The reening of the European Central Bank - European Central Bank's historic pledge on climate change - Natixis

Page created by Pamela Sullivan
The reening of the European Central Bank - European Central Bank's historic pledge on climate change - Natixis

The reening of the
European Central Bank
European Central Bank’s historic
pledge on climate change

The reening of the European Central Bank - European Central Bank's historic pledge on climate change - Natixis
ECB released its action plan to include climate change
                        considerations in its monetary policy strategy
                             ▪ On 8 July 2021, the European Central Bank (ECB) disclosed its new action
                                                                                                                        ECB’S GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS
                               plan to include climate change considerations in its monetary policy
                               strategy. The long-awaited commitments from the ECB are detailed in a            1. Further incorporate climate change considerations
                               roadmap extending to 2024.                                                                   into its monetary policy framework

                             ▪ The results of the ECB’s strategic review are groundbreaking:                     2. Expand its analytical capacity in macroeconomic
                                                                                                               modelling, statistics and monetary policy regarding climate
                              1. It is the first strategic review of the institution since 2003;                                          change
                              2. It set a new inflation goal of 2% (before this goal was “below, but close
                                 to, 2%”);                                                                      3. Include climate change considerations in monetary
                              3. For the first time since its creation, the ECB has decided to integrate             policy operations in the areas of disclosure, risk
                                 climate change into its monetary policy strategy/considerations;                assessment, collateral framework and corporate sector
                              4. The ECB is moving away from the "market neutrality principle", which                                asset purchases
                                 had been the subject of much debate between those who argued that the          4. Implement the action plan in line with progress on
                                 fight against climate change was outside the ECB's role, and others who             the EU policies and initiatives in the field of
                                 argued that this objective was perfectly in line with the ECB's mandate.         environmental sustainability disclosure and reporting

                                             What is the “market neutrality principle” ?                                                CONTEXT
                                                                                                               ▪ Increasing pressures from civil society
                             Market neutrality proscribes the ECB from preferring one sector over another      ▪ Growing awareness of the impacts of climate change on
                             and to distort market by intervening on purpose (i.e., “by design”) in specific     prices and financial stability among central banks
                             market segments. Economic orthodoxy on this matter asserts that it does not         (NGFS; commitments made by China, Brazil, Sweden
                             fall within the mandate of Central Banks to discriminate between assets (be         or the UK central banks)
                                        it favoring or penalizing) based on environmental criteria.            ▪ Arrival of Christine Lagarde at the head of the ECB

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The reening of the European Central Bank - European Central Bank's historic pledge on climate change - Natixis
Detailed roadmap of climate-related actions
                                       Areas of activity                                                                 Detailed commitments                                                           Timeline
                         Eurosystem/ECB staff macroeconomic             Introduce technical assumptions on carbon pricing for forecasting and regularly evaluate the impact of climate-related fiscal
                                     projections                                                policies on the Eurosystem/ECB staff macroeconomic projections baseline

                                  Macroeconomic modelling &               Integrate climate risks into the ECB’s workhorse models and assess their impact on potential growth. Conduct scenario
                                       scenario analysis                    analyses regarding transition policies. Model implications of climate change for the transmission of monetary policy

                             Statistical data for climate change risk     Develop new experimental indicators, covering relevant green financial instruments and the carbon footprint of financial
                                             analyses                                           institutions, as well as their exposures to climate-related physical risks

                         Market neutrality & efficiency concepts           Assess potential biases in the market allocation amid market inefficiencies and the pros/cons of alternative allocations.
                             in monetary policy operations                                     Make concrete proposals for alternative benchmarks, in particular for the CSPP

                             Disclosures in line with EU policies as
                             an eligibility requirement in collateral   Proposal and adoption of EU disclosure regulation. Design adequate policies and conduct legal and operational preparations      2021-2022
                                framework and asset purchases

                                  Climate stress-testing of the         Conduct pilot stress test based on the 2021 ECB economy-wide climate stress test and 2022 supervisory climate stress test
                                   Eurosystem balance sheet                     of individual banks. Build upon the pilot stress test and introduce regular climate stress-testing from 2024

