IMPACT REPORT 2020-2021 - SCALING MUSIC CARE Care through Music

Page created by Alexander Daniels
IMPACT REPORT 2020-2021 - SCALING MUSIC CARE Care through Music
                     MUSIC CARE
Care through Music

 IMPACT REPORT 2020-2021
IMPACT REPORT 2020-2021 - SCALING MUSIC CARE Care through Music
From The
                    The last year for all of us has been one of
                    tremendous challenge, change and reflection.
                    This has also been the case for Room 217, but
                    alongside the challenges have come some
                    tremendous opportunities and accomplishments.

                    The Room 217 Foundation is proud of
                    successfully pivoting and even thriving in some
                    respects during such a difficult climate, which has
                    frankly been the demise of many charitable
                    organizations during the pandemic. This time has
                    allowed the space for critical work to move us to a
                    new evolution of the organization, involving the
                    development of our new certification model and
                    truly moving into a digitized world, allowing us to
                    scale musiccare.

                    Partnerships have also been a key highlight for
                    Room 217 this year, where we have been able to
                    help other organizations pivot and bring music
                    care programs and learning online in a
                    meaningful way through the pandemic.

No matter           We are excited to continue on this new journey
                    and realize the dream of bringing Room 217's

what life throws    world class programs and training to Canadians in
                    more sustainable and relevant ways. In doing so,
                    we continue our mission of ensuring they will

at us, music        receive music as a vital part of their care

softens the blow.   Sonia Brown | Chair
IMPACT REPORT 2020-2021 - SCALING MUSIC CARE Care through Music
Who We Are and What We Do
The one sure thing about a silver lining is   The Room 217 Foundation is a music-based
advantage comes from an unpleasant            health arts social enterprise.
                                              Our newly branded musiccare by Room 217
Silver lining may be the best way to          produces and delivers purposely designed
describe how this pandemic year has           music products, education, training, and
unfolded at Room 217.                         certification to improve quality of life and care.

As we have not been able to engage in         Our three pillars of musiccare are
normal travel, visits to care spaces and      CONNECT, LEARN and CERTIFY – each
conferences, we have been able to focus       designed to support caregivers and care
purposefully to reposition and prepare our    communities to increase engagement and life
next chapter.                                 enrichment.

Strategically, this involves consolidating,
rebranding, digitizing, and building our      Our People
certification model.
                                              Board of Directors
Serendipitously, we have had some
                                              Sonia Brown | Chair
opportunities that could have only come
                                              Dr. Lee Bartel | Vice-Chair
from such a time as this. Our partnerships
with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra,          Dr. Sarah McKinnon | Secretary-Treasurer
Concerts in Care, and the Ontario Trillium    Barb Reynolds | Past Chair
Foundation bear witness to this.              Donna Cansfield
                                              Brad Meekin
I remain deeply grateful to those of you
                                              Kaley Duff
who have understood how important this
year has been to the Room 217 narrative       Stephen Ward
through your continued support and in         Dr. Rob Foster
some cases increased giving. This is yet      Bev Foster
another unexpected silver lining.

The following pages share the story of our
day-to-day work during a unique time in       Bev Foster | Executive Director
history and our strategic reorientation. We   Kenna Kozak | Manager Operations
hope you catch the vision of what's ahead!    Marian Constable | Program Support
                                              Shannon Shier | Program Support
Bev Foster | Founder & Executive Director     Tanya Albis | Administration Coordinator
IMPACT REPORT 2020-2021 - SCALING MUSIC CARE Care through Music
Program Highlights

                                                   Global Music Care Conference
                                                   Being informed.
                                                   Sharing practices.
                                                   March 16-18, 2021
                                                   400 participants from 13 countries


                                                                                        Igniting Innovation

                                                               the institute of
                                                               mental health

Adapted Music Care Training
Training caregivers.
Our standard Music Care Training Levels 1-3 were
adapted to Zoom and delivered in July, October,
November, March, and April.
IMPACT REPORT 2020-2021 - SCALING MUSIC CARE Care through Music
New Courses for
Virtual Learning
Developing skills.
Financial Partner

10 Webinars
Expanding knowledge.
Music during plagues | Noise Solution | Spirituality, music and palliative
care | Memory Tracks app | Neurologic Music Therapy |Hearing
Loss Prevention | Using music to reduce isolation and loneliness
in LTC | Scaling music care | Music therapy and brain injury
rehabilitation | Intergenerational education and creative programming
Financial Partner
IMPACT REPORT 2020-2021 - SCALING MUSIC CARE Care through Music
Program Highlights

Voices that Care
Giving generously.

Our annual benefit concert went online and
raised $48,000 to benefit our palliative care
program. Featuring Murray McLauchlan, Marc
Jordan, Steve Patterson, Julie Nesrallah, Loreena
McKennitt, and Alana Bridgewater.

“You folks nailed it in every way………..out of the
ballpark! We were up close and personal to
everything: the quality of sound, voice and the close
visual experience, the additional impact of personal
emotion, expression, humanity and soul and the
video stories of The Exceptional Caregivers and their
residents.” – DF                                               Legacy
Financial Partners
                                                               Building into the
                                                               future.                        OF ROOM 217

                                                               Several Canadian          in the power
                                                                                           of music
                                                               families have joined
                                                               the Room 217
                     Jef Muyshondt     FRASER FAMILY           Legacy Network,
                                                               ensuring music care is in place for older adults. Part of
                                                               this program is a learning journey with some of our
                                      Dr. Jacqueline Edwards
                                                               partners and visits to see their work in action.
IMPACT REPORT 2020-2021 - SCALING MUSIC CARE Care through Music
New Educational Opportunities
Training musicians.
Educating caregivers.

