The Messenger - New Courses pg4-5 Kayaking is Back pg9 Special Spring Gardening Programs pg11
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The Messenger APRIL | MAY | JUNE 2021 LY N N W O O D S E N I O R C E N T E R New Courses pg4-5 Kayaking is Back pg9 Special Spring Gardening Programs pg11
LSC Information & Updates The Lynnwood Senior Center engages older adults in health, wellness, social and recreational opportunities. LSC is closed due to COVID guidelines. Phone hours are Mon–Fri, 10am–Noon. 19000 44th Ave W | Lynnwood, WA 98036 | (425) 670-5050 | Registration Information PARKS, RECREATION & CULTURAL ARTS Pre-registration is required for all Lynnwood Senior Center programs. Payment is made at time of registration. City of Lynnwood Staff Registrations are non-transferable. Director of Parks, | Recreation & Cultural Arts M = Member Fee NM = Non-Member Fee Lynn Sordel Outdoor Recreation Registration Deputy Director Pre-registration is required for all Meet-Up Hikes. Registrations Sarah Olson are limited to allow for safety and social distancing measures. Please do not show up and expect to go with the group. Recreation Superintendent Hiking time may change due to weather, traffic, or trail conditions. Joel Faber Senior Center Supervisor Mary-Anne Grafton In Memoriam Spring 2021 Berta Christenson Recreation Coordinator Helen Bodine Janet Sigler Customer Service Specialist Cancellation Policies Shelley Coster Registration for activities without an (*) may be withdrawn for credit up to three business days prior to departure. * Trips including pre-purchased items are non-refundable. ** Overnight trips may be withdrawn for credit up to 30 days prior to departure. Scholarship Program LSC Foundation We want you to have a chance to experience and participate in classes, activities and trips Board Off icers that interest you. The City of Lynnwood offers a scholarship program at the Senior Center. Please do not let cost keep you from enjoying activities. All applications are conf idential. President For Lynnwood residents 62+. Please see Mary-Anne Grafton or call 425-670-5051. Dorothy Morehouse Nondiscrimination Policy Treasurer The Lynnwood Senior Center does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, Linda McFarland marital status, sexual orientation, political ideology, age, creed, religion, ancestry, national origin, or presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap. Secretary On request, people with disabilities will be provided with reasonable accommodations. Terry Strausser Inclement Weather Policy Delays: In the event Edmonds School District announces a delayed start time due The Event Support Team meets to inclement weather, all LSC a.m. programs are cancelled. All programs beginning 11:00am on 3rd Wednesdays. after 12 noon will run as permissible, please call to conf irm. Cancellations: If Edmonds School District cancels for the day, all programs are cancelled. LSC Membership $30/12 months | LSC Associate Membership Age 61 & Under $30/12 months 2 Call LSC for more information or to register: (42 5 ) 670- 5 05 0
Mary - Anne's Message I will start out by telling you that your perseverance through the last year is amazing, remarkable, and humbling. What stands out to me is the strength of your spirit, will, and determination to make the most of these times — even through the roughest days. I’ve had the chance to talk with many of you, with conversations ranging from loss, grief, loneliness, and frustration to finding ways of joy, faith, love, and meaning. No matter the subject, these conversations been have a tremendous gift. I am so truly grateful for you. Reopening LSC What Might Be Different continue. This hybrid model of in-person I think a question in many minds is When the doors open, you’ll see some and online will give you the chance to about when the Center will re-open. I changes. The Center is now set up with continue in the way that is most safe and also have this question. Working for the social distancing and safety guidelines comfortable for you. City of Lynnwood, I’m the civil servant in mind. Look for sign-in and Covid And here’s the best part about being a responsible for LSC operations including screening at the door. It’s likely that our civil