The Impact of Relationship Education on Adolescents of Diverse Backgrounds

Page created by Darryl Lawrence
Family Relations, 56 (July 2007), 291–303. Blackwell Publishing.
Copyright 2007 by the National Council on Family Relations.

     The Impact of Relationship Education on Adolescents
                   of Diverse Backgrounds

    Francesca Adler-Baeder                 Jennifer L. Kerpelman         David G. Schramm               Brian Higginbotham             Amber Paulk*

        Abstract: Adolescent-focused marriage education is a relatively uncharted research area. Using a quasi-experimental
        design, this study examined the effectiveness of an adapted version of the curriculum entitled, Love U2: Increasing
        Your Relationship Smarts with an economically, geographically, and racially diverse sample of 340 high school stu-
        dents. Findings suggest that participants showed increases in 5 dimensions of their relationship knowledge, includ-
        ing their ability to identify unhealthy relationship patterns. Participants also had more realistic beliefs about
        relationships/marriages and reported lower levels of verbal aggression use at postprogram compared to controls.
        Moreover, these findings existed across race, household income, and family structure type, with all participating stu-
        dents benefiting in similar ways. Implications for future programming and research are discussed.

        Key Words: adolescent romantic relationships, dating violence, family life education and related areas, marriage,
        program evaluation.

As part of the Federal Deficit Reduction Act of                                  Yet, there is very little programmatic impact data
2005 (Senate Bill 1932), the U.S. government                                     that provide support for these voluntary or man-
recently appropriated $500 million over the next                                 dated program offerings.
5 years for marriage-strengthening activities. This                                  We conducted a thorough search of several social
money will support new and existing educational                                  science databases (e.g., PsychINFO, Social Science
programs designed to cultivate the skills necessary to                           Abstracts) and found only two published studies of
form and sustain healthy marriages. The legislation                              relationship or marriage education programs for
specifically authorizes relationship education in high                           youth (i.e., Gardner, 2001; Gardner, Giese, &
schools as one of the eight allowable activities. The                            Parrot, 2004). Because these programs contain
impact of youth-focused relationship and marriage                                information on basic relational skills for current dat-
education, however, is a relatively uncharted course                             ing relationships and for later adult relationships
of study (Pearson, 2000). It is commonly noted that                              and marriages, we searched for both the terms ‘‘rela-
relational attitudes and behaviors develop in adoles-                            tionship education’’ and ‘‘marriage education.’’ The
cence, that adolescents are interested in marriage                               terms are used interchangeably in this paper.
and in relationship/marriage education (Silliman &                                   Participant characteristics of those studies limit
Schumm, 2004), and that youth should receive rela-                               the generalizability of the findings. Gardner et al.
tionship skills and ‘‘marriage readiness’’ courses                               (2004) evaluated a marriage education program,
while in school (e.g., Administration for Children                               Connections: Relationships and Marriage, with a pri-
and Families, 2005; Brotherson & Duncan, 2004;                                   marily urban sample of high school adolescents,
Hawkins, Carroll, Doherty, & Willoughby, 2004).                                  providing preliminary evidence that suggested

*Francesca Adler-Baeder is Associate Professor and Extension Specialist in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Auburn University, 203
Spidle Hall, Auburn, AL 36849 ( Jennifer L. Kerpelman is Professor and Extension Specialist in the Department of Human Development
and Family Studies at Auburn University, 203 Spidle Hall, Auburn, AL 36849 ( David G. Schramm is a doctoral candidate in the Department of
Human Development and Family Studies at Auburn University, 203 Spidle Hall, Auburn, AL 36849 ( Brian Higginbotham is Assistant Profes-
sor and Extension Specialist in the Department of Family, Consumer, and Human Development at Utah State University, 2705 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322-
2705 ( Amber Paulk is a doctoral student in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Auburn University, 203 Spidle Hall,
Auburn, AL 36849 (
292                                 Family Relations  Volume 56, Number 3  July 2007

