Vaisala's Radar Donation Facilitates Extreme Weather Research in Colorado

Page created by Audrey Armstrong
Vaisala's Radar Donation Facilitates Extreme Weather Research in Colorado
Meteorology Edition - Spring 2017

Vaisala’s Radar Donation
Facilitates Extreme Weather
Research in Colorado
/ Page 9

in Airline De-icing
/ Page 10

Better Quality Air
Means a Better
Quality of Life
/ Page 20
Vaisala's Radar Donation Facilitates Extreme Weather Research in Colorado
Vaisala in Brief
                                                             Vaisala is a global leader in
                                                             environmental and industrial
                                                             measurement. Building on 80 years
                                                             of experience, Vaisala contributes to
                                                             a better quality of life by providing a
                                                             comprehensive range of innovative
                                                             observation and measurement
                                                             products and services for chosen
                                                             weather-related and industrial
                                                             markets. Headquartered in Finland,
                                                             Vaisala employs approximately 1,600
                                                             professionals worldwide and is
                                                             listed on the NASDAQ Helsinki stock

    Contents                                                 Events & Webinars
    Meteorology Edition - Spring 2017
                                                             Publishing Information
                                                             Published by: Vaisala Oyj
                                                             P.O. Box 26
                                                             FI-00421 Helsinki
    3    Getting Ready for Changing Weather
                                                             Phone (int.): + 358 9 894 91
    4    Improved Weather Forecasting                        Internet:
         Capabilities for the Bahamas
                                                             Editor-in-Chief: Tiina Kiianlehto
    6    Helping the Sun Shine Brightly on                   Contributors: Katri Ahlgren, Anne
         the Global Solar Industry                           Hänninen (CoComms), Francesca
                                                             Davidson, Elina Nylund, Melanie Scott,
                                                             Riika Pikkuvirta, Jon Tarleton, Carrie
    9    Vaisala’s Radar Donation Facilitates                Tennick (Axonn Media)
         Extreme Weather Research in Colorado                Cover photo: Shutterstock
                                                             The image Schiaparelli Lander
    10   Advancements in Airline De-icing                    Model at ESOC by Gerbil on page
                                                             15 is licensed under the Creative
    12   Using Fire Weather Outlooks to Identify             Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
         Areas of Concern and Help Reduce Incidents          International license.
    15   Space-Proof Sensors                                 File:Schiaparelli_Lander_Model_at_
    16   Flying into the Eye of the Storm                    Design, Layout: Grapica Oy
                                                             Printed in Finland by: Grano Oy
    19   Vaisala’s Corporate Science Advisor Knighted        ISSN 1238-2388

    20   Better Quality Air Means a Better Quality of Life   Subscriptions
    22   Belgium’s Air Quality Tracked with                  For subscriptions,
                                                             cancellations, feedback
         Vaisala Lidar Ceilometers                           and changes of address,
                                                             please email:
    23   Vaisala Expands to Africa                 

                                                             Disclaimer and Copyright
                                                             This publication may include forward-
                                                             looking statements or other explicit or
                                                             implied statements on future expecta-
                                                             tions, results or performance. Such
                                                             statements may materially differ from
                                                             actual future results or performance
                                                             and, being subject to certain risks and
                                                             uncertainties, are not to be relied on.

                                                             The copyright of this publication is
                                                             reserved by Vaisala. This publication
                                                             may not be reproduced in whole or
                                                             in part in any form or by any means
                                                             without the prior written consent of
2 Spring 2017                                                Vaisala.
Vaisala's Radar Donation Facilitates Extreme Weather Research in Colorado
President’s Column

Getting Ready for
Changing Weather
Extremes of weather are becoming
more prevalent. Since the work done
to curb the rise in global temperature
will prove its efficacy only with time,
there is a more urgent need to adapt to
the impact of tropical storms, lightning
storms, and floods.
     What does that require? Since
weather cannot be changed, deflected
or mitigated, we need to have warning
systems in place, making it possible
to protect people and property. They,
again, cannot work properly without
reliable observations.
     Hurricanes are a good example.
Knowing where they will land and how
strong they are, is literally a matter of
life and death.
     Evacuating people from the path of
a major hurricane can save thousands
of lives. Evacuating people from the
wrong place incurs unnecessary costs
and eats at people’s confidence in
forecasts, which can lead to tragedies
later on.
     So they, like other types of weather,
need to be studied and observed over
long periods of time, to be able to see
slowly occurring changes and trends.
Decisions need to be driven by data
and science.
     United States already has its
Weather-Ready Nation program, bring-         addition to mitigating extreme weather
ing together government organizations,       impacts, they can then use relevant
private enterprises and academia to          weather information in order to eradi-
build communities that are ready and         cate poverty and achieve internation-
resilient to severe weather events.          ally agreed development goals.           Kjell Forsén
     However, extreme weather often              Vaisala is gradually getting more    President and CEO
occurs in regions that are highly            involved in this work, too, helping
vulnerable to its effects – in developing    nations get weather-ready.
countries where the infrastructure is            Helping save lives and minimize
not as advanced.                             damages to property makes our work
     This is one of the reasons why the      relevant to the whole humankind and
World Meteorological Organization            motivates us to keep looking for new
wants to build meteorological capacity       ways to improve our operations and
in the least developed countries. In         solutions.