servant, and in my opinion the only budgeting, staffing, and programing. hours will be limited at first. It may be reason to become one — my purpose Like all other civil servants, there are not that that some favorite activities, such in being here is to work for you and only laws, but several levels of decision- as games using shared playing pieces, our community. You have my ongoing makers overarching and directing my will be slower to return. I anticipate that commitment to continue working to work. As LSC is in the Parks and Rec bringing classes and discussion groups open LSC. I am dedicated to doing my Department, decision-makers include back together will take some time after best for you. And you deserve no less. the Lynnwood City Council, Lynnwood reopening. They may be held different Mayor Smith, PRCA Director Sordel, days or times than before. You can most How You'll know LSC is Open? and PRCA Rec Division Superintendent likely expect activities at LSC to, at least How will you know LSC is open? The Faber. When making decisions during initially, have limits in terms of how many status is always included in the voicemail the pandemic, additional oversight and people can be there at once. message. You can call 425-670-5050, recommendations factoring in come twenty-four hours a day. You can check from the Governor’s Office, Snohomish Good News There will be County Health District, and Lynnwood’s So, here’s some good news. Everything in email, Facebook posts Emergency Operations Command. I this Messenger is expected to continue as on the Lynnwood thought you might want to know. Please offered. If reopening happens during this Recreation Center and also know that I definitely welcome any quarter, you don’t need to be concerned Senior Center group, question you may have. I hope you go that something will be changed in the and the Rec Center ahead and give me a call or send an email middle of your class or event. When LSC reader board will so we can talk about it. re-opens and your class has a scheduled update. time in the facility, online options will Visit our web site at 3
Services & Discussion Groups Chatterboxes Zoom Join the girls! This social club is talking about whatever you like and enjoying the companionship of a great group of ladies. Computer access not required; phone-in option available. 20353 Fri Apr 2-30 1–2:30pm Free / $5 NM 50348 Fri May 7-28 1–2:30pm Free / $5 NM 20345 Fri Jun 4-25 1–2:30pm Free / $5 NM Instructor: Ginger Kemp NEW Tech Support If you have need to find out more about your computer, tablet or smart phone, Ben is the person to help you out. He’s a long-time LSC volunteer able to provide tutoring services and answer your questions by telephone. Your phone number will be provided to Ben when you register, and he’ll give you a call. Foot Care Appointments Book Discussion Group Zoom 24206 Apr – May Times Vary Free This service includes a foot soak, nail We read modern fiction and an Instructor: Ben Benson trim, and foot massage from a licensed occasional classic. Sometimes we add esthetician. Call LSC to schedule your on a book series to make sure we all stay Reel Fans Movie thirty-minute appointment. Simple interested and engaged. Join us on the Discussion Zoom fingernail trim available with foot care fourth Tuesday for discussion. Computer Movie fans meet monthly on 4th for an additional $5. access is not required, phone-in option Wednesdays to discuss films selected on 20690 Mon Apr 12 9am–2pm $25 / 30 NM available. a quarterly theme. Suggested movies are 20687 Mon Apr 26 9am–2pm $25 / 30 NM April Selection available through Sno-Isle libraries and 20685 Mon May 10 9am–2pm $25 / 30 NM • The Underground River common streaming platforms. Computer by Martha Conway access is not required, phone-in option 20689 Mon May 24 9am–2pm $25 / 30 NM • Additional mystery series selection available. 