OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF


                                                   60 MINS

1   Professional Accountant        ISSUE 40Backl 2021
                                                 to top
contents   Adapting to Change
               in Turbulent Times

               When Disaster Strikes, the Underinsured
               Pay the Highest Premiums

               What makes Fraudsters
               Different from Real Accountants                10
               Managing Business Fear
               through Planning                               13
               Returning to the Office: Positive Cultural
               Changes resulting from the Covid-19 Pandemic   16
               Business Recovery
               What you Need to Know                          18
               Are Accountants Ready for
               the New Normal Disruption?                     25
               A Checklist for
               Business Advisors                              27
               Growth in
Table of

               Crisis                                         30
               To Retrench or
               Not to Retrench                                32
               Hidden Solutions for
               Mental Health                                  33
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3    Professional Accountant                                                 Back to top
Chief Executive message
                                            accounting profession has to be
                                            all hands-on deck, as the pace of

                                            change requires agility and pro-
                                            activeness. As a professional body
                                            SAIPA, is committed to preparing

                                our members to navigate through the minefield
                                of doing business in trying times.
                                    Many businesses have been hammered
                                by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic,

                                and more recently by the politically aligned
                                civil unrest. Many businesses have incurred

                                severe losses, and unfortunately some became
                                casualties of the July unrest in KwaZulu-Natal
                                and parts of Gauteng.

                                    Concerns about political instability and civil
                                unrest continue to bubble close to the surface.
                                Many ask, quite understandably, whether the
                                dust has settled or if another storm is brewing.
                                The proliferation of fake news creates paranoia
                                in businesses, civil society and the economy.

                                ON SMEs
                                In this environment companies are
                                understandably hesitant to make long term
                                decisions. Our small and medium sized entities
                                (SMEs) are suffering the most and the sum of
                                those who faltered has a detrimental impact on
                                economic recovery and growth. However, this
                                impact has not been fully quantified yet.
                                    The recent release of the country’s
                                unemployment figures in the second
                                quarter gives us some idea. According to
                                Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) the headline
                                unemployment rate hit a record high of 34.4%
                                in the second quarter.
                                    When considering the expanded definition
                                of unemployment, the picture looks far worse,
                                with 44.4%, or almost 12 million people being
                                unemployed. This does not reflect the impact
                                of the July destruction of businesses and
    By Shahied Daniels,         employment.
    Chief Executive at SAIPA.

                                The business community appreciates the relief
                                programs offered by government; however, the
                                implementation and management of these
                                programs remain poor. The prevalence of fraud

4    Professional Accountant                                           Back to top
Chief Executive message
                                                           PUBLISHING INFORMATION
    and corruption means that very little of the relief    Professional Accountant is the official journal
    falls on fertile ground.                               of the South African Institute of Professional
        It is here that our profession and strong civil    Accountants (SAIPA)
    society organisations have once again risen to the
    challenge. We are picking up the pieces. We are        Editorial Board and Contributors
    standing together. We are making things happen.        Faith Ngwenya
    We are rebuilding again.                               Executive: Technical and Standards Services
        SAIPA has concluded a series of webinars           Prof Rashied Small
    aimed at offering practical advice to companies        Executive: Centre of Future Excellence
    who were facing loss of business and related           Ettiene Retief
    challenges in the aftermath of the political unrest    Chairman of the National Tax and SARS
    in the two provinces.                                  Committee
        Professional Accountants (SA) cannot isolate       Div de Villiers
    themselves from the current business environment       Senior Business Rescue Practitioner
    and civil society challenges.                          Rochelle Bates
        They need to evolve as business advisors to        Marketing and Communications Manager
    assist and support clients. Practitioners need to      Noma Mpfona
    analyse the financial data and understand the          PR & Brand Comms Officer
    stories behind the numbers, as they reveal much        Idéle Prinsloo
    about the business and the risks it faces.             Editorial and Project Coordinator:

    NEW                                                    Design & Layout Marelise Scholtz

                                                           Production At That Point
                                                           Advertising Sales
    SAIPA has already established the Centre               Email:
    for Future Excellence (CoFE) where we are
    redesigning our Competency Framework to be                     SAIPA National Office SAIPA House,
    appropriate for the rapid changing environment.                    Howick Close, Waterfall Park,
        We are preparing the reskilling and upskilling                       Vorna Valley, Midrand
    of our members based on the challenges and                                  PO Box 2407,
    changes facing their clients and the business                            Halfway House, 1685
    environment.                                                              Tel: 011 207 7840
        The result, in many instances, have been growth             
    in the advisory side of their practices, overtaking
    the compliance side.                                   © This publication is protected in terms of
        The Professional Accountant (SA) has insight       the Copyright Act 98 of 1978 © Copyright. All
    into the business and acts as the risk detector.       copyright for material appearing in this magazine
    They alert their clients to the things that are        belongs to SAIPA. No part of this magazine
    lurking around the corner, enabling the business       may be reproduced without written consent
    to act timeously. It is critical to mitigate risks     of the publisher. The views expressed by the
    associated with political instability, pandemics and   contributors do not necessarily reflect those of
    cybercrimes.                                           SAIPA, Professional Accountant or the producers.
        Small businesses are increasingly targeted         The content published is not intended to and
    by hackers who gain control of any personal            does not constitute professional advice. The
    information in their database and withhold it until    accuracy, completeness, adequacy or currency
    a ransom is paid.                                      of the content is not warranted or guaranteed
        It is our responsibility as a professional body    and any use of or reference to the substance of
    to lead our members to where they ought to be.         the published content remains at your own risk.
    The pace of change can be overwhelming, but it         Members are advised to seek professional counsel
    should not catch us off guard. SAIPA wants to be       from the relevant expert where required. All views
    part of our member’s journey to face the unknown       and opinions contained herein are not necessarily
    better equipped.                                       those of the Institute and do not necessarily reflect
                                                           its official policy or position.

