The Philadelphia Cricket Club 2020/2021 Trapshooting Program Guide

Page created by Judith Cross
The Philadelphia Cricket Club 2020/2021 Trapshooting Program Guide
The Philadelphia Cricket Club
Trapshooting Program Guide

The Philadelphia Cricket Club 2020/2021 Trapshooting Program Guide
Table of Contents

 3 Trapshooting Mission Statement
 4 From the Committee Chair
 5 Trapshooting Committee
 5 Professional Staff
 6 Getting Involved in Trapshooting
 7 Rules and Information
 9 Guest Policy
 10 Junior Trapshooting
 11 Interclub, Tournaments, Events, and Awards
 13 Trapshooting Events

The Philadelphia Cricket Club 2020/2021 Trapshooting Program Guide
Trapshooting at The Philadelphia Cricket Club
represents a unique and time-honored sporting

 While upholding and maintaining a safe, fun,
and inclusive environment, we are stewards in
  preserving an experience that is fitting and
complementary to our rich history at the Club.

 It is the goal of this activity to encourage and
   nurture friendship, sportsmanship, and to
  provide our membership and guests with a
         reference standard of excellence.

The Philadelphia Cricket Club 2020/2021 Trapshooting Program Guide
From the Committee Chair
Greetings current and future PCC Trapshooters!

Trapshooting season is almost here! Although the experience will be a little different this season due to pre-
cautions around Covid-19, our season will begin on Sunday, November 8, 2020 at noon with a home shoot that
will begin with a mandatory safety lecture. The Hospitality Bowl is proceeding as scheduled on Saturday, No-
vember 15, 2020 at Corinthian Yacht Club. CYC has asked each club’s trapshooting chair to coordinate regis-
tration, so registered shooters should email me as soon as possible if you wish to attend. The season schedule
is live on the PCC website shortly, and I wanted to take this opportunity to bring a couple of key dates to your

We will be hosting Trap University in the morning and afternoon on November 15, November 22; safety evalu-
ations will also take place those days for experienced shooters who are new to PCC.

Finally, we will be holding our 2019-2020 “make up” Championship on Sunday, November 29, 2020, four short
weeks after Opening Day—so get ready!

We look forward to catching up this season and welcoming new and veteran shooters alike! As always, please
don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.

See you all on the Trap fields,
Peter Johnson, Chair

The Philadelphia Cricket Club 2020/2021 Trapshooting Program Guide
Trap Committee
Peter J. Johnson, Chair
Mac Kilduff, Vice Chair
Andrew Mutch, Vice Chair
Jennifer Henfey Kessler
Michael Jones
John Miller
Jill Willits
Merritt Willits

Professional Staff
Jeff Marino
Outside Operations Professional

Chip Price
Outside Operations Professional

Main Club Telephone Number: (215) 247-6001

Range Safety Officers
John C. Mutch, III
Bill Pfingst
John Hosey
Peter J. Johnson
John Miller
Jill Willits
Merritt Willits
Michael Jones
Steve Scott

Independent Shooting
Jason Stein, NRA Certified Instructor
Jason Schafer, NRA Certified RSO Consultant

The Philadelphia Cricket Club 2020/2021 Trapshooting Program Guide
Getting Involved in Trapshooting
Getting involved in Trapshooting is very easy.
1. The first step is to register online for a Trap University class. The Club maintains nine Club guns that are
   available at the Trap Lodge for use. All trapshooters must use Club-provided shells.
2. Once you have received a safety lecture and instruction, you will be on your way to becoming a registered
   shooter. A registered shooter is defined as having a PCC handicap by shooting six rounds (150 “Clay
3. New this year will be safety evaluations for those who are experienced shooters but new to PCC.
4. After acquiring a handicap, you become a registered shooter and receive a PCC yellow badge signifying
   your accomplishment. Having a handicap enables you to participate freely in all PCC trapshooting venues
   and competitions.
By following this pathway for trapshooting at the Club, you will realize how important it is to have the experi-
ence these fundamental steps provide. The time spent acquiring a handicap will ultimately afford you greater
confidence in your shooting acumen.
The 2020-2021 Trap Season will offer no other options if one wishes to shoot trap at the Club. All registered
shooters, Trap U. graduates from last season, and members new to Trap must attend a mandatory safety lec-
ture on Sunday, November 8, 2020 at 11:30am at the Trap Lodge.
All current trapshooters with a handicap and all Trap University graduates from last season are
“grandfathered” and are not required to sign up for Trap University
Experienced Club members will also provide “tune up” instruction and advice during the season for all new
and seasoned shooters.
For all new shooters, Trap University will be held on November 15, 2020 and November 22, 2020.
Information and a schedule of events is posted on the PCC website.
Participants must be at least 14 years old and strong enough to handle a shotgun. Young members are always
encouraged to participate! All eligible persons must attend Trap University or have an existing PCC handicap to
All new participants, including Juniors (14-17), will be permitted to shoot only after attending Trap University
and if judged to be emotionally and physically able to participate by an independent NRA Certified Instructor
and the Trap Committee.
Come out and see how much fun you can have on a Sunday!
For any questions, please contact Peter Johnson, Trap Committee Chair at

