2018 VACATION GUIDE CODY, WYOMING - Cody/Yellowstone Country

Page created by Gregory Williamson
2018 VACATION GUIDE CODY, WYOMING - Cody/Yellowstone Country

      CODYYELLOWSTONE.ORG ~ 1-800-393-2639
2018 VACATION GUIDE CODY, WYOMING - Cody/Yellowstone Country
Over 100 years ago, Buffalo
                                                                                                                           Bill Cody founded a Western
                                                                                                                           frontier town that still bears
                                                                                                                           his name. It’s also still home
                                                                                                                           to that famous Western charm
                                                                                                                           and buckaroo spirit that his
                                                                                                                           settlement was built on. Every

WELCOME TO THE                                                                                                             year, thousands of visitors
                                                                                                                           come to celebrate the wild
                                                                                                                           history and old-fashioned
                                                                                                                           outdoor adventure that abounds

                                                                                                                           in Cody, Wyoming. Here it’s
                                                                                                                           about the Wild West, wildlife,
                                                                                                                           and wild experiences — and
                                                                                                                           it’s waiting for you to come
                                                                                                                           enjoy it all.


                                          Photos: Get to know Buffalo Bill; Pilot and Index Peaks; Bison in Yellowstone
   CODYYELLOWSTONE.ORG ~ 1-800-393-2639   National Park; Buffalo Bill in front of his Irma Hotel; Cody Main Street; Wild                                    2
                                          horses (opposite page)
2018 VACATION GUIDE CODY, WYOMING - Cody/Yellowstone Country
Cody is just a short drive from
                                                                                                               America’s first, and most famous,
                                                                                                               national park. We like to say it’s
                                                                                                               the wildest way into Yellowstone.

 AMERICA’S FIRST                                                                                               It’s a place that’s home to some
                                                                                                               of Mother Nature’s most awe-
                                                                                                               inspiring wonders. Views of Old
                                                                                                               Faithful Geyser, Mammoth Hot

                                                                                                               Springs, the Grand Canyon of the
                                                                                                               Yellowstone and its Lower Falls
                                                                                                               will take your breath away. On
                                                                                                               your adventure, you’ll probably
                                                                                                               see some others enjoying the

IS OUR BACKYARD.                                                                                               park — bison, moose, and bears all
                                                                                                               call Yellowstone home. Explore the
                                                                                                               Lamar Valley, where you’ll find the
                                                                                                               largest concentration of roaming
                                                                                                               wildlife in the lower 48 states. After
                                                                                                               a full day of adventure, kick back
                                                                                                               and relax at one of Yellowstone’s
                                                                                                               great lodges or campgrounds.
                                                                                                               Wherever your trails lead,
                                                                                                               remember — it all starts at Cody’s
                                                                                                               East Gate, Wyoming’s quickest and
                                                                                                               wildest way into Yellowstone.

   CODYYELLOWSTONE.ORG ~ 1-800-393-2639   Photos: Yellowstone National Park entrance; Explore Mammoth Hot                                           4
                                          Springs; Take in the majesty of Yellowstone Falls; Wildlife galore
2018 VACATION GUIDE CODY, WYOMING - Cody/Yellowstone Country
Yes, the Wild West is adventurous
                                                                                                                     and full of outdoor fun. You can ride
                                                                                                                     horses and rope cattle all day like

                                                                                                                     a real cowboy. Luckily, you don’t
                                                                                                                     have to rough it like an old-time
                                                                                                                     buckaroo. After an action packed
                                                                                                                     day, you’ll find some surprisingly
                                                                                                                     refined accommodations. Take

                                                                                                                     it easy with a stroll down the
                                                                                                                     boardwalk in Old Trail Town, visit
                                                                                                                     Butch Cassidy’s Hole-in-the-Wall
                                                                                                                     cabin, or go shopping for a great

                                                                                                                     souvenir. Enjoy some live cowboy
                                                                                                                     music and a nice dinner. It’s the
                                                                                                                     perfect way to end your day.

                                          Photos: Stay at a rustic dude ranch; Enjoy time with friends around a
   CODYYELLOWSTONE.ORG ~ 1-800-393-2639   campfire; Saddle up and enjoy the surrounding scenery; Relax in comfort;                                         6
                                          Visit Old Trail Town
2018 VACATION GUIDE CODY, WYOMING - Cody/Yellowstone Country
Folks come to Cody for a variety of
                                                                                                                     reasons, and at least a few of them
                                                                                                                     involve outdoor adventure. Take
                                                                                                                     a hike through the breathtaking
                                                                                                                     Absaroka Mountains or a mountain
                                                                                                                     bike ride across “Twisted Sister.”
                                                                                                                     Cast a fly in the Shoshone River,
                                                                                                                     the Greybull or the Clarks Fork of
                                                                                                                     the Yellowstone River. Take on the

                                                                                                                     cliffs of the North Absaroka Range
                                                                                                                     for a little rock climbing. Raft
                                                                                                                     the Shoshone River Canyon
                                                                                                                     or kayak the tail water of the
                                                                                                                     Buffalo Bill Reservoir. However

      AS YOUR
                                                                                                                     you like to experience the outdoors,
                                                                                                                     you can be sure to find it in
                                                                                                                     Yellowstone Country.


    CODYYELLOWSTONE.ORG ~ 1-800-393-2639   Photos: Kayak the Shoshone River; Fish for cutthroat trout; Explore the                                       8
                                           Absaroka Range; Mountain bike; Raft the Shoshone River
2018 VACATION GUIDE CODY, WYOMING - Cody/Yellowstone Country
    Buffalo Bill really did create a town full of hospitality, memories and, of course,
                                                                                                               THINGS TO DO, PLACES TO GO
    adventure! Here’s where he’d want you to start:                                                                                  I N CODY/YELLOW STONE COU NTRY

                                                                                                                                                                             Tickets can be purchased at the gate, the Stampede
                                                                                                                                                                             Office at 1031 12th St., online or from local vendors.
                                                                                                                                                                             Adults $20; Children (7-12) $10; 6 & younger free.
                           1. BUFFALO BILL CENTER OF THE WEST Often referred                                   Buffalo Bill Center of the West                               Cody Nite Rodeo Bus
                           to as the “Smithsonian of the West,” the Center is the place to go and learn        Our five museums share stories, facts and legends             Bus to the Cody Nite Rodeo every night June
                           all about Buffalo Bill, the Plains Indians and Yellowstone. Check out the           of the West. Find your true West in one place, for            -August. Stops near most hotels & campgrounds
                           unparalleled exhibition of classic Western art and the largest collection of        one price – at the “Center” of it all! Special                in town. Only $5 round trip, kids are less.
                           firearms in the world.                                                              programs daily June–Aug; special events throughout            For pickup locations and times please call
                                                                                                               the year. 720 Sheridan Ave., (307)587-4771,                   (307) 272-5573 or visit codytransportation.com
                           Enjoy dinner and a show with Dan Miller & the Empty Saddles Band as the                                                                           or email codytransportation@yahoo.com.
                                                                                                               info@centerofthewest.org, centerofthewest.org.
                           Old West comes to life with the sounds of the fiddle, mandolin and guitars.
                                                                                                               Open Daily:                                                   Concerts in the Park
                                                                                                               March 1–April 30                             10AM-5PM         Every summer, the City of Cody brings a variety
                           2. BUFFALO BILL DAM & VISITOR CENTER                              Inspired by
                                                                                                               May 1–Sept 15
                                                                                                               Sept 16–Oct 31
                                                                                                                                                                             of musical talent to our downtown City Park band
                                                                                                                                                                             shell stage for weekly Concerts in the Park.
                           Buffalo Bill, it was the tallest concrete dam in the world when it was finished     Nov 1-30                                     10AM-5PM         July–Aug: Thurs, 6:30-8:30PM. City Park on the
                           in 1910. The Visitor Center and audio tour provide you with information about                                                                     corner of 9th and Beck. Free admission. Call
                                                                                                               Open Thursday-Sunday:
                           dam construction and area wildlife.                                                 Dec 1–Feb 28                            10AM-5PM              (307)587-0400 for further information or visit
                                                                                                               Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day.            cityofcody-wy.gov.

