Page created by Annie Parsons
A Passion Play Journey to
      Poland, Czech Republic & Germany
      12 Days: August 30 to September 10, 2022
          Under the Spiritual Direction of
Bishop Edward C. Malesic, JCL, and Rev. Daniel Schlegel
                Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio
An Invitation to Join Us

     Dear Fellow Pilgrim,

     Thank you for joining Fr. Dan Schlegel and me, as well as other Catholic leaders from the Diocese of
     Cleveland, for a spiritually moving event many have called “of epic proportion,” and that comes our way
     only every ten years – the world-famous Passion Play of Oberammergau, Germany.

     Catholic Travel Centre has arranged a wonderful and comprehensive itinerary, summarized here, to
     include travels to the Bavarian region of Germany and parts of Central and Eastern Europe, all rich in
     Catholic heritage and filled with customs, foods, and history to enliven and enrich our own journey of

     This is a unique privilege – to witness the soul-stirring theatrical production of Our Lord’s Passion and
     experience the amazing cities of Prague, Krakow, and Warsaw, among others.

     During the pilgrimage, we will celebrate Mass together daily and have other opportunities for prayer
     and reflection. We will also have a chance to discover the wisdom of the saints: Saint John Paul II, Saint
     Faustina, Saint Maximilian Kolbe, and others.

     Our travel agent reminds us that we will likely be required to show proof of Covid-19 vaccination to
     enter European countries to be assured of having safe travels. Should you have any questions about the
     pilgrimage, please do not hesitate to contact Linda Corcoran at the Catholic Community Foundation at
     216-696-6525 x1042, lcorcoran@catholiccommunity.org

     I look forward to traveling with you as a fellow pilgrim on what will certainly be a journey to remember for
     years to come. May God bless you and those you love.

     I remain,

     Your brother in Christ,
     Most Reverend Edward C. Malesic, JCL
     Bishop of Cleveland

                                           Our Daily Itinerary
Day 1, Tuesday, August 30: Depart USA                        Day 3, Thursday, September 1: Warsaw /
We depart in route to Warsaw with complimentary              Czestochowa / Krakow
beverages and meals served on board.                         This morning, after breakfast and checkout, we depart
                                                             for Czestochowa to visit Jasna Gora Monastery, the
Day 2, Wednesday, August 31: Arrive Warsaw                   most significant place of religious worship in the Polish
                                                             Catholic world. The site dates from the 14th century.
                                                             Our visit today includes the Treasury, the Knight’s Hall,
                                                             the Refectory and the Basilica of the Holy Cross, and the
                                                             Nativity of the Virgin Mary.
                                                                                         The highlight of our visit is
                                                                                         viewing the famous icon of
                                                                                         the Black Madonna to which
                                                                                         miraculous powers are
                                                                                         attributed. In recent years,
                                                                                         nearly five million pilgrims
                                                                                         have visited the Monastery
                                                                                         to see the miraculous Black
                                                                                         Madonna. We celebrate
                                                                                         Mass at one of the chapels.
Upon arrival in Warsaw, we are greeted by the Catholic                                   After lunch on our own,
Travel Centre representative and escorted to our                                         we continue to our hotel in
private motor coach for a panoramic tour of the city and                                 Krakow for dinner and the
transfer to our hotel for check-in and dinner. (D)                                       evening. (B, D)
Day 4, Friday, September 2: Krakow: Visit Of The City        Nearby is the parish church, which the young Wojtyla
After breakfast, we visit Krakow – one of the great cities   attended. We return to Krakow for dinner at a local
of Europe, rich in culture and history, where Pope John      restaurant with a folklore show. (B, D)
Paul II served as bishop for twenty years before his
election to the papacy. In 1038, the city became the         Day 6, Sunday, September 4: Krakow: Excursion to
capital, and Polish monarchs took up their residence in      Auschwitz
its Wawel Royal Castle, which we see from the outside,
and we visit the Cathedral.
    We continue to Krakow’s Old Town, where we see the
central Market Square and visit the Church of St. Mary.
Here we celebrate Mass.

