Page created by Dwayne Johnson

Photo: Sarah Rohrbach,
Southern Idaho Tourism
From dance party to car racing, win tickets and redeem for prizes.
                   Party rooms also available

      Over 40 vintage arcade cabinets to choose from

      Frozen yogurt and lots of topping to choose from

          759 Overland Burley 208-654-1200
Make your destination
                                                                            EXECUTIVE BOARD OF
                                                                              DIRECTORS 2022

Southern Idaho
                                                                                     Terri McBride
                                                                              First American Title Company
                                                                                     Past Chairman
                                                                                     Melissa Aston
                                                                                     Idahoan Foods
                                                                                   1st Vice Chairman
                                                                                      Jerri Tegan
                                                                            D.L. Evans Bank/South Overland
                                                                                  2nd Vice Chairman
                                                                                 Heather Mortensen
                                                                                Albion Campus Retreat
                                                                        BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2022
                                                                                    Stephanie Curtis
                                                                         Intermountain Cassia Regional Hospital
                                                                                 Blake Hollingsworth
                                                                               Minidoka Memorial Hospital
                                                                                     Andrew Gibby
                                                                                Nature Nursery & Market
WALLACE KECK PHOTO                                                                     Heidi Smith
                                                                                     Impact Athletic

               rom the Mini-Cassia Chamber of Commerce, welcome!                    David Lizarraga
                                                                                        CAL Ranch
           For those of us who live here, this is our playground,                     Gail Bulzomi
           our home…. but we are more than happy to share it                  First Federal/South Overland
     with YOU!                                                                      Trisha Moultrie
                                                                                 United Electric Co-op Inc
     From the sheer majesty of the mountains, to the breathtaking
                                                                                      Tim Vaughan
     sunrises & sunsets, to the “magic” of the mighty Snake River –              Streamline Precision
     we simply love it here. We hope you do too!                   
                                                                                      Dave Westfall
                                                                                   Financial Advisor
     The Mini-Cassia area is comprised of 2 counties. Among them                 Westfall & Westfall CPA’s
     sit 12 towns, each unique to what they contribute to this area.   

     From our deep roots in agriculture stemmed by generations of          MINI-CASSIA CHAMBER
     history to our amazing tourism & recreation experiences, we            OF COMMERCE STAFF
                                                                                   Penne Y. Main
     continue to grow & thrive.                                                   President & CEO
                                                                                     Vicki Lucio
     Thank you for making Southern Idaho & especially the Mini-        Front Office Manager & Visitor’s Center
     Cassia area – your destination!                              
                                                                       PUBLISHED BY THE TIMES-NEWS
                                                                           & MAGICVALLEY.COM
     Penne Y. Main                                                      In cooperation with the Mini-Cassia Chamber of
                                                                       Commerce, 1510 Overland Ave., Burley, ID, 83318.
                                                                           Phone: 208-678-2201. Fax: 208-678-0412.
     Penne Y. Main
     President & CEO                                                         Publisher: Matt Sandberg
                                                                                Editor: Alison Smith
     Mini-Cassia Chamber of Commerce                                    Project art design: Lee Design Center
                                                                         Advertising director: Debi Perkins

                                                                                    WWW.MINICASSIACHAMBER.COM |       1

                                  WELCOME ......................................................... 6

                                  LEARN ABOUT MINI-CASSIA ............................. 8

                                  HEALTH CARE AND EDUCATION ................... 10

                                  ECONOMY AND AGRICULTURE .................... 11

                                  HISTORY AND MUSEUMS................................. 12

                                  STAYCATIONS .................................................. 15

                                  EXTRA MILE - DAY TRIP IDEAS ......................... 19

                                  SUMMER FUN ................................................... 20

                                  WINTER ADVENTURES...................................... 26

                                  CALENDAR OF LOCAL EVENTS ...................... 29


                                  ECONOMIC GROWTH .................................... 36

                                  HOW TO BE A CHAMBER MEMBER ................ 47

                                  LOCAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY......................... 48
Premier Lodging                                                    One Mile From Burley Exit 208

Reserve Today: 208-650-4979
                                    Guest Suite Features
 • Private, exterior entrance with                     •   Individual A/C and Heat control
   covered walkway                                     •   Compact fridge and microwave
 • Double occupancy (choice of full, queen, or         •   Wall mounted flat screen TV
   two single beds)                                    •   Use of all Common Area Features
 • Private, ADA Bathroom with shower

  Rent One Room OR Rent The Whole Place!

    Nightly Rates
      as low as                                                                   Family Reunions
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             89                                                                      and Guests
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             65                    Full Facility Discounts                        Bereavement &
       per night        • Eight Guest Suites (three more coming in August!)
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                                 Premier Lodging Features
• Fully equipped kitchen with 5 sinks,             •   Two laundry rooms, free w/ soap included
  double oven, coffee maker, small appliances,     •   Two private, grass courtyards
  ice and filtered water                           •   Game nook
• Dining Room and Living Room with fireplace       •   Outdoor grill
  and big screen TV                                •   Private Dining/Meeting Room

1221 21st Drive, Heyburn, ID
                         Welcome to

     The gateway to
      Lake Walcott
    and the Minidoka
     Wildlife Refuge
   Not every community has a park in the
middle of its business district, but Rupert
offers just such an attraction for shoppers
and their families with the historic Rupert
Square. The square features a gazebo,
fountain, and playground.
   July is a very busy month in Rupert,
beginning with the Rupert Fourth of July
Celebration. Residents celebrate for days
with events including food, rodeos, carni-
vals, live concerts, a parade, and fireworks.   find a variety of restaurants and specialty   The Renaissance Arts Center Inc. was cre-
   A Christmas in July Breakfast is held        shops, including a quilting shop, book-       ated to pursue restoration. The theatre has
each year to raise money to refurbish and       store, and flower shop. Many of the shops     completed renovations and restored to its
replace the spectacular holiday decorations     are located in historic buildings listed on   original magnificence. This historic the-
that adorn the square during the holiday        the National Register of Historic Places.     atre remains the cornerstone of Rupert.
season and to help pay for the wonderful        The Drift Inn and Restaurant has restored     The building is on the National Register of
fireworks.                                      their beautiful building to include a small   Historic Places and features a convention/
   The day after Thanksgiving, Santa Claus      boutique hotel, a lounge and a fine dining    community center on the second floor.
flips the switch on the lights in the square    establishment. Tours of the buildings are     Four offices are located on the southwest
which is followed by a wonderful firework       offered during community celebrations or      side. Tours and meeting space are available
display. There is also a chili feed that eve-   by appointment.                               by calling 208-436-2787.
ning while Santa visits with youngsters.           A building of particular note is the          Besides community events, history and
Caring and Sharing, a tree festival, is held    Wilson Theatre, which has seen a major        shopping, Rupert offers many recreational
in the Rupert Civic Center on Friday, Sat-      transformation that began in January          opportunities for visitors. Thanks to the
urday, Sunday and Monday of Thanksgiv-          2000. Built in 1920,the theatre fell into     work of various service groups, there are
ing weekend.                                    disrepair after closing in the mid-1980s      miles of paths for walkers, joggers, bicy-
   Shoppers on and around the square can        and was purchased by the city in late 1999.   clists, and in-line skating enthusiasts.


