Flexible automation office depot's

Page created by Alexander Parker
Flexible automation office depot's
modern system report

                      By Bob Trebilcock,                        hen Office Depot decided      president of global network strategy
                         Executive Editor                       to consolidate three dis-     and transportation. “We are in a com-
                                                                tribution centers and a       modity business and the supply chain
                                                                crossdock facility into       is a differentiator. We plan to be on the
                                               one, new state-of-the-art DC in Newville,      front end of that.”
                                               Pa., the office supplies retailer looked for       While some brick-and-mortar and
                                               an automated materials handling solu-          dot.com retailers have implemented
                                               tion that was efficient and flexible. More     robotic solutions similar to the one in
                                               importantly, they wanted a system that         Newville to manage their direct-to-con-
                                               would deliver a competitive edge in the        sumer orders, Office Depot is taking
                                               marketplace.                                   the technology deeper into its opera-
                                                  They found that edge in a goods-to-         tions than other early adopters. “Most
                                               person picking solution featuring two          implementations are focused on one
                                               different mobile robots (Kiva Systems,         process, like each picking,” explains
                                               781-221-4640, www.kivasystems.com).            Juan Guerrero, senior vice president of
                                               One robot handles cases while a larger         supply chain. “Along with each picking,
                                               robot moves pallet loads in the facility       we are also doing case picking and full
                                               that went live just a few months ago.          pallet movements with the robots. We
                                                  Betting a part of your distribution         will handle everything but non-convey-
                                               strategy on robotic materials handling         ables or items that are just too heavy to
                                               may seem like a risky move, especially         go through the system.”
                                               given the conservative nature of retail            What’s more, Office Depot is using
                                               distribution. But, Office Depot is             the robotic system to manage order ful-
                                               convinced that the time has come for           fillment across all of its sales channels
                                               robotics in the DC; after three decades        and not just direct-to-consumer. This
                                               on the manufacturing line, robotics            includes store replenishment and bulk
                                               technology is proven, reliable and, says       deliveries to business customers.
                                               Office Depot, a potential game changer             In all, 100,000 square feet of the
Bob Zelis, senior director (left)              (for more on robotics, see p. 26).             600,000-square-foot building are devoted
and Brent Beabout, vice president                 “We believe that the future belongs         to the system including the picking sta-
of global network strategy and                 to the brave,” says Brent Beabout, vice        tions, which feature 300 robots and

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Flexible automation office depot's
Mobile robotics is powering Office Depot’s
                                                new demand-driven distribution center.

                                                                                                      PHOTOGRAPHY BY XXXXX/GETTY images

                                                                                                          Photos by Alan Wycheck/Getty Images

enough portable shelving space to man-       time has been reduced from 2 hours to        office products and services, with more
age three days of inventory. To minimize     20 minutes. “This system is going to         than $12 billion in revenue, 1,500 retail
lift truck travel time, the mobile robotic   move us from where we were, which            store locations and 42,000 associates
system is augmented by a takeaway con-       was industry-leading customer service        worldwide. The company does business
veyor system and sliding shoe sorter.        levels, to a point well beyond that of our   in 52 countries.
    Beabout and Guerrero say the robots      competitors,” says Guerrero.                    The Newville DC was a result of a
have reduced the average travel by an                                                     growth strategy that has been driven
associate from 7 miles per shift in a        Starting from scratch                        by acquisitions for much of the past
typical distribution center to less than     Founded in Boca Raton, Fla., in 1986,        25 years. Those deals not only brought
half a mile; meanwhile the order cycle       Office Depot is a leading supplier of        new retail locations under the Office

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Flexible automation office depot's


    4                                                                                                                      5

1. Picking instructions are delivered to a touchscreen. 2. Associates pick items from a portable module. 3. Picked items
are placed on a portable module. 4. Mobile robots deliver the modules to the conveyor system (5) for induction. 6.
Cartons are sorted to a packing station.

