Page created by Marie Woods
He Whenua

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1     EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................ 3
    1.1      Regional Tertiary Investment .............................................................................................. 3
    1.2      Phased Approach................................................................................................................ 3
    1.3      Tertiary Education Commission........................................................................................... 4
    1.4      Our Region ......................................................................................................................... 5
2     SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................ 6
    2.1      He Whenua ........................................................................................................................ 7
    2.2      Out of Scope ...................................................................................................................... 7
3     COLLABORATION........................................................................................................................ 8
    3.1      Partners and Stakeholders .................................................................................................. 8
    3.2      Process - Bringing the plan together ................................................................................. 10
    3.3      Needs Analysis ................................................................................................................. 10
    3.4      Plan Writing ..................................................................................................................... 12
    3.5      Governance and Control ................................................................................................... 12
4     PLANNING................................................................................................................................ 13
    4.1      Project Team .................................................................................................................... 13
    4.2      Timeline ........................................................................................................................... 13

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1.1       Regional Tertiary Investment

      This document describes how the region of Tai Tokerau will respond to the desire for closer links and
      collaboration between tertiary organisations, treaty partners, industry, and other partners and
      stakeholders when developing tertiary education investment plans for the region.

      Tai Tokerau will lead a new approach to develop and test a new iterative investment approach for our
      region. He Whenua is the first stage in a phased approach in 2018 for delivery from 2019. He Whenua
      will focus on the primary industries; forestry, agriculture, horticulture, the natural environment
      (including water) and also transport.

      The purpose of the Tai Tokerau Regional Investment Plan (TRIP) for tertiary education is to deliver the
      best educational outcomes whilst meeting the needs of Tai Tokerau region and its people. Stakeholders
      representing Māori Treaty Partners, Industry, Providers, Local Government, High Schools, Learners and
      Support Agencies are being engaged to collaborate around regional needs to develop a plan that
      delivers the best outcomes for the regions communities, industries, high schools, learners and their

1.2       Phased Approach

      The TRIP will be managed in a phased approach, illustrated below. This particular project responds to
      He Whenua in 2019 as the first stage.

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1.3        Tertiary Education Commission

      The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) is committed to investing in a tertiary education system that
      works for all New Zealanders; as such, there is a commitment to key focus areas and achievement of
      parity for Māori and Pasifika learners. Until the end of 2019, the priorities of the current Tertiary
      Education Strategy (TES) are;

           1.   Delivering Skills for Industry
           2.   Getting at-risk young people into a career
           3.   Boosting achievement of Māori and Pasifika
           4.   Improving adult literacy and numeracy
           5.   Strengthening research-based institutions
           6.   Growing international linkages

      Some key areas of focus for the TEC are:
       Schools to Tertiary

       -    Improving the transition of Tai Tokerau school leavers into tertiary education either through a
            provider or through employment at an ITO.
                 o By 2021, 61% of all Tai Tokerau Northland school leavers are in tertiary education the
                     year after they leave school (from 56% in 2015 to 2016).
                 o By 2021, 55% of Māori school leavers in Tai Tokerau Northland are in tertiary
                     education the year after they leave school (from 49% in 2015 to 2016).
       -    Increase in the proportion of Tai Tokerau students enrolling in tertiary education programmes
            at level 4 and above.
                 o By 2021, 5-percentage point’s increase in the proportion of Tai Tokerau Northland
                     students enrolled in tertiary education programmes at level 4 and above.
       -    By the end of 2022, improve the participation and achievement rates for Tai Tokerau learners
            to the national average for all learners.
                 o This will contribute to the goals of the TEC’s parity project.

       Primary Sector

       Growing key areas of provision and encouraging more learners to pursue opportunities in the
       primary sector. Growing provision in these areas will require TEOs to work together and with
       schools. This includes ITO and ITP relationships for Levels 3-5 provision.
       - Level 4 apprenticeships and related pathways.
                   o Opportunities for Level 4 apprenticeships are growing in some primary industries.
                        TEC want to invest in apprenticeships and pathways to them, and to support
                        learners’ progress to higher levels.
       - Levels 5-6 provision related to management capability in the primary sector.
               o Management capability is critical to growing productivity.
       - Primary sector-specific degree provision.
               o Degree-level provision gives graduates the skills they need to integrate a wide range of
                    technologies into primary industry systems. Interdisciplinary delivery models are
                    particularly effective at building these skill sets.
       - Primary sector-specific Levels 8-10 provision
               o This aims to enhance innovation capability, and enable long-term sustainable growth.

