The Gospel According To Star Wars - By: Brook Perkins & Andy Adams - Covenant-First Presbyterian Church
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Covenant-First Presbyterian Church Presents: The Gospel According To Star Wars By: Brook Perkins & Andy Adams
Forward As a teenager, C.S. Lewis abandoned Christianity. Eighteen years later, a day after dining with longtime friend J.R.R. Tolkien (a devout Roman Catholic) and Reading University professor Hugo Dyson, C.S. Lewis became a Christian. One month later, in a letter to his best friend, Arthur Greeves, Lewis wrote, “Now the story of Christ is simply a true myth: a myth working on us in the same way as the others, but with this tremendous difference that it really happened… the Pagan stories are God expressing Himself through the minds of the poets, using through what we call ‘real things’, namely, the actual incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection.” Some have interpreted Lewis’ “true myth” statement as a way to Christianize mythology. Similarly, Star Wars fans have always noticed, or have strived to see, parallels between the ways of the Jedi and the ways of God and of Christian faith. Star Wars creator George Lucas has made several comments over the years adamantly stating that his movies are not based around Christian faith. Yet, partly because of its unparalleled success at the box office, fans listen intently to Obi Wan’s teachings and strive to live the ideal Jedi life and walk in the Jedi faith, and then die in some dramatic and honorable fashion, be reincarnated as a wispy image, and sit next to Master Yoda. Before things get out of hand with light sabers, priest-like characters, and deep “Jedi Christian” dialogues, let me be the first to say that the force is in no way God. Lucas has stated that the force symbolizes God – the unseen power of good – while the dark side of the force represents the forces of evil. There is a light side and a dark side to the force, comparable to the yin-yang balance of Taoism, but 1 John 1:5 states, “God is light; in Him there is no darkness.” Said another way, God is good, and only God can be God. There are many themes throughout the Star Wars movies that illustrate Christian values, but this single verse separates Christian faith from the force and a really great children’s story of good versus evil. Perhaps the most meaningful goal of The Gospel According to Star Wars is to see the challenges and victories in your everyday Christian life. There will always be a teacher and a student, and there will always be evil, but thanks to God and His Son, there will always be good and we will always have a purpose. C.S. Lewis wrote, “Looking for God – or Heaven – by exploring space is like reading or seeing all Shakespeare's plays in the hope that you will find Shakespeare as one of the characters.” You won’t find God in Star Wars, per se, but it is by His hand that the stories were written, and He is the reason why you are reading this now. And, with that, I present The Gospel According to Star Wars. Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
1 Episode IV: A New Hope Wednesdays at 6:00pm April 6 - May 4, 2005 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
2 STAR Wars Episode IV: A NEW HOPE SESSION ONE – “Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi” Watch the first thirty minutes of Star Wars: A New Hope. Stop the tape or DVD as Luke and Ben are helping the battered C-3PO to his feet. “Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.” So ends Princess Leia’s message delivered to Obi-Wan and Luke Skywalker by R2-D2. The delivery of this message was paramount to the plucky astro-mech droid. Every action he took in the movie’s first thirty minutes is motivated by his urgent desire to see this message safely to its intended recipient. As a Christian you have been given a far more precious message. Its safe delivery, like Artoo’s message, can ensure that millions are saved. What are you willing to face to see that it arrives in time? Episode IV: A New Hope – Session 1 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
3 Discussion Questions 1- Immediately after Artoo receives the message and plans from Leia, C-3PO, Artoo’s constant counterpart and companion, arrives on the scene panicked by the ruthless attack by the Empire. He says, “They’re heading in this direction. What are we going to do? We’ll be sent to the spice mines of Kessel or smashed into who knows what!” Artoo has a message inside him and it gives him both purpose and direction. You have the message and plan written on your heart clearly spelled out in John 3:16 and Matthew 28:19-20. How has this allowed you to move with both purpose and direction? 2- Read Acts 21:7-14. Artoo, now extremely focused upon delivering the message, enters an escape pod. C-3PO warns him: “Hey you’re not permitted in there. It’s restricted. You’ll be deactivated for sure.” How is Paul’s situation similar? Have you ever faced a situation where you have to choose between your faith and your safety/comfort? Have you ever taken God’s message and refused to share it with someone? Episode IV: A New Hope – Session 1 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
4 3- Read Philippians 1:12 and 2 Timothy 2:9. Blasting off from the crippled rebel ship and crash landing on the planet Tatooine, Artoo and Threepio are quickly captured by a desert dwelling scavenger tribe called the Jawas. How does this serve to advance Artoo’s message? What have you faced in your own life that was difficult but actually served to advance God’s message? 4- Uncle Owen has just purchased C-3PO and a red Artoo unit from the Jawas. As the red droid rolls toward Owen’s nephew, Luke Skywalker, the Artoo’s head suddenly explodes. Luke yells back to his uncle, “This Artoo unit has a bad motivator. Look.” What is your motivator? Is it good or is it one day going to make your head explode? Episode IV: A New Hope – Session 1 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
5 5- While receiving his oil bath after an Empire attack in space and a long day in the sand on Tatooine, C-3PO exclaims, “Thank the maker!” This phrase has been referred to as the single explicit theistic reference of the trilogy. We discover who Threepio’s maker is in Episode I, but who do you think he was thanking? Why do you think George Lucas worded this phrase in this manner? 6- Read the following verses: 2 Corinthians 1:9, 2 Corinthians 4:17, and 1 Peter 4:12. Several times in the course of the film, C-3PO comments on his and Artoo’s circumstances: “We’ll be destroyed for sure. This is madness!” – “I’m going to regret this.” – “How did I get into this mess? I really don’t know how. We seem to be made to suffer it is our lot in life.” – “We’re doomed.” – “Do you think they’ll melt us down?” – “Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot! Will this never end?” With these verses in mind, how does Threepio’s view of circumstances compare with the view that Paul and Peter insist that Christians hold? Episode IV: A New Hope – Session 1 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