   Located northeast of Rupert along State Highway 24, the
city of Acequia was originally known as Scherrer. The name
changed to Acequia in 1907. Acequia started in 1904 as a
railroad siding for unloading settlers’ livestock, machinery
and supplies when land was opened up as part of the Minidoka
Irrigation Project. There are no services available, but you will
pass close to Acequia when traveling to Lake Walcott State
Park and Minidoka Dam.
                                                                       Minidoka County’s oldest community, the city of Minidoka,
                                                                    is a small town about 13 miles northeast of Rupert on State
                                                                    Highway 24. The city was established in 1884 as a mainline
                                                                    railroad siding. There is one restaurant in Minidoka. The town
                                                                    has several parks, playgrounds, a baseball field, picnic tables
                                                                    and benches. Minidoka is the southern entrance to the Great
                                                                    Rift area, with access roads for anyone who likes to go on
                                                                    desert explorations or ride recreational vehicles. Minidoka is
                                                                    a small, friendly community and welcomes visitors.

HEYBURN                                                                                         PAUL
   Located on the north shore of the Snake River, the city of                                      The city of Paul is located north
Heyburn is accessed by Interstate 84 Exit 211. The Mini-Cas-                                    of Burley and west of Rupert at
sia Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Center is housed in                                        the junction of State Highways
Heyburn and the staff can help direct visitors to many of the                                   27 and 25. It was laid out by the
area’s interesting sights and attractions. The visitors’ center                                 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation as
has lots of maps, brochures and other information for travel-                                   part of the Minidoka Irrigation
ers. Adjoining the visitors’ center is Riverside Park, featuring                                project. The town is the hub of
an amphitheater, full-service RV sites, a day park, boat docks                                  a vast farming area to the north
and a walking path along the river. Nearby Emerald Lake                                         and offers full services, groceries
offers activities such as swimming, picnicking, fishing and                                     and restaurants and a new city
nonmotorized boating. To get to Emerald Lake take Interstate                                    park that features a snowtubing
84, Exit 208 and head north on Highway 27. At 300 S. turn                                       hill and has a great jet water
right and go two miles to the second stop sign and turn right.                                  fountain splash park.

                                                                                                           WWW.MINICASSIACHAMBER.COM |   5

     Welcome to
     hometown living.
Burley                  City of

The best place to live, work and play
   Nestled in a bend along the
Snake River midway between the
metropolitan areas of Boise and
Salt Lake City, Burley provides
the same oasis for travelers today
as it did for the wagons travelling
the Oregon and California trails
in the mid-1800s. The city of
Burley, founded in 1905, has a
rich history. Its location, next to
the river in the shadows of the
mountains, has been a strategic
place for centuries.
                                                                   SARAH ROHRBACH PHOTO, SOUTHERN IDAHO TOURISM
   With a population just over
10,000, Burley is the county          Burley is a farm, marketing and   hidden hot springs. Nearby City
seat for Cassia. This picturesque     distribution center.              of Rocks offers world-class rock
community offers countless               Burley enjoys outdoor activ-   climbing with camping available
opportunities for recreation and      ities year round. In the summer   as well. In the winter, Pomerelle
entertainment. The wonderful          the beautiful Snake River is a    Ski Resort offers 24 amazing
Robert Leathers-designed play-        haven for boaters and personal    runs. There are also many per-
ground at Storybook Park, was         water craft. The mountains        fect getaways for snowmobiling
built by more than 1,000 volun-       surrounding Burley are full of    and four-wheeling.
teers. This park, only the second     intense mountain bike and hik-       Burley offers many great
of its kind in all of Idaho, was      ing trails, pristine lakes and    amenities and has wonderful
truly a community project.                                              recreation opportunities in the
   Agriculture is the life blood of                                     area surrounding the city. Burley
Burley. The combination of good                                         offers a business friendly envi-
soil, favorable topography, an                                          ronment and welcoming and
average irrigation season                                                      friendly atmosphere.
of about 200 days, and
available irrigation water
makes the surrounding
lands highly productive.

                                                                                               WWW.MINICASSIACHAMBER.COM |   7
                                                                           Southeast of Declo near Raft River is the small city of Malta. The
                                                                         settlement started in about 1868, when cattlemen were drawn to
                                                                         the area because of the lush grass growing along Raft River. Gas,
                                                                         convenience items and meals are available in Malta. East of Malta,
                                                                         about 20 miles on Forest Road, is Sublett, popular for its fishing and
                                                                         camping recreation.
   Nestled in the foothills along State Highway 77 southeast of                                               OAKLEY
Burley, Albion is the gateway to recreational areas in the mountains                                               Located on State Highway
of southern Cassia County, including Mt. Harrison, Pomerelle                                                    27 between Burley and the City
Mountain Resort and the City of Rocks National Reserve. Albion                                                  of Rocks, the quaint town of
was the original county seat of Cassia County and is rich with both                                             Oakley is the western gateway
history and natural beauty. On the historic campus of what once was                                             to the City of Rocks. Oakley
the Albion State Normal School from 1893 to 1951, you will find a                                               has been designated a National
museum with memorabilia from the college as well as the famous                                                  Historical District because
trial of Diamondfield Jack. This museum is open on Saturdays from                                               of its turn-of-the-century
mid-May through mid-September or by appointment. The remain-                                                    architecture. The streets are
der of the campus -Campus Grove, is used for events, reunions and                                               dotted with Victorian homes
boasts the largest haunted mansion in Idaho. A popular tourist des-                                             and other buildings, including
tination, Albion has a service station with mini-market, a motel, a                                             the renovated Howells Opera
bed-and-breakfast and restaurant that features a full bar.               House, where The Oakley Valley Arts Council stages theatrical
                                                                         productions. The Oakley Museum, on Main Street, is open May
                                                                         through Labor Day. The Oakley Dam creates Goosecreek Reservoir,
                                                                         a great place for fishing and boating. When the dam was constructed
                                                                         between 1909 and 1912 it was the largest earth-filled dam in the
                                                                         world. Oakley is also known for its Oakley stone, quarried from the
                                                                         South Hills and shipped worldwide. The town has access to camp-
                                                                         ing, fishing and hunting within an hour’s drive. Oakley is truly “a
                                                                         town for all seasons.”

                                                                         ALMO & ELBA
                                                                            Cache Peak rises above the small rural communities of Almo and
                                                                         Elba. The picturesque valleys were settled in the 1870’s and many
                                                                         families still operate the original family ranches and farms. Even
                                                                         before these valleys were settled, pioneers traveling the California
                                                                         Trail knew of this region. Its unique granite rock formations were
                                                                         significant landmarks along the trail and still bear messages left by
                                                                         those early travelers. The City of Rocks National Reserve and the
DECLO                                                                    Castle Rocks State Park were created to preserve the history and
   East of Burley, at the junction of State Highways 77 and 81, is the   natural beauty of the area.
city of Declo, originally known as Marshfield. A thriving agricul-
tural settlement, Declo began in the early 1900’s when the Mini-
doka Dam began providing irrigation water. Declo is famous for its
agriculture, with farms producing sugar beets, beans, grains and the
famous “Idaho Potato.” Be sure to visit Declo during the Declo Day
Celebration on the second Saturday in July. Festivities kick off with
a fun run followed by the pancake breakfast, a parade and continue
throughout the day with events at Kiwanis Park on Main Street.