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Achievement of Parity

       i) Māori Achievement:
       TEC has set an organisational target that, by 2022:
           - TEC will fund provision in which Māori learners participate and achieve on a par with other
           - Māori participation in tertiary education will be at levels and in fields of study that over
                time, should deliver parity of post-study outcomes for these learners.

       ii) Pasifika Achievement:
       Pasifika performance improved in recent years, but there is a significant and enduring gap between
       performance for Pasifika and for non-Māori/non-Pasifika at most levels. The gap is especially
       pronounced at level 7 and post study.

       TEC still have work to do to close the gap between Pasifika and non-Māori/non-Pasifika learners. TEC
       will work with the region to ensure the TRIP has:
            - key stakeholders being involved in the development of the Investment Plan.
            - leadership, governance and management commitment to achieving parity outcomes.
            - clear involvement of key Pasifika leaders in development of the Investment Plan.
            - a clear commitment and actions to attain parity of both participation and achievement
                 (especially at level 4 and above) by the end of 2022, such as:
                         o evidence-based initiatives that will make a much bigger contribution to
                              reducing participation, retention and achievement disparities
                         o delivery models better suited to the realities of Pasifika learners’ lives (e.g.,
                              secondary-tertiary pathways, workplace-facing provision, recognition of prior
                              learning and short courses).

1.4       Our Region

      Tai Tokerau has many tertiary education providers serving communities from Auckland to Whangarei
      and the mid to the far north. Within the scope of He Whenua covering the primary industries and
      environment, there is one Institute of Technology and Polytechnic (ITP), two Wānanga, five Private
      Training Organisations (PTEs) and four Industry Training Organisations (ITOs) that operate in and serve
      our region; delivering quality education to communities through certificate, diploma, graduate diploma
      and degree level programmes.

      Northland has two regional economic growth strategies, both of which will underpin the He Whenua
          - He Tangata he Whenua he Oranga (Māori Economic Growth Strategy for Tai Tokerau).
          - Northland Economic Regional Development Plan.

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2        SCOPE

This TRIP is the first of its kind in New Zealand and is being launched in Tai Tokerau.

The plan will prioritise the tertiary education needs of the region and its learners and the necessary
qualifications and training to be offered by providers and funded by the TEC. The plan will better
connect the needs and aspirations of Tai Tokerau with how the TEC invests in education. This will in
turn be reflected in providers coming together collaboratively to deliver those education services.

The He Whenua project will develop a framework for regional investment planning that represents and

-        Communities, Treaty partners, local industry, employers, and local government working
         together to address the needs of Tai Tokerau Northland.
-        Planning and coordination with other TEOs that deliver tertiary education in Tai Tokerau
-        Work with schools to better align education programmes between secondary and tertiary
         and improve transition to higher-level tertiary programmes that deliver good graduate
         outcomes. This includes using the Career Development Benchmarks as a supporting tool.
-        Early engagement with secondary school students in tertiary education and career
         discussions. Sharing of information and data in an integrated, efficient and user-friendly way.
-        Review of programmes delivered by TEOs, industry, and employers in the region. Examining
         how tertiary education programmes for 2019-2021 will meet the needs identified in regional
         economic, social and industry plans and opportunities.
-        Consideration to opportunities for joint delivery of tertiary education programmes, joint
         support of tertiary students in Tai Tokerau and joint career development services.
-        Consideration to ways of support and delivery of tertiary education programmes in the work
         environment for school leavers that go straight into employment and for those for whom
         industry training is not an option.

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2.1       He Whenua

      The first focus area of the TRIP chosen is He Whenua, and will include:

      -        Environment
      -        Forestry
      -        Agriculture
      -        Horticulture
      -        Transport

2.2       Out of Scope

      -        This project does not address the implementation and monitoring requirements post TRIP
               He Whenua final submission 20 August 2018.
      -        This particular project is not responsible for further stages of the Tai Tokerau Regional
               Investment Plan.

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      High-level engagement and discussions around the TRIP has been taking place throughout May and
      June with He Whenua partners and stakeholders across the region and external to the region.

