THE GREAT OUTDOORS p24 - In the air, on land, in water, on a farm, answer the call of - Tourisme en Vienne

Page created by Judith Hernandez
THE GREAT OUTDOORS p24 - In the air, on land, in water, on a farm, answer the call of - Tourisme en Vienne


       In the air, on land, in water,
       on a farm, answer the call of

       BRAND NEW

       Château de Monts-sur-Guesnes,
       Tornado Chasers, Futuroscope Arena p10
THE GREAT OUTDOORS p24 - In the air, on land, in water, on a farm, answer the call of - Tourisme en Vienne
Let's keep the passion for
 the Vienne alive together
Whether you choose to come for a
weekend, a week or more, the Vienne,
boasting picturesque sites, charming
villages, out-of-the-ordinary accom-
modation, unspoilt natural landscapes,
futuristic attractions and cultural tours,
overflows with heritage treasures and
delightful little pleasures that are sure
to make your childhood dreams come
true. Thanks to this diversity, our region
has incredible appeal that will charm
you, one-of-a-kind experiences, acces-
sible to everyone, all year round, inviting
you to get away from it all differently
and be wowed.
A host of authentic, exciting discoveries
that will take you to explore, taste, enjoy,
feet on the ground, high in the air or
along a waterway, alone, with family or
friends, our amazing, the fascinating
Vienne. The Department, champio-
ning this activity, which is pivotal for
our region's attractiveness, is com-
mitted to financing major innovative,
development-focused projects. This
long-standing dedication will bear its
fruit in 2022 through the opening of the
Futuroscope Arena, a large-scale venue
devoted to entertainment and sport,
and Château de Monts-sur-Guesnes, a
landmark castle dating back to medie-
val times, proposing fun-filled, interac-
tive adventure following in the footsteps
of Eleanor of Aquitaine and Richard the
The Department, partner and orchestra-
tor of this joint initiative, created hand-
in-hand with sector professionals, will
continue relentlessly to ensure local tou-
rism is a driver for sustainable growth,
promoting harmonious economic
development across its region.

           Alain PICHON
  President of the Vienne Department

       Isabelle BARREAU
    Delegate Department Councillor,
      responsible for Tourism and

THE GREAT OUTDOORS p24 - In the air, on land, in water, on a farm, answer the call of - Tourisme en Vienne
The call of
         the great outdoors

    Portfolio,                                         Encounter
Through Édouard Salmon's lens                 with the Fantrippers

      What's new?                                      A Family affairs
New for 2022                                  Lords & Ladies of the manor

      Double Delight                                   Music
La Roche-Posay                                live & direct

      Long weekend away                                Useful addresses
Chauvigny, Angles-sur-l’Anglin, Saint-Savin   for a carefree stay

       Le spot
Saint-Cyr Lake

       Fabulous farms
from producer to consumer                     Look out for this logo in the magazine!
                                              The site mentioned proposes activities
                                                   for families endorsed by the
                                                 "Expériences Famille" scheme.
        Shop locally                               For more information, visit
my shopping list

THE GREAT OUTDOORS p24 - In the air, on land, in water, on a farm, answer the call of - Tourisme en Vienne
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PORTFOLIO

THE GREAT OUTDOORS p24 - In the air, on land, in water, on a farm, answer the call of - Tourisme en Vienne
PORTFOLIO ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

     A feast for the eyes...
     To offer an alternative perspective of our region,
     to view it from another angle and to appreciate it through an artist's eyes,
     Tourism in Vienne has entrusted the following pages to

                    		                ''My aim is to spark
                                           emotion through
                                           aerial images''
                                                    Edouard, who has always been
                                                    fascinated by images, discovered
                                                    the world of drones and aerial
                                                    photography in 2017.
                                                    Two years later, after having passed
                                                    his French DGAC (Directorate
                                                    General for Civil Aviation) exam,
                                                    he began his professional activity
                                                    as a drone pilot.
                                                    Today, drones are tools enabling him
                                                    to fly his image sensor and take his
                                                    creativity to the heights.


Mignaloux-Beauvoir Golf Course, August 2021

THE GREAT OUTDOORS p24 - In the air, on land, in water, on a farm, answer the call of - Tourisme en Vienne
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PORTFOLIO

                                                                                    "I'm really fascinated
                                                                               about shadow effects and
                                                                                 geometry on the ground,
                                                                             unveiled by my aerial vistas"

                               Patrouille de France: air show at Poitiers-Biard Airport, June 2021

THE GREAT OUTDOORS p24 - In the air, on land, in water, on a farm, answer the call of - Tourisme en Vienne
PORTFOLIO ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                            Equestrian reprise at Écuries de Sainval in Roches-Prémarie-Andillé, 2019

THE GREAT OUTDOORS p24 - In the air, on land, in water, on a farm, answer the call of - Tourisme en Vienne
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PORTFOLIO

"As a partner
of Poitiers Basket,
professional basketball
team since 2019, I provide
an innovative and creative
perspective for promoting
the club and its team"

THE GREAT OUTDOORS p24 - In the air, on land, in water, on a farm, answer the call of - Tourisme en Vienne
Andersen School Complex basketball
    court in Poitiers, September 2019.
    Photo exhibited in the French Pavilion
    at Dubai World Expo in 2022.

    Botanical Gardens basketball court in Poitiers,
    September 2019

THE GREAT OUTDOORS p24 - In the air, on land, in water, on a farm, answer the call of - Tourisme en Vienne
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT'S NEW?


                      An interactive journey through time!
            The old village of Monts-sur-Guesnes, a Petites Cités de Caractère® (Villages and
              Small Towns of Character), located in the north of the Vienne, has been really
             vibrant in recent months. Why, you may ask? Its medieval castle has risen from
                 its ashes to become a treasure giving Poitou's history a new lease of life.
                    The 100 Years' War, Eleanor of Aqui-
                    taine, Richard the Lionheart... wit-    Experience a flamboyant era
                    hout a doubt, these names conjure       The castle in Monts-sur-Guesnes invites you to enjoy cle-
                    up history lesson memories for you.     verly-devised entertainment and to be amazed! Although
                    The tour through the castle in          learning is the name of the game in the 8 rooms spread over
                    Monts-sur-Guesnes should jog your       800m2, a large part is dedicated to an entertaining approach
                    memory in the most wonderful and        where image reigns supreme. Video-projection, 3D anima-
                    entertaining way.                       tions, inlayed engravings, a gigantic fresco where characters
                                                            are brought to life… everything has been carefully designed
                    In this medieval castle and its out-
                                                            and cutting-edge technology used to inspirit history and
                    buildings that have been totally
                                                            ensure it's accessible to all.
                    restored, the itinerary focuses in
                    particular on the Middle Ages and       The intricacies of time now hold no more secrets for you or
                    the 100 Years' War period. With         for your budding little knights and princesses. The discovery
                    Eleanor of Aquitaine, an exceptional    tour tailored to younger visitors includes a workshop area
                    queen who had an outstanding            that they'll absolutely adore. Period games to play, illumi-
                    destiny, and her son Richard the        nation and stone-cutting workshops, a medieval camp
                    Lionheart as your guides, the sceno-    with trebuchet-style catapults... immersion guaranteed!
                     graphy whisks you off into a saga      By chronicling this turbulent period through the lens of key
                        filled with power games and         historic facts, the Château de Monts-sur-Guesnes also invites
                           family tales that helped shape   to discover the Vienne. And, with a queen as remarkable as
                             the Poitou region and the      Eleanor as your guide, it's a definite must-do!
                               history of France.