 Image-Guided, Minimally
  Invasive, Highly Skilled

State-of-the-art medical techniques
and technology. Caring and highly
skilled surgeons and surgical teams
that can provide the same care you
would expect anywhere. And we are
      proud to be accredited by
       The Joint Commission.

Mini-Cassia’s hospitals
prioritize patients through

   Since the onset of the COVID-
                                       360-degree ultraviolet light
                                       to kill 99.9 percent of viruses,
                                                                              Cassia Regional Hospital in Burley.

                                                                              Intermountain Healthcare
                                                                              are opening a new helicopter
                                                                                                                                         COURTESY PHOTO
                                                                              Classic Air Medical and Intermountain Healthcare will open a new base at

                                                                                                                    were stretched to capacity.
                                                                                                                       “Our inpatient volumes are
19 pandemic, Mini-Cassia’s two         bacteria and other pathogens.          medical transport base on the         greater than they were last
hospitals, Intermountain Cassia        These include Clostridium dif-         Intermountain Cassia Regional         year,” Minidoka Memorial Hos-
Regional in Burley and Minidoka        ficile (C.diff), which is the most     Hospital campus in Burley to          pital CEO Tom Murphy said in
Memorial Hospital in Rupert,           difficult bacteria to fight, as well   enhance medical transport ser-        September 2021. “We are so far
have continued to provide state-       as COVID-19, methicillin-re-           vices for residents.                  beyond that first wave, it’s far
of-the-art healthcare while bat-       sistant Staphylococcus aureus             Classic Air Medical will begin     more serious now.”
tling new challenges.                  (MRSA), influenza and more,”           providing this critical care ser-        Hospital staff examined ways
   Disinfecting the facility and       said Melinda Williams, infection       vice in the summer of 2022, with      to further increase the bed count
keep people safe is a top priority     prevention director at Cassia          a team of three caregivers on         by another three to four beds, and
for Cassia Regional. Their newest      Regional Hospital.                     base, including a pilot, a critical   left no stone unturned in finding
weapon in the battle is a device          The lights will be used in          care flight medic, and a critical     new ways to help patients, he
that uses Ultraviolet (UV)-C           isolation rooms upon patient           care flight nurse. A mechanic will    said.
light to destroy pesky microor-        discharge after the rooms are          also be on campus.                       By spring 2022, COVID num-
ganisms.                               cleaned.                                  Amid the pandemic, hospitals       bers were receding and opera-
   “This new device uses                  Classic Air Medical and             including Minidoka Memorial           tions continued to normalize.

Mini-Cassia schools offer online learning option
TIMES-NEWS                                                                    District is adding a new tool to         Both school districts offer
   Mini-Cassia schools are help-                                              combat the districts’ top disci-      advanced and dual credit courses
ing their students through tough                                              plinary problem in secondary          for high school students, who
times. In the past year, local                                                schools: vaping.                      have access to classes at the
school districts have imple-                                                     Vaping is inhaling the vapor       technical center and college
mented new programs to help                                                   from a battery-powered smok-          along with award-winning ath-
students when they need it most.                                              ing device or electronic cigarette.   letic programs.
   There are two public school                                                The devices have cartridges filled       Cassia Regional Technical
districts in Mini-Cassia, Cassia                                              with liquids that contain nico-       Center offers certifications in
County Joint School District and                                              tine, chemicals and flavorings        automotive, computer-aided
Minidoka County Joint School                                                  that are heated to vapor for a        design and drafting, diesel
District, which both encompass                              COURTESY PHOTO
                                                                              person to inhale.                     mechanics, electronics tech-
                                       Minico High School’s graduation
portions of adjacent counties.         ceremony 2021.
                                                                                 “Students from all socioeco-       nology, game and app program-
   The suicide prevention group                                               nomic demographics are vap-           ming, graphics communications,
Mini-Cassia PAuSe is refining a        clinics, counselors, mental health     ing,” Burley Junior High School       health professions, residential
prototype suicide resource guide       treatment centers, addiction and       Principal Steve Copmann said          construction and welding.
that will be given to police offi-     substance abuse resources along        “It’s not just those kids, it’s any      The College of Southern
cers to hand out during suicide        with other support services.           kid. It can be the bishop’s kid or    Idaho Mini-Cassia Center offers
attempts or suicide calls.             Along with going into police cars,     a business leader’s kid.”             activities and courses for almost
   The resource guide, published       it will also be available at many         The region also has higher         all ages along with degree pro-
in conjunction with Intermoun-         public buildings and businesses        learning opportunities at Cassia      grams and events that offer res-
tain Cassia Regional Hospital,         in October — and it will be trans-     Regional Technical Center and         idents lifelong learning, personal
will include a list of mental health   lated into Spanish.                    the College of Southern Idaho,        growth, life enrichment and
hotline numbers, hospitals and            The Cassia County School            Mini-Cassia Campus.                   job skills.


The talent pipeline: Recruiting young workers
HANNAH ASHTON                                                                                                    resources, clerical, produc-‌                                                                                         tion, manufacturing, they don’t
                                                                                                                 understand what’s going on
   BURLEY — A constant across                                                                                    inside that facility,” he said.
businesses in Idaho is the                                                                                          The program launched in
demand for workers.                                                                                              November 2017 and has been
   Local educators believe one                                                                                   highly successful. Students have
solution comes from a collabo-                                                                                   gone on to full-time employment
ration between employers, edu-                                                                                   with companies like High Desert
cators, parents and students.                                                                                    Milk and McCain Foods.
   A panel of educators from                                                                                        Employers who use an appren-
the Mini-Cassia area discussed                                                                                   ticeship program have on average
apprenticeship programs and                                                             DREW NASH, TIMES-NEWS‌
                                                                                                                 a 90% retention rate, said Wendi
                                    Students work during their construction class Wednesday, March 30, 2022,
career technical education at the   at Cassia Regional Technical Center in Burley.
                                                                                                                 Secrist, executive director of the
quarterly Business Plus meeting                                                                                  Idaho Workforce Council.
Thursday. Debbie Critchfield,       with the Idaho Department of         Program (STRAP). The program               In 2021, 103 students in Cassia
spokesperson for Cassia County      Labor. “When we talk about           focuses on helping students find        County School District earned
School District and candidate for   manufacturing all they see is a      employment opportunities in             more than 320 industry cre-
Idaho state superintendent mod-     box over there with steam com-       manufacturing and food pro-             dentials before they graduated,
erated the event.                   ing out the top. They don’t know     cessing.                                said Curtis Richins, director of
   “I don’t think students are      what’s happening inside of it.”        “They don’t realize the high          the Cassia Regional Technical
really aware what jobs exist in        Eleven years ago, Jeppesen        pay, they don’t realize the tech-       Center and the district’s admin-
our communities,” said Chet         started developing Mini-Cassia’s     nology, they don’t realize all the      istrator for career and techni-
Jeppesen, workforce consultant      Student to Registered Apprentice     things, whether it be human             cal education.