      The TRIP concept has been shared with senior business leaders and key partners and stakeholders from
      Industry, Māori, and some support agencies across Tai Tokerau. Positive support continues, and wider
      communication is in progress to include high schools, providers, local government and regional support

      Tailored communications are being created to support this process. Initial contact is taking place
      through letters, phone calls, and followed up by individual and group hui across the large stakeholder

      Information, commitments and discussions are being documented and captured in a central repository
      that will be used a reference tool when undertaking the plan narrative.

      The purpose of partner and stakeholder engagement will be to:

          -   Discuss and agree tertiary education needs based on what is best for the region and its
          -   Re-validate findings of the Tai Tokerau environmental scan.
          -   Seek support, input and statements of endorsement from stakeholders as to the proposals
              developed in the plan.

3.1       Partners and Stakeholders

      Partner and Stakeholder groups have been identified for the purpose of engagement around the TRIP
      for He Whenua.

      Many partners and stakeholders in the region are not directly impacted by the He Whenua TRIP, but
      are being communicated with to update on the overall activity ahead of further stages. A table of He
      Whenua partners and stakeholders are detailed on the following page, although this table is not
      exhaustive and will continue to develop.

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Māori (Treaty Partners)                Industry and Employers                 Tertiary Providers/ITO’s         High Schools                                         Local Government             Government Agencies                          Learners
Far North                              Forestry                               Forestry                         Far North                                            Far North District Council   Ministry of Education                        Student Voice / Reps
Ngāti Kuri Trust Board Incorporated    Hancock Forest Management              Competenz                        Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Rangi Aniwaniwa (KAITAIA)    Whangarei District Council   Tertiary Education Commission (TEC)          Māori & Pasifika
Te Aupōuri Māori Trust Board           Rayonier                               Regent Training Centre           Rangiawhia Kura Kaupapa Māori (KAITAIA)              Kaipara District Council     Ministry of Social Development               Youth
                                       Waipapa Pine                           NorthTec                         Te Kura o Oturu (KAITAIA)                            Northland Regional Council   Ministry for Vulnerable Children / Oranga    NEETS
Te Rūnanga a Iwi o Ngati Kahu
                                       Kiwi Lumber                            Agriculture                      Kaitaia College                                                                   Tamariki                                     School leavers
Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa                 Tai Tokerau Māori Forests Inc          Taratahi                                                                                                           Ministry of Women's Affairs                  International
                                                                                                               Taipa Area School
Moko Foundation                        Northland Forest Managers – Kerikeri   NorthTec                         Okaihau College                                                                   Ministry for Primary Industries
He Korowai Trust                       NZ Forestry Ltd                        Horticulture                     Abundant Life School                                                              Te Puni Kokiri
Te Hiku Social Accord                  Northern Forest Products               Open Polytechnic                 Mid North                                                                         MP for Whangarei
Mid North                              Rosewarne                              NorthTec                         Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Taumarere                                                 MP - Northland
Ngati Hine Forestry Trust              Croft Pole Distributors                Environment                      (MOEREWA)                                                                         MP for Te Tai Tokerau
                                       Ihaka                                  Open Polytechnic                 Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kaikohe                                                   Department of Conservation
Ngati Hine Rūnanga
                                       Forest Protection Services             Unitec Institute of Technology   Bay of Islands College                                                            Northland Regional Corrections
Ngati Hine Health Trust                BBS Timbers                            NorthTec                                                                                                           New Zealand Police
                                                                                                               Northland College
Te Rūnanga A Iwi O Ngāpuhi             PF Olsen                               Transport                                                                                                          Northland District Health Board
                                                                                                               Kaikohe Christian School
Kotahitanga PTE                        Westpoint Management                   MITO                             Kerikeri High School                                                              Northland Inc.
Te Kapotai                             Symbiosis Tree Services                Competenz                        Springbank                                                                        Northland Chamber of Commerce
He Iwi Kotahi Tahoa Trust              Agriculture                            NorthTec                         East                                                                              Creative Northland
Ngati Rangi Development Trust          SilverFern Farms                       Other                            Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Whangaroa                                                 Work Ready
                                       Fonterra                               Primary ITO                      Whangaroa College                                                                 Te Ha Northland Health
                                       Primary ITO                            Industry Training Federation     West                                                                              Youth Services
East                                   Taratahi                               People Potential                 Te Kura Taumata o Pangaru Area School (KOHUKOHU)
Te Rūnanga o Whaingaroa                Huruiki Farms                          The Skills Organisation          Te Kura Kuapapa o Hata Maria o Pawarenga
Te Rūnanga o Ngati Rehia               Plant & Food (prev HortResearch)       Te Matarau Education Trust       (HOKIANGA)
West                                   Federated Farmers                                                       Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Tonga o Hokianga
Hokianga o Nga Hapu Whanau             Agriculture Forum                                                       Opononi Area School
                                       Ben Smith - Farmer / Driver                                             Broadwood Area School
Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust
                                       Balance Agri Nutrients                                                  Kaipara
Pouto Topu A Trust                     AGFIRST                                                                 Dargaville High School
Pouto 2F Trust                         Beef & Lamb NZ                                                          Ruawai College
Te Uri o Hau Incorporated              PGG Wrightsons                                                          Otamatea High School
Tamihana Trusts                        Farmlands                                                               Otamatea Christian School
Whangarei                              Kia Ora Honey Limited                                                   Whangarei
Ngātiwai Trust Board                   Dairy training NZ                                                       Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Rawhiti Roa (TIKIPUNGA)
                                       Tari Honey                                                              Te Kāpehu Whetū (WHANGAREI)
Ngātiwai Education
                                       Horticulture                                                            Pompallier College
Ngati Hau Trust Board                  Onyx Horticulture                                                       Whangarei Girls High School
Ngati Hau Health                       Gold Kiwifruit Orchard                                                  Whangarei Boys High School
Patuharakeke Hapu                      Huanui Orchards                                                         Tikipunga High School
Te Parawhau Hapu                       Environment                                                             Excellere College
Māori Trustee                          Department of Conservation                                              Kamo High School
Te Matarau Education Trust             NIWA                                                                    Christian Renewal School
                                       Northland Regional Council                                              He Mataariki
Te Rununga o Ngati Hine
                                       Transport                                                               Huanui College
Ngati Hau Health and Social Services   Fonterra                                                                Mangakahia Area School
Ngātiwai Trust Board                   Road Transport Association NZ                                           Whangarei South
Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust          Toll NZ                                                                 Bream Bay College
Te Hiku Representative                 Semenoff Group                                                          Tauraroa Area School
Te Kahu o Taonui                       Northern Rural Haulage                                                  Rodney College
                                       Clements Contractors                                                    Mahurangi College
Ngātiwai Trust Board
                                       Smith & Davies NZ Ltd                                                   Orewa College
Te Rūnanga A Iwi O Ngāpuhi             NZ Couriers                                                             Mangawhai Beach School
Te Rūnanga o Whaingaroa                Fulton Hogan
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua              Road Transport Association NZ
                                       Refining NZ
                                       Top Energy Group
                                       Sport Northland
                                       Creative Northland

