Page created by Lloyd Maxwell
COLUMBIA LEGAL SERVICES                                                             JANUARY 2020

THIS PAMPHLET IS ACCURATE AS OF ITS DATE OF       Disabilities Administration has five 1915(c)
REVISION. THE RULES CHANGE FREQUENTLY.            waivers which include Basic Plus, Core,
                                                  Individual and Family Services, Community
1. What is Community First Choice (CFC)?          Protection, and Children’s Intensive In-home
                                                  Behavior Support.
CFC is a Medicaid program offering personal
care and other services. The program was          To be functionally eligible for CFC
established by the Affordable Care Act (ACA)      authorized by the Aging and Long Term
under 1915(k) of the Social Security Act and is   Support Administration (ALTSA), you must
administered by the Washington State              be eligible for the level of care required in a
Department of Social and Health Services          nursing facility as defined in WAC 388-106-
(DSHS). Offering personal care and other          0355, which is the same level of care as the
services under CFC allows DSHS to provide a       COPES program.
more extensive benefit package to support
clients in community settings. CFC is             To be functionally eligible for CFC
intended to promote choice, flexibility, and      authorized by the Developmental Disabilities
community care over institutional care. For       Administration (DDA), you must be eligible
qualified individuals, CFC offers personal        for the level of care required in an
care services, skills acquisition training,       Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals
assistive technology, personal emergency          with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/ID) as
response systems, and a few other services        defined in WAC 388-845-0070, 388-828-3060,
that help clients remain in community             and 388-828-3080 or a nursing facility as
settings.                                         defined in WAC 388-106-0355.

To be eligible, you must meet two types of        2. How do I apply for CFC?
criteria: (1) financial eligibility and (2)
functional eligibility.                           You can apply for CFC in one of three ways:

You are financially eligible for CFC if you are      •   If you are a current Medicaid
eligible for categorically needy (CN) or                 recipient, contact Home and
Alternate Benefit Plan (ABP) scope of care in            Community Services for a social
the community. This includes both non-                   service intake. Please see Appendix A
institutional medical coverage groups and                for contact information.
CN coverage through a 1915(c) home and
community based waiver. COPES, is the                •   If you are not currently receiving
1915(c) waiver offered by Home and                       Medicaid, and are under age 65 and
Community Services. The Developmental                    not entitled to Medicare, apply online

       through the Health Benefit Exchange         benefits based on income, known as
       at               Washington Apple Health MAGI Medicaid.
                                                   MAGI stands for Modified Adjusted Gross
   •   If you are not currently receiving          Income and is a way for individuals to obtain
       Medicaid and are age 65 and older, or       government-paid healthcare benefits,
       on Medicare, apply online at                depending on income.                The CN and ABP benefit package includes
       or by submitting a paper application        CFC services for those eligible. A disability
       to a local DSHS Home and                    determination is not required for an
       Community Services (HCS) office.            individual receiving MAGI based coverage.

The website for downloading a paper                4. When do CFC services begin?
application [Form HCA 18-005 (3/14)
Washington Apple Health Application for            CFC eligibility begins on the date DSHS
Long-Term Care/Aged, Blind, Disabled               authorizes the service. It is not retroactive
Coverage] is                                       and will not cover services provided before              the date of the authorization. Within 60 days
Documents/18-005.pdf. You may also pick            from the date of the completed assessment,
up the application form at a DSHS office. A        you must sign and return a copy of a
paper application may be returned to PO Box        document called the “Service Summary” in
45826 Olympia, WA 98504 or to your local           order for your services to continue. This
Home and Community Service (HCS) office.           document outlines the services and supports
To find the right HCS office, call 1-800-422-      you are receiving. It is your official approval
3263 or us the online tool to find the HCS         for the services being provided to you.
office in your county.            5. How are income and resources
                                                   determined for the purpose of CFC?
3. How is CFC eligibility determined?
                                                   To receive CFC services both your income
As noted in Question 1, there are two parts to     and your resources must be within set limits.
eligibility. First, you must be financially        Some CN or ABP programs have no resource
eligible for a categorically needy (CN) or an      test, such as the MAGI programs or
Alternate Benefit Plan (ABP) Medicaid              Healthcare for Workers with Disabilities
program, as described in WAC 183-503-0510.         (HWD). Most programs based on aged, blind
Second, you must be functionally eligible,         and disability criteria have a $2,000 resource
which means you need help with certain             limit for a single person.
activities of daily living because of a physical
or cognitive impairment. Some examples             In counting your resources for a month,
include help with bathing, dressing, hygiene,      DSHS essentially takes a snapshot of your
and medication management. To determine            resources as of the first moment of the first
eligibility and the level of help needed, an in-   day of the month. Whatever resources exist
person assessment and interview is                 at that exact moment are the resources
conducted by the department to evaluate            counted. Resources typically include such
your ability to care for yourself.                 things as real estate, funds in bank accounts
                                                   (but not including this month’s income) and
Under the Affordable Care Act, individuals         stocks. Funds from a payment that counted
under age 65 may be eligible for healthcare        as income last month will count as resources

