                                                                           The EVOLVENT® air curtain system
                                                                                        produced by Teddington controls exactly
                                                                                        the blow-out angle ␣ , the volume current
                                                                                        R and the velocity V , thus producing
                                                                                        counter force H as a counter impulse to the
                                                                                        cold air inlet K.

The Reference in Air Curtain Technology - TEDDINGTON - TEDDINGTON AIR CURTAIN SYSTEMS
An air curtain system from a scientific point of view.
Within the framework of a diploma       The graphics of the temperature
thesis written at the Department of     differences in particular render clear
Technical Building Equipment, Plants,   the precise screening of the plant.
Energy and Machine Systems of the
                                        By means of a company testing
University of Applied Science of
                                        chamber (right), the systems
Cologne, the mechanisms of an air
                                        newly developed by Teddington
curtain system was scientifically
                                        are tested thoroughly and
examined in a testing chamber
                                        important experience is gathered
in 2007.
                                        for the layout of air curtain systems.
The drawings show the cross section
of the testing chamber. The course of
temperature as well as the course of
the air velocity are shown when the
system is in operation.

                                                                                 Left: The thermographic chart of the
                                                                                 testing chamber reveals clearly the
                                                                                 effective screening of the cold air (blue).

                                                                                 The temperature curves (top) also
                                                                                 substantiate the effectiveness of
                                                                                 the air curtain system.

                                                                                 Left: Chart of the course of air velocity
                                                                                 in metres per second.

                                                                                 Top: Diagram of the air velocity vectors.

The Reference in Air Curtain Technology - TEDDINGTON - TEDDINGTON AIR CURTAIN SYSTEMS
TEDDINGTON Lead by Innovation.

    The nozzle makes the difference.
                             In the 18th century, Giovanni Battista     In the EVOLVENT® system, the air
                             Venturi discovered that the velocity       current is compressed in the pressure
                             of flow in a pipe is highest where the      chamber and is equally spread across
                             pipe is narrowest. Presumably, he did      the entire blow-out width by the
    Pressure-chamber         not even suspect at the time which         nozzle. By means of the concave
    nozzle system            benefit this observation would have         nozzle cheeks, the air current is
                             some time later.                           accelerated to such an extent that a
    Patent No. DE4415079C2                                              concentrated low-eddy air curtain is
                             Today, we find this so-called “Venturi
                                                                        produced with a high penetration
                             principle” in many technical fields –
                             from vacuum technology and vehicle
                             carburettors to comfortable wine           By turning the nozzle, the blow-out
                             decanters.                                 direction can be set precisely.
                                                                        Compared with a conventional
                             In 1994, we adapted this principle to
                                                                        system, distinctly less air is required
                             the air curtain technology and made
                                                                        and thus less energy.
                             it usable for you.
                                                                        Given the same screening
                             Something genius will                      performance, EVOLVENT® saves up
                             always be state of the                     to 40% of energy compared to
                                                                        conventional air curtain systems.
                             Our patented pressure-chamber              Given today’s energy prices and
                             nozzle system EVOLVENT® utilises           their foreseeable increases, this is
                             the Venturi principle and is far           a decisive advantage.
                             superior to conventional systems           The energy-saving pressure-chamber
                             with air guide ducting by means            nozzle system is available only in the
                             of lamella.                                air curtain systems manufactured by

                                                                        Grazie, Signore Venturi.

                             EVOLVENT® nozzle has been fitted in the     The secret of EVOLVENT®. The air current
                             Teddington systems in such a way that      is compressed which is then bundled and
                             they can be adjusted very precisely. The   accelerated by the nozzle. A turbulence-
                             blow-out angle can be aligned exactly      free uniform air curtain is produced with
                             to achieve a perfect screening effect.     a high screening effect.

The Reference in Air Curtain Technology - TEDDINGTON - TEDDINGTON AIR CURTAIN SYSTEMS
through the centre of the room (°Celsius).
Course of air temperature on average

                                             In the diploma thesis quoted beforehand,
                                             a direct comparison was carried out
                                             in the testing chamber between a
                                             conventional unit with lamella systems
through the centre of the room (°Celsius).