5     Professional Accountant                                                                     Back to top
6   Professional Accountant   Back to top
Business insurance
         When disaster strikes, the

             pay the highest premiums
    The recent spate of looting across KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng
    highlighted the need for businesses to be prepared for anything.
    Afterwards, many found that they were not adequately insured to
    cover their losses and had to shut down their operations as a result.

                                               nfortunately,           advisors who push their clients
                                               insurance               to increase their cover but as
                                               companies usually       business advisors who help
                                               sell insurance not      them understand insurance and
                                               based on the value it   its effectiveness as a business
                               offers to the organisation, but on      continuity mechanism.
                               how competitive their premiums
                               are. Likewise, because insurance        Understand risk
                               is often a grudge purchase that         management
                               yields no immediate benefits,           Before considering insurance,
    By Ettiene Retief,         businesses tend to shop for             companies need to understand
                               reduced premiums as well.               the risks their business faces and
    Chairman of the
                                   It is time for accountants          which of those threats need to be
    National Tax and SARS      to step in, not as financial            covered.
    Committee at SAIPA.

7    Professional Accountant                                                                Back to top
Business insurance
         During the risk management                                              the value of remaining stock
    phase, they should list everything                                           and intact assets and deduct
    that could conceivably impact                                                that sum from the covered
    their ability to carry on trading.                                           amount. Thus, if the store owner
    Each risk must also be rated,                                                expected the full cover to be
    firstly, by the likelihood of its                                            paid out, they may be surprised
    occurrence and, secondly, by                                                 that with R400,000 in remaining
    its impact on the business. This                                             stock and assets, they only
    will present four general risk                                               receive a pay-out of R600,000.
         The first two, low-probability/
                                            During the risk                         Further, if the store’s goods
                                                                                 are only insured against theft,
    low-impact and high-probability/        management                           the owner could find their

                                            phase, they
    low-impact events, could be                                                  pay-out reduced by the value of
    ignored as they have little effect                                           remaining stock that is damaged
    on business continuity and the
    cost of preventing them far
                                            should list                          and cannot be sold.
                                                                                    In addition, a pay-out that was
    outweighs the benefits.                 everything                           meant to rebuild the business

                                            that could
         However, high-impact/high-                                              may need to be used to pay
    probability incidents should                                                 employee wages, creditors and
    undoubtedly be prevented and
    the means to do so must be
                                            conceivably                          other running costs that were not
                                                                                 considered or covered.
    developed without delay. These          impact their                            Yet, many organisations

                                            ability to carry
    are typically the main focus of                                              forego the seemingly high cost of
    risk management and business                                                 business disruption insurance.
    continuity functions within an
    organisation.                           on trading.                          Business
         Further, high-impact/low-                                               continuity
    probability events are more                                                  In conclusion, businesses should
    problematic, as the probability        implemented succession plan.          never insure against loss, but
    of them happening approaches               Even high-impact/high-            rather in favour of continuity of
    zero, the need to protect against      probability risks may enjoy a         trade.
    them diminishes. But as it             simple solution that eliminates           This is not to say that
    increases, organisations must          the need for insurance. In most       they should pay the highest
    make prudent judgements about          cases, though, insurance is the       premiums for maximum cover.
    how to respond.                        easiest, most cost-effective or       Any investment must consider
                                           only response.                        their risk management plan,
    To insure or                               It’s at this point that many      the severity of the risks under
    not to insure                          organisations make the mistake        consideration, and if better
    Having identified their high-          of shopping around for the            alternatives exist.
    risk factors, the next question a      cheapest premiums and fall into           Accountants are not financial
    business must ask is whether or        the trap of being underinsured.       advisors, and it is not their place
    not insurance is the best solution                                           to urge their customers to buy
    for dealing with these.                The risk of                           more insurance. However, as
        For example, key person            underinsurance                        trusted business advisors, they can
    insurance covers a company             Being underinsured is a risk in its   help their clients understand the
    against the loss of an important       own right and one that should be      risks they face, which ones most
    person due to death or disability      actively avoided. Yet, the market’s   endanger their company’s survival,
    and provides financial security        love affair with low premiums         and where insurance can aid their
    during the search for their            makes it easy to overlook the         recovery from an adverse event.
    replacement. A key person              reduced security that might               As financial accountants,
    might be a CEO, member of the          be revealed only after calamity       they are also best equipped
    management team, or scarce             strikes.                              to determine the real cost of
    specialist that business continuity        As a conservative example, a      disruption – especially hidden
    depends on.                            store owner may be insured for        costs – and how much insurance
        However, this cover could          R1 million and suffers looting.       is needed for the enterprise to
    be avoided through a well-             The insurance assessor will tally     bounce back to full health.

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2 & 3 NOVEMBER 2021



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WHAT MAKES                  Identify Fraudsters

     fraudsters                 DIFFERENT FROM
                                REAL ACCOUNTANTS
     By Faith Ngwenya,
     Technical and
     Standards Executive
     at SAIPA.

10    Professional Accountant                 Back to top
Identify Fraudsters
               he news headlines make it glaringly        THE FRAUD
               obvious that crime does not pay.

