The Implications of Global Instability and Financial Uncertainty

Page created by Guy Lynch
The Implications of Global Instability and Financial Uncertainty
Volatility: Russia, Resiliency and Repositioning

                     The Implications of Global
                     Instability and Financial

                                                                                         FEBRUARY 2022

                       With geopolitical influences converging with inflation and other macroeconomic
                       factors, it appears that volatility could be front and center for the foreseeable
                       future. When facing volatility in the market, it is crucial to gather a full
                       understanding of the issues at hand so you can better prepare your investment
                       portfolios. At New York Life Investments, we partnered with leading experts to
                       dissect the recent volatility and paired their perspectives with commentary from
John Sitilides         our boutiques to provide you with a holistic view on the market today.
Trilogy Advisors
                     Risks on Multiple Fronts
                     John Sitilides
                     Trilogy Advisors

                     We are currently witnessing the historically unprecedented convergence of risks
                     involving geopolitical instability, inflation, and the global COVID-19 pandemic. The
                     United States remains focused on preventing any single power from dominating
Chris Watling        Europe, as well as in Asia and the Middle East. Russia has expressed its strategic
Founder              concerns about NATO’s eastern expansion over the past two decades, and now
Longview Economics   seeks to re-establish Ukraine as a massive land buffer between alliance members
                     and its own western borders. The large ethnic Russian population in Ukraine serves
                     as Vladimir Putin’s pretext for seeking to unite Ukrainians and Russians as a single
                     civilizational family that transcends national borders. This was the stated basis for
                     Russia’s 2014 annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula and its military control since
                     then of Ukraine’s southeastern provinces. However, the number of Russian troops
                     surrounding Ukraine in Russia and Belarus are insufficient for a massive invasion
                     across Ukraine, despite the media frenzy of late. Mimicking Beijing’s effective “sliced
Dr. Kevin Elko       salami” approach since 2014 to build military bases on artificial islands throughout in
Performance Coach    the South China Sea, Moscow will likely undertake low-level military operations that
                     incrementally undermine Ukrainian sovereignty at a threshold that avoids triggering a
                     NATO military response. A more likely scenario involves Russian-directed grey-zone
                     hybrid war strategy consisting of cyberattacks to spread panic among the population
                     and distract authorities. Russia could target critical infrastructure such as power
The Implications of Global Instability and Financial Uncertainty
The Implications of Global Instability and Financial Uncertainty

plants, mobile communications, internet, government communications, and transportation systems, to further
destabilize and demoralize Ukrainian society and psychologically exhaust the military and law enforcement under
constant high threat level, without crossing a NATO military response tripwire. This would drive a deeper wedge
between the U.S. and the U.K., which are more supportive of Kyiv, and NATO members such as Germany and
France seeking a more diplomatic approach to Russian adventurism in Europe, especially given their growing
energy dependence on Russian supplies. Another plausible scenario involves a Russian naval takeover of
Ukraine’s tiny but strategically located Snake Island in the Black Sea, effectively controlling the Ukrainian
economy by restricting access to its Black Sea shipping corridors. Given the importance to Xi Jinping of a
successful Beijing Olympiad, Moscow is not expected to push further in Ukraine until the games have concluded.
After Feb. 20, Moscow may begin conducting a series of rolling operations that it can start and stop at any time
of its own choosing, on land and at sea, depending on U.S., European and international reaction.

