IN-HOUSE COUNSEL PROGRAM - LEARN. NETWORK. ENGAGE. Premier Education in Health Law - The American Health Lawyers Association

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IN-HOUSE COUNSEL PROGRAM - LEARN. NETWORK. ENGAGE. Premier Education in Health Law - The American Health Lawyers Association
Premier Education in Health Law

June 23, 2019 | Boston, MA
IN-HOUSE COUNSEL PROGRAM - LEARN. NETWORK. ENGAGE. Premier Education in Health Law - The American Health Lawyers Association
Letter from the Chair
    “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most
      intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
    					– Charles Darwin

    The Freedom Trail! Faneuil Hall Marketplace! The Red Sox! As the host
    city for the 2019 AHLA In-House Counsel Program, Boston offers an
    eclectic array of attractions certain to appeal to the most discerning
    of travelers. Against this backdrop, attendees of the In-House Counsel
    Program will have an opportunity to connect with colleagues who face
    similar client issues to exchange ideas, experiences and practices
    to have the benefit of differing perspectives. As disruption in the
    health care industry continues, it is essential that In-House counsel
    understand the current business trends as well as legal and regu-
    latory developments. This year’s keynote address, The Future of the
    Health Care Workforce, will explore the leading influences affecting
    today’s health care workforce and the legal challenges anticipated to
    result from its evolving nature. The keynote address will be delivered
    by John P. Ryan, President and Managing Partner, Hall Render Killian
    Heath & Lyman PC and Heather Brace, Senior VP and Chief People
    Officer, Intermountain Healthcare. Experienced health law practitioners
    representing various industry sectors and the government will offer
    breakout sessions on a myriad of health law topics of particular inter-
    est to in-house counsel.
    Please join us in Boston for the 2019 In-House Counsel Program to
    both learn from and network with colleagues to be well positioned to
    manage the inevitable change ahead.

