Daily Intercessions - SEPTEMBER 2021 - Southwell Minster

Page created by Christian Gill
Daily Intercessions

Welcome to the Cathedral’s intercessory prayer leaflet.

There are several cycles of prayer included here:
  • the Anglican Communion cycle of prayer helping us to pray for the
    worldwide Church;
  • the Diocesan cycle of prayer which includes parishes, schools, sector ministry
    and Diocesan staff;
  • a Minster cycle of prayer which helps us to focus prayer for the wider
    community as well as the roads and streets of the parish.

1 WEDNESDAY – Giles of Provence, Hermit, c. 710
For those who are outcasts
Church of England Primary School – Emma Johnson
The Diocese of Ekiti West – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
      (Ondo Province)
Adams Row, Appletree Close, Arnold Avenue, Archers Field

2 THURSDAY – The Martyrs of Papua New Guinea, 1901 and 1942
For those subjected to terror because of their faith
St Swithun’s C of E Primary Academy, Retford – Helen Thomas (Exec Head)
The Diocese of Eldoret – The Anglican Church of Kenya
Archway Cottages, Asquith Mews, Avondale Lane, Bechers Court

3 FRIDAY – Gregory the Great, Bishop of Rome, Teacher, 604
For mission in England
St Peter’s C of E Junior School, Ruddington – Michael Bradley
The Diocese of Port Elizabeth – The Anglican Church of Southern Africa
Brackenhurst: Nottingham Trent University, School of Animal, Rural and Environmental

4 SATURDAY – Birinus, Bishop of Dorchester (Oxon), Apostle of Wessex, 650
For school teachers and governors
Selston C of E Infant & Nursery School – Jo Redfern (exec Head) Alison Taylor
      (Head of School)
The Diocese of Ely – The Church of England (Canterbury Province)
Birchwood Close, Bishop's Drive, Bramley Close, Brinkley
5 SUNDAY – The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity (Climate Sunday)
For the Minster community, and for our diocese
St Andrew’s C of E Primary School Skegby – Amanda Williams
Church of England: Diocese of Salisbury, Bishop Nicholas Holtam, Bishop Andrew
      Rumsey, Bishop Karen Gorham
Church in Wales: Diocese of St Asaph, Bishop Gregory Cameron
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark: Diocese of Ribe, Bishop Elof Westergaard
Province of the Episcopal Church of Sudan
Brook Walk, Burgage Close, Burgage Green, Burgage Lane

6 MONDAY – Allen Gardiner, Founder of the South American Mission Society, 1851
For the media
We pray for our schools as a new term begins. For wisdom and an openness to
      learning new things for both staff, students and governors.
The Diocese of Embu – The Anglican Church of Kenya
Byron Gardens, Canons Close, Caudwell Close, Chatham Street

For the healing ministry of Christ in the Church
Sneinton C of E Primary School - Kelly Lee (Headteacher) Rebecca Williamson
      (Associate Head)
The Diocese of Enugu – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
      (Enugu Province)
Chimes Meadow, Church Street, Cottam's Close, Crafts Way

8 WEDNESDAY – The Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary
For artists and craftsmen and -women
South Wilford (Endowed) CE Primary School – Natialie Aldridge
The Diocese of Enugu North – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
      (Enugu Province)
Crew Lane, Crink Lane, Diocesan offices at Jubilee House

9 THURSDAY – Charles Fuge Lowder, Priest, 1880
For the Church’s witness in the inner city
Holy Trinity C of E Infant School, Southwell – Marie Thompson (Exec Head),
      Jemma Hughes (Head of School)
The Diocese of Esan – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
      (Bendel Province)
Dornoch Avenue, Dover Street, Dudley Doy Road, Dunham Close
For Licensed Lay Ministers (Readers) and Recognised Lay Ministers
Lowes Wong Anglican/Methodist Junior School, Southwell – Mike Follen
The Diocese of Etche – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
      (Niger Delta Province)
The churches: Baptist, Methodist, Riverside, Our Lady of Victories

For the emergency services
The Minster School, Southwell – Ben Chaloner
The Diocese of Etsako – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
      (Bendel Province)
Easthorpe, Farthingate, Farthingate Close, Fern Close