From Emergency Policy to Normalcy
Chris Watling
Longview Economics

Inflation is at 7%. That’s the highest it’s been since 1982. This is not, though, the beginning of a recessionary
phase, despite the fears of the bears. Indeed, there are many differences between previous recessions and this
current climate (in particular, the U.S. economy is structurally strong with an absence of economic excess).
More importantly, the U.S. central bank is beginning the journey of policy normalization (not tightening). For most
of 2020 and 2021, the U.S. economy has been guided by emergency policy actions enacted to combat the
COVID-19 pandemic. Those emergency policies resulted in a great deal of money being printed and effectively, via
stimulus and furlough programs, given to consumers and businesses. The global supply chain, as a result,
couldn’t keep up with the extra spending created by the extra cash, thereby causing vacancies on store shelves.
Along with newly created cash flowing largely unrestricted, speculative investments became overinflated. Tech
stocks and cryptos were beneficiaries of those money flows, causing them to have the hardest falls as money
began to tighten. Some cryptocurrencies are down sharply from their all-time highs, while a high number of tech
companies are at 52-week share price lows. The rise and manipulation of the now-famous “meme stocks” was
another telling example that money was flowing unchecked. The Fed, though, is now tightening and will continue
to do so. As such, long duration and tech stocks are coming under pressure. If no shocks arise, the world’s
economies should return to a more manageable and regular growth rate, and inflation will decrease. We believe
that a return to a more normal monetary policy and a more normal global economy will fuel a rebound and drive
what we label the “Great Rotation.” This rotation is a global repositioning of investments from those “negatively
affected by normal policy to those that benefit.”

Our family of Boutiques share their insights on how to move forward in the
current uncertainty
Our multi-boutique business model is built on the foundation of a long and stable history, which gives our clients
proven performance managing risk through multiple economic cycles. With capabilities across virtually all asset
classes, market segments and geographies, our family of specialized, independent boutiques offer deep domain
expertise and diversity of thought, generating deeper insights alongside strong conviction to deliver better
outcomes. We asked our seasoned specialists two simple questions about today’s economic environment, and
here is what they had to say.
The Implications of Global Instability and Financial Uncertainty
The Implications of Global Instability and Financial Uncertainty

Boutique       How concerned are you about inflation                What is your highest-conviction
               and volatility over the next 12 months?              investment idea related to your asset
                                                                    class and inflation?

MacKay         Inflation is expected to increase due to rising In 2022, we continue to expect advanced
Shields        wages, housing costs and capital spending on economies to expand at an above-trend
               renewable energy.                               rate. However, higher inflation and tighter
Global Fixed                                                   financial conditions suggest this cycle is
               Despite reductions in supply-chain issues and
Income Team                                                    highly unlikely to approach the length of the
               productivity improvements, it is unlikely that
                                                               prior one. Against this backdrop, we are
               inflation will return to pre-COVID-19 levels.
                                                               looking at opportunities in the structured
                                                               credit markets as an important diversifier.
                                                               Importantly, two key metrics—the household
                                                               obligation ratio and household debt to net
                                                               worth—have fallen to their lowest levels in
                                                               40 years, suggesting consumers remain in
                                                               great financial shape and have room to pay
                                                               down debt.
                                                                    Wages have been climbing higher for most
                                                                    participants in the labor market, while
                                                                    rising home prices coupled with strong
                                                                    underwriting standards should generally
                                                                    support mortgage-related debt instruments.

NYL            We expect prices of finished goods and               We continue to be constructive on floating
Investors      services to remain sticky despite transitory         rate and believe our focus on higher credit-
               inflation in commodities.                            quality loans should be beneficial in 2022,
                                                                    since lower-quality loans are currently priced
               The Fed is expected to take a hawkish
                                                                    at or near their peak historical level. We have
               position in combating inflation; therefore,
                                                                    seen in prior periods that once lower credit-
               we are not overly concerned about the
                                                                    quality loans reach their peak level, they
               market impacts.
                                                                    typically underperform the broader market.
                                                                    While we think the fundamental credit-
                                                                    environment is positive for non-investment-
                                                                    grade credit (i.e., high-yield bonds and
                                                                    bank loans), our view is that at current price
                                                                    levels, lower-quality floating-rate loans (CCC
                                                                    and below rated) have little upside. So, we
                                                                    will continue to focus primarily on higher
                                                                    credit-quality (BB and B rated) loans. With
                                                                    asset prices at generally high levels, we view
                                                                    2022 as more of a “coupon clipping” year,
                                                                    which history has shown to better favor
                                                                    our approach.
The Implications of Global Instability and Financial Uncertainty
The Implications of Global Instability and Financial Uncertainty

Boutique     How concerned are you about inflation              What is your highest-conviction
             and volatility over the next 12 months?            investment idea related to your asset
                                                                class and inflation?

