It's Always Sunny at Misericordia - as thanks and smiles abound with Family Fest 2018

It's Always Sunny at Misericordia - as thanks and smiles abound with Family Fest 2018
It’s Always Sunny at Misericordia
as thanks and smiles abound
with Family Fest 2018

Taking nothing for granted, the Misericordia com-
munity embraces the success and happy moments
of Family Fest with much gratitude! As we continue
to move forward with the programs and renova-
tions that give those in our care lives of dignity, pur-
pose and respect, we know that we will meet future
challenges together! Thank you to John Tortorello
and his amazing grounds crew, and the many com-
mittees, staff, volunteers, sponsors, families and
friends of Misericordia. We thank the Greco Team
for their devotion to Misericordia’s Family Fest
Cash and Car Raffle in honor of Pauline Greco.
We also thank our good friend, Andy Francis at
Evergreen Kia, for his generous donation of a 2018
Kia Niro for our Car Raffle, and to the hundreds of
people who made the day possible.
Congratulations to all of the Car and Cash
Raffle Winners and thanks to everyone
who took a chance! For a full list of winners,
please visit the Misericordia website at
It's Always Sunny at Misericordia - as thanks and smiles abound with Family Fest 2018
A message from Sister Rosemary Connelly                              Fall 2018
                                         Dear Family and Friends,
                                           Our 2018 Family Festival is over and I am absolutely in awe of God’s goodness to Miseri-
                                           cordia through you, our family and friends. It was our largest gathering ever! Over 10,000
                                           people came to celebrate “life” with us on our beautiful campus. Everyone seemed so happy
                                           to be with us. It was truly a day to celebrate: a day to remember!
                                              The week prior to the Fest, rain was predicted for the weekend. Although we never doubt
                                           God’s unconditional love for us – in good times and in difficult times – having a beautiful
                                           Fest day is surely a “gift.” Please know how grateful we are to so many of our families and
friends who prayed with/for us for good weather. Since I am no longer responsible for the weather, I must give credit to our residents
under the leadership of our self-appointed Mayor Terry, for the awesome task is now theirs!
     I wish we could list the thousands of friends who helped make our 2018 Festival so successful. Since this isn’t possible,
please allow me just to mention a few. Under the leadership of Father Jack Clair, all of our Corporate Sponsors (listed on another
page in this newsletter) made certain that rain or sun, this event would be a financial success. We thank them for their exceptional
generosity! How blessed we are!
     In a special way, I want to thank the entire Executive Team, Fr. Jack Clair, Lois Gates, Mary Pat O’Brien and Kevin Connelly,
for their unselfish and generous leadership in every area of the Festival. Additionally, I would like to thank our wonderful Admin-
istrative Team members who kept our residential and program areas undisturbed during these busy days. What a competent and
compassionate team we have!
     The success of the physical planning of the Festival happens because of the unbelievable generosity of some talented men
under the leadership of our own John Tortorello. His staff and team of volunteers make it all happen, including the Resch brothers
and others who take their vacation days in order to be present to us. What a challenge is theirs, but they never disappoint us! A
huge thank you is also owed to our dear friends S&C Electric for our use of their parking lot…where would we put all those cars
without them!
     How would you like to be responsible for feeding at least 10,000 staff, residents, volunteers and guests! Our food manager, Bob
Noga, along with Jim Ahlfeld and their dedicated, hardworking and efficient kitchen, bakery and housekeeping staff makes a most
demanding task appear easy! Of course, they do depend heavily on our hundreds of volunteers who are always ready to help.
     Our amazing Development Team and Business Office handle all of our Fest Finance, licensing, signage, PR, social media,
volunteers, ticket sales, Ad book, raffles and auction. Phew! What would we do without this dedicated crew!
     We thank all the volunteers who share their talents with us in so many fun ways. Special recognition goes to our amazing
volunteers Madge and Bob Erlenbaugh and staff Gail Wojciechowski and Jacob Green who have spent months preparing the
Heartzingers and Heartbreakers for their performances. Our adults are so very proud and pleased to show how talented they are!
All would be lost without their wonderful teachers and volunteers.
     Our “Queen of the Raffle,” Pauline Greco, will always be missed but she lives on in the loving memory of us all – and espe-
cially through the efforts of her son, Denny, and his family! They are continuing Pauline’s commitment to car and cash ($50,000)
raffles. Through the family’s effort, they even exceeded Pauline’s expectations! Many thanks to Andy Francis of Evergreen KIA
who generously donated the car!
     My list of “thanking” not only our wonderful staff but our amazing volunteers would have no “end” if I truly mentioned all
those deserving recognition! Since this is impossible, I hope all of you who were involved, in any way, will understand the limita-
tions of the human condition. Just know we hold you all in our loving, grateful prayers, asking God to watch over you and yours.
     And now we are preparing for the busiest time of the year at Misericordia…Christmas time! Thousands of family and friends
visit us during this most holy season of Christ’s birth! It is truly a time for us to be grateful — especially to our Misericordia Fam-
ily and Friends.
     I’m convinced to be a person whose heart is full of “joy” one must be a grateful person: a person who is aware of not only
how extraordinary the gifts of the ordinary day are, but also one who finds the everyday “miracles” in each day.
     The residents of Misericordia are joyful people who express their loving gratitude in many different ways. They not only
know how to love; they also have the freedom to let others love them. In their own special way, even those who have never spo-
ken a word, show by their loving eyes and wonderful smiles, they are grateful.
     So, as we plan for our Christmas celebrations, let us especially be grateful to the Christ Child. Through His life of sacrificial
love, Jesus has shown us “the way” of living life with joyful hearts. Here at Misericordia we know we owe our success to the
Lord of all creation!
     May your Christmas be a blessed one and the New Year of 2019 be filled with God’s good gifts!
     Thank you for believing in us enough to be involved. How blessed we are!