12 SUNDAY – The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity
For the Minster community, and for our diocese
EDUCATION SUNDAY - we pray for wisdom in each of us and an openness to
      learning. We thank God for teachers and those who learn from them. Lord,
      watch over places of learning and we thank for you for the privilege we have
      as a Church to be involved in them
Church of Ireland: Diocese of Tuam, Killala and Achonry, Bishop Patrick Rooke
Church of England: Diocese of Bath and Wells, Bishop Peter Hancock, Bishop Ruth
The Anglican Church of Tanzania
Fiskerton Road, Galley Hill Road, Glenfields, Greet Park Close

13 MONDAY – John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople, Teacher, 407
For preachers
St John’s C of E Primary School, Stapleford – Matt Downes
The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe –
      The Episcopal Church (II (2) Province)
Halam Road, Harvey's Field, Heywood Close, Hillcrest

14 TUESDAY – Holy Cross Day; Murray Irvine, fourth Provost of Southwell, 2005
For those carrying heavy burdens
Sturton le Steeple C of E Primary School – Mark Elliott
The Diocese in Europe – The Church of England (Canterbury Province)
Hopkiln Lane, Hockerwood Lane, Humberstone Road, Kings Court
15 WEDNESDAY – Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, Martyr, 258; Frank Stenton,
      historian, 1967
For Christian lawyers
St Mary Magdalene C of E Primary School, Sutton-in-Ashfield - Samantha
The Diocese of Evo The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) (Niger Delta
King Street, Kirkby Close, Kirklington Road, Lower Kirklington Road

16 THURSDAY – Ninian, Bishop of Galloway, Apostle of the Picts, c. 432; Edward
     Bouverie Pusey, Priest, Tractarian, 1882
For Vergers
Sutton-cum-Lound Church of England VA Primary School – Nadine Wilkinson
The Diocese of Exeter – The Church of England (Canterbury Province)
Leeway Road, Lowes Wong, Leeks Close, Manor Close

17 FRIDAY – Hildegard, Abbess of Bingen, Visionary, 1179
For women of vision and discernment
Trowell C of E Primary School – Dan Goddard
The Diocese of Ezo – The Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan
     (Western Equatoria Province)
Marrison Way, Market Place, Maythorne, Normanton

For the Archdeacons of Newark and Nottingham
Underwood C of E Primary School – Mike Wilson
The Diocese of Faisalabad – The (united) Church of Pakistan
Meadow View, Merryweather Close, Metcalfe Close, Monckton Drive

19 SUNDAY – The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity
For the Minster community, and for our diocese
BATTLE OF BRITAIN SUNDAY - we pray for those who serve in RAF and other
      armed services. Giving thanks for our liberty and those whose sacrifice made
      it possible. We pray for peace in our world and those who work for it
Church of England: Diocese of Sheffield, Bishop Pete Wilcox, Bishop Sophie Jelley
Church of Greenland: (Diocese of Greenland within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
      Denmark) Bishop Paneeraq Siegstad Munk
The Church of the Province of Uganda
Newark Road, Normanton Road, Norwood Gardens
20 MONDAY – John Coleridge Patterson, first Bishop of Melanesia, and his
      Companions, Martyrs, 1871
For the gift of friendship
Walesby C of E Primary School – Sarah Sampson
The Parish of the Falkland Islands, Extra Provincial to the Archbishop of Canterbury
Care Homes: Caudwell House, Minster View, Southwell Court

21 TUESDAY – Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist
For businessmen and -women
Pierrepont, Gamston Primary School, West Bridgford – Ade Sharpe
The Diocese of False Bay – The Anglican Church of Southern Africa
Norwood Park, Nottingham Road, Nursery End, Orchard Close

22 WEDNESDAY – Ember Day
For universities and colleges
The Nottingham Emmanuel School, Wilford – Sandra Stapleton
The Diocese of Fianarantsoa – The Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean
Palace View, Palmers Court, Park Lane, Park Terrace

For those who lack a home or paid work
Woodborough Wood’s Church of England Foundation Primary School – Shaun
The Diocese of Florida – The Episcopal Church (IV (4)Province)
Petticoat Lane, Pinewood Close, Pollards Lane Potwell Close

24 FRIDAY – Ember Day
For the Faith and Light group
Worksop Priory C of E Primary School – Philip Abbott
The Diocese of Central Florida – The Episcopal Church (IV (4) Province)
Private Road, Queen Street, Raysmith Close Ridgeway