Depot umbrella, they also added ware-            ties in remaining facilities. Newville,     from a transportation standpoint, and it
houses and distribution centers. As of           which currently serves 107 stores in        had an available pool of highly skilled
a few years ago, Office Depot had 33             the Northeast, was different. In that       potential employees: The company
buildings in its network, including sev-         region, where the retailer operated four    received 4,000 applications and inter-
eral low-volume facilities. Typically,           facilities with a total of 829,408 square   viewed 1,200 candidates to fill 250
these came in two flavors: crossdock-            feet, there was a unique opportunity to     slots. “You don’t get that kind of job
ing centers to replenish retail locations        reduce the overall footprint of opera-      pool in every area,” says Beabout.
and distribution centers to service busi-        tions by building a brand-new facility
ness customers and direct-to-consumer            because the leases were coming due on       New facility, new technology
Internet and catalog orders.                     some of the buildings.                      Building a Greenfield facility also pre-
   The collection of facilities was less            “We wanted to take a holistic view       sented an opportunity to optimize the
than optimal. “We decided to use the             of our supply chain, and not just what      materials handling systems inside the
recession to take a hard look at our             happens within the four walls of the        DC with a new distribution model fea-
network and optimize our systems,”               DC,” says Beabout. “As we did the           turing two distinguishing characteristics.
says Guerrero. Today, the company has            research, we realized that none of the         Instead of operating separate DCs
reduced that number to 17, with an               existing facilities in the Northeast was    for store replenishment and direct-
ultimate goal of reducing the number of          really centrally located to where we        to-customer deliveries, Office Depot
facilities in the network to 12.                 were doing most of our business from        wanted a system that could integrate
   To reach that number, Office Depot            a transportation standpoint. It made        with its homegrown warehouse man-
has closed and consolidated some                 more sense to start fresh.”                 agement system (WMS) to handle
facilities and upgraded the capabili-               Newville had several advantages          every line of business and sales chan-

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Flexible automation office depot's
modern system report

                                               our new pull model, every store will get         Flexible and scalable: There is no
                                               a just-in-time delivery nearly every day     question that other automated materi-
                                               of the week,” says Guerrero. “We’re          als handling solutions are effective in a
                                               beginning with the 107 stores served by      goods-to-person environment, includ-
                                               Newville, and then we’ll roll this con-      ing mini-load automated storage and
                                               cept out across the country.”                retrieval systems (AS/RS) and horizon-
                                                   After looking at traditional pick and    tal carousels. What tipped the scales in
                                               pack solutions, including voice-directed     favor of mobile robotics was the flexibility
                                               pick modules similar to those used at        to handle pieces, cartons and pallets and
                                               other Office Depot facilities, Guerrero      to easily scale in the future. “Reliability
                                               and Beabout chose mobile robotics, a         was important, but any solution had to be
                                               technology they had been investigating       reliable for us to even consider it,” says
                                               for several years. The system uses a small   Beabout. “We justified the system on
                                               robot to move mobile storage devices         productivity, the ability to co-mingle and
                                               to and from associates at workstations,      pool inventory and the ease of adding to
                                               and a larger vehicle designed to handle      the system in the future. If your through-
                                               full pallets. Once picks have been com-      put or inventory grows in the future, all
                                               pleted, the robots deliver the units to a    we have to do is allocate more floor space
                                               conveyor induction station, where the        to the robotic system and add robots. We
                                               shipping containers are placed on a con-     can do that overnight.”
                                               veyor and sliding shoe sortation system          According to Guerrero and Beabout,
                                               and are sorted to a shipping lane.           the building was also designed to fur-
                                                   Several factors led to this choice:      ther Office Depot’s sustainability goals.
                                               Goods-to-person: In traditional pick         T5 lighting and energy efficient HVAC
                                               modules, associates walk to pick loca-       are used throughout the DC along with
                                               tions. In the robotic solution, the robots   recycled materials wherever possible.
                                               bring the product to the associate’s work-   Energy consumption is monitored, and
                                               station, saving steps. “A lot of the waste   Office Depot will use renewable energy
6                                              in the DC has to do with walking,” says      resources to offset consumption. Finally,
                                               Beabout. “In this case, that’s gone.” In     it was designed to have the lowest envi-
                                               addition to productivity improvements,       ronmental footprint possible while still
                                               the system was very accurate, which          meeting throughput requirements. The
nel where it operates. What’s more, it         would reduce picking errors.                 company intends to seek Leadership
wanted the flexibility to scale the busi-          Dynamic slotting: The robotic            in Energy and Environmental Design
ness during seasonal periods, or, ulti-        system monitors the movement of              (LEED) certification from the U.S.
mately, to easily scale up as the overall      SKUs and slots the inventory according       Green Building Council.
business managed by the system grows.          to how fast the product turns over: The          Robotics may play a role there as
“We have a lot of common SKUs across           fastest moving items are stored closest      well. “The facility is eerily quiet,” says
our different lines of business,” says         to the workstations. That leads to bet-      Guerrero. “You don’t hear the robotics
Guerrero. “By pooling the inventory            ter use of the robots and minimizes the      at work, so the only sounds are people
in one facility managed by a common            size of the fleet required.                  talking, lift trucks or the outbound
WMS, we can reduce the amount of                   Proven and reliable: The robots          sorter, which is pretty quiet as well.”
inventory we have on hand.”                    were up to the task. “There was a con-           While mobile robotics is providing
   Finally, and most important, the sys-       cern about going away from a traditional     answers to the distribution requirements
tem had to have the capabilities to man-       automated materials handling system,”        in Newville, that doesn’t mean Office
age Office Depot’s transition to a true,       says Guerrero. “But, we did our due          Depot will adopt the technology every-
demand-driven distribution network.            diligence. We visited systems that have      where. “We don’t have stars in our eyes
Instead of delivering a pallet load of         been in operation in existing facilities,    and we don’t pretend that robotics is the
material that a store will sell through, the   and we asked the hard questions you          right solution for all of our facilities,”
goal is to start the season with a minimal     would ask about an automated sys-            says Beabout. “We will assess each facil-
amount of product and then make store          tem. The performance, recovery times         ity individually going forward. However,
deliveries five days a week to replace         from failure and risk management were        this was the right fit for this facility and
only what was sold the day before. “In         robust enough for our operation.”            our overall supply chain objectives.” M