TIMES-NEWS                          census, Cassia County, led all
   Between Minidoka and Cas-        counties in Idaho with $927 mil-
sia counties, there are about       lion in ag sales.
900,000 acres of farmland              Cassia County is one of the                                                                     TIMES-NEWS FILE‌
(the state of Rhode Island cov-     top potato producing counties        Farm manager Ricardo Ramirez plants potatoes in 2016 at SouthWind
ers 776,000 acres). This makes      in Idaho, and home to one of         Farms in Heyburn. Mini-Cassia produces millions of pounds of potatoes
Mini-Cassia the agricultural        the largest french fry processing    every year.
heart of the Magic Valley.          plants in the country. Minidoka
   If you look at Mini-Cassia by    County lead the state in sugar       only California and Wisconsin           industrial hemp.
satellite in summer, you’ll see     beet production in 2017, and the     in dairy production.                       Industrial hemp is grown for
mile after mile of green, irri-     city of Paul is home to America’s       Some of the region’s barley          its fiber and seeds. THC, the
gated farmland, surrounded on       largest sugar beet processing        heads to dairies, but much of           psychoactive compound in can-
its edges by gray-brown desert.     facility.                            it ends up being used by major          nabis is found in the flower, not
Much of that land is irrigated         The region also produces huge     beverage companies to brew beer.        the seeds or stalks.
by massive pivots — high-tech       amounts of alfalfa, wheat, barley,      Beans grown here are often              Industrial hemp fiber can be
sprinkler systems — that water      corn, beans and peas.                used for seed by farmers in             used for a wide variety of products
a massive circle of ground. Every      Mini-Cassia, like most of the     other states. That’s because the        including textiles, clothing, build-
five years, the U.S. Department     Magic Valley, is a huge dairy pro-   region’s soils are mostly dis-          ing materials and paper. Hemp
of Agriculture does a compre-       ducing region. The Magic Valley      ease-free.                              seeds are rich in protein, fiber,
hensive agricultural census. In     accounts for 70% of Idaho’s             Now, a new crop is available to      and healthy fatty acids including
2017, the year of the most recent   dairy output. Idaho is behind        Mini-Cassia farmers to produce:         omega-3s and omega-6s.

WWW.MINICASSIACHAMBER.COM |                                                                                                                       11
Mini-Cassia museums
eager to share their
stories with can’t-miss
historical exhibits

MYCHEL MATTHEWS                                late 19th century, and the development                      of the Twin Falls irrigation system       3 can’t-miss items at

                                               in the early 20th century. Oakley, a      Minidoka County
            istory abounds in Mini-            pre-irrigation-era Mormon settlement      Historical Museum
            C a ss i a a n d re s i d e n ts   close to the Utah border, also has an
            take pride in showing off          active historical society and museum.     At the museum, be sure to look for these:
            their historical museums.             A large photo in the Oakley Valley     • An 1898 wire fencer — the Kitselman
            D o c e n t s a re l o o k i n g   Historical Museum shows the family        Duplex Automatic Ball Bearing Woven
forward to welcoming back visitors at          of Mormon pioneer Hector C. Haight,       Wire Fence Machine — that weaves wire
the many museums in the area after             including sons David B. Haight — an       into a fence on site. A three-man crew
two years of practicing pandemic               elder in The Church of Jesus Christ of    could construct a mile of fencing across
                                                                                         hilly terrain in five days.
protocols.                                     Latter-day Saints, father-in-law of       • An extensive collection of Ice Age
  The tiny town of Albion has some of          billionaire philanthropist Jon Hunts-     mammal fossils found near Acequia.
the deepest roots in the Magic Valley,         man and grandfather of Utah Gov. Jon      • A massive firearms collection donated
dating back to cattlemen in the 1860s,         Huntsman Jr. — and Horton Gran-           by resident Wayne Birch.
back when Owyhee County engulfed               ville Haight, husband of I.B. Perrine’s
most of southern Idaho. Cassia County          daughter Stella.                          MUSEUM INFORMATION
was created in 1879 from the eastern              The Haight/Perrine union was the       Where: 99 E. Baseline Road, Rupert
half of Owyhee County and included             “marriage of the century,” joining the
what is now Twin Falls County.                 “royal families” of Oakley and Twin       When: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesdays
                                                                                         through Saturdays
  Albion was the seat of Cassia County         Falls, the Oakley Valley Historical
for 40 years — from 1879 until 1919 —          Association former volunteer Robert       Cost: Free admission
and saw the county through infamous            Fehlman told the Times-News a few         Contact: 208-436-0336
murders, trials and confessions in the         years ago.

Irrigation projects
usher in new towns‌
   Burley, an irrigation town 20 miles
north of Oakley, and Rupert, Burley’s
neighbor across the Snake River,
became the seats of Cassia and Mini-
doka counties. Farmland in the com-
bined area drinks from the Bureau of
Reclamation’s 1906 Minidoka Dam
   The Cassia County Historical
Museum reflects the struggles and
triumphs of those on the land, from
American Indians to cowboys and
sheepmen, to farmers and business-
   Historic outbuildings — a log store,                                                                           MYCHEL MATTHEWS PHOTOS, TIMES-NEWS‌
a log schoolhouse and a one-room,         The dirt floor and furnishings of an old log cabin are seen June 8 at the Cassia County Historical Museum
sod-roofed log cabin built by Oakley      in Burley.
pioneer Andrew Gustave Larson —
were moved to the museum grounds            3 can’t-miss items                                           3 can’t-miss items
and are used to show what life was          at Cassia County                                             at Oakley Valley
like in 19th-century southern Idaho.        Historical Museum                                            Historical Museum
   The museum building is chock full
of interpretive displays showcasing         At the museum, be sure to look for these:                    At the museum, be sure to look
pioneers and more recent dignitaries.                                                                    for these:
The Cassia County museum complex            • The luxury Pullman rail car that
                                            once displayed what was said to be the                       • A cedar post that marked the
also has a metal outbuilding with           mummy of John Wilkes Booth. William                          Idaho border at the northwest
several rooms full of old firetrucks,       Evans, “Carnival King of the Southwest,”                     corner of Utah and the northeast
covered wagons and Basque sheep             paid a $40,000 bond, plus a fee of                           corner of Nevada, about 20
camps and another dedicated to              more than $2,000 a year, to display the                      miles south of Oakley
                                            mummy in what he called the greatest                         • A crazy quilt made in 1906
World War II veterans.
                                            freak-animal show in the country.                            by Marion resident Esther
   The Minidoka County Histori-                                                                          Frost, an English convert to the
cal Museum is the only historical           • A 1903 photo of Anna Hansen acting
                                            in a play presented by the Albion                            Mormon Church who worked
museum in the Magic Valley that             Normal School. Hansen, daughter of                           as a seamstress in the home of
— under normal circumstances — is           Swedish pioneer John Hansen, later                           Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
open year-round.                            married surveyor John E. Hayes, who                          after she came to America
   The museum complex also holds            laid out many of the towns and canal                         • A collection of Anabrus
an impressive expanse of artifacts          systems in the area. Anna Hayes became                       simplex, commonly known as
                                            influential in the Magic Valley, and the                     Mormon crickets, preserved in
from the area, including American                                                                        resin. Mormon crickets, actually
Indian tools, World War II military         Shoshone Falls View Point is dedicated
                                            to her.                                                      shield-backed katydids,
memorabilia and more than a cen-            • A golden eagle electrocuted when a                         attacked Mormon settlers’ crops
tury of digitized local newspapers.         rabbit it carried in its talons touched a                    in Utah during the mid-1800s
The site also houses the county seat’s      power line as it flew over. The museum
original jail cell.                         went through the proper channels in                          MUSEUM INFORMATION
   A Union Pacific caboose and rail         order to have it stuffed and displayed in
                                            the World War II room.                                       Where: 140 W. Main St.
cars sit near Rupert’s 1906 railroad                                                                     in Oakley
depot, which was moved to the
                                            MUSEUM INFORMATION                                           When: Museum is closed for
museum site in 1985. The town was                                                                        renovations but the historical
named after a man named Rupert              Where: East Main Street and Hiland                           society hopes to open soon with
who hooked the mailbag from the             Avenue in Burley                                             normal hours: 1-4 p.m. Fridays
train as it went by.                        When: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays                             and Saturdays from Memorial
   “So people ‘went to Rupert’ to           through Saturdays, April 15 to Oct. 15                       Day weekend to Labor Day.
get their mail,” volunteer Gary             Cost: Free admission                                         Cost: Free admission
Schorzman once told the Times-
News. “If he missed it, everyone            Phone: 208-678-7172
was mad.”