                                                             Today, after breakfast, we make our way to Oswiecim
                                                             to the Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau.
                                                             Considered one of the largest and most heinous camps,
                                                             this was the site where approximately 1.5 million people
                                                             lost their lives, among them mostly Jews.
We see Cloth Hall, the City Hall Tower, and Kanonicza           Today the site serves as a museum and is included
Street, where Pope John Paul II resided while living         on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Our visit includes
in Krakow, and the Collegium Maius, where he was a           the cell of Fr. Maximilian Kolbe, who gave his life in
student. Lunch and the rest of the afternoon are on our      substitution for a prisoner who was to be executed.
own. Dinner tonight is at our hotel. (B, D)                  We celebrate Mass at a local church. After lunch on our
                                                             own, we return to Krakow for the balance of the day at
Day 5, Saturday, September 3: Krakow: Excursion              leisure. Dinner this evening is at our hotel. (B, D)
to Divine Mercy Sanctuary, John Paul II Sanctuary &
Wadowice                                                     Day 7, Monday, September 5: Krakow / Brno / Prague
                                                             After breakfast, we depart Krakow en route to Prague.
                                                             We stop in Brno, the second-largest city in the Czech
                                                             Republic. After a brief city tour, we visit the Capuchin
                                                             Church of St. Peter and Paul, where we celebrate Mass.
                                                             We have some time for lunch on our own. Back on our
                                                             motor coach, we make our way to Prague, one of the
                                                             most beautifully preserved cities in Europe. We check-in
                                                             to our hotel for dinner and the evening. (B, D)

                                                             Day 8, Tuesday, September 6: Prague: Visit Of The
                                                                                             Today we enjoy
                                                                                             our guided tour of
                                                                                             Prague, including
                                                                                             a visit to the Royal
                                                                                             Castle and St.
This morning, after breakfast, we visit Divine Mercy                                         George’s Basilica,
Sanctuary and the Convent of Sisters of Mercy in                                             the oldest surviving
Lagiewniki, where Saint Faustina, the Apostle of Divine                                      church structure
Mercy, lived and died. We enjoy a talk and tour of the                                       within the Castle.
Sanctuary and Convent guided by one of the sisters.                                          We also visit the
Here we celebrate Mass, followed by some time for                                            Golden Lane, an
personal meditation and prayer. A short distance from                                        ancient street of
Divine Mercy, we visit the Have No Fear! Centre and                                          11 historic houses
Sanctuary dedicated to St. John Paul II. The sanctuary                                       within the Prague
contains relics of St. John Paul II.                                                         Castle complex. We
   After some time for lunch on our own, we travel to                                        celebrate Mass at the
Wadowice, the birthplace of Pope Saint John Paul II. The                                     Church of Our Lady
childhood home of the Wojtyla family is now a museum,                                        Victorious, where
displaying many interesting curios from the Pope’s life.                                     we see the famous
statue of the Infant Jesus of Prague.
   After lunch on our own, we cross the Charles Bridge
to visit the Old Town, which is considered one of the
best-preserved historical cities in Europe. We visit the
Old Town Square and the Town Hall with its famous
Astronomical Clock, which comes alive when the hour
strikes and the 12 disciples appear to bless the crowd
and the Church of Our Lady before Tyn. After some time
on our own, we gather at a local restaurant for dinner.
(B, D)

Day 9, Wednesday, September 7: Prague / Ettal
Abbey / Oberammergau Area

                                                            The play is set in two acts. The first act begins at 2:30
                                                            pm and continues until 5:00 pm when we enjoy an
                                                            intermission and dinner at a local restaurant. The
                                                            second act begins at 8:00 pm and finishes at 10:30 pm.
                                                            The audience seating is dimly lit, and we find a small
                                                            flashlight comes in handy as we follow along the English
                                                            language translation in the program book provided. We
                                                            return to our hotel this evening. (B, L, D)

                                                            Day 11, Friday, September 9: Oberammergau Area /
                                                            Munich: Visit Of The City

This morning, after breakfast and checkout, we
depart for Germany to visit and celebrate Mass at the
renowned Monastery of Ettal, a Benedictine Abbey
founded in 1313. We have lunch on our own en route.
Today, Kloster Ettal remains a working Benedictine
monastery. With a community of more than 50 monks,
the Monastery helps support itself with delicious beer
from its brewery and its famous liqueur. After our visit,
we continue to our hotel in the Oberammergau area for
check-in and dinner. (B, D)