20686 Mon Jun 14 9am–2pm $25 / 30 NM #1: Bury Your Dead (Chief Inspector Spring Theme – Movies with a Twist 20688 Mon Jun 28 9am–2pm $25 / 30 NM Gamache #6) by Louise Penny April – Knives Out (2019) Provider: Ann Nguyen 20347 Tue Apr 27 2:30–4pm Free / $5 NM 20679 Wed Apr 28 2–3:30pm Free / $5 NM NEW Coffee Connection May Selection May – A Beautiful Mind (2001) LSC’s morning coffee group is going • White Cascade: The Great Northern 20680 Wed May 26 2–3:30pm Free / $5 NM virtual! Grab a cup of your favorite brew Railroad Disaster by Gary Krist and call or login to catch up with friends. June – Catch Me if You Can (2002) • Additional mystery series selection #1: Bonus movie: Miss Juneteenth (2020) Visit with the group on any or all weekdays. A Trick of the Light (Chief Inspector Computer access is not required, phone- Gamache #7) by Louise Penny 20681 Wed Jun 23 2–3:30pm Free / $5 NM in option available. Facilitator: Virginia Miscione 20351 Tue May 25 2:30–4pm Free / $5 NM Mon-Fri 9:30–10:30am Free Our Choices and June Selection Understandings Zoom • American War by Omar El Akkad In a discussion group format, explore • Additional mystery series selection #1: ideas and current topics to develop a The Beautiful Mystery (Chief Inspector better understanding of yourself and help Gamache #8) by Louise Penny others understand you better. Computer 20352 Tue Jun 22 2:30–4pm Free / $5 NM access not required; phone-in option Facilitator: Doug Madison available. 20349 Tue Apr 6-27 12–1:30pm Free / $5 NM 20346 Tue May 4-25 12–1:30pm Free / $5 NM Internet discussion groups and classes meeting via Zoom are available with 20350 Tue Jun 1-29 12–1:30pm Free / $5 NM a phone-in option — no computer required. Telephone numbers provided with registration. Instructor: Rick Mottau 4 Call LSC for more information or to register: (42 5 ) 670- 5 05 0
Classes & Activities Planting Seeds – Growing Shelley's Message Stories / A Life-Story Writing Zoom Workshop Find out how rewarding it can be to The return of Spring always reminds me of my softball years. From ages 10-18, distant share a tale from your life. Through sounds of the lawnmower and the smell of fresh cut grass meant it was time to pull class discussion you’ll also get to hear out my glove and start throwing the ball around. Mine was not a sporty family, but I from others about their experiences. In was introduced by friends and neighbors. I learned to love the game, the friendships the first class you choose a life theme. and teamwork, and the hot days on the ballfield. I would not have Working through your memories with found softball on my own, but what I gained from my experience guided questions, you turn out your was invaluable. Consider this spring quarter our 7th Inning story. No writing experience needed! It’s Stretch. We’re almost there! In the meantime, I encourage you much easier to get started than you ever to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Join a thought. Computer access is not required; Zoom class, take a hike, or pick up a curbside meal. Heck, even phone-in option available. sing a little “Take Me Out to the Ball Game,” knowing that when it’s Wed May 5 – Jun 23 game time at LSC, we’ll be ready and waiting to see you. 20674 11:30am–12:30pm $40 / $45 NM Instructor: Megan Douma Drawing and Painting Techniques for all Artists Zoom You’ll learn the fundamentals of drawing and painting using a variety of pencils, and watercolors. A few simple exercises will help you build confidence in your ability to plan and draw a picture. New This is what you'll make with Paint and Sip. and returning students welcome. 20670 Thu Apr 1-29 1–2:30pm $25 / $30 NM Virtual Paint and Sip Party Yarnworker’s Zoom Group 20672 Thu May 6-27 1–2:30pm $20 / $25 NM with LSC Staff Crocheters, knitters, and needle workers 20669 Thu Jun 3-24 1–2:30pm $20 / $25 NM Let’s celebrate spring through art! Join are invited to meet for good company Instructor: Donella M Robbins staff members Mary-Anne, Janet, and and project advice while you work on your piece. German Talk Time Zoom Shelley online for a special group painting This is a conversational class for those event taught through Redmond’s The 20673 Mon Apr 5-26 10–11:30am Free with some German language experience. Painted Palace. No painting experience is 20667 Mon May 3-31 10–11:30am Free needed — it’s all about the fun of creating 20675 Mon Apr 5-26 1–2:30pm Free / $5 NM 20666 Mon Jun 7-28 10–11:30am Free (and sipping) together. At the end of class 20665 Mon May 3-31 1–2:30pm Free / $5 NM Facilitator: Hazel Shaw you will have a memorable experience 20671 Mon Jun 7-28 1–2:30pm Free / $5 NM