The Philadelphia Cricket Club 2020/2021 Trapshooting Program Guide
Rules and Information
Rules, Privileges, & Guests                                    Qualifications for Play
The PCC trapshooting season is generally early                 Only those Club members who are "Registered Shoot-
November through March. Trap shooters are                      ers" as defined in these rules shall have shooting privi-
expected to know and comply with all Club rules. The           leges. Club members not having trapshooting privileg-
following trapshooting rules are subject to modifica-          es must attend a Trap University course to start to be-
tion by the Club Bylaws and House Rules.                       come a registered shooter.
All PCC members with an interest must sign up for one          A registered shooter is defined as a member who has
of our three scheduled Trap University classes or, if          completed a mandatory safety lecture and has ac-
experienced, pass a safety evaluation. The classes will        quired a handicap from shooting six rounds (each
be taught by our independent NRA certified instructor,         round being 25 “birds”).
(Professor) Jason Stein. There will be only three Trap
University dates this season: November 15th and                A registered PCC shooter also is defined as a member
22nd.                                                          that is “grandfathered” by having a prior existing PCC
                                                               handicap on record.
The process is straightforward with online registration
available for each of the dates. Once you have re-             All trapshooting members must undergo an annual
ceived instruction, you will be on your way to becom-          safety review by the Committee and/or a Range Safety
ing a registered shooter. A registered shooter is de-          Officer. Any safety violation may result in immediate
fined as having a PCC handicap by shooting six rounds          expulsion.
(150 "Clay Birds"). After acquiring a handicap, one will       All PCC members attending Trap University are evalu-
become a registered shooter and will be able to par-           ated for their ability to handle a firearm safely and for
ticipate freely in all PCC trapshooting activities.            their ability to conform with all safety rules. Evalua-
The 2019-2020 Trap Season will offer no other options          tions are rendered by an independent NRA certified
if one wishes to shoot trap at the Club. Keep your cal-        instructor who has the authority and responsibility to
endars open and look for online registration in the            communicate any concerns to the PCC members in-
near future.                                                   volved and the PCC Trap Committee.

All registered shooters, Trap University graduates             Juniors (14-17 years old) will be permitted to shoot
from last season, and all members new to Trap must             only after attending Trap University and if judged to be
attend a brief mandatory safety lecture which will be          emotionally and physically mature by an independent
held on Sunday, November 8, 2020 at 11:30am at the             NRA Certified Instructor and the Trap Committee.
Trap Lodge.                                                    To access the range please use the cart path and park
All current PCC Trapshooters with a handicap and all           outside the Trap Lodge.
Trap University graduates from last season are
"grandfathered" and are not required to sign up for
Trap University.