WWW.MINICASSIACHAMBER.COM |                                                                                                                      13

                                                     At the Herrett Center for Arts & Science, you can travel to a black hole
                                                     or the ends of the earth. See tools and artifacts used by some of America’s
                                                     earliest peoples. Marvel at the majesty of the night sky. Since 1980, thethe
                                                     Center has inspired generations of adults and kids alike through its unique
                                                     collection of art and science. Located on the College of Southern Idaho   campus,
                                                                                                                            daho  campus,
                                                     the Herrett Center is open Tuesday-Saturday. Gallery admission is always ys  free.
                                                     Visit or call (208) 732-6655 for more information.

          At City of Rocks National Reserve, you can camp under skies so
          clear the vast Milky Way seems within your grasp. Craters of the Moon                                     National Monument
          National Monument and Preserve is recognized as an International Dark
                                                                                                                                 Craters of
          Sky Park, one of only a handful worldwide. And the Herrett Center for                  84                              the Moon
          Arts & Science explores the heavens above with year-round observation                                                  National Monument

          parties, fascinating exhibits and planetarium programs. Visit Southern        Hagerman                                 City of Rocks
                                                                                        Fossil Beds                              National Reserve
          Idaho and get some perspective on your place in the universe.                 National Monument   Herrett Center
                                                                                                            for Arts & Science

          Uncover Wonder.


Get your
playlist ready.
Gas up the rig and load up.
It’s time for some easy, fun ways to
explore Minidoka & Cassia Counties.

                                       PAT SUTPHIN TIMES-NEWS

                                                                             WWW.MINICASSIACHAMBER.COM |   15

The calm and winding Snake River flows
through the towns of Burley, Heyburn and
Rupert. These lake-like waters stretch
for over 26 miles. It brings boaters,
paddlers, wildlife and the most stunning
sunsets. Whether you are enjoying
the scenery from the sidelines or
speeding along its glassy waters, there
is something special about the Snake
River in this part of Southern Idaho.
Framed by the Albion Mountains and Mt.
Harrison, the lush green riverbanks are
just a small testament to the magic these
waters bring the valley. The Great Snake
River not only provides endless beauty
and recreation, but flows through the
farms and brings life to our fields.

In summer, the Snake River is a boater’s                                                                PHOTO COURTESY OF WALLACE KECK
paradise. There are several easy boat
launches, parks and docks right in town.     the Snake River around Freedom Park        weather fishing and bow fishing at Lake
These communities are built on the river     and Marina, Lex Kunau Park, Burley         Walcott offer opportunities to get on the
and river play is a way of life. You         Snake River RV Park in town and more       water anytime. Find bass, monster carp,
can find fishing, wakeboarding, surfing,        remote spots as far as Milner Dam and      crappie and more for fishing enthusiasts.
waterskiing or just plain floating the        upriver to Lake Walcott. There are also
river.                                       opportunities to rent boats and kayaks     No matter what your plans are in the
                                             in Heyburn. The Riverside Park has a       area, make sure to take some time to
One of the most popular spots for            beautiful trail that winds through a       spend next to the Great Snake River.
boating access is the River Front Park       riverfront arboretum and is the location   There are plenty of places up and down
in Burley. It is located on the south side   of Idaho Water Sports rental facility.     the river to find water access that fits
of the river and shares a large parking      Call ahead to make sure they have          your needs. Give the Mini-Cassia Visitor
lot with the River’s Edge Golf Course. It
                                             openings. They are a full-service boat     Center a call for more details and
has three wide ramps and over 1000
                                             dealer and can custom package a            information.
feet of docks. Plus, lush green grass
                                             pontoon, paddle board or equipment
and picnicking areas. It is a hot spot for
water enthusiasts and the ramps are          rentals.                                   HEADED TO CITY OF ROCKS
typically bustling.                                                                     Get ready to travel through history and
                                             To take in the true beauty of the Snake stand in awe of a silent city. One of
From there, head northwest to glide          River, find a spot on the river to watch    Idaho’s most unique road trip adventures
under bridges and boat close to town.        the sun go down. Southern Idaho is         starts in Heyburn off of Exit 216, makes
Or keep going downriver, out as far          legendary for their orange and fiery red a loop through historic towns, mountains
as Milner Dam. If you head southeast,        sunsets and the best way to take them      and around a state & national park.
you’ll keep Mt Harrison and the Albion       in is with a reflection on the smooth river From the Mini-Cassia Visitor Center,
Mountains in view while playing in wide      water. Stay out a little later after an    head south on Hwy 77 to the small
open waters. Upriver continues past          endlessly fun wakesurfing day or make       town of Declo. Be sure to ask about an
Rupert and to Lake Walcott State Park.       a reservation for dinner on a riverside    audio tour available at the visitor center
Both directions are a favorite spot for      patio. Dinner cruises are also available before heading out. Dr. Ken Turner
water lovers to play and bring all of        through Morey’s Steakhouse, but you’ll     (known as Dr. History) breaks down each
their toys. You’ll see everything from       need to call ahead for arrangements.       stop, any related history and fun facts.
Powerboats and jet skis to bass boats
and paddle crafts. We’ve even spotted        Once you explore the wide open,            Once you’re arrived in Declo, stop in at
a few jet boards!                            uncrowded waters of the Snake River,       the Sinclair Country Store. There you can
                                             we’ll guess you’ll want to stay forever.   fill up on gas, munchies and the latest
There are more opportunities to access       Visit during all four seasons too. Cold    agriculture news. The surrounding farms


produce world-renowned sugar beets,
beans, grains and the “Famous Idaho
Potato.” If you time it right Declo Days is
the second weekend in July with events
Friday & Saturday. You won’t want to
miss this classic event filled with fun.

