The Latest on A-F 2018 Accountability - Cheri Hendrick Accountability & Assessment Specialist (210)370 5451

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The Latest on A-F 2018 Accountability - Cheri Hendrick Accountability & Assessment Specialist (210)370 5451
The Latest on A-F


                             Cheri Hendrick
Accountability & Assessment Specialist (210)370‐5451
The Latest on A-F 2018 Accountability - Cheri Hendrick Accountability & Assessment Specialist (210)370 5451
TEA 2018 Accountability Development Website
The Latest on A-F 2018 Accountability - Cheri Hendrick Accountability & Assessment Specialist (210)370 5451
The Implementation of House Bill 22
The Latest on A-F 2018 Accountability - Cheri Hendrick Accountability & Assessment Specialist (210)370 5451
A–F Accountability: Legislative Context

      HB                      HB
     2804                     22

House Bill 22, 85th Texas Legislature
“The commissioner shall evaluate school district and campus
performance and assign each district and campus an overall
performance rating of”

A B C D or F
The Latest on A-F 2018 Accountability - Cheri Hendrick Accountability & Assessment Specialist (210)370 5451
A–F Accountability: Gathering Stakeholder Input

                                                                        Surveys Closed Thursday 11/30/17:
House Bill 22, 85th Texas Legislature                                   • Survey for Student Achievement Domain
                                                                        • Survey for School Progress Domain
“. . . the commissioner shall solicit input statewide from persons .
. ., including school district boards of trustees, administrators and
teachers employed by school districts, parents of students              Survey Still Open:
enrolled in school districts, and other interested stakeholders.”       Survey for Closing the Gaps Domain

                                                                        • Feedback Link:

The Latest on A-F 2018 Accountability - Cheri Hendrick Accountability & Assessment Specialist (210)370 5451
Three Domains: Combining to Calculate Overall Score

 Best of Achievement or Progress   Minimum 30%   August 15, 2018
                                                  Districts receive an A, B, C, D or F
                                                  Campuses receive a “Met
                                                   Standard” or “Improvement

   Student             School         Closing
 Achievement          Progress       The Gaps
                                                 August 15, 2019
                                                  Districts receive an A, B, C, D or F
                                                  Campuses receive an A, B, C, D or F

The Latest on A-F 2018 Accountability - Cheri Hendrick Accountability & Assessment Specialist (210)370 5451
Design Approach: Philosophical Commitments

     “The commissioner shall ensure that the method used to
 1   evaluate performance is implemented in a manner that            No Forced
     provides the mathematical possibility that all districts and    Distribution
     campuses receive an A rating.”

                                                                     Law switched
     We WANT stability in the model, we do not want the bar to
 2   keep changing. We want to commit to something where             from “annually”
     the bar will remain static for 5 years, where the rules don’t   to “periodically”

The Latest on A-F 2018 Accountability - Cheri Hendrick Accountability & Assessment Specialist (210)370 5451
A–F Accountability: New Labels/Grades

A = Exemplary Performance
B = Recognized Performance
C = Acceptable Performance
D = In Need of Improvement
F = Unacceptable Performance
The Latest on A-F 2018 Accountability - Cheri Hendrick Accountability & Assessment Specialist (210)370 5451
Overall Change for the Inclusion of English Learners
                                                       ATAC Notes:
                                                        ELL Progress is discontinued

                                                        ** New EL Performance
                                                         Measure for second year ELs
                                                         in development
                                                           Page 3‐4 of HB 22 Domain
                                                           Will only be reported in
                                                             Accountability (data file)
                                                           Will not be on STAAR
                                                             Report Card

Inclusion of English Learners in 2018 Accountability                                9
The Latest on A-F 2018 Accountability - Cheri Hendrick Accountability & Assessment Specialist (210)370 5451
Student Achievement: Performance

                                    School     Closing
                                   Progress   The Gaps

                  Approaches or Above
                  Meets or Above

Student Achievement: Calculating Score

                        Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
                        By 2030, at least 60 percent of Texans ages 25–34
                        will have a certificate or degree.
                                                                    Student Achievement

        Total Tests                         3,212
        # Approaches or Above               2,977        Average of 3
        # Meets or Above                    1,945
                                                       92.7 + 60.6 + 27.3 / 3 = 60.2
        # Masters                           878
        % Approaches Grade Level or Above   92.7%
        % Meets Grade Level or Above        60.6%
        % Masters Grade Level               27.3%

