End Street Sleeping Collaboration July 2020 Update

Page created by Yolanda Johnson
End Street Sleeping Collaboration July 2020 Update

End Street Sleeping Collaboration
July 2020 Update
A collaboration between governments, non-government
organisations, philanthropists, business and the community
that aims to end street sleeping across NSW by 2030.

End Street Sleeping Collaboration July 2020 Update
Table of contents

Executive Summary                                    3

By-Name List Database                                4

The Complex Cases Initiative                         5

Our work during Covid-19                             6

Starting work with Byron Bay and Tweed Heads         7

Reducing street sleeping: tracking our targets       7

How are we tracking?                                 7

ESSC’s Important Role in the Global Push for Data    8

Our supporters                                       9

Building the Collaboration                          10

Media Coverage                                      11

Get involved                                        12
End Street Sleeping Collaboration July 2020 Update
Executive Summary

Quarterly Snapshot
Summary of Progress and Achievements:                   invested in the creation of the By-Name List
•   Secured funding for 2020-21 operations              Phase 2 IT project, which kicked off in July
    despite tough Covid-19 funding environment          2020

•   Welcomed Cornerstone philanthropic              •   Led a collaborative effort to find housing
    investors, the Berg Family Foundation and           solutions for five people in the inner City of
    the Grahame Mapp Foundation who have                Sydney with the most complex support needs

Focus for next quarter:
•   Remaining nimble and open to engagement         •   Use BNL to inform Together Home clients
    opportunities that arise through the Covid-19       (moving Covid-19 hotel dwellers into
    response                                            housing)
•   By-Name List Phase 2 (BNL2) technical build     •   Systemic interventions in Sydney – action
    with Barhead                                        planning
•   Develop a methodology that can be               •   Establishing Collaboration Leadership
    implemented in communities across NSW               Groups to set the strategy for ESSC

                                                                                 End Street Sleeping
End Street Sleeping Collaboration July 2020 Update
End Street Sleeping Collaboration update

By-Name List Database
A Real Time By-Name List database is the critical              •    Can scale to be implemented in organisations
success factor in ending street sleeping across                     and communities across NSW
NSW and the creation of a sophisticated database
                                                               •    Provide access to individual and aggregated
is a world-first project that builds upon the great
                                                                    data reports that will provide the insights we
start given to us by Microsoft in late 2019.
                                                                    need to make systems change.
Since inception Microsoft have supported ESSC
to develop an electronic data capture tool for the             ESSC has participated in the Sydney Covid-19
VI-SPDAT survey - an internationally used triage               Rough Sleeping Taskforce; assisting to build new
tool that captures information about the needs                 levels of collaboration between government and
and vulnerability of people who are homeless.                  non-government homelessness services.

ESSC is engaging Microsoft industry partner                    The NSW Government recently announced a
‘Barhead’ to build the next iteration of our                   new allocation of $36 million to provide 400
By-Name List tools, commencing in July.                        packages of housing and support to ensure that
Over 4 months the project will design and trial                people do not have to return to street sleeping.
tools that:                                                    End Street Sleeping will play an important role
                                                               in this program by ensuring that each person is
•   Take us from ‘proof of concept’ to                         added to the By-Name List – this will inform
    production level quality                                   support services about people’s needs and will
•   Provide real-time use capability for case                  allow us to track the success of the program.
    workers and outreach staff

Figure 1. Screenshots of the Updated By-Name List Reports being used in the Covid-19 response:

      End Street Sleeping
4     Collaboration
End Street Sleeping Collaboration July 2020 Update
The Complex Cases Initiative
End Street Sleeping Collaboration is working       homelessness for this group. Moving away from
to find solutions for a small group of people      a siloed, to a more collaborative approach, is
who sleep in Sydney’s inner city and who           an important first step in ending street sleeping
have complex support needs. There have been        across NSW. Though this pilot program
substantial and ongoing efforts to support this    deals with small numbers the principles and
group of people however, housing and support       methodology promises profound systems change.
options been difficult to find.                    And the approach has already shown positive
                                                   results - the collaborative effort of ESSC’s
Following a workshop on 22 May 2020, End
                                                   partners has already resulted housing pathways
Street Sleeping Collaboration Partners committed
                                                   for 5 people identified as the most difficult to
to combine their expertise and resources to
designing and delivering a pathway to exit

                                                                               End Street Sleeping
End Street Sleeping Collaboration July 2020 Update
Our work during Covid-19
During the earliest stages of the Covid-19                     underlying health conditions such as asthma,
restrictions, the NSW Government allocated                     emphysema and diabetes, enabling health and
$32 million to provide temporary hotel                         homelessness services to plan more effectively
accommodation for people who were homeless                     as people moved from the street into temporary
across NSW. The By-Name List data was an                       hotel accommodation. It also helped government
important resource in implementing this                        to understand the proportion of people with
response for people who were sleeping rough in                 high, medium and low support needs – informing
the inner City. It was used to identify rates of               the design of housing and support funding bids.