                                                                                                          Spring 2017 3
Vaisala's Radar Donation Facilitates Extreme Weather Research in Colorado
Improved Weather
    Forecasting Capabilities
    for the Bahamas
    The Bahamas              Over recent years, severe weather
                             has become more frequent in
                                                                          The Bahamas is an archipelago
                                                                     of some 700 islands scattered over
    is investing in a        the Caribbean. So improving the
                             weather forecasting capabilities
                                                                     100,000 squares miles of ocean. The
                                                                     weather in the northern islands can
    new nation-wide          of the Bahamas Department of            be completely different from that in
                             Meteorology will help improve warn-     the southernmost islands. Moreover,
    meteorology network      ings and preparedness for severe        the islands are low and flat, prone to
                             weather and will assist in minimizing   any rise in sea level, and in particular
    to keep its citizens     loss of life and property from the      to flooding from heavy rains and to
                             ravages of tropical cyclones (hurri-    storm surge from hurricanes.
    and visitors safe from   canes, tropical storms, and tropical
                             depressions) affecting the country.
                                                                     Equipment to Cover
    extreme weather.              “The Bahamas is called the
                                                                     all Islands
                             ’Jewel of the Caribbean’ because
                             of its beauty, and because of its       Currently, The Bahamas has only one
                             geographical location to the United     Doppler Weather Radar installed at
                             States of America it is envied by       the Lynden Pindling International
                             many. But this comes at a price.        Airport, in the capital city Nassau,
                             From the beginning of June to the       on the island of New Providence.
                             end of November, is the official hur-   It covers the Northwest Bahamas
                             ricane season,” says Trevor Basden,     but only a portion of the Central
                             Director of the Bahamas Department      Bahamas. The Southeast Bahamas is
                             of Meteorology.                         completely without coverage.

4 Spring 2017
Vaisala's Radar Donation Facilitates Extreme Weather Research in Colorado
After Hurricane Joaquin caused         The deliveries will start at the              thus improve aviation safety as opera-
widespread destruction in the          beginning of 2017, to be completed                tors are more accurately advised of
Central Bahamas and the Southeast      by the end of 2019.                               the weather parameters over and in
Bahamas in 2015, the Government                                                          the vicinity of the airports.
of The Bahamas heeded the cry of                                                             “The Bahamas has some five
                                       Keeping People Safe
the meteorology department and                                                           million visitors annually, and we have
decided to invest in a network of      “Thanks to the weather radars, we                 28 government owned airports on our
Doppler Weather Radars that will       will be able to see more accurately               islands. The heavy rains, lightning,
cover the whole country whose          the current weather and when tropi-               thunderstorms, low visibility and
land and sea area is on par with       cal cyclones are in The Bahamas –                 wind shear associated with severe
that of Cuba.                          how fast they are moving and how                  weather events are definitely a hazard
    When looking for the best suit-    severe they really are.”                          to aviation, so we need to be able to
able provider, the Department of           The radars will help in building a            service the airports better as well as
Meteorology soon turned to Vaisala.    more reliable early warning system in             meet International Civil Aviation Orga-
    “We have over 40 years of          order to alert the population of signifi-         nization (ICAO) and World Meteoro-
history with Vaisala, and Vaisala      cant or severe weather conditions                 logical Organization (WMO) standards
has provided the most robust and           The AWOSes will assist the air-               and regulations.”
reliable equipment. In this case,      ports to operate more efficiently and
it was also important that Vaisala
thought of the whole picture for
The Bahamas – not just trying
to made the deal. Training, for
example, was an essential part of
the contract for us,” Mr. Basden
points out.
    The contract was signed with
Vaisala partnering with FMI on
October 26th 2016. Vaisala will
provide The Bahamas with four
Doppler Weather Radars, nine
Automatic Weather Observation
Systems (AWOS) for airports,
sixteen Automatic Weather Stations
(AWS), one Direct Readout Ground
Station (DRGS), and related ser-
vices. FMI will provide meteorologi-
cal software and training.             Electronics Manager Byron Bain (on the left) and Director Trevor Basden from the Bahamas
                                       Department of Meteorology visited Vaisala’s factory and headquarters in Finland in late 2016.

                                                                                                                     Spring 2017 5
Vaisala's Radar Donation Facilitates Extreme Weather Research in Colorado
Helping the Sun
    Shine Brightly on
    the Global Solar
                                                                                                   Vaisala Solar Time Series
                                                                                                   Tools offer easy access to
                                                                                                   bankable solar resource
                                                                                                   records at any location
                                                                                                   around the world.

    It’s no secret that solar technology       energy players to act quickly and        aggressive new target. The initial
    is presenting major opportunities          make investments at the right time.      result of this work was the country’s
    for the energy sector and all sorts of         Latin America is a prime example.    first renewable energy auction, held
    businesses around the world. In 2016       In the last few years there has been a   in September 2016 with the results
    global solar capacity is expected to       great deal of focus on solar develop-    announced in early October.
    reach 64.7 GW, up from 57.8 GW in          ment in Chile and Brazil, but now            To submit a project bid in the
    2015.                                      Argentina is the market to watch.        auction, developers are required
         To put that in perspective this       At the end of 2015 the Argentine         to provide a long-term energy
    incremental 6.9 GW increase is larger      government announced a renewable         estimate. To be competitive, this
    than the total 2008 installed capacity     energy goal, stating that it would       estimate must be as accurate as
    worldwide – a ten-fold increase in         get 8 percent of its energy from         possible, demonstrating a strong
    only eight years – and there are no        renewables by 2017 and 20 percent        solar resource and low uncertainty
    signs of a slowdown in sight.              by 2025.                                 around projected performance. In
         While this growth is driven by the        After signing this into law,         this aspect of the auction, Vaisala
    leading markets of China, the United       policymakers spent the first half of     played a key role, supporting 30
    States, Japan and India, new markets       2016 putting the framework in place      percent of the solar auction bids
    frequently emerge. And when oppor-         to help drive the development and        with due diligence services and
    tunity strikes it is critical for global   investment required to meet the          helping both local and global com-

