The IMU speech synthesis entry for Blizzard Challenge 2019

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The IMU speech synthesis entry for Blizzard Challenge 2019
The IMU speech synthesis entry for Blizzard Challenge 2019
                                 Rui Liu, Jingdong Li, Feilong Bao and Guanglai Gao

                       College of Computer Science, Inner Mongolia University,
            Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Mongolian Information Processing Technology,
                                       Hohhot 010021, China

                          Abstract                                    the text data in the training data to model the prosodic phrase
                                                                      break and interjections.
This paper decribes the IMU speech synthesis entry for Blizzard            Since our system didn’t achieve satisfactory evaluations, we
Challenge 2019, where the task was to build a voice from              will try to analyze the defects or problems in it. We hope that the
Mandarin audio data. Our system is a typical end-to-end               problems we faced and solutions we found may provide some
speech synthesis system. The acoustic parameters is modeled           useful information for other studies. No external training data
by using “Tacotron” model, and the vocoder is using Griffin-          was used in our system.
Lim algorithm. In the synthesis stage, the task is divided into the        This paper is structured as follows: section 2 describes
following parts: 1) segment long sentence into short sentences        the data sets and pre-processing steps used for building the
by comma; 2) predict interjection labels of each words in short       voice, while section 3 details the end-to-end speech synthesis
sentences; 3) predict prosodic break labels of each words in          techniques, along with the prosodic phrase break prediction and
short sentences; 4) generate corresponding synthesis speech for       interjection prediction models. The results from the Blizzard
each short sentences which enriched by prosodic break labels          Challenge listening tests will be discussed in section 4, with
and interjections; 5) concatenate short sentences into an entire      concluding remarks in section 5.
long sentence.
     The Blizzard Challenge listening test results show that the
proposed system achieves unsatisfactory performance. The                                 2. Data Processing
problems in the system are also discussed in this paper.              2.1. Overview of the data
Index Terms: Blizzard Challenge 2019, end-to-end, Tacotron,
prosodic phrase break, interjections                                  The data corpus released for the Blizzard Challenge 2019 con-
                                                                      sists of Mandarin talkshows, which all read by the same male
                                                                      speaker in talkshow style. This database has approximately
                     1. Introduction                                  contains 480 utterances with the total duration of 8 hours. The
This paper introduces the system submitted to Blizzard Chal-          sampling rate is 24kHz. All files in this database are in mp3
lenge 2019 by Institute for Inner Mongolia University and             format.
Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Mongolian Information                     Most of these utterances in the speech files are very rich in
Processing Technology, Hohhot, China. The name of our team            emotion with a large number of interjection words. They also
is “IMU” and this is our first entry to Blizzard Challenge.           include many phrase breaks that are unique to the speaker. The
     The task of Blizzard Challenge 2019 is to build a voice          testing transcriptions given by the organizer are picked up from
corpus in Mandarin that would merge up for 8 hours or so.             news, long facts, English words, abbreviation, numbers, letters,
This speech corpus is a collection of the voice of a well-known       chinese poetry, etc..
Chinese man named Zhenyu Luo.
     However, since these speech files were not recorded by           2.2. Preprocessing
a professional studio and its non-ideal speech quality, several
                                                                      Although the quality of these recordings of the training data
challenges emerge.
                                                                      is standardization certain. the quality of the talkshows may
     A testing set of sentences are also provided. All participates
                                                                      not be ideal for parametric speech synthesis. Moreover, Some
are asked to submit the corresponding speech files generated by
                                                                      sentences in the training data are very long, which puts a burden
their own model. A large scale subjective evaluation will be
                                                                      on the model training. Thus, preprocessing is conducted on the
                                                                      talkshows data as follows:
     Recent work on neural text-to-speech (TTS) can be split
into two camps. In one camp, statistical parametric methods
                                                                      2.2.1. Segment and Alignment
with deep neural network architectures etc. are used [1, 2].
In the other camp, end-to-end models are used [3, 4, 5]. The          The provided training data contained mismatches between
recent proposed end-to-end TTS architectures (like Tacotron           speech data and text. These mismatches were caused by
[3]) can be trained on  pairs, eliminating the need       misreading of a text or phrase or words that do not exist in the
for complex sub-systems that needs to be developed and trained        text. This will negatively impacts the mapping of parameters
separately. In our system, we used the end-to-end Tacotron            of TTS. As is known to all, it is preferable to use a text of
model [3] to construct experiment architecture.                       fully matched speech data for the training corpus. To overcome
     Besides speech waveform generation, text analysis is an-         this problem, we investigated an automatic construction of a
other important component of a TTS system. Mandarin is the            training corpus from talkshows using a speech recognizer. It
given language of this year’s challenge. In order to retain the       is expensive to manually obtain a large amount of alignmented
expression style of the speakers as much as possible, we used         texts. Therefore, a speech recognizer is used to recognized text
The IMU speech synthesis entry for Blizzard Challenge 2019
3.1. Training phase
                                                                      In training phase, we added some extra prosody information to
                                                                      the end-to-end system, according to the prosodic phrase break
                                                                      labels, so as to achieve high quality natural speech with correct
                                                                      prosodic phrasing. The extra information serves as a local