    Elisabeth Belmont, Chair
    In-House Counsel Program Planning Committee

2    Register Today |
Registration Fees:                                        attends the program. Non-member substitutes will be
                                                          charged the fee difference if they are substituting for
AHLA Member: $430                                         a member-discounted registration. An administrative
                                                                                                                    Special request/needs—
                                                          fee of $75 will be charged for a substitution request.
Non-Member: $630                                                                                          
                                                          Transfer to an upcoming event within one year of
(Discounts do not apply. Fee includes lunch)                                                                        Cancellations and/or substitutions—
                                                          equal or higher value is available on a one time
Registration must be received prior to                    basis only, and should be received in writing to AHLA
June 12, 2019 in order to appear on the                   ( no later than 2 busi-       Billing, receipts, confirmations, and login information—
attendee list. Registration is available by               ness days prior to the event. An administrative fee of
going online or by calling (202) 833-1100.                $75 will be charged for a transfer request.
                                                                                                                    For the most up-to-date information and
                                                                                                                    to register, visit our website at:
Hotel Information                                         Continuing Education                            
Boston Marriott Copley Place                              Credit Information
110 Huntington Ave                                        CLE/MCLE: AHLA will be applying for 6.5 credits               Sponsor
Boston, MA 02116                                          (including 1.0 ethics credit) for 60-minute states
(617) 236-5800                                            and approximately 7.8 credits (including 1.2 ethics           HealthCare Appraisers, Inc. has provided
                                                          credits) for 50-minute states.                                sponsorship in support of this program and
The Westin Copley Place                                                                                                 In-House Counsel Practice Group luncheon.
                                                          CPE: AHLA will be applying for 7.0 CPE credits.
10 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02116                                          AHLA is registered with the National Association
(617) 262-9600                                            of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a
                                                          sponsor of continuing professional education on the
Hotel accommodations are not included in the
registration fee. AHLA set up a block of rooms at
                                                          National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of
                                                          accountancy have final authority on the acceptance
a discounted rate of $297/night plus tax at the           of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints              The following sponsoring companies will
Marriott and Westin Hotels. Those discounted              regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to             be exhibiting during the In-House Counsel
rates are getting limited and may sell out. The           the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth             Program. Be sure to stop by their booths and
Marriott has added a limited number of additional         Ave. North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417.              pick up great information on their services.
rooms for $439 per night and the Westin will              NASBA’s website is                             Affiliated Monitors
also have additional City View Rooms at the rate
of $329. When making reservations over the                CCB: This education activity has been submitted to            Ankura
phone, please indicate that you are with the AHLA         the Compliance Certification Board (CCB)® and is              BRG Healthcare LLC
program. The room blocks may sell out prior to            currently pending their review for approval for 7.8           Carnahan Group
hotel cut-off date of May 23, 2019. Most of the           CCB CEUs.
                                                                                                                        CBIZ Valuation Group
educational sessions will be held at the Marriott         Participants will be given Continuing Education               Coker Group
Hotel. The Westin is across the street from the           Request forms at the program. Forms must be                   FTI Consulting
Marriott and also connects via Copley Mall.               completed and returned to AHLA staff to receive               Healthcare Appraisers Inc
                                                          credit. The sessions, unless otherwise designated,
                                                                                                                        HMS Valuation Partners
Cancellations/Substitutions                               are intermediate to advance in level. This program
                                                          is designed to be an update on developments in                HORNE LLP
Cancellations must be received in writing by June         the area of health law. There are no prerequisites or         MDRanger Inc
12, 2019 and sent to Dorothy Johnson: djohn-              advanced preparations required to register for this           Ntracts LLC Registration fee, minus the        group live program. Those seeking accounting cred-            Pinnacle Healthcare Consulting
$75 administrative fee, will be refunded approx-          its should be familiar with the basic concepts and            PYA
imately 3-4 weeks following the program in the            terminology associated with health law in order to            Stout Risius Ross LLC
same form of tender as the original payment. Re-          obtain the full educational benefit of this program.
funds will not be issued for cancellations received                                                                     SullivanCotter
after the cancellation date, to include no-shows.                                                                       Veralon Partners
                                                          Contact Us                                                    VMG Health
Substitutions will be accepted, in writing to AHLA
                                                          Have a question? We’re here to help!                          Wolters Kluwer
(, up to 2 business days
prior to the event date on a one time basis. Note, that   Program materials, attendee badge,                            Interested in becoming a sponsor and/or
the registration fee is based on AHLA membership          continuing education credits, onsite—                         exhibitor?, Contact Valerie Eshleman at
status of the individual who actually                                     