    Sister Rosemary Connelly, RSM
    Executive Director
It's Always Sunny at Misericordia - as thanks and smiles abound with Family Fest 2018
Misericordia Future Plans 2018 – 2023                             In Progress

*1purchased property immediately behind our
      Plan and build residential homes on recently

  Thome entrance in order to reach out to more
  families on our Wait List.

*2provide a more “homelike setting” for smaller
      Renovate Marian Residence in order to
  numbers of adults while relocating others to                                                   3
  smaller residences on campus.                                                                          The Wilma Baumgartner CILA, home to
                                                     The Brian Madden CILA, home to six women.           five men.

*3on campus for 15 residents. Take owner-
      Build the Besser Apartment Residence

  ship of the apartment building at 1956 W.
  Devon for six residents, and open two new
  CILAs – one in Chicago and the other in                                                                                                         4
                                                                                                         Strip Mall “before” photo.

*4    Purchase, plan and construct a large build-                                                3
      ing mall at 6124 N. Ravenswood strip mall,     The Besser Residence (concept rendering)
  which will include a drive-in bakery called “Our   has broken ground and construction has
  Daily Bread,” along with rooms available for       begun.
  work opportunities and community outreach.

  5  Open Misericordia Sweet♥Shoppe in
     Glenview located at 989 Waukegan for
  outside work opportunities. (Paid for by                                                               Strip Mall “Our Daily Bread” concept

  generous donors.)

  6   Expand bakery / kitchen to meet the needs
      of the additional demands of productivity.
                                                      The Misericordia Sweet♥Shoppe will

                                                      open in late fall 2018.
      Study the needs and expand our IT
      Department to meet the expectations
  of the times.

  8   Finish and open a Hair Salon room.
      (Paid for by generous donors.)
                                                     copy here

                                                                                                 Bakery renovations are ongoing.

  9   Replace roofs on the six original, large
      buildings built in 1950.

     Indicates projects for which we will
  *  especially need to raise funds.                 Day Makers Hair Salon, opened on Sept.                                               9
                                                     17, 2018, thanks to the generosity of the
                                                     Doherty family and Mario Tricoci.           Roof replacements are in progress!
It's Always Sunny at Misericordia - as thanks and smiles abound with Family Fest 2018
Hooray, new site is live! visit
                                             In loving memory                            
        Philip O’Connor               We remember Dr. Philip O’Connor with love and
                                      gratitude for his support and friendship to all
                                      at Misericordia. As a member of Misericordia’s
                                      Board of Directors, Phil’s vision and leadership
                                      were an invaluable gift to our mission.
                                      He generously shared his success, and was a
                                      beloved friend and mentor to the residents of Mi-
                                      sericordia. He will be greatly missed, and we will
                                      keep him in our hearts and his wife, Lynn, and
                                                                                                   Misericordia’s new website has all the
                                      family in our prayers.
    Sept. 16, 1948 - Sept. 26, 2018                                                                qualities to look for in today’s digital
                                                                                                   world thanks to the generosity and tal-
                                                                                                   ented redesign provided by American
                                                                                                   Eagle. Check out how easy it is to navi-
Together for Choice Conference                                                                     gate and answer all things Misericordia!
The National Together for Choice
Conference 2018 opened with a kick-off                                                                   PLANNED GIVING
event at Chicago’s Theatre on the Lake
with keynote speaker Rob Johnson, CBS                                                                     Have you remembered
anchor.                                                                                               Misericordia in your estate plan?
    The conference, held on Miseri-                                                                 Bequests and other planned gifts are an
cordia’s campus from October 17-19,                                                                 important source of funds to assure the
gathered like-minded advocates, parents                                                             continuation and growth of Misericordia.
and organizations from over 25 states.                David Axelrod               Rob Johnson
                                                                                                    If you want to learn more about ways to
                                                      CNN, University of         CBS News Anchor
Attendees shared a common interest in               Chicago; former chief                           include Misericordia in your estate plan,
promoting choice in living and working           strategist and senior advisor
                                                 to President Barack Obama                          please call or email:
options for individuals with develop-
mental disabilities and their families.         William Choslovsky, Ginsberg Jacob,                       Bob Bourke at 773-273-4173
    David Axelrod, Senior Political             LLC; Patrick Mannix, Senior Advisor,             
Commentator for CNN and Jim Kokoris,            ODEP, Department of Labor; and Melis-
                                                                                                         You can also learn more by visiting
novelist, also joined as keynotes. Ad-          sa Harris, Senior Policy Advisor, Centers
ditional speakers at the event included:        for Medicare and Medicaid Services.                         the Planned Giving page at
Philip J. Peisch and Christopher B.             Visit for                 
Lowther, Covington & Burling LLP;               more information.