Student Achievement: Calculating Score

 Elementary School

   Middle School


                     • College, Career, Military Ready (CCM-R)
    High School      • Graduation Rates

Student Achievement: CCM-R Indicators for HS
College Ready                               Career Ready
• Meet criteria on AP/IB exams              • Earn industry certification
• Meet TSI criteria (SAT/ACT/TSIA) in       • Be admitted to post-secondary industry
  Reading and Mathematics                     certification program
• Complete college prep course offered
  by a partnership between a district       Military Ready
  and higher education institution
• Complete dual credit                      • Enlist in the Armed Forces
• Complete OnRamps courses                  Computational Logic
• Earn an associate’s degree                • Denominator is annual graduates.
• Meet standards on composite of            • Student who accomplishes any one is in
  indicators indicating college readiness     numerator.
                                            • All CCMR indicators lag by one year.
                                               • CCMR data used in 2017–18 accountability
                                                 will be from the 2016–17 school year.

Not available for 2018 Accountability
Additional ATAC Notes:
                                              STAAR Substitute assessment ‐
                                               credit at approaches, meets and
                                               masters levels

                                              STAAR Alternate 2
                                                  Level II Satisfactory credit for
                                                   approaches and meets
                                                  Level III Advanced credit at
                                                   masters level

                                              Conversation on CTE Coherent
                                               sequence phase‐out

ATAC and APAC Concerns and Recommendations                                  14
School Progress: Growth

   Student                            Closing
 Achievement                         The Gaps

                   School Progress

School Progress: Two Aspects to Progress

     Part A:                   Part B:
 Student Growth        Relative Performance

STAAR Progress
                                                               Expected Growth
How is Growth Defined?

                         Scale Score

                                                                                 Meets Grade Level
                                           Meets Grade Level

                                       Previous Year                         Current Year
STAAR Progress

                    will simplify
                     the system
                      and these
                    columns are
                      no longer

       Meets     Masters    Masters    only missed   Just guessing
       Grade      Grade      Grade        three
        Level      Level      Level     questions
       current    current    current
        year       year       year
          -          -          -
       Meets     Masters     Meets
       Grade      Grade      Grade
        Level      Level      Level
      previous   previous   previous
        year       year       year                                   18
Student Growth: Percent of Students Gaining

                                                                            Current Year

                                   Does Not
                                                             Approaches                  Meets        Masters
                                   Approach                    Grade Level             Grade Level   Grade Level
                                     Grade Level

                  Does Not      Met/Exceeded               Met/Exceeded

                  Approach      Growth Measure = 1 pt      Growth Measure = 1 pt           1 pt          1 pt
                  Grade Level   Did not meet     = 0 pts   Did not meet     = .5 pts

                                Met/Exceeded               Met/Exceeded
Previous Year

                 Approaches     Growth Measure = 1 pt      Growth Measure = 1 pt           1 pt          1 pt
                  Grade Level
                                Did not meet     = 0 pts   Did not meet     = .5 pts

                    Meets                0 pts                      0 pts                  1 pt          1 pt
                  Grade Level

                   Masters               0 pts                      0 pts                  0 pts         1 pt
                  Grade Level

Relative Performance: Measuring School Progress

       Higher Levels
        of Student

                                                A campus with fewer economically
       Domain Score for All Students

                                                disadvantaged students on average has
         Student Achievement

                                                higher levels of student achievement

                                                                                        A campus with more economically
                                                                                        disadvantaged students tends to have
                                                                                        lower levels of student achievement

                                                                                               Higher Rates of
                                       % Economically Disadvantaged Students                   Disadvantaged

Relative Performance: Measuring School Progress

       Higher Levels
        of Student                                                                               Adjusted modeling
                                                                                                 data in HB 22
                                                                                                 Domain Models
       Domain Score for All Students

         Student Achievement

                                                           F                   Higher Rates of
                                       % Economically Disadvantaged Students   Disadvantaged

Additional ATAC Notes:
                                              Adjusted modeling data page 17‐
                                               18 of HB 22 Domain Models

                                              A lot of conversation on Part B
                                               Relative Performance