and a completed piece of art. Canvas and NEW Spring Into Summer Facilitator: Darlene Burt paint supplies will be provided through – Natural Lawn and curbside pickup at LSC prior to the event, Crimson Cuties Zoom sponsored by the LSC Foundation. Please Garden Zoom Series Join the world-wide movement of supply your own sipping drinks. All ages Enhance your lawn and garden skills women embracing aging. The Lynnwood welcome. with a series of interactive presentations Senior Center has two chapters that meet from Master Gardeners of Snohomish once a month to socialize. Computer Wed Apr 21 3–4:30pm $15 / $20 NM County to prepare you for the upcoming access not required; phone-in option Curbside pick-up 1-2pm, Zoom Event starts at 3pm seasons. All ages welcome. *Topics Instructor: The Painted Palace available. subject to change. Wed Apr 7 • Apr 9 – Introducing the Master 20676 11:15am–12:45pm Free / $5 NM Gardeners: Soils and Compost Wed May 5 • May 28 – Vegetable Container 20677 11:15am–12:45pm Free / $5 NM Gardening Wed Jun 2 • Jun 11 – Weeds and Invasive Grasses 20678 11:15am–12:45pm Free / $5 NM • Jun 25 – Fruit Trees Register monthly Facilitator: Ellen Norsworthy-Tingley 22860 Fri 10:30–11:30am Free for ongoing classes. Facilitated by the Master Gardeners of Snohomish County Visit our web site at 5
Wellness Corner Gentle Fitness Zoom Flow Yoga 62+ Zoom Vinyasa Yoga Zoom This is a gently-paced cardiovascular Your day will start on a peaceful note with Vinyasa yoga practice links breath with workout using resistance for strength. a gentle, safe, and fun Flow Yoga practice. movement and supports the postures in a Exercise may be in seated or standing Improve your strength, flexibility, balance, flowing sequence. Improve your strength, positions. and mobility through practicing standing flexibility, balance, and mobility through 20179 Mon, Wed Apr 5-28 9–10am $24 NM and seated yoga poses. A chair may be practicing standing and floor yoga poses. used for support as needed. This class is This class is designed to meet the needs 20190 Mon, Wed May 3-27 9–10am $24 NM designed to meet the needs of older adults of older adults of all experience levels. 20185 Mon, Wed Jun 2-30 9–10am $27 NM of all experience levels. Adults of all ages Adults of all ages are welcome. Please Instructor: Lida (Sungyeo) Kim are welcome. bring a mat to class. SAIL Fitness Zoom 20178 Tue, Thu Apr 1-29 20188 Fri Apr 2-30 Stay Active and Independent for Life 9:15–10:05am $45 / 50 NM 9:15–10:05am $25 / 30 NM — developed by the Washington State 20187 Tue, Thu May 4-27 20189 Fri May 7-28 Department of Health for older adults. This 9:15–10:05am $40 / 45 NM 9:15–10:05am $20 / 25 NM is an intermediate level class, designed for 20181 Tue, Thu Jun 1-29 20182 Fri Jun 4-25 both seated and standing positions. 9:15–10:05am $45 / 50 NM 9:15–10:05am $20 / 25 NM Instructor: Lida (Sungyeo) Kim Instructor: Lida (Sungyeo) Kim Tue, Thu Apr 1-29 20184 10:45–11:45am $27 NM Tue, Thu May 4-27 20183 10:45–11:45am $24 NM Tue, Thu Jun 1-29 20180 10:45–11:45am $27 NM Instructor: Debby Grant 62 + Pilates: Level 1 & 2 Zoom Pilates for Core Strength & Flexibility Level 1 & 2 is done entirely on the floor. Exercises continue to grow in complexity and students are challenged. Prerequisites for this class are Pilates Level 1 and Instructor’s approval. You must be able to get up and down from the floor. Bring a towel and Pilates mat to class. Wed Apr 7-28 20191 10–10:50am $24 / 29 NM Wed May 5-26 20186 10–10:50am $24 / 29 NM Wed Jun 2-30 20192 10–10:50am $30 / 35 NM Internet discussion groups and classes meeting via Zoom are available with a phone-in option — no computer required. Telephone numbers provided Instructor: Angela Dismuke with registration. 6 Call LSC for more information or to register: (42 5 ) 670- 5 05 0