6 Spring 2017
Vaisala's Radar Donation Facilitates Extreme Weather Research in Colorado
Vaisala Solar Weather Station SP12 is an
                                                                                  all-in-one system specifically designed for
                                                                                  the solar industry to help collect reliable
                                                                                  ground measurements.

panies act quickly to enter the new         Through its 3TIER consulting          high-resolution dataset that contin-
market.                                 services, Vaisala has been active in      ues to be used today by developers,
    In the solar industry, weather is   the solar space since 2009, assisting     project owners, policymakers and
both the project’s fuel and operating   customers in translating weather          governments to make high-level
environment and as the leader in        conditions into long-term solar           financial, infrastructure and opera-
applied weather science, Vaisala        energy estimates in the pre-con-          tional decisions.
in uniquely positioned to help the      struction phase and observing and             Recently Vaisala partnered with
industry adapt and mitigate weather     forecasting real-time performance in      IRENA, the International Renewable
risk while making informed deci-        the operational phase. Vaisala was        Energy Agency, to make portions
sions that reduce costs and increase    also the first to map the world’s solar   of this dataset publicly available
profitability.                          energy resource potential through a       through its Global Atlas platform.

                                                                                                              Spring 2017 7
Vaisala's Radar Donation Facilitates Extreme Weather Research in Colorado
It is with these customers in mind
                                                                                          that we recently introduced two new
                                                                                          products that help developers better
                                                                                          evaluate potential projects. Our new
                                                                                          Solar Time Series Tools offer easy
                                                                                          access to bankable solar resource
                                                                                          records at any location around the
                                                                                          world at a low annual subscrip-
                                                                                          tion cost. These dynamic online
                                                                                          tools allow developers to visualize,
                                                                                          compare and order up to five global
                                                                                          datasets and receive data files within
                                                                                          24 hours to meet tight deadlines
                                                                                          while reducing project performance
                                                                                              We have also launched our new
                                                                                          Vaisala Solar Weather Station SP12,
                                                                                          an all-in-one system specifically
                                                                                          designed for the solar industry to
                                                                                          help collect reliable ground mea-
                                                                                          surements. This station is rugged
    The aim of the partnership is to           centration of solar capacity due to the    and ready-to-install, equipped with
    increase access to high-quality            resulting smoke and haze.                  state-of-the-art sensors and a data
    resource data for large-scale planning         In the spirit of continuous            logger proven to withstand extreme
    and remove information barriers for        improvement, Vaisala is always             conditions.
    countries trying to promote renew-         looking for ways to innovate in the            Solar has a bright future and
    able energy.                               solar measurement and consulting           Vaisala plans to remain a leader in
        Vaisala’s significant data capabili-   services field to better support clients   the solar resource assessment, mea-
    ties are also put to work in the opera-    who must respond quickly in a chal-        surement and forecasting area as the
    tional space. For example, we often        lenging and ever-changing industry.        industry grows and matures. With
    monitor the impact of large-scale          These customers need a partner who         more and more opportunities clearly
    weather trends on wind and solar           can deliver both on speed and accu-        on the horizon, Vaisala is making
    performance. Last fall we published        racy to help them enter new markets        solar a strategic company focus and
    a study illustrating the impact of Cali-   and put forward only the most com-         will continue investing in practical
    fornia’s summer wildfires on energy        petitive and profitable projects for       innovations that provide value to
    production in areas with a high con-       auction or investor consideration.         customers around the world.

8 Spring 2017
Vaisala's Radar Donation Facilitates Extreme Weather Research in Colorado
Vaisala’s Radar
Donation Facilitates
Extreme Weather
Research in Colorado

                        The new radar will be used by the         is an avid experimentalist conduct-
Vaisala donates a       students of University Distinguished      ing special experiments to collect
                        Professor V. Chandrasekar in the          in-situ observations to verify new
brand new, state-of-    research of extreme weather.              techniques and technologies.
                            “Due to the radar’s small size, it        Vaisala’s compact C-band radar
the-art C-band radar    can travel with us to international       uses dual polarization to locate
                        areas where we haven’t been able          precipitation, calculate its motion,
to Colorado State       to bring radars to before, opening        intensity, and determine the type of
                        important possibilities to measure        precipitation, and is able to classify
University (CSU)        weather-related phenomena in new          targets into categories such as hail,
                        locations. It’s an exciting oppor-        snow pellets, snow or rain.
for the study of        tunity to teach my students and               Unlike traditional collegiate
                        further our research,” says Professor     gifts that are typically donated only
weather in previously   Chandrasekar.                             after initial use, the equipment is
                            Professor Chandrasekar has            being developed specifically for the
unreachable places.     contributed significantly to the devel-   university.
                        opment of weather radar science and
                        technology and is one of the world’s
                        leading researchers in this area. He

                                                                                          Spring 2017 9
Vaisala's Radar Donation Facilitates Extreme Weather Research in Colorado
    in Airline De-icing
    The importance of airline de-icing cannot be
    overstated, with the lives of passengers and flight
    crews at stake.