                                                                                                    Register Today | 3
Agenda      Saturday,                                                CONCURRENT SESSIONS                     C. Coping with the Mystery
                                                                                                                 and Reality of Artificial
            June 22, 2019                                  9:30-10:45 am                                         Intelligence in Health Care
                                                                                                                Bernadette M. Broccolo
            2:00-6:00 pm                                   Extended Sessions
                                                                                                             The development and use of Artificial
                                                           A. Recent Resolution Agree-                      Intelligence (“AI”) technology is increasingly
            Registration and Information
                                                              ments and Investigations:                      being viewed as a real and viable solution
                                                              Lessons Learned from the                       for improving health care diagnosis and
            Sunday,                                           OCR (not repeated)
                                                              Katherine M. Keefe
                                                                                                             treatment. At the same time, the current legal
                                                                                                             and regulatory schemes do not contemplate
            June 23, 2019                                     Lynn Sessions                                  or adequately address the mysterious nature
                                                                                                             of AI technology and are not evolving at the
                                                           • Best practices for preparing your breach
            7:00 am-5:15 pm                                  based on OCR investigations
                                                                                                             same rapid pace with which AI solutions are
                                                                                                             being developed and introduced. This session
            Registration and Information                   • Simulated breach response                       will provide:
                                                                                                             • The unique and complex legal and regula-
            7:00-8:00 am                                   • Breach risks and trends
                                                                                                               tory risks and uncertainties associated with
            Continental Breakfast,                         • Hot buttons from OCR investigations and           current and emerging Artificial Intelligence
            sponsored by HealthCare                          recent resolution agreements                      (AI) innovation initiatives and collaborations
            Appraisers Inc                                 • Other compliance concerns raised during         • Practical tips and tools for effectively
            This event is included in the program regis-     investigations                                    identifying and evaluating these risks
            tration; attendees and speakers welcome.                                                           and uncertainties
                                                           B. Hot Topics in Practice                        • Practical planning, decision-making, and
                                                              Management                                       contracting structures and strategies for
                         GENERAL SESSION
                                                              Greg J. Matis (Moderator)                        achieving a workable balance between AI’s
                                                              Almeta E. Cooper                                 potential risks and its potential rewards
            8:00-8:15 am                                      Brent L. Henry
            Welcome and Introductions                         Susan Kee                                      D. Avoiding The “Danger
               Elisabeth Belmont, Program Chair            • Efficiency/value–against the backdrop
                                                                                                                 Zone”–Top Physician
                                                             of significant pressure to cut “overhead”           Compensation Risk Areas
            8:15-9:15 am                                     costs, successful strategies for objec-            Robert G. Homchick
                                                             tively tracking and demonstrating the law          Albert D. Hutzler
            The Future of the Health Care                    department’s value. How to be prepared             Albert W. Shay
            Workforce: Are You Ready for It?                 for and stay ahead of outside consultant
               Heather Brace                                 cost cutters                                    • Latest Stark Law and other guidance on
               John P. Ryan                                                                                    physician compensation, including both
                                                           • Operational excellence–health care orga-          recent case law and regulatory changes
            • Always on/always connected workforce           nizations increasingly expect their legal
                                                             departments to join as full participants in     • Compensation survey data–uses and
            • Spoiler alert: The health care workforce                                                         misuses Physician Compensation Plans
              will increase, not decrease                    their continuous improvement operating
                                                             models, with expectations for the legal           2.0–an assessment of trends and pitfalls
            • Upskilling/re-skilling today’s health care     department to adopt huddle boards, KPIs,          in compensation plans that include perfor-
              workers for tomorrow                           A3s, etc. Best practices for implementing         mance-based metrics
                                                             operational excellence in legal services        • Examples from the survey data of how the
            • Telehealth is a real thing
                                                           • Client satisfaction–innovative strategies for     data can be interpreted in multiple ways,
            • Worker mobility is a real thing too                                                              depending on the lens used to look at it
                                                             emphasizing the “service” in legal services
            • AI cannot automate emotional intelligence,     by measuring and improving client satis-        • Detailed analysis of physician compensa-
              creativity, or validation of predictive        faction through service-level agreements,         tion plan hypotheticals
              analytics                                      surveys, client rounding, etc.
            • Multiple generations of workers in the       • Client expectations–best practices for
              health care workforce: How do we all           diplomatically establishing and communi-
              get along?                                     cating legal department expectations, stan-
                                                             dards, and rules of engagement. Extending
                                                             the legal department’s reach and enlisting
                                                             an army of issue spotters by educating key
                                                             personnel in other departments on health
                                                             law fundamentals

4   Register Today |
11:00 am-12:00 pm                               • Provide ways to mitigate the risk of            • The challenge the #MeToo movement