The Philadelphia Cricket Club 2020/2021 Trapshooting Program Guide
Playing Regulations                                            •   Shooters shall not close actions until after the per-
                                                                   son on the line to their left has fired their shot.
All registered shooting members and pre-approved
guests are required to sign-in before shooting.                •   All shots must be taken from a designated
Shooting commences at 12:00 p.m. and ends at 4:30                  shooting station and down-range. Shooting from
p.m. on scheduled Sundays. Shoots take place rain,                 off station is strictly prohibited.
snow, or shine.
                                                               •   No practice swings will be allowed except while on
Shooters must sign up for each round prior to                      station, and only with shotgun unloaded and
shooting. You may sign up for only one round at a                  pointed down range. This may not be done during
time; you may not sign up for a second round until                 an actual shooting round.
after you have shot the previous round.
                                                               •   At no time will a shooter load more than one shell
All non-shooters, observers, and guests must remain                in a shotgun unless sanctioned by the Chairs and
well behind all shooting stations at all times and when            Committee for certain forms of Trap that require
in close proximity of the firing line, must wear eye and           two shells. Example: International Trap and
ear protection.                                                    “Doubles” Trap.
All spectators and shooters must observe all signage           •   Never handle another shooter's firearm without
and be mindful of the range rules.                                 permission.
All shooters must wear eye and ear protection.                 •   It is forbidden to shoot at any targets other than
                                                                   the regulation "trap-thrown" clay targets.
The sale of firearms on Club property is strictly prohib-
ited.                                                     •        Only 12 gauge will be permitted.
Alcoholic beverages may not be consumed prior to or            •   Shooters must use the shells provided by the Club.
during shooting. The use of any drug that impairs nor-
                                                               Care of the Facilities
mal mental or physical bodily functions must not be
used before nor while handling or shooting firearms.           The trapshooting facility is located at the Flourtown
Any use of alcohol or drugs by a member or guest               golf practice range. Proper care and respect for the
while shooting will be cause for immediate ejection            trapshooting facilities including the golf practice range
from the grounds and termination of trapshooting               and surrounding golf courses must be practiced at all
privileges.                                                    times. Extra maintenance and frustration for other
                                                               members will result if the following simple guidelines
                                                               are not followed:
All shooters must strictly follow the following gun
                                                               •   Trapshooting is allowed at the golf range only in
safety rules:
                                                                   designated areas and stations and only during offi-
•   When not on station, the gun shall be unloaded                 cial trapshooting events according to the calendar.
    and placed on a designated rack.
                                                               •   To avoid damage to the grass, cigarettes and cigars
•   When entering and exiting the shooting areas, or               should not be placed nor left on the golf practice
    while transporting a shotgun to and from vehicle               facility. Use provided trash receptacles.
    shooters must ensure that the shotgun is pointed
                                                       •           Pets are not permitted on Club property.
    in a safe, downward, direction, unloaded, and with
    the action open.
•   A shotgun should only be loaded when a shooter is
    on station and the target area is deemed safe.

The Philadelphia Cricket Club 2020/2021 Trapshooting Program Guide
Dress Code                                                    All Intermediate, Golf-in-Waiting, and Full Privilege
                                                              members have unlimited access, as do Non-Resident
All trap shooters are expected to adhere to the Club's
                                                              Intermediate and Non-Resident Golf , and Non-
rules regarding proper attire. The following criteria
                                                              Resident Full Golf members, but all must still have a
must be met before using the trapshooting facilities:
                                                              PCC Trap handicap or sign up for the Trap University
•   No denim or warm-up suits.                                course to become a registered shooter.

•   Bermuda length shorts (bottom of shorts may be            With these new participation guidelines, there will be
    no higher than two inches from the top of the             a new guest policy in place which requires a member
    knee).                                                    to notify a PCC Trap Chair one week (7 days) in ad-
                                                              vance of the tentative visit and to fill out an electronic
•   No tee shirts or tank tops.
                                                              and printable form available on the Club’s website on
•   Shirts must be tucked into the pant line.                 the Trap page, detailing the guest(s) shooting history
                                                              and ability for review. Ultimately, an approval or deni-
•   Hats are to be worn as designed, with the bill of
                                                              al for participation will be communicated based upon
    the hat facing forward.
                                                              the information provided. Guest fees apply.
                                                              Preapproved guests must be accompanied by their
All shooters will receive handicaps in accordance with        sponsor on the firing line at all times - no exceptions.
interclub shooting guidelines. The Committee reserves         Sponsors are responsible for coordinating safety train-
the right to adjust all handicaps of members and their        ing for their guests with a range officer before
guests at any time and for any event during the entire        shooting. Members entertaining guests have the re-
trapshooting season. Handicaps are required to be-            sponsibility to ensure that their guests comply with all
come a registered shooter.                                    Club rules.