                                             and a unit with EVOLVENT® nozzle.
Course of air temperature on average

                                             The respective temperature comparison
                                             shows clearly that the air barrel of the
                                             lamella system is pushed from outside
                                             to inside by the air current in the lower
                                             section (top illustration). The air barrel of
                                             the nozzle system remains stable right to
                                             the bottom (bottom illustration). In order
                                             to stabilise the air barrel of the lamella
                                             system in such a way that the same
                                             screening effect as with the EVOLVENT®
                                             nozzle is achieved, the system had to be
                                             operated at a distinctly higher energy.

The Reference in Air Curtain Technology - TEDDINGTON - TEDDINGTON AIR CURTAIN SYSTEMS
TEDDINGTON The Reference in Air Curtain Technology.

    From pioneer to reference.
    Teddington recognised the potential      Since 2001, Teddington                Our company is
    of air curtains early on, and thus       Luftschleieranlagen GmbH
    belongs to the pioneers of this          has been using a new spacious
                                                                                   synonymous with
    technology. In 1965 our company was      manufacturing building in             air curtain systems.
    established by Teddington Controls       Buchholz-Mendt, Germany.              The comprehensive programme of
    England as a German sales subsidiary.                                          devices and controls, know-how of
                                             Today, our programme comprises
    So we are the eldest German                                                    decades, the consulting and planning
                                             energy-saving air curtain systems,
    manufacturer on the market.                                                    service – all of that has made us a
                                             especially low-noise versions, air
                                                                                   reference in air curtain technology.
    In 1974, we were the first company        curtain systems for automatic
    to present an air curtain system         sliding doors in straight or bent     Directly or indirectly we are selling
    developed in Germany. With a lot         shape, for revolving doors and for    our products in over thirty countries.
    of success.                              space-saving doors … Perhaps it       Among others, our customers are
                                             would be easier to list those doors   industrial enterprises, chains of
    The development of the EVOLVENT®
                                             or gates, for which we have not       stores, banking institutions, airports,
    system in 1994 was a milestone in
                                             found a solution yet.                 stations, shopping centres, sports
    the history of air curtain systems,
                                                                                   facilities and fair companies.
    which is unique selling proposition
    and guarantee for success still today.                                         Even small retail stores rely on the
                                                                                   well-tried systems produced by

    Pioneering in air curtain technology.
    Teddington Luftschleieranlagen GmbH
    located in Buchholz (Mendt), Germany.

The Reference in Air Curtain Technology - TEDDINGTON - TEDDINGTON AIR CURTAIN SYSTEMS
Trust needs safety.

}   Teddington uses well-tried      Irrespective of which Teddington-
    reliable components only.       made system you decide in favour
                                    of – you have the guarantee of
}   Modern production with CNC
                                    having chosen a high-quality
    systems ensures a constant
                                    branded product built in keeping
    high-quality level.
                                    with the latest state of technology.
}   And, we are continuously
    developing new technologies
    which minimise your operating
    costs and optimise the
    effectiveness of our units.

The Reference in Air Curtain Technology - TEDDINGTON - TEDDINGTON AIR CURTAIN SYSTEMS
TEDDINGTON Competence and Reliability.

     A good piece of safety.
     Foresighted planning is decisive for        For this reason, we assist our       With the best recommendations.
     every project; a lot of know-how and        customers …                          Teddington air curtain systems are
     experience are required in order to                                              being used in many fields – from
                                                 }   with well-founded consultation
     take into consideration all relevant                                             small shops, representative bank and
                                                     during the planning phase
     factors when planning the setup of                                               office buildings to spacious shopping
     an air curtain system.                                                           centres, fair halls, airports and
                                                 }   with decades of experience       industrial plants.
     But, which planner or which builder
                                                     in designing and producing
     has the time to intensively deal with                                            The best air curtain system is one
                                                     air curtain systems,
     the complex subject of air curtain                                               that integrates harmoniously into
     technology?                                 }   with reliable service whenever   its surroundings.
                                                     and wherever you need            Minimum noise level, intelligent
     The only thing important to the
                                                     assistance.                      controls, minimised maintenance
     customer is that everything
                                                                                      required, reliable technology and
     operates reliably.
                                                                                      demanding design ensure that
                                                                                      Teddington’s air curtain systems fit
                                                                                      into every surroundings in an ideal

                                 Innovative techniques, high-quality
                                   workmanship and reliable service
                                  have made Teddington a reference
                                           in air curtain technology.