                                                          Developed by Donald R. Cressey based on
               “Chartered Accountant                      his research in the 1950s, the Fraud Triangle
              arrested for ‘fraudulent’                   highlights three elements that must be
               R884 000 TERS payment”                     present to trigger fraudulent activity. They are
                                                          perceived pressure, perceived opportunity, and
            “Accountant arrested after                    rationalisation.

        R1.5m stolen from Barberton mine”
                                                                The first element, perceived pressure,
               “Financial manager                               is related to the offender’s personal
              arrested for allegedly                            shortcomings. For example, they may have
           defrauding employer of R17m”                         a desire to live a lifestyle far above their
                                                                means, get into debt to fund it, and then find
                “OR Tambo municipal                       themselves unable to keep up with repayments.
            accountant pleads guilty to                   Their unwillingness to sacrifice this lifestyle even
              stealing more than R9m”                     at the risk of defaulting will undoubtedly create in
                                                          them financial and emotional pressure.

     In the last case, the accused was sentenced to 15
     years in prison.                                                This gives rise to the second element,
         Without a doubt, the few accountants who                    perceived opportunity. Desperate
     break the law will eventually be detected and                   to source extra funding, the person
     punished. But if crime really does not pay, why do              may begin to seek weaknesses and
     a small number of them still take a chance every                loopholes in their client’s or employer’s
     year?                                                financial management processes. Opportunity
         Are they missing something the rest of us take   requires that the right conditions exist to commit
     for granted? Research carried out over the last      fraud but also that the person possesses the
     century suggests that they do.                       technical expertise to exploit them.

11     Professional Accountant                                                                    Back to top
Identify Fraudsters
                                                               being a hustler; demonstrating a strong desire
                                                               to beat the system; excessive gambling; financial
                                                               pressure from family, friends or peers; or their
                                                               performance not being recognised.
                                                                   This is in contrast to the majority of
                                                               accountants, whose training should endow
                                                               them with the competencies to be financially
          However, by the                                      prudent, ethically committed, and professionally

          time a fraudster is
                                                               and personally content. They usually pride
                                                               themselves on achieving higher lifestyle and

          found out, they may                                  career goals through determination, dedication
                                                               and sheer hard work.
          have been active for                                     In 2004, David Wolfe and Dana Hermanson

          a decade or more,
                                                               described the type of person who was equipped
                                                               to commit fraud. They are someone in the

          which is true of the                                 organisation who holds a position that exposes
                                                               them to more opportunities than others; has
          media headlines I                                    the intelligence to take advantage of systemic
                                                               weaknesses; is so egotistical as to believe they will
          opened with. How                                     not be caught; has a persuasive personality that

          much of their ill-                                   convinces others to collude with them; is a talented
                                                               liar; is able to deal well with stress.

          gotten gains will be
          ever recovered?                                      THE PSYCHOLOGICAL
                                                               ASPECT OF

                  The third element is rationalisation,        ACCOUNTANCY
                  which Cressey found must take place          We tend to fixate on checks-and-balances, process
                  prior to fraud being carried out, not        controls, proper procedure and forensic accounting
                  afterwards. For example, the offender        to expose and punish fraud. These need to be in
                  might justify their misconduct by            place and cannot be abandoned.
     committing to pay the amount back. Thus, they are             However, by the time a fraudster is found out,
     not stealing but borrowing, even though the funds         they may have been active for a decade or more,
     are never returned.                                       which is true of the media headlines I opened with.
         Cressey noted that all three elements must be         How much of their ill-gotten gains will be ever
     present for fraud to occur. This is similar to the fire   recovered?
     triangle where the removal of heat, oxygen or fuel            It is important that we, as a professional
     will extinguish the flames. So too, by removing one       community, build awareness of the characteristics
     of the triggers, fraud can be prevented. However,         described above and develop a mental
     the only option available to companies is to remove       “dashboard” of warning signs from them.
     the opportunity leg through good controls and                 With the proper research and by using
     careful checks and balances.                              technology, such as artificial intelligence, we may
                                                               be able to design early warning systems that deter

                                                               and stop fraud before it ever happens.
                                                                   It is also advisable that we focus more on the

                                                               personal psychology of accountants and equip
                                                               them with new tools, like the mental fortitude
     In the 1980s, Dr Steve Albrecht’s research resulted       to resist social pressure or methods to achieve
     in a list of ten common characteristics of fraudsters.    contentment not based on material gain.
         These are: a pattern of living beyond their               Taking action on these often-ignored elements
     means, an overwhelming desire for personal gain;          can help the professional community to stop
     accumulating unsustainable levels of debt; working        reeling from accountancy scandals and regain
     closely with customers; feeling unfairly compensated;     control of our reputation.

12     Professional Accountant                                                                         Back to top
Business planning
                     BUSINESS FEAR
                     THROUGH PLANNING
                                  Dr André du Preez, Professional
                                  Business Advisor (SA).

                     Having been exposed to many lockdowns and
                     possible quarantines with very little interaction
                     with neither employees nor customers, we
                     as business advisors, became quite familiar
                     with the terms despair, isolation, depression
                     and fear. This could be either because of the
                     direct impact of the pandemic on us or being
                     indirectly impacted through our customers.

                           Change was                                 predicted. This move towards
                           inevitable                                 the new work environment and
                           Change is and was inevitable as we         practices was caused by the
                           can all testify. It is clear that “Today   sudden effects of the first lockdown
                           is not the same as yesterday and           period. With the change came
                           tomorrow may not be the same               a sudden burst of uncertainty,
                           as today”. Businesses moved to a           additional cost, and a possible lack
                           more technologically advanced              of knowledge or experience that
                           environment much faster than               created additional fear.