Day 10, Thursday, September 8: Attend World-
Renowned Passion Play
This morning, after breakfast, we travel the short
distance to the charming town of Oberammergau.              Today, after breakfast, we check out from our
We have some time at leisure to stroll around the           accommodations and travel to Munich. We make our
town and shop for some of Oberammergau’s famous             way to the center of Munich for a city tour of Bavaria’s
woodcarvings. This afternoon, we gather for an included     capital, including the revered twin-towered Frauenkirche
lunch at a local restaurant before we attend the world-     (Church), the most familiar landmark of old Munich,
renowned Passion Play performance, one of the               and the historic glockenspiel on the Marienplatz. We
highlights of our pilgrimage.                               celebrate a closing Mass of our pilgrimage at a local

     T   he story of Oberammergau is one of faith and
         began with a miracle. In the 1600s, “The Black
   Plague” swept through Europe, striking down one in
                                                               Lunch and the rest of the afternoon are on our own
                                                            in the city center. We celebrate our farewell dinner at
                                                            a typical restaurant and check in at our hotel for an
   every three people and leaving in its wake, misery,      overnight. (B, D)
   panic, and death.
      The people of Oberammergau prayed to be               Day 12, Saturday, September 10: Return to the USA
   spared, vowing they would present a play depicting       This morning, we transfer to the Munich airport for our
   the Life and Passion of Jesus Christ every 10 years.     return flight home. (B)
   The villagers were spared, and true to their word,
                                                            Note: While no changes are anticipated, there may be
   they presented their Passion Play in 1634, and every     unforeseen occasions when certain alterations to this
   10 years since, the routine of plays having been         itinerary become necessary, either due to changes in airline
   interrupted by the two World Wars.                       schedules or for other reasons.
Registration Information for Tour Number 22-036-0830

How to Register                                                   Health Documentation Requirements
Deadline for registration is November 30, 2021. After this        Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of this brochure for
date, please inquire to learn if any space is still available.    guidance on documentation requirements.
Registrations are processed in the order received. Online
registration is not available at this time.                       Travel Insurance
    To make your reservation complete the Registration Form       Once your initial registration deposit is processed by CTC, you
included in this PDF document and submit your $1,500 per          will receive an email with information on suggested travel
person deposit, mailed to the address shown on the bottom         insurance options. CTC strongly suggests the purchase of travel
of the Registration Form. CTC will send your invoice via postal   insurance to help protect your investment in the trip and to
mail within two weeks of our receipt of your deposit. Final       help provide medical coverage outside the United States. We
payment is due by May 2, 2022. If you paid a non-refundable       also strongly suggest you purchase the broadest coverage
deposit of $250 to your group organizer to secure your place      available with the least amount of exclusions. Because some
on this Passion Play Journey, this $250 deposit will show as a    travel insurance plans contain time-sensitive benefits, we
payment received on your invoice.                                 encourage you to do your research and purchase insurance in a
                                                                  timely manner.
Travel Packages
We offer two types of tour packages: 1) Full Package (including   Airline Deviations, Seating, Upgrades, and Frequent Flyer
airfare) and 2) Land Only Package (travelers make their own       Bookings
airline arrangements). Accepted payments by cash or credit        Deviations from the group flight itinerary, specific seat
card. Prices are per person based on double occupancy.            assignments, seat upgrades, and bookings using “frequent
                                                                  flyer” program points are not possible within the terms of our
Full Package: $5,844 from Cleveland (CLE)                         group airline contract. If these items are important to you, we
Land Only Package: $4,499                                         advise you register for the “Land Only” package.

Single Room Supplement: $625.                                     Walking
A limited number of single rooms are available in all             Please note, this journey involves considerable walking on
cities except Oberammergau area, where no single rooms            cobblestone streets and uneven pavement and requires being
are available. Double/Twin occupancy is required for              on your feet more than usual. You should be in good physical
arrangements in Oberammergau area only. We will make              condition to enjoy this pilgrimage to its fullest.
every effort to match you with a same gender roommate if you
do not have one.                                                  Your Local Contact
                                                                  Linda Corcoran
Your Price includes                                               lcorcoran@catholiccommunity.org
Airfare based on non-refundable, restricted economy               Cell: (440) 655-3599
class group fares only on regularly scheduled IATA carrier        Office: (216) 696-6525 x1042
from Cleveland (CLE); first class hotels or best available
accommodations (all with private facilities); sightseeing; and
meals per itinerary (B, L, D); and is based on a minimum of 60
fully paying passengers. Please see the Terms & Conditions for
more details.