                                                                                       which will go towards reducing the
                                                                                       environmental impact of airline
                                                                                             There have been a number of
                                                                                       organizations working together
                                                                                       to harmonize de-icing procedures
                                                                                       globally. Regulators including the US’
                                                                                       Federal Aviation Administration, the
                                                                                       European Aviation Safety Agency,
                                                                                       Transport Canada and the Interna-
                                                                                       tional Civil Aviation Organization
                                                                                       can implement their own de-icing
                                                                                       guidelines or refer to recommended
                                                                                       practices established by others.
                                                                                             Different mixes of fluids are used
                                                                                       to ensure that ice does not form on
                                                                                       vital aircraft parts before takeoff.
                                                                                       These fluids must be chosen depend-
                                                                                       ing on various circumstances and
                                                                                       play an important part in establish-
                                                                                       ing holdover time for pilots, which
                                                                                       is the time a fluid will prevent the
    When it comes to airline de-icing,        taking off capacity reduction during     formation of ice.
    there is little room for error. Accord-   reduced visibility that occurs during          There are two main problems
    ing to the International Air Transport    a storm. Vaisala CheckTime provides      with the formation of ice or snow on
    Association (IATA), more than eight       the confidence in the application and    aircraft. Firstly, the additional weight
    million people travel by aircraft         thus lead to fewer treatments.           of the ice or snow adds to the total
    every day on average. These people             Airlines are also concerned about   weight of the aircraft, increasing the
    have to be kept safe, and a huge          environmental practices. Sustain-        lift required for the aircraft to take
    factor in that is de-icing.               ability is becoming more important       off. Secondly, the formation of frost,
         Another very significant issue       all the time because of the damage       ice or snow also changes the airflow
    to airlines is the potential for time     being inflicted on the earth. Using      over the wing, reducing the overall
    delays when working to de-ice air-        a more reliable system to establish      lift it can produce.
    craft. Especially at busy international   holdover (HOT) time will allow                 It is the pilot’s responsibility
    airports the flights are often taking     pilots to work out exactly how long      to determine the holdover time
    off less than a minute apart. Winter      they have before it will have to be      by taking into account the outside
    weather causes delays to aviation         reapplied. Effectively calculating       temperature, which fluid mix will be
    particularly from the process of          holdover time can ensure that there      used, precipitation and an estimate
    receiving deicing, and from landing/      is no unnecessary use of these fluids,   of fluid failure based on visibility.

10 Spring 2017
Holdover time is calculated using
tables, which can often become
burdensome and inconvenient. They
could prove distracting and rely on
estimates, rather than up-to-date
information. holdover tables can
be inaccurate as they do not take
into account the changing weather
     Pilots in colder countries should
therefore be relieved to hear about
Vaisala CheckTime, which makes
the process of de-icing aircraft more
streamlined and efficient.
     CheckTime uses precision
weather measurement equipment
positioned at the airfield the pilots
are taking off from, to measure the
Liquid Water Equivalent, the amount
of water in the precipitation, and
uses that to calculate the de-icing
and anti-icing fluid saturation point.
     As the techniques for de-icing
airlines evolve and become more
effective, so should the processes for
determining holdover time. This is
why CheckTime is recommended as
the best option for ensuring safety
during takeoff during winter weather.
     All this information, and more,
is detailed in our webinar, which
is presented by Pasi Piirainen. He
has 25 years’ experience in airline
operations, including managing
winter operations around the world.
Please visit to
learn more about Vaisala CheckTime,
as well as other interesting topics
covered in Vaisala webinars.

                                         Spring 2017 11
Using Fire Weather
    Outlooks to Identify
    Areas of Concern and
    Help Reduce Incidents
    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Storm
    Prediction Center (SPC) shared their story with Vaisala about the risks and
    rising costs of wildfires, and how lightning data is helping the United States
    identify high-risk areas and provide better forecasts.