WHAT'S NEW? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Head for Futuroscope,

    With a brand new attraction, a
    themed hotel and an experiential
    restaurant, Futuroscope's 2022
    season is set to be full of thrills.
    With The Extraordinary Journey and Destination
    Mars, you'll be dangling about the Earth. With Tor-
    nado Chasers, Futuroscope's new attraction*, you'll
    keep your feet firmly on the ground. Well, not really…
    An experienced meteorologist and a seasoned
    tornado hunter invite you into their lab. They're on
    a mission to keep watch on the growing number
    of tornadoes, the way they're formed and how they
    move. All of a sudden, the two experts notice a
    movement. Getting on-board the adventure with
    them means you'll need to hold tight to your seat
    as the winds are sure to be strong in the middle of
    the tornado!
    Take your seat in this new state-of-the-art thrill-
    based installation and dive into the action. Enjoy
    your ride on a dynamic 120-seater rotating platform
    mounted on hydraulic cylinders. An 8m high circu-
    lar screen everywhere around you offers 470m2 of
    projection. When it comes to special effects, eight
    ventilators will reproduce powerful winds blowing. A
    mind-blowing experience that will take your breath          *Spring 2022.
    away!                                                       Opening date: check on

    Sleep with your head in the stars
    With 40 attractions and a night-time show, a day's
    not enough to enjoy it all as you want. So, why not
    sleep on-site? Better still, spend the night in an
    intergalactic base. Station Cosmos is the presti-
    gious, new, themed hotel created by Futuroscope
    in 2022*. The rooms have been imagined and set up
                                                             Fly high
    like spaceship cabins.                                   with zerOGravity
    What's more, breakfast is served in the Space Loop       A stone's throw from the Futuroscope Park entrance, Nouvelle-Aqui-
    restaurant. And, eating there is unmissable. Once        taine's only indoor skydiving simulator awaits you. zerOGravity invites
    you've placed your order on the touchscreens, your       young and old alike to delight in the thrills of freefall in total safety. The
    dishes will weave their way through the catering         vertical wind tunnel is awesome. Climb inside a large 4.30m diameter
    space on an incredible system of rails, looping the      and 17m high glass tube. Children and adults will enjoy freefalling on two
    loop as they move along before arriving hot and          1 minute rides thanks to an airflow that rolls through the tunnel at 130 to
    ready to indulge in on your table! This restaurant is    220kmh. You'll discover a mind-blowing experience, supervised by an
    the only one of its kind in France, so give it a go.     instructor. Accessible from the age of 5.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT'S NEW?

          at Futuroscope Arena
                It's ready to rock! After a 30-year wait and 2 years of work, the Vienne's new
                up-to-the-minute arena at long last welcomes its first audiences.
                Futuroscope Arena, the new venue,       On 11 June, it's time for the French    Grand Cabaret du Monde will take
                at the gateway to the amusement         80s tour with Plastic Bertrand, Julie   to the stage on 14 December with
                park, which stands out with its         Pietri, Lio, Sloane, Zouk Machine, to   over 50 performers in an Enchan-
                rectangular body shape and its          name but a few.                         ting Christmas show. On 11 January
                6,000-person capacity,                                                                    2023, Heroes Bowie Ber-
                will host concerts, shows    A hundred or so events will be held in the                   lin, a David Bowie tribute
                and sporting events. And                                                                  show, will be held.
                its first year promises a    arena, including a Futuroscope-created                        Actors and comedians
                host of highlights! Fes-     show                                                          are also on the Arena
                tivities will kick off on 6                                                                bill: Michaël Gregorio in
                May with the singer Angèle who          The Nutcracker Suite, Tchaikovsky's     L'Odyssée de la voix on 14 October,
                will inaugurate this exquisite space.   famous ballet, will be performed        Alban Ivanov will present his show
                On 3 June, Sexion d'Assaut's major      here by the Russian National Opera      entitled Vedette on 26 November
                tour will play a date here. Concerts    on 23 November. French presenter,       and Kev Adams is already sche-
                resume in the autumn with               Patrick Sébastien, and his Plus         duled for 9 March 2023.
                Matthieu Chedid, presenting
                his new show, on 9 November.
                A multitude of performers are
                already on the cards: Claudio
                Capéo (18 November), Dutronc            This summer, an enchanting journey
                father and son (20 November),           From 12 July to 28 August, Futuroscope takes up its summertime residence
                Bernard Lavilliers (25 November)        at the Arena by inviting Slava's Snowshow to stop off in the Vienne. An
                as well as Grand Corps Malade           extraordinary, poetic journey is proposed to audiences one or two times
                (1st December).                         a day. The well-known clown Slava Polunin, along with his mates, invents
                Major shows are also on the             a wonderfully colourful, extravagant world filled with fantasy and fun. An
                agenda too. Aïda, Verdi's opera         invasion of strange creatures, soap bubbles, snowstorms… magic casts its
                will take place on 9 June.              spells on stage and around the venue. This joyfully entertaining, amazing
                                                        enchantment sparks childhood memories. This exclusive show, acclaimed
                                                        around the globe for its originality, blends emotions and stunning effects.