                                                                         Assess whether the credit rating agencies accepted by the Eurosystem Credit Assessment Framework have disclosed the
                             Climate change risks in credit ratings
                                                                         necessary information to understand how they incorporate climate change risks into their credit ratings; develop minimum       Mid-2022
                              for collateral and asset purchases
                                                                                              standards for the incorporation of climate change risks into its internal ratings
                                                                          Consider relevant climate change risks when reviewing the valuation and risk control frameworks for assets mobilised as
                                    Climate change risks in
                                                                           collateral by counterparties for Eurosystem credit operations; monitor structural market developments in sustainability      2022-2024
                                    the collateral framework
                                                                                                            products and support innovation in sustainable finance

                                                                            Adjust the framework guiding the allocation of corporate bond purchases to incorporate climate change criteria, start
                               Climate change risks in the CSPP                                                                                                                                         Q1 2023
                                                                                         disclosing climate-related information of the corporate sector purchase programme (CSPP)

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Central banks’ greening: from “market neutrality” to “market efficiency”
                        Mandates are redefined in order to integrate climate considerations

                                    ▪ The ECB disclosed (2021) its action plan to include climate              ▪ Pilot exercise on climate risks conducted by Autorité de Contrôle
                                      change considerations in its monetary policy strategy (climate             Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR), results published in 2021 for the
                                      change criteria in CSPP*, new macroeconomic models, disclosures            banking and insurance groups
                                      requirements for eligibility as collateral & asset purchases, stress     ▪ Objectives reached: equity segment of the funds portfolio aligned
                                      tests, review of credit ratings)                                           on 2°C; Improvement in the portfolios’ climate and ESG
                                    ▪ Commitments are detailed in a roadmap until 2024                           performance (i.e. -41.4% of exposure to fossil fuels); exit from coal
                                                                                                                 by 2024
                                                                                                               ▪ Launch of its Climate Change Center in March 2021 & publication of
                                    ▪ Discussion Paper on options for greening the Corporate Bond                3rd Responsible Investment Report
                                      Purchase Scheme (2021)
                                    ▪ Climate Biennial Exploratory Scenario to explore the financial
                                      risks posed by climate change                                             ▪ To require banks to account for potential losses from droughts,
                                    ▪ Release of supervisory expectations (2019) for banks and insurers           floods, forest fires and other climate-related risks. Banks to
                                      (management of climate-related financial risks, covering governance,        account for transition risks and may incorporate climate change-related
                                      risk    management,       scenario    analysis     &      disclosure).      risks into bank stress tests
                                      Deadline for embedding these expectations is 2021
                                                                                                                ▪ Issue of a new version of “Banking Sector Financial Institution Green
                                     ▪ Creation of a Financial Stability Climate Committee and a                  Finance Assessment plan” (2021).
                                       Supervision Climate Committee in 2021                                    ▪ Under the new evaluation, financial institutions will be graded
                                     ▪ However, during the Green Swan Conference, Powell asserted “not            based on metrics including the share of total assets made up by
                                       seeking to be climate policy implementers”, limiting the Fed’s             both green loans and green bonds (instead of green loans only in
                                       efforts to researching, collecting and providing information on            the 2016 version)
                                       climate-related risk

                                                                                                                 ▪ The Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) is a network
                                    ▪ The Swedish central bank announced (late 2020) the inclusion of
                                                                                                                   of 83 central banks and financial supervisors that aims to accelerate
                                      green considerations in its purchasing programs, notably to
                                                                                                                   the scaling up of green finance and develop recommendations for
                                      purchase more green bonds
                                                                                                                   central banks' role for climate change
                                    ▪ 1st time a Central Bank explicitly targeted green and sustainable
                                                                                                                 ▪ Publication of a Report on climate scenarios and launch of a dedicated
                                      assets (our article here)

                                          *CSPP: Corporate Sector Purchase Programme
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