Passion Play Ticket Price
Included in your package pricing and based on 2 nights in first
class accommodations in the Oberammergau area sharing
twin/double room, with category TC2 tickets for the Passion
Play performance.

Tips to Tour Manager & Driver
Tips for your tour manager and motor coach driver are
not included in your tour price. These tips will be collected
overseas. The minimum tip amount is $100 for the tour
manager and $50 for your motor coach driver (or the
equivalent amount in Euros). Your tour manager will provide
you with personalized envelopes for submitting these tips, so
please prepare to bring this amount of cash with you. Tips to
other service personnel are already included in your package

                     Catholic Travel Centre • 4444 Riverside Drive, Suite 301, Burbank, CA 91505
A Passion Play Journey to Hungary, Austria & Germany
      August 30 to September 10, 2022                     •     Tour #: 22-036-0830            •     Group Name: Bishop Malesic
 ** If any section below is left blank, your registration form will not be processed and you will not be confirmed on this pilgrimage. **
                  1. PERSONAL INFORMATION                                                      4. PAYMENT INFORMATION
Please print in BLOCK LETTERS your complete Last Name, First                Registration Deposit: $1,500 by November 30, 2021
Name, and Middle Name as they appear on your PASSPORT:                      Final Payment: by May 2, 2022
Last Name                                                                            You must select one of the two choices below:
                                                                           PACKAGE PRICE
First Name			                          Middle Name
                                                                            ☐☐FULL PACKAGE: $5,844 from Cleveland (CLE)
How would you like your first name to appear on your nametag?                ☐☐ LAND ONLY PACKAGE: $4,499
                                                                           I agree to meet the group at the first night’s hotel.
                                                                           If paying by check, please make check payable to Catholic Travel
Email (Forms submitted without email address cannot be processed)          Centre.

Date of Birth				                                Gender                                  CREDIT CARD PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION
                                                                            I authorize Catholic Travel Centre to charge the Standard Price amount
                                                                            to my credit card ($1,500 will be charged now; balance of payment will
Street Address					Apt                                                      be charged to my card per the invoice due date).
                                                                            I agree to the terms and conditions and cancellation terms attached
City				                                       State      Zip

                                                                                    VISA		 MASTERCARD
Home Tel		                          Mobile Tel                               Card Number				                                 Exp. Date

                                                                             Name as it appears on credit card
                   2. PASSPORT INFORMATION
Will you hold a U.S. Passport at the
time of travel? (Yes / No)              If “no,” what nationality?           Signature				                                   Date

         You must select one of the two choices below:
 ☐☐ I have enclosed a copy of the photo page of my passport showing
my name, passport number, and expiration date.
                                                                           For Office Use Only
 ☐☐ I understand I must submit a copy of the photo page of my passport
120 days or more prior to departure.
Note: Catholic Travel Centre is not liable for passports expiring within
180 days of the return date of the pilgrimage.

                 3. ROOMING INFORMATION
        You must select one of the three choices below:
 ☐☐ I wish to room with: (enter name)

  ☐☐ Please try to find a roommate for me. I understand if you cannot
find a roommate for me, I will be obliged to pay the single room
 ☐☐ I wish a single room at a supplement of $625. A limited number
of single rooms are available in all cities except Oberammergau area,
where single rooms are not available. Double/Twin occupancy is
required for arrangements in Oberammergau area only. We will make
every effort to match you with a same gender roommate if you do not
have one.

                       Please complete one registration form per person (couples, submit two separate forms).
  If any section above is left blank, your registration form will not be processed and you will not be confirmed on this pilgrimage.
 Enclosed please find my $1,500 per person deposit for the above referenced trip. By submitting this payment, I acknowledge that I have read,
 understood, and agree to the “Terms and Conditions” in the accompanying brochure, including information related to pricing and cancellations.

