The leading retail petroleum and car wash trade fair in Europe - - UNITI expo

Page created by Erik Lang
The leading retail petroleum and car wash trade fair in Europe - - UNITI expo

                             15 – 17 May 2018, Stuttgart, Germany

     The leading retail petroleum and
     car wash trade fair in Europe

                                                 „Save the Date“
                                                 15 – 17 May 2018
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                                                  event to your calendar
Forecourt design by Circle
The leading retail petroleum and car wash trade fair in Europe - - UNITI expo

            The whole industry
under one roof
                                               At UNITI expo 2018, a whole range of products and services needed for the ope-
                                               ration of a modern fuel station and car wash will be showcased in a 40,000 m2
                                               venue. This makes UNITI expo the largest and most extensive trade fair for the
                                               retail petroleum and car wash industries in Germany and Europe.

                    In the center of Europe,   UNITI expo attracts exhibitors and trade       welcomed exhibitors from 36 countries
                         with a global reach   visitors from all over the world. In 2016 it   and visitors from over a hundred.
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    UNITI expo 2016 visitors
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The leading retail petroleum and car wash trade fair in Europe - - UNITI expo

      UNITI expo 2018
Industry expertise and partners*
                                  Together with its partner association                                          online portal PetrolPlaza, makes up a
                                  MWV (the German association for the                                            team with an extraordinary degree of
                                  petroleum industry), UNITI represents                                          industry expertise, both nationally and
                                  around 85% of Germaný s petrol station                                        internationally. In addition, the success-
                                  market. The assistance provided by                                             ful partnership concept of UNITI expo
                                  business consultancy WDM, experts                                              attracts a large number or cooperation,
                                  in shop & convenience, and com-a-tec,                                          association and media partners from
                                  owner of the leading international                                             around the world.

Cooperation partners

                                                                                     for on-the-go Consumption

Oil companies and fuel retailers exhibiting at UNITI expo 2018

Association partners

             apea working for a
             safer environment

                                  Gütegemeinschaft T
                                                   Tankschutz und Tanktechnik
                                                                    nktechnik e.V

Media partners

                                                                                                                                                     PUBLISHED SINCE 1997


                                                                                                                                          *As of August 2017
The leading retail petroleum and car wash trade fair in Europe - - UNITI expo

UNITI expo 2018 at a glance
          Exhibition areas    Three exhibition halls encompassing a      UNITI expo´s clear structure means
                              total of 40,000 m2 are divided into four   every visitor can effortlessly find a
                              themed areas:                              suitable product or offer and explore
                                                                         the exhibition with efficiency.

                                 Technology, payment & logistics

                                 Carwash & carcare
                                 Oil companies & fuel retailers          The exhibition area of UNITI expo 2018
                                                                         is equal to the size of eight World Cup
                                 Shop & convenience                      football fields!


          UNITI expo 2018     Die in den Themenwelten integrierten       The forums integrated into the themed
      conference program                                                 areas offer a varied, free of charge
                                                                         conference program. It ranges from
                                                                         informative reports and expert talks
                                                                         to exciting presentations by prominent

    Culinary discovery tour   In 2018, GenussGARTEN FOODCOURT will       Visitors and exhibitors are welcome
                              again be the partner of the UNITI expo.    to enjoy live this unique culinary ex-
                              Innovative food & beverage concepts        perience.
                              will be presented on an area of 750 m2.

            Opening hours     Tuesday, 15 May             Wednesday, 16 May            Thursday, 17 May
                              09.30 – 18.00               09.30 – 18.00                09.30 – 16.00
The leading retail petroleum and car wash trade fair in Europe - - UNITI expo

10 good reasons to choose UNITI expo
1 UNITI expo is the leading trade       4 The compact three-day format              7 UNITI expo is a unique opportunity
  fair for the retail petroleum and       and the two-year rhythm are                 for exhibitors and visitors to
  car wash industries and thus the        specifically tailored to the requi-         maintain their business relations
  most representative platform for        rements of the industry.                    and make new contacts.
  products and innovations in
  Germany and Europe.                   5 Located in the heart of Europe,           8 Professional lectures and exciting
                                          with its own highway exit, S-Bahn           presentations make UNITI expo a
2 Products and services presented         train station and just a five-minute        high value offer for every visitor.
  at UNITI expo cover all aspects         walk away from the airport,
  relevant to the operation of fuel       Landesmesse Stuttgart is very             9 The entrance to UNITI expo as well
  stations and car wash sites.            easy to reach both for national             as the conference program are
                                          and international visitors.                 free of charge for trade visitors.
3 As a concept fair, UNITI expo
  bets on innovative products and       6 The comprehensive market                  10 All exhibitors and visitors are invi-
  outside-the-box concepts like no        overview, the efficient format and           ted to try culinary delights in the
  other fair.                             the timesaving accessibility of              unique GenussGARTEN foodcourt.
                                          the location attract top decision-
                                          makers in the industry from
                                          Germany and abroad.