13   Professional Accountant                                                                 Back to top
Business planning
     Impact of                           successfully.                         strengthen strategic objectives
     the pandemic                            Should businesses be              at a more affordable price.
     According to Zachary Sikora         uncertain about what strategy             With the current
     (PsyD), Medical Director            to explore, now may be the best       downturn in business, it
     and Clinical Psychologist at        time to choose, implement             may be a good time to
     Northwestern Medicine, USA:         and perfect an approach that          investigate, communicate
     “Fear is our survival response.”    will most likely secure business      with and/or establish strategic
     Some people, like roller-           not only for now but also in the      partnerships with other
     coaster fans and horror movie       future.                               organisations with the best
     enthusiasts, thrive on fear while       Much emphasis must be on          synergy.
     others actively avoid it.           expediting the new opportunities
         No matter how we face fear,     brought about by the changed          Maintain
     pandemics are very intimidating     environment.                          employee dignity
     events. We already witnessed                                              COVID-19 had a very negative
     a trail of devastation on our       Maintain visibility                   impact on many employees
     economy, leaving behind one         Many businesses experienced a         who lost their jobs or had their
     of the most severe economic         great loss in revenue, leading to a   pay cut. Businesses now have
     downturns of recent history.        possible reduction in marketing       to carefully reconsider their
     However, it also exposed many       activities.                           resource requirements and plan
     of us to far greater business            However, marketing is            especially around the timing
     opportunities than anticipated.     still very important to ensure        of re-employment as well as
                                         visibility not only in the market,    the possible new competency
     Remedy                              but also to provide evidence to       requirements they may need for
     for fear                            our customers and prospects           the future.
     As most businesses are currently    that we are still around and our          Businesses may find
     under severe pressure within the    products or services continue         themselves in a position where
     bruised economy, many have to       to meet their needs and               the employees they retrenched
     come up with new calculated         requirements.                         are not available when they need
     planning attempts and prepare            These financial constraints      them most.
     for a more defined future that      could prevent a company from              While skilled employees are
     will lead to outcomes more          implementing its marketing            invaluable for any organisation,
     predictable than the current        strategy effectively. However, it     businesses must carefully plan
     outcomes.                           is critical to continue, even with    the re-introduction strategy of
         This planning can be done,      reduced activities, rather than no    these employees to ensure they
     riding on the back of the new       activities at all.                    do not lose them or damage their
     opportunities. Businesses do not         This deviation from the          dignity.
     have many options regarding         strategy can be rectified as the
     planning: they can either choose    economy improves.                     Conclusion
     to do nothing or proactively plan                                         It may be easier said than done
     for the future.                     Establish business                    to not fear the future. As business
                                         partnerships                          owners or business advisors, we
     Selecting a                         As many businesses have to            should make those key business
     strategic approach                  rethink their overall business        decisions today that will positively
     With so many new strategic          strategies due to the lack of         impact tomorrow with great
     approaches available, businesses    finances, establishing strategic      rewards.
     must select a strategic approach    business partnerships may be              We cannot guarantee the
     that will provide a competitive     a viable growth proposition.          outcome of all our decisions with
     edge that consistently leads to     This action could especially          so many uncertainties around
     achieving its predetermined         provide smaller businesses with       us but we can approach the
     goals in this new environment.      the opportunity to access new         future with more certainty if we
     This is critical for any business   difficult-to-capture markets,         do careful, systematic, timely
     that wants to compete               create economies of scale and         planning.

14     Professional Accountant                                                                       Back to top
  CloudTax is a tax management platform that provides tax practitioners with
 an invaluable overview of their entire client base, and corporate finance teams
  with a unified view of all tax return related matters, for all their legal entities.

      Direct SARS                      SARS                           Client                       Engagement
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   provisional tax returns          submit corporate tax     submit individual tax returns.     solution allowing for the
 directly to SARS in a single      returns. Incorporating     Collect tax data inputs from      preparation, calculation
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                                         schedules.                    NEW                    beneficiaries and trustees in
                                                                                                 a single cloud platform.
                                                                                                      Coming soon.

15     Professional Accountant
                                                                                                        Back to top

     from the
     For the past 18 months,
     articles about the Covid-19
     pandemic have been
     ubiquitous. While the
     virus decimated many
     companies and affected
     many households, it
     also provided a positive
     impetus for those that
     were ready, and those
     that were able to adapt
     swiftly to the changes.

               By Dr Gavin Isaacs,                        Agile and flexible organisations embraced the
                                                      instantaneous shifts brought about by the national
               Chief Operations
                                                      pandemic. This is mostly attributed to the resilience
               Executive at SAIPA.
                                                      and self-efficacy of employees and leaders; two vital
                                                      components of one’s Psychological Capital. Agility
                                                      and resilience skills also help employees deal more

                                                      effectively and positively with constant change.
           he pandemic ushered in a new                   Both agility and resilience are traits that can
           normal, but it should not be               be learnt. Employee and organisational resilience
           considered anomalous and it would be       have been acknowledged as a vital competitive
           counterproductive to revert to our ‘old’   advantage and considered a valuable contributor to
           ways of operating.                         companies’ success. Organisations with high levels