                                                 Trust a good name.

The better the consultation,
the more effective the result is.

We help you with your planning work
and assist in the selection of the perfect
unit for your needs. We also provide
comprehensive service after the initial
operation as well.

TEDDINGTON Systems for Every Kind of Application.

     It depends on the situation.
                                                    Frequently, a system from our               Which thermal currents prevail
                                                    standard programme is absolutely            in the building?
                                                    the right solution – simple and             Which wind force acts on the
                                                    effective, inexpensive and                  entrance area?
                                                    continuously functional.
                                                                                                How big is the door or gate area
                                                    But, in many cases the “one-size-           to be screened?
                                                    fits-all” principle does not work at
                                                                                                Which shape is requested?
                                                    all, because physics is rarely willing
                                                    to compromise.                              These are only four of many factors
                                                                                                which have an influence on the
                                                    Many individual factors of the
                                                                                                design of a device.
                                                    respective installation situation have
                                                    to be taken into consideration to           It is good, if you can trust an
                                                    permit an ideal operation of the air        experienced partner in this decision.
                                                    curtain system, thus achieving the          We analyse your situation with all our
                                                    requested energy saving effect.             know-how. And, we offer you the
                                                                                                perfect solution for your needs.
                                                                                                And, if the situation requires, we
                                                                                                produce an individual system –
                                                                                                precisely harmonised to your needs.

                                                    Thrust and thermal current
                                                    as found in various building situations:

                                                       Situation A                 Situation B               Situation C
                                                       The door surfaces           The door surfaces         Unscreened door
     Depending on the situation or the                 are on one side of          are on one side of        surfaces are present
     request of the customer, air curtain
                                                       the building.               the building.             at other sides of the
     systems are produced in various designs,
     such as visible wall or ceiling installation                                                            building as well, such
                                                       There is hardly any         Air is removed by
     (S), installation in false ceiling with                                                                 as at the side or
                                                       air discharge worth         the thermal currents
     visible lower side (U) with an air barrel                                                               opposite.
     turning to the inside or outside,
                                                       mentioning caused           in the upper storeys
     integration in a false ceiling (Z) and            by thermal currents         or by the chimney         The volume of potential
     many other possibilities.                         or chimney effect.          effects.                  air removal is identical
                                                                                                             with the volume of the
                                                                                                             door surface to be
                                                                                                             screened or larger.

TEDDINGTON Systems for Every Kind of Application.

     You have the choice.
     We have divided our programme into       our customers to find the right unit     sizes, performance classes and
     three categories, with which we          faster. Within the category, the user   colours suited perfectly to his needs.
     create a clear differentiation of the    can choose between various types of
     fundamental characteristics, helping     systems, installation possibilities,

     Shop & Business
     This range comprises a large number
     of types, which have been designed
     specifically for operation in buildings
     with a high demand for comfort –
     extremely low-noise, unobtrusive,
     but effective in action and appealing
     in design.

     Special situations require special
     solutions, wherever an air curtain
     system has to meet top optical
     demands – this is where Teddington
     offers exclusive design, fine surfaces,
     high-quality materials and the best
     of workmanship.
     And, if your requests are beyond all
     standards? We will develop your
     individual solution – Teddington

     Maximum performance is needed
     in this field. These systems are
     extremely robust and offer a very
     high performance potential at an
     ideal energy balance.

Everything at a glance.
In our extensive catalogue, all
product information are divided
up into three categoris.
In addition, you will find all
information required on the
controls, the technical accessories
as well as planning aids, such as
texts for invitations for tender.
Use our entire know-how.

