THE HOME THAT ROSEBANK BUILT - Insulation / Flooring Featuring

Page created by Theodore Hammond
THE HOME THAT ROSEBANK BUILT - Insulation / Flooring Featuring
Special Feature Three


               . GreenStuf

               . The Tile Depot

Insulation /   . Peter Fell

               . Dunlop Flooring

THE HOME THAT ROSEBANK BUILT - Insulation / Flooring Featuring
Welcome to the third                    important to know the benefits of          bathrooms and bedrooms, electrical
                                        each material in different spaces of       and lighting, utilities and appliances,
instalment of The                       the home and alternative locations.        glass solutions, furniture and finally

Home that Rosebank                      Of course, without good insulation,        landscaping.
                                        your home will not be a cosy, healthy
                                                                                   We think there is something for
Built. This month we                    space. Insulation is vital, and it needs
                                                                                   everyone here - whether you are
                                        to be done right so your home can
look at flooring and                    reap all the benefits. We speak with
                                                                                   building a new house or renovating.
                                                                                   Twelve features, twelve months.
insulation and gain                     The Tile Depot, GreenStuf, Peter Fell
                                                                                   Let’s get a solid foundation of
                                        and Dunlop Flooring this month and
expert knowledge                        find out how to make your flooring
                                                                                   knowledge and build a house. We
                                                                                   bring you feature three for the Home
from a variety                          and insulation work well for you.
                                                                                   that Rosebank Built.
of businesses in                        Our first feature looked at the
                                                                                   Feature by Alice Cranfield
                                        Planning and Design stages of
Rosebank.                               building your home. We spoke with
                                        Landmark Homes, The Building Co,
                                        720 Build, Gerard lighting, Peter Fell,
If you’re new to this feature -
                                        Sharp & Page and Warmup - each
welcome. Over twelve months we
                                        sharing their expertise and tips for
are investigating building an entire
                                        the successful planning of your new
home using businesses in Rosebank.
We will ask the questions you need
to know for each stage of building a    Our second feature looked at
new home and find the best suppliers    Roofing and Cladding - one of the
and products available. So far,         vital steps to ensure the interior
we’ve had a lot of fun meeting and      work of building a house can begin.
speaking with a variety of companies    GreenStuf, Dynex, JP Franklin and
in Rosebank. With many companies        The Building Co each gave valuable
being leaders in their fields, we’ve    insight into how their companies
gained invaluable information thus      work with clients at this stage of a
far. Feature three promises to be no    new build.
different.                              Next month we look at Painting
Selecting the right flooring for your   and Plumbing your home and in the
home can be a game changer.             upcoming months we will investigate
With so many options available it is    windows and doors, kitchens,
THE HOME THAT ROSEBANK BUILT - Insulation / Flooring Featuring
New home; New kitchen
                                       Top quality European-made hardware for every level of kitchen.
                                       Ask your kitchen designer or cabinet maker about which Blum products are
                                       right for you and your new home.

            Blum Showrooms
            621 Rosebank Road
            Auckland 09 820 5051

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            Christchurch 03 379 4984

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THE HOME THAT ROSEBANK BUILT - Insulation / Flooring Featuring
Got you covered.
                                                                                                 1   Design / Planning
                                                                                                     Roundabout Issue 145

                                                                                                 2   Roofing / Cladding
                                                                                                     Roundabout Issue 146
It’s time to make sure your home is           Many flooring options have an
warm and dry. Not only will this add          element of insulation to them and                  3   Insulation / Flooring
                                                                                                     Roundabout Issue 147
to the longevity of your materials, it        understanding how flooring can best
will also make your home cosy and             suit your home is important. From
                                                                                             4       Painting / Plumbing
have huge benefits for the health of          concrete that is self-insulating to                    Roundabout Issue 148
your family. With products on the             carpet that can be improved with
market designed to fit every budget           quality underlay - there is much to                5   Windows / Doors
and type of building there is no need         learn about flooring.                                  Roundabout Issue 149
to be in a badly insulated home
                                              This month we feature four
these days. There are things you                                                             6       Kitchens
                                              companies who are leaders in the
can do to your home regardless of                                                                    Roundabout Issue 150
                                              field of flooring and insulation. Let’s
its age or stage of a build to ensure
                                              get down to business.                              7   Bathrooms / Bedrooms
your family is living in a healthy,
                                                                                                     Roundabout Issue 151
warm environment.