a research-based relationship education curriculum             of aggression, and research suggests that experienc-
can positively influence attitudes, knowledge, and             ing dating violence in adolescence increases the like-
behaviors. Although the outcome of Gardner’s stud-             lihood of experiencing future relationship violence
ies supported the value of relationship education,             (Close, 2005; Wekerle & Wolfe, 1999; Wolfe,
results were based on a sample of White and His-               2006).
panic adolescents in an urban setting. The current                 Although there is risk of dating violence, it is
study adds to this limited literature base by more             important to recognize that dating is a normal part
broadly considering the issue to include economic,             of life, can be quite positive, and has developmental
geographical, and racial and ethnic diversity. We              purposes (e.g., mate selection; Paul & White,
contend that regardless of race and ethnicity, income          1990). Often, adolescents do not realize that conflict
level, geographic location, and family structure, stu-         in romantic relationships is inevitable and believe
dents will experience positive changes in relational           conflict is negative because they use maladaptive
skills and thinking after participation in a relation-         strategies to cope (Shulman, 2003). In fact, conflict
ship education program. Our study sample included              and negotiation in adolescent romantic relationships
rural and urban (i.e., geographically diverse) African         help maintain the important balance of emotional
American and White adolescents from diverse eco-               closeness and individuality. When relationships are
nomic backgrounds and who lived in diverse family              healthy, adolescent dating builds self-competence
structures.                                                    and self-worth, provides opportunities to practice
                                                               conflict management and negotiate trust, and allows
                                                               adolescents to learn lessons regarding how to form,
The Importance of Relationship Education for Youth
                                                               maintain, and end relationships (Collins, 2003).
It has been argued that an ideal time for marriage             These skills and this knowledge have important
and relationship education is the high school years            implications for later relational quality and stability.
(Gardner, 2001; Gardner et al., 2004; Silliman &                   If dating experience offers a primary way for ado-
Schumm, 2004). It is during this time period that              lescents to learn how to become a socially competent
many adolescents begin dating and forming other                dating partner, then providing relationship educa-
bonds and relationships with friends. In fact,                 tion during adolescence appears to be an optimal
research suggests that the quality of adolescent               time period for instruction. Providing relationship
romantic relationships is one of the strongest predic-         education is especially important given that adoles-
tors of adolescent well-being indicators, including            cents tend to hold idealistic, rather than realistic,
self-esteem, depression, and suicide attempts and              beliefs about romantic relationships (Montgomery,
completions (Brent et al., 1993; Joyner & Udry,                2005) and could benefit from the knowledge gained
2000).                                                         through accurate information provided in a relation-
    Unfortunately, as adolescents enter the dating             ships course. In sum, providing education that
years, many of them will experience relationship               builds knowledge and skills among adolescents
problems, including relationship violence. Perpetra-           regarding healthy relationships can help prevent
tion estimates of any type of adolescent physical dat-         unhealthy dating relationships now and unhealthy
ing violence range from 11 to 41% with 4 – 14%                 and unstable relationships in the future.
of adolescents reportedly using forms of violence                  For adolescents from low-income families, edu-
that are likely to result in serious physical injury           cation and training in healthy relationship behaviors
(Grunbaum et al., 2001). A recent study demon-                 and attitudes may be especially beneficial. Low-
strated that physical aggression in adolescent dating          income and minority youth may be particularly
relationships was relatively stable over a 3-month             disadvantaged as they are more likely to have experi-
period. This finding held across gender and was true           enced family structures that are prone to unhealthy
when adolescents were reporting perpetration or vic-           patterns of interaction and relationship instability
timization. It also was found that psychological               (Ooms & Wilson, 2004). Similarly, where eco-
aggression (i.e., control and jealousy) was signifi-           nomic conditions are poor, prospects for quality of
cantly associated with physical aggression both con-           life, healthy human development, and family stabil-
currently and 3 months later (O’Leary & Slep,                  ity are poor as well (Ooms & Wilson). Among low-
2003). Clearly, many relationships in the adolescent           income youth, African Americans are at the greatest
years are at risk for both verbal and physical forms           risk for unhealthy and unstable future relationships,
Relationship Education  Adler-Baeder et al.                                     293

are the least likely to marry, and when they do, are the              The RS adapted curriculum consists of 12,
most likely to divorce (e.g., Teachman, Tedrow, &                 60 – 90 min lessons that encompass four units (see
Crowder, 2000). Research has yet to document if                   Table 1 for more details). Unit 1 (Lessons 1 – 4)
and how the suggested benefits of relationship edu-               covers the concepts of maturity, values, infatuation,
cation are manifest for racially, economically, and               and love; Unit 2 (Lessons 5 – 7) addresses dating
geographically diverse samples. The current study                 processes and strategies; Unit 3 (Lessons 8 – 9)
was the first, to our knowledge, that empirically                 focuses on relationship problems and identifying un-
assessed the efficacy of youth-focused relationship               healthy relationships; and Unit 4 (Lessons 10 – 12)
education with a large proportion of rural and urban              helps students learn and practice relationship/
African Americans in the sample.                                  marriage skills. Included in all the lessons are spe-
                                                                  cific activities aimed at getting the adolescents to
                                                                  process how the information applies to their per-
Curriculum Overview
                                                                  sonal relationships and current life experiences.
Our study focused on the evaluation of an adapted
version of the curriculum Love U2: Increasing Your                Purpose and Hypotheses
Relationship Smarts (RS adapted). RS adapted covers
material that is consistent with a developmental per-             The overarching program goals for participants in the
spective of romantic relationship formation during                RS program focused on reducing the risk of maltreat-
adolescence (Furman & Shaffer, 2003) and is                       ment in dating relationships, increasing knowledge of
designed for schools, youth agencies, clubs, and
faith-based organizations that work with youth in                 Table 1. The RS Adapted Lessons
Grades 8 through 12. The curriculum is research
based, contains validated content, and incorporates               Unit Lessons               Content Description
materials and activities that are sensitive to diverse            1         1–4   Exploring the social, emotional,
backgrounds of youth. Specific studies are cited                                    and mental dimensions of maturity,
throughout the curriculum to support program con-                                   reflecting on values and determining
tent. The research-based information includes a com-                                the ones that are personally important,
bination of didactic material and experiential                                      gaining knowledge about the nature
activities designed to enhance adolescents’ relation-                               of infatuation, and exploring the
ship knowledge and skills.                                                          dimensions of mature love.
    The original Love U2: Increasing Your Relation-               2        5 – 7 Guidelines for ‘‘dating smart,’’
ship Smarts (Pearson, 2004) curriculum was chosen                                   learning low-risk dating strategies,
because of features judged to be especially appropri-                               and gaining knowledge related
ate for lower resource, racially diverse youth. These                               to what healthy and unhealthy
include a limited amount of didactic material, com-                                 relationships look like.
mon ‘‘teen language,’’ materials that show diversity,             3        8 – 9 Identification and discussion of
and language that assumes teens are living in diverse                               behaviors that demonstrate abuse,
family structures. Compared to the original version,                                recognizing the different types and
RS adapted includes increased activities and interac-                               warning signs of abuse, and learning
tion, more practice of specific relationship skills,                                when and how to end a dating
greater incorporation of video illustrations, specific                              relationship and move on.
discussions of future adult relationships and mar-                4       10 – 12 Understanding the practices associated
riage, and elimination of material designed for                                     with healthy stable marriages,
a younger audience (e.g., experiencing a ‘‘crush’’).                                understanding the importance of
Thus, the participatory nature of RS adapted was                                    commitment and positive
designed not only to be highly effective with adoles-                               communication skills, learning to
cents but also to be consistent with recommenda-                                    manage conflict and understanding
tions for working with low-income individuals, such                                 the role of forgiveness in relationships,
as actively engaging participants, addressing specific                              and determining values associated
challenges, and building on solid program content                                   with financial management.
(Ooms & Wilson, 2004).
294                                   Family Relations  Volume 56, Number 3  July 2007