Jonathan Toews                Sharing the power of friendship
                                                                                                                       Chicago Blackhawks
                                                                                                                       Captain Jonathan Toews
                                                                                                                       stopped by Misericordia
                                                                                                                       to surprise his delighted
                                                                                                                       friends on a sunny after-
                                                                                                                       noon last July.
                                                                                                                       Thank you for your friend-
                                                                                                                       ship, Jonathan! Your
                                                                                                                       ongoing relationship is
                                                                                                                       a treasure to your fans
                                                                                                                       here at Mis! Many thanks
                                                                                                                       also to the Chicago
                                                                                                                       Blackhawks. We are so
                                                                                                                       very grateful for your
It's Always Sunny at Misericordia - as thanks and smiles abound with Family Fest 2018
End of Year Planning IRA Charitable Rollover and Gifts of Appreciated Stock
                                                                                                                  Please Help Us Reach Our
Misericordia is most grateful for all of the              IRA Charitable Rollover:
gifts that we receive throughout the entire               n
                                                             Donor must be age 70½ or older
                                                                                                                  Challenge Grant Goal!
year. While most of these gifts are in the                n
                                                             Helpful to donors who do not itemize
form of a check or credit card, some of our               n
                                                            Transfer must be made directly to Miseri-           A generous foundation continues to
friends give through their IRA or via a gift                cordia from your IRA administrator                  challenge Misericordia’s friends and
of appreciated securities/stock. Your IRA                 n
                                                            Amount transferred will not be included in          supporters. When we receive a new or
administrator or broker would assist you in                 your annual taxable income                          increased contribution by the end of this
facilitating these types of gifts. Please see             n
                                                            Withdrawal can be applied toward your an-           year, the donor will match the gift dollar
the below for more information:                             nual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)            for dollar up to a specified amount.
Gift of Appreciated Securities/Stock:                     We again are most grateful for all of the gifts       If you are donating to Misericordia for
   Minimizes or eliminates taxes on capital               which we are blessed to receive from our              the first time, the entire amount will be
  gains                                                   friends. If you have any questions, please            matched. If you have made donations
   Itemized charitable deduction for the FMV              email Kevin Connelly at kevin@misericordia.           in either of the last two years and are

  of the stock, up to 30% of your Adjusted                com, or call him at 773-273-4167. You can also
  Gross Income (AGI)                                                                                            able to increase that amount in 2018,
                                                          find more information at
                                                                                                                the increased amount will be eligible for
                                                                                                                matching. Thank you for your generous