16    Professional Accountant                                                                  Back to top
     of agility have workforces that are innovative, flexible   who are parents too – faced significant
     and fast to adapt to change.                               challenges caused by the closing of schools
         Research conducted by Leask and Ruggunan               and day-care facilities during lockdowns. This
     (2021), found that governments, in South Africa            new way of work allowed employees to attend
     and many parts of the world, mostly ignored the            to their personal situations as well as ensuring
     psychological and sociological consequences of             occupational output.
     national lockdowns, but remained cognisant of

                                                                EFFECTIVE TIME
     the economic impact it may have. Organisations
     too, mostly based their Covid-19 responses on their

     economic survival and implemented restructuring
     and staff wage reductions as a recourse. Both led to
     significant job losses.                                    Even at the best of times, time management remain
                                                                a challenge for most employees, but more so when

                                                                working from home in the absence of the usual
                                                                parameters of the office environment. Ensure that

                                                                you manage your time effectively, in the following
     It is to be acknowledged that the pandemic placed
     additional stresses on employees, but it did have          l   Plan your day, and your work week – keep a
     positive outcomes too. It reminded organisations of            schedule;
     the value of employees, and the role they play in the      l   Where both husband and wife work from home,
     organisation. Deliberate efforts to ensure the physical,       it is essential that house duties be shared equally
     and especially mental, well-being of employees were            – schedule personal tasks;
     identified and intensely implemented.                      l   Identify a dedicated workspace;
          Employee resilience is valued by organisations        l   Maintain your routine, and dress as if you are
     and a key ingredient to enable organisations to re-            going to work
     organise for survival. Large organisations that have       l   Take scheduled breaks
     dedicated HR and wellness programmes, are able             l   Set boundaries and maintain office hours, as far
     to offer more support to their employees, which                as possible;
     improves their resilience. This contrasts with SMMEs,      l   Be transparent with your manager
     which do not always consist of the dedicated               l   Be kind to yourself
     resources or know-how to support the mental and
     emotional well-being of their employees. And given         Research has shown that employees in the formal
     the centrality and significance placed on the SME          sector who were required to work from home, had
     sector for South Africa’s economic growth, this is         to amend work-related processes, juggle family
     indeed an area of great concern. It is for this reason     demands, and navigate multiple roles across work
     that SAIPA implemented a Business Support Series           and personal lives. Although the idea of WFH
     (webinars), to ensure that the necessary support is        seems very attractive, it remains a daunting task.
     made available to its members.                             In most cases, it has been shown that employees
                                                                experienced an increase in workload, while fewer

                                                                reported a decrease in workload. A significant
                                                                number of employees reported a decrease in salary,

                                                                with a lack of resources while working from home,
                                                                also presenting a challenge to most employees. This
     In support of its employees’ health and curbing            placed significant strain on the mental well-being of
     the spread of the virus, many companies allowed            employees.
     employees to work from home (WFH). Alternative
     work arrangements had so much impact that staff            Organisations are comprised of employees,
     nowadays turn down job offers if it does not include       organised in a system to deliver common goals.
     alternative work models as a benefit. Companies            Human capital, contrary to popular belief, cannot
     realised the value too and are now including it when       easily be replaced. Employees not only possess
     advertising vacancies. The importance and need             institutional knowledge and memory, but they also
     for work-life balance, or more accurately - work-life      foster the values of which the company’s culture
     synergies, triggered the implementation of hybrid          is composed, and its success is built. It is therefore
     working models. This made sense, since employees,          essential to value, protect and support employees.

17     Professional Accountant                                                                           Back to top
Business recovery
             Div de Villiers, Senior   A great leader once said
             Business Rescue           that what counts is not what
             Practitioner & SAIPA
             Professional Business
                                       happened to you, but how you
             Advisor (SA).             deal with it. Business distress is
                                       not a shame. What counts is how
                                       you deal with it and recover. This
                                       article explores the basic process
                                       (who, what, why, when and
                                       where) of business recovery.

18   Professional Accountant                                     Back to top
Business recovery
                usiness distress is experienced when a
                business struggles to sustain continuous
                and timely delivery of products and
                services to its market.

                             WHY DO BUSINESSES GET DISTRESSED?
                                 Business distress can be due to a range of factors:

                                        made                  Natural          Market failure
                                      disasters              disasters

                                               Sabotage                  Cyber
                  Financial distress
                                                / unrest                attacks

                                      Systems                 Utility
                                                                               HR disruption
                                       failure                failure

     Practically, business distress could be triggered by          fire (with unfortunate loss of life in some cases)
     any one, or a combination, of the following:                  was a major distress to the Ford brand and local
     l Community wide distress – such as the present               Ford business.
         Covid-19 pandemic or the political unrest of July     l   Systems distress – the cyberattack on Transnet
         2021.                                                     in July 2021 disrupted logistics supply chains for
     l Market distress – a “KODAK” or a “NOKIA”                    a significant number of businesses in KZN and
         moment. KODAK and NOKIA were once market                  Gauteng for weeks.
         leaders in their respective industries but due to
         their inability to timeously respond to changing      The Companies Act 71 of 2008 (the Act) provides a
         markets and technological opportunities, they         guideline on business distress:
         lost market share and were surpassed by new           l Section 4: the Solvency and Liquidity (S&L) Test
         entrants into the market.                                 directs that a business is distressed and should
     l Strategy distress – an “APPLE moment”. Steve                enter liquidation when it is unable to pay all its
         Jobs co-founded Apple in 1976, and Apple                  debts as they become due and payable within
         became a market leader, but by 1997 Apple had             the immediately ensuing 12-month period AND
         lost focus. It was bleeding cash and on the verge         the value of its Liabilities are greater than its
         of insolvency. Steve Jobs had to be called back           Assets.
         to Apple as interim CEO to refocus the business.      l Section 128: the Financial Distress Test directs
         He reduced the number of Apple products                   that a business is financially distressed when it is
         by 70% (to just four) and reduced operational             unlikely to pay all its debts as they become due
         expenses by 30%. Today, Apple is a market                 and payable within the immediately ensuing
         leader.                                                   6-month period OR it is likely to become
     l Product distress – a Ford KUGA moment. The                  insolvent (liabilities exceed assets) within the
         news reports of a few Ford Kuga cars catching             immediately ensuing 6-month period.