25 SATURDAY – Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Winchester, Prebendary of
      Southwell, Spiritual Writer, 1626; Sergei of Radonezh, Russian Monastic Reformer,
      Teacher, 1392; Ember Day
For the College of Canons
St Anne’s C of E Primary School, Worksop – Clare Middleton
The Diocese of Southeast Florida – The Episcopal Church (IV (4) Province)
Ropewalk, Ruby Court, Sheppards Row, Silvey Avenue
26 SUNDAY – The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity
For the Minster community, and for our diocese
St Luke’s Church of England (Aided) Primary School,Worksop – Jeanette Dunn
Church in Wales: Diocese of Swansea and Brecon, Archbishop John Davies
Church of England: Diocese of Leicester, Bishop Martyn Snow, Bishop Guli Francis-
The Episcopal Church
Springfield Road, Shady Lane, Station Road, Stenton Close

27 MONDAY – Vincent de Paul, Founder of the Congregation of the Mission
      (Lazarists), 1660
For the Prime Minister
We pray for our universities and places of learning. As new terms begin we pray
      for those beginning a new course and those who teach them
The Diocese of Southwest Florida – The Episcopal Church (IV (4) Province)
Tatham's Orchard, Templemans Way, Teresa Terrace, The Combes

For the Leader of the Opposition
St John’s Church of England Academy, Worksop – Gez Rizzo
The Diocese of Fond du Lac – The Episcopal Church (V (5) Province)
The Jubilee, Upton Road, Wands Close, Westgate

29 WEDNESDAY – Michael and All Angels
For those who protect us in danger
The staff of the Younger Leadership College
The Diocese of Fredericton – The Anglican Church of Canada (Canada Province)
Vicars Court, Wakeling Close, Woodland Drive

30 THURSDAY – Jerome, Translator of the Scriptures, Teacher of the Faith, 420
For biblical scholars and translators
Multi Academy Trusts (The Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham Multi Academy
      Trust – Chris Moodie, Bluecoat Academies Trust – Sian Hampton, Aspire
      Academies Trust – Martyn Skinner, Transform Academies Trust – Rebecca
      Meredith, Minster Trust for Education –
The Diocese of Free State – The Anglican Church of Southern Africa
Holy Trinity parish, incl Westhorpe, Becketts Field, Chatsworth Avenue


            Keep us, good Lord,
            under the shadow of your mercy.
            Sustain and support the anxious,
            be with those who care for the sick,
            and lift up all who are brought low;
            that we may find comfort
            knowing that nothing can separate us from your love
            in Christ Jesus our Lord.

More prayers for use during the pandemic can be found here.


            Almighty God, you have made us members one of another
            in the mystical body of your Son:
            grant your grace to Paul, Bishop of this Diocese;
            to the Cathedral Chapter; the College of Canons; the Cathedral Council;
            to all members of this Foundation;
            and to all who work and worship here.
            Give them the spirit of wisdom and love,
            that they may live to your glory,
            to the furtherance of the work of the Church
            in this place at this Diocese,
            and in union one with another;
            through Jesus Christ our Lord,
            who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
            one God, world with end.

        Heavenly Father,
        you have called us in the body of your Son Jesus Christ
        to continue his work of reconciliation
        and reveal you to the world:
        forgive us the sins which tear us apart;
        give us the courage to overcome our fears
        and to seek that unity which is your gift and your will;
        through Jesus Christ our Lord.


        God of heaven and earth,
        One day peoples from North and South,
        From East and West
        will worship and feast together in your kingdom.
        Draw together with bonds of love
        the Dioceses of Natal and Southwell & Nottingham.
        Inspire our friendship,
        Deepen our fellowship,
        And help us to challenge each other afresh
        To witness to your saving love for all the world,
        Through Christ our Lord.

         Gracious and loving God,
         we pray for our brothers and sisters of St George’s Cathedral, Jerusalem.
         We thank you for all that we are able
         both to receive and to give through this friendship.
         Deepen the bonds between us,
         and show us how best to support Archbishop Hosam and his people
         in their faithful witness to you
         and their tireless work for justice, peace and reconciliation
         in the midst of tension and conflict.
         We ask this in the name of Jesus,
         our Brother and our Saviour.


         Gracious God, source of life,
         we praise you for the wonder and diversity of the natural world,
         and we thank you for the genius of the craftsmen
         who carved the Chapter House leaves that speak to us still.
         Open our hearts and minds to your guiding Spirit,
         that we may discern together
         how best to cherish this good earth
         and safeguard its resources.
         As we listen to the leaves,
         show us how to share in creation's song
         and rediscover our harmony in you;
         through Jesus Christ our Lord.
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