Continue heading south along HWY 77
and up the grade to Albion. The gateway
to pristine recreational areas and the
Albion Mountains. The City of Albion
was the original county seat and is rich
in history – including the historic Albion
Campus. Students attended college there
from 1893 to 1951. There is a museum
filled with memorabilia and rooms to stay
in for a mountain side retreat, but be
warned – in October it is transformed into
the Pacific Northwest’s largest indoor/
outdoor haunted attraction.

From there, the road leads toward Elba
& Almo. Or take a quick detour and turn
towards Pomerelle Mountain Resort. This
family-owned resort offers awesome                                                                         PHOTOS COURTESY OF WALLACE KECK
skiing and snowboarding as well as
                                              travelers along the California trail stood   Also, make sure to ask for fry sauce —
excellent, snowmobiling and snowshoeing
                                              in wonder at the silent city leaving their   you won’t regret it!
access. In the summer, you can find a
                                              names as a register on the rocks. Today,
disc golf course and mountain biking.
Up the mountain a short distance is Lake      it is a mecca for rock climbers, wildlife    From Oakley, it is an easy and
Cleveland and the Mt Harrison Lookout.        lovers and recreationalists.                 picturesque drive through the valley and
The lookout features views so vast, you                                                    back to I-84.
can see into Utah and Nevada. Find        Round out your loop drive through
trails of all types as well as camping    City of Rocks National Reserve to the            THE HEARTBEAT OF THE CITY
and backpacking opportunities.            historic town of Oakley. Oakley is               The people of Southern Idaho are
                                          designated a National Historic District          unlike any you’ll meet in the Northwest.
Back on Hwy 77, continue on to City of    with one of the oldest homesteads in             Imagine mid-western friendliness mixed
Rocks and Castle Rocks. Almo is your      Idaho. There are numerous Victorian              with southern hospitality. It’s easy to see
final stop before entering the park.       style homes and buildings, including
                                                                                           why Idaho is one of the fastest growing
The historic town is right out of western the renovated Howells Opera House—
                                                                                           states in the US. This can also be seen in
movie and set with a stunning backdrop. home to the Oakley Valley Arts Council             our communities, events and downtowns.
Visit the Tracy’s General Store for a     and theatrical productions. The Oakley
homemade lunch or soak in the all         Museum on Main is open May through
                                          Labor Day. Learn about pioneers from             One step into Rupert’s Downtown Square
natural waters of Durfee Hot Springs.
                                          the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday          and you’ll feel right at home. Established
                                                                                           in 1906 as the city’s water source, the
Services are limited, but the town comes Saints and the lasting impression they
to life in the warmer months and more     made on this charming town. Oakley is            square quickly grew into a hub. Today,
amenities are available.                  also a gateway to even more recreation,          you’ll find unique shops, local cuisine
                                          including Oakley Reservoir, the South            and a stunning historic theatre. The
Ready to explore the amazing rock         Hills and Teepee Rocks.                          square is nostalgic and beautiful, the
formations? Stop in at the Visitor Center Don’t leave without dining at the                true heart of their community. You’ll also
to get advice on exploring the parks      Farmer’s Corner. We recommend the                find the largest quilt shop this side of the
and their unique granite hoodoos, arches chicken malibu sandwich with one of               Mississippi and finger steaks to die for
and more. This place is so magical        their delicious, real ice cream shakes.          (an Idaho invention).

                                                                                                         WWW.MINICASSIACHAMBER.COM |   17

The Rupert Square also keeps alive with        PARKS, ATTRACTIONS AND FUN!                    Head south to explore the Oakley Dam
activity. Visitors will discover a week long   Lake Walcott State Park is a hidden            and Goosecreek Reservoir, a great place
4th of July Celebration complete with a        gem, located just northeast of Rupert. The     for fishing and boating. When the dam
parade, live music and fireworks. As well       rolling lava rock ends in an oasis of grass,   was constructed in 1909 it was the largest
as a week long Christmas Celebration after     trees and the Lake Walcott Reservoir.          earth-filled dam in the world. Easy access
Thanksgiving. These feature events are         It is designated as a refuge for wildlife      to camping, fishing and hunting make these
mixed in with a folk festival, speedboat       and birds. Visitors can see hundreds           waters a true gateway to recreation. In the
showcase, pumpkin festival, princess tea       of American White Pelicans during the          summer, follow Forest Service Road 533
parties and more. The Historic Wilson          warmer months. You can also camp, hike,        into the hills to see Teepee Rocks, camp,
Theatre casts plays, performances and          launch at their boat ramps and docks, stay     ATV and enjoy Trapper Creek.
hosts events as well. Rupert really knows      in a cabin or play their top rated disc golf
how to bring their community together.         course. The very large, mature trees bring The Burley Convention Center is host to
                                               peace and variety to the course. It’s a    numerous events and attracts travelers
The City of Burley and Heyburn are going       favorite for locals and visitors.          from all over. They are the experts at
through beautification projects, bringing                                                  hospitality and will cater to your every
life to their downtowns and parks. You’ll      Heyburn’s spectacular Riverside Park on    need. Burley, Rupert, Heyburn, Paul, Declo,
find an amazing piano bar and restaurant        the north side of the Snake River not only Albion, Elba and Almo are full of wonder
downtown Burley as well as some great          has paved trails and an arboretum, but a   and a balanced lifestyle of agriculture
coffee/wine shops and retail. Burley also      full hookup RV park. The park has amazing and outdoor recreation. Whether you find
has quite a saucy past and the history is rich views of the Snake River and sits adjacent solace on a mountain top, exhilaration on
in agriculture and downtown secrets. Burley to the Mini-Cassia Visitor Center and         a boat or spirit in entertainment, these
and Rupert’s Museums are a great place         Gossner’s Cheese. Pop across the street to communities will embrace your story.
to learn about the area’s founding and see their chalet to taste ice cream, cheese curds
historical items from the earliest settlers.   or a full meal upstairs at the bistro.

          As a community
           We fought it...
         We found a way...
     We’re stronger than ever...

The Extra Mile
                                                                                         Looking for a few extra ideas?
                                                                                          Here are a few other popular
                                                                                              day trip destinations:
MALAD GORGE                                    distance of each other. Visit www.         FISH HATCHERY
Views of the Malad Gorge are best            Clean and pure oxygenated water
from the slender-but sturdy bridge that        thousand-springs.                          maintains a constant temperature of 58
arcs across the canyon. The Malad River                                                   degrees Fahrenheit, ideal for growing
crashes down a stair step falls and into       BALANCED ROCK                              trout at the Hagerman National Fish
the Devils Washbowl. Take a short hike         Over 48 feet tall and 40 tons, a           Hatchery in the Hagerman Valley.
to discover nearby fingers of the gorge         windcarved rock balances precariously      Hagerman National Fish Hatchery is
where crystal clear springs produce ponds      on a pedestal only 3 feet by 17 inches.    located at the Thousand Springs Reach
and streams. Visit         Nearby Balanced Rock Park is an            of the Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer.
                                               excellent spot for a picnic and much
SHOSHONE ICE CAVES                             more. Visit
Shoshone Ice Cave is the biggest ice
cave in Idaho. Escape the heat of              CRATERS OF THE MOON                        SHOSHONE FALLS, DIERKES LAKE
summer with a ¾ of a mile hike in the icy      Visit the strangest 75 square miles on     Known as the Niagara of the West at
cool temperatures from Memorial Day to         the North American Continent:              212 feet, Shoshone Falls is actually
Labor Day.           The Craters of the Moon National           higher than Niagara Falls, best viewed
home.html.                                     Monument and Preserve. This includes       during the spring and early summer. Just
                                               nearly 715,000 acres of lava flows,         up from the falls is Dierkes Lake. The
THOUSAND SPRINGS                               volcanic cones, lava tubes and caves.      lake offers enclosed swimming areas,
Thousand Springs State Park is divided         Visit                    beach, restrooms, playground, and trails
into units that are all within short driving                                              to hidden lakes. Visit

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                                                                                                       WWW.MINICASSIACHAMBER.COM |   15
For the Times-News

   ALMO — There are endless
possibilities when it comes
to summertime activities in
   Whether you are looking to
travel just a few miles out of town
for a quick getaway or camp for
a week in the backcountry; there
is something for every type of
adventurer looking to unwind in
Southern Idaho.