the characteristics of healthy relationships, including              By agreeing to participate in the RS adapted pro-
modifying beliefs to align with research-based infor-            gram, each teacher agreed to administer a pretest
mation, and the promotion of future healthy couple               and posttest survey both to the students in the class
and marital relationships as they transition into adult-         who received the RS adapted curriculum and to
hood and parenthood. This evaluation of RS adapted               another class they taught who did not receive the
examined changes over time in select areas of stu-               curriculum (control group). The FCS classes in
dents’ beliefs, knowledge, and behaviors. We tested              which RS adapted was offered varied according to
several hypotheses that related directly to the goals of         the kinds of courses being taught by the participat-
this specific curriculum. First, we hypothesized that            ing teachers. Courses taught within the FCS Family
students participating in the classes receiving the              area included Family Dynamics, Human Dynamics,
RS adapted curriculum would experience (a) increases             Parent and Child Dynamics, Family Wellness, and
in knowledge about healthy and unhealthy relation-               Life Connections. Teachers were free to determine
ships and (b) increases in their understanding of the            which class would receive RS adapted and which
skills needed to facilitate healthy relationships.               would serve as the control. At posttest (approxi-
    Because part of the program goals involved the               mately 2 months after the pretest), the students who
reduction of the risk of maltreatment in dating rela-            participated in the RS adapted classes also were asked
tionships, we also hypothesized that compared to                 to provide subjective feedback by writing any com-
control students, the participants in the RS adapted             ments they had regarding the classes (e.g., what they
group would report (c) greater increases in their use            enjoyed about the class and what they would change
of reasoning strategies during interpersonal conflicts           about the class). Prior to participation in the study,
and (d) greater decreases in their use of verbal and             both participant and control group students and
physical aggression in their close relationships.                parents were required to complete student assent
Finally, we hypothesized that (e) RS adapted partici-            and parental consent forms, respectively. Nearly all
pants would show a positive trend toward healthier               program participants completed surveys as class time
and more realistic beliefs about relationships com-              was set aside for completion. The teachers collected
pared to control participants. Along with the                    all the forms and surveys and mailed them to the
hypotheses related to the curriculum, we also                    research team. Identification numbers were used to
hypothesized that the improvements from pre- to                  match student questionnaires across Time 1 and
postprogram assessment would hold across race,                   Time 2 data collections.
income level, and family structure, thus providing                   A total of 465 students completed and returned
evidence that the RS adapted program may prove                   questionnaires. Of those, 340 were retained for the
helpful for adolescent participants from varying                 final sample for analyses; 235 students participated
backgrounds.                                                     in the experimental (i.e., RS adapted) group and 105
                                                                 students in the control group. Student surveys were
                                                                 excluded (n ¼ 125) if they appeared to systemati-
                      Method                                     cally mark large portions of the questionnaire (i.e.,
                                                                 used visible patterns in response markings). This
                                                                 was judged by independent raters; reliability was
Participants and Procedures
                                                                 a ¼ .96. The data were not included if only a pretest
RS adapted was evaluated in nine public high schools             or posttest (but not both) was completed or because
located throughout Alabama (Grades 9 – 12).                      the research team was unable to match up correct
Teachers were invited to participate after being                 pretests with posttests because of students failing to
nominated by local extension agents or responding                properly complete the survey.
to listserv advertisements for the Relationship                      Of the sample of 340 students, 46% were African
Smarts facilitator training. The Alabama Child                   American, 50% were White, 1% was Hispanic/
Abuse and Neglect Board funded faculty from                      Latino, and the other 3% included Asian, Native
Auburn University to train Family and Consumer                   American, and those in the ‘‘Other’’ category. The
Science (FCS) teachers to deliver the curriculum. All            participants were, on average, 16.1 years old (range
the nine participating teachers were female; seven               14 – 19 years, SD ¼ 1.17), 74% were female, and
indicated their race as White, one as African Ameri-             26% were male (typical of Alabama FCS classes).
can, and one as Hispanic.                                        Forty percent of students resided in a nuclear family,
Relationship Education  Adler-Baeder et al.                                   295

