The Islander Volume 478 - Venice Isle Estates

Page created by Cecil Shaw
The Islander Volume 478 - Venice Isle Estates
The Islander   Venice Isle
                                    603 Roma Road
                                  Venice, Florida 34285

                      (941) 488-9648    Website:

Volume 478                                                February 2021

    Upcoming Ev
The Islander Volume 478 - Venice Isle Estates
2                                        The Islander - February 2021

                                   IMPORTANT NUMBERS
                                    911 EMERGENCY ONLY
Call (941) 316-1201 OR (941) 861-5800 Sarasota County Sheriff. 24 hours REMINDER: Although we are Venice
residents, we DO NOT live within Venice City limits. Therefore, we must rely on the Sarasota County Sheriff’s
Department to handle law enforcement matters.

M-F 9am to 3pm ............... (941) 488-9648 VIE Real Estate Office ............ M-F 9am to 4pm (or by apt). (941)
Venice Regional Bayfront Health – 540 The Rialto (Hwy 41 Bus.) 24 hours……. (941)-485-7711
Venice Health Park			                   (Center Road & Jacaranda) …………………… (941)-497-7800
			Lab work 6:30am to 2:30pm…… (no appointment needed).
			X-RAY 8:00am to 4:00pm (some appointments needed).
Center for Wound Care (at the Health Park) ……...8:00am to 4:00pm …M-F…. (941)-486-6027
Gulf Coast Medical Group: Urgent Care – 1700 East Venice Avenue…………. (941)-483-9760
			                   M-Sa…7:30am to 6:00pm and Sun…9:00am to 2:00pm
Gulf Coast Medical Group: Internal Med. – 1720 East Venice Avenue………… (941)-483-9700
			                   M-F …8:00am to 5:00pm…Closed Sa/Sunday
Millenium Walk in Center: -1287 Hwy 41 By-Pass, Venice………………………… (941)-244-5716
			                   Open 7 days a week from 7:00am – 7:00pm
Walgreens’s Pharmacy – U.S. 41 By-Pass and Center Road……………………. (941)-493-3925
Walgreens’s Pharmacy – Pinebrook Road & East Venice Avenue…………….... (941)-488-8122
CVS Pharmacy – U.S. 41 By-Pass and East Venice Avenue……………………. (941)-484-8814
Walmart Pharmacy – U.S. 41 & Jacaranda (South Venice) ……………………… (941)-493-5902
Waste Management………………………………………………………………….... (941)-493-4100
Frontier (formerly Verizon) Telephone……………………………………………….1-800-921-8101
Comcast Cable………………………………………………………………………….1-800-266-2278
Florida Power and Light (electric)……………………………………………………. (941)-917-0708
Water/Sewer……………………………………………………………………………. (941)-861-6100
Venice Public Library…. (941)-861-1330………………. Jacaranda Library……… (941)-861-1260
Blue Heron Lawn Service……………………………………………………………… (941-484-3485)

VIHO PRESIDENT REPORT                                     for bring us Zoom, which allows members to
FEBRUARY 2021                                             attend our meeting from their homes. Also, at
    As I type this note, elections are not over yet,      our candidate’s night Joe Antal helped deliver
I congratulate all the candidates for stepping up         candidates night to all via 195.
to the plate and are willing to work for all of us            Carlene and I ride around the community
in our wonderful community. Our thanks go out             many evenings and I am so impress how great
to Robert Wanninger, Joyce Durbin, Dan Phillips,          our park looks. I have been here 11 years and
Romana Hilborn, Dave Mikios, Pat Heenan and               have not seen our park look so great. Removal
Rob Holsgrove for running for the board and               of weeds, pressure washed homes and newly
helping to set the direction for our community            painted units are a huge part of the improvements.
and our future. Thanks, from all of us, for your          The compliance committee is doing a wonderful
commitment.                                               job and we all gain with the value added to our
    Many thanks to Valerie for helping to set             community.
up electronic voting for the first time in our                As we move into 2021, let us recap what
community history. Valerie and Alan Metcalf               transpired here in the park despite the difficult
The Islander Volume 478 - Venice Isle Estates
The Islander -February 2021                                            3

year with the virus:                                   will also make note of any other infractions of
    * Valarie completed her first year, leading us     other Rules, such as the presence of trash and
through the terrible turbulent times with the virus.   rubbish or unauthorized vehicles on the property,
    * With Rob Holsgrove leadership, the sewer         for the Park Manager to handle.
project was completed, this was a major project            Three members of the Committee will inspect
and helps us avoid potential future problems.          a portion of the Park together, and if they see a
    * Painting of both the club houses, refinished     possible Rule violation, they will contact the
the Poker and the Computer rooms. Refinishing          owner in person or by telephone to discuss what
of the floors in both Club houses                      is needed to remedy the violation and the time
    * Installed necessary lighting at both pools to    within which the owner must act. If they are
qualify for our 24/7 license.                          unable to contact the owner, they will hand their
    * New lights in front of CH2 in the road divider   report over to the Park Manager to write a letter
    * Enhanced landscaping all over the park           to the owner.
    * Repaired and painted the storage shed wall           The general timetable for remedial work is:
by pool 1.                                                • Five (5) days to remove weeds and rubbish,
    * New roof on the office                                and trim trees and bushes.
    * New gates at North and South exits/entries.         • Thirty (30) days to pressure wash and paint.
    * Resurfaced the Tennis courts                        • Fifteen (15) days for any other remedial
    * implemented the fob system.                           action.
    * Painted inside CH1.                                  Gretchen Davis is the Director appointed by
    * New sidewalk from beside the Fitness Center      the Board to act as liaison to the Compliance
to the restrooms at pool 2                             Committee. Our Vice President, Dan Phillips,
    * Many signs through-out the park                  also work closely with this committee.
    * New Pool furniture from 12 inch to 18                If you have any questions, please contact
inches, for egress safety                              Gretchen Davis (941) 485-0211 or Dan Phillips
    To name a few of the completed projects.           at (859) 322-0746.
    What is the plan for 2021: main thrust will
be keeping a tight grip on spending? Only major
items on the drawing board are re-roofing and          MANAGERS REPORT
expanding the TIKI Hut and painting roofs of               A new year has begun, and we are still coping
both club houses.                                      with the effects of the global pandemic. Yet, we
    Keep safe!                                         now have two types of vaccine and distribution
                                                       among those who are in the higher risk categories
                                                       is in progress. We are eager to see how distribution
COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE                                   of the vaccines will affect the number of new cases.
   The Compliance Committee Is made up of              The VIHO Board remains watchful of the numbers
10 shareholders. The Board vested them with            and how restrictions and limitations on our activities
such duties as visiting homes in the Park to           affects all of us. We must remain on alert for a
ensure compliance with Article 4 of our Rules,         while longer and observe the recommendations
Regulations and Policies, and notifying the owners     of health authorities because they are keeping us
that power washing, weed removal, painting, tree       safe. In the meantime, we are working on getting
and bush trimming, and repairs and other work is       a vaccine clinic set up here at Venice Isle.
needed to bring the home into compliance. They                                              continued on page 4
The Islander Volume 478 - Venice Isle Estates
4                                      The Islander - February 2021