                                                                                                 8   Electrical / Lighting
                                                                                                     Roundabout Issue 152

                                                                                             9       Utility / Appliances
                                                                                                     Roundabout Issue 153

                                                                                             10 Glass Solutions
                                                                                                     Roundabout Issue 154

                                                                                             11      Furniture
                                                                                                     Roundabout Issue 155

                                                                                             12 Landscaping
                                                                                                     Roundabout Issue 156




        5                                                                       9



THE HOME THAT ROSEBANK BUILT - Insulation / Flooring Featuring
The Home That Rosebank Built I Insulation / Flooring

You’d be hard pressed to find a more                    thermal pads to insulate timber           its performance over time and this
sustainable insulation product on the                   framed buildings, to underfloor           is reinforced with our warranty.” He
market. Made locally? Tick! Made                        solutions, to ceiling insulation; there   says. “An insulated home is a drier,
from recycled materials? Tick! Fully                    really is a product for every space.      healthier home.”
recyclable at the end of its lifetime?                  The GreenStuf range has a variety
                                                                                                  Sample boxes can be ordered from
Tick! No chemical binders or fibres                     of insulation available to use in your
                                                                                                  Autex online along with a vast range
that can be breathed into your                          spaces too, with materials coming in
                                                                                                  of information to help you make the
lungs? Tick!                                            pad, roll and skillion slab forms.
                                                                                                  best choice for your space.
Moreover, GreenStuf has proven its                      GreenStuf even has a product
place on the market, being appraised                    designed specifically to help with heat
by BRANZ to meet all requirements                       retention of older hot water cylinders
of the building code. It’s recognised                   - GreenStuf’s Eco Wrap. With such a
for its quality worldwide too and is                    range available there are options for
exported to 24 countries globally.                      new builds, renovations or retrofits,
                                                        and inter-tenancy situations.
Made from 100% polyester, the range
is completely safe to touch and is not                  GreenStuf account manager, Jonty
affected by moisture, making it ideal                   Brown says the company is so
for many New Zealand homes that                         confident in the products available to
experience problems such as black                       insulate your home they back it with a
mould and mildew.                                       50-year durability warranty.
                                                                                         Ph: 0800 428 839
The selection available is huge. From                   “GreenStuf will not settle or reduce      702-718 Rosebank Road, Avondale, Auckland

THE HOME THAT ROSEBANK BUILT - Insulation / Flooring Featuring
Insulation for Better Built Environments
STRONG          LOCAL         QUALITY             SAFE   GREENSTUF
For more information, visit

THE HOME THAT ROSEBANK BUILT - Insulation / Flooring Featuring
The Home That Rosebank Built I Insulation / Flooring

The Tile Depot.
Starting as a single store in 1995, The                  the right materials for specific spaces.    impossible to distinguish by eye from
Tile Depot has grown steadily with                                                                   authentic wood flooring.”
                                                         “The key to the performance of
14 locations now found throughout
                                                         your tile is to select the right tile for   As flooring is such a visual and tactile
the North Island. With ranges coming
                                                         individual spaces,” says Mike. “Tile        material, The Tile Depot encourage
directly from suppliers in Europe
                                                         selection and ensuring the correct          people to come to a showroom to see
and China, The Tile Depot boasts an
                                                         preparation of the substrate happens        the range for themselves and go from
impressive range of both tiles and
                                                         before tiling commences, are critical       there.
laminate flooring options for your
                                                         to the longevity and appearance of
                                                         your tiles.”
With a finish for every surface, The
                                                         Not just dealing in tiles, The Tile Depot
Tile Depot believes in the importance
                                                         also has a range of laminate flooring
of speaking directly with customers
                                                         that is easy to install and a fantastic,
to find the best fit for your space.
                                                         affordable option. With technology
They’ve seen it all and say some of
                                                         advancing so rapidly, Mike says the
the biggest mistakes they have seen
                                                         quality of modern laminate is a far cry
generally happen when costs and
                                                         from that of ten to 20 years ago.
time are trying to be cut.
                                                         “The high definition printing
General Manager, Mike Sydall, says
                                                         technology ensures some incredibly
the best jobs he sees involve plenty
                                                         realistic wood grain looks on
of time spent on site preparation, the
                                                         laminate,” he says. “These can be
use of the best tools for the job, and                                                      Ph: 09 815 0703
                                                         so real that they can almost be             662 Rosebank Road, Avondale, Auckland

THE HOME THAT ROSEBANK BUILT - Insulation / Flooring Featuring
from our family
to yours