   Medical Diagnosis                                                             VI Score
                                                       Low         Moderate        High
   Vi- Score                                                                                  N/A    Total
                                                       Need         Need           Need
   All surveys                                           65           204           102       21     392
   Asthma                                                3             39            25        1      68
   Emphysema                                             1             14            10        1      26
   Cancer                                                0             6             5         0      11
   Heart disease                                         2             21            12        4      39
   Diabetes                                              1             8             10        3      22
   Epilepsy                                              1             19            7         1      28
   Problematic substance use                             52           124            84       11     271
   Treated for Drug/Alcohol problems and
                                                         5             79            55        4     143
   returned to use

Figure 2. Sample of data used to show underlying health conditions during Covid-19 response
End Street Sleeping Collaboration July 2020 Update
Starting work with Byron Bay and Tweed Heads
End Street Sleeping has commenced its first                     forum to learn about the End Street Sleeping
implementation process outside Sydney. In June                  Collaboration and to start a local implementation
2020 more than 50 people representing Byron                     project. The Byron Bay/Tweed Heads project will
Bay’s social services, government and business                  be a pilot for ESSC’s regional roll-out.
communities attended an online community

       Reducing street sleeping: our targets

       The Premier’s Priority Targets are:

       1                                        2                              3
                                                                                       Work towards
           Reduce street sleeping                   Reduce street sleeping
                                                                                   eliminating the need
           in the City of Sydney                     by 50% across NSW
                                                                                    for anyone to sleep
              by 25% by 2020                              by 2025
                                                                                   on the street by 2030

How are we tracking?
Comparing to our 2017 baseline of 433 people                    reduction in numbers in the August street
– in February 2020, the City of Sydney area                     count and an achievement of well beyond the
achieved a 2% reduction in the number of                        25% target.
people sleeping rough. With the sudden onset
                                                                We are working with the Premier’s
of Covid-19 soon after and the investment in
                                                                Implementation unit to develop a data set that
temporary accommodation and housing and
                                                                will help us track progress towards our targets
support services, we hope to see a significant
                                                                over the coming years.

Figure 3. City of Sydney Street Count Results

                                                                                            End Street Sleeping
End Street Sleeping Collaboration July 2020 Update
ESSC’s Important Role in the Global Push for Data
For the first time, the United Nations has          data on homelessness and emphasised the need
recognised homelessness as a critical issue to be   to make concerted efforts to identify people
addressed through the Sustainable Development       experiencing homelessness.
Goals and has a focus on the importance of data
                                                    Dame Louise Casey, in her recent visit to Sydney,
collection. A UN report and draft resolution,
                                                    recognised these tools being developed in NSW
released in February 2020, calls on member states
                                                    as an important innovation that has the potential
to harmonise measurement and collection of
                                                    for the tools to be adapted for global use.

                                                              “This work being done in NSW is
                                                            ground-breaking. It is being piloted in
                                                             Sydney; and there are plans to roll it
                                                           out across NSW; but I see a role for the
                                                            technology and methodology developed
                                                             in NSW to be used across the world.
                                                           The United Nations has a new focus on
                                                           homelessness as part of the Sustainable
                                                              Development Goals and recognises
                                                            that data is essential to elimination of
                                                             There is potential for this good work
                                                            that’s been initiated in Australia to be
                                                                       shared globally.”