12 Spring 2017
United States due to the drier              of severe and fire weather forecasts
                                          climate. Drier thunderstorms and            especially in their area,” comments
                                          longer periods with lower atmo-             Nick Nauslar, Research Scientist
                                          spheric moisture prime the forests          at the University of Oklahoma
                                          and rangelands of the western U.S.          Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale
                                          for lightning wildfire ignitions. Light-    Meteorological Studies, working at
                                          ning ignited wildfires are dependent        the Storm Prediction Center. SPC fire
                                          on a combination on the amount,             weather forecasters coordinate with
                                          type, and dryness of fuels and atmo-        state and federal land agencies and
                                          spheric moisture (relative humidity         NWS Weather Forecast Offices when
                                          and rainfall). The vast majority of         producing Fire Weather Outlooks.
                                          lightning strikes do not ignite wild-       FEMA also uses SPC fire weather
                                          fires, with less than 1% to about 10%       outlooks for daily briefings and situ-
                                          of lightning strikes resulting in a wild-   ational awareness.
                                          fire. This percentage depends on a               SPC publishes all of its outlooks
                                          number of factors including fuel type       to its websites and also uses social
                                          and dryness, land surface character-        media (i.e., Twitter and Facebook)
                                          istics, and atmospheric moisture.           to reach a greater audience. SPC
                                                                                      forecasters coordinate with the
                                                                                      local NWS Weather Forecast Offices
                                          Keeping the Public Informed
                                                                                      across the country to provide a clear,
                                          The SPC is part of the National             consistent, and accurate message.
                                          Weather Service’s National Centers          Weather information and forecasts,
                                          for Environmental Prediction. The           such as the Fire Weather Outlook,
                                          SPC mission is to provide timely and        allows the public to plan and helps
                                          accurate forecasts and watches for          explain why some restrictions, such
                                          severe thunderstorms and tornadoes          as burn bans, are in place.
                                          over the contiguous United States.               SPC’s forecasts and research
                                          The SPC is also responsible for moni-       directly align with the NWS Mission
                                          toring fire weather events across the       and Vision. The NWS Mission is to
                                          continental United States and issuing       provide weather, water, and climate
                                          Fire Weather Outlooks.                      data, forecasts and warnings for
Rising Costs and Concern                      In addition to severe thunder-          the protection of life and property
                                          storm and tornado forecasts, the SPC        and enhancement of the national
In the United States, Federal costs       also produces Day 1, Day 2, and Day         economy, and the NWS Vision for a
for suppressing wildfires routinely       3 Fire Weather Outlooks that identify       Weather-Ready Nation is to have a
exceed $1 billion and exceeded $2         areas of elevated, to extremely             society prepared for and responds to
billion last year (2015) for the first    critical, fire weather conditions and       weather-dependent events. The NWS
time. Suppression expenditures con-       dry thunderstorm potential, and of          has teamed with many well-respected
tinue to increase and now account         increased probability of critical fire      agencies, including Vaisala, who are
for more than 50% of the Forest Ser-      weather conditions during days four         Weather-Ready Nation Ambassadors
vice’s annual budget. According to        through eight. The Fire Weather Out-        and share the mission for being well
the National Interagency Fire Center      looks are intended to delineate areas       informed and prepared for weather
(NIFC), while human caused wildfires      of the contiguous U.S. where pre-           events.
account for 80-90% of all wildfires,      existing fuel conditions, combined
lightning ignited wildfires account       with forecast weather conditions
                                                                                      Behind the Scenes
for more than half of acres burned        during the next eight days, will result
on federal lands. In addition to costs    in a significant threat for the ignition    Scientists around the world never
for suppression, each year wildfires      and/or spread of wildfires (read more       stop researching and experiment-
cause millions of dollars of property     at            ing to determine the best methods
loss with property at risk totaling       about.html).                                or solutions in their field of study.
in the billions of dollars across the         The Fire Weather Outlooks               This is true for scientists working at
United States due to wildfires (http://   are designed for the NWS, as well           Vaisala and at the Storm Prediction      as other federal, state, and local          Center. Weather, and specifically
     Lightning caused wildfires occur     government agencies. “However, we
more frequently in the western            encourage the public to be aware
                                                                                                             Spring 2017 13
lightning, has been a highly studied      and input into these weather models,   wildfire suppression resources to
    phenomena for decades. There is a         as well as thunderstorm and light-     more efficiently and safely suppress
    vast amount of research about light-      ning prediction, and research.         wildfires,” notes Nauslar.
    ning physics (how it works), detec-                                                   SPC will continue to improve its
    tion, and lightning safety. And while                                            outlooks and forecast tools through
                                              Results and Future Plans
    scientists have figured out how to                                               research and verification while inte-
    detect lightning, forecasting lightning   SPC provides probabilities of dry      grating weather, fuels, and wildfire
    is difficult. Forecasting conditions      thunderstorms and probabilities        occurrence data to provide compre-
    leading to lightning ignited wildfires    of various thresholds for lightning,   hensive Fire Weather Outlooks. “We
    is even more difficult and complex.       relative humidity, and rainfall. SPC   will also continue to work with the
    SPC fire weather forecasters have to      is currently examining lightning       fire community and public to better
    synthesize a lot of weather and fuels     prediction tools (calibrated thunder   understand how to address their
    information on multiple temporal and      probability, for example), and         needs,” adds Nauslar.
    spatial scales to provide accurate        researching ways to improve proba-
    Fire Weather Outlooks.                    bilistic lightning guidance.
        SPC utilizes Vaisala’s quality            The verification of SPC’s
    controlled and archived historical        outlooks and forecast tools dem-
    lightning data to help formulate,         onstrate accurate and reliable
    calibrate, and verify the probabilistic   forecasts. “It is very difficult to
    thunderstorm and lightning models         quantify any reduction of incidents
    while monitoring real-time lightning      or costs, but land agencies do use
    data during forecast shifts. Data from    our outlooks and forecast tools
    Vaisala and other private sources are     as input to pre-position and move
    critical to the SPC’s understanding

14 Spring 2017
Space-Proof Sensors
Thanks to their
stability and high
quality, Vaisala’s
humidity and pressure
sensors were again
sent to the demanding
conditions of Mars,
this time on board the
ExoMars 2016 mission.
                                        Model of Schiaparelli, Lander of ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter Project 2016, at ESOC in Darm-
                                        stadt, Germany

The ExoMars mission 2016 consists       surements, for example, in condition             started its three-day descent towards
of two modules, the Trace Gas           monitoring of high-voltage assets at             Mars. Contact was lost with the
Orbiter and the Schiaparelli lander.    power transmission industry.                     lander about 50 seconds before the
The lander was equipped with a suite        “The Finnish Meteorological                  expected landing time. It was discov-
of science instruments for recording    Institute has been using Vaisala                 ered that the landing had not been
the wind speed, humidity, pressure      sensors for space research thanks to             successful, and that the lander had
and temperature at the landing site.    their stability,” says CEN principal             fallen from too high, destroying it.
    This suite included the DREAMS      scientist Tomi Salo.                                  Had the landing been successful,
instrumentation built by the Finnish        “Users can trust that the changes            the lander would have gathered more
Meteorological Institute, a long-time   indicated by our sensors are real                information and possibly unveiled
partner of Vaisala. It was based on     changes in the measured environ-                 more secrets about the Martian
one Vaisala humidity sensor and two     mental conditions.”                              environment.
Vaisala pressure sensors.                                                                     Despite the unsuccessful landing,
    The humidity sensor is a                                                             the Finnish Meteorological Institute
                                        Valuable Experience
standard product, and the smaller                                                        received important information
                                        for the Future
pressure sensors are the same ones                                                       about the functionality of the new
used in Vaisala’s RS92 radiosondes,     The main objective for the Schia-                technology used in the instrumenta-
but specially customized and verified   parelli lander was to test its entry,            tion: the instruments can survive
at Vaisala to be able to measure the    descent and landing capabilities to              a trip to Mars, as they worked per-
extremely small pressures on Mars.      better prepare for the next ExoMars              fectly until the crash.
    The humidity sensor and the         mission in 2020.                                      This proves that the same tech-
smaller pressure sensor are used in         After a successful separation                nology can also be used in ExoMars
radiosondes, while the larger pres-     of the orbiter and the lander on                 2020 mission and NASA’s Mars 2020
sure sensor is used in process mea-     October 16, the Schiaparelli lander              rover.