19     Professional Accountant                                                                            Back to top
Business recovery
     Business recovery is the ongoing process of                        The key elements of business recovery are that
     identifying business risks due to distress OR during          it is an ongoing process of identifying business
     emergencies/disasters and directing business                  risks and directing business activities towards
     activities towards ensuring continuous operation              ensuring continuous operation and product/
     and product/service delivery.                                 service delivery.

     There are four steps in the business recovery process:
     1  Know your business very well;
     2 Map out a destination for your business;
     3 Develop and implement a recovery plan; and
     4 Set up contingency plans.

     1  Know your business very well
        Business recovery gets tricky if you (as business owner) or you (as accountant and advisor) do not
     continually scan and monitor key business risks, including:

     a.    Financial risks: A handy framework to use is the DuPont Analysis of which the following is one
           version, which is in a small business context. In the graphic below, follow the trail from right to left
           to see the impact of excessive (and unproductive) stockholding on a business.

     As Professional Accountants and business advisors we are to take a bird’s eye view on any business and also
     consider non-financial and strategic risks.

     b.    Non-financial risks: Below is a
           handy framework for scanning
           and monitoring non-financial risk
           monthly (within a small business
           context), which also reflects
           movement over time.

20        Professional Accountant                                                                             Back to top
Business recovery
     c.    Strategic risks: It is a good idea to periodically
           reflect on the strategic health of the business.
           Here, “Pavlov’s onion rings” are most helpful:

                        Core business
                   ( most value-adding &
                     income generating)

                                         (less value-adding &
                                       less income generating)                    Nice to have
                                                                             (least value-adding &
                                                                                consumes cash)

     In addition, it is also a good idea to periodically
     consider the aforementioned risks against the three
     core strategic thrusts of the business:
     l value platform;
     l profit drivers; and
     l cost drivers.

     This can be clarified using an example of a typical
     suburban guest house:

                                                                          Number          Guest:          Cost of:
                                                                          of beds      -Occupancy %       -Payroll
                                                                                       -CoS per guest     -Utilities
                             Cost                                                     -Cost-to-income   -Consumables
                            drivers                                                        ratio


     In summary, the better you know the business – its financial, non-financial and strategic risks – the better your
     position to timeously recover from business distress.

21        Professional Accountant                                                                        Back to top
Business recovery
     2    Map out a destination for your business
          A handy framework is Alexander Osterwalder’s business model canvas, which requires of us
     to rethink the following nine the building blocks:

     3   Develop and implement a recovery plan
         Once we have mapped out the desired destination, we can develop a recovery
     plan. The following template is helpful:

     Once again, we start with a risk assessment in respect of, for example:
     l CLIENTS: How vulnerable are we to key clients withdrawing their business or falling in distress?
     l BUSINESS SYSTEMS: How vulnerable are we to key business systems, such as our POS or stock
        management system, collapsing?
     l ASSETS AND RESOURCES: How vulnerable are our key assets and resources?
     l SERVICES: How vulnerable are we to utility failures or disruptions to our logistics supply chain?
     l STAFF: How vulnerable are we to labour unrest?
     l SUPPLIERS: How vulnerable are we to “bullying” by our key suppliers?
     l SITES: How vulnerable are our branch offices/service delivery sites?

22     Professional Accountant                                                                        Back to top
Business recovery
     Below is an example of developing a recovery plan for one risk element under the category “Assets
     and resources” (debtors being an asset). The risk is losing 20% of debtors – one client who comprise
     20% of my debtors’ book.

     Doing business recovery plans for all seven abovementioned business elements may be overwhelming.
     My advice is:
     l Start immediately;
     l Identify your number 1 biggest risk (the one with the shortest fuse and the biggest BANG), and do its
         recovery plan;
     l Next month, add the number 2 risk to the recovery plan;
     l Add the number 3 risk to the recovery plan before the end of month 3;
     l And so on.

     4    Set up contingency plans
          Here, you have to engage in a
           continuous cycle of:
                                                                  Identification of recovery strategies;
                                                                  Documenting such in the format of a recovery
     l    Risk identification and analysis;                       plan; and
     l    Impact assessment of the key risks;               l     Periodically test and review.

     The process
     can be
     conceptualised        Testing &                        ID
     as follows:            Review                        risks

                    Document                                      Impact
                  recovery plan
                                                                                    Following a step-by-step
                                                                                    approach can help you
                                                                                    from business distress to
                                         ID recovery                                business recovery and,
                                          strategies                                finally, business success.

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                24                                     Professional Accountant                                                                                                                                                                     Back to top
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Are Accountants

     Ready for the
     New Normal of
 DISRUPTION?                                    By Leana van der Merwe, Accounting
                                                and Assurance Specialist at SAIPA.