WHAT'S NEW? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

        Macaroons revisited                         A new look for
    The Rannou-Métivier Musée du              La Roche-Posay Spa Source
    macaron (Macaroon Museum), in
                                              The building, the atmosphere and
    Montmorillon, which showcased the
                                              the care and treatment selection…
    century-old establishment that conti-
                                              after several months of work,
    nues to delight our taste buds with
                                              everything has been revamped at
    this sweet almond biscuit, gives its
                                              La Roche-Posay Spa Source. New
    image a fresh twist with a brand new
                                              care and treatment protocols for             Le Pinail listed in the
    museographic tour. The collection is
    enriched with a new film, exclusive
                                              the body and mind have been                   "World" category
                                              imagined hand-in-hand with a
    documents about the family saga,                                                           Just like the Camargue and
                                              panel of experts to combine the
    as well as an environmental section.                                                       Mont-Saint-Michel, Le Pinail
                                              effectiveness of La Roche-Posay's
    Here, we learn that the establishment                                              National Nature Reserve in Vouneuil-
                                              dermatological formulas with the
    planted its own almond trees in                                                    sur-Vienne, comprising landscapes
                                              neurosensory power of massages.
    Morocco to ensure more responsible                                                 of ponds, peat bogs, prairies and
                                              Entering the Carré des Sources, this
    orchards. A tasting session in the                                                 moors shaped by humans, joins the
                                              thermal water pool heated to 32°C,
    revamped conservatory concludes                                                    exclusive club of French wetlands
                                              is a must-of-musts to delight in this
    the visit.                                                                         acknowledged by the Ramsar Inter-
                                              timeless bubble conducive to relaxa-
                                                                                       national Convention on Wetlands.
                                              tion and letting go!
                                                                                       A label granted for this 950ha biodi-
           Virtual reality at                                                          versity gem's environmental quality
         Les Tours Mirandes                                                            and conservation initiatives as well
                                                                                       as its awareness-promotion via its
     Thanks to a new guided tour with
                                                                                       discovery trail and its events.
    a virtual reality headset, visitors to
    Les Tours Mirandes, in Saint-Mar-
    tin-la-Pallu, will be able to view the                                                 Road trip on-board
    Gallo-Roman site as it was back in
    the days when the forum, theatre                                                   a vintage combi: heritage
    and temple buzzed with the activity                                                   explored differently
    of a large urban centre. In autumn
                                                                                       "En voiture Simone", the French
    2022, the site will open all year round
                                                                                       idiomatic equivalent of "Hit the
    when it will invite to discover its new
                                                                                       road Jack", fits perfectly well with
    museography. And, as of July, new
    family workshops to learn all about       Château-Larcher awarded                  this new one-of-a-kind touring
                                                                                       offer: Marie Lembeye invites you to
    the origins of pottery with the family.     the "Petites Cités de                  jump on-board her delightful 1976
                                                  Caractères" label                    Volkswagen combi for a fun-filled
         XXL Lego® animals                    Last December, Château-Larcher
                                                                                       road trip to discover the Poitevin
                                                                                       countryside. Playing the role of driver
          invade the forest                   was granted the long-awaited
                                                                                       and guide, she has imagined five
                                              "Petites Cités de Caractère®" (Vil-
    There's a forest at the Château de                                                 30-40km tourist itineraries across
                                              lages and Small Towns of Character)
            Monthoiron inhabited by                                                    Haut-Poitou. Head off with family or
                                              label. It is the third locality in the
            amusing residents… made of                                                 friends for a two-hour trip along the
                                              Vienne, after Charroux and Monts-
    Lego. Their role? To help you solve                                                Vienne's country roads and discover
                                              sur-Guesnes to boast it. The jury was
    the clues interspersed along the trail                                             Poitevin landscapes, culture and
                                              impressed by its rich heritage — the
    and free the forest from the spell                                                 heritage.
                                              13th century castle, the castellum,
    cast on it by a magician. The Secret
                                              the Romanesque church and its
    of Karmanor is a must-do activity for
                                              defensive tower as well as the
    fans, from 3 years and over, who love
                                              Lanterne des morts (Lantern
    building with LEGO® bricks. A dozen
                                              of the Dead), one of the last
    large-sized structures will come
                                              remaining in France — and,
    along to join the 85,000-piece XXL
                                              not forgetting its events
    Mallard Duck, already on-site in 2021.
                                              such as the medieval fair
    Georg Schmitt, brickmaster and jury
                                              that will take place this year
    member of the LegoMasters TV pro-
                                              on 17 and 18 September.
    gramme, has been commissioned to
    make them.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DOUBLE DELIGHT

                                                  LA ROCHE-POSAY
                                                  one town, two styles
                                                                         When the enchantment of the age
                                                                         of knights in shining armour and the
                                                                         grace of the Belle Époque embrace…
                                                                         it conjures up: La Roche-Posay!
                                                                         Fancy finding out more before
                                                                         being charmed yourself? Then,
                                                                         follow the guide of this destination
                                                                         with its duo of styles that are ever-so

                                                                         La Roche-Posay, set on the steep banks of the Creuse,
                                                                         boasting 1,600 permanent residents, is a thermal resort
                                                                         with a human face. Here, everyone knows each other,
                                                                         which means the village diffuses a pleasant, welco-
                                                                         ming atmosphere, as if the inhabitants were in perfect
                                                                         harmony with the village's treasure: its thermal water.
                                                                         Although the community has existed since the 10th
                                                                         century, as illustrated through its medieval buildings,
                                                                         it was only in the 16th century that this water began to
                                                                         develop a reputation. This water, which naturally rich in
                                                                         selenium, is the one that contains the most in the wor-
                                                                         ld. La Roche-Posay thermal water contains soothing
                                                                         properties for skin that suffers from eczema, psoriasis
                                                                         and even burns. Like other spa towns, it was around
                                                                         the dawn of the 20th century that the resort gained
                                                                         its prestigious status and grew rather quickly. Thermal
                                                                         baths, hotels, houses, landscaped parks and gardens,
                                                                         all superbly conserved, invite us to indulge in the spirit
                                                                         of the Belle Époque.
                                                                         Continue to wander around and you'll find yourself
                                                                         whisked back to the Middle Ages. The historic centre,
                                                                         perched proudly on its rocky spur, still hosts vestiges
                                                                         from this era that are also well worth a visit. You would
                                                                         almost expect a knight in armour to step out of an
                                                                         Strolling around the shops brings us back to the 21st
                                                                         century where La Roche-Posay lives intensely in tune
                                                                         with the seasons. The town has its own golf course,
                                                                         racetrack and casino, a sine qua non for any thermal
                                                                         resort. Take it from us, you won't have enough time to
                                                                         enjoy it all! But one thing's for sure: you feel great here,
                                                                         and that's all that counts.

DOUBLE DELIGHT _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                               Medieval                                     Thermal
                                  town                                      resort
                    Discovering and marvelling! Relaxing and getting away from it all
      The fortified dungeon and church, visible from afar,          The thermal resort, an intrinsic part of the town, show-
      are two iconic monuments of the medieval town.                cases typical early 20th century-style architecture. The
      The dungeon dominates majestically and has a host             former Grand Hotel, now known as Les Loges du Parc
      of secrets to tell. On the first floor, the Salle des Échos   and a tourist residence, invites to discover the very
      (Echo Room) proposes an immersive experience.                 best of Art Nouveau: harmonious, symmetrical style
      Images projected on the vault and the walls whisk             and colourful floral details. When it comes to green
      you back through time. It's just totally mesmerising!         spaces, Confluences Park is a must-visit. The gentle
      Don't leave the room before testing its echo… This            lapping water in the fountains and in the water mirror
      room that wears its name well has a special acous-            features is an ode to relaxation. Time now for the Spa
      tic feature, anything whispered in a corner can be            Source, which was recently redesigned after several
                        heard… at the other end of the room!        months' work, for an unwinding interlude in the water
      The stroll through the medieval district delivers             called "velvet". Pure delight.
      everything it promises. Cobblestone streets and               2022 marks a double renewal for the resort. As, after
      charming boutiques, perfect for ambling around.               two years of work to modernise and renovate the
      The most exquisite vista over the town can be                 spaces, the Thermes du Connétable reopened in
          contemplated from the bridge over the Creuse.             January.
                          It's pure magic when the sun sets!

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LONG WEEKEND AWAY

                        3 days &
                      2 nights in

                    Angles-sur- l'Anglin
                                                  Chauvigny, Saint-Savin, Angles-sur-l’Anglin,
                Chauvigny                         three exceptional villages, nestling between the Vienne
                                    Saint-Savin   Valley and the Gartempe Valley, form "the golden triangle",
                             Montmorillon         flaunt world-renowned heritage and invite to delight in
                                                  offbeat family-style activities. A must-do stop-off, just like
                                                  their neighbour Montmorillon.
                                                  We headed off with our two children to check that what
                                                  you read actually corresponds to what you can see and
                                                                       experience. Be inspired!

                                                                        		        On foot or on
                                                                         RailBike (VéloRail),
                                                                        a day on the move!