TEDDINGTON Applications.

SHOP &Pleasure
               whilst shopping.

There are areas, in which a low noise load
is important despite a high performance
of the air curtain system, such as in foyers
of banking institutions, insurance and
administrative buildings as well as in
exclusive shops and shopping centres,
in which the customer expects a
pleasant atmosphere.

TEDDINGTON Applications.

          Simply comfort.

Integrated in or suspended from
the ceiling in a hardly perceived way,
the systems offer unobtrusive comfort
at perfect performance in shop and
business areas.

TEDDINGTON Applications.

  Superior technology in a fine housing.

In a high-quality ambience nothing
may disturb the fine appearance.

In this case air curtain systems
have to meet the highest of
design demands.

TEDDINGTON Applications.

DESIGN                           Individually matched.

We adapt the air curtain systems to
your individual surroundings so that
your designed system fits exactly into
the high-quality ambience.

TEDDINGTON Applications.

        We love the extreme.

Highly frequented factory halls with
metre-high gates cause enormous
draught with high energy losses.
Energy-saving solutions are required
here for low-draft climate conditions.

Our industrial systems for vertical
or horizontal installation have been
designed for extreme conditions.

We offer special systems for every
industrial application, including cold
warehouses, where warm air has
to be screened.

TEDDINGTON High Efficiency by Comfortable Control.

     Friendly and intelligent.
     Easy, but not simple; comfortable,       Don't worry.                        We rack our brains for you.
     but not complicated – this is the way    The owner of a small shop will      In other applications, the control has
     the control of an air curtain system     hardly be interested to know        to master a large number of highly
     should be. It is a significant factor     which technology is working for     complex, continuously changing
     for the economic performance, the        him. The framework conditions are   parameters, such as in industrial
     effectiveness and the comfort of a       almost the same every day and the   facilities where gigantic gate systems
     system.                                  adjustment options cover the few    cause enormous air movements.
                                              functions. A simple three-step      Here it is important that you can rely
     In order to meet every individual
                                              switching unit is completely        on the control which uses numerous
     situation, we have various controls
                                              adequate in this case to achieve    measuring functions to analyse the
     in our programme.
                                              a comfortable performance of        system and to intelligently adapt the
     The variants comprise simple three-      the air curtain system.             performance of the air curtain device
     step devices for standard applications                                       by means of freely programmable
     to versions which can be integrated                                          settings.
     into complex computer-control
                                                                                  Wherever you employ a Teddington
     domestic engineering systems.
                                                                                  air curtain system – the suitable
                                                                                  control offers maximum comfort
                                                                                  with a minimum of worrying.

Our best unit.
With the TCU control, you can adapt your
Teddington air curtain system precisely to
various requirements.
On the LCD display all functions and parameters
are shown clearly at a glance. Thus, it is the
easiest thing in the world to program the
versatile functions and options.
By means of an integrated BUS system, up to nine
air curtain systems can be operated by means of
one operating panel only, which facilitates the
administration of complex systems enormously.

Robust intelligence for
industrial applications.
The TSDM5 / TEsM5 controls offer all
possibilities you need for your industrial
air curtain system. The robust workmanship
ensures high reliability in daily operation.
} VDE 06660, part 500; DIN EN 60439-1
} Insulation class E
} IP 23 (optional IP 54)
} Operation and failure report
} Integrated repair switch
} Outgoing protection
} 5-step system
} Summer / winter switchover, control by
  magnetic valve or pump (optional)
} Manual / automatic operation switchover,
  control by external contact
} Potential-free operation and failure
  report (optional)
} Frost protection operation (optional)

TEDDINGTON. The Pioneers of Air Curtain Technology.

¢ Innovative Technology
¢ Highest Economy
¢ Trendsetting Design
¢ Top Quality
¢ Perfect Service

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                 Teddington Luftschleieranlagen GmbH
                 Industriepark Nord 42 · D-53567 Buchholz (Mendt) · Germany
                 Tel. +49 (2683) 9694-0 · Fax +49 (2683) 9694-50
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