Let new adventures begin! Welcome to the Wilma
                                                                                                                                   Federal employees
Baumgartner Home                                                                                                                   nationwide can
In September, Misericordia celebrated                                                                                              pledge donations to
the opening of a new Community In-                                                                                                 Misericordia!
tegrated Living Arrangement (CILA) –                                                                                    Our CFC code is 43851
the Wilma Baumgartner Home. Locat-
ed on the north side of the city within
a short distance of Misericordia’s main
campus, the Baumgartner Home brings
us to a total of 13 neighborhood
homes for adults with intellec-                                            Above, left to right: Pete Cullen-   The practice of asking for donations
tual and developmental dis-                                                Conway, Wilma Baumgartner,
                                                                           Sister Rosemary Connelly, and        to a favorite charity to commemorate
abilities. This new CILA will be                                           Betty and Bob Bergeron.              the death of a loved one is very
home to a group of young men,                                              Left, left to right: Jake E., Luis   thoughtful. In the past few months,
enabling them to live as inde-                                             I., Henry N., and Sean B. cel-       such requests have resulted in
pendently as possible. Thank                                               ebrate in their new home. (not       donations that benefit Misericordia.
you to the Baumgartner family!                                             pictured, Charlie C.)
                                                                                                                We thank those benefactors and
                                                                                                                their families, and respectfully ask
Thank you to the legislators and friends in the business community                                              that you remember them in your
who visited or volunteered at Family Fest!                                                                      thoughts and prayers.
                                                                                                                Carol C. Anderson; Joseph Louis Bernstein;
                                                                                                                Donald L. Borre; Joseph R. Christian, M.D.;
                                                                                                                Mary Pinter Clemency; Marilyn “Lynn” Otter
                                                                                                                Coluzzi; Robert Vincent Dillon; Ethel B.
                                                                                                                Doogan; Mary Eileen Duffy; Albert J. Faul;
                                                                                                                Winifred “Una” M. Glynn; Marianne R. Hall;
                                                                                                                George F. Harris, Jr.; Diane O. Judge;
                                                                                                                Bernice M. Kotowski; Mary Ann Krol; Lloyd
                                                                                                                J. Kurkowski; Robert H. McCann, Sr.; Sylvia
                                                                                                                T. McCarthy; Thomas J. McGovern; John J.
                                                                                                                McGrath; Thomas Arthur O’Dowd; Michael
                                                                                                                P. O’Neill, Sr.; Lorraine M. Olsen; Edwin
                                                                                                                J. Rann; Elliott C. Satinover; Jacqueline
    State Senator Laura Murphy (center, left) and State           Pictured above with Father Jack Clair is      M. Silveri; Sandra Rae St. Clair; Denise J.
    Senator Julie Morrison (center, right) and friends            City Clerk Anna Valencia, who stopped by      Storcz; Eileen P. Sweeney; Audrey Therese
    had a blast volunteering at Family Fest this year.            Family Fest to take in the Heartbreakers      Tuite; Robert B. Wall; Brian Donald Woytek;
                                                                  and Heartzingers performances.                Vaughn J. Wuertz;
It's Always Sunny at Misericordia - as thanks and smiles abound with Family Fest 2018
U S Foods $4,000
                                                                                                                                            Victory Spud Service, Inc.
                                                                                                                                            The Wortel Family
                                                                                                                                            The Walter Zegers Family
                                                                                                                                            George Zeruas $3,500