                                                  antitrust scrutiny or liability stemming from     present in-house counsel
E. E
    mployers’ Secret Ingredi-                    an alleged no-poaching or wage-fixing
                                                                                                  • The ABA Rules of Professional Responsibility
   ent? The Antitrust Risks of                    agreement
                                                                                                    8.4(g) on harassment and discrimination
   No Poach and Wage-Fixing
   Agreements (not repeated)                    F. H
                                                    ot Topics for Health Plan                    • The application of the ABA Rules of Profes-
   Wendy K. Arends (Moderator)                     Counsel                                          sional Responsibility 3.1 relative to claims
   Christi J. Braun                                Emily A. Moseley
                                                                                                    filed against the client corporation
   Jennifer A. Thomson                             Brian Vick                                     • The application of 1.13 of the ABA Rules of
                                                                                                    Professional Responsibility relative to repre-
Enforcement officials and plaintiffs are        • Medicare advantage: Managing rapid                sentation of entities - “Who is my client?”
serving up actions targeting no-poach             growth and legal risk
and wage-fixing agreements in the health                                                          • The ethical considerations with the sharing
care arena and beyond in an effort to level     • Drug pricing: Controlling costs and               of confidential complaint information about
the playing field for employees. The panel        increasing transparency                           sexual harassment and discrimination
discussion will focus on recent enforcement     • The Affordable Care Act: The only
actions and their implications for employers      constant is change                              H. Business Disruption and
and employees. The panelists will also offer
                                                • Medicaid: Expansion, reform, and                    Corporate Governance
practical steps that health care employers
                                                  payment integrity                                   Mary Beth Claus
and in-house counsel can implement to
reduce the risk of a violation.                                                                       Michael W. Peregrine
                                                • Provider disputes and other litigation trends
• What constitutes no-poaching and                                                                • “Business Disruption” in health care
  wage-fixing, and how antitrust enforce-       G. The General Counsel Ethics                    • The board’s overarching duties with
  ment officials have historically approached      Dilemma: Misconduct In and                       respect to “disruption”
  this type of conduct and their current           Out of the C-Suite
  approach to it                                                                                  • As to board orientation, composition,
                                                   Lisa A. Hathaway
                                                                                                    structure and management oversight
• Recent cases and settlements alleging            Harvey M. Tettlebaum
  no-poaching and wage-fixing agreements,                                                         • As to the board’s decision-making process
                                                • The ethical considerations when creating
  including those in the health care arena        and implementing policy changes on              • The related role of the Chief Legal Officer
• Red flags to look for when navigating           sexual harassment and discrimination in
  acquisitions, joint ventures, and other         the work place

                                                    Annual Meeting | June 24-26, 2019
                                                    Every year, nearly 1,500 health law professionals join AHLA at its Annual Meeting
                                                    to get the most current information and analysis on legal issues facing the health
                                                    care industry in thoughtful, practical solution-oriented sessions, luncheons, and
                                                    networking events. You will not want to miss this year’s content! The Annual Meeting planning
                                                    committee has built a program for all our members that is rich in content presented by dynamic
                                                    speakers. AHLA’s programs are always distinguished not only by the range of perspectives our
                                                    speakers offer, but also by the collegiality that allows us to learn the cutting edge of health law from
                                                    one another.
                                                    Be sure to register for both the In-House Counsel Program and the Annual Meeting to get the most
                                                    current information and analysis on a myriad of legal issues facing the health care industry
                                                    Be sure to register for both the In-House Counsel Program and the Annual
                                                    Meeting to get the most current information and analysis on a myriad of
                                                    legal issues facing the health care industry.