                                                                                                                   Spring 2017 15
Flying into
      the Eye of the Storm
    Hurricane Hunters fly     If you live inside a hurricane zone,
                              knowing a storm is coming your way
                                                                           “It may seem a bit old-fashioned,
                                                                       but it is the best way to determine
    into hurricanes to save   can be a matter of life and death.
                              NOAA’s Hurricane Hunters fly into
                                                                       exactly how strong the storm is
                                                                       and whether it is gaining or losing
                              hurricanes to gather data and to help    strength,” says Richard Henning,
    lives. Accurate data      weather forecasters determine how        Flight Director at NOAA Aircraft
                              strong the storm is and where it is      Operations Center. He has been a
    about hurricanes helps    heading.                                 Hurricane Hunter for 21 years now,
                                                                       the last seven with NOAA.
    get people out of their
                              Best Data from Inside
    way and understand        the Hurricane                            Dropsondes Show
                                                                       Strength and Trend
                              There are all kinds of ways to gather
    their behavior.           information about a storm: satellites,   The Hurricane Hunters have two P-3
                              buoys offshore, balloon radiosonde       Orion turboprop planes to do the
                              launches and surface weather             dirty work, bounced around in the
                              observations.                            hurricane at 5,000–10,000 feet above
                                  Ultimately, the most accurate        the ocean surface.
                              information you can gather about a           Scientists aboard deploy Vaisala’s
                              hurricane is by flying into it.          dropsondes as the P-3 flies through

16 Spring 2017
the hurricane. They continuously          30–35 – to see what the atmosphere     Richard Henning Flight Director at NOAA
                                                                                 Aircraft Operations Center on a hurricane
transmit measurements of pressure,        is doing. The data enables forecast-   mission
humidity, temperature, and wind           ers to map the steering currents
direction and speed as they fall, pro-    that influence the movement of
viding a detailed look at the structure   hurricanes.
of the storm and its intensity.               “Dropsonde data is critical to
    “Probably some of the most            what we do. We have a very good
important dropsondes are dropped          relationship with Vaisala, and as
from the P-3 into the eyewall of the      a team, we are always striving to
storm to determine the strongest          make dropsonde data as precise and
winds,” Richard Henning says.             dependable as possible,” Richard
    Sondes dropped in the eye of the      Henning points out.
storm are also very critical to the
forecasters in determining the pres-
sure inside the eye. The lower the
pressure, generally the stronger the           Becoming a Hurricane Hunter
storm is.                                      “I had been flying in the Navy, and I had a Master’s
                                               in meteorology. The combination provided me an
                                               opportunity to fly with the Air Force Reserve hurricane
Data from Above the Storm                      hunters. This qualified me for my job in NOAA.”
A Gulfstream jet is used to gather
data from above the hurricane, at an           “We have only about 100 people in the Aircraft Operations
altitude of 40,000–45,000 feet.                Center, so the hiring process is very competitive. Pilots,
     “The best way to describe it is           scientists and technicians are usually highly educated and
to compare the hurricane to a block            experienced before coming here.”
of wood floating on a stream: on the
jet, we are gathering information
about the stream carrying the block,”          “The qualification process takes up to three years, and
Henning says.                                  many flights with someone instructing you before you get
     Even more dropsondes are used             to fly into a storm on your own.”
per mission than on the P-3 – usually

                                                                                                          Spring 2017 17
NOAA Hurricane Hunters
        National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is US
        environmental intelligence agency, focusing on the oceans
        and atmosphere. In Florida, NOAA has a fleet of nine aircraft
        at its Aircraft Operations Center, which is also the base for the
        Hurricane Hunters.

        Why aren’t Hurricane Hunter planes torn apart in storm?
        Planes are generally not destroyed by strong winds while in
        flight. It is the shear, or sudden change in horizontal or vertical
        winds, that can destroy an aircraft.

    Saving Lives                            commercial airliner in rough weather.           barely see the tips of the wings. It is
                                            Sometimes it is much worse.                     like going through a car wash, on a
    The data from both planes is                “At times it is like being on a             rollercoaster.”
    streamed to the National Hurricane      rollercoaster with speed bumps.
    Center in Miami, in seconds. There      Going through the eyewall, it can
    it is combined with other weather       be raining so hard that you can
    data. Computer models are run many
    times a day to predict the storm’s
    movements and strength, several
    days in advance.
         The Hurricane Hunters are at
    times the first people to know if the
    storm has turned or intensified.
         “One storm I remember more
    than any other in this regard is
    Katrina in 2005. We were inside the
    storm, when it intensified from a
    category 3 to 5,” Richard Henning
         This was early on a Sunday
    morning, and based on Hurricane
    Hunters’ data, the residents of Loui-
    siana and Mississippi were warned
    of the category 5 hurricane heading
    their way.
         “Tens of thousands of people
    evacuated from the coast that
    morning. Had they not left, many
    would have died, as it was such a
    severe storm.”