                                                                      condition to control the prosody.
                                                                           As shown in the top part of Figure.2. We mapped the
                                                                      break label for each words into a one-hot vector which called as
                                                                      “prosody embeddings (PE)”. The character3 embeddings (CE)
                                                                      were concatenated with PE and sent to Tacotron model.
                                                                           Due to the fact that the PE and CE have different time
                                                                      resolutions, below we need to upsample the PE to be the same
                                                                      as the length of the character-level sequence. We first make
                                                                      N copies of PE, where the number of copies is equal to the
                                                                      number of characters in a word. Then we concatenate the PE
Figure 1: Segment long sentences and alignment text and its           and original character-level embeddings across all characters in
speech by using speech recognizer.                                    the word into a joint vector which used as the new character-
                                                                      level representation for the Tacotron model.
Table 1: Examples of true content from a speech file, its text
transcription from training data and its recognized text.             3.2. Synthesis phase
                                                                      Before synthesis, the given long sentences are segmented into
           true content              /·ã˝      π’J                    some short sentences. To synthesize speech, each of the short
           text transcription        /·ã˝      π’                     sentences is enriched by “Interjections prediction” model and
           recognized text           /·ã˝      π’J                    “Phrase break prediction” model. In the process of text analysis,
                                                                      we find that there are many interjections, which reflect most
                                                                      of the emotional information in speech, in the data. In order
                                                                      to retain the speaker’s emotional information better, we make
of speech data.
                                                                      interjection prediction for the text to be synthesized. Moveover,
     Figure 2 shows an overview of the alignment method. First,       phrase break plays an important role in both naturalness and
we segment long speech to some short speech files leverage the        intelligibility of speech [6, 7, 8, 9]. It breaks long utterances into
voice activity detection tools1 ; Second, all short speech files      meaningful units of information and makes the speech more
were recognized to their corresponding text transcriptions with       understandable. Therefore, identifying the break boundaries
the help of Baidu online speech recognization service2 . Table.1      of prosodic phrases from the given text is crucial in speech
shows examples of true content from a speech file, its text           synthesis.
transcription from training data and its recognized text. In the           As the bottom half of Figure.2 shows, as a complement
examples of Table.1, the words “J” , which does not exit in a         of the main Tacotron model, the “Interjections prediction”
book text, is recorded in a speech data.                              model and “Phrase break prediction” model are to learn prosody
     In addition, some of the speech files in the training data       features and essential interjections, belonging to the particular
are too low to hear clearly, so we deleted these files. Through       speaker, based on input text.
the above pre-processing operation, the size of our training data
becomes 8630 utterances with the total duration of 7.68 hours.        3.2.1. Interjections prediction model
                                                                      We regard interjection prediction as a sequence labeling task.
2.2.2. Text Normalization                                             According to the statistical results of interjections in training
                                                                      data, we select the top eight interjections as prediction targets:
The alignmented text data were manually checked. First,
                                                                      J, P, ', @, , Œ, f, b. The statistical results of these
because of some error feedbacks by using speech recognizer,
                                                                      interjections in the training data are shown in the Table.2.
the text was manually checked to matched the speech content.
                                                                           We use the Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiL-
Second, due to the mistakes in the voice activity detection, some
                                                                      STM) model to predict the interjection for each words. In
incomplete or incoherent words in the speech waveform was
                                                                      this module, each words in an input sentence is mapped to
annotated in the text.
                                                                      a sequence of word embeddings (WE1 ,...,WEt ) by pretrain
     Furthermore, in order to facilitate model training, we re-       embeddings. Given the input vector sequence (WE1 ,...,WEt ),
placed other punctuation marks with commas, and converted             the forward LSTM reads it from left to right, but the backward
the digits, English words or letters, etc. in the text into Chinese   LSTM reads it in a reverse order.
word representations through regular expressions.
                                                                        !                        !
                                                                        ht = LSTM (WEt , ht          1)   , ht = LSTM (WEt , ht        1)   (1)
                  3. System Description
                                                                          Finally, we use a softmax layer to produce interjection
The training framework and synthesis module of our system is          labels. The softmax calculates a normalised probability distri-
shown in Figure.2. We will introduce this model in order.             bution over all the possible labels of each word:
                                                                         3 The “character” mentioned in this paper is pinyin, and we use open
                                                                      source tools, pypinyin(, to convert the
   2                             chinese word into its pinyin sequence.
Figure 2: Training and sythesis phase of IMU speech synthesis system. The prosody embedding is connected to the input of the encoder.