                                                                            9      am
                                                                       Our adventure kicks off
                                                                       with the medieval town
                                                                       of Chauvigny. We park in
                                                                                                       T h e m e d i eva l tow n
                                                                                                       rolls itself out before
                                                                                                       us: alleyways f ramed
                                                                       the bottom part of the          by period houses, old
                                                                       town. Our goal: to climb        boutiques where artists
                                                                       the steep slopes to the old     and craftspeople have
                                                                       town. We're off to discover     taken up residence,
                                                                       the town with five cast-        small, shaded squares for
                                                                       les, sturdy shoes on our        enjoying a drink peaceful-
                                                                       feet. Pretty quickly, the       ly, our stroll is unaffected
                                                                       modern-day lower part           by the passing of time!
                                                                       of town gives way to "the       And what about these
                                                                       days of knights in shining      really impressive ruins…
                                                                       armour".                        Well, we can just imagine
                                                                       Once at the top, we for-        how splendid the town
                                                                       get the efforts we made         was back then with its
                                                                       thanks to the feast for         castles reigning supre-
                                                                       our eyes. In the still of the   me on this promontory!
                                                                       morning, the light shines       All that's missing is the
                                                                       on the buildings' blonde        clip-clopping of wooden
                                                                       stones, no need for more        clogs.
                                                                       details apart from: ama-

LONG WEEKEND AWAY ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                              11   am
                                 The Giants of the Sky (Les
                                 Géants du Ciel) await us at the
                                 Castle of the Bishops (Château
                                                                      Thanks to the 100-bird ballet, we learn a little more
                                                                      about their lives.
                                                                      We're reassured, as the vulture that's just sat down
                                 des Evêques). Here we are now,       beside us doesn't attack humans. We also find out
                                 sitting in the outdoor stands        that, in addition to these performances, some of
                                 with a vista over the valley. Let    these birds of prey boast an impressive cinema
                                 the show begin.                      career! Djalo, the parrot that brings the show to
                                 Wow, thrills and excitement          a close, gives us a taster of his talent. We're enter-
                                 right from the word 'go'! Owls,      tained and yet impressed by the bond between
                                 eagles, falcons and vultures         him and his handler.
                                 fly over us and even skim our        We walk through the aviaries and discover other
                                 heads with their incredible          birds of prey that are all incredibly majestic. This
                                 wings. It's brilliant!               wonderful immersion into the world of falconry
                                                                      was just perfect.

     12:30                      pm
    Our morning wander leads us to
    a creperie. La Bigorne. Its shady

                                                      2     pm
    terrace is really appealing, its menu
    even more so! Here, the buckwheat
    crepes, called "galettes", are lavishly   Now that we're fit to burst,
    garnished with local produce.             it's time for a tour on a Rail-
                                              Bike (VéloRail) for the whole
    The "Puygargue" galette gives
                                              afternoon. We choose the
    pride of place to the Talbat trout
                                              long route, a 2-hour round

                                                                                                 6     pm
    from the local fish farm. As for the
                                              trip covering just over 17km.
    "Chouette" crepe, it's filled with
                                              As we're sporty people,
    goat's cheese from a neighbouring
                                              there's nothing to fear! We             After all these sensations, it's time
    farm. A pure delight. The creperie
                                              go through a safety briefing and        to go to our accommodation, a
    interior reminds us of medieval
                                              now we're ready to jump on-board        guesthouse in the town centre:
    taverns: king-size wooden tables,
                                              these strange machines.                 Notre-Dame de Chauvigny. This
    massive beams and stone walls.
                                                                                      former school, dating back to the
    We could do with a mini digestion         These bikes are set on the old
                                                                                      late 19th century and located at
    siesta under the shade of the catal-      railway line that once linked
                                                                                      the foot of the medieval town, was
    pa tree, but other adventures await!      Poitiers to Blanc in a wonderfully
                                                                                      totally renovated a few years back.
                                              shaded environment in the Indre.
                                                                                      We arrive and immediately love the
                                              The first pushes on the pedals turn
                                                                                      large courtyard and imagine all the
                                              out to be harder than expected,
                                                                                      hopscotch and other kids' games
                                              but we get up to speed quickly and
                                                                                      that took place here! Inside is just
                                              are able to enjoy the view over the
                                                                                      as delightful as outside, and even
                                              medieval town from this morning.
                                                                                      more so. We discover the tasteful
                                              From here, it's even more amazing.
                                                                                      interior design and rooms named
                                              The ascent makes your thighs heat
                                                                                      after La Fontaine's Fables. We're
                                              up so we take turns to pedal. When
                                                                                      going to sleep in the family room
                                              we reach the end of the track, we
                                                                                      named after "The Tortoise and the
                                              do the must-do U-turn to head
                                                                                      Hare". But, now it's the end of the
                                              back to the station. Now, we're on
                                                                                      afternoon and we're going to take
                                              a gentle downward slope, so it only
                                                                                      time out in the relaxing garden.
                                              takes a few pedal strokes on the
                                              RailBike to woosh along and enjoy
                                              the thrills.

A journey through history
and other delights

LONG WEEKEND AWAY ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

               9     am
    The weather's fine so we choose
    not to hang around in bed. Break-
    fast aromas start tickling our noses.
                                                       11       am
                                              This experience, where young and
                                              old alike are caught up in the quest,
                                              gives us a good glimpse of the vil-
                                                                                       12:30                     pm
                                                                                       To satisfy our cravings, we head for
                                                                                       No.15 tea room, recommended by
                                                                                       a local. Here, we're whisked off on
    Our table is ready and waiting on         lage's gems. To find out more, we        another journey into a "so British"
    the patio: freshly-squeezed orange        decide to journey back through           atmosphere that f ills the decor
    juice, f resh f ruit salad, brioche,      time in Angles' fortress.                and the dish. The menu invites to
    fresh bread, all laid out sweetly.        The self-guided tour of this bishop's    delight in gourmet salads, club
    We get our first-ever taste of Broyé      fortress, weaving its way through        sandwiches as well as burgers &
    du Poitou, the local speciality, and      really well-kept ruins, throws us into   chips and savoury tarts. Out on the
    some good coffee.                         an eventful past where Kings of          terrace, lulled by the sounds of run-
    What a great way to start the day!        France and the English royal family      ning water, we sip an ice tea and
    Today we head for Angles-sur-             ruled (worth noting: the medieval        indulge in some yummy home-
    l’Anglin. The village comes into          weekend on 23 and 24 July and the        made pastry. We settle for some
    view after 30 minutes' drive and it's     dramatised tours on 15 July and 26       "so delicious" scones, suggested by
    both beautiful and impressive.            August).                                 the people sitting at the table next
                                                                                       to us.
    As we reach the bridge that spans         We'd have loved to follow in the
    the Anglin, the historic medieval         footsteps of our prehistoric ances-
    village labelled "Plus Beaux Vil-         tors who, 1,500 years ago, carved a
    lages de France®" (Most Beautiful         sculpted frieze just a stone's throw
    Villages of France), appears in all       from the village, in a chamber in
    its splendour, perched on its pro-        the rocks, known as "the Lascaux of
    montory, with its impressive 11th         sculpture". The only one of its kind
    century fortress. It seems to want        in the world, it's centre staged in
    to challenge its visitors as it did for   the Roc aux Sorciers Interpretation
    centuries before. The best way to         Centre (worth noting: Les Préhisto-
    "take it on" and discover its secrets,    riales, public discussions, on 20 and
    legends and tales, is to choose the       21 August and the prehistoric show
    life-size adventure proposed by the       "Tas d'Os" on 3 August).
    treasure hunt Tèrra Aventura (free        But, we don't have time and we're
    geocaching app to download) "The          really hungry!
    Days of Angles Embroidery Tale".

