The Miner Message - Linton-Stockton High School

Page created by Hugh Mitchell
The Miner Message - Linton-Stockton High School
Linton-Stockton High School
         May 1, 2018                          Volume 25 Issue 9

                      The Miner Message
                                Published by Bette Meng, Office Assistant

                                           MAY EVENTS
              May 4 - Grand March - Saturday, 6:00 pm - Auditeria / Prom – 7:00 pm, HS Gym
                                May 6th – Monday, AP Government Exam
                            May 8th – Wednesday, AP English Literature Exam
                             May 9th – Thursday, Final Exams / Periods 2 & 6
                             May 10th – Friday, Final Exams / Periods 3 & 7
                            May 10 – Building Trades Open House / 12-7 pm
                            May 12 – Sunday, Post Prom Trip / Holiday World
                    May 13 – Monday, Final Exams - Periods 1 & 5 / AP Biology Exam
                       May 14 – Tuesday, Final Exam - Period 4 / AP Calculus Exam
                                     May 14 – Girls’ Track Sectionals
                            May 15 – Wednesday, AP English Language Exam
                               May 15-17 / Girls’ Tennis Sectionals (here)
                                     May 16 – Boys’ Track Sectionals
                                 May 17 – Friday, AP Economics Exam
                May 15 – Underclass Honor Program / 1:00 pm – High School Gymnasium
                           May 15 – Last day of school – End of 4th nine weeks
                                 May 21 – 22 / Softball Sectionals (here)
                                 May 22-25, & 27 / Baseball Sectionals
                  May 24 - Baccalaureate 2019 - Friday, 5:30 pm / High School Auditeria
               May 24 – Senior Honors Program – Friday, 7:00 pm / High School Gymnasium
                May 25 – Graduation 2019 - Saturday, 1:30 pm / High School Gymnasium
                                May 31, June 1 & 3 / Boys Golf Sectionals

                                       BIRTHDAY WISHES
We would like to wish Happy Birthday to the following students and staff members who celebrate their
birthdays in the month of MAY: 1 John Shake (Custodian); 2 Mrs. Bette Meng (Guidance/Athletic Sec.);
4 Demi Flewellen, Rayahna Baker & Mrs. Joni Hayden (High School Secretary); 5 Dr. Kathryn Goad
(Superintendent); 6 Brenae Rennick; 7 Mercedez Sarris; 8 Teresa Mansfield (HS Guidance Counselor), &
Payton Cobble; 9 Ashley Hamilton; 10 Ashlyn Ferree; 11 Jade Geatches; 12 Aubri Ball; 14 Clayton Hauser
& Rogan Mayfield; 15 Jilian York; 16 Kyle Burks & Kyndra Miller; 17 Erik Mifflin; 18 Caleb Clark, Theron
Kennett, & Dakota Miller; 19 Martin Brennen; 20 Griffith Givens; 21 Khloe Stafford & Jena Pauw; 22
Lauren Jobe & Gabriel Richards; 23 Landon Jerrells; 24 Adria Price; 25 Kaydence Brewer: 29 Sam Feaster
& Bryce Pope; 30 Mrs. Crissann Figg (Food Service) & Mrs. Linda Williams (English Teacher); and 31 Mr.
Jerry Price (Teacher’s Assistant). Have a great birthday everyone!!!!

We would also like to recognize the students and staff members who celebrate their birthdays during the
summer months. JUNE: 2 Blake McKinley; 4 Mrs. Jerisa Yingling (English Teacher), Shelby Hicks,
Micheal Lowell & Shelbie Patton; 5 Mrs. Cheryl Ash (Math Teacher), & Noah Ricketts; 6 Mallorey Frye &
Erica Blevins; 7 Madison Moore; 8 Quinten Followell & Quintin Ratcliff; 9 Hunter Earle; 10 Madison
Hazlewood, Trayton Tannehill & Lincoln Hale; 11 Austin Ball; 12 Mrs. Chantel Carpenter (English
Teacher); 13 Westin Robertson; 17 Trevor Templeton & Mr. Mitchell Behrens (History Teacher);
The Miner Message - Linton-Stockton High School
18 Drake McKisson & Chloe Pierce; 19 Gregory Pearson & Layton Hintz; 20 Layne Burgess; 21 Peyton
Lechien & Delaney Lannan; 22 Enen McKee; 23 Zach Eggers; 27 Mr. Bobby Houston (Custodian & Bus
Driver); 28 Peyton Russell; 30 Grant McGill; JULY: 2 Jace Elmore & Jaden Passen; 3 Alex Arellano &
Mark Scott; 5 Donna Bedwell (Food Service), Jody Ferree (Custodian) & Jesse Martinez-Cartwright; 6 Robert
Ratcliff; 7 Tara Deppert (German Teacher) & Tyler Vowell; 8 Alec Roach & Braylen Perkins; 9 Camryn
Walker; 10 Jaydan Miller; 11 Jackson Fields; 12 Raidyn Eichhorst, Carson Brown, Dalton Smith & Dylan
Smith; 15 Joshua Pyne; 17 Halee Jerrell & Ryan King; 18 Christian Palmer (Spanish Teacher); 20 Madison
Conklin & Zander Keller; 21 Hezekiah Pearson; 22 Shaelynn McDonald; 23 Kyndra Smith; 24 Breana
Wright & Devin Medlin; 25 Jaeni Lundy & Isaiah Ramos, Oakley Pilant; 27 Ms Jennifer Graves, Ag Teacher),
& Breanna Orman; 28 Alexander Rogers; 29 Susan Wimmer (Speech/Language Pathologist), Mr. John
Preble (School Board), & Michael Ellington (Custodian); 30 Avery Puckett. ~ Happy Birthday to all ~