CBRE         Although we are concerned about inflation,         In real estate, we continue to have
Investment   the real assets, which we manage, historically     overweights to residential, storage and
Management   has been protected against inflationary effects.   hotels, which reprice often and should see
             During past high inflationary periods, real        vast improvements in cash flow in 2022
             estate has outperformed equities. Property         and 2023.
             values rise alongside raw materials and labor,
                                                                In listed infrastructure, we have increased
             giving REITs inflation protection.
                                                                exposure to global transports by several
             Infrastructure companies pass costs to end         hundreds of basis points over the past year.
             users, while global utilities can increase         We believe global transports, such as freight,
             their regulated asset base and increase            rail, and toll roads, have a rapid ability to
             construction costs. Communications and             reprice to outpace inflation. In our view they
             Transports often negotiate contracts with          may also benefit from a continued reopening
             inflationary provisions.                           of the global economy. We also favor assets
                                                                that have efficient inflation pass-through, like
                                                                European towers (inflation- linked contracts)
                                                                and select regulatory jurisdictions that enable
                                                                quick recovery from inflation in revenues
                                                                and costs.

Wellington   The impact of wage and shelter inflation is        We take a balanced approach to portfolio
Management   being underestimated, and we believe inflation     construction, not leaning too heavily on
             will be higher and more persistent. The            any one scenario, but as we enter an
             magnitude and pace of tightening measures          inflationary environment, we are focused
             are crucial to market health.                      on understanding the pricing power and
                                                                interest-rate sensitivity of the companies
                                                                we own.
                                                                Our largest sector overweights are
                                                                information technology, health care and
                                                                financials, while we remain underweight
                                                                consumer staples. (As of 12/31/21)
The Implications of Global Instability and Financial Uncertainty

Boutique      How concerned are you about inflation              What is your highest-conviction
              and volatility over the next 12 months?            investment idea related to your asset
                                                                 class and inflation?

MacKay        MacKay Municipal Managers (MMM)                    In 2022, we believe structure matters as
Municipal     anticipated heightened volatility in 2022          municipal investors must contend with the
Managers      and while commencing sooner than some              longer duration and Market Discount Rule
              may expect, this is materializing. We believe      impact of lower-coupon bonds (2-3%)
              this further underscores the case for active       where their issuance has risen from 16.1%
              management, we see bouts of volatility as an       to 29.8% over the last approximately five
              opportunity, and we believe portfolios should      years. In our view, investors modifying their
              be prepared to pivot and capitalize.               strategy to incorporate structure decisions
                                                                 could discover new modes of potentially
              We believe municipal bonds serve as an
                                                                 generating excess returns.
              inflation hedge when looking at core revenues,
              much of which stems from increasing income         In a landscape where many take a passive
              tax, property tax, and sales tax collections.      approach to municipal bond investing
              There are also segments of the municipal           and more lackluster returns in 2022 are
              market, such as tobacco and toll roads,            expected, we believe elevated tactical
              that incorporate annual inflation adjustments      trading drives returns. Volatility in 2022
              in their covenants that increase revenues          has already picked up, and in our view
              available to debt service.                         MMM’s active approach, coupled with a
                                                                 disciplined liquidity management profile
                                                                 (cash reserves, no mutual fund leverage,
                                                                 more modest non-rated bond exposure),
                                                                 positions the team well to capitalize. In our
                                                                 view, traditional passive municipal investors
                                                                 shifting to tactical active management in
                                                                 2022 may improve outcomes.