                           3. CODY NITE RODEO When you come to the “Rodeo Capital of the                       Admission: Adults $19.50; Seniors $18.50; Students
                                                                                                               (18+with I.D.) $17.50; Youth (6-17) $14; 5 & younger free.
                                                                                                                                                                             Dan Miller’s Cowboy Music Revue
                                                                                                                                                                             Featured in USA Today, this award-winning music
                           World,” there’s no doubt you’ll find one of the roughest rodeos in the West.                                                                      variety show is now celebrating its 14th season.
                           Hold on tight and check out the roping, and don’t miss the bull and bronc riding.   Buffalo Bill Dam & Visitor Center
                                                                                                                                                                             Family entertainment offering Americana, bluegrass,
                                                                                                               The Buffalo Bill Dam was the tallest concrete dam
                           Little wonder this rodeo is the longest running nightly rodeo in the country.                                                                     songs of the American West and cowboy poetry.
                                                                                                               in the world when completed in 1910. Today it is a
                                                                                                                                                                             May 15th–Sept 29th: Mon-Sat, dinner, 5:30PM ;
                                                                                                               National Civil Engineering Landmark. Breathtaking
                                                                                                                                                                             show, 6:30PM. 720 Sheridan Ave., (307)587-4771,
                           4. CODY TROLLEY TOUR Take a ride on Cody’s classic trolley for the                  views, travel and local event information. Located
                                                                                                               6 miles west of Cody on Hwy. 14/16/20, (307)527-6076,
                                                                                                                                                                             centerofthewest.org. Dinner and/or show tickets
                                                                                                                                                                             available: show only, $16; dinner & show, $40.
                           “Best of Cody, Wild West Tour!” It only takes an hour, and you’ll get the best      manager@bbdvc.com, bbdvc.com. May & Sept:
                           overview of what Buffalo Bill’s town has to offer.                                                                                                Tickets can be purchased online or at the Buffalo Bill
                                                                                                               Mon-Fri, 8AM-6PM, Sat-Sun, 9AM-5PM ; June–Aug:
                                                                                                                                                                             Center of the West.
                                                                                                               Mon-Fri, 8AM-7PM, Sat-Sun, 9AM-5PM, free admission.
                                                                                                                                                                             Heart Mountain WWII Interpretive Center
                           5. CODY FIREARMS EXPERIENCE Experience the West like                                Cody Cattle Company
                                                                                                               Live western music show featuring award-winning
                                                                                                                                                                             See details in Powell section on page 11.
                           never before. Shoot guns from the Western frontier to modern-day firearms.          entertainers. Dinner & show tickets, discounted               Historic Cody Mural and Museum
                           The indoor shooting range and arcade offer an adventure like none other.            package for dinner, show & rodeo, or a show                   Beautiful mural completed in 1951, depicts scenes of
                                                                                                               only ticket. June–Sept 22: 5:30-7:30PM, show                  the early history of the LDS Church. Newly renovated
                                                                                                               6:30-7:30PM, 1910 Demaris St., (307)272-5770,                 museum shares the hardships the Mormon pioneers
                           6. OLD TRAIL TOWN               It’s not hard to imagine how the West really        reservations@thecodycattlecompany.com,                        experienced settling the Big Horn Basin. May 14-Sept
                                                                                                                                                                             28: Mon-Sat, 9AM-7PM, Sun 3-7PM. 1719 Wyoming Ave.
                           must have looked after visiting the authentic buildings in Old Trail Town. You’ll   thecodycattlecompany.com, call for pricing.
                           see the cabin of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and the gravesite of                                                                          (307)587-3290, codymural.com, free admission.
                                                                                                               Cody Country Art League
                           Jeremiah “Liver-Eating” Johnson.                                                    Original art, pottery, photography, wood                      K3 Half Day Ranch, Area Tours and Shooting
                                                                                                               and mosaics. Funded in part by the Wyoming                    Trick horse and miniature mule performance,
                                                                                                               Art Council. Art on all levels, 200 artist members            wild mustangs, picnic and hay ride or fishing.
                           7. HEART MOUNTAIN WWII INTERPRETIVE CENTER                                          with shows every month. Summer hours:
                                                                                                               Mon-Sat, 9AM-5PM ; Winter hours: Tues, Wed, Thurs,
                                                                                                                                                                             Guided area tours. Range officer safety instruction
                                                                                                                                                                             shooting a rifle, pistol and shotgun. May 15–Oct
                           The Heart Mountain WWII Interpretive Center offers visitors a powerful history
                                                                                                               10AM-3PM, 836 Sheridan Ave., (307)587-3597,                   15: 8AM-6PM, 30 Nielsen Trail, (307)587-2080
                           lesson. This award-winning museum tells the story of some 14,000 Japanese
                                                                                                               office@codycountryartleague.com,                              or (888)587-2080, info@k3guestranch.com,
                           Americans who were interned during World War II.                                                                                                  k3guestranch.com, call for pricing.
                                                                                                               codycountryartleague.com, free admission.
                                                                                                               Cody Dug Up Gun Museum                                        Old Trail Town and Museum of the Old West
                           8. HOMESTEADER MUSEUM Step into the shoes of the early Big                          Stroll through history while viewing more than a thousand
                                                                                                               relic guns and other weapons from many different time
                                                                                                                                                                             Step back in time to the Old West of the 1890’s
                                                                                                                                                                             at Old Trail Town. Located on the original site of
                           Horn Basin pioneers at the Homesteader Museum in Powell. See artifacts from
                                                                                                               periods and locations. May–Sept: open daily, 9AM-9PM,         historic Cody, Wyoming. Historic Cemetery, Jeremiah
                           1904-1950 homesteaders, and explore pioneer cabins and a train caboose.
                                                                                                               1020 12th St., (307)587-3344, codydugupgunmuseum@             Johnston’s Grave, 27 Historic Buildings, Butch
                                                                                                               hotmail.com, codydugupgunmuseum.com, free                     Cassidy’s Hole in the Wall Cabin. The Old West as it
                           9. MEETEETSE MUSEUMS AND CHOCOLATIER                                                admission, donations appreciated.
                                                                                                               Cody Nite Rodeo
                                                                                                                                                                             Really Was. May 15th–Sept 30th: daily, 8AM-7PM, 1831
                                                                                                                                                                             Demaris Dr., (307)587-5302, visitus@oldtrailtown.
                           You haven’t tasted chocolate until it’s been made by a Wrangler-wearing,                                                                          org. Adults $9; Seniors (65 & over) $8; Children
                                                                                                               Since 1938 the Cody Nite Rodeo has provided two
                           belt-buckle-boasting, hat-tipping cowboy. Try his mouth watering truffles,                                                                        (6-12) $5; 5 & younger free.
                                                                                                               hours of wild, western, family-friendly action. Come
                           treats, cakes, and desserts. Stroll Meeteetse’s boardwalks, see some of the         early to meet the cowboys, bull-fighters and get              Pahaska Tepee Lodge
                           first photographs of cowboy life at the Belden Museum, visit the old-time           your picture taken on Mongo the Bull. June–Aug:               Buffalo Bill’s original 1904 hunting lodge. A beautiful,
                           Bank Museum, or learn Meeteetse’s history at the Meeteetse Museum.                  nightly, 8PM. Stampede Park, 519 W. Yellowstone               two-story log lodge on the National Historic Register.
                                                                                                               Ave., (307)587-5155 or (800)207-0744, info@                   Tours June–Aug: daily, 8:30AM-5PM, 48 miles west of
9                                                                                                              codystampederodeo.com, codystampederodeo.com.                 Cody at the East Entrance to Yellowstone National
2018 VACATION GUIDE CODY, WYOMING - Cody/Yellowstone Country
Park. (307)527-7701 or (800)628-7791, pahaska@                free admission, donations appreciated. Follow us on      golf course, rated by Golf Digest as one of the             Powell City Parks and Pathways
pahaska.com, pahaska.com, donations appreciated.              Facebook! facebook.com/homesteadermuseum.                “Best Places to Play.” Fully staffed golf shop              The city of Powell has 10 parks offering playgrounds,
Paul Stock Aquatic & Recreation Center                        Powell Aquatic Center                                    with PGA professional. April–Nov 1: daily, 7AM-8PM,         tennis, softball and baseball, basketball, skate park,
Three gyms, cardio and weight training equipment,             Indoor aquatic facility including 8-lane lap pool and    802 Meadow Ln., Cody, (307)587-5551,                        horseshoe pitch, wading pool, fishing pond and
indoor track, racquetball courts, lap, leisure and therapy    leisure pool with beach entry, splash pad, continuous    ogcc@wyoming.com, golfoliveglenn.com, call for pricing.     1.5 miles of paved trails. (307)754-6971,
pools, wet steam room, hot tub and other amenities            river, PEPSI water walk and jetted bench area for        Powell Golf Club                                            parks@cityofpowell.com, cityofpowell.com.
for all ages. Closed Memorial Day, Fourth of July,            relaxing. Adults $6, Seniors & Youth (3-21) $5. Open     Established 1946. Championship 18-hole public golf          RIVER FLOAT TRIPS, KAYAKING AND
Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and day after,          year-round Mon-Fri, 5:30AM-8PM ; Sat-Sun, 12-5PM.        course. Par 72. Golf shop, lounge and practice facility.    PADDLE BOARDING
Christmas, New Years Day, Presidents Day and Easter           Located in Homesteader Park, 1065 E. Coulter Ave.,       Golf club rentals available. PGA professional on site.      Gradient Mountain Sports
Sunday. 1402 Heart Mountain St., (307)587-0400                Powell. (307)754-0639, aquatics@cityofpowell.com,        2016 host of the Wyoming State Golf Assoc. SR. AM           Sales, rentals and instruction in whitewater
cityofcody-wy.gov, facebook.com/codyreccenter.                powellaquatics.com.                                      & Wyoming 3A Golf State Championships. April-Oct:           recreational and touring kayaking and standup
State of Wyoming Veterans Memorial Park                                                                                8am-dusk, 600 Hwy. 114, Powell, (307)754-7259,              paddle boards. Mid-April–Nov, 1390 Sheridan Ave.,
                                                              Powell High School Veterans Memorial Park                powellgolfclub.org, call for reservations.
Visit this landscaped park featuring the Wyoming              Powell High School joined with local veterans to                                                                     Cody, (307)587-4659, gradientmountainsports.net,
Vietnam Veterans War Memorial, World War                      build a memorial honoring Powell’s war veterans for      HANG GLIDING                                                call for hours and pricing.
II monument, State of Wyoming Korean War                      years to come. Photos and biographies of 32 local        Airborne Over Cody Powered Hang Gliding                     Red Canyon River Trips
Memorial, and the Freedom Memorial located at                 veterans are featured. Located at the corner             Enjoy the breath-taking views surrounding                   We raft several different rivers and offer two-hour
the intersection of 26th Street and Hwy. 14/16/20.            of Road 10 and U.S. Hwy 14A, (307)754-6971,              Yellowstone National Park from a powered hang               trips to full-day tours. We also offer kayaking,
Call (307)587-0400 or visit cityofcody-wy.gov for             parks@cityofpowell.com, cityofpowell.com.                glider. No experience necessary. Introductory flights       paddle boarding and zayaks for whatever river
further information.                                                                                                   and flight instruction from a certified FAA flight          adventure you’d like. Rentals available May–Sept:

The Wild Bunch                                                                                                         instructor. April-Oct., reservations required, 2834         8AM-8PM, 1119 12th St., Cody, (307)587-6988,
A fun western re-enactment that involves the crowd                                                                     Big Horn Ave., Cody, (307)899-3659, codytree@               sunnydavidson1@gmail.com, codywyomingadventures.
and always ends in gunfire! June-Sept: 6PM ; Mon-                                                                      bresnan.net, airborneovercody.com, call for                 com, call or check website for trip times and pricing.
Sat, 1192 Sheridan Avenue, info@codytrolleytours.                                                                      reservations and pricing.
                                                              Cody Country Outfitters & Guides Association                                                                         River Runners of Wyoming
com, free admission.                                          Professional outfitters and guides offering safe horse   HORSEBACK TRAIL RIDES                                       Family whitewater rafting. May 15–Sept: 7AM-7PM,
                                                              rides, pack trips and fishing trips into the local       Trail rides are available at most area guest & dude         1491 Sheridan Ave., Cody, (307)527-7238 or

                                                              mountain areas with a high chance of seeing elk,         ranches. See “Recreation” under the GUEST & DUDE            (800)535-7238, info@riverrunnersofwyoming.com,
                                                              deer, antelope, sheep, moose, lion, and goat. 7AM -      RANCHES listing on page 20.                                 riverrunnersofwyoming.com, call or check website
                                                              7PM, (307)587-6054, codycountryoutfitters.com.                                                                       for trip times and pricing.
                                                                                                                       Buffalo Bill Horse Rides, LLC
Meeteetse Museums                                             Sunlight Sports Outdoor Concierge                        One-hour historic trail rides leave from the Buffalo        Wyoming Outdoor Adventures
The museums feature the western photography                   Information and experienced, knowledgeable staff         Bill Center of the West and circle down by the              Guided stand-up paddle board tours of Bighorn
of Charles Belden; exhibits showcasing “Little                to book all your outdoor recreation guided trips.        Shoshone River. Pony rides available in a pen for           Canyon and other local waters. Guided and
Wahb, the Grizzly”, Endangered Black-Footed                   Mon-Sat, 9AM-8PM ; Sun, 9AM-6PM, 1131 Sheridan           little tykes. June–Aug: daily, 9AM -5PM, 720 Sheridan       supported mountain bike tours. Family friendly.
Ferrets, ghost mining town of Kirwin; and                     Ave., Cody, (307)587-9517, sunlightsports.com.           Ave., Cody, (307)250-7660, bbhorserides@gmail.com,          (307)272-6459, info@wyomingadventures.com,
artifacts from Meeteetse’s past. Feb–April: Tues-                                                                      codywyominghorserides.com, 1 hour trail ride $40/           wyomingoutdooradventures.com, call for
Sat, 10AM-4PM ; May–Sept: Mon-Sat, 10AM-5PM ;                 BIKING/HIKING                                            person, pony ride $20/child. Call for group rates.          further details.
Oct–Dec 22: Tues-Sat, 10AM-4PM, closed Jan.                   Absaroka Bikefitters & Backcountry Guides
                                                                                                                       Horseback Rides at Cedar Mountain Trail Rides               Wyoming River Trips
(307)868-2423, director@meeteetsemuseums.org,                 Backcountry guide service specializing in day hikes,
                                                                                                                       One-hour to one-day rides and pack trips for fishing        Two-hour to half-day family whitewater adventures.
meeteetsemuseums.org, free admission.                         day biking as well as multi-day backpacking and
                                                                                                                       and wildlife photography. One mile west of rodeo            Only company to run all premium sections of
Meeteetse Recreation District                                 mountain biking. June–Sept 1, 2201 17th St.,
                                                                                                                       grounds in Cody. June–Aug: daily, 8AM-5PM,                  the Shoshone River. May–Sept 20: 8am-6pm,
Provides recreational opportunities for all ages.             Suite 7, Cody, (307)899-7425, absarokabicycle@
                                                                                                                       (307)527-4966 or (307)899-1909, prices vary                 233 Yellowstone Ave., Cody, (307)587-6661 or
Recreation includes: swimming pool, fitness center,           tctwest.net, call for hours and pricing.
                                                                                                                       depending on length of ride.                                (800)586-6661, wyomingrivertrips@gmail.com,
cross country ski park and cabin. Mon-Fri,                    CLIMBING                                                                                                             wyomingrivertrips.com, call or visit website for trip
8AM -5PM, 1010 Park Ave., (307)868-2603,                      Jackson Hole Mountain Guides                             OFF-ROAD RENTALS                                            times and pricing.
meeteetserecdistrict@gmail.com, meetrec.org,                  Climbing school and guide service. Half-day, full-day    Off The Grid Rentals
call for pricing.                                                                                                      UTV or side-by-side rentals for off-road, trail riding,     SPORT SHOOTING
                                                              and multi-day programs for all ages. Custom hiking,                                                                  Cody Firearms Experience
                                                              backpacking, climbing and mountaineering trips           camping, fishing and hunting. Daily, 7AM-9PM.
                                                                                                                       2856 Glacier Ave., Cody, (307)272-1014,                     Shoot the guns that won the West! From flintlock to

                                                              available. Mon-Sat, 9AM-6PM, 1131 Sheridan Ave. in                                                                   full-auto. Instructor led experience covering history,
                                                              Sunlight Sports, Cody, (307)250-0763,                    offthegridLLCWY@gmail.com, offthegridrentalswy.com,
                                                                                                                       call for reservations and pricing.                          safety and live fire. Over 50 firearms. Indoor range,
                                                              cody@jhmg.com, jhmg.com.                                                                                             kids arcade and wildlife exhibit. Open daily during
Heart Mountain WWII Interpretive Center                                                                                Rocky Mountain Backroads Adventure                          the summer, 8am-8pm. Open Tues-Sun from Oct-April,
                                                              FISHING                                                  We rent newer model Jeeps to get off the pavement
The Heart Mountain Interpretive Center tells the              North Fork Anglers                                                                                                   Tues-Sat: 10am-8pm, Sun: 1pm-6pm, 142 W. Yellowstone
stories of Japanese Americans confined there during                                                                    and enjoy the scenic backroads of northwest Wyoming.
                                                              Fly fishing headquarters for northwest Wyoming                                                                       Ave., Cody (307)586-4287, codyfirearms@gmail.com,
WWII. The National Historic Site includes a museum,                                                                    We supply the maps, you do the driving! Guided trips
                                                              since 1984. Professionally guided fly fishing trips                                                                  shootgunsincody.com.
original camp structures, walking trail and military                                                                   available. Open daily, call for reservations
                                                              and a completely stocked fly shop, with a convenient                                                                 Cody Shooting Complex
memorial. May 15–Sept: daily, 10AM-5PM ; Oct–May                                                                       (307)254-1438 or (307)254-1164,
                                                              downtown location. Float or walk/wade trips. Walk-ins                                                                Rifle, shotgun and pistol ranges for all. 61 County
14: Wed-Sat, 10AM-5PM or by appointment. Located                                                                       dianejeeprentals@gmail.com, wyomingjeeprentals.com.
                                                              welcome. May–Oct: daily, 8AM-8PM, Nov–April: Mon-                                                                    Rd 7WC, codyshootingcomplex.org. Public days Wed
between Cody and Powell along Hwy. 14A, off of                Sat, 9AM-6PM, 1107 Sheridan Ave., Cody, (307)527-        PARKS – SPORTS/ATHLETIC/SKATEBOARD                          and Sat 9am-4pm. $10 non-member fee per day.
Road 19, (307)754-8000, info@heartmountain.org,               7274, flyfish@wavecom.net, northforkanglers.com.         Cody City Parks and Pathways
heartmountain.org, Adults $7; Seniors & students                                                                       Cody has more than 25 developed parks featuring             ZIPLINE
$5; 12 & younger free; call for group rates.                  GOLF                                                     picnic shelters, BBQ grills, tennis & basketball courts,    Sleeping Giant Zipline
                                                              Cody Miniature Golf                                      baseball & softball fields, BMX/skateboarding park,         Five-station, dual-cable zipline and freefall platform
Homesteader Museum                                            18-hole miniature golf course nestled in City
                                                                                                                       nine miles of hiking trails, developed mountain bike        with a total of 3,520 feet of side-by-side riding
Step back in time and experience the bygone eras              Park on the corner of 9th and Sheridan. Mid-May
                                                                                                                       trails and more. Call (307)587-0400 or visit cityofcody-    fun! 3 miles from Yellowstone. Experience our
of the early to mid 20th century. Explore the world           through Labor Day unless otherwise noted. Call
                                                                                                                       wy.gov or parkcountypedalers.org for more information.      mountain scenery in a whole new way! Cafeteria
of pioneers, visit renovated homesteader cabins,              (307)587-0400 or visit cityofcody-wy.gov for the                                                                     and bar available. June 15-Sept 15: daily, 9am-6pm.
climb aboard a caboose, special exhibits and much             most up-to-date information including potential          Meeteetse Town Parks and Pathways                           348 North Fork Highway, Cody, (307)587-3125,
more. April–May: Tues-Fri, 10AM-4PM ; June–Dec:               off-season hours.                                        The town of Meeteetse owns and operates Lion’s              info@zipsg.com, zipsg.com. $75 per person. Price
Tues-Fri, 10AM-5PM ; June–Aug: Sat, 10AM-2PM,                                                                          Park, Riverside Park, Meeteetse Shooting Range and
                                                              Olive Glenn Golf and Country Club                                                                                    includes equipment, chairlift ride and all 5 stations.
324 East 1st St., (307)754-9481,                                                                                       Meeteetse Rodeo Grounds. Amenities include picnic
                                                              Opened in 1970, 18-hole Championship public                                                                          Reservations recommended.
homesteader@bresnan.net, homesteadermuseum.com,                                                                        tables, grills, playground, skate park and more.
                                                             11                                                        (307)868-2278, meeteetse@tctwest.net.                      12
2018 VACATION GUIDE CODY, WYOMING - Cody/Yellowstone Country
                                                                 National Park History Tours                             ICE SKATING & HOCKEY                                        Facilities range from historic lodges and cabins to
                                                                 We offer tours of Yellowstone, wild mustangs and        Riley Arena & Community Events Center                       newer hotels and campgrounds. Guest units offer
                                                                 other attractions of the Bighorn Basin. We have         Public ice skating and Yellowstone Quake Hockey,            no televisions or radios. Of Yellowstone’s 12 park
                                                                 over 44 years of park experience. Co-author of          mid-Oct–March. Also available April–mid-Oct                 campgrounds, 7 are open on a first-come, first-
Agriculture Tours
                                                                 Yellowstone Yesterday & Today. 1508 Alger Ave.,         for conventions, trade shows and large meetings.            served basis. Four campgrounds, encompassing
Nestled between the picturesque Bighorn and
                                                                 Cody, (307)527-7208 or (866)723-7797,                   1400 Heart Mountain St., Cody, (307)587-1681,               nearly 1,400 sites and Fishing Bridge RV Park, may
Absaroka Mountains, Powell is a unique agricultural
                                                                 RBerry@RobinsNestCody.com,                              rileyarena@gmail.com, rileyarena.com.                       be reserved on the website or by calling Yellowstone
gem. Experience this distinctive community, with
                                                                 YellowstoneParkHistoryTours.com, call for details.                                                                  National Park Lodges. Fishing Bridge RV Park has
customized tours of local ranches, farms, irrigation                                                                     Homesteader Park
systems and livestock production. (307)754-3494,                 TravelStorys                                                                                                        RV sites with full hook-ups and is restricted to
                                                                                                                         Outdoor ice skating rink open daily 11AM-10PM or as
info@powellchamber.org, powellchamber.org, call                  Download the app and follow along on the GPS                                                                        hard-sided vehicles only. Free permits are required
                                                                                                                         cold temperatures permit. Skate shop with rentals,
for reservations and pricing.                                    activated tour of Historic Downtown Cody Walking                                                                    for overnight backcountry camping in the park and
                                                                                                                         warming hut and concessions available. Nov–March,
                                                                 Tour or the Cody to Yellowstone Driving Tour.                                                                       are available from backcountry offices and ranger
CHARTER AND SCENIC FLIGHTS                                                                                               503 Homesteader Ct., Powell, (307)754-5711,
                                                                                                                                                                                     stations in the park.
Come discover the wonder and awe of the Cody area                Tour Yellowstone/Grub Steak Expeditions                 parks@cityofpowell.com, cityofpowell.com. Call for
with professionally trained, locally apt and friendly pilots.    Private tours of Yellowstone, area landmarks or         more information or to make group reservations.             For reservations and information on lodging, dining
                                                                 Native American sites. Custom trips offering wildlife                                                               and in-park activities such as trail rides, Old West
Choice Aviation, LLC                                                                                                     SKIING
                                                                 viewing, history, photography, wild mustangs and                                                                    Dinner Cookouts, stagecoach rides, Scenicruise boat
Cody’s full-service fixed base operator (FBO). Experience                                                                North Fork Nordic Trails
                                                                 winter tours. Step-on guides for charter groups and                                                                 tours, guided fishing trips, and interpretive tours,
Yellowstone/Cody Country by air. Scenic flights,                                                                         The Park County Nordic Ski Association promotes
                                                                 motorcoaches. (307)527-6316, tour2yellowstone@                                                                      contact:
aircraft rental and charter services throughout                                                                          cross-country skiing and snowshoeing by providing
                                                                 gmail.com, tourtoyellowstone.com. Please visit          trails, activities and support to the Nordic                      Yellowstone National Park Lodges
the region offered. Located at 3147 Duggleby
                                                                 website for various tours and pricing.                  community. They groom up to 19.2 km of ski                        (Operated by Xanterra Parks & Resorts®)
Drive. (307)587-9262, csr@choiceaviation.com,
                                                                                                                         trail with classic track and skate lanes at Pahaska               Reservations Department
choiceaviation.com, call for reservations and pricing.