Guest Policy                                                  Fees and Charges 2020-2021 Season

Only Registered Shooters may bring guests. All mem-           The fees and charges for trapshooting are reviewed
bers are required to fill out an electronic form to get       and may be adjusted annually. This year there will be
prior approval or denial from the Trap Chairs based on        no charge for the day, and “grab and go” food will be
their guest’s experience. If approved, a member must          available by chit. Fees are as follows: $17 per round.
register their guest(s) prior to shooting. Approved           Guest fees are $27 per person. Range gun rentals are
guests must complete a safety session with a range            $7 per round (25 “Birds” and Shells). Range guns must
officer before shooting. Registered Shooters may in-          be shared.
vite guests to any regular open shoot (excluding inter-
                                                              Facility Hours
club events and the championship shoot). A Regis-
tered Shooter may not bring more than two guests on           The trap fields are open early November through
any occasion without the prior approval of the Trap           March on Sundays from 12:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Chairman and Vice Chairman. Invited non-member ap-            (unless otherwise noted). Please see the schedule en-
proved guests are limited to two shoots per season.           closed in this program for more specific dates and
Each approved guest is charged a $27 guest fee.               times.

Please note that if you are a House or Non-Resident           Sportsmanship
House member, you are restricted to shooting four
                                                              It is very important that all players comport them-
times per season with a $27 guest fee each time. You
                                                              selves in a responsible and sportsmanlike manner at
must have a PCC handicap or sign up for Trap U. if you
                                                              The Philadelphia Cricket Club or at another facility.
wish to shoot.
                                                              Poor sportsmanship is unacceptable and will not be
Mobile Phone Usage
Members should comply with the Club rules regarding all mobile phone usage as published on the website.
“To preserve the integrity of the Club, and out of respect for members and their guests, the use of mobile
phones is prohibited except as follows: 1) at St. Martin’s: in the parking areas, locker rooms, and the lower lob-
by; and 2) at Flourtown: in the locker- rooms and parking lots in your motor vehicle (excluding the lower short-
term parking area at the Wissahickon course). Members are requested to exercise discretion by not holding
loud or prolonged telephone conversations. Members are expected to inform their guests of this rule. Please
see the rules for each Club activity for more information about the use of mobile phones at the sporting facili-
All electronic/mobile communication and organization devices are to be set in vibrate mode on Club premise.
Use of these devices is prohibited in social gathering areas and sporting venues. However, devices are per-
mitted in parking lots, locker rooms and restrooms. In the event of emergency use, members are reminded to
respect those around them, immediately excuse themselves to a designated area or if not feasible, a private
and unoccupied area and refrain from prolonged, repeated and obtrusive use. Members are expected to ad-
vise their guests of these policies. The Club staff is authorized to remind members and guests of these policies
when there is use of these devices that is inconsistent with this rule. Continued inappropriate use or repeated
reminders may result in referral to the House Committee for disciplinary action.”

2020-2021 Trapshooting COVID-19 Guidelines
As the Club and your Trapshooting Committee prepare for the 2020-21 Trapshooting season, we want to pro-
vide the best experience possible while adhering to governmental guidelines to ensure we keep staff and par-
ticipants as safe as possible.

Key Safety Measures
• Social distancing must be practiced.
• Face coverings must be worn indoors, and outdoors if social distance cannot be maintained.
• Rental guns will be assigned to individuals on a first come, first served basis and sanitized when the user is fin-
ished shooting for the day.

Events – Interclub events are currently not scheduled; if pandemic conditions improve and other Clubs are
willing to consider matches, the possibility will be reconsidered by the Trapshooting Committee for 2021.

F&B – All items will be grab & go in individual containers by chit. Offerings will include premade sandwiches;
soup; and various beverages. Alcohol is strictly prohibited.

Guests – Guests are permitted in accordance with Trapshooting guest guidelines.

Rental Guns – Guns will be numbered and assigned to those who need them on a first come, first service basis;
guns will be sanitized after individual use.