                                                                                                         The Fulton Street Brewery $2,600   $1,000 + Sponsors
                                                                                                         Mr. & Mrs. Donald Geller
                                                                                                         Howard & Judy Gilbert              The Abbey Resort
                                                                                                         Robert F. Girgis DDS               J B Alberto’s
                                                                                                         David Hegg                         Richard E. Aleksy
                                                                                                         Ann Higgins                        American Dog & Burger
                                                                                                         Hill Group Fire Protection         Amina Grace Memorial Fund
                                                                                                         HKM Architects + Planners          Ancient Order of Hibernians Div 32
                                                                                                         JJK Financial Enterprises          Joan and Bruce Anderson
                                                                                                         Jones, Lang, LaSalle               The Babjak Family
                                                                                                         John Kofler                        S J Bacik Construction Co.
                                                                                                         Bob & Jean Koziol                  Mrs. Dorothy Banas
                                                                                                         Kronos Products $4,400             Grace Bausch
                                                                                                         Lakeshore Beverage $4,000          John Bausch
                                                                                                         Madden Funds Management            Jason Bay
$25,000 + Grand Sponsors              The Mortensen Family            Michael & Madeline Hughes          Mahoney, Crowe, Goldrick &         Margaret Berger
                                      The Parmer/LaRochelle Family    Jewel Foods $7,000+                 Cannon, PC                        June and Marvin Bloom
AT & T                                Deb and Ken Soudan              LaSalle Street Securities, LLC/
Columbus Vegetable Oil                                                                                   The Martin Family                  Michele Bogacki DDS
                                      In Honor of Ann Marie Vodopic    Jack McDermott Jr.                McMahon Foods $3,500               Bob Bourke
Covaria                               The Wesley Family Foundation    M & O Insulation
Sue and Gary Garrabrant                                                                                  Michael’s Mission $4,000           Bredemann Toyota & Chevrolet
                                                                      Susan and Bob Morrison &           Midwest Mechanical                 Brookfield Zoo
The Hartemayer Family                                                  Family
Illinois State Wireless Association   $5,000 + Sponsors                                                  Miniat $4,200                      Doug & Patty Bruno
                                                                      The Andrew Myers Family            Misericordia SIBS $3,000           Carl Buddig & Company $1,500
In Honor of Sister Rosemary           ABN AMRO                        The Nash Family
Laborer’s District Council                                                                               Missionary Sisters,                John Burns Construction $2,000
                                      Silverio and Teresita Agujar    Omega & Associates                                                    C & C Power Inc
  Charitable Foundation               Air Duct Cleaners                                                   Servants of the Holy Spirit
                                                                      In Honor of John H. And            Dr. David Mittelman MD             William & Margaret Cahill $2,000
The Lock Up Self Storage              Anonymous                        Margaret M Pittroff
Loeffel Epilepsy Foundation                                                                              North Carolina Community           The Calabrese Family
                                      Augie’s Booze & Schmooze        Shoreline Marine                                                      Eugene G. Callahan & Assoc. Ltd.
The Niciforo Family                   Beam Legal Team LLC                                                 Foundation/An Angel Among Us
                                                                      Ronald Silver M.D.                 Oliva, Inc                         Michael Carney
The John Peterman Family              Bernadette & Joe Boyle          Chester & Heidi Trocha
Fred B. Snite Foundation                                                                                 Joe O’Neil                         Carpenters Local 58
                                      Catie Brashears Family          Judy Wall/Love Christy                                                Carpenters Local 80
Sterling Bay                          The Cabin Family                                                   Marie & Dennis Panozzo
                                                                       McNerney                          The Para Family                    Virginia and Leo Cattoni
The Walsh Group                       Amy and Paul Carbone
Wetoska Packaging                                                                                        Pepsi America $3,000               Shin Yew & Mei Ying Chen
                                      In Honor of Delia Collins                                                                             Chicago Bulls
                                      Corfu Foods $7,500              $2,500 + Sponsors                  Pharmacy Alternatives, LLC
                                                                                                         Lorrie R. $3,000                   Chicago Select $1,500
$10,000 + Sponsors                    Ivo & Denise Cozzini            American Airlines                                                     Chicago Show/The Snediker
                                      Harry E. Cruse                  The Arundel Family                 The Ronald Ramirez Family
Aon                                                                                                      Steve and Gail Schmidt              Family
                                      Cummins Allison                 The Bauman Gianni Family
Fred B Barbara Investments            The Early Family                The Dana Beaty Family              Schultz Inc. $3,200
Bruno’s Event $17,000+                Sharon & Steve Garcia/FPM       Bigane Paving                      John & Cathy Scully Jr.
Chicagoland Truck Rental              Heat Treating                   William Blair & Company            Melissa Seefeldt
ComEd, an Exelon Company              The Giampoli Family             William Blair& Co./Institutional    Family
Philip H. Corboy Foundation             Foundation/Omega Homes        Investment Management              Charles H. &
CORE Mechanical $15,000               Go Bananas LLC                  John & Denise Bohn                  Beverly E. Shaw
Rosemary DeMore                       Gonnella Baking Company         In Honor of Marianne Buckley        Foundation
The Dolan Family                      G S Gives/Chris Keogh           C & K Trucking                     Mr. & Mrs. John
Flood Brothers                        The Grano & Semla Families      John E. Conroy Jr. $3,000            D. Simms
Edward J. Flynn                       H C Tech                        James A. DeLeo                     Softer Lite
Bob Greenman                          Thomas J. Higgins Company       James and Patricia Dietz            Window
The Lasch Family                      HMS Host                        The Dralle Family                   SSIP
MAT Leasing                           Home Run Inn $7,000             Falls Mechanical Insulation Inc.   Scott and Paula
Misericordia Family Association                                                                           Tomasik
It's Always Sunny at Misericordia - as thanks and smiles abound with Family Fest 2018
Chicago Regional Council of      Holly & Jim Jennings             In Memory of Ray Prendergast    Suzan Wells
 Carpenters                      Jennings Chevrolet and           Print Post $1,500               Stephen & Kelly Wetoska
Children’s Care &                Volkswagen                       Print-XPress                    Edward Winslow
 Development Center              Ann O. Kerley $2,000             Projex Inc/The Althoff Family   J. Nelson Wood
Mary & Jim Claus                 Hugh Kiley                       QU-Bar, Inc                     In Honor of Carly Ziesemer
Linda and Skip Cline             Joseph Kilroy                    Theresa Remy                    ZipGrow Inc.
Don,Anna, Alex and Sami Cohen    La Preferida                     Tom & Cecilia Ricketts          Joseph Zuercher
Columbus Vegetable Oil $2,000    Katherine Latham                 In Honor of Megan Rooney
Concept Laboratories, Inc.       Lipkin and Higgins               Rose Packing
Richard Cortesi                  The Lombard Company              Julius & Linda Rutili $1,250
Ernie & Judy Costa $2,000        Peg & Steve Lombardo
Peter Crist                      Peggy & Jeff Lovelady
Crown Castle                     Joe and Kay Lunkes
The Cullen-Conway Family         Marquee Event Rentals
Robert E. Curley                  $1,500
Daley & Georges Ltd.             Mastec
Dawn’s Dairy, Inc.               The Ryan McDermott Family
The Family of Sarah Dillon       Dr. Timothy McDonough
Donovan Food Brokerage           Emmett McGovern
The Family of Mike and            Memorial Fund
 Margaret Durkin $2,000          McLauchlan Law Group LLC
Eli’s Cheesecake                 Joseph Messer MD
The Brian Faber Family           Midwest Lighting Inc.
Peter Finocchiaro                Jean and Everett Miller
Bridget Flanagan $2,000          Family of MacKenzie Moore
Foley Family Foundation $2,000   In Memory of John and Peg
Fulton Street Brewery             Moriarty                        Samathas Premium $2,200
Joanne and Mark Galvin           Mullen Law Offices               Signature Bank
Dr. Dennis Gates                 Multiple Concrete Accessories    Sisters of Mercy of Americas
Teri & Jeff Giovannetti          Neil & Cathy Murphy              West Midwest
Loretto Glynn                    My Food Guy                      Mary Smith
Gonnella $1,500                  Nationwide Retirement            Standard Provision $2,200
Wendy and Tim Grano               Solutions                       Family of Pam Stiefel
Mike & Sandie Green              James Norton                     Sysco
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Guzior        Adele O’Donnell                  In Honor of Wayne Taveggia
Beverly & Judith Guzy            O’Hare Airport C P D $1,500      Tempel Steel Company
H P Products $1,200              Carl T. Olson & Son, Inc.        Angela Turner
In Honor of the Mis              Ann Parsons                      Vienna ($1,500)
 Administration Team             David Peloquin Family            The Viswanathan Family
Alice Hayes                      The Anne Peterhans Family        W R Maintenance
The Dan Houlihan Family          The Honorable Daniel J. Pierce   The Greg Wagner Family
Hyslop Shannon Foundation        Mark Porter                       $2,000
It's Always Sunny at Misericordia - as thanks and smiles abound with Family Fest 2018
Misericordia Women’s Golf Outing Golf clubs, fresh air and fun for a great cause
                                                                                       Left: The Women’s Golf Outing Committee, left to
                                                                                       right: Marty Dwyer, Mary Ryan Buddig, Therese
                                                                                       Ryan Rooney, Joanne Reynolds, Eileen Ryan Seyfarth,
                                                                                       Scott Early, Sister Rosemary Connelly, Donna Ryan
                                                                                       Coffey, Kim Figliulo, Holly Jennings, Lisa Economos,
                                                                                       and Susan Schultz.