6 STAR Wars Episode IV: A NEW HOPE SESSION two – “you must learn the ways of the force” Pick up watching Star Wars: A New Hope where you left off. Stop the tape or DVD right after Ben Kenobi says to Luke, “That’s good. You’ve taken your first step into a larger world.” “You must learn the ways of the force if you’re to come with me to Alderaan.” Ben Kenobi speaks these words and thus begins the transformation of Luke Skywalker. He moves from selfish farm boy to a selfless warrior, all because he begins to learn the ways of the Force. As Christians we undergo a similar transformation when we turn our lives over to the guiding hand of the Holy Spirit and immerse ourselves in God’s Word. Episode IV: A New Hope – Session 2 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
7 Discussion Questions 1- Ben Kenobi hands Luke Skywalker a light saber and says, “I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough but your uncle wouldn’t allow it…This is the weapon of a Jedi.” As Christians, we too have been presented with a similar weapon, the Holy Scriptures. Read the following verses and see if you can draw the parallels between the dialog and scripture: “…when you were old enough…” – Ephesians 4:14-15 “…but your uncle wouldn’t allow it…” – Matthew 10:34-35a “…the weapon of the Jedi…” – Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12 2- Read Judges 3:9-11, John 6:43-44, and Acts 1:8. After briefly talking about Luke’s father, Ben touches on the Force: “Well, the Force is what gives a Jedi his power…It surrounds us and penetrates us.” Jedi Knights are not the only ones who can draw upon real power. The Holy Spirit, through prayer, gives us strength for seemingly insurmountable tasks and changes our heart (penetrates us). What has the Holy Spirit done in your life? Episode IV: A New Hope – Session 2 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
8 3- Read Genesis 12:1, 4 and Acts 8:26-27a. After hearing Princess Leia’s entire message, Ben says to Luke, “You must learn the ways of the Force if you’re to come with me to Alderaan.” Luke responds, “I’m not going to Alderaan.” Each one of us is called by God to a specific mission. Abraham’s and Philip’s response is completely different than Luke’s. Whose response does yours most closely resemble? Why? 4- Read the following verses: Matthew 5:11-12, Philippians 1:29 and James 1:2-4. After Luke returns from the smoldering ruins of his Aunt and Uncle’s farm, he boldly declares, “I want to come with you to Alderaan…I want to learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi like my father.” In the face of personal tragedy and suffering, Luke chooses to seek comfort rather than revenge. What do they have to say of the subject of suffering? How does scripture compare with Luke’s response? How does it compare with your own response? Episode IV: A New Hope – Session 2 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
9 5- Luke stands in the middle of the small hold area wielding his light saber. Ben, studying his movements from the corner, says, “Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him.” Luke asks, “You mean it controls your actions?” “Partially,” Ben replies. “But it also obeys your commands.” This is one very important difference between the Holy Spirit and the Force. The Holy Spirit does not “obey your commands”. Read Acts 13:4-12. The key verse in that passage is the fourth one. Paul was serving as an instrument of God. He was “in the Spirit” so everything that followed was God’s will. The Holy Spirit was not obeying Paul’s command; Paul was simply making the pronouncement. Read Romans 8:2-9 to get and excellent picture of what it means to live in the Spirit. Is this the manner in which you conduct your life? If not, what is hindering you? Episode IV: A New Hope – Session 2 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
10 6- Ben places a large helmet on Luke’s head that covers his eyes. Luke laughs and says, “With the blast shield down. I can’t see. How am I supposed to fight?” Ben replies, “Your eyes can deceive you. Don’t trust them. Stretch out your feelings.” Ben tells Luke that without the Force he will not be able to use his saber effectively. So it is with us. Martin Luther said, “Where the Spirit does not open Scripture, the Scripture is not understood even though it is read.” Read Luke 24:45. In this passage Jesus opened the disciples mind’s to understand Scripture. The Holy Spirit is willing to this with us today. Have you ever come across a Bible passage that made no sense? Have you ever asked the Holy Spirit for discernment? Episode IV: A New Hope – Session 2 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
11 STAR Wars Episode IV: A NEW HOPE SESSION three – “Marching into the Detention Area Is Not What I Had in Mind” Pick up watching Star Wars: A New Hope where you left off. Stop the tape or DVD right as the Millennium Falcon is escaping from the Death Star. “Marching into the detention area is not what I had in mind.” Han makes this remark when Luke wants to storm into the detention block and rescue Princess Leia. Han feels that he has already done far more than he bargained for on this trip. By contrast, Luke, growing in the Force, is eager to assist in any way he can. As Christians, we face many difficulties from the moment we pick up the cross and choose to follow Jesus. As we grow and trust more of our lives to the Holy Spirit, we will make better decisions and be equipped to respond to whatever the world may throw our way. Episode IV: A New Hope – Session 3 Covenant-First Pr esbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
12 Discussion Questions 1- The Millennium Falcon has been trapped but her crew has managed to elude capture. In a command office overlooking the docking bay, our heroes plot to deactivate the tractor beam. Ben says, “I don’t think you boys can help. I must go alone.” Luke replies, “I want to go with you.” “Be patient Luke…The Force will be with you always.” Ben calls Luke to patience. In Romans 5:3-5, Paul calls us too. Do you allow your problems/frustrations/difficulties to serve as a call to patience? If not, how can you begin too? 2- Ben leaves and Threepio relays to the others that Princess Leia is in the detention area. “I’m afraid she’s scheduled to be terminated.” Luke immediately responds, “Oh no! We’ve got to do something…We’ve got to help her.” Luke is deeply sympathetic to Leia as we are called to be in Romans 12:15. It also moves Luke to action (James 2:14-17). What event/happening in the world has moved you from sympathy to action? What was the driving force in that transition? A response to the Spirit? Something else? Episode IV: A New Hope – Session 3 Covenant-First Pr esbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