Winslow       Inflation and volatility over the next 12 months   We commit to high-quality, growth
Capital       are, in our opinion, an opportunity. Investors     companies that can compound their
Management,   have recently sold off equities at the fastest     long-term earnings and free cash flow at
              pace since March 2021. Major indices are           rates well above the broader market. These
Large Cap     either in correction or nearing bear markets       companies also have the pricing power to
Equity        amid increasingly hawkish Fed policy. The          pass along rising input costs.
Manager       severity of this sell-off is concealed by the
              S&P 500’s drawdown of -11%, due to
              its significant bond-proxy/low-vol stock
              exposure. The average stock in the Nasdaq
              Composite is down nearly 50% from its
              highs. For these reasons, the stock market
              is not only in correction, but also already in
              bear market territory without a recession in
              sight. In our opinion, this market sell-off is
              overdone, and we see a bullish setup looking
              ahead. We believe growth equities are a
              structurally advantaged asset class due to
              the compounding of their superior earnings
              potential over time.
The Implications of Global Instability and Financial Uncertainty

 Boutique         How concerned are you about inflation                 What is your highest-conviction
                  and volatility over the next 12 months?               investment idea related to your asset
                                                                        class and inflation?

 Epoch            Twelve months ago, the consensus believed             We believe investors should be thinking
 Investment       inflation would be 2.3% at the end of 2021. It        about the risk in their portfolios from holding
 Partners, Inc.   ended up being more than twice that. One key          long-duration equities in a rising interest-
                  driver was aggressive policy stimulus (both           rate environment. Shareholder yield is an
                  monetary and fiscal) implemented to combat            indicator of short duration. Stocks that have
                  COVID-19’s impact on the global economy,              substantial, present-day cash flows and are
                  allowing for a much faster economic recovery          paying dividends have shorter duration and
                  than initially expected. While the demand             should be less affected as interest rates
                  surge meant the recession was short-lived,            move higher. As interest rates normalize, we
                  the supply-side disruptions were much                 believe shareholder yield is well positioned
                  more pervasive than anyone had expected.              to succeed.
                  Consumer spending on durable goods initially
                  plummeted with the COVID-19 recession but
                  is now running 26% above trend; therefore,
                  companies are having a difficult time keeping
                  up. Supply disruptions also explain why
                  core-goods inflation is printing over 10% YoY
                  (vs its historical mean of 0%). It is affecting a
                  wide range of sectors and could certainly take
                  two years to normalize. Although consensus
                  expects core PCE inflation to decline to 2.3%
                  by the end of 2023, we believe the balance
                  of risks to this inflation trajectory are tilted to
                  the upside.

            “Use your mind or lose your mind” – Dr. Kevin Elko

Successful Strategies Will Prevail
Dr. Kevin Elko
Performance Coach

Resiliency is needed in such unprecedented times. Rebounding after a setback and landing in an even better
place is the hallmark of a winner. To understand the process of winning, deconstructing the methods of proven
winners is critical. Tom Brady starts and concludes every game in the same manner. He views himself as a winner
and therefore acts like one. How you see yourself will dictate how you interpret your course of action. When the
weak are merely coping, the best are advancing. During these trying times, ask yourself “So what. Now what”?
Take each day as a one-off. Be 1-0 today, 1-0 tomorrow, and the victories add up.
In Conclusion
   At New York Life Investments, we don’t just offer investment advice, we invest in lasting relationships with
   our clients. We’re a global asset manager with a focus on long-term thinking and a diverse multi-boutique
   structure that you access through MainStay Funds and IndexIQ ETFs. We strive to provide investment
   solutions that help you deliver meaningful outcomes for the clients you serve, and we work hard to deliver
   value beyond just investment performance. When you truly understand your client, you can serve them
   better—that’s what makes us different.

Long-lasting focus. Domain expertise. Relationship-driven.
More than investing. Invested.

For more information

Speaker bios

         John Sitilides
         Trilogy Advisors
John is a Washington D.C. geopolitical strategist, government affairs specialist, and diplomacy coordinator to the
U.S. Department of State (under contract). He shares his insights into U.S. and global risk trends, international
threat assessments, and geopolitical strategies through customized briefings designed to explore the complex
political and geo-economic decisions that impact global markets.

         Chris Watling
         Longview Economics
Chris founded Longview Economics in 2003 with a desire to produce research that was independent,
courageous, and relevant to every type of investor. Longview has built relationships across the globe and is
constantly seeking to deliver cutting edge market analysis and trading ideas.