    In addition to their regular tasks,                 some new faces around Venice Isle.
our Maintenance team continues                              As always, you can find copies of
to work on improvements to our                          announcements as well as forms and other helpful
amenities. To update you on 2020                        information, on Venice Isle’s official website,
projects, the additional pool lighting was installed
and is now complete. We are waiting for Sarasota            If you have any questions, please email me at
County to inspect. We expect the new permit to or call Kim at the
swim 24/7 will be issued after that inspection. The     Park Office, (941) 488-9648. If you see equipment
expansion of the Tiki Hut was not completed in          that is broken or malfunctioning, or something
2020 as we had hoped because we did not receive         else that concerns you, please submit a Manager’s
the permit from Sarasota County. Once it is             Request or call us if it is an emergency. After
received, work can begin.                               hours, our telephone system will notify us by email
    Duane and I are working on a plan and schedule      that someone has called so that we can take care of
for improvements for 2021. Once we have agreed          problems on an urgent basis if necessary.
that schedule, we will submit it to the Board for           Regards,
approval. We are getting estimates for replacing            Valerie Lord
the marcite surface around the hot tub at Clubhouse         Manager
2 and renovating the bathrooms at the Clubhouse
2 pool. Last, we hope to begin work on our street        RECOMMENDATIONS AND
resurfacing program before year-end. We have not         SUGGESTIONS
done any major resurfacing of the streets for many
years. These are expected expenditures and we                To the Board of Directors:
have provided for them in reserve funds.
    In addition, our Maintenance team will paint the       Please consider the following purchase or
exterior of the Fitness Center. We are planning to       improvement for Venice Isle:
have the roofs of both the Clubhouses painted. We
will consider adding more lighting in the Cortina        Thanks,
Boulevard median across from Clubhouse 2. We
are also looking at further landscaping renovations.     Name
A lot of this work will be done in-house.
    For the first time in our history, our members       Address:
were able to vote electronically. Over 200 members
signed up for e-voting, which was very exciting.
We hope more of you will try this simple, easy and       Telephone No.:
paperless method of voting next year.
    The Office is still closed until we see a
substantial decrease in COVID-positive cases in         WHY
Florida, but Office staff is very busy now handling        Why should I check into the Park when I
residents’ questions and needs by telephone, mail       return from my summer home?
and email whenever possible. We are grateful to            Why should I check out of the Park when I
have your cooperation until the need for restrictions   will be away from Venice Isle for more than two
has passed. We have received and processed many         weeks?
rental applications for the season, so you might see       Why should I keep my contact information
The Islander Volume 478 - Venice Isle Estates
The Islander -February 2021                                     5

up to date?                                              until further notice. This includes all private
   The answer to the above questions affects more        functions and events.
people than you would think and could save a life.           This action has been taken with the support
  • In the event of a fire in your home first            of the Board of VIAC.
    responders could be hurt or even die trying to           Thank you for your cooperation during this
    get into your home thinking you may be inside.       difficult time.
  • Two years ago, when a resident passed away               Valerie L. Lord, Park Manager
    it took the people in the office 2 days to
    reach their next of kin, because their personal      COMMUNITY BUS RULES
    information sheet was not up to date.                 • For resident use only
  • You would be surprised at how many residents          • Runs 4 days per week
    do not have a current working phone number              – Monday, Tuesday,
    or alternative address in their files.                  Wednesday, and Thursday
  • When checking out of Venice Isle please               • Users must reserve seat and notify driver of
    be sure to include the name and telephone               destination
    number of the person who is responsible to            • Users may use only once per week, unless
    taking care of your home while you are away.            there is available capacity
    This enables Venice Isle Office staff to contact      • For medical appointments, grocery
    someone if your home has been broken into or            shopping, etc.
    if it has a water leak or some other problem.         • No more than 8 users on the bus at any time
  • You can check in or out in person, by voice           • Users must wear masks
    mail or by email. Or by fax to 941-488-7601.          • Users may not board the bus if they have
   Thank you for your consideration.                        a temperature over 100 degrees F. Users
   Dan Phillips                                             will be scanned prior to entering the bus.
                                                            Those who refuse to be scanned will be
VI 2020/2021 ACTIVITIES                                     denied access to the bus.
   Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all activities           • Users are asked to maintain CDC and Florida
and events booked through VIHO and VIAC                     DOH guidelines (Social Distancing)
for the Venice Isle 2020/2021 season, except              • Infractions will result in cessation of bus
those expressly permitted by the VIHO Board                 service
of Directors, are cancelled until further notice.          USERS RIDE THE COURTESY BUS
No new activities or events will be scheduled            AT THEIR OWN                    continued on page 6