13 3- Han Solo has to be convinced or, more accurately, seduced to help the princess. Luke tells Han, “She’s rich…powerful. Listen, if you were to rescue her, the reward would be…more wealth than you can imagine.” Han agrees to this and sets up for himself the problem that Jesus explains in Matthew 6:24. It will plague him until the end of the movie when he is forced to make a choice. How often have we set ourselves up like this? What can we do to prevent it? 4- Han, Luke and Chewbacca break Princess Leia out of her cell but they are quickly cut off by Stormtroopers. They respond by tearing into each other. “Looks like you managed to cut off our only escape route.” “Maybe you’d like it back in your cell, your highness.” “This is some rescue.” “What an incredible smell you’ve discovered.” “Put that thing away. You’re going to get us all killed.” Biting comments like this, while terrific movie dialog, work against what Christ prayed for us in John 17:20-23. Read that and James 3:4-12. How can we stop such cutting remarks before they ever start? Episode IV: A New Hope – Session 3 Covenant-First Pr esbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
14 5- Han, Luke, Leia and Chewbacca spend the next ten minutes of the movie being chased all over the Death Star by hordes of Stormtroopers. David spent part of his life being hunted by the army of Israel. Read Psalm 56 to see an amazing response to this kind of persecution. When things in your life are chasing you down, what is your response? 6- The heroes run, dodge, swing, and fight their way back to the hanger bay. As they are racing for the ship, Luke notices Ben engaged in light saber battle with Darth Vader. Ben looks at Luke and what is conveyed in that look is best summed up in Philippians 2:16-18. Ben gives his life to further Luke’s dependence on the Force. What have you given/sacrificed to advance someone’s walk with God? Episode IV: A New Hope – Session 3 Covenant-First Pr esbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
15 STAR Wars Episode IV: A NEW HOPE SESSION four “May the force be with you” Watch the final thirty minutes of Star Wars: A New Hope. “May the Force be with you.” This blessing, or some variation of it, is pronounced several times in the final quarter of the movie. It is the speaker’s hope that this powerful energy field that surrounds us and penetrates us will guide and protect the one receiving it. In Numbers 6:24-26, we have been given a blessing that will allow us to not demonstrate our love and encouragement to others but ask for God’s divine favor to rest upon the recipients. “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon, and give you peace.” Episode IV: A New Hope – Session 4 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
16 Discussion Questions 1- The Millennium Falcon escapes the Death Star and blasts off to the rebel’s hidden base on the fourth moon of Yavin. The plans are quickly analyzed and General Dodonna explains the Death Star’s defenses. It is determined that a small group of X and Y-wing fighters will attack it. He closes his speech with, “And may the Force be with you!” “What good are snub fighters going to be against that?” asks the Gold leader. Read Judges 7:1-9. God sets a small band of people against a huge army. Why? Dodonna calls upon the Force for deliverance for his small band of fighters and God only sends a small army. How does this passage affect your view of conflict/struggles in your own life? 2- Dodonna details the attack strategy, “You are required to maneuver straight down this trench…The target area is only two meters wide…Only a precise hit will start a chain reaction.” Wedge Antilles quickly objects, “That’s impossible, even for a computer.” Luke counters with, “It’s not impossible.” Read Exodus 6:10-12, 2 Kings 7:1-2 and Luke 9:10-14. In these three passages someone objects that the task is too difficult or even impossible. Luke Skywalker has faith and says, “It’s not impossible.” Anyone can obey God when the situation is easy. What have you given up on because it is impossible? Have you given it over to God? Episode IV: A New Hope – Session 4 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
17 3- Right before the rebellion launches their attack, Luke confronts Han about taking his money and leaving at such a critical moment. Later Luke and Leia speak about it and Leia says, “He’s got to follow his own path. No one can choose it for him.” Doing the right thing, doing God’s will, is a choice. Read Genesis 2:15- 17. Rather than preventing Adam from eating the fruit, God gives Adam a choice. These wrong choices, though the consequences can be painful, give us opportunity to grow. Are there poor choices that you have made that resulted in real spiritual growth? 4- As the rebellion’s attack squadron closes on the Death Star, Red Two (Wedge) exclaims, “Look at the size of that thing.” Read 1 Samuel 17: 23-26. In this scene the Israeli sees a fearsome giant, but David sees only a blasphemer. Viewing situations through God’s eyes helps us see things as they are. Are there difficulties in your life that whose magnitude would change simply by looking at them through God’s eyes? Episode IV: A New Hope – Session 4 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
18 5- Red Leader and his wingmen streak down the trench of the Death Star. He takes careful aim and fires a proton torpedo. He misses and is quickly eliminated by Darth Vader. Even though his situation appears hopeless, before he is killed he does not despair. Read Exodus 14:10-14. Compare the Israelite’s response to Red Leader’s. How can we better adopt Moses’ advice of “stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will accomplish for you?” Episode IV: A New Hope – Session 4 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
19 6- Luke rockets down the Death Star trench with Darth Vader close on his tail. Biggs has been killed and Wedge has been forced to withdraw. Luke is alone. As Luke approaches the target area he hears Ben’s voice, “Use the Force Luke…Let go Luke…Luke, trust me.” Luke accepts Ben’s advice and takes down his targeting computer. Read Samuel 17:38-40 and 45-47. David removes Saul’s armor and sword, claiming that they are more hindrance than help. He goes to Goliath carrying only a sling and stones, but more importantly he goes to him “in the name of the Lord of hosts.” Have you ever approached a situation with nothing but your faith? What happened? Episode IV: A New Hope – Session 4 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