         Dr. Kevin Elko
         Performance Coach

Dr. Elko is a performance and career-enhancement consultant, nationally renowned sport performance
consultant, keynote speaker and best-selling author. He received his bachelor’s degree in biology education and
coaching from California University of Pennsylvania. He received two master’s degrees and a doctorate at West
Virginia University and was later inducted into West Virginia University Hall of Fame. Dr. Elko focuses on helping
Fortune 500 organizations in the areas of Leadership, Goal Setting & Performance. With unparalleled energy, he
highlights the incredible power of resiliency as well as teaches his unique solution to becoming a champion in life
and in business.
The Implications of Global Instability and Financial Uncertainty

Consider the Funds’ investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. The prospectus, or summary
prospectus, and the statement of additional information include this and other relevant information about the Funds and are available by
visiting or by calling 800-624-6782 for MainStay Funds®. Read the prospectus carefully before investing.

Credit Quality: Percentages are based on fixed-income securities held in the Fund’s investment portfolio and exclude any equity or convertible securities and cash or
cash equivalents. Ratings apply to the underlying portfolio of debt securities held by the Fund and are rated by an independent rating agency, such as Standard and
Poor’s, Moody’s, and/or Fitch. If ratings are provided by the rating agencies, but differ, the lower rating will be utilized. If only one rating is provided, the available rating
will be utilized. Securities that are unrated by the rating agencies are reflected as such in the breakdown. Unrated securities do not necessarily indicate low quality. S&P
rates borrowers on a scale from AAA to D. AAA through BBB represent investment grade, while BB through D represent non-investment grade.
The views expressed herein are from MacKay Shields, NYL Investors, CBRE Investment Management, Wellington Management, Winslow Capital Management, LLC,
Epoch Investment Partners, Inc. and do not necessarily reflect the views of New York Life Investment Management LLC or its affiliates. New York Life Investments
engages the services of affiliated, federally registered investment advisors such as MacKay Shields LLC and NYL Investors LLC, and unaffiliated, federally registered
investment advisors, such as CBRE Investment Management, Wellington Management, Winslow Capital Management, LLC, Epoch Investment Partners, Inc. The
products and services of New York Life Investments’ boutiques are not available to all clients and in all jurisdictions or regions.
Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal. Asset allocation and diversification may not protect against market risk, loss of principal, or volatility of
returns. There is no guarantee that these investment strategies will work under all market conditions or are suitable for all investors, and each investor should evaluate
their ability to invest long-term, especially during periods of downturn in the market. No representation is being made that any account, product, or strategy will or is
likely to achieve profits. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, accounting,
legal or tax advice. You should consult your tax or legal advisor regarding such matters. This material is not intended to be relied upon as a forecast, research or
investment advice, and is not a recommendation, offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities or to adopt any investment strategy.
The views expressed herein are from John Sitilides of Trilogy Advisors and do not necessarily reflect the views of New York Life Investment Management LLC or its
affiliates. John Sitilides, nor Trilogy Advisors, are affiliated with New York Life Insurance Company or its subsidiaries.
The views expressed herein are from Longview Economics and do not necessarily reflect the views of New York Life Investment Management LLC or its affiliates.
Longview Economics is not affiliated with New York Life Investment Management LLC. This material represents an assessment of the market environment as at a
specific date; is subject to change; and is not intended to be a forecast of future events or a guarantee of future results.
This information should not be relied upon by the reader as research or investment advice regarding the funds or any particular issuer/security.
The views expressed herein are from Dr. Kevin Elko and do not necessarily reflect the views of New York Life Investment Management LLC or its affiliates. Dr. Elko is not
affiliated with New York Life Investment Management LLC.

New York Life Investments is both a service mark, and the common trade name, of certain investment advisors affiliated with New York Life Insurance Company, New York, New York
10010. NYLIFE Distributors LLC is located at 30 Hudson Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302. NYLIFE Distributors LLC is a Member FINRA/SIPC.

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