Toronto Symphony & Toronto Symphony
Youth Orchestra musicians
Concerts in Care musicians
Ontario Secondary Schools' Special Skills High
Major Program students
Newfoundland Recreation Therapy Association
providers                                                 Article
George Brown College gerontology activation               Published in
students                                                  Healthcare
Mohawk College Recreation Therapy students                Journal
Champlain Adult Day Programs staff
Kawartha Hospice volunteers
Bowmanville Older Adults Association

“I've been looking for a way to make an impact with
my love of music and violin playing -- this was exactly
what I was looking for! (I also have an interest in
dementia-related topics since my Grandpa has
Alzheimer's and this was the perfect social initiative
for me!) Room 217 really inspired a vision in me. I
                                                          Financial Partner
have found a new interest and possible future
 – Violinist from Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra
IMPACT REPORT 2020-2021 - SCALING MUSIC CARE Care through Music

Music improves the care experience.

We're changing the culture of care with music.




Our Impact
Ÿ Enhancing quality of life in care
Ÿ Increasing public awareness of music's impact on
  health and well-being
Ÿ Increasing caregiver confidence using music in care
Ÿ Expanding music care advocacy in caring
Ÿ Ensuring quality music care delivery
IMPACT REPORT 2020-2021 - SCALING MUSIC CARE Care through Music
Music has the capacity to bring well-being
to every dimension of the human experience.

Fresh front-facing look and feel!
Room 217 Foundation remains
our financial and legal entity.
New name. New logo. New website.
Launch 10.1.21

Financial Partners
                                    F O U N D A T I O N
Scale Programs

We are consolidating to scale our programs into three main areas:

1.                  CONNECT
Providing musiccare access 24/7.
Launch 08.25.21

app that creates
personalized care
programs using
Room 217
designed music.

Digital delivery
of all musiccare
products and
Scale Programs

2.                               LEARN
Training caregivers to integrate music
into regular care practice.
Launch 10.01.21

Music care education
and training opportunities.
Ÿ   Standard Music Care
Ÿ   Workshops, Keynotes
Ÿ   Virtual Learning Studio
Ÿ   Skills Day
Ÿ   Musicians in Care training
Ÿ   Webinars
Ÿ   Conference
3.                      CERTIFY
Raising the standard of music care
delivery through a quality lens.

    For organizations               For individuals          For products &
      Launch 03.01.22                Launch 10.01.21          Launch 03.01.22

    A structured quality          A structured quality      A structured quality
    improvement                   development               assurance
    framework for                 framework for             framework for
    evaluating systems            evaluating                evaluating reliability
    and processes                 competencies              and accessibility
    necessary to integrate        necessary for using and   necessary for
    and sustain music into        advocating for music in   excellent music care
    care organizations.           regular care practice     delivery
Accounting for our revenue and expenses


Assets                                                                  2021           2020
Cash                                                                 $ 16,824   $         0
Short term investments                                               279,497        174,177
Accounts Receivable                                                    21,032       196,540
Pledges receivable                                                   249,652              -
HST receivable                                                         17,024        16,191
Inventory                                                              36,569        37,258
Deferred development costs                                             27,619        26,055
Prepaid expenses                                                       38,811         1,611

CAPITAL ASSETS                                                         4,158          5,089

TOTAL                                                                691,186        456,921

Liabilities                                                            2021            2020
Bank indebtedness                                                          -        $ 13,540
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                              30,272          59,680
Deferred revenue                                                      16,095          59,100
Deferred Trillium grant                                               47,809          18,789
Due to related party                                                       -          30,300

TOTAL                                                                 94,176        181,409

DEFERRED CONTRIBUTION                                                    215            307

TOTAL                                                                 94,391        181,716

Internally restricted fund                                           533,713        300,000
Unrestricted net assets                                               63,082        (24,795)

TOTAL                                                                691,186        456,921
Complete audited statements are available upon request.
                                                                                    Please contact


REVENUE                                                                                2021             2020
Restricted contributions                                                             $ 2,475         $ 60,575
Unrestricted contributions                                                          241,272          326,463
Grants and Foundation contributions                                                 221,350          353,550
Therapeutic resources                                                                33,671            40,749
Education/conferences                                                                19,522            52,495
Partners (OTF)                                                                      100,689          119,228
Soothing Transitions/WDDM                                                            89,889            39,227
Gain (Loss) on Short-term Investments                                                33,713             (823)
Amortization of deferred capital contributions                                            92              131
Miscellaneous                                                                            311            1,500
Government Subsidies                                                                132,799                 -
                                                                                    875,783          993,919
Restricted contributions/grant and Foundation contributions                         (85,000)         (152,000)
related to deferred development costs
Partners (OTF) revenue related to deferred Trillium grant                           (47,809)         (18,789)
TOTAL                                                                               742,974          822,306

EXPENSES                                                                              2021             2020
Administration and operations                                                        18,264           20,315
Amortization                                                                          1,278            1,423
Communications                                                                        5,629            4,640
Conference and resources                                                             13,423           34,054
Contracted specialty services and staffing                                          220,389          273,221
Marketing                                                                            17,832           28,057
Office and general                                                                   34,442           22,617
Partners                                                                             37,785           91,760
Postage, shipping and handling                                                        2,984            2,337
Professional fees                                                                    20,488           13,999
Program expenses                                                                     48,870           80,097
TOTAL                                                                               421,384          572,520
Excess of revenue over expenses                                                     321,590          $249,786
Box 145 Port Perry, ON L9L 1A2
Toll free: 844-985-0217
New website address as of
October 1, 2021

Charitable #85728 5092 RR0001

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