Outdoor Recreation Janet's Message LSC Outdoor Rec has a new Facebook page. See what everyone’s up to Spring signifies hope and renewal and so is our hope to leaving this pandemic behind to a fresh new start. It's been a long journey, and get program updates. but along with it there have been some positive experiences. Email One of them is our dedicated crew of volunteers who make the curbside events happen. These events kept us connected with you and they would not have happened without this dedicated crew. I hope you'll join us at our next curbside event and let them how much they are appreciated. HIKING BOOTS ONLY ATHLETIC SHOES OKAY What to know Hike Diff iculty Key Easy; About Meet-Up Hikes flat trail paved or unpaved Moderately easy; slight elevation gain with some hills Moderate; some difficult terrain & elevation gain; you must be steady on your feet Moderately difficult; steeper elevation gain with switch backs or steps; rocks, roots & challenging footing Difficult; challenging distance, elevation gain and terrain * Hiking poles strongly suggested Being outdoors is one of the best ways to exercise, recharge, and cope. LSC is offering Hiking Essentials Outdoor Rec that has the same feel as usual but uses safety and social distancing for mask or face covering the new normal-for-now. hat • Social distancing doesn’t work on a bus. Carpooling is strongly discouraged for the hiking poles same reason. For safety, we’ll meet at the designated trailhead. Destinations will be extra socks chosen with adequate parking in mind. layered clothes • Pre-registration is required. sunscreen & sunglasses • Registration is limited for social distancing on the trail. For this reason, you are on plenty of water your honor not to simply join up with a LSC trip at the destination. and sack lunch a pad to sit on • Upon registering, you will receive maps and specific information about your destination. This information is for you — please do not share with others. tissue plastic bag for • At the trailhead, look for a traffic cone on the roof of your Trip Leader’s vehicle — this wet items and garbage is where you meet, but be sure to wear a mask and stand six feet apart. Restrooms normally available may not be in use, so plan ahead. cell phone and whistle personal medication • There will be a 15-minute wait after the meet-up time before we proceed with the blister preventive and care kit hike. Make sure you allow enough time to travel in rush hour traffic. waterproof hiking boots encouraged Visit our web site at 7
Outdoor Recreation Urban Hike Meet-Ups At this time, hike registrations are first-come, first served. Staff are available to answer your call Monday through Friday 10am – noon, or leave a voicemail and we’ll return your call as soon as we can. Everett Waterfront Lord Hill, Snohomish Big Finn Park, Highlights include a new trail system Kenmore that weaves around a newly built Highlights include hiking through a Highlights include trails that lead commercial district on one side and dense forest with wetlands, abundant through forests and on the campus of the Everett Marina on the other. See wildlife and a lookout over the Bastyr University, where we’ll try out their beautiful views of Jetty Island and Port Snohomish valley. reflexology foot path. Gardner Bay. • 3 mile round trip • 4.5 mile round trip • 3.5 mile round trip • 395 elevation gain • 250 elevation gain • Minimal elevation gain • Dirt trails shared with mountain • Dirt trails • Paved and boardwalk trails bikers and horses • 9 mile driving distance from LSC • 15 mile driving distance from LSC • 26 mile driving distance from LSC Fri Jun 11 Meet at trailhead at 9:15am 22726 Tue Apr 6 Meet at trailhead at 9:15am Tue May 4 Meet at trailhead at 9:15am $14 / $20 NM 21179 21181 $14 / $20 NM $14 / $20 NM Paradise Valley Conservation The Ballard Stair Climb Evergreen Arboretum and Trails, Woodinville Grand Ave., Everett Highlights include nature trails loop Highlights include hiking through a Highlights include a hike through under a deep canopy of old growth firs forest and Loyal Heights neighborhood an arboretum and through an older and big leaf maple trees. while looking at Shilshole Bay below, neighborhood filled with spring flowers • 5 mile round trip seeing a dog park and getting a workout and an overlook of the Everett Naval Base • 325 foot elevation gain on a 100-stair climb. and Port Gardner Bay. • Dirt trails shared with mountain • 2.5 mile round trip • 3.5 mile round trip bikers and horses • 250 foot elevation gain • Minimal elevation gain • 12 mile driving distance from LSC • Paved and dirt trails • Paved trails Wed Jun 16 Meet at trailhead at 9:15am • 13.5 mile driving distance from LSC • 17 mile driving distance from LSC 22729 $14 / $20 NM Tue Apr 20 Meet at trailhead at 9:15am Tue May 18 Meet at trailhead at 9:15am 11571 21182 $14 / $20 NM $14 / $20 NM Continued on page 9 >> 8 Call LSC for more information or to register: (42 5 ) 670- 5 05 0