                                 M.A.R.S. TICKET WINNERS FOR MAY
M.A.R.S. (Miners Are Responsible Students) is our new incentive program aimed at encouraging student
responsibility and respect. There were 14 students caught in the act of showing exceptional responsibility
and/or respect during the month of April. The names of the MARS Ticket winners for April are as follows (and
the teacher issuing the MARS Ticket is in parentheses):
Student parking for May – Jonathan Hayden (Mrs. Cornelius); Miner T-Shirt provided by Linton Sporting
Goods - Brady Duncan (Mrs. Lynn); College Incentive Items – Arthur Holstein (Mrs. Jenny Burdette) and
Angelina Gordon (Mrs. Linda Williams); Treasure Chest Item – Dakota Miller (Mrs. Shepherd), Camden
Loveless (Mrs. Shepherd), Trayton Tannehill (Mrs. Lynn), Karter Cox (Mrs. Breneman), Sadie Eggers (Mr.
Wring). Devyn Robertson (Mrs. Harris), Cara Pemberton (Mr. Palmer), Layne Burgess (Mrs. Mayfield), Alexis
Anderson (Mrs. Jenny Burdette), and Shane Gilbert (Mrs. Jenny Burdette). Congratulations everyone!

                                       BOOK FEE PAYMENTS
*****REMINDER: Book fees should be paid by May 24th. Any outstanding fees will be turned over to the
administration office May 29th. At that time all payments will need to be made at the Superintendent office.
Online payments are also available.                            ~Mrs. Beth Wade, Jr./Sr. High ECA Treasurer

                                KINDERGARTEN ENROLLMENT:
We are still enrolling students for the 2019/2020 kindergarten classes. Screening will be done on May 3.
Anyone who needs an enrollment form should stop by the elementary office as soon as possible. Children who
will be five years old on or before August 1, 2019, are eligible to enroll.
                                                                 ~Mrs. Sandy Cox, Elementary School Secretary

                                    MUSIC ABOUNDS AT L-SHS
              Congratulations to our Fine Arts Department at L-SHS; we’ve accomplished another year of
              excellent contest ratings and awesome performances. “THANK YOU” to all who participated
              from grades 5 through 12. YOU have made this school year a success!!!
Our final bit of information is the summer band schedule.
       June 3rd – Freshmen band parent meeting 6:00 PM
       June 4th – Freshmen band student orientation 1:00 – 3:00 PM
       Starting June 6th - all Tuesdays & Thursdays in June – Full band parade practice 1:00 – 3:00 PM
       July 2nd – Parade practice – 1:00 – 3:00 PM
       July 4th – Parade
       August 3th – 9th – Band Camp 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
The Miner Message - Linton-Stockton High School

                               PROFESSIONAL CAREER INTERNSHIP
Linton-Stockton High School offers an Internship program that is designed for our senior students who want to
explore specific, targeted career objectives through workplace experience. Students attend class on Monday
and gain experience at their worksites Tuesday through Friday two hours per day. The Miner Message features
one or more student interns as “Employee of the Month” during the school year. We are featuring our last
student during the month of May. Her biography follows:
                                                     Hannah Frady
         My name is Hannah Frady and I am a senior at Linton-Stockton High School. I managed the cross country team
but I also play basketball and softball. I play travel softball for the Indiana Futures out of Bloomington, Indiana as well. I
will be continuing my education at Bethel University while also playing college softball. At Bethel, I will be majoring in
pre-physical therapy. Bethel University is located in northern Indiana in Mishawaka, Indiana near Notre Dame.
         I am interning this semester at Glenburn in the physical therapy department and in the 4th grade at Linton
Elementary. Currently at Glenburn, I am observing the PTA´s in the department and watch what they do with their
patients. In the elementary, I just help with either math lessons or whether it be helping a student with their homework. I
am really glad to experience these two great sites as they are both helping me with my future career.