Parking – Trappers are invited to self-park as normal. All access is via the Wissahickon course.

Reservations – The Trapshooting email list will be sent a registration email each Friday at noon. Players plan-
ning to participate on Sunday are asked to reply by Saturday at noon. Reservations are NOT required; rather,
the system is being used to help staff properly, prepare food and beverage offerings, and prepare social dis-
tancing protocols.

Restrooms – Available in grounds building (must wear facemask).

Staffing – Normal operations.

Trapshooting Lodge – Lodge will be available, but door kept open. A tent will be erected adjacent to the Lodge
to provide additional 'under cover' area for trappers to use.

Trap University – We anticipate holding at least one Trap University session in order to educate new shooters.
Dates and times will be delivered with the Trapshooting Calendar and reservations will be required.

Weather Emergency – Normal operations – if seeking shelter indoors, face coverings are required; social dis-
tancing must be practiced; and gathering avoided.

Junior Trapshooting
There are no segregated junior and adult programs. Juniors (14-17) are fully capable of keeping up with the
adults and are often much better!

However, a High Gun Junior and High Handicap Junior prize is awarded during Interclub events and at the Club
Championship. A Junior is also eligible for High Gun Overall and High Handicap, Man or Woman at the Club
Championship. No one person may win more than one award in competition.

Home open shoots also afford an opportunity for a junior to win a High Gun pin as an incentive to participate
frequently and gain shooting confidence and experience.

Interclub, Tournaments, Events and Awards
The rules and formats for all tournaments will be avail- Events
able at event shoots. A complete schedule of events is
included in the trapshooting calendar.                   The Championship Shoot
Interclub                                              All Registered Shooters are eligible (and encouraged)
                                                       to participate as long as they have participated in a
The PCC Trapshooting program is steeped in its long
                                                       minimum of four different PCC scheduled calendar
association with Interclub play. Our history with our
                                                       dates during the current shooting season. Each partici-
adopted “sister” club, Aronimink, goes back some
                                                       pant will shoot three 25-shot rounds. The sum of the
twenty years.
                                                       broken birds during the best two rounds will be the
From very humble beginnings, the trap activity has     "raw score" that person has for the tournament. All
grown tremendously, winning many competitions eve- participants MUST shoot club shells for the Champion-
ry season against Philadelphia Country, Huntingdon     ship Shoot. In the case of a tie for high gun there will
Valley Country Club, Corinthian Yacht Club, Valley     be a 25 round shoot off, for all other awards there will
Forge Gun Club, South Hill Trap Club, Merion Cricket   be a 5-shot shoot off for each of the spots. The tied
Club, Aronimink Golf Club, Waynesborough Country       participants for each spot will shoot 1 shot from each
Club, Radnor Hunt and The Union League.                of 5 stations. (At the discretion of the committee,
                                                       these shots may occur from extended yardage.) The
Philadelphia Cricket has won the coveted Hospitality
                                                       shoot off will continue in groups of 5 shots until there
Bowl twice and has finished in the top three spots out
                                                       is a winner and a second place for each of the 2 clas-
of eight over the years. We have, as a team, won the
                                                       ses (high gross and high handicap). The Committee
distinguished Fellowship Trophy more than our friend-
                                                       reserves the right to convert these five round shoot
ly adversary AGC and the Philadelphia Plate more
                                                       offs to 'sudden death' if the need arises.
times against our friends at Philadelphia Country who
created the contest to honor our two clubs.            High gross will be awarded first, followed by high
                                                       handicap, followed by 2nd high gross, followed by sec-
The PCC trap members are very proud to continue our
                                                       ond high handicap. Further awards consist of high gun
association with interclub play and encourage every-
                                                       woman, high handicap woman, high gun junior, and
one to participate. There are many home and away
                                                       high junior handicap. No one person may win more
matches throughout the season. The away matches
                                                       than one award in competition.
are all in very close proximity to our Club members.
Each club host provides a welcoming, casual luncheon All Registered Shooters may participate ONLY as long
and the event affords unlimited opportunities to mold as they fall under these membership category levels:
long lasting friendships on and off the trap field.    Intermediate, Golf-in-Waiting, Full Privilege, Non-
                                                       Resident Intermediate, Non-Resident Golf, or Non-
No matter what skill level you possess, you will never
                                                       Resident Full Golf.
have to worry about bringing down the team’s ability
to win. Only the top five scores from each competing HOUSE and NON-RESIDENT HOUSE member status are
team count.                                            EXCLUDED from participating in the Club Champion-
This truly is a sport for people that have good days
and bad days; you are never singled out or embar-