                                           he recent wave of
                                           looting across Gauteng
                                           and KwaZulu-Natal
                                           severely impacted
                                           many businesses in
                               South Africa. Yet, Covid-19 and
                               national lockdowns remain the
                               greatest economic disruption in
                               recent history.
                                   Are Professional Accountants
                               equipped to operate effectively
                               in this environment and can
                               they provide continued service        because of mobile computing,
                               excellence to their clients in the    better local Internet access, Cloud
                               midst of social upheaval?             computing and other emerging
                                   Not surprisingly, a disruptor     technologies that make up the
                               that has been around a lot longer     digital revolution.
                               is helping to make life liveable         However, it doesn’t come
                               and business sustainable. I’m         without its problems. Work-from-
                               talking about the rise of digital     home (WFH) employees often feel
                               technologies, a trend that once       overworked and unappreciated
                               struck fear into the hearts of        while facing the compounded
                               dyed-in-the-wool brick and            pressures of home life, business
                               mortar businesspeople.                demands and reduced income.
                                                                        The situation calls for
                                                                     new leadership models and

                               The Home
                                                                     management skills that focus on
                                                                     team development and guidance,

                                                                     especially in the realms of
                                                                     emotional well-being and mental
                               While working from home was           health support.
                               once frowned on as a productivity
                               killer, in 2021 it is not even seen

                               as a necessary evil for combating
                               the pandemic. Instead, it has

                               proved to be a godsend to
                               many companies who would
                               have otherwise lost all business      Although many companies swiftly
                               continuity.                           converted to a WFH model, others
                                   And it has only thrived           have not fared well because they

25   Professional Accountant                                                               Back to top
                                          and hundreds of new online               Others dislike video calls,
                                          businesses appeared within the        preferring good old face-to-
                                          past year. There’s no doubt that      face meetings. Yet, those who
                                          this disruption is a breeding         embrace that medium have
                                          ground for innovation and             cut out wasted travel time
                                          presents lucrative opportunities      completely and are able to fit
                                          to entrepreneurs who are quick        two or three extra meetings in
                                          to respond.                           per day. This means they can
                                                                                use their limited time to help
                                                                                more businesses than before.

                                          using new
     were not able to pivot when                                                   The latter see it as their
     faced with abrupt change.                                                  responsibility to learn technology,

         Almost universally,                                                    use it to improve their efficiency,
     organisations with even a limited                                          and advise their clients to do the
     business continuity plan were        Professional Accountants              same.
     quicker to bounce back. Having       in South Africa are mostly
     planned for such an eventuality,     prepared to handle disruption.

     they ensured employees could         However, many still resist digital
     connect to the Internet from         transformation, preferring to stick

     home and provided them               to traditional practices.
     with devices or laptops where

         They immediately revised
     their habit of printing documents                                          As progressive professionals,
     and switched to electronic                                                 Professional Accountants are
     formats, embracing email, chat                                             expected to pursue lifelong
     and video meetings as their new                                            learning through continuous
     mode of communication and                                                  professional development and
     management.                                                                self-improvement.
         Many converted real-world
     training events and conferences
     to webinars, almost overnight.           For example, some
     These virtual channels helped        Professional Accountants whose
     preserve communication with          clients typically hand them a
     employees, customers, suppliers      shoebox filled with receipts,
     and other stakeholders.              invoices and other documents
         Their successes demonstrate      for manual entry, were no longer
     the vital need for strong risk       able to do so when lockdown
     management and business              started.
     continuity in organisations              Yet, several modern Cloud
     even during periods of seeming       accounting systems make
     economic stability.                  it effortless to scan these               Those who actively master
         These same businesses            documents with one’s phone            technology and teach their
     didn’t stop there. Less than a       and upload them seamlessly.           clients to do the same are the
     year ago, only high-end stores       Some are even equipped with           ones who will soon be at the top
     offered online shopping. Now,        AI that can read the images           of their industry.
     almost every major retailer has      and translate them directly into          As for the rest, I encourage
     developed the means to take          transactions, like sales orders,      you to become “technopositive”
     orders over the web and deliver      bank deposits or supplier             because, in five years from now,
     directly to their consumer’s door.   invoices.                             the demand for technology-savvy
     In some cases, goods are received        This feature alone would          accountants will be the next new
     in as little as sixty minutes.       make the accountant’s life much       normal.
         Many other existing              easier, increase their productivity       If you fail to digitally transform
     organisations have moved             significantly and improve their       your practice, you will be left
     rapidly to an online model           service excellence measurably.        behind.

26     Professional Accountant                                                                          Back to top
Business advisors
     The Covid-19 pandemic has                           By Lesego Mokwena,
     caused many businesses to go                        Professional Business
                                                         Advisor (SA).
     into “standby mode”, but we
     as professional accountants
     and business advisors can help
     impacted businesses follow a

     positive trajectory to get back                     n effective approach to monitoring
                                                         is to set up a system whereby you
     into “flight mode”. To do this and                  review all aspects of the business on
     ensure the continued growth                         a monthly basis. Such a system will
     and health of a business, we                        flag potential problems before they
                                          become a serious threat. Below is a checklist to
     need to carefully monitor every      assist you and your clients in getting off the ground
     part of the business.                and into flight mode.