                   The Days of Angles Embroidery Tale
                   Phone to the ready with little Poïz characters on the screen
                   that guide us through the various clues to solve and tell us the
                   history of the place in a fun-filled way.
                  The treasure hunt hostess gives us our mission: "Find Bishop
    Hugues de Combarel and give him a lace mitre, created using
    "Jours d'Angles" embroidery, a technique specific to the village".
    An adventure that takes us from one clue to another across
    iconic sites, which are sometimes hidden, where the Poïz
    are waiting for answers: the little cobbled back streets;
    the finest promontory over the Anglin Valley; the left-
    bank monastery district; the English Trench (Tranchée des
    Anglais),(a trail hewed out of the rock) etc. Once we solve the
    nine clues, a message gives us the location of the cache. We dig
    around for a few minutes and we unearth the treasure!

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LONG WEEKEND AWAY

                                                                  2      pm
                                                        What a pity we don't have enough
                                                        time to stroll around the alleyways
                                                        hosting lots of craft workshops
                                                        (decorative objects, old lace, pain-
                                                        tings and more). But, en route for
                                                        another architectural gem: Abbaye
                                                        de Saint-Savin (Saint-Savin Abbey
                                                        Church) and its 700m2 of one-of-a-
                                                        kind Romanesque mural paintings,
                                                        a UNESCO-listed world heritage
                                                        The drive takes 15 minutes and
                                                        gives the kids time for a little boos-
                                                        ter nap. And, it's a sure must as the
                                                        programme's going to be intense.
                                                        At the abbey church reception,
                                                        we've a choice of several options:
                                                        guided tour, self-guided tour,
                                                        immersive visit or dramatised
                                                        tour. We go for the last two which,
                                                        as the receptionist tells us, are         better: the most important
                                                        complementary as they use totally         elements are displayed and we
                                                        contrasting approaches.                   can actually zoom in on their
                                                                                                  details, discover their meaning,
                                                        Now, we've got our headsets on
                                                                                                  their restoration as well as great
                                                        and our tablets in our hands and
                                                        we're off for a tour that's tailored to
                                                        our time, our desires and, above all      Once outside, thanks to digital
                                                        to what the kids want. We start with      magic, we go on a virtual tour
                                                        the immersive visit of the abbey          of the former cloister that no
                                                        church, nicknamed the "Sistine            longer exists. We pursue our
                                                        Chapel of the French Middle Ages".        journey outside the Abbot’s
                                                        It's no wonder, because as soon as        home, which was also owned
                                                        you step inside, you're captivated        for several years by Felix-Léon
                                                        by the most exquisite, most gran-         Édoux who invented the lift. It
                                                        diose Romanesque art that unfurls         was here that he created the
                                                        to a height of some 17 metres: the        first hydraulic lift and needed
                                                        greatest ensemble of wall pain-           to build a surprising crenel-
                                                        tings in Europe from the 11th and         lated tower back in the 19th
                                                        12th centuries, a real picture book       century that still stands high
                                                        painted by the artists still unknown      on the building today.
                                                        today. These works of art, in an          The visit moves on to highlight
                                                        extraordinary state of preservation,      the monks’ life between the
                                                        narrate the Old Testament where           refectory (temporary exhibition
                                                        emblematic scenes are portrayed:          centre) and the monks’ former
                                                        Noah’s Ark, the crossing of the Red       chambers (cells), which now
                                                        Sea as well as the Tower of Babel.        host an interpretation centre.
                                                        The tablet helps us to understand

LONG WEEKEND AWAY ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                       3     pmChange of atmosphere, but still in the same place, for our drama-
                               tised tour.
                               We take the lead from Félix-Léon Édoux and his wife Amélie
                               who invite us to explore the abbey church for an entertaining,
                                         interactive journey through time, from the 5th to the
                                         19th century. The kids, who are over the moon to be
                                         involved, now know everything there is to know (us too
                                         by the way) about this major site closely linked to the
                                         History of France.

                                            7:30                  pm
                                          After a refreshing break in the abbey
                                          church garden and a stroll along
                                          the Gartempe to the old bridge that
                                                                                         10         pm
                                                                                  With this touch of elegance and
                                                                                  timelessness, just like the abbey
                                                                                  church itself, we leave Saint-Savin
                                          offers an exceptional vista over the    and the famous "golden triangle",
                                          "Sistine Chapel of the French Middle    which delivered much more than
                                          Ages", we head for the Abbot's home,    what it had promised, to spend a
                                          where there's a surprise in store.      well-deserved night in Montmoril-
                                          For a year now year, this timeless      lon, an extra getaway, in the Arbre
                                          sanctuary has been home to a gas-       d'Ange guesthouse. This 17th cen-
                                          tronomic restaurant, the Cérasus,       tury mansion, located in the centre
                                          where the young chef Thibaud            of town, has been refurbished in an
                                          Piroux, who learned the ropes of his    English style. White, pink, flowers
                                          trade with Michelin-starred chefs, in   and of course angels decorate the
                                          particular Philippe Etchebest and       rooms, infusing them with a really
                                          Richard Toix, invites you to delight    cosy atmosphere where you imme-
                                          in inventive cuisine imagined           diately feel at home. And, with the
                                          using ancestral techniques such as      linen bedding, our night is sure to
                                          smoking and lacto-fermentation.         be a pure delight.

                                          In this understated yet welcoming
                                          setting, our taste buds delight in
                                          local produce enhanced with finesse
                                          and creativity.

Food for our
                                                                                          minds and

          9      am
Early morning and the house's gar-
den, with its swimming pool in the
centre, unveils its splendour. It's a
                                         No matter how young or old you
                                         are or what sort of literature you're
                                         looking for, there's something for
                                         everyone. A morning of never-en-
                                         ding trips!
                                                                                   We won't be able to check out the
                                                                                   wall paintings dating back 1,200
                                                                                   years or compare them with the
                                                                                   ones we saw the day before in
real haven of peace, protected from
the wind and the outside world. The      As we wander through the streets,         Well, we'll come back another
sumptuous wisteria climbing along        we also discover workshops that           time but, until then, we'll have to
the facade adds a touch of charm         propose half-day calligraphy and          make do with the photos exhibited
and elegance. Breakfast is sure to       painting courses. And, although           outside. A bit further on, on Place
be energising with a landscape like      it's a bit late to join in, we jot down   Régine Deforges, a writer who was
this.                                    the contact details so we can come        born in Montmorillon and who
It only takes us five minutes to         back and test out the science of          played a key role in establishing
walk to and cross the Old Bridge         upstrokes and downstrokes.                the Town of the Written Word and
and head into the beating heart of       The Typewriter and Calculator             Book Crafts (Cité de l'Écrit et des
Montmorillon: Town of the Written        Museum (Musée de la Machine à             Métiers du Livre) and who orga-
Word and Book Crafts (Cité de            Écrire et à Calculer) is a must-visit     nised the 1st Book Fair here, the
l'Écrit et des Métiers du Livre). This   for anyone nostalgic about the            panorama is perfect for a contem-
area opened twenty-odd years ago         days when smartphones didn't              plative break over the river and the
in the oldest part of town, groups       exist.                                    town. It's also time to take a few sel-
together bookshops, workshops,                                                     fies; it's not every day of the week
                                         The best part of all is being able
craftspeople and museums, where                                                    you get an "Art and History" town
                                         to try out some of the machines,
books and their related trades rei-                                                backdrop! Let's leave the Town of
                                         which we're eager to do. Oh,
gn supreme. Every door we open                                                     the Written Word and Book Crafts
                                         how we revel in the sound of the
whisks us off into a new world. In                                                 (Cité de l'Écrit et des Métiers du
                                         mechanical keys and the carriage
Au temps des Rossignol bookshop                                                    Livre) behind and head for the Mai-
                                         release lever, as our pre-teens give
we discover the posters that used to                                               son-Dieu, former monastery-hos-
                                         us funny looks.
hang on walls in French classrooms,                                                pital, where an octagonal-shaped
                                         Our stroll takes us to the forecourt      12th century chapel awaits us. Mys-
Les chants de Maldoror propels us
                                         of Église Notre-Dame (Notre-              terious statues adorn its facade, so
into a realm of fantasy and, in Le
                                         Dame Church), which is unfortuna-         it's really worth a visit, even just for
festin de Babette, we indulge in
                                         tely closed for renovation.               the questions they spark.