                                            ASK YOUR
                                           NEIGHBORS      Advertising Policy: Advertising in this Newsletter
                                           ABOUT US!
                                                          is offered at the sole discretion of Community
                                                          Media. Community Media reserves the right to
   Phone Calls Always Returned Same Day                  refuse, limit, and/or reject advertising for any
   Unmatched Customer Service                            reason. Community Media, at its sole discretion,
   Experienced Agents On-Hand                            may restrict the number of advertisers in certain
   Family Owned & Operated
                                                          categories or offer exclusive/semi exclusive
                                                          agreements as it is sees fit.
The Islander Volume 478 - Venice Isle Estates
6                                      The Islander - February 2021

RISK AND ACKNOWLEDGE AND FULLY                           values are excellent. If you are thinking of selling,
ASUME THE RISK OF ILLNESS OR                             please call me to discuss our market and how I may
DEATH RELATED TO COVID-19 ARISING                        help you. If you are looking to buy, please keep
FROM THEIR USE OF THE COURTESY                           checking our web site at I have
BUS.                                                     all the homes for sale on it within a day of listing.
                                                         We always have a list of homes on the office door
PARKING OF VEHICLES IN                                   also. Our inventory of homes for sale is low. If you
VENICE ISLE                                              have any questions on buying or selling, we will
    Parking of cars is permitted only on paved           be glad to offer our expertise in the Venice Isle real
streets, in carports and approved cement or paver        estate market. We sell the majority of all homes in
areas (only adjacent to the driveway, not in the front   Venice Isle, making us the true experts in the park.
of the main unit). Overnight parking in club houses          Please stop by your new neighbors (who bought
1 @ 2 parking lots requires a permit obtained from       through our office) since last month and give them
the office. Parking on stones, lawns, shells, mulch,     a big welcome.
or any other material other that pavers or unit              422 Cervina S Poirier
driveway is not permitted.                                   Don’t forget Venice Isle Real
    New paver installations or concrete pads, with       Estate is your company! When
downspouts must be buried and terminate at the           Venice Isle Real Estate Sales makes
street or no closer than 10 feet from the side or rear   a sale (buying or Selling) 30% of commissions are
of the property line, and not discharge on unusual       paid to the park, keeping your maintenance fees
slope where the discharge will interfere with the        lower. When an outside real estate company sells a
neighboring unit.                                        home in our Park (buying or Selling), None of their
    Pavers require a border to keep them securely        commission goes back to the Park. So whether you
placed, except where the pavers meet the street.         are buying OR selling, use your company to help
    Any stone, rock, mulch, or shells are required       support your Park. Our sales commission is a low
to have a border installed to contain them and if        5 and 1/2 % of the sale price so call me about how
they meet the street, must have curbing that meets       I can help.
park standards.                                              If you are interested in the homes we have,
    Notes from Neville, Real Estate                      please stop by the office and I would love to show
    During these trying times, I wanted to let           you around the Park.
everyone know the sales office is still working              Neville Demo,
(thought the physical office may still be closed)            Broker for Venice Isle Real Estate Sales
through social distancing practices. You can                 1-941-920-4598 anytime cell
contact me at 1-941-920-4598 cell anytime
    I hope everyone is enjoying our beautiful            ECCVI
summer weather. We would Love to have you                   Greetings! Let me introduce myself. I am Mary
as new homeowners and enjoy it every year. The           Hendrickson, the new pastor at the Evangelical
inventory of homes for sale in the park is still low     Covenant Church at Venice Isle. My oldest son,
with only 13 homes as of this writing. This is a         Robert, probably can tell you who I am in this
testament to the desirability of our Park and its        quote from him the day of my ordination: “Some
Residents. Don’t miss out; call me now to see the        people have a normal mother. I, however, do
homes we have for sale.                                  not.” Yes, I act mostly appropriately. No, I will
    We have had a great season so far and home           not embarrass you. But how many people drop
The Islander Volume 478 - Venice Isle Estates
The Islander -February 2021                                                                             7

everything and leave everyone they love in the                            A/C Specialist
Pacific Northwest to take a wonderful call-in rural
Massachusetts, only to drop everything again to
                                                           Same Day Service & Repair
take a call to a church in Venice, Florida? My three                 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED
sons and two grandsons were surprised but not                       RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL
totally shocked. They have grown accustomed to            All Major Brands            WHEN QUALITY
                                                                                      MATTERS MOST,                      FREE Estimates
my crazy ministry career. After 25 years teaching                                 WE ARE YOUR SPECIALIST                 & Second Opinions
                                                                                                                           On New Units
public school music, I quit one summer because I
was called to go to seminary. Over the next 8 years                                                                         MAINTENANCE
I earned first my Master of Divinity and then my                                                                             EMERGENCY