whereas 30% were in single-parent households, 23%                 (1) retrospective pretest measure that assessed
were in stepfamilies, and the remaining 7% indi-                  changes in knowledge on specific curriculum learn-
cated ‘‘Other.’’ Half of the participants reported                ing objectives outlined in each of the RS adapted les-
having experienced at least one parental divorce.                 sons. That is, each lesson had specific learning
Twenty percent of students reported household                     objectives that were translated into a question on the
incomes of less than $20,000 a year, another 25%                  student evaluation. These questions were designed
reported their parents earning $20,000 – $40,000,                 to tap students’ perceptions, understanding, and
with 12% between $40,000 and $60,000 a year,                      knowledge of the curriculum elements before and
and 42% reporting a household income of over                      after participating in the program. This self-reported
$60,000 per year. For the nearly one third of partici-            measure of change avoids pretest sensitivity and
pants in single-parent households, approximately                  response shift bias that may result from pretest over-
65% reported a household income of less than                      estimation or underestimation (Pratt, McGuigan, &
$40,000. Thus, although approximately one fifth of                Katzev, 2000). Pratt et al. (2000) demonstrated that
the participants could be considered living in pov-               the post 1 retrospective pretest produced a more
erty, there are many more who might be considered                 valid assessment of their program outcomes than did
‘‘low resource.’’ Studies frequently use the 200% of              the traditional pretest-posttest evaluation method.
poverty or below demarcation (approximately                       They argued that participation in the program
$40,000) when categorizing ‘‘low-income’’ families                served to shift the program recipients’ frame of
(e.g., Karney, Garvan, & Thomas, 2003). However,                  knowledge about what they knew before receiving
caution should be taken when interpreting the                     the program that would not have been captured
income data as 124 participants did not provide any               using the traditional evaluation method. Thus, tra-
information related to either parent’s income. These              ditional methods alone may fail to capture the
students may not have known this information.                     change that has actually occurred as the result of an
    Analyses of demographic variables indicated that              intervention. Further, the post 1 retrospective pre-
the group participating in the RS adapted program                 test has been shown to be an effective measure of
and the control group did not differ on income,                   change that is less susceptible to social desirability
race, or family structure, but there were slight differ-          than are other retrospective self-report methods.
ences in age and gender. Those who participated                   Lam and Bengo (2003) examined the effectiveness
in the RS adapted program were slightly younger                   of differing retrospective methods for assessing ele-
(M ¼ 16.06 years old, SD ¼ 1.15) than those not                   mentary teachers’ self-reported changes in instruc-
in the program (M ¼ 16.45 years old, SD ¼ 1.19),                  tional practices. They found that, although all the
t(326) ¼ 22.78, p , .01. Further, although the                    methods detected change, the post 1 retrospective
majority of the students were female, those who                   pretest method, compared to methods having partic-
participated in the RS adapted program were sig-                  ipants indicating postknowledge only or postknowl-
nificantly more likely to be female (M ¼ 1.79,                    edge plus estimates of the perceived amount of
SD ¼ .40) than those not in the program (M ¼                      change, was the most conservative estimate of
1.60, SD ¼ .49), t(329) ¼ 3.77, p , .001.                         change. The authors recommended use of the post 1
                                                                  retrospective pretest design because it is less sensitive
                                                                  to socially desirable response bias than are the other
                    Measures                                      retrospective methods.
                                                                      For the current study, participants responded to
The survey assessed demographic variables, knowl-                 a total of 36 questions that were tied to specific
edge and awareness of key concepts related to                     learning objectives of the RS adapted course. These
healthy relationships, the frequency of behaviors                 questions, using the post 1 retrospective pretest
used during interpersonal conflicts, and beliefs asso-            design, addressed what they understood now that
ciated with healthy relationships.                                they have been exposed to the content and, concur-
                                                                  rently, what they understood with respect to the
                                                                  same items and corresponding scales before they
Relationship Knowledge Scale
                                                                  were exposed to RS adapted.
   Post plus retrospective approach. Adolescents who                  Factor analysis. It was expected that there would
participated in the program completed a post plus                 be some concept overlap across the lessons; therefore,
296                                 Family Relations  Volume 56, Number 3  July 2007

the 36 items were subjected to principal components            or a best friend (female). The instrument consists of
analysis (PCA) with varimax rotation and the pres-             three subscales derived from instrument develop-
ence of five components with eigenvalues exceeding             ment studies (Straus et al., 1996). Nevertheless, the
1 (ranging from 1.21 to 13.61) was revealed,                   responses from our study’s participants to the
explaining a total of 50.4% of the variance, with              18 items were subjected to a PCA and the presence
Component 1 contributing 11.54%, Component 2                   of four components was revealed with eigenvalues
contributing 11.35%, Component 3 contributing                  exceeding 1. However, the answer item ‘‘Cried’’
10.17%, Component 4 contributing 9.91%, and                    from the verbal aggression scale loaded quite high
Component 5 contributing 7.40% of the variance.                (.90) on one component, whereas another item
Of the five factors that emerged from the explor-              ‘‘Stomped out of the room or house or yard’’ cross-
atory factor analysis, three tapped knowledge of               loaded with this component, in addition to the ver-
healthy/unhealthy relationships: attraction/mature             bal aggression component. Therefore, these two
love (seven items; e.g., ‘‘my knowledge of social,             items were removed. PCA with varimax rotation
emotional, and mental dimensions of maturity’’),               was carried out, and the three-factor solution
expectations and behaviors (seven items; e.g., ‘‘my            explained a total of 68.39% of the variance, with
understanding of how my expectations affect my                 Component 1 (physical aggression) contributing
behavior’’), and unhealthy relationships (five items;          35.64%, Component 2 (verbal aggression) contrib-
e.g., ‘‘my ability to recognize the signs of an                uting 23.12%, and Component 3 (reasoning) con-
unhealthy relationship’’). The remaining two factors           tributing 9.63% of the variance. The reasoning
tapped knowledge of relationship skills needed to              subscale consisted of three items, with possible
facilitate healthy relationships: communication skills         scores ranging from 0 to 18, with higher scores indi-
and (nine items; e.g., ‘‘my understanding of the               cating using reasoning more frequently as a conflict
attack/defend method of communication’’) smart                 tactic. The final verbal aggression subscale had four
dating strategies (seven items; e.g., ‘‘my knowledge           items, with possible scores ranging from 0 to 24,
of Ôlow-risk’ dating strategies’’). Cronbach’s coeffi-         with higher scores indicating using verbal aggression
cient as ranged from .81 to .88 for the five factors,          more frequently to settle differences. Lastly, the
indicating good subscale reliability. Factor scores            physical aggression subscale consisted of six items,
were retained and used in subsequent analyses. For             with possible scores ranging from 0 to 36, with
the ‘‘Before’’ questions, answers included four                higher scores indicating the use of violent aggression
options formatted in a Likert scale that ranged from           more frequently to resolve conflicts. Coefficient
Was Poor (1) to Was Excellent (4). ‘‘After’’ response          alphas at posttest for this study were .54 for the rea-
options were written in a corresponding manner                 soning subscale, .85 for verbal aggression, and .94
(i.e., Is Poor [1]; Is Excellent [4]).                         for physical aggression. Although the reasoning scale
                                                               has a lower alpha than normally considered accept-
                                                               able, similar alpha levels have been reported by
Conflict Tactics Scales
                                                               Straus (1990) and Gardner et al. (2004). Therefore,
A revised form of the Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS2;           we decided to retain this measure in analyses.
Straus, Hamby, Boney-McCoy, & Sugarman, 1996)
was used to assess both frequency of use and type of
                                                               Relationship Beliefs
behaviors used (i.e., reasoning, verbal, physical)
when dealing with conflict. Both the control and the           This scale consisted of 17 items (Gardner, 2001)
participant groups of students completed this scale            that were answered on a 4-point scale ranging from
both at Time 1 (pretest) and at Time 2 (posttest).             YES! strongly agree (1) to NO! strongly disagree (4).
Students indicated how frequently they had used                We chose this measure as the 17 items related well
each of the 18 tactics in settling differences within          with the overall objectives of the curriculum. Both
the past 2 months, with items arranged on a 7-point            the control and the participant groups of students
Likert scale ranging from never (0) to more than 20            completed this scale both at Time 1 (pretest) and at
times (6). Before students completed these questions,          Time 2 (posttest). For purposes of this study, we
they were asked to indicate who they were thinking             again subjected all the items to a PCA with varimax
about as they answered the questions. Their choices            rotation and six components were revealed with
included a boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend (male),          eigenvalues exceeding 1 (ranging from 2.42 to 1.10).
Relationship Education  Adler-Baeder et al.                                  297