      For more information and to register, visit

                                                                                              Register Today | 5
12:00-1:15 pm                                        conducted, standards for determining            — Talking points for use in the interactive
Agenda      Stories to Win the Golden
                                                                 “relatedness,” methods of documenting
                                                                 this analysis, and was of ensuring or
                                                                                                                    process when dealing with mental
                                                                                                                    health issues
            Ferret Award Luncheon                                checking full disclosure have become
                                                                                                                 — Mechanisms to assist in de-escalation
            Hosted by In-House Counsel                           major AMC concerns
                                                                                                                    of stress-related work issues, and to
            Practice Group, sponsored by                       • Failure of faculty and medical staff to            minimize those issues upon a return-
            HealthCare Appraisers Inc                            disclose their personal financial rela-            to-work from leave
            Hear real-life, too-weird-to-be-true stories         tionships in publications and scientific
            told by fellow health law attorneys, or bring        presentations can lead to significantly       K. Getting Your Fair Share of
            your own story, and compete for the 18th             adverse publicity and reputational harm,
                                                                                                                  Shared Savings: A Provider’s
            Annual Golden Ferret Award. As you listen to         but methods of ensuring compliance with
                                                                                                                  Guide to Negotiating Value-
            your colleagues recounting their strangest           journal and professional society financial
                                                                                                                  Based Contract Terms
            work-related escapades, you will gain a new          interest disclosure standards are elusive
                                                                                                                  Manasa Gopal
            appreciation for your own practice environ-
                                                               • In-house counsel often play a critical role      Salvatore G. Rotella
            ment. The coveted Golden Ferret Award will
                                                                  in COI policy development and conflict
            be presented to the luncheon participant who                                                       • Patient attribution rules
            tells the most entertaining and outrageous
            truelife anecdote from their in-house practice.    • Varying AMC policies, practices, and            — Working with provider operations
                                                                 anticipated trends will provide an                 staff to identify and seek necessary
            This event is included in program registra-                                                             modification to key attribution
                                                                 enhanced understanding of the issues
            tion; attendees and faculty welcome. Con-                                                               standards set by payor
                                                                 and challenges faced by in-house counsel
            tinuing Education Credits are not available.
                                                                 for AMCs in this complex environment          • Antitrust issues
                                                                                                                 — Assessing integration of provider
                      CONCURRENT SESSIONS                      J. The Epidemic of Clinician
                                                                  Burnout: Five Critical Things
            1:30-2:30 pm                                          to Know When Addressing                        — Following applicable messenger
                                                                                                                    model restrictions
                                                                  Stress-Related Claims
            I. Understanding and Address-                        Maria Greco Danaher                          • Privacy issues
                ing Conflicts of Interest at                      Julie Donahue
                Non-Profit Organizations                                                                         — Ensuring that provider data sharing
                (not repeated)                                 • The symptoms and consequences of                   complies with HIPAA and other
               Mark Barnes                                       stress-related burnout, and environmental          applicable laws governing substance
                                                                 factors that may exacerbate it;                    abuse records, research data, etc.
               Gerianne J. Sands
                                                               • Which federal employment laws apply to          — How to get the payor on the hook
            • The out-licensing of IP and the creation
                                                                 requests for accommodation and leave
              of spin-off corporations to commercialize                                                          — Upside and downside provider risk
                                                                 regarding mental health and stress-
              IP can present multiple conflict of interest
                                                                 related issues                                • Balancing risk and reward
              problems if an AMC’s senior executives,
              tech transfer officers or board members          • The specific applicability of the ADA’s         — Confirming that shared savings/
              seek to invest in the entity to which the IP       mandatory “interactive process” for                repayment thresholds are achievable
              is licensed, including entities spun off by        accommodation of stress-related                    by provider and clearly articulated
              the AMC itself. Many of the relationships          conditions and the FMLA’s “serious
              can create “interested party” transactions         health condition” requirement                   — Coordination of care payments,
              under IRS standards                                                                                   bonuses, and setoff rights
                                                               • Legally compliant methods for returning
            • Service by executive officers, service chiefs      an affected clinician to work after a           — Incentive payment structures, including
              and department chairs, and faculty/medi-           stress-related leave                               payor rights to reduce earned pay-
              cal staff on boards of directors of for-profit                                                        ments based on performance issues
                                                               • Best practices to identify and minimize
              health and science-related entities can                                                            — The interplay between incentive
                                                                 stress-related burnout, and assure legal
              present conflicts of interest and conflicts                                                           payments and payments under
                                                                 compliance with those efforts
              of commitment, and many AMCs and                                                                      services agreements
              universities may be considered prohibiting       • Take-aways for participants include:
              service in such a fiduciary capacity                                                             • Underlying network contracting concerns
                                                                 — Increased awareness of the symptoms
            • As part of grants compliance, each AMC                and consequences of stress-related           — Term and termination rights, contract
              solicits annual financial disclosures from            burnout                                         amendment, incorporation of generic
              investigators, and analyzes those interests                                                           payor manual terms etc.
                                                                 — List of legal issues related to dealing
              for “relatedness” to ongoing pre-clinical
                                                                    with stress-related disabilities and
              and clinical research. How this process is

