The Periodical - Parsons House on Eagle Run

Page created by Ray Caldwell
The Periodical - Parsons House on Eagle Run
February 2023

The Periodical
Parsons House on Eagle Run| 14325 Eagle Run Drive Omaha, NE 68116 | 402-498-9554

  Celebrating February
                                         Well, here we are one month into the new
                                        year. We should all be writing the correct
                                        year on our documents by this point…
                                        right? Let’s just say that some things are
                                        easier said than done… oh well, that’s why
                                        they invented erasers and white out!
     Black History Month
                                          The count down has begun for that extra
        Groundhog Day                   special day in February. You know,
          February 2                    National Umbrella Day, which lands on
                                        February 10th? Of course you all know I’m
           Pizza Day                    just kidding around! Valentine’s Day will be
           February 9                   here in just a few short weeks. Speaking of
                                        that extra special day, quick question… are
                                        you the type of person who makes plans
        Valentine’s Day
                                        weeks in advance? Raise your hand if
         February 14                    you’re like a certain someone (cough-
                                        cough, me) who picks up a card after work
                                        and calls it good! (ha-ha)
     Presidents’ Day (U.S.)
          February 20
                                          If you have been inside Parsons House
                                        lately, you might be experiencing a little
                                        déjà vu. The familiar sounds of
          Mardi Gras                    construction are once again upon us. False
          February 21                   walls have been placed here and there,
                                        and our familiar construction friends are
                                        walking the halls once again. Don’t fret, all
                                        necessary renovations after our “little”
                                        water incident are coming along nicely. We
                                        appreciate everyone’s patience and
                                        understanding during this time. Thank you!
The Periodical - Parsons House on Eagle Run
February 2023

Heart vs. Head                                            An Inconvenient Truth
When it comes to making decisions, must we                Convenience plays a powerful role in our
always choose between listening to our heads              day-to-day lives. New technologies often rely
and following our hearts? In 2007, inspirational          on promises of convenience: dishwashers
speaker Deb Kulkkula decided that she no longer           replace handwashing, search engines
wanted to choose one over the other, so she               replace encyclopedias, text messages replace
declared February Renaissance of the Heart                emails and snail mail, Amazon replaces the
Month, an entire month dedicated to making                department store. To resist these convenient
decisions with the heart as well as the intellect.        options in life sometimes means being called
                                                          quaint, eccentric, or even a fanatic.
                  Many people insist that the best
                  decision-making is data-driven          But has life become too convenient? That
                  and entirely logical, emphasizing       is a question worth asking on February 22,
                  the importance of keeping a “cool       Inconvenience Yourself Day. Convenience
                  head.” Emotions (sometimes called       frees us from toil and gives us more free time,
                  intuition or instinct) are often seen   but should we instead enjoy physical labor?
to cloud or muddy the decision-making process.            Shopping on Amazon means we never need
Society also tends to influence our decision-             to leave the house or interact with others. But
making. When it comes to finding a job, people            have we become too isolated? Inconvenience
will often follow their heads rather than their           certainly requires more effort, but effort can
hearts. Attractive incentives like higher pay, more       lead to great benefits, like socializing with
prestige, and better benefits take precedence             friends or learning a worthwhile new hobby.
over a low-paying dream job that might satisfy a          Effort creates feelings of self-worth. Perhaps
lifelong passion. And yet when it comes to finding        a little inconvenience is a good thing.
a life partner or choosing a pet, we let our hearts
guide us. Culture has told us that when it comes
to jobs, we follow our heads, but when it comes
to relationships, it’s okay to follow our hearts. The
scientific truth is that decision-making almost always
requires both cognitive and emotional thinking.

Studies show that almost every decision is really
a struggle between our emotions and intellect.
Studies of individuals with damage to the
emotional centers of their brains show that these
people struggle mightily with decision-making.
This is because we use both our intellect and
emotions to calculate risk and reward, the
primary drivers of decision-making.

Relying solely on emotion or intellect to make
decisions often drives us to make poor choices.
As brains develop from childhood and people
amass both good and bad life experiences, we
fine-tune our abilities to calculate risk and reward.
The wisdom that comes with old age develops
from the hard-won lessons taught to both our
heads and our hearts.
The Periodical - Parsons House on Eagle Run
February 2023

                                                   Flights of Fancy
                                                   The night of the first full moon of the lunar
                                                   new year brings one of Taiwan’s most famous
                                                   events, the Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival. Tens
                                                   of thousands of visitors crowd the small hillside
                                                   village of Shifen to release rice paper lanterns
                                                   into the night sky. Participants write their
                                                   names and wishes upon the lanterns, hoping
                                                   that they will fly up to the gods, who will grant
                                                   them their wishes in the new year.