                                                                                                                         Tepee. Mid-Nov–Mid-March, (307) 272-1509,                         P.O. Box 165
Cody Shuttle Service and Yellowstone Tours                                                                               parkcountynordic@gmail.com, nordicskiclub.com.                    Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190
We offer the best Cody based tours of Yellowstone.                                                                       Visit website for further information.                            (307)344-7311 or (866)439-7375
We are not the biggest, but the best! We provide                                                                                                                                           info-ynp@xanterra.com
shuttle service in Wyoming, Montana and Yellowstone              AIR TRANSPORTATION                                      Sleeping Giant Ski Area                                           YellowstoneNationalParkLodges.com
Park. All guides certified. Tours start at $175.                 Yellostone Regional Airport                             Wyoming’s most affordable ski area. Great family
                                                                 For current airline information regarding daily         skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing and Nordic                ENTRANCE FEES
6:30AM-9:30PM, (307)527-6789 or (866)527-6789,
                                                                 year-round flights into Yellowstone Regional Airport    skiing. Beginner to advanced slopes with two                Entrance permit is good for seven consecutive days
information@codyshuttle.com, codyshuttle.com.
                                                                 (COD) please visit flyyra.com.                          terrain parks. Ski and snowboard lessons, rentals,          in Yellowstone.
Cody Trolley Tours                                                                                                       repairs, cafeteria and bar. Open mid-December to            $30      Vehicle, private (non-commercial)
Narrators, historical photos and audio clips share                                                                       end of March. Fri-Sun 9:30am-4pm and on all school          $15      Hiker or Bicyclist (16 years and over)
the story of Buffalo Bill’s town in the Rockies.                 Year-round flights from Salt Lake City, UT              holidays. 348 North Fork Hwy., Cody, (307)587-3125,         $25      Motorcyclist or snowmobiler
Old and new attractions highlighted. Give us                     (800)221-1212, skywest.com, delta.com                   skisg.com, call or visit website for lift ticket and        (Persons age 15 and under are admitted free.)
an hour, we’ll give you 100 years! Mid-May–late                                                                          rental prices.                                              The entrance fee is waived if you have a Yellowstone
Sept: daily, 11AM and 3PM, with an additional 9AM                                                                                                                                    Annual Pass, Interagency Annual, Senior, Military
and 1PM tour during peak season. (307)527-7043,                  May–October flights from Denver, CO                     Wood River Valley Ski Touring Park                          or Access Pass. Obtain passes at any participating
codytrolleytours.com. Adults $27; Seniors (65+) $25;             (800)241-6522, united.com                               The Wood River Valley Cross Country Ski/Snowshoe            federal recreation site or office. Yellowstone passes
Youth (6-18) $15; 5 & younger free. Tickets can                                                                          Park has 25 kilometers of groomed trails available.         are available at park entrances.
be purchased online, at the Cody Trolley booth on                FIXED BASE OPERATORS (FBO)                              Lodging is also available along with ski and snowshoe       $60       Yellowstone Annual Pass
the porch of the Irma Hotel Mon–Sat, 8AM-6PM; Sun,               Choice Aviation (307)587-9262, choiceaviation.com       rentals. 8AM-5PM, (307)868-2603, meeteetserecdistrict@      $80       Interagency Annual Pass
8AM-3PM, Chamber of Commerce and other hotels and                BUS/TAXI SERVICE                                        gmail.com, meetrec.org, please call the Meeteetse                    (most federal recreation sites)
campgrounds. Ask about our discount combo ticket                 Cody Cab (307)272-8364                                  Rec Office for further information.                         $20      Senior Annual Pass (62+)
with the Buffalo Bill Center of the West.                                                                                Yellowstone National Park                                   $80      Interagency Senior Pass (lifetime for U.S.
                                                                 Cody Shuttle (307)527-6789
Cody Wyoming Adventures                                                                                                  Backcountry, groomed, skied-in track and                             citizens or permanent residents age 62+)
                                                                 Cody’s Town Taxi (307) 250-3939                         snowshoe trails. For information on trail                   Free     Interagency 4th Grader Pass (U.S. 4th
Yellowstone wildlife and photo tours, Red Canyon
wild mustang tours, Kirwin ghost town tours.                     RENTAL CARS                                             conditions, ski/snowshoe rentals and tours, contact                  graders including home-schooled and free-
Private and custom tours are available by request.               Yellowstone Regional Airport, Cody                      Yellowstone National Park Lodges, (307)344-7901,                     choice learners 10 yrs of age. Valid for the
May-Nov 1: 8am-8pm, 1119 12th Street, Cody. Visit                Avis         (307)587-4082 or (800)331-1212             yellowstonenationalparklodges.com.                                   duration of the 4th grade school year through
codywyomingadventures.com or call (307)587-6988                  Budget       (307)587-6066 or (800)527-7000             SNOWMOBILING                                                         the following summer).
for more information.                                            Dollar       (307)587-8855 or (800)800-4000             Gary Fales Outfitting Snowmobile Tours                      Free     Interagency Access Pass (lifetime for
                                                                 Hertz        (307)587-2914 or (800)654-3131             Guided snowmobile tours of Yellowstone.                              disabled U.S. citizens or residents)
Experience Yellowstone Tours                                                                                                                                                         Free     U.S. Military Annual Pass (U.S. military
Experience Yellowstone Tours by Franzfoto Nature &               Thrifty      (307)587-8855 or (800)THRIFTY              Snowmobiles offered for rent for self-guided tours
                                                                                                                         into Yellowstone. Dec 22–March 1, 2768 North Fork                    personnel and dependents with current
Wildlife Photography. We offer daily interpretative              Wyoming Department of Transportation                                                                                         CAC card or DD form 1173).
van tours into Yellowstone National Park with an                 (888)996-7623, wyroad.info                              Hwy., Cody, (307)587-3970, dede@rimrockranch.
emphasis on nature photography, wildlife viewing                                                                         com, rimrockranch.com. Call for further information.        WINTER RESERVATIONS
and geology. May 5-Nov 6: daily, 6am-6pm (307)272-               Yellowstone Road Report (307)344-2117                                                                               Winter in Yellowstone offers a unique vacation filled
                                                                                                                         Yellowstone National Park
6671, tours@experienceynp.com, experienceynp.com.                                                                        Roads are groomed for guided snowmobile and                 with cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling