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3.2       Process - Bringing the plan together

      There are three main work streams of this project to bring together a single submission for the
      regions tertiary investment plan, He Whenua;

          1) Needs Analysis – Delivered through an environmental scan and landscape analysis to inform
             stakeholder engagement and plan development.
          2) Collaboration (Stakeholder and partner engagement) – Managed through a variety of
             methods; individual and collective hui, phone calls and letters.
          3) Plan Writing – Aligned to the two regional growth strategies, underpinned by a kaupapa
             tikanga framework and peer reviewed.

3.3       Needs Analysis

      Information from key documents and plans will help to inform the Tai Tokerau Regional Investment
      Plan (TRIP) for tertiary education.

      A desktop activity is in progress analysing relevant information as part of an environmental scan of
      needs for tertiary education in the identified Whenua areas in the region. A holistic research approach
      is being undertaken; this will then be reviewed and validated with stakeholders. This information will
      then inform stakeholder collaboration and hui to agree the best solutions to deliver the desired
      outcomes for the region. The following provides examples of the sorts of sources of information being

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Agriculture                      -   Northland Workforce Stocktake And Planning - Final Report August
Far North District Council       -   FNDC Annual Plan 2017-18
                                 -   FNDC Annual Report Final Web
                                 -   LTP1025 Consultation Doc

Environment                      -   Northland Workforce Stocktake And Planning - Final Report August
Forestry                         -   NorthTec Forestry training needs review
                                 -   NorthTec Forestry training needs review – Final Presentation
                                 -   MPI reports
                                 -   Northland Workforce Stocktake And Planning - Final Report August