mmh.com                                                                   Modern Mat eria l s Ha ndl ing / A      u g u s t   2010   23
Flexible automation office depot's
modern system report

Putting robotics to work
A goods-to-person picking solution managed by 300
mobile robots is at the heart of a new Office Depot
distribution center.

By Bob Trebilcock, Executive Editor

While a fleet of mobile robots sounds              Putaway: The WMS directs
complex, the processes designed and             putaway and can choose three Office Depot
implemented by Office Depot are                 paths for newly arrived product. Newville, Pa.
deceptively simple. The distribution            Product that isn’t needed right
                                                                                     Size: 600,000 square feet
center also includes a regional print           away is transferred by lift truck
facility (13) for printing jobs that are too    to a bulk storage area, where pal-   Products: Office supplies, technology
large for an Office Depot retail location.      lets are stored on the floor (2) or and furniture
    Receiving: When a trailer arrives           in a pallet rack (3). The facility   Throughput: 60,000 lines per day
at the receiving area (1), pallets are          includes traditional pallet rack     Shifts: 5 days; 2 shifts
unloaded by lift truck. A scan of the pal-      and sections of very narrow aisle
                                                                                     Employees: 250
let label enters the pallet into the ware-      (VNA) rack. Pallets with heavy
house management system (WMS).                  or bulky materials such as paper
Once the contents have been compared            are temporarily stored in a flow area ing units and stored in the robotic stor-
against an electronic advanced ship             (4) and then crossdocked directly to age and picking area (6) serviced by
notification (ASN) and accepted in the          the shipping area (5). The remaining the mobile robots.
WMS, the product is ready for putaway.          product is putaway into portable shelv-      When a pallet of material is deliv-

                Regional 13
            print facility                                                     Shipping
                                                  Sliding shoe
                                                      sorter                      5
                                                         11       conveyor
                                                                                       12 Shipping lanes
                               3                                       9
              2            Storage                                                         10 Outbound conveyor
                             rack                 3
                                    8            rack
                                                                   Robotic storage
                                   Case                              and picking
                                                         7                                              4
                                   area                  Picking and                               Flow area