                                                                 WINTER ACTIVITIES                                       snowcoach touring. For information on in-park               and scenic/wildlife snowcoach touring through
Hidden Treasure Charters                                                                                                                                                             incredible snowscapes. In-park winter accommodations
Scenic boat tours of America’s 3rd largest canyon on                                                                     snowmobile tours and rentals, snowcoach tours or
                                                                                                                         if you have questions regarding non-commercially            are found at Old Faithful Snow Lodge and Mammoth
a comfortable 45 passenger tour boat. Sunset cruises                                                                                                                                 Hot Springs Hotel from mid-December to late February.
on Friday and Saturday evenings. Fishing charters on             ICE CLIMBING                                            guided snowmobile tours, please contact the National
                                                                                                                         Park Service at (307)344-7381 or visit nps.gov/yell.        Call for reservations, (307) 344-7311.
Bighorn Lake (Yellowtail). May 15-Sept 15:                       The South Fork Valley is home to the largest
Tues-Sat: 10AM and 2PM; Sun: 10AM; Mon: 2PM; Fri-Sat:            concentration of frozen waterfalls in the lower                                                                     FURTHER INFORMATION
Sunset Cruises 6:30PM. Fishing charters by reservation
only. Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area -
                                                                 48. The Cody Ice Climbing Festival teaches and
                                                                 inspires climbers of all abilities to achieve great
                                                                 new heights. For information on ice climbing and
                                                                                                                         YELLOWSTONE                                                 Please contact:
                                                                                                                                                                                          National Park Service
                                                                                                                                                                                          Visitor Services Office

                                                                                                                         NATIONAL PARK
Horseshoe Bend Marina, (307)899-1401 or
(307)548-7230, hiddentreasurecharters.com, book                  ice conditions call (307)587-9517. For information                                                                       P.O. Box 168
online. Adults $42; Kids 12 & under $26.25.                      on the Cody Ice Climbing Festival please call                                                                            Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190
                                                                 (307)213-9014 or visit codyicefest.com.                                                                                  (307)344-7381, nps.gov/yell/index.htm
                                                                                                                         In-park lodging and camping accommodations are
                                                                                                                         available throughout Yellowstone National Park.        14
2018 VACATION GUIDE CODY, WYOMING - Cody/Yellowstone Country
2018 CALENDAR OF EVENTS                                                                          NOVEMBER
                                                                                                 November 15 – Powell
                                                                                                  Sample the Seasons and
                                                                                                  Festival of Trees, Downtown
                                                                                                                                       December 1 – Cody
                                                                                                                                        Old Trail Town Christmas,
                                                                                                                                        Old Trail Town
                                                                                                                                       December 15 – Meeteetse
                                                                                                                                                                              CODY SUMMER
                                                                                                                                        Christmas in Meeteetse,               – MAY 15–SEPTEMBER 29 –
                                                                                                 November 17 – Cody                     Downtown                            Dan Miller’s Cowboy Music Revue,
FEBRUARY                        JULY                              AUGUST                          Lions Club Turkey Shoot                                                      Dinner 5:30PM, Show 6:30PM,
February 8-11 – Cody            July 1-4 – Cody                   August 4 – Cody                November 24 – Cody
                                                                                                                                                                             Buffalo Bill Center of the West
  Annual Cody Ice Climbing        99th Annual Cody                 Cody Air Fair, Yellowstone     Cody Christmas Stroll
  Festival, Cody Auditorium       Stampede, Stampede Park          Regional Airport               and Lighted Parade                                                               – JUNE–AUGUST –
                                                                                                  Downtown                                                                   Cody Nite Rodeo, nightly, 8PM,
February 10-11 – Meeteetse      July 2-4 – Cody                   August 11 – Meeteetse                                                                                               Stampede Park
  Annual Ice Fishing Derby,       Wild West Extravaganza,          Kirwin Tour,
  Sunshine Reservoir                                                                                                                                                             – JUNE–SEPTEMBER –
                                  City Park                        Meeteetse Museums
                                                                                                                                                                             Wild Bunch Gunfighters Show,
February 24 – Cody              July 4 – Cody                     August 16 – Meeteetse                                                                                         6PM, Mon-Sat, Irma Hotel
  Buffalo Bill Birthday Ball,     37th Annual Runner’s             Taste of Meeteetse,
                                                                                                                                                                               – JUNE–SEPTEMBER 22 –
  Cody Auditorium                 Stampede, Paul Stock             Downtown                      DECEMBER                                                                        Triple C Cowboys Band,
                                  Aquatic & Recreation Center     August 18 – Powell             November 30 -                                                                 Dinner 5:30PM, Show 6:30PM,
MAY                             July 6-7 – Powell
                                  Powell High School Alumni
                                                                   Plaza Diane Renaissance
                                                                   Fair, Plaza Diane
                                                                                                  December 2 – Powell
                                                                                                  Powell Country Christmas
                                                                                                                                                                                  Cody Cattle Company
May 5-6 – Meeteetse               Celebration                     August 18-19 – Cody             and Tour of Homes,                                                             – JULY AND AUGUST –
 May Day in Meeteetse,
                                July 13-15 – Cody                  Cody Wild West River Fest      Downtown                                                                     Free concerts in City Park,
 Downtown and                                                                                                                                                                       6:30PM, Thursdays
                                  Winchester Arms Collectors      August 18 – Powell
 Sunshine Reservoir
                                  Association Annual Show,         Wings ‘N Wheels Fly-in and
May 11-12 – Ralston               Riley Arena

                                                                                                                     HOW TO GET HERE
                                                                   Car Show, Powell Airport
 Cody Country Horse Sale
                                July 14 – Meeteetse                Cody
 Previews & Ranch Horse
                                  National Day of the American     Great Dam Day, Buffalo Bill
 Competition, Jake Clark’s
                                  Cowboy, Oasis Campground         Dam & Visitor Center
 Mule Days Arena
                                July 20 – Meeteetse               August 24-25 – Cody
May 12 – Cody
 Best of the Rockies Events
 presents the Cody Country
                                  Outdoor Live Concert starring
                                  “Miss V the Gypsy Cowbelle
                                                                   Cody Country Car Show,
                                                                   Denny Menholt Dealership
                                                                                                 BY   CAR Interstates 25 and 90 allow
                                                                                                 an approach to Buffalo Bill’s Cody/Yellowstone
                                  and Packin’ the Mail,”
 Horse Sale, Irma Hotel                                           August 24-26 – Powell          Country from the southeast and east. From the
                                  Meeteetse Museums                                              north, Montana 310 connects I-90 with Wyoming
                                                                   Wyoming Desperados
                                July 21 – Cody                                                   120. From the south, take I-25 to Casper and then
JUNE                              Yellowstone Beer Fest,
                                                                   Regional Mounted Shooting
                                                                   Competition, Park County
                                                                                                 U.S. 120 to Thermopolis and Wyoming 120 to
                                                                                                 Meeteetse and Cody. From the east, Powell and
June 9 – Meeteetse                Park County Complex              Fairgrounds                   Yellowstone Country are approached by U.S.
  Party in the Pasture,         July 22 – Meeteetse                                              Hwy. 14-A and the scenic Medicine Wheel
  Rodeo Grounds
June 9 – Meeteetse
                                  Double Dee/Amelia Earhart
                                  Tour, Meeteetse Museums
                                                                  SEPTEMBER                      passage through the Bighorn Mountains.

  Legend Rock State
  Petroglyph Site Tour,
                                July 24-28 – Powell
                                  Park County Fair,
                                                                  September 1-3 – Meeteetse
                                                                    Annual Labor Day             BY   AIR Air transportation to the Yellowstone
                                                                                                 Regional Airport (COD) is provided by SkyWest
  Meeteetse Museums               Park County Fairgrounds                                        Airlines (Delta Connection) and United Airlines
                                                                  September 7-8 – Cody           (United Express). For current airline information
June 13-17 – Ralston            July 27-28 – Powell
                                                                    Trapper Stampede Rodeo,      including flight schedules please contact:
  Jake Clark’s Mule Days,         Heart Mountain Pilmgrimage,
                                                                    Stampede Park                Delta Airlines (800) 221-1212 www.delta.com or
  Mule Days Arena                 Heart Mountain                                                 United Airlines (800) 241-6522 www.united.com
                                  Interpretive Center               Powell
June 16-17 – Cody
                                                                    Homesteader Days Festival,
  37th Annual Plains Indian     July 28 – Meeteetse
                                                                    Homesteader Museum
  Museum Powwow, Buffalo Bill     Historic Pitchfork
  Center of the West              Ranch Tour, Pitchfork Ranch     September 17-22 – Cody
                                                                   Rendezvous Royale
June 30 – Cody
  Cody/Yellowstone Xtreme                                         September 21-22 – Cody
  Bulls, Stampede Park                                              37th Annual Buffalo Bill
                                                                    Art Show & Quick Draw,
                                                                    Buffalo Bill Center
                                                                                                 PRICE KEY AND RECREATION CODES                                                   The Park County Travel Council
                                                                                                                                                                                  provides room rates for planning
                                                                                                                                                                                  purposes only. Accommodation
                                                                                                                                                                                  listings in this directory are not
                                                                    of the West
                                                                                                   PRICE KEY                RECREATION CODES                                      endorsements by the Park County
                                                                                                   $            $1 - $50                                                          Travel Council or Chambers of
                                                                                                                                = Horseback Riding        = River Rafting
                                                                                                   $$         $51 - $100                                                          Commerce. Prices are subject to
                                                                                                   $$$       $101 - $150        = Fishing                 = Cookouts              change without notice, especially
                                                                                                   $$$$      $151 - $200                                                          in resorts or during special events.
                                                                                                   $$$$$     $201 - $250        = Pack Trips              = Snowmobiling

                                              15                                                                                                     16
2018 VACATION GUIDE CODY, WYOMING - Cody/Yellowstone Country
ALL LODGING - YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK                                                                               CHECK OUT OUR GREAT GETAWAY PACKAGES AT
 Yellowstone National Park Lodges, P.O. Box 165, 4 Executive House Lane, Yellowstone National Park, WY
 (307)344-7311, yellowstonenationalparklodges.com                                                                                                                                                                          CODYYELLOWSTONE.ORG