Doctor of Ministry degrees from Fuller Seminary           Lic #
in Pasadena, CA. All during my 50’s!! Never tell          Financing WAC
me that it is too late for anything, that is for sure!               
                                                                           Serving ALL of Sarasota & Manatee Counties
    My unexpected call to the ECCVI came in
the last four months of 2020. To say that taking                   Special
a new call during a pandemic is complicated is an
understatement. I arrived the first week of November                                                      Service Call
to move into a condo that I had never seen-truly an                                                        With Paid Repair
                                                          Preventative Maintenance
act of faith. God of course came through, and it is               Check Up                                ($69 Value)
perfect for me. My first Sunday in the pulpit was         Check up is for evaluation only, cleaning
                                                            extra, cannot be combined with any
                                                                                                             ** New Customers Only **
                                                                                                               Offer valid with repair.
                                                          other offers. Not valid on previous sales.
strange, as I faced a masked congregation. Under                    New Customers Only
                                                          must present coupon at time of service
                                                                                                             Not valid with other offers
                                                                                                       must present coupon at time of service
normal circumstances there would have been one
or more fellowship gatherings, an installation, and
lengthy conversations before and after worship,
getting to know one another. However, that is not
what occurred. Rather than dropping by to visit
the congregants, I had to settle for a Zoom Bible
study. At least in that, I was able to see the faces of
the people that I serve! Being able to do our first
ever virtual Christmas Eve service and to hand out
the “kits” was the first of many unusual projects
that you will see in the coming years. I hope that
you will consider becoming part of it!
    What Scripture guides me as I travel my
“abnormal” path of life? In 1 Samuel, chapter
3, Samuel is dozing when a voice pierces his
sleep, calling his name. He thinks that it is Eli the
priest, but it is not. Three times the Lord calls to
Samuel, and all three times the boy replies, “Here
I am!” The fourth time that the Lord calls, Eli
has instructed Samuel to respond differently, and
so Samuel replies, “Speak, for your servant is
listening.” Then the Lord says, “See, I am about to
The Islander Volume 478 - Venice Isle Estates
8                                      The Islander - February 2021

do something in Israel that will make both ears of      regulations to enable all residents to cooperatively
anyone who hears of it tingle.” When I sense that       enjoy their residences and the amenities. These
God is asking me to do something unexpected, my         rule and regulations may be modified by the Board
whole body “tingles.” I can only respond, “Here         from time to time as changes in community’s
I am.” That is what we are all asked to do. We          circumstances require.
cannot call God, “Lord,” unless we let Him BE               When you purchase a home in Venice Isle,
Lord. Trust me when I say that saying “yes” to God      you receive a membership share (evidenced by a
leads to a really crazy “ride” at times. I warned       share certificate) and an assignment of the right to
ECCVI about hiring me. Now they are learning            occupy the lot where your home is situated. As a
what it is like to have me as pastor. Dull? Never.      shareholder, you are entitled to attend and speak at
I hope that you will consider dropping by a service     meetings of the Board and the annual shareholders
sometime soon (we meet at 9:20 AM on Sundays            meeting.
in Clubhouse #1). Please know that you can call             When you become a shareholder, you agree
on me for support anytime, whether you attend           to abide by the rules and regulations established
the church. My e-mail is: hendrickson.mary55@           by the Board, even if you do not recall signing Blessings to you!                            anything or reading any of Venice Isle’s governing
    Pastor Mary Hendrickson, ECCVI                      documents. These rules and regulations, as
                                                        tested by time and experience, are established
WHAT IS AN HOA?                                         for everyone’s benefit (even though some people
    Venice Isle is a 55 and older community             dispute this fact). Some of our rules are self-
covering 128 acres with 992 homes. We are just          governing, such as the 15-mph speed limit, using
like a small town. Instead of being governed by a       respectful behavior in common areas and similar
town council, we are governed by a Board of nine        common-sense principles.
directors. These nine directors are charged with the        The Board has authorized some committees to
operation of Venice Isle and, in doing so, must act     advise and guide it in making decisions. These
in accordance with Section 719, Florida Statutes.       committees are made up of shareholders of Venice
The Board has delegated the management of               Isle. They pool their talents, observations, and
Venice Isle’s day to day operations to a manager.       experience to assist the Board in writing these
    The board consists of four persons who hold         rules and regulations as well as enforcing them. A
the following offices:                                  good example of one continually active committee
1. President                                            is the Compliance Committee. This committee is
2. Vice President
3. Secretary                                                                                         $60 A/C Inspection
4. Treasurer
    and five other individuals. Each Board member
                                                                                                       or Service Call!
serves a three-year term. No one Board member                                                                          24 Hour Service
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rules and regulations such as traffic lights and stop                                    Mobile Home Special
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small town, Venice Isle has its own rules and           FL Lic# CAC1820257   941-961-4366
The Islander Volume 478 - Venice Isle Estates
The Islander -February 2021                                          9

composed of shareholders to whom the Board has         in Venice Isle a positive one. Depending on the
delegated the responsibility for ensuring that every   whether you are an officer as well as a director or
home and lot in Venice Isle meet Venice Isle’s         just a director, a Board member may be involved
minimum standards for appearance, including but        with Board business anywhere from 5 to 15 hours
not limited to weeding, keeping bushes and trees       per week, and sometimes more, if necessary.
trimmed, and maintaining the exterior of the home          The operation and management of Venice Isle
in good condition.                                     is just like running a business; after all, it is a $4
    To each committee, the Board has appointed         million business. To be effective and contribute
a chairperson and a Board member who acts as           meaningfully, a Board member should have a good
liaison between the committee and the Board. The       grasp of how a business operates, have a basic
chairperson is charged with overall performance        understanding of Robert’s Rules of Order (how to
of the committee. The Board liaison is charged         conduct meetings) and accounting and financial
with the direction the committee takes and             concepts, be willing to learn and comprehend
communicating with the Board.                          Venice Isle’s governing documents and Section
    Your Board members serve without                   719, Florida Statutes as well as related laws, and
compensation. You do not need to have any              be able to use common sense.
special skills or training to become a Board               The members of the Board work for you, the
member, except a sincere desire to participate in      residents. When you have a question or need
the governance of Venice Isle in accordance with       clarification, call a Board member or the Manager
Section 719, Florida Statutes and our governing        for reliable, truthful information.
documents, and help make everyone’s experience             Dan Phillips

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10                                   The Islander - February 2021