  Signature									 Date

 Please mail this form with your deposit to: Catholic Travel Centre, 4444 Riverside Drive, Suite 301, Burbank, CA 91505
      Note: Further information and invoice will be sent within two weeks of receipt of your registration and deposit.
Terms and Conditions
ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS & CONDITIONS: Any payments made                         illness during or after their travel.
by a Traveler (“Traveler”, “you”) to Catholic Travel Centre (“CTC”,         It is highly recommended Travelers be medically healthy and
“our”, “we”, “its”) toward any CTC tour shall constitute acceptance of      physically capable of significant walking. CTC tours involve
all Terms & Conditions provided herein.                                     international travel to foreign countries that have different
PAYMENT TERMS: All payments shall be made on the dates                      standards of accessibility than U.S. law. Transportation services,
indicated in the payment schedule, noted in the Registration                which are provided by third parties, as well as visited sites and
Information section. Late payments are subject to a non-refundable          accommodations, which are not owned, leased, or controlled by
$150 fee, and may result in cancellation. A Traveler registering            CTC, may not be compliant with accessibility standards required
within 120 days prior to departure must provide full payment by             by U.S. law. CTC cannot guarantee wheelchair, motorized scooter,
cashier check, plus a non-refundable late registration $150 fee. CTC        or walker accessibility during a trip and does not provide individual
reserves the right to cancel registrations not paid in full 105 days        assistance to Travelers. If a Traveler requires special individual
prior to tour departure and to charge fees per the Cancellation Policy.     assistance, the Traveler, not CTC, is responsible for bringing and
A non-refundable $75 fee is charged on all returned payments.               paying for a capable companion willing to assist the Traveler. CTC
Travelers agree not to dispute any credit card charges associated           assumes no responsibility for Travelers’ inability to fully participate
with this trip before contacting CTC first to resolve their concerns.       in the tour, nor does CTC provide any refund for non-participation in
CTC retains the right to dispute any chargeback that is improper            any part of the tour.
and recover any costs, including attorney’s fees related to improper        TRAVEL INSURANCE: CTC strongly suggests the purchase of
chargebacks. Additionally, in the event of an improper chargeback,          Travel Insurance to help protect Travelers’ investment in the trip and
CTC retains the right to cancel any travel reservation related to that      to help provide medical coverage outside the United States. We also
improper chargeback NOTE: Credit card charges will not show as              strongly suggest you purchase the broadest coverage available with
“travel expense” on your credit card statement, but will appear as          the least amount of exclusions. Travel Insurance is encouraged
“specialty services“, “shopping” or another designation.                    because CTC strictly adheres to our Cancellation Policy. Because
CHANGES IN PACKAGE: After initial invoicing, changes from the               some Travel Insurance plans contain time-sensitive benefits, we
air inclusive package (“Full Package”) to “Land Only” or vice versa         encourage Travelers to do their research and purchase insurance in
are subject to a non-refundable $75 per person per change fee.              a timely manner. CTC is not qualified to answer technical questions
Changes must be requested in writing to CTC at least 150 days prior         about the benefits, exclusions, and conditions of travel insurance
to departure date (subject to availability). Late requests to change        plans. CTC cannot evaluate the adequacy of the prospective
the package may not be accommodated.                                        insured’s existing insurance coverage. If you have any questions
CHANGES IN FORM OF PAYMENT: To change from Cash Discount                    about your travel protection, call your insurer or insurance agent
to Standard pricing, the difference between prices plus an additional       or broker. Declining to purchase an adequate travel protection
$75 fee applies. After a Traveler’s credit card has been charged for        plan could result in the loss of your travel cost and/or require more
any portion of the tour, s/he is ineligible for the Cash Discount Price.    money to correct the situation. You also acknowledge that without
PARTIAL PACKAGES NOT AVAILABLE: Tour Packages are offered                   this coverage, there may be no way to recoup any losses, costs,
as described in this brochure, at the stated price. Partial package         or expenses incurred. If you choose to travel without adequate
purchase is not available.                                                  coverage, CTC will not be liable for any of your losses howsoever
CANCELLATION POLICY: CTC’s cancellation policy is in effect                 arising, for which trip protection plan coverage would otherwise have
upon first payment toward any CTC tour. A Traveler’s cancellation           been available.