    The Maison-Dieu site will host a                                      Three-star Michelin chef, Régis Marcon, will
    gastronomic landmark: the Institut                                    be at the helm of this establishment where
    International Joël-Robuchon, wor-                                     tomorrow's gastronomy professionals
    ld-renowned chef born near Poitiers.                                 will be trained. The international culinary
    A hotel-restaurant and a luxury spa will                            school will be set up in two other locations, on
    open their doors in 2025 in this magnifi-                         Futuroscope's Fleur de Lotus (Lotus Flower) site
    cent, impressive building.                                   and at the Grand-Pont (Great Bridge) site in Chasse-

LONG WEEKEND AWAY ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                                                         1   pm
                                                                            Since we arrived here in Montmorillon, we
                                                                            keep hearing the name of a restaurant:
                                                                            Le Lucullus. Even though it's perfect for a
                                                                            romantic meal, a gastronomic restaurant
                                                                            is also a pure delight for a family lunch
                                                                            with teenagers. Just as we're about to sit
                                                                            down in this chic, sophisticated setting,
                                                                            we're invited to partake in some delicious
                                                                            appetisers to whet our appetite. The
                                                                            menu invites to discover creative, fine
                                                                            cuisine with an à la carte selection, a tas-
                                                                            ting menu as well as a vegetarian menu,
                                                                            according to your taste. Anyone who's in
                                                                            a rush can opt for the menu of the day
                                                                            where delectable dishes also make our
                                                                            mouths water. In his kitchen, master chef
                                                                            Alban Galpin favours seasonal food and
                                                                            local produce. The combinations of tastes
                                                                            and textures the chef proposes make
                                                                            an impression right f rom the starter
                                                                            through to dessert! Special shout out for
                                                                            the sweetbread, which is always on the
                                                                            menu and is garnished in different ways
                                                                            depending on the seasons.

                                                                                        3      pm
                                                                            It would be really crazy to visit Montmo-
                                                                            rillon without tasting macaroons! This
                                                                            delicious almond-flavoured biscuit-cake
                                                                            has been the town's gastronomic show-
                                                                            piece since the 17th century. So, to conti-
                                                                            nue our day dedicated to eating well,
                                                                            we move on to the Macaroon Museum
                                                                            (Musée du macaron). The totally-rede-
                                                                            signed tour that includes almond tree
                                                                            growing, health virtues of almonds, the
                                                                            history of the Rannou-Métivier family etc.
                                                                            highlights the age-old know-how and
                                                                            the desire to make it part of a sustainable
                                                                            approach. No point in insisting, we're not
                                                                            going to get the secret recipe. A tasting
                                                                            session is proposed though to console us.
                                                                            Too bad for the recipe, but these maca-
                                                                            roons are so divine that even if we copied
                                                                            them we'd never manage to equal them.
                                                                            Our third day is coming to an end and it's
                                                                            already time to leave, with our heads full
                                                                            of images and memories to share over
                                                                            and over. Unspoilt landscapes, rich, varied
                                                                            heritage, original activities, yes, we can
                                                                            indeed confirm, the "golden triangle's"
                                                                            reputation is on a par with what we've

Here, in the Vienne, nature invites you into its realm and offers you
its very best. Whether it's during the day, at night, high in the air, on
land or along a waterway, it's not just one but a host of exhilarating
worlds that await to be enjoyed intensely.
Here, the enchanting forest tests you, mysterious caves (sometimes)
let you take control, rivers and lakes make you feel good and farm
produce fills your baskets...
Learn to listen to this soft music that nature discreetly hums to
you. Answer its call, head off to meet everyone and everything that
energises it on a daily basis!

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE CALL OF THE GREAT OUTDOORS

                                                                                          At one
                                                                                          with nature…
                                                                                          From the mountainous landscapes
                                                                                          of the steep-sided Vienne and
                                                                                          Gartempe valleys, through the
                                                                                          wine-growing slopes of the Loudun
                                                                                          region and onto the agricultural
                                                                                          plain around Neuville,
                                                                                          The Vienne boasts a myriad of diffe-
                                                                                          rent, dazzling perspectives.
                                                                                          These unspoilt, kaleidoscopic lands-
                                                                                          capes draw their lifeblood from the
                                                                                          earth and the rivers that weave their
                                                                                          way through them. Down through
                                                                                          the ages, they have been instru-
                                                                                          mental in shaping the identity of
                                                                                          this region.

              The Vienne, a passageway
              between north and south,
              east and west, is also a welco-
              ming land. Since time imme-
              morial, women and men
              have strived to harness these
              spaces whilst continuing to
              preserve them.
              These invigorating lands-
              capes are waiting, right here,
              right now, inviting you to
              take in and enjoy Nature's
              very best. They motion you to
              explore them, travel through
              them. So, awaken your senses,
              seize hold of the magical,
              fascinating moment when
              nature unfolds.

                                                                                       Give in to nature, be wonderstruck and
                                                                                       delight in the host of activities proposed
                                                                                       You'll leave… energised!
                                                                                       However powerful and vigorous Nature
                                                                                       may be, it is also ever-so fragile and
                                                                                       deserves to be cared for. This is why
                                                                                       the Cabane du colibri (Hummingbird
                                                                                       Lodge), set at the heart of Monkey Val-
                                                                                       ley (Vallée des Singes) was created.
                                                                                       Preserve, make aware, train, to protect
                                                                                       biodiversity. All of us, at our own level,
                                                                                       have a role to play to ensure that tomor-
                                                                                       row's generations can also enjoy these
                                                                                       enchanting natural environments!