                          Here we are in February    Your questions will be answered within 72
                      already, so time is flying. hours.
                      After your 21st birthday,
that happens.                                         VENICE ISLE ACTIVITY
    Hopefully, some of us are vaccinated by now,         All VIAC Activities are cancelled until further
but we still should be wearing our masks. We are      notice including Dances, Shows and Dinners etc.
asking everyone to continue wearing a mask in            Outdoor activities like Tennis, Horseshoes,
the library. Thank you.                               Bocce and Shuffleboard are still opened with
    If you are looking for love, you can find it in   social distancing.
the library. Romance novels, of which we have            Questions, please contact Richard Nuzzo 203-
many, are there for the taking. Large print or        314-0587
standard type, you should not be without love
this month.                                           SAFETY COMMITTEE
    Our great little library has no shame, no           • No meetings are scheduled at the present
blame, no overdue fines. You borrow it, you               time.
return it. If it is a puzzle, and missing pieces,       • Ramona Hilborn and Frank Mayle are our
please recycle it at your home. We have enough            new Co-Chairs of the committee. Anyone
new puzzles coming in, that missing piece ones            interested in joining should contact Ramona
are not put back on our shelves.                          or Frank.
    Once again, we ask you NOT to bring us old           Merry Christmas from the Committee
brown page books. Torn covers and bug debris             Dan Phillips
delegates these to the recycle bin. Magazines            859-322-0746
older than 2 months are usually recycles also.
We no longer have anyone to donate to, so we          FOOD BANK
must toss old books, and magazines.                      A new year, but we still have a problem regarding
    There is a method to our madness in the           food for those that are in need. Please remember to
library. That is why we have a marking system         bring what you can to bring to clubhouse 1 so we
for our books. If you feel the system is flawed,      can deliver them to the food bank.
please call Florence Nowocin or me, Pat Milone,          Thanks so much.
before you decide to mark our books with black           Gayle Laursen
felt pens. You may than understand why marked            941-412-9053
books are the way they are. We are both in the
resident directory.                                   ACTIVITY LEADERS
    We hope everyone has a safe and happy              If you cancel or stop your activity for one
Valentine’s Day. We probably cannot hug yet,        day or one week or cancel it completely, please
but peace signs work.                               contact your coordinator and the Park schedule
    Your Library Co-Parents,                        person, Priscilla Conklin. We may need your
    Florence and Pat                                time, and day for other activities or a meeting.
                                                    Also, please let the editors of the Islander
PARK QUESTIONS?                                     know your activity has ended for the season
   If you have a question about anything going so it can be removed.
on in the park or a question on any business in the    Priscilla Conklin
park please email            941 485 9295
The Islander -February 2021                                                        11

                                                                   Give me a call: Janet Keckler 941-488-5511
   Star Entertainment Update:
   Due to Covid-19, We regret                                   BETA SIGMA SORORITY
to inform you that the Star                                     FUNDRAISER
Entertainment 2021 season has                                      Next date for the Dairy Queen is FEBRUARY
been postponed. Please hang onto your tickets.                  22ND from 4p.m. to 7p.m. Again 10% of the
All tickets previously purchased for the 2021                   sales during these hours is donated to Beta
season will be honored for the 2022 season.                     Sigma Sorority for Cancer Research.
Your Past Season Tickets Are Secured.
   We are busy lining up great entertainment for                BETA SIGMA SORORITY
the 2022 season and cannot wait to see you. If                  FUNDRAISER
you have any questions or concerns, please call.                   In addition to the
   Julie Scialpi                                                Dairy Queen, we also
   845-282-1763                                                 have an agreement
                                                                with Culvers. The
VENICE ISLE GREETER                                             next night for Culvers
     Hi New VI residence (owners). I am Janet                   is Feb. 8, hours are
Keckler the VI Greeter. I would like to pay you                 5pm-8pm at the
a visit and welcome you to our little piece of                  new Culver’s on
paradise. I have a resident photo directory and                 Shamrock and 41.
some coupons for you.

                                                              Call Today!                          SERVING:
                                                                                                   • Sarasota County

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    Family Owned & Operated Since 1977                       239-543-1515                          • Lee County
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12                                     The Islander - February 2021

PARK BREAKFAST                                         BOOK CLUB
     No Breakfast until further notice.                   VI book club will not meet again
                                                       until further notice. Books are available.
VIAC APPROVED CASINO TRIP                                 Contact Phyllis Rinke 269-506-3195
     No trips until further notice.
                                                       VENICE ISLE BOWLING 2020-
MOVIE NITE                                             21 SEASON
     No Movies until further notice.                      As most bowlers in Venice are
                                                       aware the bowling alley on 41
ART GROUP                                              Bypass is permanently closed and
                                                       up for sale. Because of this fact we
BILLIARDS                                              have not started our league for this
    The Billiard Room in                               year. I have been informed that the lanes in
Clubhouse 2 (The San Marco                             Englewood and Gulf Gate in Sarasota would be
Room) is available for everyone                        glad to welcome any of you who would like to
in the Park. Children under the                        continue bowling. I will not be organizing or
age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.             bowling this year. I will be in touch to let you
    The Billiards Room is open for play whenever       know when the funds from last year’s bowling
the clubhouse 2 is open. Players can play any game     will be distributed. Anyone wanting to organize
they prefer, and any rules would apply.                the league for this year please contact me and I
    From 12:30 to 2:30 Monday thru Saturday            will provide you with information to get started.
we play "8" Ball with strict rules and rotation of        Jacque Albers (859) 653-1305 or javenice
partners. This is also open to everyone in the
    park and are always looking for new challengers.
    This is a free Park Activity. If you have any      COMPUTER HELP
questions, please give me a call.                         Hope to return in December 2020
    Russ Bowser
                                                          Geoff McCulloch
BINGO                                                     941 882 4965