The Internship experience has been a great learning tool for Linton-Stockton students. Hannah has been a great
student throughout high school and I am confident she will continue to excel at the college level. We wish her
“Good Luck” as she embarks on her chosen career. Follow your dreams Hannah!!!!!

All of us at L-SHS would like to say “Congratulations and Best Wishes” to Mrs. Linda Williams and Mrs.
Deborah Harding, who will be retiring at the end of the month. We will miss you, but the time is right for
you. We sincerely hope that retirement is wonderful! We wish you lots of joyous time with your family and

                         Mrs. Deborah Harding                      Mrs. Linda Williams

                              MINER POWER word for May is Hopeful
           to cherish a desire with anticipation; to want something to happen or to be true.
The Miner Message - Linton-Stockton High School
                                   2019 PROM & GRAND MARCH
The Linton Prom will be held Sat., May 4, 2019, in the high school gymnasium. Doors to the gym will open at
4:30 and the community will be welcome to view the decorations, take pictures, and etc. Terry Smith will be
taking photos and students attending Prom may choose to have pictures taken during this time or may wait until
after Grand March. Everyone will be asked to exit the gymnasium at approximately 5:30 PM and move to the
auditeria for the Grand March festivities which begin at 6:00 PM. ONLY prom attendees, servers, and
chaperones will be allowed in the high school gymnasium and annex area following Grand March. (This is a
safety precaution.) The meal, served by Tom Ridinger Catering, will begin at approximately 7:00 PM and the
dance will follow. Prom will end at midnight.

                                         AFTER PROM EVENTS
There will be a “gathering” for seniors and their dates immediately after the Prom. This will be held at the First
Christian Church Youth Building and will end at 2 AM. Join your classmates for fun, food & fellowship.
Finally, on Sunday, May 12th, the Class of 2019 will embark on a Post-Prom trip to Holiday World. The buses
will begin loading at the high school at 9:15 AM and will depart at 9:30 AM. Return time is around 10:00 PM.

                              UNDERCLASSMEN HONOR PROGRAM
        The Underclassmen Honor Program will be held in the high school gymnasium on Wednesday, May
15th, 2019, at 1:00 P.M. This annual program recognizes award recipients from current juniors, sophomores,
and freshmen classes. Family and friends of the Class of 2020, the Class of 2021, and the Class of 2022, are
invited to attend this program. Parents will be notified if their student is being honored so they can attend.

                                     SENIOR HONOR PROGRAM
The Class of 2019 Senior Honor Program will be on Friday, May 24th, 2019, at 7:00 PM in the high school gym.
This is an annual event which will recognize the accomplishments and the scholarship winners of the Class of
2019. The “passing of the gavel” will take place between the Class of 2019 and the Class of 2020, as well. All
family members, relatives, and friends of the Class of 2019 and the Class of 2020 are invited to attend.

                                        BACCALAUREATE 2019
The 2019 graduating class of Linton-Stockton High School cordially invites family and friends to attend their
Baccalaureate Ceremony. The ceremony will start at 5:30 P.M and be held in the high school auditeria Friday,
May 24th. This is a time of memories and sharing you won’t want to miss!

                                        COMMENCEMENT 2019
Linton-Stockton High School’s Commencement ceremony will be held in the high school gymnasium on
Saturday, May 25th, 2019, at 1:30 P.M. The doors will open at 12:30 P.M. and the ceremony is free to the
public. Senior students ONLY will be seated on the gym floor. Family and friends will be seated in the
bleachers and, therefore, NO TICKETS are needed for “special” seating. Come and join in the celebration.

                                      Congratulations Seniors!!!!!
I hope your dreams take you……
       to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your
             opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known
The Miner Message - Linton-Stockton High School

                                        SUMMER SCHOOL
                      L-SHS will be offering summer school classes through PLATO. These classes are
                      designed to be for credit recovery purposes and not intended for students to work ahead
                      in their high school classes. Each Course costs $40. Summer school begins May 28th
                      and ends June 14th. Classes meet from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon Monday through Friday.
                      Incomplete courses will be recorded as an “F” on the transcript. Students taking a
                      course for a second time need to understand that both the original grade and the
      replacement grade appear on the transcript with both grades being averaged in the GPA. Additional
      information is available in the guidance office.

                                    FREE LUNCH PROGRAM
SON Ministries will again be offering free lunch (for individuals age 18 and under) during the summer
months (May 28 – August 2). The Linton site is at the west shelter house in the park and lunch is
served from Noon to 1:00 PM Monday – Friday (except July 4). Additionally, every Sunday evening
(beginning May 26 and thru Aug. 4) from 5:00 to 6:00 pm, food will be served at the Linton First
Christian Church youth building. Join in for a tasty meal!

                                Enjoy your summer break!!!!!
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