20 Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Wednesdays at 6:00pm May 11 - June 1, 2005 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
21 STAR Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back SESSION ONE – “Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi” Watch the first thirty minutes of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Stop the tape or DVD as Luke is shot down during the Battle of Hoth. “It is a dark time for the Rebellion.” So begins the opening story crawl of The Empire Strikes Back. They are plagued on every side by one misfortune after another; bounty hunters, missing compatriots, ice monsters, deadly cold weather, and the nearly overwhelming power of the Empire led by the merciless Darth Vader. As a Christian you will face dark times in your own life: illness, loss of loved ones, etc. But we have something that the rebel’s lacked; the knowledge that God is faithful to his promises. Trusting in Him will give us the strength we need to move through even that darkest of times. Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Session 1 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
22 Discussion Questions 1- The rebellion, relentlessly pursued by Vader and the Empire, is hiding on the frozen world of Hoth. after a close call with a bounty hunter on Ord Mantell, Han Solo tells General Rieekan that he has to leave: “There’s a price on my head. If I don’t pay off Jabba the Hutt, I’m a dead man.” Han must take action to purchase back (redeem) his life from the crime lord. Read Mark 10-45, Titus 2:14 and Hebrews 9:12-15. What does scripture say about our redemption from sin and death? Do you ever feel you must “do something” to make it happen? 2- Luke Skywalker still has not returned from patrol and it is getting dark. Han says they he is going out after him. The deck officer disagrees, “Sir, the temperature is drooping too rapidly.” “That’s right and my friend is out in it.” “Your Tauntaun will freeze before you reach the first marker.” “Then I’ll see you in hell!” Han races out into the frigid night. Read John 15:13 and Romans 5:6-8. We may never be called to sacrifice our life for another, but what are some ways that we can demonstrate true sacrificial love? Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Session 1 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
23 3- After escaping from the Wampa’s cave, Luke falls face down in the snow. Looking up, he sees a ghostly image of Ben Kenobi who speaks to him, “You will go the Dagobah system…There you will learn from Yoda, the Jedi Master who instructed me.” Read Lamentations 3:21-33 and Romans 8:28. Jeremiah spends the first two chapters of Lamentations describing the anger of the Lord. 3:21 marks a turning point – there is hope for those who submit and wait on the Lord. Luke is about to freeze to death, yet Ben uses this critical moment to stress that Luke must continue learning the ways of the Force. Nothing is more important. The Lord uses difficult circumstances to instruct us and draw us closer to him. Are you letting him or are you focused on the short-term (when compared to eternity) effect? 4- Four snow speeders race over the blindingly white landscape. One of the pilots concentrates on his scopes and speaks into his communicator, “This is Rogue Two. Captain Solo, do you copy? Commander Skywalker, do you copy? This is Rogue Two.” “Good morning. Nice of you guys to drop by.” “Echo Base, this is Rogue Two. I found them. Repeat, I found them.” Read Luke 15:3-6 and Ezekiel 34:11-12. The shepherd and Rogue Two are delighted when what was lost is found. God’s love for us is so great that He searches for us and “rejoices” when we are found. Where did God find you? Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Session 1 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
24 5- The Empire has found the rebels and dispatched several Star Destroyers to eliminate them. the Empire’s ships move out of light speed too close to the system and the rebels are alerted to their presence. Vader grows angry at Admiral Ozzel: “You have failed me for the last time, Admiral.” Using the Force, Vader crushes Ozzel’s windpipe while Captain Piett watches in horror. Read Numbers 14:10-20. Unlike Vader, the Lord can be relied upon for love, patience, mercy, and forgiveness. Have you ever not taken something to the Lord because you thought his reaction would resemble Vader’s? 6- In response to their superior’s orders, Rebel troops carry heavy weapons and position themselves along a snow trench. All of them work together and prepare for the Empire’s imminent attack. Preparation for any task is paramount. Read Ezra 8:21-23 and Nehemiah 4:9. Before undertaking their endeavors, both Ezra and Nehemiah started with prayer. When we take time to put the Lord first, we are preparing for whatever may be ahead. What are you facing that you can take to God in serious prayer? Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Session 1 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
25 STAR Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back SESSION Two – “Adventure. Excitement. A Jedi craves not these things.” Pick up watching Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back where you left off. Stop the tape or DVD as the Millennium Falcon races out of the mouth of the giant space slug. “Adventure. Excitement. A Jedi craves not these things,” advises Master Yoda. Growing up on Tatooine, Luke always desired something exhilarating – flying at high speeds through Beggar’s Canyon, bulls-eyeing Whomprats with his T-16, and someday going to the academy in hopes of joining the rebellion against the Empire. Reading about the apostles of the early church, some Christians may think that life in Christ is constantly filled with exciting happenings - healings, raising people from the dead, and converting thousands of people at once. Faced with an ordinary life, they conclude that they are spiritually inadequate. Not true. God can do his greatest work when it appears nothing is happening and we choose to wait and trust. Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Session 2 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