6   Register Today |
G. The General Counsel Ethics                     4:15-5:15 pm                                5:00-6:30 pm

   Dilemma: Misconduct In and
   Out of the C-Suite (repeat)                     F. H
                                                       ot Topics for Health Plan              Welcome Reception
                                                      Counsel (repeat)                         Staying for the Annual Meeting? Join us and
2:45-4:00 pm                                       H. Business Disruption and
                                                                                               your colleagues from around the country
Extended Sessions                                      Corporate Governance
                                                                                               as we welcome everyone to Boston to kick
                                                                                               off the 2019 Annual Meeting. Relax, grab a
L. D
    rawing Lines: Risks and                                                                   drink, find old friends (or make a few new
   Responsibilities in Research,                   J. The Epidemic of Clinician               ones), and get ready for a full three days of
   Innovation, and Care Delivery                       Burnout: Five Critical Things           learning and networking! This event is includ-
   (not repeated)                                                                              ed in the program registration; attendees,
                                                       to Know When Addressing
   Leah B. Guidry                                                                              faculty, and registered adult, teen, and youth
                                                       Stress-Related Claims
                                                                                               guests welcome.
   Leah A. Voigt                                       (repeat)
• As health care organizations seek new            K. Getting Your Fair Share of              Adjournment
  relationships and revenue streams, what             Shared Savings: A Provider’s
  structures and boundaries are needed to             Guide to Negotiating
  protect the organization and its assets?
                                                      Value-Based Contract
• Defining the lines (and potential over-             Terms (repeat)
  laps) in care delivery, quality assurance,
  research and innovation to properly track
  policy issues
• Case studies highlighting issues with
  consent, data/privacy/security, intellectual
  property, and conflict of interest issues
                                                                              Download the
• Maintaining the role of the attorney and
  compliance professional as trusted
                                                                              In-House Counsel App
  business advisor while still raising potential                              This free app is available in the
  concerns and objections when warranted                                      iTunes App store or Google Play
• Results of a benchmarking survey of                                         store by searching ‘AHLA’.
  organizational models with commentary on
  associated risks inherent in varying models                                 1. Download AHLA, by Bravura Technologies, onto
                                                                                 your mobile device and hit open.
B. Hot Topics in Practice
   Management (repeat)                                2. Choose ‘Events’ to find the In-House Counsel Program. Click on the event
                                                         (you’ll be prompted to enter your email address). You will not be able to
C. Coping with the Mystery
                                                         access the event features of a app if you are not registered for the event.
    and Reality of Artificial
    Intelligence in Health Care                       3. The App will include the agenda, attendee list, and access to the
    (repeat)                                              PowerPoint presentations.
D. Avoiding The “Danger                              The In-House Counsel Program portion of the AHLA App
    Zone”–Top Physician
    Compensation Risk Areas
                                                      is sponsored by

                                                                                          Register Today | 7
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Program Schedule                                                               2:00-6:00 pm

                                                                      Registration and Information

                   Sunday, June 23, 2019
                                                                             7:00 am-5:15 pm
                                                                      Registration and Information
                                                                               7:00-8:00 am
                                                      Continental Breakfast, sponsored by HealthCare Appraisers Inc
                                            (This event is included in the program registration; attendees and speakers welcome)
                                                                               8:00-9:15 am

                                                                            GENERAL SESSION

                                                                              8:00-8:15 am
                                                                        Welcome and Introductions

                                                                            8:15-9:15 am
                                                   The Future of the Health Care Workforce: Are You Ready for It?
                                                                             Brace, Ryan