                                                                                                  Units Kitchen Suite
                                                                                                                                 Meeting Room   Pool
                                                                                                                                                        Cont. Brkfst
                                                                                                                                                                         Steam Room/
                                                                                                                                                                           Hot Tub         Handicap       Pets        Airport Shuttle         Season           Rate
A Western Rose, 1807 Sheridan Ave., (307)587-4258, awesternrose.com                                         24		 ✓								 May-Sept 30                                                                                                                    $$-$$$$
A Wyoming Inn, 720 Yellowstone Ave., (307)587-4208                                                          38                       CB                 ✓   May-Oct 10                                                                                      $$-$$$
AmericInn Lodge & Suites, 508 Yellowstone Ave., (307)587-7716 or (800)634-3444                              66   ✓               IN  CB     S/H     ✓           YR                                                                                       $$$-$$$$$
Beartooth Inn of Cody, 2513 Greybull Hwy., (307)527-5505, (800)807-8522, beartoothinn.com                   50   ✓                   CB     S/H     ✓   ✓       YR                                                                                          $$-$$$
Best Western Premier Ivy Inn & Suites, 1800 8th St., (307)587-2572 or (800)624-2727,                        70		 ✓     ✓         IN   R       H     ✓			         YR                                                                                     $$$-$$$$$+
Best Western Sunset Inn, 1601 8th St., (307)587-4265 or (800)624-2727, sunsetfrontdesk@bwsunset.com        120   ✓            IN/OUT CB       H     ✓ ✓    May-mid-Oct                                                                                     $$-$$$$
Big Bear Motel, 139 West Yellowstone Ave., (307)587-3117, bigbearmotel.com                                  60   ✓              OUT                 ✓ ✓         YR                                                                                          $$-$$$
Buffalo Bill Cabin Village at the Buffalo Bill Village Resort, 1701 Sheridan Ave., (307)587-5544            83   ✓              OUT   R             ✓   ✓  May-Sept 30                                                                                    $$$-$$$$
Buffalo Bill’s Antlers Inn, 1213 17th St., (307)587-2084, antlersinncody.com                                39                       CB       H     ✓   ✓   May-Oct 10                                                                                      $$-$$$
Buffalo Bill’s Irma Hotel, 1192 Sheridan Ave., (307)587-4221 or (800)745-4762, irmahotel.com                39   ✓     ✓              R                 ✓       YR                                                                                        $$-$$$$$
Carter Mountain Motel, 1701 Central Ave., (307)587-4295, cartermountainmotel.com                            27 ✓ ✓                                    ✓         YR                                                                                          $$-$$$
Chamberlin Inn, 1032 12th St., (307)587-0202 or (888)587-0202, chamberlininn.com                            21 ✓ ✓     ✓                                        YR                                                                                      $$$-$$$$$+
Cody Cowboy Village, 203 West Yellowstone Ave., (307)587-7555, codycowboyvillage.com                        50   ✓              OUT  CB      H      ✓       May-Oct 31                                                                                     $$-$$$$
Cody Holiday Lodge, 244 W. Yellowstone Ave., (307)389-0818, codyholidaylodge.com                            39                       CB             ✓ ✓     May-Oct 1                                                                                       $$-$$$
Cody Legacy Inn and Suites, 1801 Mountain View Dr., (307)587-6472, codylegacyinn.com                        54   ✓     ✓        OUT		 S/H           ✓           YR                                                                                         $$-$$$$
Cody Motor Lodge, 1455 Sheridan Ave., (307)527-6291 or (800)340-2639, codymotorlodge.us                     30                       CB             ✓ ✓ ✓       YR                                                                                          $$-$$$
Cody Super 8, 730 Yellowstone Ave., (307)527-6214 or (800)800-8000, codysuper8.com                          64   ✓                   CB             ✓ ✓         YR                                                                                          $$-$$$
Comfort Inn at the Buffalo Bill Village Resort, 1601 Sheridan Ave., (307)587-5556, blairhotels.com          74   ✓              OUT  CB             ✓   ✓       YR                                                                                      $$$-$$$$$+
Green Creek Inn & RV Park, 2908 North Fork Hwy., (307)587-5004 or (877)587-5004, greencreekinn.com 17                                CB               ✓    May-Sept 30                                                                                      $$-$$$
Green Gables Inn, 1636 Central Ave., (307)587-6886, codysgreengables.com                                    15   ✓                   CB             ✓ ✓    May 19-Oct 9                                                                                     $$-$$$
Holiday Inn at the Buffalo Bill Village Resort, 1701 Sheridan Ave., (307)587-5555, blairhotels.com         186 ✓ ✓     ✓        OUT   R             ✓   ✓       YR                                                                                      $$$-$$$$$+
Kings Inn, 524 Yellowstone Ave., (307)527-6604, kingsinncody.com                                            53 ✓ ✓               IN  CB             ✓      Apr-Oct 15                                                                                          $$$
Moose Creek Lodge & Suites, 1015 Sheridan Ave., (307)587-2221, staycody.com                                 56   ✓               IN                 ✓       May-Oct 15                                                                                      $$-$$$
Red Pole Ranch Cottages, 574 Stagecoach Trail, (307)899-2918                                                 8 ✓ ✓								                                      YR                                                                                        $$-$$$$
Skyline Rodeway Inn Cody, 1919 17th St., (307)587-4201 or (800)843-8809, choicehotels.com                   48 ✓ ✓                   CB                   April 15-Oct 31                                                                                $$-$$$$$+
Sunrise Motor Inn, 1407 8th St., (307)587-5566 or (877)587-5566, sunriseinncody.com                         40   ✓              OUT  CB                     May-Oct 10                                                                                        $-$$
The Cody Hotel, 232 W Yellowstone Ave., (307)587-5915, thecody.com                                          75   ✓     ✓         IN  CB Dry Sauna/H ✓   ✓       YR                                                                                      $$$-$$$$$+
The Trail Shop, 2750 North Fork Hwy., (307)587-3741, thetrailshopinn.com, trailshopinn@gmail.com            10 ✓ ✓                   R                       May-Sept                                                                                          $$$
Wigwam Motel, 1701 Alger Ave., (307)587-3861                                                                17 ✓ ✓                                    ✓ ✓       YR                                                                                            $-$$
Western 6 Gun Motel, 423 West Yellowstone Ave., (307)587-4835, sixguncody.com                               33 ✓                                    ✓      June-Sept 15                                                                                    $$-$$$$
Yellowstone Valley Inn & RV, 3324 North Fork Hwy., (307)587-3961 or (877)587-3961, yellowstonevalleyinn.com 37   ✓     ✓        OUT   R      H      ✓ ✓      Apr-Oct                                                                                       $$-$$$$
Yellowstone National Park Lodges, P.O. Box 165, 4 Executive House Lane, Yellowstone National Park, WY			Call for specific amenities.
  (307)344-7311, yellowstonenationalparklodges.com

HOTELS & MOTELS - POWELL & MEETEETSE                                                                     Units   Kitchen Suite
                                                                                                                                 Meeting Room   Pool
                                                                                                                                                        Cont. Brkfst
                                                                                                                                                                         Steam Room/
                                                                                                                                                                           Hot Tub         Handicap       Pets        Airport Shuttle         Season           Rate
America’s Best Value Inn, 777 East 2nd St., Powell,                                                       50					                                          CB		                               ✓            ✓		                                    YR       $$-$$$$
  (307)754-5117 or (800)441-7778, americasbestvalueinn.com
Best Choice Motel, 337 E. 2nd St., Powell, (307)754-2243 or (800)308-8447                                 20                                                                                               ✓                                      YR          $-$$
Oasis Motel & RV Park, 1702 State St., Meeteetse, (307)868-2551, ommw.net                                 19       ✓         ✓                                                                             ✓                                      YR            $$
Park Motel, 737 East 2nd St., Powell, (307)271-7310, parkmotelinwyoming.com                               18       ✓         ✓                                              S/H                            ✓                                      YR            $$
Powell Super 8, 845 E. Coulter Ave., Powell, (307)754-7231, super8.com                                    48                 ✓                   IN        CB                H                ✓            ✓                                      YR        $$-$$$
The Lamplighter Inn, 234 E. 1st St., Powell, (307)754-2226, thelamplighterinn.com                         19                                                R                                                                                     YR            $$

                                                                                                                 from Cody
                                                                                                                                    Bath   TV in room         Internet
                                                                                                                                                                             Steam Room/
                                                                                                                                                                                Hot Tub           Pets           Airport Shuttle           Season              Rate
4 Bears Bed & Breakfast, 779 Highway 290, Meeteetse, (307)868-2157, 4bearsbedandbreakfast.com              3         ✓ ✓ ✓                                                                            ✓                                      YR               $$$$
Angels’ Keep, 1241 Wyoming Ave., Cody, (307)587-6205                                                       3         ✓ ✓ ✓                                                                                             ✓                     YR             $$-$$$
Buffalo Bill’s Cody House, 101 Robertson St., Cody, (307)587-6169, buffalobillsbb@yahoo.com                3   2W    ✓   ✓                                                                                                              June-Sept 30           $$$
K3 Guest Ranch, 30 Nielsen Trail, Cody, (307)587-2080 or (888)587-2080, k3guestranch.com                   8   2S    ✓ ✓ ✓                                                                                             ✓                May 15-Oct 15     $$$-$$$$
Lockhart Inn, 109 West Yellowstone Ave., Cody, (307) 272-8928, stayincody.com                              6 In town ✓ ✓ ✓                                                                                                                   YR          $$$-$$$$$
Margo’s Mountain Suite, 25 Bradford Dr., Cody, (307)587-7580, margosmountainsuite.com                      3  30 W   ✓ ✓ ✓                                                                                                                   YR           $$$-$$$$
Robin’s Nest Bed & Breakfast, 1508 Alger Ave., Cody, (307)527-7208 or (866)723-7797, RobinsNestCody.com    4 In town ✓   ✓                                                                            ✓                ✓                     YR           $$$-$$$$
Salsbury Avenue Inn Bed & Breakfast, 1226 Salsbury Ave., Cody, (307)587-1226, salsburyinncody.com          4 In town   ✓ ✓                                                                                             ✓                     YR             $$-$$$
Sunny J’s Bed, Barn & Breakfast, 69 Cliff Dr., Meeteetse (307)868-9238, sitka53@hotmail.com                3					                                                                                                                        May-Oct 30             $$
Windmill Inn, 322 Stagecoach Trail, Cody, (307)587-5767, windmillinnwyoming.com                            3  18 W   ✓ ✓ ✓                                                                                                                   YR               $$$$