must be provided in writing either by email, fax, or registered mail        STATE DEPARTMENT & OTHER AGENCIES’ ADVISORIES:
to CTC. The cancellation is effective on the date of the cancellation       The State Department (www.state.gov), the Center for Disease
email, fax, or date of postmark. The Traveler forfeits the following        Control (www.cdc.gov), and other government departments and
fees to CTC based on the date of cancellation notice: anytime up to         agencies may issue travel advisories or warnings for one or more
120 days prior to departure, $1,500; from 119 to 100 days prior to          of the destinations visited on tour, and such advisories or warnings
departure, fee is $1,500 plus 50% of the Land Cost (all costs except        may even be in effect at the time of your registration for this tour.
airfare and related taxes, fees, surcharges); 99 days or fewer, all         Should you choose to travel to a country that has been issued a
payments by Traveler made to CTC are forfeited, and there are no            travel warning or advisory, CTC will not be liable for damages or
refunds. In event of individual cancellation, no name changes or            losses that result from travel to such destinations. CTC cannot
substitutions are permitted. No shows: Passengers who do not show           change its Cancellation Policy or Terms & Conditions based on
up for the group’s departing flight (or land only passengers who do         any such warning or advisory or the occurrence of any terror,
not show for first hotel night) will be considered as tour cancellations:   health, pandemic, or other incident in one or more of the places
their airline and/or hotel reservations will automatically be cancelled     this tour is scheduled to visit. All cancellation penalties remain in
and cannot be reinstated.                                                   full force and effect. It is your responsibility to be aware of any and
PRICES: If the group does not reach the size quoted, the price              all requirements for admittance to a country or state, including
or programming will be adjusted accordingly. Pricing is based on            COVID-19 requirements. Certain countries have a requirement for
exchange rates and fares applicable at the time of quotation and is         foreign visitors to have valid medical insurance on entry. CTC cannot
subject to change. Fuel surcharges are subject to increase up to 30         be held responsible for denied entry if the Traveler is unable to
days prior to departure.                                                    provide details to authorities of insurance or denial of entry for any
PASSPORT: A valid passport is required of all U.S. citizen                  reason.
passengers. Travelers of other nationalities should inquire with the        ITINERARY: The itinerary presented in this brochure represents
appropriate embassies, and such Travelers are responsible for               what CTC is planning for this trip; however, the itinerary is subject
securing their own visas if required in addition to their valid passport.   to final confirmations and changes in local schedules. While no
Travelers’ passports must be valid for six (6) months following the         changes are anticipated, CTC, at its sole discretion, reserves the
return date of the trip. CTC expressly denies any responsibility            right to change the itinerary, as it deems necessary or advisable.
for any losses incurred due to insufficient validity of a Traveler’s        CTC is not responsible for costs or fees related to itinerary
passport.                                                                   changes necessitated by changes in an airline’s schedule or other
HEALTH & MEDICAL CONSIDERATIONS: The Traveler is                            arrangements not made through CTC.
responsible for identifying and securing any health/medical related         FINAL TRAVEL DOCUMENTS: Travelers receive travel documents
documentation required by the airlines and/or countries visited on          by email approximately two weeks prior to departure. Bulk items
the itinerary, and CTC bears no responsibility for the passenger            such as luggage and names tags will be shipped by CTC to group
not providing the required documentation. If a country requires             leaders for distribution.
proof of COVID vaccination and/or a negative COVID test, it is the          ACCOMMODATIONS AND MEALS: Accommodations are based
responsibility of the passenger to secure such documentation within         on double/twin rooms with private bathroom facilities. A limited
the required timeframe as a condition for joining this tour.                number of single rooms are available and are subject to a single
Our suppliers (hotels, airlines, motor coach companies, etcetera)           room supplement fee. If no roommate is available for you, or your
have agreed to abide by COVID-protective measures as outlined by            roommate cancels prior to departure, a single room supplement
local health authorities and government agencies, and the traveler          surcharge applies. Triple rooms are not always available and are
agrees to abide by these policies as well. The Traveler understands         discouraged because of cramped quarters; no price reduction for
that while CTC has made a reasonable inquiry to ensure these                triple rooms. Meals are either menu of the day or buffet. Included