Non-Competitive Awards for Trapshooting
The John C. Mutch, III Chairman's Cup
Is awarded at the discretion of the current Chairman to the individual who, in the Chairman's opinion, exempli-
fies what it means to be a trapshooting member of the Philadelphia Cricket Club. The person should be a lead-
er, role model, and an overall asset to the Chairman and to the Trapshooting activity and shows consistent
sportsmanship-like conduct during interclub competitions. This cup is so named to honor John, the motivation-
al force in bringing trapshooting to the Club.
The Joe Daly Memorial Cup
Is awarded at the discretion of the current Chairman to the individual who, in the chairman's opinion, demon-
strates sportsmanship, camaraderie, and who has an overall love of the sport and a love of the time spent with
the other Trapshooting members on and off the field. This cup is named to honor Joe, whose untimely death
left a large whole in the hearts of the Club's trapshooting community. He is missed and loved.

2020-2021 Trap Events Calendar
Date                          Time         Location                    Event
Sunday, November 8, 2020      12:00 p.m.   Philadelphia Cricket Club   Safety Lecture, Home Field Open

Sunday, November 15, 2020     9:30 a.m.    Corinthian Yacht Club of    Hospitality Bowl
                              12:00 p.m.   Philadelphia Cricket Club   Trap University Session 1 and Safety Evaluation

Sunday, November 22, 2020     12:00 p.m.   Philadelphia Cricket Club   Trap University Session 2 and Safety Evaluation

Sunday, November 29, 2020     12:00 p.m.   Philadelphia Cricket Club   2019-20 Makeup Championship

Sunday, December 6, 2020      12:00 p.m.   Philadelphia Cricket Club   Home Field Open

Sunday, December 13, 2020     12:00 p.m.   Philadelphia Cricket Club   Christmas Tree Shoot (vs. South Hill and Sunny-
                                                                       brook Golf Club)
Sunday, December 20, 2020     12:00 p.m.   Philadelphia Cricket Club   Home Field Open

Sunday, December 27, 2020     12:00 p.m.   Corinthian Yacht Club       Interclub Shoot at Corinthian Yacht Club
                                                                       Home Field Open
Sunday, January 3, 2021       12:00 p.m.   Philadelphia Cricket Club   PCC Member/Member

Sunday, January 10, 2021      12:00 p.m.   Philadelphia Cricket Club   Interclub Shoot vs. Union League

Sunday, January 17, 2021      12:00 p.m.   Philadelphia Cricket Club   Home Field Open

Sunday, January 24, 2021      12:00 p.m.   Philadelphia Cricket Club   Interclub Shoot vs. Valley Forge Gun Club

Sunday, January 31, 2021      12:00 p.m.   Philadelphia Cricket Club   PCC Member/Guest

Sunday, February 7, 2021      12:00 p.m.   Philadelphia Cricket Club   Interclub vs. Waynesborough

Sunday, February 14, 2021     12:00 p.m.   Philadelphia Cricket Club   Home Field Open

Sunday, February 21, 2021     12:00 p.m.   Philadelphia Cricket Club   Interclub vs. Huntingdon Valley Country Club

Saturday, February 27, 2021   12:00 p.m.   Sunnybrook Golf Club        Stenton Cup (Home Field Closed)

Sunday, February 28, 2021     12:00 p.m.   Philadelphia Cricket Club   Home Field Open

Sunday, March 7, 2021         12:00 p.m.   Philadelphia Cricket Club   Luck of the Irish Shamrock Moneybird Shoot

Sunday, March 14, 2021        12:00 p.m.   Philadelphia Cricket Club   PCC Club Championship

Sunday, March 21, 2021        12:00 p.m.   Philadelphia Cricket Club   PCC Closing Shoot, Trapper Shoot, and Foley
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