                                                                  9:30-10:45 am EXTENDED SESSIONS
                   A. Recent Resolution             B. Hot Topics in Practice           C. Coping with the Mystery         D. Avoiding The “Danger
                   Agreements and                   Management                          and Reality of Artificial          Zone”–Top Physician
                   Investigations: Lessons                                              Intelligence in Health Care        Compensation Risk Areas
                   Learned from the OCR
                   (not repeated)                   Matis (Moderator)
                                                    Cooper                                                                 Homchick
                   Keefe                            Henry                                                                  Hutzler
                   Sessions                         Kee                                 Broccolo                           Shay
                                                                            11:00 am-12:00 pm
                   E. Employers’ Secret             F. Hot Topics for Health Plan       G. The General Counsel     H. Business Disruption and
                   Ingredient? The Antitrust        Counsel                             Ethics Dilemma: Misconduct Corporate Governance
                   Risks of No Poach and                                                In and Out of the C-Suite
                   Wage-Fixing Agreements
                   (not repeated)

                   Arends (Moderator)
                   Braun                            Moseley                             Hathaway                           Claus
                   Thomson                          Vick                                Tettlebaum                         Peregrine
                                                                              12:00-1:15 pm
                                                           Stories to Win the Golden Ferret Award Luncheon
                                             Hosted by In-House Counsel Practice Group, sponsored by HealthCare Appraisers Inc
                       (This event is included in program registration; attendees and faculty welcome. Continuing Education Credits are not available.)

 8       Register Today |
Sunday, June 23, 2019 continued

                                                                                                                                        Program Schedule
                                                            1:30-2:30 pm
I. Understanding and             J. The Epidemic of Clinician        K. Getting Your Fair Share of      G. The General Counsel
Addressing Conflicts of          Burnout: Five Critical Things       Shared Savings: A Provider’s       Ethics Dilemma: Misconduct
Interest at Non-Profit           to Know When Addressing             Guide to Negotiating Value-        In and Out of the C-Suite
Organizations                    Stress-Related Claims               Based Contract Terms               (repeat)
(not repeated)

Barnes                           Danaher                             Gopal                              Hathaway
Sands                            Donahue                             Rotella                            Tettlebaum
                                                2:45-4:00 pm EXTENDED SESSIONS
L. Drawing Lines: Risks and      B. Hot Topics in Practice           C. Coping with the Mystery         D. Avoiding The “Danger
Responsibilities in Research,    Management                          and Reality of Artificial          Zone”–Top Physician
Innovation, and Care             (repeat)                            Intelligence in Health Care        Compensation Risk Areas
Delivery                                                             (repeat)                           (repeat)
(not repeated)                   Matis (Moderator)
                                 Cooper                                                                 Homchick
Guidry                           Henry                                                                  Hutzler
Voigt                            Kee                                 Broccolo                           Shay
                                                            4:15-5:15 pm
F. Hot Topics for Health Plan    H. Business Disruption and          J. The Epidemic of Clinician       K. Getting Your Fair Share of
Counsel                          Corporate Governance                Burnout: Five Critical Things      Shared Savings: A Provider’s
(repeat)                         (repeat)                            to Know When Addressing            Guide to Negotiating Value-
                                                                     Stress-Related Claims              Based Contract Terms
                                                                     (repeat)                           (repeat)

Moseley                          Claus                               Danaher                            Gopal
Vick                             Peregrine                           Donahue                            Rotella
                                                            5:00-6:30 pm

                                                          Welcome Reception
     (This event is included in the program registration; attendees, faculty, and registered adult, teen, and youth guests welcome)

    2019 In-House Counsel eProgram
    The Education                          It’s impossible to attend every session. To take full
                                           advantage of all the valuable education offered at this
    Everywhere                             program, you’ll need the The AHLA In-House Counsel
    eProgram                               Program eProgram. Available for pre-order at a discounted price of
                                           $99, the eProgram will contain all available audio, slides, and papers presented,
                                           compressed into a single download that you can unpack and access offline
                                           at any time. But don’t wait: Once this resource become available, the price
                                           will increase. More information will be available at our resource center onsite.
                                           More information will be available at our
                                           resource center onsite.
                                           Sponsored by