                                              Now has four campus types:
                                                 Elementary (4,219)
                                                 Middle School (1,653)
                                                 K‐12 (334)
                                                 High School (1,271)
                                                 As well as District (1,203)

ATAC and APAC Concerns and Recommendations                                 22
Closing the Gaps: Ensuring Educational Equity

   Student         School
 Achievement      Progress

                                     The Gaps

Closing the Gaps: Aligning Accountability Systems

      The Gaps

                                  TEA ESSA Website
                                  Appendix A pages 80‐85

Closing the Gaps: Ensuring Educational Equity
                                       All Students

                                   Continuously Enrolled      English        Economically
Race/Ethnicity   Special Education     and Mobile          Learners (ELs)   Disadvantaged

                                                                 x                x

Closing the Gaps: Ensuring Educational Equity

Subgroups                                       Indicators
• All Students                                  • Academic Achievement in Reading,
• African American                                Mathematics, Writing, Science and Social
• Hispanic
                                                • Growth in Reading and Mathematics
• White
                                                  (Elementary and Middle Schools)
• American Indian
                                                • Graduation Rates
• Asian
                                                • English Learner Language Proficiency
• Pacific Islander
                                                • College, Career, and Military Readiness
• Two or More Races                               Performance
• Economically Disadvantaged                    • At or Above Meets Grade Level Performance
• Current and Former Special Education            in Reading and Mathematics
• Current and Monitored English Language
  Learners new adding M3 and M4
• Continuously Enrolled/Non-Continuously Enrolled

Closing the Gaps: Student Groups

Continuously Enrolled and Non-Continuously Enrolled                   Feedback
• Not defined by HB 22                                                Opportunity
• Districts                                                           Should we use an
                                                                      alternate definition? If
   Grades 4–12: Enrolled at a district in the fall snapshot in the   so, what?
    current school year and each of the three previous years
   Grade 3: Enrolled at a district in the fall snapshot in the
   current school year and each of the previous two years
• Campuses
   Grades 4–12: Enrolled at a campus in the fall snapshot in the
    current school year and in the same district in each of the three
    previous years
   Grade 3: Enrolled at a campus in the fall snapshot in the current
    school year and in the same district each of the previous two
Additional ATAC Notes:
                                              Minimum size:
                                                  All Students – 10
                                                  Student Groups – 25
                                              TELPAS data source
                                                  2018 New TELPAS
                                              Safe Harbor
                                              Continuously Enrolled:
                                                  Model data District PEIMS
                                                    Snapshot Fall 2013, 2014,
                                                    2015 and 2016
                                                  2018 Accountability would be
                                                    District PEIMS Snapshot Fall
                                                    2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017

ATAC and APAC Concerns and Recommendations                               28
Overall A‐F Rating ATAC Meeting November 16–17, 2017

HB 22 Domain Models pages 29‐31
Local Accountability Plan:

                                       Local Accountability

                                    *Example        *Example

  Student      School     Closing     Sa
Achievement   Progress   The Gaps                   Assessments

A–F Timeline: Domain Development

Expected Timeline    Activity

                     Stakeholder feedback
                     ATAC and APAC monthly subcommittee meetings

                     Training Sessions with ESC: HB 22 Overview and Student Achievement Domain

                     Training Sessions with ESC: School Progress Domain
Aug.–December 2017
                     Training Sessions with ESC: Closing the Gaps Domain
                     September 18–19, ATAC meeting
                     October 11–12, APAC meeting

                     November, ATAC meeting (final recommendations for 2018 A–F)

                     December, APAC meeting (final recommendations for 2018 A–F)

                     Continued stakeholder feedback
January–April 2018
                     Commissioner final 2018 A–F decisions

                     2018 A–F accountability manual creation
May–June 2018        Public comment on A–F accountability manual
                     2018 A–F Manual adoption

A–F Accountability: Gathering Stakeholder Input

                                                                        Surveys Closed Thursday 11/30/17:
House Bill 22, 85th Texas Legislature                                   • Survey for Student Achievement Domain
                                                                        • Survey for School Progress Domain
“. . . the commissioner shall solicit input statewide from persons .
. ., including school district boards of trustees, administrators and
teachers employed by school districts, parents of students              Survey Still Open:
enrolled in school districts, and other interested stakeholders.”       Survey for Closing the Gaps Domain

                                                                        • Feedback Link:

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