26 Discussion Questions 1- Having narrowly escaped the Empire, Luke Skywalker speeds away from the icy planet. He makes a sudden sharp turn and flies in a different direction. Luke’s monitor displays a question from a concerned R2-D2. Luke replies, “There’s nothing wrong Artoo. I’m just setting a new course…We’re not going to regroup with the others…We’re going to the Dagobah system.” Luke is learning the ways of the Force, which has put his life on a different path than all the other members of the rebellion. Read Matthew 2:11-12. The wise men encounter Christ and their lives are immediately moved in a different direction. Are you willing to let God lead you in whatever direction He chooses? Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Session 2 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
27 2- With the Millennium Falcon’s hyper-drive malfunctioning, Han Solo, in an act of desperation, pilots his ship into the heart of an asteroid field in order to escape the Imperial Fleet. He knows that they’ll get pulverized if they stay much longer. He reaches a decision, “I’m going in closer to one of the big ones.” Read 2 Samuel 22:2-3 and Psalm 31:3-5. Han knows his only hope for escape is to seek shelter inside a huge asteroid. It’s risky, but it might work. We can place our hope in a “rock” as well, But, unlike Han, there is no risk. God is righteous and he will deliver us. Do you really trust him? Is there anything that prevents you from fully trusting him? 3- Inside Vader’s private meditation chamber, Admiral Piett nervously waits to be addressed by the dark lord. Vader, his back turned, is seated while a black insect like droid removes a respirator tube and replaces it with Vader’s mask. Before it is in place, Vader’s head, bald and a mass of ugly scar tissue, is briefly seen. Vader’s mask, besides keeping him alive, hides his disfigurement. Read 1 Chronicles 28:9 and Psalm 11:4b-5a. Each of us hides ugliness in our hearts. God sees the worst parts of us. Does this fill you with joy or dread? Why? Are there things that you’ve tried to hide from God? Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Session 2 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
28 4- Luke has crashed his X-wing into a gloomy, mist- shrouded swamp on the planet Dagobah. He’s quickly losing hope that he’ll find the great Yoda and doubts he ever existed. Luke is soon joined by a small green creature who, after rummaging through Luke’s stuff and laying claim to a small flashlight, offers to help him. Luke, deeply annoyed at this intrusion, says “I don’t want your help. I want my lamp back.” Read Nehemiah 2:7-8 and Acts 8:29-31. God has not only placed us in relationship with Him, but each other as well. We should never be unwilling to get help from another person, especially if it is offered. are you more like Luke or Nehemiah and the Ethiopian Eunich? Why? Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Session 2 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
29 5- The Imperial Fleet has lost track of the Millennium Falcon. Vader orders them, despite the tremendous damage they’ve sustained, to sweep the asteroid field until the ship is found. Admiral Piett then says to Vader, “Lord Vader…The Emperor commands you make contact with him.” Vader replies “Move the ship out of the asteroid field so that we can send a clear transmission.” The Emperor has called and Vader drops everything to instantly respond. As Christians, when our Emperor (Jesus) calls, He expects us to move just as swiftly. Read Luke 9:59- 62 and Philippians 3:12-14. What have you dropped in order to focus your effort on reaching the goal of being all that Christ calls you to be? What do you still cling to? Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Session 2 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
30 6- The creature takes Luke back to his house and deliberately wastes his time as a test of Luke’s character. Luke becomes completely exasperated with the entire affair. The creature turns out to be Yoda and declares Luke to be unfit for Jedi training. “A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one a long time I have watched. Never his mind on where he was. What he was doing…You are reckless.” Luke’s dedication to his Jedi training is challenged. Read 2 Chronicles 15:14-15, Psalm 37:3-4 and Matthew 16:24-26. A “deep commitment” to God requires us to entrust everything (decisions, money, family, our very lives) to Him and He wants us to enter into this commitment with the greatest joy. How do you completely surrender with absolute joy? Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Session 2 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
31 STAR Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back SESSION Three – “How am I to know the good side from the bad?” Pick up watching Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back where you left off. Stop the tape or DVD as Lando Calrissian says, “This deal is getting worse all the time”. Luke asks, “How am I to know the good side from the bad?” Yoda replies, “You will know when you are calm, at peace.” Luke must bring himself to a state of peace in order to discern what is good. As Christians, we give ourselves over to someone who is good and we are granted peace. Luke can only obtain this through sheer force of will and we by totally surrendering ours. The Jedi way is far more difficult. Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Session 3 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
32 Discussion Questions 1- Luke runs with Master Yoda strapped to his back while Yoda instructs on the dark side of the Force, Luke asks, “Is the dark side stronger?” Yoda says, “No. Quicker, easier, more seductive.” Read Psalm 73. in the first 14 verses, Asaph creates an enviable picture of a wicked life. He quickly repents of that line of thinking when he compares it to the joy of living in communion with the creator of the universe. What seduces you into desiring to be of the world and not just in it? 2- Luke enters a dark opening in a tree that, according to Yoda, contains, “Only what you take with you.” Once inside, Luke comes face to face with Darth Vader. The two engage in a quick light saber battle that Luke wins when he decapitates Vader. The severed helmet falls to the ground and explodes revealing the face inside – Luke’s. In that moment, Luke is forced to confront his dark side – his sinful nature. Read Luke 7:47. When confronted with the depths of our own depravity, we could, like Luke, turn and try to run away Or we could, like the sinful woman, accept God’s forgiveness and respond with love. Which do you normally choose to do? Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Session 3 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