Table 2: The statistical results of the top eight interjections in
the training data

                          J      3876
                          P       328
                          '       180
                          @       712
                          Œ       726
                          f       146
                          b      1486

                                                                        Figure 3: Detailed network architecture of Tacotron model.

                                     eWo,k dt                         3.2.3. Tacotron model
               P (yt = k|dt ) = P              Wo,k
                                                  e dt
                                     e     e
                                                                      For the proposed model, the main task is to generate the speech
                                                                      spectrograms given the input character-level features based on
where P (yt = k|dt ) is the probability of the label of the t-th      the original Tacotron model.
word (yt ) being k, K is the set of all possible labels, and Wo,k          The Tacotron model is a complicate neural network ar-
is the k-th row of output weight matrix Wo .                          chitecture, as shown in Figure.3. It contains a multi-stage
     After the interjection prediction, the original non-             encoder-decoder based on the combination of convolutional
interjection text embedded with the predicted interjection can        neural network (CNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN).
be even richer in emotion. This can make the model get better         The character embeddings of raw text is fed into an encoder
synthesized speech.                                                   which generates attention features. Then the generated features
                                                                      fed in every step of the decoder before generating spectrograms.
                                                                      At last, the generated spectrograms are converted to waveform
3.2.2. Phrase break prediction model                                  by the Griffin-Lim method [10]. Our implementation is forked
                                                                      from the TensorFlow implementation from Keith Ito4 , which
We extend the original Tacotron model by adding a “phrase
                                                                      is faithful to the original Tacotron paper. We first convert the
break prediction” model which takes the word sequence from
                                                                      input text to character sequence. Then the character inputs are
given text as input, and computes the corresponding break label
                                                                      converted into one-hot vectors. The one-hot vectors then turn
by using the BiLSTM network. In this model, each words in an
                                                                      into character embeddings and are fed to a pre-net which is a
input sentence is mapped to a sequence of word embeddings
                                                                      multilayer perceptron. The output is then fed into the CBHG
(WE1 ,...,WEt ) by a look-up table, which is passed through
                                                                      which stands for Convolutional Bank + Highway network +
a BiLSTM. Finally, to produce phrase break label, we use a
                                                                      gated recurrent unit (GRU). The output from CBHG is the
softmax layer also.
                                                                      final encoder representation used by the attention module.
    Then the PE and CE (from interjections enriched text)             Then the generated attention features are fed in a RNN-based
are concatenated, by using upsample method as described in            decoder. In every step, the decoder generate few frames of
Section 3.1, to create a new character-level encoder input. We        spectrograms. The number of output frames is controlled by
assume that this improved input sequence carries more realistic
prosody and emotional information.                                       4
Figure 6: Pinyin (without tone) error rate. System O is the
Figure 4: Naturalness ratings. System O is the proposed system,
                                                                  proposed system, A is the natural speech, and B is the Merlin
A is the natural speech, and B is the Merlin benchmark.