                                                   It is believed that the sky lantern was invented
                                                   in the third century by military strategist Zhuge
                                                   Liang as a way to send military signals. When
                                                   the sky lantern tradition arrived in Taiwan,
                                                   it was adopted by local farmers, who wrote
                                                   their wishes for a plentiful season on the
                                                   lantern’s paper walls and sent them skyward
                                                   to their gods and ancestors. Today, anyone
                                                   who hopes to release a lantern arrives early,
                                                   giving themselves enough time to purchase
Star of the Month – Cesar Romero                   a lantern, write a message, and then find
                                                   a spot to release it before 80,000 people
February 15, 1907 – January 1, 1994                descend upon the town. The sight of the
                                                   night sky filled with thousands of lanterns
Cesar Romero was an American actor, dancer,        is magical to behold.
and comedian whose career on stage, film, and
television spanned six decades. With Cuban         Challenge of the North
roots, he was a handsome and debonair leading
man who often played a Latin lover or mysterious                    While the Iditarod Trail Sled
outlaw early in his career. While he appeared in                    Dog Race might be the most
more than 100 films throughout the 1930s and                        famous sled dog race in the
’40s, his best-known role was the Joker on the                      world, February’s Yukon Quest
1960s Batman television series. Late in his                         Sled Dog Race is undoubtedly
career, Romero found a new legion of fans when                      more challenging. Run in
                                                   the depths of winter, the Yukon Quest is
he appeared on the popular 1980s primetime
                                                   colder, darker, lonelier, and runs over more
drama Falcon Crest.
                                                   challenging terrain. The course runs 1,000
                                                   miles from Whitehorse, Yukon, to Fairbanks,
                                                   Alaska, and follows the historic route of the
                                                   Klondike Gold Rush. While the Iditarod has
                                                   22 checkpoints along the way, the Yukon Quest
                                                   has only nine. Mushers cross four mountain
                                                   ranges, traverse frozen rivers, and deal
                                                   with temperatures plummeting to minus-60
                                                   degrees Fahrenheit. Why would anyone want
                                                   to compete in such a race? The prize money
                                                   is minimal. The reward is honor and pride.
February 2023

                                                                               February Birthdays
                   February Recipe
                                                                               In astrology, those born from February 1–18
                                                                               are the Water Bearers of Aquarius. Although
                                                                               they bear water, Aquarius is an air sign,
                                                                               signaling that they are innovative, progressive,
                                                                               and rebellious. They nurture and support new
                                                                               ideas. Those born from February 19–28 are
                                                                               Pisces’ Fish. Pisces are incredibly sensitive
                                                                               and empathetic. They often tap into their
                                                                               boundless imaginations and dreamy
                                                                               attitudes to become accomplished artists.

                                                                                                Doris S. 2-11
                                                                                                Beverly Y. 2-4
                                                                                               Gregory G. 2-7
                                                                                               Joanne B. 2-17
                                                                                                Doris G.2-28
            No Bake Red Velvet Cheesecake                                                       Kathy T. 2-16
                                                                                                 Pat R. 2-10
                                                                                               Martha L. 2-27
16 double stuffed chocolate sandwich cookies, crushed into crumbs                                 Liz P. 2-8
3 Tablespoons unsalted butter, melted                                                          Edward K. 2-10
1 – 8oz packages cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup confectioners sugar
8 oz semi-sweet baking chocolate, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 Tablespoons red food coloring                                                    WHEELS GO ROUND AND ROUND
1 – 8oz container whipped topping, thawed, plus more for topping


In a small bowl, mix together cookie crumbs and melted butter. Then,
spoon the cookie mixture evenly into small jars or dishes and press to
form a crust. Set aside.
                                                                                Just a reminder that transportation
In a bowl of a stand mixer, beat together cream cheese and confectioners       requests must be submitted by Friday Noon
sugar until the mixture is light and blended. Add the melted chocolate,
vanilla extract, and red food coloring then beat until the mixture is evenly   the week prior to your appointment to your
blended. Fold in the whipped topping.                                          transportation company.
                                                                               If you cancel your appointment or it is
Spoon the cheesecake mixture into prepared cups over the cookie crumb
crusts. Alternately, you can transfer the cheesecake mixture int a piping      rescheduled, you need to let transportation
bag and pipe into cups.                                                        know so we get your travel arrangements
Serve immediately or refrigerate cheesecakes until ready to serve. Top
with vanilla whipped topping (see notes) and chocolate shavings.               We have been paying a lot of cancelled
                                                                               appointments and I don’t want to get to the
Enjoy!                                                                         point where we must pass those non-
                                                                               notification of cancellation fees on to
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