policies are adhered to by our suppliers, there may be occasions            meals are as shown in the itinerary (B=Breakfast, L=Lunch,
when the policies are not followed as completely as the policy              D=Dinner).
suggests. Therefore, the Traveler agrees not to hold CTC, our               AIR TRANSPORTATION: All airline tickets are round-trip economy
suppliers, or the group leaders responsible should they contract any        class and non-refundable unless specifically stated. Any cancellation,
Terms and Conditions (continued)
itinerary change, or failure to use confirmed space is subject to            liability for the acts and/or omissions of any of the above entities
penalties and/or fees levied by the airline at the time of ticketing.        and/or individuals not directly under their supervision or control.
Airfare, airline carrier, and airline schedules are subject to change        Please be advised that the liability of carriers as well as providers of
without notice. Airline fees and fuel or security fee surcharges (if any)    hotel and lodging accommodations is limited by law, and Travelers
occurring after the date of brochure publication are the responsibility      may thus wish to consider purchasing a Travel Protection plan and/
of the Traveler.                                                             or additional insurance to protect themselves against any losses
AIRLINE DEVIATIONS, SEATING, UPGRADES & FREQUENT                             or injuries suffered as a result of their acts and/or omissions. In
FLYER BOOKINGS: The following are not possible within the terms              no event shall CTC’s liability exceed the amounts paid by the
of CTC’s group airline contract: specific seat assignments, seat             Traveler for participation in the tour, and subject to the provisions
upgrades, services deviating from the group itinerary, booking using         and cancellation fees as set forth in this brochure. In the event the
frequent flyer points and airline credit. If these items are important       tour leader and/or spiritual director named in a brochure or itinerary
to you, CTC advises you to register for the “Land Only” package.             does not travel with the group and a substitute is not named therein,
Additionally, CTC does not record Traveler frequent flyer numbers,           CTC reserves the right to make substitutions of its choosing for such
TSA numbers, or Global Entry numbers. Passengers must submit                 person(s). CTC is not responsible for any misquotes contained in this
this information on their own at the airport at the time of check-in.        brochure or other accompanying documentations, and the contents
LAND ONLY PASSENGERS: Travelers arranging their own airline                  therein may be changed at any time without notice and at CTC’s sole
ticket must meet the group at the first hotel of the itinerary.              discretion.
BAGGAGE & PORTERAGE: Baggage is at Traveler’s risk. Traveler                 CANCELLATION BY THE SUPPLIER. CTC will inform you as soon
should confirm the checked and carry-on baggage specifications               as reasonably possible if a supplier needs to cancel. CTC will also
with the air carrier specified in Final Travel Documents. Any                liaise between you and the supplier in relation to any alternative
checked baggage fees, if applicable, are not included in the tour            arrangements offered by the supplier, but CTC will have no further
price. Checked baggage is limited to one bag per person (subject             liability to you.
to change by airline) and must adhere to airline specifications.             CANCELLATION BEYOND CTC’s CONTROL: CTC disclaims any
Porterage for one piece of luggage is included at hotels; no                 responsibility for any losses or expenses incurred due to cancellation
porterage at airports.                                                       or alteration of the tour resulting from, but not limited to: travel
NOT INCLUDED IN THE PRICE: Passports, visas, meals and                       advisories or warnings issued by the State Department or any
beverages not mentioned, extras beyond standard menu, baggage                other relevant authority, acts of war, terrorism, acts of God, natural
fees, telephone calls, laundry, medical tests, and other items not           disasters, pandemic, or any other circumstance beyond CTC’s
explicitly stated as included.                                               control. In such case, CTC will assist Travelers in requesting refunds
PHOTOGRAPHY: CTC may take photographs or film of its trips and               for all land and air services not received by the Traveler, less a non-
trip Travelers, and Traveler grants CTC express permission to do so          refundable operational fee of $300 per person. CTC shall not be
and for CTC to use such for promotional or commercial use without            responsible for any non-recoverable amounts disbursed to service
payment of any fee or royalties. CTC has the unrestricted right to           providers on a Traveler’s behalf. Suppliers may choose to provide
use and/or copyright and/or publish aforementioned photographs               a travel voucher or credit in lieu of refund. CTC is not responsible
or film in any media for advertising or for any other lawful purpose.        for a supplier’s failure to pay a refund or for supplier bankruptcy or
Traveler waives any ownership or publication right in connection with        insolvency.