THE CALL OF THE GREAT OUTDOORS __________________________________________________________________________________________________

        overflows with magic

    The forest, mysterious and
    unpredictable, all-embracing and
    uplifting, has the power to renew its
    charms to meet our expectations.
    When you fancy "courliter" (1) along the banks of a river,
    then head for the Clain, in the middle of the Valley of
    Legends. If you remember to download the app on your
    smartphone, Farfadette Duclain, a mischievous charac-
                                                                 A treasure hunt, imagined by the French National
    ter with super-cute pointy "argouanes" (2), will ensure
                                                                 Forests Office, unveils the beauty and curiosities of
    you get away from the evil creatures that "se capent"
                                                                 Vouillé Forest in a fun-filled way. Once you've down-
    (3) in these realms. No, it's not a load of "mentries" (4)
                                                                 loaded the
    and if you know how to "bouliter" (5), you may even
                                                                 "Sur la piste de Merveille" (Looking for Merveille) app,
    come across their "cabouinettes" (6). Across ridges and
                                                                 head off along the path in Les
    through gullies, from one bank to another, Farfadette
                                                                 Clercs Wood, around 5km from
    will entertain you with games and challenges, along a
                                                                 the town of Vouillé.
    3km itinerary starting out in Saint-Benoît or Ligugé
                                                                 Merveille, an unlucky fairy,
    Poitevin dialect taken from the "The Valley of Legends"
                                                                 imprisoned by an evil spell, is
    app: (1) strolling, (2) ears, (3) lurk, (4) nonsense,
                                                                 counting on walkers to find the
    (5) observe, (6) hideaways.
                                                                 magic formula to set her free. It's
                                                                 up to these humans, with their
                                                                 compass and different clues, to
                                                                 join together the fragments of a
                                                                 magical parchment, to recreate
                                                                 the formula.
                                                                 A keen sense of observation and
                                                                 agility will help you immensely
                                                                 along this "enchanted" 3km route
                                                                 covering fifteen-odd stages.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE CALL OF THE GREAT OUTDOORS

                                                                                        A getaway under the trees is also
                                                                                        an opportunity to delight in Forest
                                                                                        "Cast all thoughts aside and let your
                                                                                        senses shine through", advises Bel-
                                                                                        linda, from Jardin Passion Nature.
                                                                                        As a guide and coach in Moulière
                                                                                        and Vouillé forests as well as in Saint-
                                                                                        Pierre Woods, she invites young and
                                                                                        old alike to smell, listen, touch, handle
                                                                                        and even create, to better immerse
                                                                                        yourself in every detail of this living
                                                                                        sphere around you. Suddenly, wit-
                                                                                        hout even realising, you're smiling.
                                                                                        Your perception of the forest has now
                                                                                        changed forever.
                                                                                        If you prefer the quiet life or
                                                                                        are a family with kids then
                                                                                        this should definitely be on
                                                                                        your to-do list.


THE CALL OF THE GREAT OUTDOORS __________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                                     As a friend of the forest, there's no better place
                                                                     to stay than in a house where sprites and lepre-
                                                            chauns live (Maison de farfadets). Anyone who feels a bit
                                                            of a "Hobbit" will be thrilled by this invitation proposed
                                                            by DéfiPlanet’ in Dienné. Under the oak stand, char-
                                                            ming round-shaped dwellings made from plant mate-
                                                            rial, boasting all the comfort you could wish for, kitchen,
                                                            bathroom, heating etc. accommodate up to 8 people.
                                                            Every little house bears the name of a sprite or lepre-
                                                            chaun: "Korrigan", "Petit bidou", "Courte patte" to name
                                                            but a few. The 50ha site, granted the "sustainable tou-
                                                            rism" label in late 2021, also delights with other dwellings
                                                            that are just as extraordinary and "totally nature", built on
                                                            the ground or high up in the trees. DéfiPlanet’, closed in
                                                            January, is open the rest of the year for fans of the woods.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE CALL OF THE GREAT OUTDOORS

           Nature offers an incredible playground and discovery zone for those who
           know how to appreciate it. Sleeping in a cabin several metres above
           the ground, getting dressed up as a trapper from the Far North, losing your way
           in a maze made with plants taller than you, walking along trails with a faithful
           four-legged friend…
           A variety of sites invite you to enjoy unforgettable moments in unspoilt natural
           surroundings where you can don an adventurous spirit or go back to your roots..

                 A night in the realm of birds
                 When we were kids, we all dreamed of        Here, there's no running water, no
                 building a treehouse and sleeping there     electricity, yet the basic comfort
                 under the light of the moon. Parc de la     doesn't stop you from feeling as if
                 Belle (Belle Park) in Magné enables you     you're in a cocoon in this wooden
                 to rediscover your childhood soul.          cabin. Eating as night sets in (once
                 15 treehouses, perched up to 15 metres      you've picked up your meal that
                 high, designed to accommodate               you've pulled up using a rope), chat-
                 between 2 and 6 people, offer you a vista   ting, playing, listening to night-time
                 over a 12ha site boasting a wide array of   noises etc. a host of simple pleasures
                 plants. Getting there is when the adven-    that take on new meaning here.
                 ture begins as you have to use ladders      During the night, the hoots of the
                 and cross monkey bridges.                   owls and the wind in the leaves will
                                                             lull you to sleep.
                 Your bearings will be turned topsy-turvy
                 when you head out unto your terrace         A one-of-a-kind interlude, totally dis-
                 among the branches.                         connected from the world, to enjoy
                                                             time and again!

                                                        Strolling in step with a donkey or a llama
                                                        We all know that trekking can            Wrongly reputed to be stubborn, the
                                                        sometimes be a turn-off for kids,        donkey is endearing and an ama-
                                                        and adults too, but at la Belle Ânée,    zing catalyst for meeting others. On
                                                        Estelle Roy has concocted the            the organisation side, everything's
                                                        winning formula: proposing jaunts        under control: after a short briefing
                                                        through unspoilt nature in rolling       on the animal's little quirks, Estelle
                                                        landscapes starting out in Jazeneuil,    Roy explains how to equip it and look
                                                        accompanied by a donkey… for a day       after it, gives you a highly-detailed
                                                        or even more.                            roadmap for your journey and places
                                                        This wonderful travel companion,         you can eat and sleep like campsites
                                                        which carries bags and tired             and guesthouses if you head off for
                                                        toddlers, ensures you forget the         a few days.
                                                        number of kilometres covered and         This year, she also proposes half-day
                                                        adds extra soul to your excursion.       tours accompanied by a llama. Once
                                                                                                 again, it's sure to be a great success
                                                                                                 with the kids!

THE CALL OF THE GREAT OUTDOORS __________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                       Losing your way                              Many visitors feel
                                                                                                    a mix of anxiety
                                                                                                    and pleasure for

                                                              in nature…                            the adventure
                                                                                                    to come when

                                                         for the fun of it                          they f irst rush
                                                                                                    into the gigantic
                                                                                                    3ha corn maze in
                                                                                 Romagne, which flaunts the ever-
                                                                                 so perturbing name of "Infernal".
                                                                                 But, pretty quickly, with the twists
                                                                                 and turns and running round in
                                                                                 circles to find the way out, everyone
                                                                                 has great fun. Right next door to
                                                                                 this maze, which changes its layout
                                                                                 every summer, the 100% natural
                                                                                 "Le Sentier des Pas Perdus" park
                                                                                 (Trail of the Lost steps) proposes
                                                                                 something new to celebrate its
                                                                                 20th anniversary: a permanent
                                                                                 maze created using Miscanthus
                                                                                 A host of surprises awaits you in this
                                                                                 maze but we can't reveal anything
                                                                                 more. The site also invites to try
                                                                                 out its other successful mazes, the
                                                                                 grass one, easier yet just as much
                                                                                 fun, and the two theme-based
                                                                                 ones: the wood one with a medie-
                                                                                 val-focused game and the shrub
                                                                                 one all about protecting the envi-
                                                                                 ronment. Oh, and let's not forget
                                                                                 the sensory discovery trail that you
                                                                                 can stroll through barefoot and/
                                                                                 or blindfolded and the pedal-kart
                                                                                 track for frantic races with friends
                                                                                 or family covering a labyrinth of
                                                                                 routes of over 2km.