                                                                                  7 Picking and
                                          1                                           workstations

                                                                                                            Daniel Guidera

24   Au   g u s t   2 0 1 0 / Mo d e rn Mate r ials Hand ling                                                                mmh.com
Flexible automation office depot's
ered to a picking and replenishment
workstation (7) near the picking            System suppliers
area, the associate chooses the put-
                                            Mobile robotic picking solution: Kiva Systems, 781-221-4640, www.kivasystems.com
away function for the system. That
                                            Conveyor, dock conveyor and sliding shoe sorter: Dematic, 877-725-7500,
signals a robot to retrieve a storage
unit from the storage and picking
                                            Rack: Unarco Material Handling, 800-862-7261, www.unarcorack.com
area (6) and present it at the work-
                                            Lift trucks: Crown, 419-629-2311, www.crown.com
station (7). The associate scans the
                                            Bar code scanning: Motorola, 800-722-6234, www.motorola.com
bar code label on a carton and places
                                            Print and apply: Pyramid Controls, 513-679-7400, www.pyramidcontrols.com
a device with a light on the carton.
                                            System design and integration: Office Depot, including a proprietary warehouse
When the storage unit arrives at the        management system
workstation (7), a laser directs the
associate to the right location on the
storage unit. The associate presses a      be palletized for shipping (5) or it may       number, the number of items to be
button at the workstation to confirm       be floor-loaded for parcel shipments.          picked and the bin location where the
the putaway.                                   Everything else, including totes for       product is located. A light also identi-
    When all the cartons for that unit     store replenishment, direct-to-con-            fies the picking location.
have been stored, the robot returns        sumer Internet orders and orders for               When the associate scans the item,
the unit to the storage area (6) and       Office Depot’s business customers, are         a light on the unit with shipping con-
delivers the next unit to the worksta-     managed by the robotic picking system          tainers begins to flash to identify the
tion (7). The system determines the        (6). The process is similar to putaway.        right shipping container. Once the
putaway location for the unit based on     The WMS system receives orders from            items are placed in the shipping con-
the velocity for that SKU. Fast-moving     Office Depot’s order management                tainer, the associate pushes a button
items are stored closest to the worksta-   system and forwards that data to the           on the unit to confirm the pick. When
tions, slow-moving SKUs are stored         robotic system. The system then pri-           all of the orders for that unit have been
further away.                              oritizes the orders that must be picked        completed, the robot delivers it to one
    Picking: A limited number of large     first to meet shipping cut-off times or        of six lanes in the outbound conveyor
non-conveyables are picked from stor-      customer requirements.                         induction area (9).
age by lift trucks and delivered to the        To initiate picking, an associate              Packing/shipping: At the conveyor
shipping area (5). Similarly, cases of     logs into a workstation (7) and chooses        induction station (9), an associate places
product that are too heavy for the         the picking function. That signals the         the cartons on the outbound conveyor
robotic picking system, such as paper      system to retrieve a pod with empty            (10). They are automatically scanned,
or bottled water, are picked to a pal-     shipping cartons for orders (6) and            which generates a shipping label that is
let in a case pick area (8) and are then   deliver them to the workstation (7).           automatically applied. The sorter (11)
delivered to an outbound conveyor          Meanwhile, the system also delivers            then sorts the carton to the correct ship-
induction workstation (9) where they       the storage units (6) with the inven-          ping lane (12). As with other product,
are placed on the outbound conveyor        tory for those shipping cartons to the         cartons may be palletized for delivery to
(10). They are then sorted by a sliding    workstation (7). When a unit presents          a store, or they may be floor-loaded for a
shoe sortation system (11) to an out-      itself, a terminal at the workstation will     parcel shipment to a business or direct-
bound shipping lane (12). Product may      display a picture of the SKU, the SKU          to-consumer order (5). M

mmh.com                                                                Modern Mat eria l s Ha ndl ing / A       u g u s t   2010   25
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