Where can I hike?
                                                                     Endless possibilites for
                                            SUMMER FUN
   Looking for an area that offers
several outdoor opportunities?
Look no further than Castle Rocks
State Park and City of Rocks
National Reserve in Almo. Super-
intendent Wallace Keck said the
                                                                                                                    SARAH ROHRBACH, SOUTHERN IDAHO TOURISM
two locations are popular in the
summer because of two factors:        Trail, so visitors can literally walk   four-mile Castle Rocks Trail that      Road after the descent is a via-
the traditional summer vacation       in the footsteps of history.            takes the hiker into BLM and for-      ble option. Start at Breadloaves
season and citizens seeking out          “Castle Rocks State Park is          est lands and returns back to the      Trail and ascend 0.5 miles to
their parks for recreation.           popular with hikers, climb-             state park.                            pick up Tea Kettle Trail and then
   Hiking is one of the most pop-     ers, and equestrians,” he said.                                                descend 2.5 miles back to City of
ular activities you can do and        “Its scenery is more intimate           Are bikes allowed?                     Rocks Road.
there are several trails to choose    and approachable than City of              On some trails, yes. Cas-              Another location to mountain
from at Castle Rocks State Park       Rocks.”                                 tle Rocks Trail in Castle Rocks        bike is on the slopes of Pomerelle
and City of Rocks National                                                    State Park is a 5-mile intermedi-      Resort, near the top of Howell
Reserve.                              What if I’m                             ate-rated loop that shares usage       Canyon. Jump Trail is a 2-mile
   While rock climbing might          hiking with small                       with hikers. At the northern end       long intermediate trail at the
come to mind first, Keck said         children?                               of the trail, you can see Cache        resort. This mountain bike-only
hiking is one of the most popular                                             Peak rising up high from the           trail can be ridden both up or
recreational activities.             Keck said they encourage fam-            valley floor. The trail starts just    down, with the descent taking
   “Even rock climbers have to    ilies with children to consider             west of the Lodge at Castle Rock       little time to ride.
hike to get to many of the climb- the Creekside Towers Trail in               Ranch and wanders north across
ing areas,” he said.              City of Rocks and the Backyard              the meadow before climbing             What about UTVs,
                                  Boulders Trail in Castle Rocks.             towards Cache Peak. The down-          ATVs and dirt
How many miles of Both of these are fairly level and                          hill starts approximately 2.5          bikes in City of
trails are there?                 relatively safe for beginners. The          miles into the ride and is fast and
                                                                                                                     Rocks and Castle
                                  park offers self-guided brochures           sandy, leading you back a little
   Park staff maintains about 22 for each of these trails.                    further west of the parking lot        Rocks?
miles of trails. The park spends                                              where the trail starts.                   There are no off-road motor-
about $25,000 a year maintain- What if I’m an                                    Tea Kettle Trail via Bread-         ized trails in either park. How-
ing trails and nearly all of the experienced                                  loaves Trail and City of Rocks         ever, UTV’s and ATV’s and
trails are multiple-use — mean- hiker?                                        Road is a really fun downhill          motorcycles may travel any
ing they are open to equestrians,                                             single track through cattle and        public road in the reserve that is
bikers and pedestrians.              Longer trails for more experi-           sagebrush country on the far           open to regular vehicles so long
   “There are some exceptions, enced hikers include the nearly                west end of City of Rocks. Ide-        as they meet state requirements
so it is important for the trail seven-mile North Fork Circle                 ally, two vehicles should be used      for public roads. If used in the
user to check park maps before Creek trail and the trail to 8,867-            to ride this trail (one at the top,    park they must pay the $5 motor
going,” Keck said.                foot Graham Peak. In Castle                 one at bottom) to shuttle you          vehicle entry fee or display a
   City of Rocks protects rem- Rocks State Park, Keck said                    and your friends back and forth,       Motor Vehicle Entry Fee sticker
nants of the historic California experienced hikers will enjoy the            but pedaling up City of Rocks          or Idaho State Parks Passport.