    Rollercoaster with
    Speed Bumps
    Flying in the storm is not always as    NOAA Aircraft Operations Center technician, Mr. Damon Sans Souci, preparing to launch an
    turbulent as you would expect; some-    expendable into a storm from the WP-3D Orion Hurricane Hunter.
    times it is no worse than being on a

18 Spring 2017
Vaisala’s Corporate
Science Advisor
Dr. Walter Dabberdt, Vaisala’s former
Chief Science Officer and Corporate
Science Advisor, has received one of
the highest honors bestowed by the
Finnish government.
    Dr. Dabberdt has been made
Knight, First Class, of the Order of
the Lion of Finland for promoting the
knowhow and export of Finnish envi-
ronmental technology. The honor is
given based on exceptional personal
merit, gained in his own field of

Building Collaboration
As a renowned scientist in the area of
meteorology, Dr. Dabberdt has initi-
ated and increased Vaisala’s coop-
eration with world-leading research
institutes, especially in the USA.
    The ensuing research has led to
commercial products and strength-
ened Vaisala’s position as the tech-
nology leader and primary partner
for environmental observations.
    “Close collaboration with
research institutes is critical for our
business and future success. Walt’s
role in building our networks has
been extremely important. He is a
                                          Dr. Walter Dabberdt, Kirsti Kauppi, the Ambassador of Finland to the United States and Presi-
well-known and respected scientist        dent and CEO of Vaisala Kjell Forsén
not only in USA but also in China and
Germany. In Washington D.C., he has       Vaisala, he spent 15 years at the                  the American Meteorological Society
even contributed to environmental         National Center for Atmospheric                    and is a Fellow of the Royal Meteoro-
legislation,” says Kjell Forsén.          Research (NCAR) as scientist, facility             logical Society.
                                          manager, and Associate Director.                       Dr. Dabberdt retires from Vaisala
                                              He has served on numerous                      in early February 2017, after 16 years
Eminent Meteorologist
                                          regional, national and international               with the company.
Dr. Dabbert has a long career in the      panels and committees. He is also a
field of meteorology. Prior to joining    Fellow and past President (2008) of

                                                                                                                       Spring 2017 19
Better Quality Air
    Means a Better
    Quality of Life
    Air quality affects our quality of life, but current measurement networks do
    not provide accurate enough picture of the air quality situation. By bringing
    air quality monitoring where it previously has not been practical, Vaisala Air
    Quality Transmitters provide information that can directly impact our daily lives.

20 Spring 2017
Since the London smog incident                equate for providing real-time localized   conditions. For example, wind can
in the 1950s, ambient air monitor-            air quality information.                   move pollutants distances of hun-
ing has developed into a globally                 Vaisala Air Quality Transmitters       dreds of kilometres, and under low
adopted public task. It is performed          provide a new type of a cost effective     level inversion conditions, pollutants
to ensure the health and safety               solution for monitoring ambient air,       accumulate to generate high ground
of citizens as well as to minimize            providing a real-time picture of the       level concentrations. Wet deposition
adverse environmental effects due to          local air quality situation. Quick and     due to rainfall clears the air from
pollutants.                                   easy to deploy, they are ideal for         pollutants but can also pollute the
                                              complementing an analyser-based            environment in the form of acid rain.
                                              network for a more accurate picture of         Understanding local weather con-
Providing Local Air
                                              the air quality situation.                 ditions is therefore important in fully
Quality Information
                                                  They are also an easy way to           understanding air quality conditions.
In today’s statutory air quality              establish a monitoring network around          To this end, the Vaisala Air Quality
networks, measurements are made               industrial sites, like petrochemical       Transmitters can seamlessly be
with fixed air monitoring stations            facilities, power plants or mines, where   connected to the Vaisala Weather
using standard reference methods.             air quality is of particular interest.     Transmitter family of products. These
Analysers using these methods are                 Vaisala also offers software           products measure the essential
well established and accurate, but            solutions for managing a network of        weather parameters (wind, rain, PTU)
are costly to operate and maintain,           instruments and making the measure-        in a compact and easy to deploy
so the number and spatial density of          ment data easily accessible for users      format.
these stations is typically relatively        and applications. The data can also be         Also a solar irradiation sensor
low. Typically, stations are several          used to support air quality forecasting.   can be added to provide data on local
kilometres apart even in cities.                                                         photochemical conditions. Vaisala also
    However, due to the localized                                                        offers ceilometer instruments for 24/7
                                              Weather Conditions
nature of pollution sources and micro-                                                   monitoring of boundary layer height
                                              Impact Air Quality
climatic effects, the air quality in cities                                              and conditions.
inevitably varies on much smaller             The accumulation of air pollution
scale, making current networks inad-          also depends on local meteorological

                                                                                                                Spring 2017 21
Belgium’s Air Quality Tracked
    with Vaisala Lidar Ceilometers
    In Belgium, volcanic eruptions of the early                                               The collected data is sent con-
                                                                                          tinuously to the Belgian Interregional
    2010s proved the need to follow pollutants in                                         Environment Agency, where it is
                                                                                          integrated with other air quality
    the boundary layer in the atmosphere to better                                        measurements – such as data on
                                                                                          particles and gas – to improve under-
    understand air quality in all weather conditions.                                     standing of current and near-future
                                                                                          weather conditions.
                                                                                              Data on the boundary layer is
    Air quality is not only affected by        in Uccle, Brussels in 2011. In 2014, the   also useful for verifying numerical
    emissions in the atmosphere. How           monitoring was expanded with the           simulations of air pollution and pre-
    quickly pollutants are dispersed is        installation of three additional moni-     dicting ozone formation.
    determined by the weather as well as       tors in Zeebrugge, Diepenbeek, and
    the thickness of the boundary layer        Humain.
    where emissions are diluted vertically.        Remote sensing with a Lidar
        Monitoring the boundary layer,         ceilometer is a cost-effective and
    also known as the mixing layer height,     accurate way to measure the bound-
    is critical for estimating the nature,     ary layer and to improve atmospheric
    transformation, and removal of pollut-     research and air quality monitoring.
    ants in the air.                               “Lidar ceilometers have improved
        In Belgium, the need for this          in recent years and now offer the
    monitoring was brought home by the         opportunity to continuously monitor
    volcanic eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull     the vertical profile of aerosols and the
    and Grimsvötn in 2010 and 2011,            mixing layer height,” says Dr. Hugo
    leading to closing of large parts of       De Backer, who is responsible for
    European airspace.                         ozone and UV observations and data
        The ozone, aerosol, and UV             maintenance at the RMI.
    research group at the Royal Meteo-             The raw data gathered by the
    rological Institute of Belgium (RMI)       sensors is analyzed to determine the
    decided to track the vertical profile of   maximum vertical gradient and the
    aerosols using Lidar (Light Detection      temporal variant of the backscat-
    And Ranging), and installed its first      ter profile, while also comparing
    Vaisala Lidar Ceilometer CL51 monitor      boundary-layer models over time.