BOCCE                                                  EUCHRE
   There will be NO bocce this season. You can
get your friends together and use the extra balls
in cabinet if you play. Remember to sanitize HAND AND FOOT
equipment and return to cabinet in the same
shape as borrowed                                 CRUISE KLUB (GOLF CARTS)
   Charlotte Mueller                                 A brief explanation as to why
   262-443-1103                                   we decided to cancel the Christmas
                                                  parade which was done with a heavy
                                                  heart. Our Halloween parade was
The Islander -February 2021                                    13

very successful with about 20 carts but a lot of       HORSESHOES
socializing as we lined up. With many more people          We started the league on January 6 with 10
expected for the Christmas parade, possibly 40 to      teams. We play every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m.
50 carts we knew even more socializing would           in the horseshoe pits behind CH1. If you are
happen. We knew of no covid cases in October           interested in joining, come on over, if we have no
but by December we were aware of many cases            openings, we will use you as a sub.
and a few deaths, so the decision was made for             Questions? Call Ernie Cusano @ 203-927-
safety reasons to cancel. We would have felt           3966
terrible if even one case resulted from our having
a parade and socializing. We are hoping that when      LADIES BRIDGE
St. Patrick’s Day arrives we will be able to have
our annual parade then if we can do so safely and      MAHJONGG
all are welcome to join in.
    If anyone is interested in joining our club here   PINOCHLE
is a little history of what we do. Our annual dues
is $12.00 and along with having fun socializing        MEXICAN TRAIN DOMINOES
when possible, our main charity is raising money           Carl Risch
for our local Garden Elementary School. We help            941-445-5170
with food for the homeless children send some to
summer camp and help with school supplies for          TEXAS HOLD’EM
the kids.                                                  John Abbott 207-577-0955

                             Happy Valentine’s Day From:

    Plumbing                  Septic                   Gas
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The Islander -February 2021                                   15

TAI CHI                                                Golfing in Venice: Courses in Florida have
   Chris & Ellen Wallhouse                         remained open and each has some Covid 19
   941-375-2164                                    prevention recommendations in place. We are
   chris@wallhouse,ca                              tentatively planning to resume the Thursday
                                                   League at Oyster Creek in January. If you played
TENNIS TALK                                        in the past, or are planning to join this league,
    The courts here at VI continue to be busy      please call Jim Chastain 941-828-5025.
every day. Players have managed to team up at          The Tuesday, “Gentlemen’s League” at Capri
various times throughout the day for some good     Isle has a full roster of players, depending on
fun and exercise, even with COVID restrictions     how many players return for this season. Please
intact! Anyone in the park is welcome to join      let Paul Morgan know if you are coming back or
in regardless of playing ability, beginner to      not, and when. Phone: 859-907-5250.
advanced. Hope to see you on the court!                There is a contingent of more experienced
    Mimi Cacciatore                                players who are trying to form a new group
                                                   outing for Thursdays at Jacaranda West CC. We
TRIVIA                                             are hoping to get at least 16 players who want to
   Pam Hunt 781-635-9869                           compete on a regulation golf course.
                                                       Please call Don Preston 585-202-0450.
VENICE ISLE MEN’S GOLF                                 Paul Morgan 859-907-5250
LEAGUE                                                 Jim Chastain 317-828-5025
   The VI men’s golf league plays 18 holes             Ralph Joyce 765-419-4636
each Thursday morning at Oyster Creek Golf &           Doug Jones 483-3921
Country Club in Englewood. It is a 4-man team
competition, each team comprising a High, High     VETERANS GROUP
Medium, a low Medium and a low handicap            Important Numbers
player.                                            Veterans Benefits: 1-800-827-1000
   Organizational meeting to announce teams        Health Care Benefits: 1-877-222-
and discus league matters is scheduled for         8387
January 6, 2021at CH 1 parking lot @ 8:00 am       Burials & Memorials: 1-800-827-1000
   Come out and pay your fee and stay for the      Community Care (Mission Act): 1-844-698-
meeting. Thursday January 7 is a Get Acquainted    2311 (VA 311)
Day at Oyster Creek. League competition starts     Devices for the Deaf (TDD): Dial 711
January 14. Closing team format is scheduled       Education & Training: 1-888-442-4551
for March 25                                       Homeless Veterans: 1-877-424-3838
   NEW FRIENDS ALWAYS WELCOME!                     Military Exposures: 1-877-222-8387
   Sign up each Wednesday @ CH 1 parking lot       National Center for Posttraumatic Stress
between 8 and 9 am                                 Disorders (PTSD) 1-800-273-8255
   November and December are for practice          Smoke Free VET: 1-855-784-8838
   Wearing a mask and social distancing is to be   Survivor Benefits: 1-800-827-1000
observed!!!!!                                      VA 311 (Ask the VA) 1-844-698-2311
   Ralph Joyce 765-419-4636                        VA Caregiver Support Line: 1-855-260-3274
   Jim Chastain 317-828-5025                       Women Veterans Call Center: 1-855-829-6636
   Paul Morgan 859-907-5250                           Dan Phillips
The Islander -February 2021              19