However, an inspection of the screeplot revealed                         beginning to the end of the classes, participants
a clear break after the third component so it was                        completed a post 1 retrospective pretest measure
decided to retain three components for further anal-                     that assessed changes in knowledge on specific cur-
yses. These three components explained 15.15,                            riculum topics. Paired-samples t tests were con-
10.67, and 8.85% of the variance, respectively, with                     ducted on the five relationship knowledge subscales
the three-factor solution explaining a total of                          (i.e., attraction/mature love, expectations and behav-
34.67% of the variance. We labeled the three factors                     iors, unhealthy relationships, communication skills,
in the following manner: aggression beliefs (two                         smart dating strategies) to evaluate the impact of the
items; e.g., ‘‘in today’s society, slapping a spouse or                  curriculum on relationship knowledge from Time 1
dating partner is understandable under some cir-                         to Time 2. Results are presented in Table 2 for all
cumstances’’), faulty relationship beliefs (five items;                  relationship knowledge subscales. Overall, there was
e.g., ‘‘most long-term, happy marriages never have                       a statistically significant increase in perceived knowl-
conflict’’), and realistic relationship beliefs (four                    edge for all five relationship knowledge subscales
items; e.g., ‘‘your communication style is affected by                   scores from retrospective pretest to posttest scores.
your family members’ style of communication’’; in                        The magnitude of this change was quite substantial;
addition, several items were eliminated because of                       the mean difference exceeded the standard deviation
cross-loading). High scores on the aggression beliefs                    for each subscale.
subscale indicated higher levels of disagreement with
the aggression beliefs. Similarly, higher scores on the                  Pre- and Posttests
faulty relationship beliefs subscale indicated greater
disagreement with the faulty relationship belief                         Table 3 provides an overview of the means and stan-
items. Questions for the realistic relationship beliefs                  dard deviations for the three subscales from the
subscale were recoded so higher scores indicate                          Conflict Tactics Scales and the three relationship
higher levels of agreement with the healthy relation-                    beliefs subscales for both the control and the experi-
ship belief statement.                                                   mental groups. Overall, mean pretest scores for both
                                                                         groups were very similar. The following sections
                                                                         provide further findings pertaining to the specific
                       Results                                           hypotheses of the study.

                                                                         Conflict Behaviors
Post 1 Retrospective Pretest
                                                                         One of the overall goals of the curriculum involved
   Relationship knowledge. To test the first two                         reducing the risk of maltreatment in dating relation-
hypotheses, we focused only on those students who                        ships by encouraging students to utilize more rea-
received the RS adapted course. In order to deter-                       soning strategies in their interpersonal conflicts and
mine whether the adolescents’ perceived knowledge                        less verbal and physically aggressive strategies in
of healthy/unhealthy relationships and skills needed                     their close relationships. To address the third and
to facilitate healthy relationships changed from the                     fourth hypotheses, the individual Conflict Tactics

Table 2. Paired-Samples t Tests for Relationship Knowledge Subscales for Experimental Group
                                      Pretest                  Posttest
Relationship Knowledge                                                                Mean
Subscale                          M             SD           M           SD          Difference   SEM        df           t
Attraction/mature love          2.68            .54        3.36          .49            2.68      .03       220      218.96***
Expectations and behaviors      2.59            .56        3.38          .50            2.79      .04       216      220.69***
Communication skills            2.62            .60        3.36          .49            2.74      .04       220      218.28***
Smart dating strategies         2.62            .54        3.36          .46            2.74      .03       221      220.10***
Unhealthy relationships         2.71            .65        3.52          .44            2.80      .04       219      218.59***

***p , .001.
298                                                    Family Relations  Volume 56, Number 3  July 2007

Table 3. Means and Standard Deviations of Relationship Beliefs and Conflict Tactics Scales’ Subscales
                                                                   Experimental Group                                 Control Group
                                                              Pretest                   Posttest                Pretest             Posttest
                                                        M               SD          M              SD       M             SD    M          SD
Conflict tactics subscales
  Reasoning                                            2.66           1.26          2.73       1.32         2.77      1.55      2.90       1.27
  Verbal                                               1.91           1.45          1.75       1.42         2.05      1.52      2.29       1.61
  Physical                                              .76           1.21           .82       1.33          .99      1.42      1.17       1.67
Relationship belief subscales
  Aggression beliefs                                   3.37             .83         3.37           .86      3.19          .99   3.26           .94
  Faulty relationship beliefs                          2.96             .53         3.03           .58      2.97          .50   3.02           .52
  Realistic relationship beliefs                       2.89             .47         3.01           .52      2.89          .50   2.85           .58