662 Rosebank Rd. Open 7 days.   7
THE HOME THAT ROSEBANK BUILT - Insulation / Flooring Featuring
The Home That Rosebank Built I Insulation / Flooring

Peter Fell.
For those looking for a completely                       amazing material as it retains heat,       Another point to note is that you
versatile and self-insulating material,                  essentially saving you money.              don’t have to commit to having the
Peter Fell believe you don’t need                                                                   whole area in concrete – you may
                                                         “A mass of concrete has excellent
to look any further than concrete.                                                                  decide to do your living areas in
                                                         acoustic and thermal insulation,”
After being in the industry for nearly                                                              coloured concrete but have carpet in
                                                         he says. “Concrete is self-insulating
30 years, Peter Fell fast became a                                                                  the bedrooms for example.
                                                         as it absorbs heat when it is warm
leader in its field when Peter started
                                                         and then releases the heat as the air      Contact Peter Fell today to discuss
to experiment with concrete and the
                                                         cools.”                                    how concrete can work for your
addition of iron oxides in his garage.
                                                         You’re also guaranteed to have
Sourcing oxides from Germany, Peter
                                                         a unique bespoke floor as each
Fell has a colour and finish to suit your
                                                         concrete space will dry slightly
build. With over 80 colours to choose
                                                         differently, giving subtleties between
from you’ll be spoilt for choice. You
                                                         different floors.
needn’t worry about your floor’s
colour fading over time as oxide is a                    As concrete is the first thing to go
permanent colouring. Not limited to                      down with a new build, some forward
internal floors - the range can be used                  thinking is needed if you intend to use
for outdoor spaces such as patios,                       concrete in your space. A tint would
around the pool and driveways.                           need to be added in this initial stage;
                                                         however, sealing and cutting is done
Managing director, Brennan Fell, says
                                                         later as the building progresses. This
that beyond aesthetics, concrete is an                                                     PH: 09 820 0722
                                                         does give you an element of flexibility.   81 Patiki Road, Avondale, Auckland

THE HOME THAT ROSEBANK BUILT - Insulation / Flooring Featuring

                                                      Dunlop Quadmesh™
                                                      webbing for leading
                                                      structural support
                           Dunlop Slipcoat Laminate
                           System for Optimum

                    Dunlop Maxbond™ Cushioning
                     Featuring High Performance
                                 Comfort Foams

                                                                                     nlop           i ng


         Lic SMK40073


              SAI Global

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The Home That Rosebank Built I Insulation / Flooring

                                                                                                                           Lic SMK40073
                                                                                                                                SAI Global


                                        Dunlop Flooring.
                                        Say you’ve picked your carpet - it’s       says that a good quality carpet
                                        plush, excellent quality and feels         underlay provides significant
                                        amazing to walk on. You then select        improvements to the comfort and life
                                        an underlay but don’t put much             of your carpet.
                                        thought into it - in contrast to your
                                                                                   “There are products that are sold
                                        carpet, it’s cheap and you haven’t
                                                                                   in the market that are inferior, even
                                        done your homework.
                                                                                   though some of the spec’s appear to
                                        Dunlop Flooring has been operating in      be very similar,” he says. “Make sure
                                        the underlay market for over 30 years      you try the product you have been
                                        and they know the difference a great       shown under your carpet of choice
                                        underlay makes to the performance          to check what that installation would
                                        of a carpet. Specialising only in          feel like.”
                                        underlays, the company has over
                                                                                   Dunlop Flooring is so sure of its
                                        40 highly trained staff all working
                                                                                   New Zealand made products, the
                                        together to make underlays of the
                                                                                   underlays come with a guarantee
                                        highest quality. PH: 09-905 2680
                                                                                   to perform for the life of your new
680 Rosebank Road, Avondale, Auckland   Robert Brouwer, Managing Director,         carpet.

There are a range of underlay options
available for every home: price
friendly, underlays with antimicrobial
protection to fight off mould, mildew,
bacteria and dust mites, or underlays
with a feel right for you.

Dunlop Flooring is the only company
in New Zealand whom has had its
product certified to the SAI Global
5 Tick meaning it far exceeds New
Zealand’s recognised standard for
soft underlays. It has also been
certified with the Green Label Plus
certification, meaning your underlay is
certified to have no dangerous VOC’s
emitting from it.

For those wanting to experience
Dunlop Flooring, all retail stockists
provide free samples and foot mats
to place a carpet sample over. Check
out the Dunlop Flooring website to
see all the available retail stockists in
your area.

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