  In a trapper's shoes
  Log cabins, camping around        He'll concoct a bespoke        As night falls, after baking
  the fire in canvas tents set      break based on what you        the traditional Banique
  up deep in the heart of           want to do: discovering the    bread over a wood f ire,
  nature… as soon as you enter      history of the Far North,      you'll be invited to share
  the Kolyma Association's          making arrowheads, blacks-     typical trapper dishes before
  hideout in Brion, you're          mithing to make a knife,       enjoying a night in a tent
  immersed in another world.        tanning hides, throwing        and feeling totally free.
  Frédéric Auzanneau invites        thrusters, learning archery    Your stay wouldn't be com-
  you to step into the daily life   etc.                           plete, however, without a
  of Far North trappers for half                                   dog sled ride.
  a day or more.

The map with the loop itineraries
    is available in tourist offices
             and local town halls.

THE CALL OF THE GREAT OUTDOORS __________________________________________________________________________________________________

            Paradise by the riverside
              Whatever the day, whatever the season, you can always get away
               from it all along the banks of a river. La Sente Divine (The Divine
            Trail) offers a welcoming 50km loop around the Montcontour region
              along the enchanting Dive. Here, nature reigns in combinations
                                      of blues and greens.

    It delights walkers, cyclists and
    horse riders. La Sente Divine
                                           Where every landscape is unique
    stretches f rom north to south,        One of La Sente Divine's features       La Sente Divine, refreshing during
    from Sauzeau to La Grimaudière,        is its great diversity of landscapes,   the summertime, is also wonderful
    via Moncontour, Marne, Saint-          a blend of marshes and dry valleys,     in its winter attire, when the wet
    Chartres and Cerzay. These are all     flower-filled prairies, cereal-crop     marshes of Saint-Chartres sparkle
    areas around the Dive, a river with    plains, rolling slopes and hillsides.   and extend to the willow woods.
    crystal-clear water and an occa-       Every stage of the itinerary has        The steel works, imagined by local
    sionally-leisurely, occasionally-ca-   surprises in store, such as the         sculptor Claude Baury, inters-
    pricious course, whose meanders        Lutineaux source, a magical site        persed throughout the trail, are
    are accompanied by brilliantly         where biodiversity unites, or the       monumental yet ethereal —mos-
    waymarked trails. You've arrived       bubbling sounds of Cerzay foun-         quito, perch, water goddess…—,
    in secret Poitou, overflowing with     tains, which bring the pools of the     and set off the natural landscape
    tales and legends.                     old wash-house to life with their       with an artistic touch.
                                           gurgles. Exquisite vistas galore
                                           over Moncontour Dungeon, the
                                           wonderful abbey church at Saint-
                                           Jouin-de-Marnes, or from the Puy
                                           Taillé tumulus, over Maisoncelle
                                           plain, a huge stage of a bloody
                                           religious war in 1569.

                                           Five themed discovery trails
                                           A practical way to reach La Sente Divine is to park on one of the reception
                                           areas on the outskirts of Sauzeau, Moncontour, Saint-Chartres and La
                                           Grimaudière. From here, you can join the walking loops of varying lengths
                                           that are perfect for families.
                                           Each reception area proposes a themed discovery trail (two in Montcontour
                                           along with Tèrra Aventura's "Laundry Cache" quest), which turns into a
                                           treasure hunt in La Grimaudière. A host of games and little panels pro-
                                           vide information and entertain. For example, in Sauzeau, where you'll be
                                           treading in peat between the river and poplar groves, you'll learn that this
                                           dark-hued earth was used as fuel for a long time and that a poplar tree
                                           drinks up to 200 litres of water a day. All the Dive's secrets about biodiver-
                                           sity, the history of the local population and legends that have spanned the
                                           centuries are revealed to you.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TITRE DU DOSSIER

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE CALL OF THE GREAT OUTDOORS

                Caves fascinate with their beauty                     As soon as the word cave is mentioned, it immediately
                and mystery. These natural                            conjures up prehistoric sites where our ancestors found
                                                                      refuge. 15,000 years ago, in Angles-sur-l'Anglin, they took
                cavities were formed by water                         the opportunity to sculpt animals, faces and bodies in them.
                run-off on limestone ground.                          Although the original Roc-aux-Sorciers, the only one of its
                                                                      kind in the world, is inaccessible to visitors, an interpretation
                Over time, some were used by                          centre reveals the site's magic from April to September.
                Humans and now unveil their                           Visitors gain insight into        Events are held during
                mysteries to those who enter the                      cave art as well as the daily     the summer proposing
                bowels of the Earth or follow the                     life and habits of Cro-Ma-        workshops, evenings and
                                                                      gnon people via a look &          highlight moments. The
                valleys.                                              touch frieze and a three-di-      prehistoric show "Tas d'os"
                                                                      mensional reproduction of         will take place on 3 August
                                                                      the rock.                         and the Préhistoriales
                                                                                                        (conferences and visits) will
                                                                                                        be organised on 20 and 21

THE CALL OF THE GREAT OUTDOORS __________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                                    Rock carved
                                                                    by former waterways

                                                                                         Another surprising place to explore:
                                                                                         Norée caves in Biard, the only
                                                                                         natural cavities in the Vienne open
                                                                                         to the public in summer. Oh what
                                                                                         pure delight it is to descend into the
                                                                                         bowels of the Earth in the Boivre
                                                                                         Valley to enjoy a bit of coolness!
                                                                                         The decor is a definite must-see.
                                                                                         Beautiful stalagmites, petrif ied
                                                                                         waterfalls, erosion potholes... these
                                                                                         strange shapes are centre staged
                                                                                         and invite for a stunning, natural
                                                                                         spectacle. At the end of the guided
                                                                                         tour, you'll know everything about
                                                                                         how this site was created, its history
                                                                                         and its legends.

                                                                                 Troglodyte wonders
                                                                                 If you'd like to discover troglodytic
                                                                                 houses, then head off on hiking
                                                                                 trails. Around Marigny-Brizay, the
                                                                                 limestone hillside was excavated
                                                                                 for its tuffeau (or tufa) stone. You'll
    Later on, some caves were turned into troglo-           catch a glimpse of houses and cellars along the tro-
    dytic dwellings. To get a real feel for these unu-      glodyte route that have been carved out of the rock
    sual places, come and spend a night in Troglo           and converted. This 14km loop blends woods and
    du Coteau in Jaunay-Marigny (Gîtes de France).          wide-open pathways with panoramic views over the
    When Tony Dellion discovered this old house             valley. Along the way, discover the charming Manoir
    in 2016, he fell totally in love with it. It took him   de la Marre, the Tour de Signy and a myriad of historic
    four years to renovate this former farm, to add         houses. The second section criss-crosses through
    a touch of style and comfort and turn it into a         Haut-Poitou vineyards and offers an exquisite vista
    charming, simple yet ever-so cosy guesthouse.           over the Château des Roches, or close by the Domaine
    On the mezzanine, you'll literally be sleeping          de la Rôtisserie. A Tèrra Aventura quest is also devoted
    under the rock, bringing another dimension              to this theme: "Cave Witch" in Saint-Rémy-sur-Creuse.
    to your stay. To ensure this unusual experience         The trail continues past a charming wash-house, the
    is really one-of-a-kind, a jacuzzi has been set up      Tour de Gannes, nearby the church and invites you to
    at the end of the living room. This place is an         discover the hidden side of this enchanting village. A
    invitation to share secrets and to wind down.           wonderful surprise awaits you at the end of your jour-
                                                            ney, a chapel built in the rock.

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