photographs or film taken by CTC.                                            POLICY AGAINST DISCRIMINATION: CTC does not discriminate
PARTICIPATION: CTC reserves the right to decline to accept or                on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, national origin, ancestry,
retain any Traveler on any of its tours if, in its sole discretion, it       physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, sex,
deems accepting or retaining any such Traveler as being detrimental          age, sexual orientation, or status as a Vietnam or other veteran in the
to the tour. No refunds shall be made for any unused portion of              provision of its tour and pilgrimage services.
the tour in this instance, and any expenses related to early return          CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS ONLY REGISTERED SELLER:
home are the sole responsibility of the traveler. Traveler agrees            Catholic Travel Centre is a registered Seller of Travel in the State of
to and shall indemnify and hold harmless CTC, and each of our                California: CST#: 2018667–40. “Registration as a Seller of Travel
officers, directors, employees and agents (collectively “CTC”), from         does not constitute approval by the State of California.” Section
any expenses, losses, liabilities, damages, judgments, settlements,          17550.24(f). CTC subscribes to the California Travel Consumer
and costs (collectively, “damages”) involved with or incurred by             Restitution Fund. Non-residents of California are not eligible to make
CTC (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and           claims to this fund. A claim must be submitted to the TCRF within
the advancement of same) with respect to any claims, law suits,              12 months after the scheduled completion date of travel. For more
arbitrations, or other causes of action, which result, directly or           information, visit www.tcrcinfo.org. In accordance with California law,
indirectly, from: (i) traveler’s breach or violation, or threatened breach   CTC has a trust account to protect Traveler’s purchase money.
or violation, of this Agreement and (ii) Any damage caused by                JURISDICTION/VENUE/CLASS ACTION WAIVER/LIMITATION
traveler while participating in the trip.                                    OF DAMAGES/NOTICE OF CLAIM. These Terms and Conditions
UNUSED SERVICES: There is no right to a refund for any unused                shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
services, including airline tickets.                                         the State of California without regard to conflict of law principles.
LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: CTC hereby expressly disclaims any and                 Any dispute arising from the contract shall be litigated in a court of
all liability for any personal injury, property damage, loss of baggage,     competent jurisdiction in the County of Los Angeles. You agree you
accident, delay or irregularity, any claim for special or consequential      will only bring claims against CTC in your individual capacity and
damages, or any other loss that may be occasioned by the acts                not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class action or
and/or omissions, whether negligent, wrongful, or intentional of any         representative proceeding. CTC shall not in any case be liable for
air carrier, hotel/motel, or other lodging operator, railroad operator,      other than compensatory damages, and your payment of a deposit
bus operator, public transportation, sea carrier, local sightseeing          on a trip means you agree to these conditions of sale and expressly
company, tour operator, tour leader, or spiritual director, any              waive any right to punitive damages. You understand and agree no
employees thereof, or for any other entity or individual not under the       claims will be considered and you will not bring suit against CTC
direct supervision and control of CTC when engaged in conveying              unless you have first provided a typewritten notice of claim to CTC
the passenger or in carrying out the arrangements of the tour, or            within 30 days after the trip or cancellation of the trip.
otherwise in connection therewith. CTC further disclaims any liability       TERMS & CONDITIONS CHANGES: Changes in any of the Terms &
for any damages, losses, or expenses incurred, or inconvenience              Conditions can be made only in writing signed by an officer of CTC.
caused, due to delay or changes in schedules, defaults, over-
booking of hotels or airlines, sickness, weather, strikes, quarantines,
acts of terrorism, construction, war, pandemic, force majeure, or
other such events that are beyond CTC’s control. CTC likewise
disclaims any liability for statements, actions, or inactions of any
intermediary agents, such as group administrators, spiritual directors,
tour leaders, travel agents, or any other intermediary involved with
the selling, promotion, or operation of CTC’s tours. Furthermore, to
the fullest extent permitted by law, CTC disclaims any liability for
any damages or injuries, or other losses whatsoever, sustained or
incurred as a result of the negligence of CTC. Group administrators,
spiritual leaders, and tour leaders likewise expressly disclaim any
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