33 3- Luke fails to raise his X-wing fighter and it sinks further into the swamp. Luke says, “I can’t. It’s too big.” Luke reaches that conclusion based on his own limited abilities, not those of the Force. Read Numbers 11:21-23. If we truly acknowledge that God’s power, mercy, and love are without limit, can we sill doubt? Do we? 4- Yoda rebukes Luke for his unfaithfulness and says, “Look at me…my ally is in the Force. And a powerful ally it is…It’s energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous being are we…not this crude matter.” Yoda puts his full faith in the Force because it is a powerful ally. It has bound itself in a relationship to him and it is the key to experiencing a glorious afterlife. Read Psalm 20:6-8, Exodus 33:11 and 1 Corinthians 15:40- 44. God’s promise to the faithful presents a similar picture. Which part of the promise brings you the most peace/comfort? Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Session 3 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
34 5- With his arms raised, Yoda stands on a tree root and guides the floating X-wing fighter carefully towards the shore. Luke says, “I don’t... I don’t believe it.” Yoda replies, “That is why you fail.” Yoda’s words are harsh but fortunately we have the words of Christ as our assurance. Read Matthew 14:28-31. When we “fail”, what does this passage show us we can depend on? 6- Luke has a prophetic vision that Han and Leia are in great danger, so he rushes to leave. Both the ghostly Ben and Yoda warn against it. “Luke I don’t want to lose you to the Emperor the way I lost Vader.” “Only a fully trained Jedi Knight with the Force as his ally will conquer Vader and his Emperor. If you end your training now, if you choose the quick and easy path, as Vader did, you will become an agent of evil.” Spiritual growth arises when we are fully committed to advancing our relationship with God every single day. Read 2 Timothy 3:16, Joshua 1:8 and Psalm 1:2. Meditate on his word daily, because it is all good and with it we are able to stand. Have you ever thought, when it comes to the Lord, I know him well enough? Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Session 3 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
35 STAR Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back SESSION Four – “I am your father.” Watch the final thirty minutes of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. In an emotionally gripping moment, Darth Vader reveals that he is Luke Skywalker’s father. Luke immediately declares the statement to be both untrue and impossible. He rejects Vader and, throwing himself off a high platform, chooses death. The entire Old Testament is filled with story after story of the nation of Israel rejecting their heavenly Father and choosing death. What is our pattern in our own walk with the Lord? Do we embrace the idea that the Lord is our Father or do we choose death? Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Session 4 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
36 Discussion Questions 1- Resting in their cell after a long torture session, the crew of the Millennium Falcon is visited by their betrayer, Lando Calrissian. Han, visibly weakened, tries to attack him but is knocked to the ground by Lando’s guards. Lando says, “I’ve done all I can do. I’m sorry I couldn’t do better, but I have my own problems.” Read Genesis 37:29- 30 and Matthew 25:24-30. Like Lando, both Reuben and the servant are only concerned with themselves. This short-sightedness will keep us from doing God’s will. When a difficult situation arises, is your first concern yourself? 2- Vader has decided to freeze Han in carbonite as a test to ensure that the Emperor’s prize (Luke) won’t be damaged. Realizing what is about to happen, Chewbacca attacks the stormtroopers. Han breaks free from his captors and breaks up the fight. “Stop, Chewie, stop! Do you hear me? Stop! Chewie! Chewie, this won’t help me.” Read John 18:10-11. Peter attacks the high priest’s servant to save Jesus and Jesus rebukes him. Acting rashly or impulsively often leads us into sin. When we take the time to pray, God’s plan becomes clearer; decisions are easier. How can we discipline ourselves to do this? Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Session 4 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
37 3- While Lando escorts Leia and Chewie to Vader’s ship, Lobot and a group of guards ambush the stormtroopers and free the captives. In the confusion, Chewie starts to choke Lando and Leia articulates his rage, “Do you think that after what you did to Han we’re going to trust you?” Lando manages to sputter, “I had no choice.” Lando blames his circumstances for his actions. Read Genesis 3:11-13, Proverbs 19:3 and James 1:13-15. Blaming others or even God allows us to avoid confronting our own sin and remain (at least in our own minds) innocent. In addition to being wrong, it is completely unnecessary. If we confess our sin, God will forgive us. Have you ever felt that you “had no choice”? Was that true? 4- Luke has flown to Cloud City and is locked in a light saber battler with Vader in the carbon freezing chamber. Vader tries to confuse Luke by saying such things as, “Release your anger. Only your hatred can destroy me.” Vader’s right. Hatred destroys. But we worship a God of infinite mercy who desires to free us from our hatred and anger. Read Jonah 3:10- 4:4. Jonah hates the people of Ninevah and runs when God send him on an errand of mercy to them. He would rather die than see them forgiven. Do you hate someone so much that you won’t extend the love of God to them? Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Session 4 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
38 5- Vader cuts off Luke’s hand and beats him to his knees. Then he delivers a devastating emotional blow when he reveals that he is Luke’s father. Vader says, “Join me and we can rule the galaxy as father and son. Come with me. It’s the only way.” Calm comes over Luke and he steps off the platform. The Dark Lord looks down and watches Luke fall hundreds of stories. Luke chooses to die rather than betray his friends, his principles, his very way of life. Read Daniel 3:8-18. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego choose to be faithful to God regardless of the consequences. Do you honor God with the abandonment of your life? Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Session 4 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
39 6- Luke falls to the undermost part of Cloud City. Bracing himself against the fierce winds, he clings to an electronic weather vane. In desperation he cries out, “Ben. Leia. Hear me, Leia.” Read Psalms 4:3 and 17:6. We too, like Luke, can cry out when facing our greatest crisis. It need not be a cry of desperation, but rather one that is filled with confidence that God is listening and will answer. Knowing that He will always respond, not necessarily in the way you imagine, does that make prayer easier? Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Session 4 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