Outdoor Recreation Outdoor Adventures Teed Off Golfers Elliott Bay Sea Kayak Tour * Take your best swing with Teed Off Highlights include seeing the panoramic Seattle skyline by kayak and exploring the Golfers at the Nile Shrine Golf Course! mouth of the Duwamish River. After your paddle, you can stretch your legs by strolling Starting in spring, co-ed play is every along Alki Beach — or just enjoy hanging out on the beach. other week rain or shine unless • Pre-tour instructions thunderstorms are imminent. Play • 2 hour paddle is mostly at the Nile, with additional • 27 mile driving distance from LSC road trips to other courses throughout the season. $18 green fees at the 22730 Wed Jun 2 Meet at outfitter at 2pm $86 / $92 NM course. You may rent pull carts, clubs *This trip includes pre-purchased tickets and is non-refundable. and driving carts for additional cost. Meet at the golf course 30 minutes before tee time. It’s easy to get started — call the Senior Center at 425-670- Urban Hike Meet-Ups 5050. LSC members register for free; non-members pay $5 per month. >> Continued from page 8 Registration is required to get a tee time with our group. Point No Point, Kitsap County Barnum Pt. & Iverson Spit Free / $5 per month NM Preserve, Camano Island Highlights include two hikes: Nile Shrine Golf Course The first one is a forested trail leading to Highlights include trails that loop 6601 244th St SW, Mountlake Terrace a lake. The second hike is to a lighthouse around wetlands, beaches, farmland and overlooking Whidbey Island across the a bluff overlooking Port Susan. bay. Enjoy a beach and walking along a Season Opening Field Day • Iverson Spit Preserve Loop: 1 mile bluff. loop; Apr 22 • Buck Lake: 3.5 mile round trip; minimal elevation gain 350 foot elevation gain • Barnum Point: 1.5 mile loop; Regular Play • Point No Point: 1.5 mile round trip; 108 foot elevation gain Apr 29 | May 13, 27 175 foot elevation gain • Dirt and sand trails Jun 10, 24 | Jul 8, 22 • Dirt and sand trails • 45 mile driving distance from LSC • 22 mile driving distance (including the Wed Jun 30 Meet at trailhead at 9:15am Special Play ferry) from LSC 22728 $14 / $20 NM Jun 17 – Road Trip Camaloch 22727 Fri Jun 25 Meet at trailhead at 9:15am Golf Course $14 / $20 NM Jul 23 – Par4Kids Benef it tournament Visit our web site at 9
Events & Presentations Events Presentations Pre-registration is required for all events. Pre-registration is required for all presentations. What to Know About LSC Events • Curbside Pickup and Drive-Thru Events take place at the Main (south) LSC entrance. • You get to stay in your car and stop at several stations where we bring things to you. • Volunteers and employees are COVID screened before working at an event. • Mask wearing and social distancing guidelines are followed. • Pre-registration is required for all events. Easter Brunch Combo Event: Drive-Thru & Zoom Presentation Save your appetite for this one! You can bet on the Easter Bunny to greet you with a delicious brunch. And here’s a nice option — if you’d like to join us at home on Zoom, you’ll also get an Easter basket craft for you to put together. And there might be some tasty treats included to put in your finished basket. Sponsored by Attracting Bees and Butterflies Fairwinds Brighton Court. Zoom Presentation Having a healthy yard will bring our Fri Apr 2 Pick-up 12–12:30pm 22731 Zoom 1–2pm $8 / $13 NM pollinators to you. The first step to attracting wildlife is reducing toxins and Meet the Mayor Root Beer Birthday Lunch Drive-Thru pesticides. And then come good soil, Float Drive-Thru This is a party with birthday cake and live proper watering, and putting the right Say hello to Lynnwood Mayor Nicola music. You’re all invited to pick up your plant in the right place. Ladd Smith, a Smith, LSC volunteers and staff while lunch and join in as we celebrate people certified landscape professional, will picking up your root beer float. Limited with April, May and June birthdays. teach you how to create your butterfly supplies of masks will be given out as Sponsored by Gencare Lifestyle Scriber haven. Plant lists for attracting butterflies, well. We hope to see you there! Gardens. bees and birds will be provided. 