PAGE 2                                                                             JANUARY 2020

this month if you still have them as of the       health-care/apple-health-medicaid-
first of this month. Not all resources count      coverage/eligibility
for purposes of determining resource
eligibility (see Questions 10 through 13          7. What level of resources can I have and be
below).                                           eligible for the CFC program?

In counting your income for a month, DSHS         Your countable resources must be at or below
looks at what you received that month. Income     $2,000.00. For those who are receiving CFC
typically includes such things as Social          personal care services through a MAGI plan
Security, VA benefits, pension payments, and      or through the HWD program, there is no
wages, in the month they are received.            resource test.

The income and resource standards for             8. How are my spouse’s income and
Medicaid programs are adjusted yearly and         resources considered?
can be found here:           Your spouse’s income and resources are
health-care/apple-health-medicaid-                counted to determine whether you are
coverage/eligibility                              financially eligible for CFC.

                                                     a) Countable income in the name of the
6. Am I income eligible for the CFC                     CFC eligible person and their spouse
program?                                                must be at or below the 2-person
                                                        categorically needy income level
If you are an SSI-related person, your                  (CNIL) of $1,175, if you are living in
countable income must usually be at or below            your own home. If you live in an
the 1-person categorically needy income level           alternate living facility, such as an
(CNIL), which is $783 as of January 1, 2020.            adult family home or assisted living
                                                        facility, the income standard is the
If you do not meet the CFC income eligibility           department paid daily rate, but in no
rules, you will then be considered under the            case more than $2,349 (as of the date of
Home and Community Based waiver rules,                  this document); and
such as COPES. For eligibility information on
the COPES program, see Questions and                 b) Combined resources must be at or
Answers on the COPES Program, which is                  below the state resource standard for a
available on the website                                married couple which is $3,000.00 for                              initial eligibility.

If you are an SSI-related person residing in an   9. Do I have to pay for CFC services?
Alternate Living Facility (ALF), the income
limit is higher. A person residing in an ALF         •   If you are receiving CFC only, and you
has a higher income standard, but will have              live at home, you do not have to pay
to pay towards the cost of care.                         for your services.

If you are on a MAGI or HWD program the              •   If you are receiving CFC and HCB
income levels can be found at:                           waiver services, such as COPES, you                  may have to pay toward the cost of the
                                                         services. The amount you pay is based

COLUMBIA LEGAL SERVICES                                                                   PAGE 3

       on your income, marital status, and         application for DSHS-administered long-term
       any allowed deductions. For                 care services filed before May 1, 2006; or (2)
       information on how DSHS determines          the recipient’s spouse or the recipient’s child
       how much you have to pay, see               who is under 21 or blind or disabled resides
       Questions and Answers on the COPES          in the home. The disability criteria for this
       Program which is available on the           purpose are the same as those used for Social
       website          Security Disability determinations.