Subscales were used and comparisons were made                                       frequently they used reasoning as a method for
between the experimental and the control groups of                                  settling interpersonal differences, F(1, 292) ¼ .003,
students. Of the three subscales (reasoning, verbal                                 p ¼ .96.
aggression, physical aggression), only the verbal                                       Analyses also were conducted using race, income,
aggression subscale was found to have a statistically                               and family structure variables with the three Con-
significant Time  Group interaction effect,                                        flict Tactics Subscales. Repeated measures mixed
F(1, 297) ¼ 5.22, p ¼ .02. That is, while the two                                   between-within subjects analyses of variance (RMA-
groups did not differ at Time 1 on use of verbal                                    NOVAs) revealed no significant interaction effects
aggression, the RS adapted group demonstrated a sig-                                pertaining to race (1 ¼ African American and 2 ¼
nificantly lower level of use of verbally aggressive                                White), income (1 ¼ less than $40,000 and 2 ¼
tactics following the classes than the control group                                more than $40,000), or family structure (1 ¼ lives
(see Figure 1). For use of physically aggressive tactics                            with both biological parents, 2 ¼ lives with a biologi-
in interpersonal conflicts, results indicated no signif-                            cal parent and a stepparent, and 3 ¼ lives with a sin-
icant Time  Group interaction effect between the                                   gle parent), but significant differences were found in
groups, F(1, 274) ¼ .47, p ¼ .50. Similarly, the                                    the between-subjects analysis. Specifically, regardless
results showed no significant Time  Group inter-                                   of being in the control or experimental group, Afri-
action effect between the groups in terms of how                                    can American students reported a significantly
                                                                                    higher total score than White students on the physi-
                                                                                    cally aggressive subscale, F(1, 250) ¼ 12.32, p ,
                                                              Received curriculum
                                                                                    .001, partial g2 ¼ .12. This finding held true for
                                                                    experimental    both the pre- and the posttest scores. A similar trend
                                                                    no, control
                                                                                    was observed for the verbal scale, with African
Estimated Marginal Means

                                                                                    American students reporting a significantly higher
                                                                                    frequency of using the verbally aggressive conflict
                                                                                    tactics in their interpersonal relationships than did
                                                                                    White students, F(1, 272) ¼ 21.54, p , .001, par-
                                                                                    tial g2 ¼ .09. No other interaction or between-sub-
                           1                                                        jects effects were found for race, and there were no
                                                                                    significant differences according to income or family

                               1                2
                                                                                    Relationship Beliefs
                                                                                    Another goal of this evaluation of RS adapted was to
                               Figure 1. Verbal Aggression.                         assess changes in relationship beliefs that may affect
Relationship Education  Adler-Baeder et al.                                 299

future behaviors and decisions in relationships. To                                           hypothesized that all students who participated in
address the final hypothesis, we tested for changes                                           the program, when compared to adolescents in the
across Time  Group for each of the three relation-                                           control group, would experience increases in rela-
ship belief subscales. Of the three subscales (aggres-                                        tionship knowledge, decreases in destructive verbal
sion beliefs, faulty relationship beliefs, realistic                                          and physical conflict strategies, increases in reason-
relationship beliefs), only the realistic relationship                                        ing strategies, and positive changes in relationship
beliefs subscale was found to have a statistically signif-                                    beliefs that support healthy relationships. The results
icant Time  Group interaction effect, F(1, 317) ¼                                            of this study provide evidence that students who
4.71, p ¼ .03 (see Figure 2). That is, the RS adapted                                         participated showed immediate gains in knowledge
group had more realistic relationship beliefs than the                                        in several areas when compared to students who
control group at posttest; the groups did not differ at                                       were in the control group.
pretest.                                                                                          As expected, the students who participated in
                                                                                              classes using the RS adapted curriculum experienced
                                                                                              significant improvements in scores from Time 1 to
                                            Discussion                                        Time 2 on all five of the relationship knowledge
                                                                                              subscales associated with the specific program con-
As relationship and marriage education programs                                               tent. For each area, the student’s knowledge signifi-
                                                                                              cantly increased from pre- to posttest, providing
become more well known and are implemented with
a variety of audiences, it becomes imperative to mea-                                         support for our hypothesis that students would gain
sure and document the impact on the participants.                                             relationship knowledge as a result of taking the class.
                                                                                              Furthermore, analyses indicated that all the students
Although these programs are increasingly wide-
spread, there are surprisingly few published studies                                          benefited in similar ways, regardless of race, income,
                                                                                              or family structure. This key finding implies that
of the impact of participation on adults (Carroll &
Doherty, 2003) and even fewer focused on youth.                                               this curriculum has the potential to provide benefits
                                                                                              to a range of students with diverse ethnic and socio-
Gardner et al. (2001, 2004) documented positive
impacts of relationship education among White and                                             economic backgrounds.
                                                                                                  We also hypothesized that as a result of partici-
Hispanic high school students. The purpose of this
study was to add to the empirical basis for providing                                         pating in the RS adapted classes, students would
these educational curricula, by examining the RS                                              implement more reasoning strategies during con-
adapted program’s impact on African American and                                              flict in their interpersonal relationships. Conversely,
White high school students from diverse socioeco-                                             we expected that students would experience
                                                                                              decreases in their use of verbal and physical aggres-
nomic status and family structure backgrounds. We
                                                                                              sion strategies in their interpersonal conflicts, as
                                                                                              a result of participating in the classes. Although the
                                                                                              test and control groups were not different at Time
                                                                      Received curriculum
                           4.0                                             yes,               1, the test group was significantly lower than the
                                                                           experimental       control group in verbal aggression at Time 2. This
                                                                             no, control
                           3.5                                                                finding was very encouraging given that research
Estimated Marginal Means

                                                                                              suggests adolescent aggression in dating relation-
                                                                                              ships is relatively stable and verbal aggression pre-
                                                                                              dicts physical aggression (O’Leary & Slep, 2003).
                                                                                              Introducing education that promotes learning to
                                                                                              resolve conflict and communicate without being
                                                                                              verbally condescending in early relationships may
                           1.5                                                                provide a stronger foundation for healthier rela-
                                                                                              tionships in the future. Our finding is consistent
                           1.0                                                                with Gardner et al. (2004) who found, using a dif-
                                       1                  2
                                                                                              ferent relationships education curriculum, that
                                              Time                                            adolescents who participated in the relationships
                                                                                              education course showed decreases in verbal (as well
                                 Figure 2. Realistic Relationship Beliefs.                    as physical) aggression.
300                                   Family Relations  Volume 56, Number 3  July 2007