22732 Wed Apr 28 Pick-up 2–2:30pm Free 22738 Wed May 19 Pick-up 12–12:30pm Free 22733 Fri Apr 23 1–2:30pm Free Mothers and Daughters Juneteenth Celebration George McKenzie’s Combo Event: Drive-Thru Combo Event: Drive-Thru West Virginia & Zoom Presentation & Zoom Presentation Zoom Presentation In celebration of Mother’s Day, we would Celebrate and learn about this holiday Did you know our trip leader, George like to honor mothers and daughters that started in Texas and is now observed McKenzie, has led a colorful life so far? by handing you a nice gift and a tasty in many states. Lena Hopkins will discuss Spoiler alert — he’s related to a famous treat. You don’t need to be a mother to its importance and share her own family celebrity. George will tell you about his participate. After you pick up your gifts, traditions in observing Juneteenth. adventures growing up on a West Virginia join us on Zoom for some Mom Trivia and We will be passing out red velvet cake Farm. While seeing the beautiful places an option to share a happy memory and/ curbside for you to enjoy while watching of his childhood, you’ll also get to hear or a photo of your mother. the presentation. George talk about the Appalachian way Fri May 7 Pick-up 11–11:30am Fri Jun 18 Pick-up 11:30am–12pm of life. 22734 22739 Zoom 1–2pm Free Zoom 1–2pm Free 22735 Wed May 12 1–2pm Free 10 Call LSC for more information or to register: (42 5 ) 670- 5 05 0
Spring Garden Programs Spring Garden Marielle's Message Programs at LSC The City’s Healthy Communities Program focuses on creating policies and community environments that support good a Spring Into Summer: Natural Lawn & Garden Zoom nutrition, opportunities for physical activity and creating Fridays, April 9, May 28, community connections. By making relatively small investments June 11 & 25: See page 5 and changes in our programming and environment, we can help make a lasting impact on the health of our community. The City’s a Attracting Bees & Butterflies commitment to the Healthy Communities Program remains strong Zoom Presentation and community gardens play a significant role in enhancing the Marielle Harrington, Friday, April 23: See page 10 physical, emotional and spiritual well-being necessary to build Healthy Communities a How to Make Your Yard healthy and socially sustainable communities. Coordinator a Bird Haven Zoom Presentation Friday, May 14: See back cover Visit our web site at 11
City of Lynnwood PRSRT STD 19100 44th Avenue West U.S. POSTAGE PO Box 5008 PAID Lynnwood, WA 98046-5008 LYNNWOOD, WA PERMIT #119 Address Service Requested Presentations Pre-registration is required for all presentations. Jumpstart Relief with EFT Pacif ic Northwest How to Make Your Zoom Presentation Marine Life and Us Yard a Bird Haven Do you have a persistent discomfort that Zoom Presentation Zoom Presentation is unresponsive to other methods of care The Pacif ic NW is home to some of the Brian Zinke, Executive Director of Pilchuck and are wondering what else you could most beautiful coastline in the world. Audubon Society, will talk about how to try for relief? Nancy Southern, MSW, will Some of the most unique and fascinating attract resident birds, as well as those that show you a “tapping” method known as creatures in the sea make their home pass through only during migration cycles. Emotional Freedom Technique. Tapping is here. With some of the most productive You’ll find out how to attract birds to any a self-administered alternative treatment fish-growing habitats on earth, you’ll find size yard or space and help them thrive. Learn how to use your fingertips on 29 species of marine mammals. LSC’s own And importantly, Brian will talk about various acupuncture meridian points to Trip Leader, Shayla Gearin, will talk about how to keep those birds safe once you’ve help ease your ailments. our unique marine life, how to see it and enticed them to your yard. 22740 Fri Jun 4 1–2pm Free how to preserve it. 22736 Fri May 14 1–2:15pm Free 22737 Wed Jun 9 1–2pm Free
You can also read