High Schools                     -   E2E STPP Agreement – NorthTec 14 Sept 2016
                                 -   NorthTec School Leaver Intention survey full table 2016 report

Horticulture                     -   Northland Workforce Stocktake And Planning - Final Report August
International                    -   International Education Strategy 2018 – 2030
                                 -   International Student Wellbeing Strategy June 2017

Iwi Leaders                      -   Tai Tokerau Maori Growth Strategy (He Tangata, he Whenua, he

Iwi Hapu Education Strategies    -   2017 annual report Te Runanga a Iwi o Ngapuhi
                                 -   Te Runanga o Ngapuhi Charitable revised trust deed 01 11 2014
                                 -   Ako – Ngati Whatua
                                 -   Summary survey findings 2012 – Ngati Whatua
                                 -   Nga korero whakahoki mahara Ngatiwai
                                 -   Ngapuhi strategic plan 2014 – 2019
                                 -   Ngati Rehia 5 year Education Strategy 2018 – 2023
                                 -   Ngati whatua - Kaihu valley puna report – Ngati whatua
                                     Te Matarau Strategy
                                     Te Matarau Research Report
                                     Te Matarau - MPTT Regional Distribution A3 2017

Northland Inc                    -   201706 Northland Inc statement of intent
                                 -   Annual report 2016/17
                                 -   Financials 1415 audited
                                 -   Tai Tokerau Northland Economic Action Plan one year summary
                                     February 2017

Northland Regional Council       -   Consolidated Regional Water and Soil Plan as at 2014
                                 -   Proposed regional plan September 2017 final
                                 -   Regional Air Quality plan for Northland including PC 1 and 2
                                 -   Regional Coastal Plan – Part 1 – definitions
                                 -   Regional Coastal Plan – schedules

Patuharakeke                     -   Patuharakeke – HEMP – December 2014

Ministry of Primary Industries   -   Tai Tokerau Regional Growth Study 2015

TEC                              -   Maori Tertiary Education Framework
                                 -   Tertiary Education Strategy
                                 -   Wellbeing report

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-   Future of Work 1 (full report)
                                         -   Future of Work 2 (summary report)
                                         -   Productivity Commission report

       TEC Toolkit                       -   Productivity Commissions Report
                                         -   Future of Work Report

       Whangarei District Council        -   2018-2028 Long Term Plan Concurrent Consultations
                                         -   2018-2028 Long Term Plan Consultation
                                         -   2018-2028 Long Term Plan Supporting Documents
                                         -   WDC District Plan

3.4       Plan Writing

      The Tai Tokerau Regional Investment Plan for tertiary education will be developed for the region and
      based on a kaupapa Māori tikanga framework. The plan will include partner and stakeholder
      endorsements illustrating the regional collaborative input to the plan. The governance Advisory Group
      will play a role in the review panel prior to submission.

      The document will be branded independently, and the final version will be published as a public

3.5       Governance and Control

      A Tai Tokerau governance Advisory Group has been formed to monitor and steer the He Whenua plan
      development. The group will represent the region of Tai Tokerau and ensure that the project responds
      to the deliverables outlined in the plan. It is expected the Advisory Group will meet regular for the
      period of the He Whenua project.

      The Project Co-ordinator will report progress to key project stakeholders; Project Sponsor and TRIP
      governance Advisory Group.

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4        PLANNING

4.1       Project Team

      This diagram illustrates the project structure mobilised for the Tai Tokerau He Whenua TRIP.

4.2       Timeline

      A high-level timeline illustrated against key milestones for the He Whenua Plan.

       Milestone                             May                 June                July            August

       Project team established        31 May 2018

       Strategic communication /                          30 June 2018
       engagement with key
       Governance group                                   30 June 2018
       Environmental scan and                                                 06 July 2018
       analysis completed
       Outline He Whenua TRIP                                                 13 July 2018
       submitted to the TEC
Presentation of findings with   Throughout July
key stakeholders
Collective hui – Outline of     By 31 July 2018
the Plan
Stakeholder engagement          31 July 2018
MoP complete / final edits                        10 August 2018

Writing complete                                  10 August 2018

Peer review and feedback                          12 August 2018

Governance group review,                          17 August 2018
feedback, approve
Document edit                                     17 August 2018

Final He Whenua TRIP                              20 August 2018
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