                                                                                       Family Golf Outings
                                                                                       Thanks go out to many generous indi-
                                                                                       viduals from the families of Misericordia
                                                                                       who hosted golf outings this year, raising
                                                                                       contributions for Misericordia. We are so
                                                                                       grateful to all of the organizers, sponsors
                                                                                       and attendees for these wonderful events.
It was a great day to hit the links at     tee and Therese Loftus who organized           The following families have hosted
beautiful Oak Park Country Club for        the day! Everyone had a wonderful           golf outings over the past few months:
the Misericordia Women’s Golf Outing       time while raising money for the chil-      The Calabrese, Platt, Griffin (Krol), Kis-
on September 24. Many thanks to the        dren and adults of Misericordia. See        sane, Kovack, Harrington, Mass, Price,
Ryan sisters, and their devoted commit-    you next year in the short grass!           Diorio, Marshall, and Connolly (Heart-
                                                                                       links) families.

Misericordia Sweet Shoppe Life is sweet in Glenview this fall
Over 200 friends of Misericordia gath-                                                                      Left to right: Generous
ered at the Glenview Country Club in                                                                        donors Meg Fiorenza, Mark
                                                                                                            Santacrose, Carrie and Larry
September to raise awareness and fund-                                                                      Nicholson, and Patty and Bob
ing for Misericordia’s Sweet♥Shoppe at                                                                      Huffman. (Not pictured: archi-
989 Waukegan Rd. As part of the Hearts                                                                      tect Sarah Lane-Hill)
and Flour Bakery work opportunities
program, the store will offer community
jobs for residents and provide the Glen-
view area with our popular selection of
goodies from the bakery. Three gener-
ous Mis families donated the new space
that will open soon.

                                                                      The Amina Grace Gardens Providing
                                                                      meaningful growth for Misericordia
                                                                     Our gratitude goes out to the Amina Grace Memorial Fund
                                                                     and a special thanks to the Cullen Ali family, whose wonder-
                                                                     ful donation of hydroponic gardens and a memorial garden
                                                                     in the Village area of Misericordia will nourish the appetites
                                                                     and spirits of Mis residents for years to come. The foundation,
                                                                     launched in 2014 by Maura and Munawar Cullen Ali in honor
                                                                     of their daughter Amina Grace, strives to lend support and
                                                                     create lasting acceptance of people with Down syndrome and
                                                                     other differing abilities.
                                                                     The Amina Grace Hydroponic Gardens in the Greco Gardens
                                                                     greenhouse provides meaningful work and education for our
                                                                     residents and the outdoor gardens will soon be a source of
                                                                     farm to table food. Your support is so appreciated!
It's Always Sunny at Misericordia - as thanks and smiles abound with Family Fest 2018
Sterling Bay Celebrating eighth annual Benefit Bash                                               Marathon team goes for it again!
                                                                                                  Congratulations to the Misericordia Heart-
                               Generous supporters of Misericordia gathered on                    racers Marathon Team! At the time of this
                               September 13th for Sterling Bay’s eighth annual                    newsletter, over $99,000 has been raised!
                               Benefit Bash. Sterling Bay has been a longtime
                                                                                                  To donate to the 2019 Heartracers, please
                               friend of Misericordia, raising a collective of a
                               million dollars for our children and adults over the               visit
                               past 10 years. Heartfelt gratitude to Cynthia Ma-                  2019-chicago-marathon-for-misericordia.
                               roon, Misericordia parent and longtime friend to                   To find out about joining the 2019 Chicago
                               the Gloor family. Andy Gloor, of Sterling Bay, has                 Marathon Misericordia Heartracers, please
                               been an incredible blessing to Misericordia and                    contact Martha Floberg, Development
                               will be honored with the Heart of Mercy Award at                   Officer, at 773-273-4125, marthaf@miseri-
                               The Heart of Mercy Ball 2018.                            