                                                  17                                                                                                                                   18
                                                                                                                        from Cody		 Kitchen Laundry Internet TV BBQ
                                                                                                                                                                              Steam Room/
                                                                                                                                                                                 Hot Tub Pets Yard
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Shuttle                          Season                         Rate
Apple Jack Ranch, 43 Walking Star Rd., Cody, (307)899-0546, applejackranch.com                        2, Sleeps 2   5 SW				    ✓		✓			✓		    May-Oct 31                                                                                                $$-$$$
Beartooth Lodge and Cabin Rentals, 7 Crandall Park Ln., Cody, (307)587-7100, beartoothlodge.com      3, Sleeps 12   60 NW   ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ H		 ✓		May-Nov                                                                                                      $$$$
Bull Moose Retreat, LLC, 23 Bull Moose Trail, Cody, (503)793-3531, vrbo.com #245725                  2, Sleeps 39   5 SW		  ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓		✓  ✓ ✓      YR                                                                                                   $$$$$+
Clark’s Fork Guest Ranch, 2915 Hwy. 120, Clark, (707)694-4382, clarksforkranch.com                   7, Sleeps 26   28 N		  ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓		✓  ✓		May-Nov                                                                                               $$$$-$$$$$+
Classic Cody Craftsman, 1625 Alger, Cody, (239)777-1045                                               2, Sleeps 6   In Town ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓			✓		   May-Nov 30                                                                                               $$$-$$$
Connelly’s Vacation Rental , 49 Quarter Horse Lane, (307)587-5460                                     1, Sleeps 4   7 N		 ✓   ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓			✓		May-Dec                                                                                                       $$$$$
Doc’s Cabin, 192 Whit Creek Rd., Wapiti, (206)780-1671, docscabin.net                                  1, Sleeps 9  22 W		  ✓				✓		✓     ✓		 July-Aug 31                                                                                                  $$$
Hidden Treasure Cove, 2820 Baker Dr., Cody, (307)899-1401,                                            1, Sleeps 6				       ✓ ✓		 ✓						 YR                                                                                                               $$$
Hunter Peak Ranch, 4027 Crandall Rd., Cody, (307)587-3711, hunterpeakranch.com                         8, Sleeps 40     61 NW        ✓                ✓                  ✓  ✓                                                   May-Nov 30                  $$$$
Moose Alley Lodging, 1407 Wyoming Ave., Cody, (307)587-6159 or (877)511-4438,                        6, Sleeps 30       In Town      ✓       ✓        ✓       ✓          ✓			✓                                        ✓             YR                 $$-$$$$$+
Mountain View Lodge, 2776 North Fork Hwy., Cody, (307)587-5957, vrbo.com/446282                      8, Sleeps 41       25 W		       ✓		✓                     ✓          ✓		✓			 YR                                                                           $$-$$$$
Rustler’s Roost Guest House, 306 Rd. 6NS, Cody, (307)899-8171,                                        1, Sleeps 5       15 SW        ✓ ✓ ✓                    ✓          ✓		✓ ✓  YR                                                                           $$-$$$$
Southfork Guest Cottage, 119 Diamond Basin Rd., Cody, (307)587-4367, kellys@tctwest.net               1, Sleeps 4       6 SW		 ✓		✓                           ✓          ✓			✓		 YR                                                                      $$-$$$
Wapiti Lodge, 3189 North Fork Hwy., Wapiti, (307)587-2420, wapitilodge.com                           9, Sleeps 50       18 W			  ✓ ✓                          ✓          ✓		✓ ✓ ✓        YR                                                            $$$-$$$$
Wapiti Mountain Cabin, 3 Paintbrush Drive, Cody, (307)899-0155, codyvacationrentals.com              3, Sleeps 18       20 W		 ✓ ✓ ✓                          ✓          ✓		✓ ✓ ✓ April 15-Oct 15                                                    $$$$-$$$$$

                                                                                                        Units Kitchen Laundry Internet TV BBQ Steam Room/Hot Tub                                          Pets

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Yard Season                                  Rate
Cody Lodging Company, (307)587-6000 or (800)587-6560, codylodgingcompany.com                     75, Sleeps 1-20		✓ Most                         Most       Most           Some			 Some                                 Most           Varies         $$-$$$$$+
Cody Vacation Housing, 1414 Stampede Ave., Cody, (307)272-0744, codyvacationhousing.com        4, Sleeps 4+ each		✓  ✓                            ✓           ✓             ✓				                                         ✓              YR                 $$$
Wyoming Vacation Rental, 1025 12th St., Cody, (307)586-1870 or (307)272-8081,                    23, Sleeps 1-14		✓ Some                         Some       Some            ✓			 Some                                     ✓              YR          $$$-$$$$$+

                                                                                                              Units Hookups
                                                                                                                                    Cabins Tents Cook Grate Showers Pets Grp Fac.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Station Internet Season                          Rate

Absaroka Bay Campground, 2002 Mountain View Dr., Cody, (307)527-7440 or (800)557-7440, cody-wy.com 99     ✓                                                          ✓            ✓              ✓                              ✓             May-Sept 30        $
Buffalo Bill State Park, 4192 North Fork Hwy., Cody, (307)587-9227, wyoparks.state.wy.us               98 ✓                   ✓         ✓                            ✓            ✓              ✓               ✓                            May-Sept 30        $
Cody KOA, 5561 Greybull Hwy., Cody, (307)587-2369 or (800)562-8507, codykoa.com                       250 ✓         ✓         ✓         ✓                            ✓            ✓              ✓               ✓              ✓               May-Oct       $-$$
Cody Trout Ranch Camp-RV Park, 4727 Powell Hwy., Cody (307)578-6757, wyomingtroutranch.com             38 ✓        Tipis                ✓                            ✓            ✓              ✓                              ✓            Apr 15-Sept 30 $-$$
Chief Joseph RV Park, 4 Van Dyke Rd., Cody, (307)527-5510, chiefjosephrvpark.com                       16 ✓         ✓         ✓         ✓                            ✓            ✓              ✓               ✓              ✓                   YR       $-$$$
Park County Fairgrounds, 655 East 5th St., Powell, (307)754-5421, parkcountyfair.com                   72 ✓                   ✓                                      ✓            ✓              ✓                              ✓                   YR           $
Parkway RV Campground & Trailer Village, 132 Yellowstone Ave., Cody, (307)527-5927, parkwayrv@msn.com  25 ✓                   ✓                                      ✓            ✓                              ✓              ✓                   YR           $
Ponderosa Campground, 1815 8th St., Cody, (307)587-9203, codyponderosa.com                            140 ✓         ✓         ✓         ✓                            ✓            ✓              ✓               ✓              ✓            April 15-Oct 15     $
River’s View RV Park, 109 West Yellowstone Ave., Cody, (307)272-8928, stayincody.com                   13 ✓         ✓                   ✓                                         ✓                              ✓              ✓                   YR           $
Shoshone Forest Campgrounds, recreation.gov                                                               Visit website for specific amenities.
Vision Quest Motel & RV Park, 2207 State St., Meeteetse, (307)868-2551, ommw.net                       15 ✓                   ✓         ✓                            ✓            ✓                              ✓              ✓                 YR               $$
Wheels of Wonderment Motorcycle Campground, 1 Streamside Dr., Wapiti, (307)586-1842, wowmccg.com       40 ✓         ✓         ✓                                      ✓                           ✓                              ✓            May 15-Dec 15       $-$$
Yellowstone National Park Lodges, P.O. Box 165, 4 Executive House Lane, Yellowstone National Park, 			Call for specific amenities.
   (307)344-7311, yellowstonenationalparklodges.com