    However, contrary to our hypothesis (and consis-             strategies more frequently in their relationships than
tent with the findings of Gardner et al., 2004), the             did White students, with moderate to large effect
use of reasoning strategies did not show significant             sizes (.09 and .12, respectively; see Cohen, 1988).
improvement over time for the RS adapted group.                  Moreover, this tendency was true at both pre- and
This may be explained by the lower reliability of this           posttest. It is unclear how to interpret this finding.
subscale (.54), which may indicate that this subscale            There are some indications that African American
is not a satisfactory measure of reasoning among                 children, compared to White children, may be at
high school students. Alternately, the RS adapted                slightly greater risk of exposure to aggression use in
course may need to be adjusted to more adequately                family contexts. For example, research findings indi-
teach relationship reasoning skills. Because reason-             cate that African American children experience more
ing involves regulation of emotions, it is also proba-           frequent and severe physical punishment as children
ble that adolescents are building these skills                   and adolescents (Lansford, Deater-Deckard, Dodge,
developmentally and changes may occur over a lon-                Bates, & Pettit, 2004). In contrast, a study using
ger period of time (Labouvie-Vief & Medler, 2002).               data from Wave 1 and Wave 2 of the National Sur-
Recent brain development research supports this                  vey of Families and Households showed little evi-
notion, indicating that the frontal lobe, responsible            dence of parenting practices differing between
for reasoning and judgment, continues to develop                 White and African American families (Amato &
during adolescence (National Institute of Mental                 Fowler, 2002). Relatedly, Sorenson, Upchurch, and
Health, 2001) and that substantial changes are                   Shen (1996), using a national data set, found that
occurring in the brain that impact perceptions of                African Americans are more likely than Whites to
risk and reward and regulatory competence up                     report that marital arguments escalate to physical
through the late adolescent years (Steinberg, 2005).             violence. However, there is some indication of dif-
    In considering that a significant Time  Group               ferential effects of exposure to marital aggression. In
interaction effect was not found for the physical                one recent study, marital conflict predicted children
aggression subscale, it is important to note the very            with problem behavior in White families but not in
low mean scores at pretest, indicating very little vari-         African American families (Nievar & Luster, 2006).
ability in response levels and making it difficult to            Thus, we need more clarity on relative exposure to
detect a statistically significant change. Because the           aggression use in family relationships on the basis of
desired direction for change is a decrease, we note              ethnicity, and we need to understand more about
a ‘‘floor’’ effect in that detecting a significant               the meaning, perceptions, and effects of verbal and
decrease from pre- to posttest when the pretest mean             physical aggression within African American family
is very low is unlikely. Very few respondents                    and dating relationships.
reported high levels of physical aggression (the sub-                Because we cannot derive specific meaning for
stantial variability in physical aggression is seen in           this racial difference found in level of aggression use,
the larger standard deviations relative to the means).           it would not be appropriate in practice to specifically
Although higher levels of physical aggression in rela-           target African American teens with different infor-
tionships are expected among only a small propor-                mation. Overall, with the high levels of dating vio-
tion of the adolescents (9%; Grunbaum et al.,                    lence reported ranging from 11 to 41% (Centers for
2001), some variability in reported levels of the use            Disease Control, 2001) and the findings here that
of physical aggression was expected, given recent                a proportion of all teens sampled are using verbal
findings on the use of physical aggression in dating             and physical aggression in dating relationships, it is
relationships (Ackard, Neumark-Sztainer, &                       suggested that any adolescent relationship education
Hannan, 2003). It is possible that students were                 program have specific modules that cover topics
reporting more socially desirable answers.                       such as conflict management strategies, emotion reg-
    A noteworthy finding should be elaborated here.              ulation, and communication skills. Information
When race was included in the analyses with the                  should also address dating aggression, violence, and
conflict subscales, significant between-subject differ-          abuse. The information we provide here and the evi-
ences were evident. Namely, the African American                 dence from other research can serve to sensitize edu-
students, regardless of whether they participated in             cators to the potential differences among diverse
the RS adapted classes, tended to use both verbally              youth regarding the experiences, meaning, and per-
aggressive and physically aggressive conflict                    ceptions of aggression use in family relationships.
Relationship Education  Adler-Baeder et al.                                 301