                                                                  Figure 7: Pinyin (with tone) error rate. System O is the
Figure 5: Speaker similarity ratings. System O is the proposed
                                                                  proposed system, A is the natural speech, and B is the Merlin
system, A is the natural speech, and B is the Merlin benchmark.
a hyperparameter reduction factor (r in Figure.3). At last, the       may have lead to the relatively low similarity score. First,
audio is reconstructed by the Griffin-Lim method.                     in the interjection prediction model, we only select a part of
                                                                      interjection (top eight) as the prediction target, missing the
3.2.4. Model setup                                                    rest of the interjections. Moreover, the existing interjection
                                                                      prediction model also has a certain prediction error rate; second,
The prosody phrase break for training data was labelled by            in the prosodic prediction model, we did not address the
expert annotators by both listening the utterances and reading        prosodic hierarchy in detail. Similarly, the existing prosodic
the transcriptions. In the end of the process each word is labeled    prediction also has prediction errors; Third, we believe that the
as “B” or “NB” depending upon the location of the breaks              failure to extract the speaker’s characteristics is an important
introduced by the speaker. We set the dimensions of the PE            reason for the relatively low similarity score. Fourth, long
to 2. For interjection model, we removed the interjections from       sentence speeches are generated by concatenating some short
the training data firstly, then treated them as separate labels for   sentence, which ignored the importance of pauses between
the previous word in the model training. We set the dimensions        sentences.
of the interjection one-hot vector to 9.
     For the above two models, the input tokens fed into BiL-             As shown in Figure.6 and Figure.7, the pinyin (without
STM network are transformed into embedding features by a              tone) error rate and pinyin (with tone) error rate of our system
look-up table. For Mandarin, we choose “Tencent AI Lab                is about 18% on the intelligibility test, ranking 12th in all
Embedding Corpus for Chinese Words and Phrases” [11]. This            submitted systems. We found that there were some digits,
corpus provides 200-dimension vector representations, a.k.a.          English words or letters and chinese ancient poetry in the
embeddings, for over 8 million Chinese words and phrases,             2019 testing data. Ancient poetry contains a large number of
which are pre-trained on large-scale high-quality data.               polyphonic words, and we only use open source tools, pypinyin,
                                                                      to convert words to its pinyin (with tone) sequence, not making
     The LSTM layer size was set to 200 in both direction for all
                                                                      any extra special treatment on their pronunciation. In addition,
experiments. The size of hidden layer d is 50. We set learning
                                                                      English letters are not processed separately. It was one of the
rate as 1.0 and batch size as 64. All parameters were optimised
                                                                      factors that degrading the performance in intelligibility.
by using AdaDelta algorithm. The training/validation/test split
is 8:1:1. At every epoch, we calculate the performance on the              To sum up, we summarize the problems in the system as
training set. We stop training if the effect does not increase        follows:
seven epoches. The best model on training stage was then                   1) The interjection model and prosodic prediction model
used for evaluation on the test set. Finally, the accaury of          are too simple and have a lot of room for improvement.
our interjection model and phrase break model were achieved
                                                                          2) The conversion of Chinese words to pinyin only uses
97.24%, 90.02% respectively. For Tacotron model, we use
                                                                      open source tools, and some other special cases have no extra
Adam optimizer with learning rate decay to train the model and