                                              Above, left to right:
                                              Cynthia Maroon, Mara
                                              Gloor, Vicki Gloor, Andy                                                   Above, left to right:
                                              Gloor, and Dave Gloor.                                                     Bob Bourke, Julie O’Sullivan,
                                                                                                                         and Nick Bourke at last year’s
                                              Left, left to right:                                                       race.
                                              Katie Peterson with Jane
                                              and Andy enjoy the                                                         Left: The Sterling Bay annual
                                              party.                                                                     Bash was a huge success!

Mario Tricoci and
Day Makers Giving back
with style and service
Misericordia has been in the
news thanks to Mario Tricoci Hair
Salons & Day Spas, WGN TV, The
Chicago Tribune and ABC 7! We
are thrilled to have this amazing
opportunity for our residents with
a new salon open on Misericor-
dia’s campus! We are so grate-
ful to Jay & Colleen Doherty for
their vision, and to Cheryl and
Mario Tricoci for supporting the                                         Above, left to right: Jay Doherty, Cheryl    Chris gets a handsome new look
new venture.                                                             Tricoci, Coleen Doherty and Mario Tricoci.   at Day Makers from a Mario Tricoci
                                                                          Left: Rosalie D. with Mario and staff.      University student!
It's Always Sunny at Misericordia - as thanks and smiles abound with Family Fest 2018
Peace Dove       Item #CK-1              Bright Star Item #CL-4                 Snowy Stroll Item #CJ-1
Inside message: May peace be yours         Inside message: A child is born in     Inside message: Let the beauty of
        this holiday season.              Bethlehem this night. Embrace the      the season surround you and yours.
                                                 miracle of Christmas.

                   Angel of Peace                                                              Wintry Water Tower
                       Item #CL-1                                                                   Item #CL-8
                                                                                                  Inside message:
                   Inside message:
                                                                                                 Seasons Greetings
                     Wishing you
                                                                                                 and Best Wishes in
                    blessings and
                                                                                                   the New Year.
                  peace this season.           Three Kings Item #CL-5
                                            Inside message: In their search
                                           for a king they found their Savior.
     Nativity                                  Have a blessed Christmas!
   Item #CL-2                                                                                   Windy City Winter
                                           The Wise Men                                              Item #CJ-4
  Inside message:
Blessings and peace                          Item #CL-6                                            Inside message:
 to you and those                          Inside message:                                       Celebrate the spirit
 you love this Holy                      Let us celebrate the                                        of Chicago’s
      season.                             gifts of Christmas.                                     Holiday Season.

                       Madonna                                                                    Chicago Lights
                       and Child
                      Item #CL-3                                                                     Item #CL-9
                    Inside message:                                                               Inside message:
                A child has been born,                                                            Enjoy the peace
                 the savior has come.       Chicago Winter      Item #CL-7                         of this season.
                  Blessed Christmas!              Inside message:
                                         Seasons Greetings to you and yours.
Hearts&Flour Bakery Goodies
                                                   are a great gift option!
                                                   For more info, please call
                                                   773-273-4759, email
                                                   com or order from
                                                   ourwebsite at
 Save the date! Tuesday Nov. 27
   and start the Holiday Season
      with an online gift to                       Coffee from
  Misericordia Heart of Mercy.                     the heart!
    Visit our new website at                       Misericordia coffee                          and tea can be pur-
                                                   chased online or
                                                   at the Greenhouse
        Marcy Twardak                              Inn Restaurant.
        shopping night                             Packed especially for
   hosted by Marcy Twardak                         you by residents em-
November 13, 5:30-8:30 pm                          ployed by Misericordia’s
                                                   Coffee Program.
                   Cocktails, hors
                   d’oeuvres, and shop-
                   ping for all your holiday                                    Visit our
                   needs!                                                       Christmas
                   Author Ruth Landis will be on
                   hand to sign her new book,                                   and Heart-
                   “Beyond the Bookclub. We
                   are the Books We Must Read.”                                 strings
                   Register online at www.
          or                                         Find a gift for
Tickets: $50       pay at the door.                                             someone
$55 at the door.   All are Welcome!                                             special!