   •   If you are receiving CFC only, and live     Even when a home is exempt, a married
       in an alternate living facility (ALF),      Medicaid applicant or recipient may wish to
       you pay room and board to the               transfer his or her interest to their spouse.
       facility.                                   Such a transfer may be made to prevent
                                                   future recovery of Medicaid costs from a
   •   If you live in an ALF, and your             Medicaid recipient’s estate (see Question 15)
       countable income is above the CNIL          or to make it easier for the spouse to sell or
       for your household size, you are            otherwise dispose of the home. But, such a
       allowed to keep a $70 monthly               transfer is not always a good idea. It may, for
       personal needs allowance and you            example, have adverse tax or other
       must pay the facility the remainder of      consequences in some cases. Before making
       your countable income.                      such a transfer, you should consult with a
                                                   lawyer familiar with Medicaid rules and
NOTE: If you are a functionally eligible SSI-      estate planning.
related person who is working, , you should        Note: The proceeds from the sale of an
contact your Public Benefit Specialist (PBS) to    exempt home are also exempt if they are
determine whether the Healthcare for               used to purchase a new exempt home within
Workers with Disabilities (HWD) program is         three months of receipt.
more beneficial than other SSI-related
programs. The HWD program has no income            11. When is a car exempt?
limit and no asset test.
                                                   One car is exempt, no matter how much it is
10. When is a home exempt?                         worth, if it is used for transportation either
                                                   for the CFC recipient or for a member of the
A home (which may be a house and                   recipient’s household.
surrounding land, a condominium or a
mobile home) may be an excluded resource.          12. When can burial funds and burial spaces
The exclusion applies if the CFC recipient         be exempt?
lives in the home, or is temporarily absent but
intends to return to it. It also applies as long   A burial fund of $1500 for an individual (and
as the recipient’s spouse or, in some cases, a     an additional $1500 for a spouse) may be
dependent relative, continues to live in the       claimed as exempt if set aside in a clearly
home.                                              designated account to cover burial or
                                                   cremation expenses. If you have a life
The exemption does not apply to a home in          insurance policy that is claimed as exempt,
which the CFC recipient has an equity              then the face value of the life insurance will
interest of more than $595,000, unless one of      count as part of your burial fund. So, for
the following exceptions applies: (1) the          example, if you have an exempt life insurance
recipient is receiving services based on an        with a face value of $1000, then only $500

PAGE 4                                                                             JANUARY 2020

may be exempted in a designated account for      State of Washington paid for the recipient’s
burial expenses.                                 care. Whether or not Medicaid is entitled to
                                                 recover depends on the type of services you
An irrevocable trust for burial expenses or a    received and the dates when the services
pre-paid burial plan may be claimed as           were provided to you. See Estate Recovery
exempt as long as it does not exceed             for Medical Services Paid for by the
reasonably anticipated burial expenses. The      Statewhich is available on the website
value of such a trust or plan will count
against the exemption for burial funds or life
insurance.                                       Recovery will be delayed if, at the time of
                                                 death, you have a surviving spouse,
Burial spaces for CFC recipients and             registered domestic partner, or surviving
immediate family members are exempt no           child who is under the age of 21 or blind or
matter how much they are worth.                  disabled.

13. When can household goods and personal        The DSHS estate recovery claim only applies
effects be exempt?                               to property owned at death by a recipient. No
                                                 claim can be made against property solely
Household furniture and other household          owned by a spouse or child. This may be an
goods, as well as clothing, jewelry and          important reason to consult a lawyer familiar
personal care items are exempt regardless of     with CFC and Medicaid rules about
value.                                           permissible transfers of property.

14. Can I transfer resources without             16. Do I still pay Medicare Part D Co-
affecting CFC eligibility?                       Payments if I am on CFC? Do I have to pay
                                                 Medicare Part B monthly premiums,
Transfer of asset rules (which can be found in   deductible, and co-pays? What about
WAC 182-513-1363) do not apply to a person       Medicare Part A?
receiving CFC only. The transfer of an asset
may affect eligibility for a HCB waiver (such    Once you are on CFC, your Medicare Part B
as COPES), or nursing facility placement, if     monthly premiums, Part B co-payments, Part
the transfer is made within 5 years of needing   B deductible, Part A deductible, and Part A
that service. For more information about         coinsurance for hospital or nursing home care
transfers that may affect eligibility for HCB    are covered or cannot be collected, but the
waiver services or nursing home placement,       effective date may vary. If you have
see                                              questions, you can ask your DSHS Public
Questions and Answers on the COPES               Benefit Specialist.
Program and Questions and Aswers on
Medicaid for Nursing Home Residents which        Medicare Part D is the prescription drug part
are available on the website                     of Medicare. If you receive CFC services                       only, you are still responsible for Medicare
                                                 Part D co-payments. However, if you are
15. Will CFC payments result in a lien or        also on an HCB Waiver such as COPES,
claim against my estate?                         Medicare D co-payments are waived. You can
                                                 ask to receive both CFC and HCB Waiver
DSHS may be entitled to recover, from a          services. If you are eligible and decide to
Medicaid recipient’s estate, the amount the      receive an HCB Waiver service, your