WATER AEROBICS                                                       OBITUARIES
    Water aerobics starts at 9:30am, Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday.                           Robert John “Bob” Stanhope, 91, of Fairhaven,
Mark your calendar. Hope to                        MA and Venice, FL, passed away on December
see you there!                                     20, 2020 after a short illness. Bob and his wife
                                                   Nancy were long-term residents of Venice Isles
                                                   Estates, living on Cervina Dr. N. They were
‘WOW’ – WOMEN’S GROUP –                            among the group of residents who spearheaded
2021                                               the movement to purchase Venice Isles, which
    Even though the ‘WOW’ Women’s Group has proven to be successful. Bob was also a past
is on hold for the 2021 season, we can still captain of the Venice Isles shuffleboard team. He
practice some of the many ‘integrating’ tools married the love of his life, Nancy O. Surprenant
that we have previously learned about keeping on September 15, 1951. This past September,
ourselves healthy – physically, emotionally, and Bob and Nancy celebrated their 69th wedding
spiritually.                                       anniversary. Theirs was a true love match.
    So let’s just start with LOVE – for ourselves,
for others, for our park, for our community, for
our country, for our world – for everything! With
February now here, a time of expressing LOVE
– I encourage all of you to do the following:
    BEGIN your day with LOVE!
    ENJOY your day with LOVE!
    END your day with LOVE!
    It only takes a second to be aware of LOVE
and your sharing of it might be the only LOVE
that someone else hears, sees or even feels. Let’s
try and be loving to others in this Covid world –
even when we can’t ‘touch’! .
    See you in 2022.
    Mondays: CH#2 – 3:00 pm – Venetian Room

      Mazo Mobile
           Mobile Tax
                  Tax Service,
                      Service, LLC
                  

The Islander -February 2021                                 23

WALKING WORKOUT                                      WASTE MANAGEMENT/
(MEETING YEAR-ROUND)                                 TRASH:
    We exercise in CH #2 every Monday,
Wednesday & Friday at 8:30am. The session               All garbage, yard waste, and recycles will
lasts 45 minutes, using primary walking fitness      be picked up on Thursdays only. If you are
exercises by Leslie Sansone. Please bring your       in doubt as to what goes in the blue bin, if
own hand weights & plan to experience a lively,      something should be bagged or bundled or how
energizing workout. Anyone is welcome & you          long or heavy it is supposed to be - call Waste
can modify the exercise.                             Management – 493-4100.

COMMUNITY SALE                      Remember: The dumpster in the
                                 Maintenance Compound is not for disposal
  THE VI COMMUNITYSALE SCHEDULED of appliances, carpeting, flooring, etc. Call
FOR 2/20/21 IS CANCELLED         Waste Management for an appointment.
                                    Recycling is mandatory for everyone in
                                 Sarasota County. Residents in the unincorporated
 COMING EVENTS - MARK            area (including Venice Isle), please follow these
YOUR CALENDAR                    guidelines:
OHIO VALLEY (OHIO,                  Recycling should be at the roadside by 6 a.m.
KENTUCKY AND WEST                on collection day (Thursday)
   We are deeply sorry to report that the Ohio
Valley Dinner for this year has been cancelled. It
was scheduled for Tuesday, February 23, 2021.
We have a new date for next year for Tuesday,
February 22, 2022.
   Mark your calendars for next year for
February 22, 2022 at 500 P.M. As time gets
closer, we will get more information out to you.     GENTLE CHAIR YOGA &
   Thanks to all for your support of this dinner.    MESSAGE WITH ALBERT
Hope to see you next year!                           COOPER
   Sheila Miller
   419-236-7786                                         Hope to begin again next season.
24                                  The Islander - February 2021



   Important Guidelines for Contributors:
   The deadline to submit is 3:00 p.m. on the 11th of the month preceding the month in which you
wish to see your article published.
   - NOTE: No complaints, opinions, or personal political messages will be accepted for
publication. The Islander is not a forum for letters to the Editor. The Editors will determine the
appropriateness of any submitted material. If the suitability of the material is questionable,
the Editors will confer with and defer to the President of the VIHO Board of Directors and/
or the park manager if so directed.

  - Please prepare your electronic submissions using only Microsoft Word format with 12pt
Arial font. Include your name and contact information in case we need to clarify anything.

   - Please use only the email address published here to send all articles and attachments for

   Sending your article to the office may result in it being lost or misfiled. No phone calls please.
   - Include your article as a part of the email or as an attached Word .doc file.
     PLEASE, no other file format is easily transferable into the format of The Islander, particularly
a PDF file.
      All other file formats require your input to be typed in, a time consuming and error-prone
   - Note, all copies, except for published
organizational meeting minutes, are subject to editing
(punctuation, grammar, spelling, etc.) by the editors.
26                                              The Islander - February 2021

FOR YOUR INFORMATION                                                  Janet Keckler VI Greeter
    Office hours have changed until further TROUBLE WITH A UTILITY
notice to 9:00am to 3:00pm, Monday through          Call the utility company you are having a
Friday. 941-488-9648                             problem with, not the Administration Office.
                                                 You will receive better service calling yourself.
SALE OF HOME REMINDER                            Questions will be asked that only you can answer.
    If you are selling your home personally or A list of important phone numbers is included
through an outside Real Estate Agency, please on the inside cover of your Islander
contact the Administration Office or have your
agent come into the Administration Office for ISLANDER MAILING SERVICE
the proper procedures.                              If you are interested in receiving the Islander
                                                 via mail when you go north after the season,
ARE YOU A NEW HOMEOWNER?                         please contact Mindi Holtz at 941-467-0317.
    Stop cleaning and give me a call so I can You will need a self-addressed stamped ($1.84)
welcome you to the park and introduce you to 9 x 11 envelope for the months you would like
all our wonderful activities. I have coupons your Islander mailed. The Islander can be viewed
and a park photo directory for you!!!! Let’s get on the VIAC website at

                         Do you have Questions about your
             Do       you have Questions
                                   MEDICARE ?
                                                 about                                               your
       Now is the time! I can  help!
                          Now is        ABCD
                                  the time ! I cancan
                                                   help!be  confusing;
                                                         ABCD                I represent
                                                                can be confusing; I representmultiple
                          multiple Medicare  insurance  carriers; At no
       Medicare insurance carriers; At no cost we can compare together  cost we can  compare and decide
                          together and decide which Medicare plan will
       which Medicare planworkwill
                               best work
                                    for you!best for you!

     • Want to lower your part B premium?
                                   Want to lower your
                                    part B premium?
     • Need lower co-pays?
                                   Need lower co-
     • Turning 65?                  pays?