                                                                                                                       from Cody
                                                                                                                                   Retreats Meals Pool
                                                                                                                                                          Steam Room/
                                                                                                                                                             Hot Tub  Pets Internet
                                                                                                                                                                                       Shuttle        Season            Rate                     Recreation
 7D Ranch, 774 Sunlight Rd., Cody, (307)587-9885, 7dranch.com                                                    10     52 NW       ✓       ✓                                 ✓            ✓         June-Sept         Weekly
 Absaroka Mountain Lodge, 1231 North Fork Hwy., Cody, (307)587-3963, absarokamtlodge.com                         15      39 W       ✓       ✓                                 ✓                      May-Sept        $$$-$$$$
 Bill Cody Ranch, 2604 North Fork Hwy., Cody, (307)587-2097 or (800)615-2934, billcodyranch.com                  17      26 W       ✓       ✓                                              ✓     May 23-Sept 21        Varies
 Blackwater Creek Ranch, 1516 North Fork Hwy., Cody, (307)587-5201 or (888)243-1516                              15      35 W       ✓       ✓      OUT        H        ✓      ✓            ✓     May 5-Sept 25       $$-$$$$$+
 Creekside Lodge at Yellowstone, 995 North Fork Hwy., Cody, (307)587-9795, creeksidelodgeyellowstone.com         12      42 W       ✓ ✓        ✓     ✓                                            May-Sept 30    $$$
 Crossed Sabres Ranch, 829 North Fork Hwy, Cody, (307)587-3750, crossedsabresranch.com                           19      43 W       ✓ ✓              ✓                                     ✓      June-Sept 10$$$-$$$$$
 Double Diamond X Ranch, 3453 South Fork Rd., Cody, (307)587-5252, ddxranchwyoming.com                           10     35 SW       ✓ ✓              ✓                                             YR         $$-$$$$$
 Elephant Head Lodge, 1170 North Fork Hwy., Cody, (307)587-3980, elephantheadlodge.com                           15      40 W       ✓ ✓        ✓     ✓                                        Mid-May-Oct 1 $$$-$$$$$+
 K Bar Z Guest Ranch, 3477 Crandall Rd., Cody, (307)587-4410, KBarZguestranch.com                                 7     57 NW       ✓ ✓     S  ✓     ✓                                     ✓ Mid-May-Mid-Nov     $$$
 Monster Lake Ranch, 63 Nielson Rd., Cody, (307)587-5960, monsterlakeranch.com                                    7       8S        ✓ ✓            Limited                                 ✓       YR        $$$-$$$$$+
 Pahaska Tepee Resort, 183 North Fork Hwy., Cody, (307)527-7701 or (800)628-7791, pahaska.com                    47      50 W       ✓ ✓        ✓ Limited                                       May 11-Oct 7    $$$-$$$$
 Rand Creek Ranch, LLC, 3080 North Fork Hwy., Wapiti, (307)587-3200, randcreekranch.com                           7      30 W       ✓ ✓              ✓                                           May-Nov      $$$-$$$$
 Rimrock Dude Ranch, 2728 North Fork Hwy., Cody, (307)587-3970, rimrockranch.com                                  9      24 W       ✓ ✓ OUT H        ✓                                     ✓      June-Sept 7          Weekly
 Shoshone Lodge & Guest Ranch, 349 North Fork Hwy., Cody, (307)587-4044, shoshonelodge.com                       17      46 W       ✓ ✓       ✓+fee ✓                                            May 15-Oct 15 $$$-$$$$$+
 Stagecoach River Ranch, Inc., 301 Stagecoach Trail, Cody, (307)578-6074, stagecoachriverranch.com                2      16 W       ✓				     ✓+fee ✓                                      ✓           YR            $$$-$$$$$
 UXU Ranch, 1710 North Fork Hwy., Cody, (307)587-4637, uxuranch.com                                               9     35 W        ✓ ✓					                                               ✓         May-Oct           Weekly

                                                       19                                                                                                                             20

VISITOR                                                                            PARK COUNTY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 81 MILES
Cody/Yellowstone Country
                                                                                   RESERVATION SERVICES
                                                                                   Airline Reservations to
P.O. Box 2454, Cody, Wyoming 82414                                                 Cody/Yellowstone (COD)
(307)586-1574, Fax: (307)527-6228                                                  (800)221-1212, delta.com
(800)393-2639                                                                      (800)241-6522, united.com
codyyellowstone.org                                                                Omega World Travel
Cody Country Chamber of Commerce
and Visitor Center
                                                                                   (307)754-5138, Fax: (307)754-4098
836 Sheridan Ave., Cody, Wyoming 82414                                             srodriguez@owt.net, omegatravel.com
(307)587-2777, Fax: (307)527-6228                                                  Yellowstone National Park Lodges
(800)393-2639                                                                      (Operated by Xanterra Parks & Resorts®)
info@codychamber.org, codychamber.org                                              Reservations Department, P.O. Box 165
East Yellowstone Valley                                                            Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming 82190
Chamber of Commerce                                                                (307)344-7311
P.O. Box 21 Wapiti, WY 82450                                                       info-ynp@xanterra.com
(307)587-9595                                                                      yellowstonenationalparklodges.com
yellowstone-lodging.com                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        TO CODY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               50 MILES
Bighorn Canyon National Recreation
Area Visitor Center
20 Hwy. 14A East, Lovell, Wyoming 82431
                                                                                  WYOMING WILDLIFE
nps.gov/bica                                                                       WYOMING IS WILD! Park County is renowned for
Bureau of Land Management
                                                                                   wide-open spaces and abundant wildlife. Wildlife
                                                                                   plus distance equals safety for you and for wild
1002 Blackburn St., Cody, Wyoming 82414                                            animals. During your visit to the area, please keep
(307)578-5900                                                                      these wildlife viewing tips in mind:
blm_wy_cody_wymail@blm.gov, blm.gov/wy
Meeteetse Visitor Center                                                            • Never feed or approach wild animals–to do
2005 Warren St., Meeteetse, Wyoming 82433                                             so can be dangerous for you and the animal.
(307)868-2454                                                                       • Stay in your vehicle to view wildlife along
office@meeteetsewy.com, meeteetsewy.com                                               the roadside–especially bears!
                                                                                    • Young animals are rarely very far from their
Powell Visitor Center
                                                                                      mothers–leave them alone.
111 S. Day Street, Powell, Wyoming 82435
(307)754-3494                                                                       • Many animals do not show signs of stress
                                                                                      and may become aggressive if approached too
info@powellchamber.org, powellchamber.org                                             closely–keep your distance.
Shoshone National Forest                                                            • Do not surround, crowd, or follow any animal–
808 Meadow Lane Ave., Cody, Wyoming 82414                                             it could result in injury to you or the animal.
(307)527-6241                                                                       • Deer, elk, bears and bighorn sheep are often
fs.usda.gov/main/shoshone/home                                                        observed near or on roadways–obey posted
                                                                                      speed limits and keep a sharp eye during early

                                                                                                                                                                     GEMS OF YELLOWSTONE
Wyoming Office of Tourism
                                                                                      morning and late evening periods.
5611 High Plains Rd., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82007
(307)777-7777 Fax: (307)777-2877
(800)225-5996                                                                                Enjoy your visit and remember,
travelwyoming.com                                                                       Wyoming’s Wildlife is Worth the Watching.
                                                                                            Wyoming Game and Fish Dept.
                                                                                                                                                                     1. OLD FAITHFUL GEYSER is the most popular attraction in the park. It’s not the highest
Yellowstone National Park                                                                                                                                            or the most regular, but it never disappoints. See other geysers nearby, and be sure to see Morning
                                                                                       2820 State Hwy. 120, Cody, Wyoming 82414
(307)344-7381                                                                                        (307)527-7125                                                   Glory Pool, one of the park’s most colorful thermal features.
nps.gov/yell                                                                                          wgfd.wyo.gov
                                                                                                                                                                     2. MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS headquarters and features some of the park’s oldest
PHOTO CREDITS                                                                                                                                                        buildings. Browse the Visitor’s Center and wildlife museum. In addition, Mammoth Hot Springs
                                                                                                                                                                     Terrace is magnificent, and the Terrace drive is a must.
Thank you to the following photographers:
COVER: Mammoth Hot Springs - Getty Images, PAGE 1: Wild Horses -
Shutterstock, PAGE 2: Buffalo Bill Postcard - Buffalo Bill Center of the West
(P.69.1800), Pilot and Index Peak - Shutterstock, Bison in Yellowstone
                                                                                  and Visitor Center - Park County Travel Council, Cody Night Rodeo - Park
                                                                                  County Travel Council, Dan Miller’s Cowboy Music Review - Mike Ross, Heart
                                                                                  Mountain Interpretive Center - Park County Travel Council, Homesteader
                                                                                                                                                                     3. LAMAR VALLEY a must-visit area for serious wildlife watchers. Lamar Valley is home to
- Shutterstock, Buffalo Bill and Family in front of Irma Hotel - Park County      Museum - Park County Travel Council, Meeteetse Chocolatier - Park County           bison, elk, coyote, grizzly and wolf. In fact, it’s the No.1 destination for viewing wolves. Check with
Travel Council, Main Street - Mike Ross, PAGE 3: Yellowstone National Park -      Travel Council, PAGE 23: Cowboys waiting to compete - Sean Smith, PAGE             park rangers for best viewing times.
Shutterstock, PAGE 4: Yellowstone Sign - Jeff Bagley, Mammoth Hot Springs -       24: Front Entrance - Buffalo Bill Center of the West, Color Lithograph Poster
Istock, Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone - Mike Ross, Bear Cub - Istock, PAGE      - Buffalo Bill Center of the West(1.69.2173), Whitney Gallery - Buffalo Bill
5: Pilot and Index Peak - Shutterstock, PAGE 6: Rustic Dude Ranch - Park
County Travel Council, Campfire - Park County Travel Council, Campfire - Park
County Travel Council, Dude Ranch Saddle - Michael Schoënfeld, Hotel Room -
                                                                                  Center of the West, Plains Indian Museum - Buffalo Bill Center of the West,
                                                                                  Dan Miller’s Cowboy Revue - Jeff Bagley, PAGE 25: Main Street at night -
                                                                                  Michael Schoënfeld, PAGE 26: Main Street - Mike Ross, Irma Hotel - Mike Ross,
                                                                                                                                                                     4. GRAND CANYON OF THE YELLOWSTONE is breathtaking. The Lower Falls drop
Park County Travel Council, Rainbow over Old Trail Town - Park County Travel      Boots - Shutterstock, Meeteetse - Park County Travel Council, Patio Dining         308 feet and is one of the most photographed features in the park. There are numerous vantage
Council, PAGE 8: Kayaker - Park County Travel Council, Cutthroat Trout - Park     - Park County Travel Council, Steak Dinner - Shutterstock, Powell’s Plaza Diane
County Travel Council, Absaroka Lake - Shutterstock, Mountain Bikers - Getty      Fountain - Park County Travel Council, PAGE 27: Ice Climber - Getty Images,        points including a 3/8-mile hike (one way) to the exhilarating lip of the falls.
Images, Wildflower - Mike Ross, Rafting - Mike Ross, PAGE 9: Draper Museum        PAGE 28: Bison in Winter - Mike Ross, Sleeping Giant Ski Area - Park County
- Buffalo Bill Center of the West (photo by Sean Campbell), Cody Trolley Tour -   Travel Council, Winter Kids - Getty Images, Snowmobiler - Shutterstock, Fall Elk
Park County Travel Council, Old Trail Town - Mike Ross, Buffalo Bill Dam          - Shutterstock, Fishing - Shutterstock, Yellowstone Aspens - Shutterstock.                                                                                                                      22
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