40 Episode VI: Return of the Jedi Wednesdays at 6:00pm June 8 - June 29, 2005 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
41 STAR Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi SESSION ONE – “Bargain Rather Than Fight. He’s No Jedi.” Watch the first thirty minutes of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Stop the tape or DVD when Luke Skywalker steps out on to the plank above the Sarlacc pit. Bib Fortuna whispers into Jabba the Hutt’s ear about Luke Skywalker, “Bargain rather than fight. He’s no Jedi.” Luke shattered preconceived notions of a Jedi by seeking a peaceful audience rather than bursting into Jabba’s palace with a blazing light saber. Jesus Christ did the same thing – He redefined what a king is. The Israelites were expecting a warrior who would lead a revolution against their Roman oppressors. Instead, they got a servant who preached mercy and love for the enemy. How were your own expectations challenged when they met God’s perfect plan? Episode VI: Return Of the Jedi – Session 1 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
42 Discussion Questions 1- Lord Vader arrives at the nearly completed Death Star and is greeted by Commander Jerjerrod. Vader tells him that the Emperor is coming and is most displeased with the commander’s lack of progress. Vader also reminds him that the Emperor is not forgiving. Afraid of the Emperor’s response, Jerjerrod immediately promises to deliver the impossible. Read 1 John 4:7- 19. God loves us. We did nothing to earn it and if we choose to abide in it, then we may be bold even in the face of His judgment. What happens when you are moved to obedience not out of love, but out of fear? Episode VI: Return Of the Jedi – Session 1 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
43 2- On the planet Tatooine, R2-D2 and C-3PO slowly move up a dry, desolate road towards Jabba the Hutt’s palace. They come to a massive metallic door. Threepio says, “Artoo are you sure that this is the right place. I better knock, I suppose.” He timidly knocks on the door. “There doesn’t seem to be anyone there. Let’s go back and tell Master Luke.” A spidery mechanical arm with an eye on the end pops out of the door. Threepio speaks to it briefly. They eye laughs and zips back into the door. “I don’t think they’re going to let us in Artoo. We’d better go.” C-3PO is reluctant to knock and ask, and when the response isn’t immediate he gives up. Read Matthew 7:7-8, John 14:13-14; 15:7, and 16:23-24. Looking at your own prayer life, is your approach to God like scripture instructs or is it more like C-3PO’s approach to Jabba’s? Why? 3- The two droids deliver Luke Skywalker’s holographic message to Jabba the Hutt. Much to C- 3PO’s astonishment, Luke has given both he and R2- D2 as tokens of goodwill. “Both are hard working and will serve you well.” As Threepio is marched away by a Gamorrean guard, he says, “What could possibly have come over Master Luke. Is it something I did? He never expressed any unhappiness with my work.” Read Deuteronomy 31:6 and Hebrews 13:5. No matter what we do or what circumstances arise in our lives, God will be there for us. What finally convinced you of this truth? Episode VI: Return Of the Jedi – Session 1 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
44 4- Princess Leia, disguised as the Ubese bounty hunter Boushh, bursts into Jabba’s palace leading a chained Chewbacca. She demands double the bounty offered on the Wookiee and holds up a small silver ball that C-3PO identifies as a thermal detonator. Jabba laughs and says, “This bounty hunter is my kind of scum. Fearless and inventive.” He offers thirty-five, which the bounty hunter agrees to. By threatening to kill everyone, Leia/Boushh is able to get more than the original agreement. Read Matthew 20:1-15 and Luke 23:40-43. Our reward (salvation/eternal life) for our years of service to Christ will be the same as someone who asks Christ into his heart during the last moments of his life. There is no way we can increase our portion, for it is by grace that we are saved. No one deserves or can earn eternal life. What would it be like to serve a God that could be bargained with? 5- Jabba is warned several times that he must free all of captives or there will be severe consequences. First by Leia, “We have powerful friends. You’re going to regret this.” Then three times by Luke, “I’m taking Captain Solo and his friends. You can either profit by this or be destroyed! It’s your choice, but I warn you not to underestimate my powers.” – “You should have bargained Jabba. That’s the last mistake you’ll ever make.” – “This is your last chance: free us or die.” Each time, Jabba ignores the warning. Read Jonah 3:1-10 and Acts 2:37-38. Unlike Jabba, the people of Ninevah and the 3000 in Jerusalem were moved to repentance and asked for forgiveness. Have you been rebuked and chosen to ignore it? Why? Episode VI: Return Of the Jedi – Session 1 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
45 6- Luke, Han, and Chewbacca are being taken out on a small skiff to the Dune Sea. There, they will be thrown into the Sarlacc pit and be slowly digested over a thousand years. C-3PO steps up to a microphone on Jabba’s sail barge and says, “Victims of the almighty Sarlacc. His Excellency hopes that you will die honorably. But should any of you wish to beg for mercy, the great Jabba the Hutt will now listen to your pleas.” It is highly unlikely Jabba would have had mercy on any of them. Read Matthew 18:21-35. Because our sins have been forgiven, we cannot withhold forgiveness from others. Is there anyone that you have refused to forgive? What will you do now? Episode VI: Return Of the Jedi – Session 1 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
46 STAR Wars Episode VI: Return Of the Jedi SESSION Two – “There’s Still Good In Him.” Watch the next thirty minutes of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Stop the tape or DVD when Han, Luke, and Chewie set off into the woods to look for Princess Leia. On the nature of Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker says, “There’s still good in him.” Ben Kenobi dismisses that with, “He’s more machine now than man, twisted and evil.” Ben feels that there is nothing worth saving and that the next time Vader and Luke meet, Luke must destroy him. How fortunate we are that we serve a God who feels the way Luke does that we are worth redeeming. Given the tremendous price Christ paid for our salvation on the cross, it is wrong to believe that there is anyone who is beyond the reach of his grace. Episode V I: Return Of the Je di – Session 2 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