     • Need Dental (Dentures), Vision,
                                NeedHearing?
                                       (Dentures), Vision,
     • Unhappy with your Medicare plan?                      Brooke Hall                             Justin Hall
     • Just moved to this area?
                                   Unhappy with your
                                    Medicare plan?           810-986-0483                            863-616-3162
                                  Ca                           Brooke Hall             Justin Hall
     • Need a Cancer Policy?       Just moved to this
                                                               Call Today!
                                                              (810)-986-0483We can HELP!!

  Medicare Planning Professionals, LLC
                                   Need a Cancer
                                                                          Call Today!!!
                                                              MEDICARE PLANNING PROFESSIONALS, LLC

                                   Turning 65?
The Islander -February 2021                                27

   The VIAC copier is located in the Lido Room       To keep the Bulletin Board orderly and to
(Poker Room) in CH2. The request folder is now    have available space to post as many notices as
located on a shelf placed on the copier cabinet.  possible, please do the following:
The folder with copies is placed on the second    1. Use 3x5” index cards or paper.
shelf located on the copier cabinet. Please include
                                                  2. Mark the date you are posting the notice on
a contact name with your request. VIAC will not      the right bottom corner.
reimburse anyone for copies made elsewhere.       3. Post it in the area assigned: ‘Rentals, Want to
   Priscilla Conklin- 485-9295                       Rent, For Sale, Services, etc.’
                                                  4. Notices will remain for 30 days. You may re-
NEED SOUND FOR YOUR EVENT?                           date, if needed.
   Please remember to give five (5) days’ notice 5. Please remove or have someone remove your
for your event or function. This includes all        posting when your property is rented or sold.
weekly or monthly events. In addition, your
performer(s) must contact me before they
perform to ensure that sound, lighting and
musical selections are discussed fully before the
   Rob Holsgrove- 244-7757 Skip Scialpi 845-

    It is that time of year again to order your name
tag, if you would like one. It can be worn at all
Venice Isle activities. There are many activities
listed in the front of the Venice Isle phone book,
your monthly Islander news, and our TV station
195. Wear your name tag to introduce yourself
at any of the many activities you are interested
in. Prices are as follows:
    Pin or Magnet type $7.49-Tax Included.
    If interested, please call Joan Jarzynka @
941- 786-1330

   Volunteers are the lifeblood of this park. Let
us show them how much we appreciate them.
Please be considerate and do not call them or
visit them at their homes before 9am or after 9
pm. Ticket sale times are listed in the Islander
and on the bulletin board and on channel 195.
   Thank you for supporting our activities.
28                                 The Islander - February 2021

CHANNEL 195                               In the e-mail you
ANNOUNCEMENT                                       must include everything that would have gone on
                                                   the pink sheet. You must have the date, time and
    Channel (195) Changes Announcements            location of the event. You need a description
    Currently only channel 195 is available for    of the event and the starting and ending dates
inhouse dissemination of information. If you       for the announcement. Contact information
wish to input any information on the VCTV          (name and phone number) must be submitted.
channel, please note that forms are available      Finally, if the announcement is going to run
in the COMPUTER ROOM in CH2 and are                over several months, you must show the three
the only way of submitting information until       days you want it to appear on the TV. DO NOT
NOVEMBER 15th. There is a pocket on the            INCLUDE PICTURES OR ARTWORK IN
tall computer desk with blank pink sheets that     THE E-MAIL. IF YOU WANT TO SEND A
must be used to submit articles for the channel.   PICTURE FOR US TO USE PLEASE SEND
Completed forms should be put into the slot        IT AS AN ATTACHMENT. We will return an
adjacent to the blank sheet pocket. Only these     e-mail that is not correct or have everything
pink forms will be accepted. Please, no phone      that is needed.
calls or e-mails. Information is provided on          Please watch Channel 195 itself for further
the back of the forms. There are several VCTV      changes or corrections to the information
channel coordinators processing these sheets       above.
so please print legibly and include your name
and contact phone number. If you have any
questions, please drop a note into the slot and
one of the coordinators will call you back as           BILL “YOUR NEIGHBOR” MENARD’S
soon as possible. As of October 1st, additional       MATRIX AUTO LLC
information is required if submitting a form.                IN VENICE SINCE 1976
If the form is for an event that happens weekly         HE CAN FIND YOUR VEHICLE @
                                                          • WHOLESALE PRICING
over several months, we are requiring that you
                                                          • FACTORY WARRANTY
choose three days during the week that you want           • THOUSANDS AVAILABLE
your message to show on TV channel 195. Last        ASK FOR “YOUR NEIGHBOR” DISCOUNT
season we received several complaints about
the length of time it took to view the messages       MATRIX AUTO LLC
                                                             • CAR/TRUCK SALES
and also people were tired of the repetition. We               BUY/SELL TRADES WELCOME
are offering this as a compromise to both the                • VEHICLE REPAIR
                                                               CARS & TRUCKS
submitters and the watchers. Please use the                  • AUTO BODY
following day abbreviations: Sun, Mon, Tue,                    FREE ESTIMATES

Wed, Thr, Fri and Sat when submitting your                   • TIRES/BRAKES
                                                                  NAME BRANDS
sheet.                                                    ALWAYS WHOLESALE PRICED
    An additional change that is effective
NOVEMBER 15th, is that you will be able to
                                                      MATRIX          AUTO LLC
                                                       332 WARFIELD AVE (OFF RT 41 BYPS)
submit articles via e-mail. IF YOU DO NOT                          JUST CALL BILL @
                                                       941 809 4400
                                                            BE SURE TO ASK FOR YOUR
using e-mail, you will send the article to             VENICE ISLES “NEIGHBOR DISCOUNT”
You can also read