Educators can facilitate discussions of family rela-               backgrounds, in addition to those from a traditional
tional patterns and allow for student self-assessment              two-parent household.
of the usefulness of learned patterns.
    A final goal of this study was to assess relation-
ship beliefs that may affect future behaviors and
                                                                      Limitations and Future Directions
decisions in relationships. Although only one of the
three relationship belief subscales (realistic relation-
ship beliefs) showed a statistically significant interac-          Importantly, this is the first empirical evidence of
tion effect indicating differences between RS adapted              short-term positive program impact of marriage
participants and controls, all the participants’ rela-             education among a diverse sample of high school
tionship beliefs showed observed mean changes in                   adolescents that includes a significant number of
the expected direction from true pre- to posttest,                 African American students and a significant number
whereas those in the control group did not demon-                  of students from low-resource, geographically, and
strate such change. This suggests that those who par-              structurally diverse families. Although positive
ticipated in the class may have gained insights that               improvements have been detailed above, important
could lead to healthier relationships, knowledge that              limitations should be noted. First, it is possible that
was not gained by those who did not take the class.                the experimental and control groups differed from
Regarding the aggression beliefs and the faulty rela-              the outset of the study. Without random assignment
tionship beliefs subscales, perhaps significant                    to groups, it is conceivable that unforeseen external
changes were not evident owing to the higher scores                factors may have contributed to the significant dif-
at the onset for both groups. Likely, these adoles-                ferences that were found, such as being more moti-
cents had an established grounded belief system in                 vated to learn the material. Students who
these areas that was consistent with desirable                     participated in the curriculum did self-select into an
responses at the onset. Thus, a ‘‘ceiling effect’’ may             FCS class; however, controls also selected into an
be present for these subscales, as the mean scores for             FCS class and therefore showed some interest in
both scales were fairly high to begin with. It is likely           Human Science subjects as well. Another limitation
that program content affirmed these types of beliefs,              is that the participants were slightly younger than
rather than changed them with these students.                      those in the control group and proportionately had
Because there are so few studies of this type, we are              slightly more females. Future studies would do well
interested to see how the scale performs with other                to include random assignment to groups to ensure
samples. Was this a group of students well informed                greater confidence in interpreting the findings and
on these beliefs? If future studies replicate these find-          increasing the reliability and generalizability of the
ings (i.e., students scoring high consistently at pre-             results. Likewise, the teachers who implemented the
test), it might indicate that program content should               curriculum were either self-selected or selected by
be adjusted. Rather than assuming these are beliefs                a local extension agent, which may indicate they had
to be addressed/taught, it would be preferable to                  a greater motivation and perhaps had a more per-
affirm functional beliefs that teachers could assume               sonal passion about the topics. This may have fur-
students already hold.                                             ther affected a number of factors, including learning
    Finally, for the majority of the findings, race,               and teaching styles and positive impact on the par-
family structure, and income were not relevant to                  ticipants. This could be a limitation in generalizing
gains in relationship knowledge and beliefs. As                    these findings to classrooms in which teachers are
hypothesized, regardless of race, family structure, or             directed to use the curriculum as a requirement
household income level, students taking the RS                     (e.g., as part of a mandated health curriculum). Less
adapted classes experienced gains in relationship                  motivated teachers could affect the curriculum’s
knowledge, including gaining a clearer understand-                 impact on students. This comparison remains an
ing of the linkages between relationship beliefs and               empirical question.
knowledge and subsequent healthy dating behaviors                      Some potential next steps and future directions
and healthy romantic relationships. Additionally,                  for research include carrying out a more rigorous, ex-
less than half (40%) of the students came from                     perimental, longitudinal research design. Although
a two-parent nuclear family, which suggests that this              we assessed students’ beliefs and knowledge with pre-
curriculum benefited those from a variety of family                tests just prior to the first session, and posttests
302                                   Family Relations  Volume 56, Number 3  July 2007

shortly after the final session, a longer period of time         enroll in FCS classes. It is suggested that the curricu-
is needed to determine the longevity of program                  lum be implemented in other classes in high schools,
impact on the adolescents’ future relationships, in-             perhaps including it in mandatory core classes such
cluding potential marital relationships. Furthermore,            as Health or Social Studies and in nonschool-based
long-term effects may be enhanced with booster ses-              programs (e.g., 4-H, Boys and Girls Clubs, church
sions, so it would be helpful if future studies could            youth groups, organized after-school programs).
assess the effects of the curriculum with and without                In summary, educators have initial evidence that
such boosters.                                                   relationship and marriage education in high schools
    Moreover, research will be necessary in order to             is beneficial to White and Hispanic adolescent stu-
identify the components of the curriculum that are               dents in an urban setting (Gardner et al., 2004).
most beneficial and whether this differs by gender,              This finding is now expanded to include gains in
ethnicity, teacher, course type, or other variables.             knowledge and positive changes in relationship
Given the ethnic differences found on use of verbal              beliefs and behaviors for lower resource, geographi-
and physical aggression, it will be important to fur-            cally diverse, and African American students.
ther explore the differential effects of specific areas          Together, it can reasonably be said that relationship
of program content. It will also be important to                 programs show short-term benefit to adolescents
determine why some components of the program                     from different racial, family structural, and socioeco-
have a greater impact on students than do others.                nomic backgrounds and from rural and urban set-
Determining which learning objectives are not being              tings. Widespread research-based educational efforts
met and for whom and why this might be occurring                 aimed at teaching young people about healthy rela-
would implicate the areas of program content and                 tionships may prove valuable in future choices about
delivery that require adjustment. Expanding, alter-              partnering and increase the chances for healthy rela-
ing, or tailoring the curriculum, or all, to the specific        tionships and marriages, thus lowering rates of rela-
needs of the audience may facilitate expanded imple-             tionship and marital instability and decreasing the
mentation to allow even greater effectiveness with               risks for individual, family, and community dys-
a diverse group of students in different classroom               function associated with family instability.
settings and delivered by teachers with varied
Implications for Educators and Practitioners
In practice, it is recommended that educators con-               Ackard, D. M., Neumark-Sztainer, D., & Hannan, P. (2003). Dating vio-
tinue to implement curricula that integrate an                      lence among a nationally representative sample of adolescent girls and
engaging and active learning process containing                     boys: Associations with behavioral and mental health. Journal of Gender
                                                                    Specific Medicine, 6(3), 39–48.
experiential learning activities with more practical             Administration for Children and Families. (2005). ACF healthy marriage
and experiential components. For example, teachers                  mission. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved
                                                                    July 19, 2005, from
viewed the ‘‘bidding auction’’ for specific values that             mission.html
adolescents could hold as much more engaging and                 Amato, P. R., & Fowler, F. (2002). Parenting practices, child adjustment,
                                                                    and family diversity. Journal of Marriage and Family, 64, 703–716.
effective than simply discussing values with students.           Brent, D. A., Perper, J. A., Moritz, G., Baugher, M., Roth, C., Balach, L.,
Similarly, adolescent relationship education pro-                   et al. (1993). Stressful life events, psychopathology, and adolescent suicide:
                                                                    A case control study. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 23, 179–187.
grams should include extensive time devoted to                   Brotherson, S. E., & Duncan, W. C. (2004). Rebinding the ties that bind:
identifying abuse and positive healthy dating behav-                Government efforts to preserve and promote marriage. Family Rela-
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                                                                    Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
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grams (Gardner et al., 2004; Nielsen, Pinsof, Ram-                  of romantic relationships during adolescence. Journal of Research on
                                                                    Adolescence, 13, 1–24.
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