                                                                      processing like digits, English words or letters and chinese
the network were trained 200k steps.
                                                                      ancient poetry, etc.
                                                                          3) In order to retain the speaker’s style and emotion infor-
               4. Results and Analysis                                mation, we only conduct some simple analysis at the textual
In this section, we will discuss the evaluation results in detail.    level, without considering the speaker’s acoustic characteristics
Our designated system identification letter is “O”. System A          [12, 13, 14], which is a fatal shortcoming.
is the natural speech. System B is the Merlin benchmark                   4) The final result is obtained by concatenating short
system and others are participants systems. The subjects who          sentences together to form long sentences. In the process of
are involoved in the listening test are paid isteners and online      concatenating, there must be discontinuity at the connection
volunteers and so on. There are a total of 2546 sentences in the      point, which also has a negative impact on speech quality.
2019 testing set. The evaluation results of all systems are shown
in Figures.4, 5, 6 and 7.                                                 5) Last but not least, our system use Griffin-Lim algorithm
    Figure.4 shows the naturalness ratings presented as box           as vocoder to convert acoustic feature to waveform. We did
plots, where the central solid bar marks the median, the shaded       not use the popular neural network vocoder to model the
box represents the quartiles, and the extended dashed lines show      speech waveform. Considering of the successful application of
1.5 times the quartile range. The most relevant comparisons           WaveNet [5] in TTS, Wavenet-based vocoder was widely used
can be made with the other known synthesis systems, namely            in TTS fileds. By conditioning WaveNet on acoustic features,
system B, which is the Merlin benchmark system. As you                a WaveNet based neural vocoder is implemented. It can
can see from the results, our system ranks 19th out of all            learn the relationship between acoustic features and waveform
submitted systems except natural speech. The results show that        samples automatically. This neural vocoder is used to replace
our proposed system O outperforms the Merlin benchmark B.             the conventional vocoder so that waveforms can be generated
There is a big gap between our system and the champion system         directly. The quality of synthetic speeches is supposed to be
M, and it is also different from other systems in a statistical       further improved.
sense. As far as I know, the champion system M use neural
vocoder, and we only use simple Griffin-Lim algorithm, so such                             5. Conclusions
obvious gap can be expected.
    Speaker similarity scores are presented in Figure.5 with          We introduce the IMU speech synthesis system for Blizzard
similar box plots. The results show that several systems have         Challenge 2019. The results of listening test for our system
shown comparable results to our system, such as J, X, K, F, R,        are not good, but we have found many interesting problems
and the proposed system works a bit better of speaker similarity      that we should have attacked. According to the subjective
to the Merlin benchmark, having lower similarity than most            evaluation results, there is still much room for improvement on
other systems like M, S, Y, Z, E, C. Four possible reasons            our method.
6. Acknowledgements                                      [14] R. Skerry-Ryan, E. Battenberg, Y. Xiao, Y. Wang, D. Stanton,
                                                                               J. Shor, R. J. Weiss, R. Clark, and R. A. Saurous, “Towards
This research was supports by the China national natural sci-                  end-to-end prosody transfer for expressive speech synthesis with
ence foundation (No.61563040, No.61773224), Inner Mongo-                       tacotron,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.09047, 2018.
lian nature science foundation (No.2016ZD06).                             [15] INTERSPEECH 2018 – 19th Annual Conference of the Inter-
                                                                               national Speech Communication Association, September 2-6,
                        7. References                                          Hyderabad, India, Proceedings, 2018.

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