                            By the industry, for the industry – there is no
    NEU Foto                other event of the kind in Germany that is so
                            strongly supported by the retail petroleum
                            and car wash sectors.
                            RA Elmar Kühn, leading CEO UNITI Association

                                                   Especially in the dynamic and rapidly expan
                                                                                           expan-           NEU Foto
                                                   ding Shop & Convenience sector, the visitors
                                                   of UNITI expo may find lots of innovations and
                                                   concepts for successful business development.
                                                   Walter D. Mangold, Owner WDM Business Consulting

    NEU Foto              With participants from 110 countries, UNITI expo
                          is the most international trade fair in the world
                          with a unique innovation density in all sectors.
                          Bruno Boroewitsch, CEO com-a-tec GmbH
The leading retail petroleum and car wash trade fair in Europe - - UNITI expo

Review and figures
            of UNITI expo 2016
                                                  UNITI expo 2016 exceeded the expecta-       In the GenussGARTEN foodcourt one
                                                  tions of the industry. On an exhibition     could enjoy convenience at the highest
                                                  area of 40,000 m2, all segments relevant    level by exploring innovative food con-
    … Really great, well attended, very           to the retail petroleum and car wash        cepts and trying them free of charge.
    busy, expectations fulfilled and              business were present, and UNITI expo
    even exceeded. …                              once again proved its role as the lea-      The UNITI expo network party, attended
    WashTec, Stephan Weber,                       ding trade fair for the industry!           by more than 1,200 guests, as well as
    Member of the Board                                                                       the numerous booth parties created
                                                  The integration of the professional         the perfect setting to meet customers,
                                                  forums directly into the exhibition halls   business partners and old friends from
                                                  was particularly well received. Besides     the industry, as well as making new
                                                  numerous expert presentations, stars        valuable contacts.
                                                  such as extreme sports athlete Joey
                                                  Kelly and TV chef Mario Kotaska enter-
                                                  tained the audience.

425 exhibitors from 36 countries
15,000 participants from 110 countries
35,000 m² exhibition area

Participants by region                            Exhibitors by sector **                     Visitors by sector **

                                                                                                       35 %
                                7%                                          42 %
       39 %

                                                                  33 %
                                                                                                                                 21 %

                                                                                                              17 %

                                       54 %

                                                           15 %                                                      11 %

                                                                                   10 %                                 5%              7%

                     Visitors                                                                                          4%
                                10 %
       32 %

                                                                                                     Forecourt equipment &
                                                                                                     Carwash & carcare
                                                                                                     Payment & automation
                                       58 %               Oil companies & fuel retailers
                                                                                                     Transport & logistics
                                                          Forecourt operators, carwash
                                                          operators, convenience shops               Oil companies & fuel retailers,
         Germany                                                                                     lubricants & additives
                                                          Distributors, importers, service
         Europe*                                          companies, PMCs                            Shop & convenience
         Worldwide                                        Other                                      Services & media

                       * with Russia and Turkey                                                                      ** multiple entries possible
The leading retail petroleum and car wash trade fair in Europe - - UNITI expo

Statements and impressions
            regarding UNITI expo 2016
… From AVIA’s point of view this will continue
to be the leading trade fair for the retail petro
leum industry where everyone will intensively                       UNITI expo for us is one of the most important
meet every two years.                                               trade fairs in our area, which is Germany,
Knittel, Ulrich von Keitz, CEO                                      Austria and Switzerland. …
                                                                    Shell, Patrick Carre, General Manager Retail DACH

          UNITI expo provides a great concept. Our
          company presents itself in over 90 shows          The show was very good. The organisation
          and yet UNITI expo is unique for us, especially   has worked out great. Many visitors from
          because of its high internationality and the      over 100 countries have come to our booth.
          combination of the car wash and shop sectors      Elaflex, Stefan Kunter, CEO
          which is really important for us ...
          Sonax, Manfred Hoffmann, CEO
                                                                    Dynamic sectors require effective solutions
                                                                    and successful models for business develop
We have managed to delight all guests of                            ment. At UNITI expo you can find all of them
UNITI expo. The industry is moving. The future                      within three days in a very compact format .....
is here ...                                                         Lekkerland, Patrick Steppe, Chairman of the board
Hack AG, Peter Hack, Chairman of the board
The leading retail petroleum and car wash trade fair in Europe - - UNITI expo

              Contact for exhibitors   Ben Boroewitsch
                                       com-a-tec GmbH
                                       P. +49 7721 98 30 60
                                       M. +49 172 13 98 163
                                       F. +49 7721 98 30 70

                      Trade visitors   All information about UNITI expo 2018
                                       can be found at:

              Conceptual consulting    WDM Business Consulting
                                       Walter D. Mangold

                           Organiser   UNITI-Kraftstoff GmbH
                                       Jägerstraße 6
                                       10117 Berlin

                       Event venue     Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH
                                       Messepiazza 1
                                       70629 Stuttgart
                                                    Release 01 | 09.2017

                       Follow us:                             We look forward to meeting you in 2018!
The leading retail petroleum and car wash trade fair in Europe - - UNITI expo The leading retail petroleum and car wash trade fair in Europe - - UNITI expo
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