What kind of                           diameter yurt located in Castle
animals can I see?‌                    Rocks State Park. The facility
                                       includes a king-size bed, fur-
   Keck said because the parks         niture, electricity, electric fire-
get busy and are relatively            place, mini-fridge, microwave,
crowded, wildlife moves into           coffee maker and decor. Guests
more remote areas of the park.         can enjoy a spacious deck and
Around campsites and parking           stairway leading to Almo Creek.
areas, visitors might encounter
golden-mantled ground squir-
                                       The yurt rents for $125 per night
                                       and reservations can be made up       • Indoor Pool     • Free Wifi
rels, chipmunks, black-tailed
jackrabbit, mule deer, and a
                                       to 9 months in advance by call-
                                       ing 888-922-6743, or online at          & Hot Tub       • Hot Breakfast
large variety of birds. The park
is also home to moose, moun-
                                          What if I want to camp near a      • Business Center • Meeting Room
tain lions and Great Basin rat-        high mountain lake? Lake Cleve-
tlesnake. The best place to view       land is located in the Albion
wildlife would be along the            Mountains of the Sawtooth
North Fork Circle Creek trail          National Forest. Lake Cleveland
deep into the backcountry. The         is accessible from July to October
best time to see wildlife is early     because of the snow and colder
morning and late evening.              temperatures. The camping area
                                       is broken up into two sides. The
Can I fish?‌                           east side which is equipped with
   Castle Rocks State Park has a       seven reservable campsites and 10
fishing pond stocked with rain-        first-come, first-served sites and
bow trout.                             the west side which has nine first-
                                       come, first-served sites and is not
Where can I camp?‌                     recommended for RVs or trailers
   In City of Rocks, there are 64      because of the steep terrain and
campsites to choose from and all       tight turnaround. Overnight use
campsites have a fire-ring/ground      is $8-$10 per spot and certain
grill and a picnic table. Vault toi-   spots can be reserved at recre-
lets are located in central areas. The campground area
Make your reservations online at       has 30 picnic tables, 25 grills and                pit toilets. Small boats or kayaks
                                       are allowed but motorized vehi-
What about                             cles are not.
camping?‌                              Are there hiking
                                       trails at Lake
   City of Rocks offers desig-         Cleveland? Boating
nated backcountry camping in
the Indian Grove area. Permits
                                       allowed too?‌
are required for backcountry       Hiking is available southwest
camping, please contact the Vis- of Lake Cleveland at the Twin
itor Center at 208-824-5519.     Lakes campground. One great
                                 hike, the Skyline Trail, wraps
What if I’m not a                around the southern slopes of
fan of camping?‌                 Mount Harrison and meanders
                                 southward all the way to City of
   Groups can rent the Lodge or Rocks National Reserve. Usually,
the Bunkhouse at Castle Rocks the trails are only accessible July              Just off I-84 Exit 208
for a home away from home through October due to snow
experience. But if you want the blocking access.                               Burley, Idaho 83318
full glamping experience — rent    There are also several short
a glamping yurt. The Willow hikes around Lake Cleve-
Glamping Yurt is a 22-foot land, perfect for exploring the
WWW.MINICASSIACHAMBER.COM |                                                                                     21
shoreline, looking for fishing       Forest. The campground is suit-      Fork Shoshone Creek trail, which What is one of the
spots and taking photographs of      able for motorhomes, trailers,       is a moderate terrain trail located main draws of Lake
the pristine alpine lake.            and tent camping. This area is       nearby. For more information, Walcott?‌
   Kayaking in the lake is allowed   accessible year round. Camp-         go to
and multiple launching spots         ground amenities include drink-      recarea/sawtooth/recreation/           You might think it’s the water,
from the main parking area exist     ing water, wheelchair-accessible     ohv/recarea/?recid=5775&ac- but it’s actually the 21-hole disc
as well.                             toilets, picnic tables, warming      tid=93                              golf course.
                                     shelter, parking area and fire                                              “It spreads the entirety of
Where are some                       rings. Have an off-highway vehi-     What if I want to                   the park with the exception of
other places I can                   cle?                                 camp closer to                      the camping park,” said Mary
camp?‌                                  The Diamondfield Jack Snow        town?‌                              Fletcher, a seasonal office worker.
                                     Play Area offers several outdoor                                            In the fall, about 250 com-
   McClendon Spring Camp-            recreation opportunities and            Lake Walcott State Park is petitors and spectators travel
ground is a semi-developed           camping is just one of them. This    another spot that has a little to Lake Walcott for the Idaho
campground south of Burley. It       area covers over 200 miles of Saw-   bit of everything for everyone. State Championship for disc
is managed by the BLM. Point         tooth National Forest and Bureau     And it’s only 11 miles northeast golf. Looking for other disc golf
of interest: McClendon Spring        of Land Management (BLM) lands       of Rupert. There are camping courses? Pomerelle Mountain
was a favorite resting place for     and encompasses over 60 miles of     areas with RV hookups available. Resort in Albion is known for
emigrants along the California       groomed trails. Amenities include    Nearby sites of interest include skiing but in the summer visitors
Trail. For more information,         restrooms, a warming shelter and     Minidoka Falls near the park, come for its 18-hole course. The
go to          parking areas. There are several     Rupert City Park, and the historic front 9 holes are on the Triple
don-spring-campground.               hiking options such as the Pike      railroad community of Minidoka, Chairlift side of the mountain
   Diamondfield Jack Camp-           Mountain and Eagle Trail, which      says the park’s website. For more and the back nine are on the
ground and Picnic Area is located    are described as easy multi-use      information about camping, go Double Chairlift side. The course
at the end of a paved road in Rock   trails. Or you could step up your    to parksandrecreation.idaho. is free if you hike or you can pay a
Creek in the Sawtooth National       game and take on the Middle          gov/activities/camping.             fee to ride the lift.


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Can I ride my ATV                   driving range and practice area
or motorbike at                     located just off I-84 at exit 208
Lake Walcott?‌                      in Burley. For more information,
                                    call 208-679-5730.
   ATVs and motorbikes must
stay on established roadways What are the
or in parking lots. If used in the boating options in
park they must pay the $5 motor Burley?‌
vehicle entry fee or display an
MVEF sticker or Idaho State             Burley features access to 20
Parks Passport.                      miles of shoreline with boat
                                     ramps along the Snake River at
Can I boat on                        Riverfront Park and North Free-
Lake Walcott?‌                       dom Park. Here you can water
                                     ski, boat and fish.
   Yes. You can also water ski,                                                                       d
windsurf, sail and fish. Paved Where can I ride
                                                                                    n e w ly renovate
trails connect restrooms, picnic my ATV?‌                                 Visit the Rupert Squar
shelters, interpretive kiosk and                                           Historic on Theater R.COM
                                                                           and Wi ICWILSONTHEAT
boat launch.                            With so many trails in South-                               E
                                     ern Idaho, it can be difficult to             ISTOR
Is the lake stocked know where you can or can’t
for fishing?‌                        ride your ATV or dirt bike. To
                                     help clear up confusion the US
   Yes. Anglers can expect to Forest Service uses an app called
catch bass and trout.                Avenza Maps that maps out trails
   “We have really good fishing,” and roads so visitors can know
Fletcher said.                       which off-road vehicle they can
                                     use on them. All roads and trails
What kind of                         are numbered, which makes the
wildlife can I see?‌ app even more helpful.
                                        “We have hundreds of miles of
   This 22-acre park is the home to roads and trails,” said Jade Sum-
a variety of wildlife, including 150 sion of the US Forest Service. “It
species of birds and waterfowl.      tells you where you can and can’t
   “We have a lot of migratory go.”
birds that are here with this           Sumsion said one of the areas
being a sanctuary,” Fletcher said. mapped out is the Minidoka
“ We have a lot of water birds and Ranger District, which is a pop-
waterfowl. We do have sparrows ular place for ATVs, UTVS and
and hummingbirds. We also have dirt bikes.
quite a few deer that take up resi-     If you don’t have a smart         Winter: “Christmas City, USA” festivities, fireworks, festival of trees,
dence here in the park.”             phone you can go to the US For-      Christmas market, and ice skating at the Historic Rupert Square.
                                     est Service office and pick up a
Looking to hit a                     free map; but Sumsion said the       Spring: “Dessert for Dogs”- Dessert sampling fundraiser for animal
                                                                          rescue, the Wilson Theater’s Superhero Adventure, and the Annual Roll
few golf balls?‌                     app is convenient because you
                                                                          Call Monument Ceremony.
                                     can download it on your phone
   Burley is 20 miles away from and its accessible even if you
Lake Walcott and offers a couple of don’t have internet service.
golfing options. River’s Edge Golf      Besides letting people know       Summer: Patriotic Car Show, Independence Day Celebration and
                                                                          fireworks and the Magic Valley Folk Festival.
Club is located at 131 East Highway which trails are ATV-friendly, it
81 in Burley. For more information, also tells you which roads might      Fall: The Wilson Theater’s Wizarding Experience, Trunk-or-Treat,
go to or call be seasonally closed because of        Pumpkin Festival and Ghost Walks.
208-878-9807. Ponderosa Golf snow, washed-out roads or wild-
Course 208-679-5730                  life. The app also has camping
   The Ponderosa Golf Course is information for trail users who
a nine-hole, par 3 layout with a want to stop for the night.

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