47 Discussion Questions 1- Chewbacca reaches over the rail of the capsized skiff and clings to a dangling Han Solo. Han, still blind from the carbon freezing, aims a blaster at the Sarlacc’s tentacle which has ensnared Lando Calrissian. “It’s alright. Trust me,” Han says. “A little higher. Just a little higher.” Lando yells these instructions because he won’t trust his life to someone who is blind. Read Matthew 15:13-14 and Galatians 1:6-9. Jesus and Paul warn us not to trust those who are spiritually blind and would lead us away from salvation and into a pit. How do you respond to someone who is in a leadership position yet spiritually blind? 2- Luke’s X-wing fighter streaks away from Tatooine in the opposite direction of the Millennium Falcon. R2-D2, riding in the back, beeps a message to Luke. “That’s right, Artoo,” Luke replies. “We’re going to the Dagobah system. I have a promise to keep to an old friend.” Even though the Rebellion is massing near Sullust for a final showdown with the Empire, Luke chooses to keep his commitment to Yoda. Read John 13:36-38 and Romans 12:3. Peter makes a rash commitment, one which his lack of faith prevents from keeping. We are each given a measure of faith and through it we express our commitment to God. How do you uniquely demonstrate your commitment? Episode V I: Return Of the Je di – Session 2 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
48 3- Luke, shaken both by Yoda’s death and the revelation that Darth Vader is truly his father, returns to his X-wing fighter. The ghost of Ben Kenobi approaches him. Luke makes no effort to hide his anger. “You told me Vader betrayed and murdered my father.” Ben replies, “Your father was seduced by the dark side of the Force. He ceased to Anakin Skywalker and became Darth Vader. When that happened, the good man who was your father was destroyed.” A great power entered Anakin and completely transformed him. Read John 1:12-13 and Romans 7:4. When Christ enters our lives, we become a new creation, completely transformed. What area of your life (attitude, motivation, goals, etc.) has undergone the greatest transformation? What changed? 4- Ben continues to defend his reasons for not telling Luke about Vader: “So what I told you was true…from a certain point of view.” Luke objects, “A certain point of view!” Ben replies, “Luke you’re going to find many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.” Ben says that truth is based on our own perception, that it is not absolute. Read Hebrews 13:8. Does this verse fit with Ben’s understanding of truth? Does any of scripture fit this model of truth? Why or why not? Episode V I: Return Of the Je di – Session 2 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
49 5- Luke sits down next to Ben as Ben reveals more information about Vader’s past. “When I first knew him, your father was already a great pilot. But I was amazed how strongly the Force was with him. I took it upon myself to train him as a Jedi. I thought I could instruct him just as well as Yoda. I was wrong.” Ben, acting on the Jedi council’s orders, placed his apprentice in the office of Chancellor Palpatine (the Emperor). Palpatine taught Anakin “new ways” which some considered to be unnatural. Read Deuteronomy 13:1-11. When “new ways” arise within the church that are contrary to God’s, we are to give them no mercy. What issues does the church face today that threatens to drive it away from God? 6- The Rebellion’s strike team has landed on the forest moon of Endor. They are quickly discovered by the Empire and, consequently, Leia is separated from the rest of the group. They start off to look for her, when C-3PO says to R2-D2, “And you said it was pretty here.” Despite the importance of the Rebellion’s mission, Artoo still takes the time to notice the beauty surrounding him. Read Acts 16:22-25 and Psalm 65. Paul and Silas, beaten and imprisoned, praise God. They praise God because they know others may come to Christ because of their example. Knowing this, will it change how you drive to work? Sit at your desk? Eat your lunch? What will change? Episode V I: Return Of the Je di – Session 2 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
50 STAR Wars Episode VI: Return Of the Jedi SESSION Three – “His Compassion For You Will Be His Undoing.” Watch the next thirty minutes of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Stop the tape or DVD when the Rebel Strike Force is captured inside the shield generator’s control room. When speaking to Darth Vader about Luke, the Emperor says, “His compassion for you will be his undoing.” Luke earnestly believes that there is still good in Vader and he willing faces excruciating torture at the hands of the Emperor all because he loves his father. Jesus endured this for us. “But he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities.” – Isaiah 53:5. He did this not because He saw good in us, but because through him we could be good again. Episode V I: Return Of the Jedi – Session 3 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
51 Discussion Questions 1- While searching for Princess Leia, Luke, Han, Chewbacca, Artoo, and Threepio reach a break in the undergrowth and come across a tall stake planted in the ground with a dead animal hanging from it. Chewie can’t resist and reaches for it. Luke yells, “Chewie wait! Don’t!” Too late. The trap is released and the rebels find themselves hanging in a net. “Great, Chewie! Great! Always thinking with your stomach.” Though Chewie was warned, he succumbed to his desire and grabbed the meat. Read 1 Kings 11:1-13. Solomon chose to entertain his desires. A small detour that went unchallenged for years eventually would destroy the kingdom. What “small detours” have you taken from God’s will? 2- After freeing themselves from the net, the Rebels find themselves surrounded by dozens of Ewoks, each holding a long spear. When the Ewoks see Threpio, they prostrate themselves before the droid in worship. Threepio says, “I do believe they think I am some sort of god.” Later, the Ewoks carry Threepio on a litter like a king. Threepio’s stiff-jointed build prevents him from being able to climb the trees on his own and enter the Ewok village. Read Isaiah 46:1-7 and Jeremiah 10:1-5. The gods of Babylon could not save themselves, let alone any of their followers. They were useless. what have you put your faith in that became a burden because it could not save you? Episode V I: Return Of the Jedi – Session 3 Covenant-First Presbyterian Church † Cincinnati, OH
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