22 Spring 2017
Expands to Africa
Vaisala is setting up a new subsidiary       “At the same time, climate              Kenya was selected at the subsid-
in Nairobi, Kenya, to be close to its    change and urbanization are increas-   iary’s location, as it is the one of the
current and prospective clients in a     ing the importance of weather data     most advanced economy in Eastern
rapidly developing market.               in Africa.”                            and Central Africa, an important
    “We want to grow our business in         A local presence is needed to      business hub with many Western
Eastern and Southern Africa. Several     be within easy reach for Vaisala’s     companies already established there.
countries there are seeing rapid         African clients and to be able to      It is also one of the regional meteoro-
economic growth, so their ability to     monitor the market and develop         logical centers.
invest in meteorological systems is      operations there. In Africa, Vaisala
improving,” says Panu Partanen,          focuses primarily on meteorology
Head of Weather APAC&MEA.                and airport clients.

                                                                                                      Spring 2017 23
Europe                               Americas                             Asia and Pacific
Vaisala Oyj                          Vaisala Inc.                         Vaisala KK
P.O. Box 26                          Boston Office                        Tokyo Office
FI-00421 Helsinki                    10-D Gill Street                     Jimbocho Mitsui Building
FINLAND                              Woburn, MA 01801                     1-105 Kanda-Jimbocho
                                     USA                                  Chiyoda-ku
Vaisala Oyj                                                               Tokyo 101-0051
Malmö Office                         Vaisala Inc.                         JAPAN
Drottninggatan 1 D                   Boulder Operations
S-212 11 Malmö                       194 South Taylor Avenue              Vaisala KK
SWEDEN                               Louisville, CO, 80027                Osaka Office
                                     USA                                  Soken Midosuji Bldg 2F
Vaisala Oyj                                                               3-5-13 Awaji-machi
Stockholm Office                     Vaisala Inc.                         Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi
Johanneslundsvägen 2, 1tr            Houston Office                       Osaka 541-0047
S-194 61 Upplands Väsby              1120 NASA Road, Suite 220-E          JAPAN
SWEDEN                               Houston, TX 77058
                                     USA                                  Vaisala KK
Vaisala GmbH                                                              Nagoya Office
Bonn Office                          Vaisala Inc.                         GS Sakae Bldg 3F
Adenauerallee 15                     San Jose Office                      5-26-39 Sakae,
D-53111 Bonn                         6980 Santa Teresa Blvd.              Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi
GERMANY                              San Jose, CA 95119-1393              Aichi 460-0008
                                     USA                                  JAPAN
Vaisala GmbH
Hamburg Office                       Vaisala Inc.                         Vaisala China Ltd
Notkestr. 11                         St. Louis Office                     Beijing Office
D-22607 Hamburg                      2055 Craigshire Road, Suite 120      2F, EAS Building
GERMANY                              St. Louis, MO 63146                  21 Xiaoyun Road
                                     USA                                  Chaoyang District
Vaisala Ltd
Birmingham Operations                Vaisala Inc.                         Beijing 100027
Elm House                            Seattle Operations                   PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA
351 Bristol Road                     2001 6th Avenue, Suite 2100          Vaisala China Ltd
Birmingham B5 7SW                    Seattle, WA 98121                    Shanghai Office
UNITED KINGDOM                       USA                                  Room D, 12F, Meihuan Building
Vaisala Ltd                          Vaisala Inc.                         No.107 Zhongshan 2nd Road Southern
Bury St Edmunds Office               Tucson Operations                    Xuhui District
Unit 2b Hillside Business Park       2705 East Medina Road                Shanghai 200032
Kempson Way                          Tucson, AZ 85756                     PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA
Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 7EA   USA                                  Vaisala Oyj
UNITED KINGDOM                                                            Korea Liaison Office
                                     Vaisala Inc.
Vaisala SAS                          Westford Office                      16th Floor, Gangnam Bldg
Paris Office                         3 Lan Drive, Suite 100               1321-1 Seocho-dong
2, rue Stéphenson                    Westford, MA 01886                   Seocho-gu
F-78181 Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines    USA                                  Seoul 137-070
FRANCE                                                                    SOUTH KOREA
                                     Vaisala Canada Inc.
Vaisala SAS                          110 - 13551 Commerce Parkway,        Vaisala Pty Ltd
Lyon Office                          Richmond BC, Canada, V6V 2L1         Melbourne Office
12, Avenue des Saules                CANADA                               3 Guest Street
F-69600 Oullins                                                           Hawthorn, VIC 3122
FRANCE                               Vaisala Serviços de Marketing Ltda   AUSTRALIA
                                     Ladeira Madre de Deus, 5 - Gamboa
                                     20-221-090 Rio de Janeiro            Vaisala Oyj
Middle East                          BRASIL                               Regional Office Malaysia
                                                                          Level 11, West Block
Vaisala Oyj                                                               Wisma Selangor Dredging
Single Business Tower, 9th Floor                                          142-C Jalan Ampang
Office No. 906                                                            50450 Kuala Lumpur
Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai                                                  MALAYSIA

                                                                          3TIER R&D India Private Ltd.
                                                                          T-2, Farhaan Centre, # 24/1
                                                                          Walkers lane, Langford Road Cross
                                                                          Richmond Town, Bangalore- 560025

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