COLUMBIA LEGAL SERVICES                                                                 PAGE 5

Medicare D co-payments will be waived.                  hospital, to a community based
For more information about why going on                 setting
COPES may help you, see Questions and
Answers on the COPES Program and                    •   Training on how to hire, manage, and
Medicare Savings Programs: Help Paying for              dismiss personal care providers
Medicare Costs.
                                                 18. Can I get help with the application
17. What types of services does CFC              process?
                                                 Many people need help applying for CFC or
When you apply for services, a case manager      Medicaid. Often there are family members or
will be assigned to you and will work with       friends, or staff members of a hospital or
you to individually assess your care needs       nursing home or other agency, who are able
and discuss your goals and preferences. The      to help. Help is also available from DSHS
case manager will explain the services that      staff, especially for people who have physical
you are eligible to receive and you will         or mental impairments that make it hard to
choose the services you wish to receive from     get through the application process on their
those available to you.                          own.

The CFC program includes the following           If you need help in the application process
services:                                        from DSHS, you or someone else should tell a
   • Personal care in community based            DSHS representative that you need help.
       settings                                  DSHS rules require what are called
                                                 “necessary supplemental accommodation
   •   Relief care for clients in their own      services” when they are needed. These
       home when a caregiver is out or needs     services include help filling out forms and
       a break                                   help finding information or papers you need.

   •   Skills acquisition training to help       CFC rules are complicated. Before taking
       people perform their personal care        steps you don’t understand, you should get
       tasks independently                       individualized legal advice.

   •   Personal Emergency Response               PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT A, PROVIDED
       Systems (PERS) for qualified clients to   BY DSHS, FOR HOW TO REQUEST A
       summon help in case of a fall or an       LONG-TERM CARE (LTC) ASSESMENT
                                                 CFC 01-2020
   •   Assistive technology items
       recommended by a therapeutic                COLUMBIA LEGAL SERVICES
       provider that substitute for human
                                                  101 Yesler Way, Suite 300, Seattle,
       assistance or increase independence
                                                              WA 98104
   •   Community transition services are
       available to clients who wish to
       relocate from an institutional setting,
       like a skilled nursing facility or

PAGE 6                                                                          JANUARY 2020

                                          Attachment A

                      How to Request a Long-term Care (LTC) Assessment

Call and schedule an assessment through the DSHS Central intake lines. Social Service central
intake lines are divided by Regions in the State of Washington. This is used to request a social
service assessment for home and community services (in-home care, care in a residential facility,
nursing facility coverage).

   •   Region 1 HCS-Pend Oreille, Stevens, Ferry Okanagan, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Lincoln,
       Spokane, Adams, Whitman, Klickitat, Kittitas, Yakima, Benton, Franklin, Walla Walla,
       Columbia, Garfield and Asotin: 1-866-323-9409 or FAX 509-568-3772

   •   Region 2 North HCS - Snohomish, Whatcom, Skagit, Island Counties 1-800-780-7094 or FAX

   •   Region 2 South HCS - King County 206-341-7750 or FAX 206-373-6855

   •   Region 3 HCS- Pierce, Kitsap, Thurston, Mason, Lewis, Grays Harbor, Pacific, Cowlitz,
       Clark, Clallam, Jefferson Counties 1-800-786-3799 FAX 360-586-0499

You may find also find this information in the Apple Health Manual, Long-term Care

COLUMBIA LEGAL SERVICES                                                                     PAGE 7
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