                                                               Dame Louise Casey DBE CB

     End Street Sleeping
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End Street Sleeping Collaboration July 2020 Update
Our supporters
The funding baton has been passed from our            •   PAYCE Foundation, which continues to
start-up funders (PAYCE Foundation, City                  support our back office and has extended
of Sydney and Department of Communities                   this support in the upcoming year (as well as
and Justice – as well as invaluable pro-bono              helping us fit out our new office space),
contribution from CatholicCare Sydney, Corrs
                                                      •   CatholicCare Sydney, which continues to
Chambers Westgarth and Microsoft). Today
                                                          offer HR and marcoms assistance,
ESSC relies on a blend of funding and pro-
bono assistance from many different supporters.       •   St Vincent’s Health Network which will soon
Thanks and acknowledgement for commitments                be hosting our media office,
of support for FY2021 must go to:
                                                      •   Mission Australia which has committed
•   Financial contribution has been gratefully            to assisting us establishing our grant
    received from our collaboration partners              management systems,
    Mission Australia, St Vincent’s Health
    Network, Jewish House, Wesley Mission,            •   Corrs Chambers Westgarth which continues
    Vinnies, and CatholicCare Sydney,                     to provide pro-bono legal advice

•   City of Sydney, which renewed and extended        •   Microsoft which continues to support ESSC
    the duration of its Community Grant,                  with licenses and skilled volunteering


     We welcome two new philanthropic investors: The Berg Family Foundation and the
     Grahame Mapp Foundation. Together these visionary philanthropists have provided
     foundation investment in the building of the Real Time By-Name List. This technology will
     enable front-line workers to create and update records of people street sleeping in real time,
     across NSW.

                                                                                    End Street Sleeping
Building the Collaboration
 In this last quarter we have established the                         –– Other working groups (yet to be
 structures of ESSC so that we can work as a true                        formalised) are advising on government
 collaboration. ESSC brings together the expertise                       and community engagement with
 of our collaborators to set direction, make                             these functions being supported by
 decisions and jointly deliver our work.                                 CatholicCare; St Vincent’s Health
                                                                         Australia providing a media office for
 These plans are guided by ESSC’s four                                   ESSC; and Mission Australia providing
 Collaboration Leadership Groups (CLGs). We                              assistance with establishing ESSC’s grant
 are excited to have so many people from diverse                         seeking program.
 areas of expertise contributing to developing the               •    Regional and Sector Engagement CLG:
 foundations for ESSC’s work.
                                                                      –– This group is focusing on developing
                                                                         a methodology (framework, principles,
 The groups that are in place are:
                                                                         tools, training and structures) for
 •   By-Name List CLG:                                                   implementing the By-Name List in
     –– Advising on the technical design and build                       communities across NSW. This work will
        of the next generation of the By-Name                            be informed by the pilot implementation
        List tools that will enable us to gather and                     in Byron Bay/Tweed Heads
        update information in real time.                         •    Data Insights and Systems Change CLG:
 •   Government and Community Engagement                              –– This group will analyse and interpret the
     CLG:                                                                By-Name List data and how this can be
     –– As a first priority, a Philanthropy working                      used to inform systems change.
        group has been tasked with designing a
        collaborative long-term fundraising and
        philanthropy strategy for ESSC.

 Collaboration Structure

 Figure 4. End Street Sleeping Collaboration Ltd - Establishment and Structure

       End Street Sleeping
10     Collaboration
Media Coverage
End Street Sleeping Collaboration was featured      ESSC asked the marketing teams of each of
in SBS’s Filthy Rich and Homeless as one of         our collaboration partners to promote Filthy
four homelessness NGOs they promoted with           Rich and Homelessness in an effort to use our
in program pointers to their website and links to   collaborator’s social media platforms build
ESSC’s site. From this ESSC received $900 in        sympathetic awareness of the plight of those
small-denomination donations and several offers     sleeping rough. We are pleased to note that every
to volunteer with ESSC.                             collaboration partner promoted the program
                                                    through their social media channels.

Figure 5. Screengrab of SBS Filthy Rich and Homelessness in-program pointers June 9-11 2020

                                                                                End Street Sleeping
Get Involved.
                   End Street Sleeping Collaboration seeks skilled volunteers to help us with:

                              administration,                        regional rollout,

                           program manaagement,              marketing and communications,

                            project management,                       philanthropy,

                    IT rollout (particularly Microsoft       and general business operations.
                                Power BI)

                   If you’d like to help please contact secretariat@endstreetsleeping.org

          If you’d like to contribute a donation to End Street Sleeping Collaboration visit our
                                       website endstreetsleeping.org

          If you’d like to learn more about how End Street Sleeping Collaboration could work
                  in your community contact christinemcrbride@endstreetsleeping.org

                       By working together we can act to end street sleeping in NSW.

     End Street Sleeping
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                End Street Sleeping


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