   Dec. 2 and 9 are SOLD OUT

      Sunday, Dec.16 | Open Seating
    Christmas Brunch in Courtyard Inn
             Hotline 773-273-4738
            Contact: Nancy Turry at

                                                         Visit Misericordia’s
                                                         Bakery and work
                                                         alongside residents
                                                         in our holiday
                                                         bakery program!

                                                          For more information visit our
                                                         website at
Women’s Auxiliary Steps into fall with Bloomingdale’s Old Orchard
                                                     On September 13, the Wom-
                                                     en’s Auxiliary and Blooming-
                                                     dale’s Old Orchard kicked
                                                     off autumn with their annual
                                                     shopping event and fashion
                                                     show. Thanks to our Misericor-
                                                     dia Women’s Auxiliary runway
                                                     models, Vince Theodore and                                              Congratulations on another amazing race!
                                                     our good friends at Blooming-
                                                     dale’s Old Orchard for show-                          Congratulations to the Heartsquad and the Ragnar Relay for
                                                     ing off the latest trends and                         Misericordia, running 200 miles, day and night, relay-style, from
                                                                                                           Muskegon to Traverse City, MI. The Misericordia Heartsquad: We
                                                     fashions of the season. Thanks                        strive together shoulder to shoulder for one common goal: to
                                                     also to event chairs Georgia                          support the children and adults with developmental disabilities
 Heisinger and Ellen Malone. Mark your calendars for The “Dress Up” Spring                                 who call Misericordia home.
 Fling on April 12, 2019 at the Ravenswood Event Center.

                                                                                                             SAVE THE DATE
                                                                                                                             October 25 | Joyce Schrager Lecture coffee
                                            First Look for Charity                                                                March 8 | Women’s League Benefit
                                            Misericordia is honored to be chosen as a                                           
                                            beneficiary of the Chicago Auto Show’s First                                                April 26-27 | Candy Days
                                            Look for Charity on Friday, February 8, 2019,                                        
                                            McCormick Place. Hosted by the Misericordia
                                            Women’s Auxiliary and co-chairs Chris Hender-
                                            son and Michelle Nelson, the annual black-tie
                                            affair provides attendees with a “first look” at                           Please join us on Friday, November 16, 2018,
                                            the nation’s largest auto show before it opens to                                  at the Hilton Chicago for the
                                            the public, while supporting Misericordia and 17                                2018 Misericordia Women’s Board
                                            other Chicagoland charities.
                                                                                                                              Heart of Mercy Ball
                         For more information visit
                                                                                                                                     Honorees 2018
Internships Students grow their future with a stint at Mis!                                                            Jay and Colleen        ComEd, accepted by
                                    Misericordia offers a wide range of service and intern-                                 Doherty            Anne Pramaggiore
                                                                                                                   Sr. Rosemary Connelly         Pillars of the
                                    ship opportunities. In recent years, students from the                           Service Medallion            Community
                                    following schools have had the unique opportunity to                                                            Award
                                    gain invaluable experience working with people of all                                Andy Gloor
                                    ages with developmental disabilities:                                               of Sterling Bay
                                                                                                                   Heart of Mercy Award
                                    University of Cork, Ohio State University, University of
                                    St. Francis, Illinois State University, Notre Dame Uni-                            Special performance by
                                                    versity, John Carroll University, Univer-                          Hamilton’s Miguel
                                                    sity of Wisconsin-Madison, University of                           Cervantes with the
                                                    Iowa, Loyola University, Adler University
                                                                                                                       MC’s Rob Johnson; CBS,
Above: Ashleen                                      Chicago, School of the Art Institute of                            and Lou Manfredini; WGN,
Sweeney (John Carroll                               Chicago, Lake Forest College, University                           will be there!
University) Develop-                                of Illinois, Chicago.
ment Intern, pictured                                                                                                  For more information or             Above: Miguel and
with Lois Gates.                                    If you would like to pursue an internship                          to register for the event, visit:   Kelly Cervantes
Left: Hannah Piemonte (Illinois State University)   at Misericordia, please contact: Sharon                              photo courtesy of
                                                                                                                                                           Robert Kusel
and Grainne Finn (University of Cork), Develop-     Keane (773) 273-4520 or sharonm@
ment Office.                              
Misericordia is a residential facility serving children and adults with intellectual, developmental and physical disabilities from diverse ethnic, religious, racial and
socioeconomic backgrounds. A not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization, Misericordia is operated by the Sisters of Mercy under the auspices of the Catholic Archdiocese of
Chicago. Misericordia is located at 6300 N. Ridge, Chicago, IL 60660, 773-973-6300. You can find Misericordia on the internet at The Misericordia
Newsletter is published quarterly. Please send any comments about the newsletter to or to 6300 N. Ridge Ave., Chicago, IL 60660. If you
would like to add, remove or change your contact information on the newsletter mailing list, please contact Peter Behle at 773-273-2768 or
                                  MISERICORDIA | 6300 North Ridge Avenue, Chicago, IL 60660 | 773-973-6300 |
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