                                                                                        Register Today | 9
Planning Committee                             Julie Donahue                                Lynn Sessions
Faculty      Elisabeth Belmont, Program Chair
             Corporate Counsel
                                                            Employment Counsel
                                                            Universal Health Services Inc., UHS of
                                                                                                         Houston, TX
             MaineHealth                                    Delaware Inc.
                                                            King of Prussia, PA                          Albert W. Shay
             Portland, ME                                                                                Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP
             F. Ryan Keith                                  Manasa Gopal                                 Washington, DC
             Counsel, Law & Regulatory Affairs              Associate General Counsel
                                                            Office of General Counsel                    Harvey M. Tettlebaum
             Aetna Inc                                                                                   Husch Blackwell LLP
             Louisville, KY                                 Columbia University
                                                            New York, NY                                 Jefferson City, MO
             Richard G. Korman                                                                           Jennifer A. Thomson
             Executive Vice President and General Counsel   Leah B. Guidry
                                                            Managing Director                            Senior Deputy Attorney General
             Avera Health                                                                                Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
             Sioux Falls, SD                                Huron Consulting Group Inc
                                                            Washington, DC                               Office of Attorney General, Antitrust Section
             Greg J. Matis                                                                               Harrisburg, PA
             Deputy General Counsel                         Lisa A. Hathaway
                                                            Vice President and Chief Medicare Counsel    Brian Vick
             Intermountain Healthcare                                                                    Associate Counsel
             Salt Lake City, UT                             Aetna Inc
                                                            Bethesda, MD                                 Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina
             Sheea Sybblis                                                                               Durham, NC
             Senior Counsel                                 Brent L. Henry
                                                            Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky & Popeo PC   Leah A. Voigt
             Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc                                                    Vice President, Chief Privacy and Research
             Ridgefield, CT                                 Boston, MA
                                                                                                         Integrity Officer
             ________________________________               Robert G. Homchick                           Spectrum Health
             Wendy K. Arends                                Davis Wright Tremaine LLP                    Grand Rapids, MI
             Husch Blackwell LLP                            Seattle, WA
             Madison, WI                                    Albert “Chip” D. Hutzler
             Mark Barnes                                    Partner
             Ropes & Gray LLP                               HealthCare Appraisers Inc
             Boston, MA                                     Boca Raton, FL

             Heather Brace                                  Susan Kee
             Senior Vice President and Chief People         Vice President and Deputy General Counsel
             Officer                                        Tufts Health Plan
             Intermountain Healthcare                       Watertown, MA
             Salt Lake City, UT                             Katherine M. Keefe
             Christi J. Braun                               Breach Response Services Director
             Managing Counsel                               Beazley Group
             Vanderbilt University Medical Center           Philadelphia, PA
             Nashville, TN                                  Emily A. Moseley
             Bernadette Broccolo                            Strategic Health Law
             McDermott Will & Emery LLP                     Chapel Hill, NC
             Chicago, IL                                    Michael W. Peregrine
             Mary Beth Claus                                McDermott Will & Emery LLP
             Group Senior Vice President, Chief Legal       Chicago, IL
             Officer and General Counsel                    Salvatore G. Rotella
             Office of Legal Affairs and Risk Management    Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC
             New York-Presbyterian Hospital                 Philadelphia, PA
             New York, NY
                                                            John P. Ryan
             Almeta Cooper                                  Hall Render Killian Heath & Lyman PC
             Atlanta, GA                                    Indianapolis, IN
             Maria Greco Danaher                            Gerianne Sands
             Ogletree Deakins Nash Smoak & Stewart PC       Deputy General Counsel
             Pittsburgh, PA                                 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
                                                            Seattle, WA

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