27    Professional Accountant                                                      Back to top
Business advisors
                    MARKET                                                      DEVELOPMENTS
                    ENGAGEMENT                                                  IN YOUR
                    Keep customers up to date with what                         INDUSTRY
                    is happening in the business by using                        Keep yourself informed of any
     online customer relations management (CRM) or                new developments in your industry. Subscribe to
     marketing automation systems (MAS) tools. You can            respected newsletters, trade publications and blogs.
     also send monthly newsletters, surveys or personal           Set aside some time each month to read these and
     emails. Use the means most appropriate to the                take notes on the ideas or developments that are
     business and number of customers to maintain                 useful to you.
     regular contact.                                                Combine this with thinking time to jot down
         Check how often the business’ website is being           your ideas, observations and plans for the business’
     viewed and use relevant analytics tools, such as             growth and development.
     Google Analytics, to assess the level of engagement
     each month. Check the views, where the traffic is
     from, and whether views are converting into sales.                         ACTION
     Utilise social media platforms and use their analytics                     PLANS
     tools too. Spamming is not meaningful engagement,                           An action plan lists the steps to take to
     so be careful not to tread over that line.                                  achieve a specific goal. It clarifies the
                                                                  resources required to reach a goal and formulates

                    SOCIAL MEDIA                                  a timeline for the completion of tasks. It is not a
                                                                  business plan or strategy, as it emphasises the need
                    MARKETING                                     to set SMART goals with controls.
                     Use social media to promote the                  Make sure that an action plan is in place and
                     business and create a digital footprint.
     Social media channels require regular updates to
     keep customers engaged. Review your social media
     strategy to ensure it is working and that people are
     following your posts. If this is not the case, revise your
         Set aside time each month to review any
     business leads received and ensure they have been
     followed up upon.
         Every social media platform has its pros and
     cons so analyse your customer profile and utilise
     the most effective social media strategy. The latest
                                                                      Make sure that an
     developments on social media platforms can affect                action plan is in
     return on investment severely.
         For example, TikTok now allows businesses to                 place and refer back
     advertise on the platform, which was not possible
     three months ago.
                                                                      to it every month
                                                                      to check whether
                    DATA                                              its targets are
                    PROTECTION                                        being met and the
                   Regularly review data protection
                   in your business to ensure it meets                business is where it
                                                                      was planned to be.
     the highest possible standards. Look out for
     security problems or breaches and address these
        SAIPA’s POPI Handbook is a useful guide to the
                                                                      Make adjustments
     provisions and conditions of data protection as                  as required.”
     required by the Protection of Personal Information
     Act 43 of 2013.

28     Professional Accountant                                                                               Back to top
Business advisors
     For a business to
     succeed and grow,
     access to adequate
     cash resources (to
     pay expenses, pay
     staff, replenish stock,
     etc.) is required.
     Without this a
     business will quickly
     run into trouble.”

     refer back to it every month to check whether its           imperative to its success. Here are a number of key
     targets are being met and the business is where it          activities to check monthly:
     was planned to be.
         Make adjustments as required.                           l   Cashflow projections;
                                                                 l   Debtor and creditor analysis;

                    HUMAN                                        l   Monthly sales figures/monthly sales tracker;
                                                                     Tax returns, VAT and payroll; and
                                                                 l   Monthly budget and comparison with previous
                     Staff are a crucial part of any business,       year.
                     so complete monthly checks to
     ensure all is in order with them. Take note of              For a business to succeed and grow, access to
     absenteeism and sick leave to see if any patterns           adequate cash resources (to pay expenses, pay staff,
     emerge and deal with problems early on, especially          replenish stock, etc.) is required.
     during the Covid-19 pandemic.                                   Without this a business will quickly run into
        Be aware of annual leave entitlements and                trouble.
     ensure that staff take staggered leave throughout               As a professional accountant or business advisor,
     the year. This will ensure that leave does not              meet your client regularly to ensure that everyone
     accumulate and that too large a number of staff do          has the most up-to-date figures and knowledge
     not take leave simultaneously.                              of the business. The same principle applies to
        Plan ahead for fluctuations in staff requirements,       stakeholders and partners – set time aside to review
     such as recruiting extra staff for busy times. Set          all engagements.
     aside time for a monthly staff meeting to review                What we track within a business can easily be
     the past month and agree on action plans for the            improved upon, and it is vital in today’s world where
     coming month.                                               real-time decision-making can make or break

                    FINANCIAL                                        To conclude, in the words of renowned
                                                                 motivational speaker Brian Tracy, “Winners make
                    REVIEW                                       a habit of manufacturing their own positive
                    The financial health of a business is        expectations in advance of the event.”

29     Professional Accountant                                                                            Back to top
GROWTH                                                                                   Growth in crisis

     				 IN CRISIS
                                                                          ith the
                                                                          crisis, work life
                                                                          has slowed to
                                                       a crawl in many parts of the world
                          By Sinazo Mpetsheni, SAIPA   and remote work is now normal.
                          Trainee Accountant at EG     Start-ups and small enterprises
                          Accounting in Kokstad.       must make some important

30   Professional Accountant                                                  Back to top
Growth in crisis
                                                             a tough spot, some of your
     decisions to ensure business                            customers are also focusing on
     survival in the short term. To aid                      business survival.
     in making such decisions, here                              As a company that
     are a few tips that could prove                         understands these difficulties,
     useful:                                                 being empathetic with them
                                                             during this time will earn you

                                                             their trust.
         Focus on                                                Train your agents and other
         existing                                            employees – from product
         customers                                           development teams to
     With the chances of new sales                           marketing and sales teams – to
     diminishing, this should be the                         be understanding of customer
     highest priority on your to-do list                     concerns, knowing that they also
     because your existing customers                         have tough decisions to make. In
     are your lifeline. Making sure                          doing so, you prove that you are
     that your customers are satisfied                       a company that takes customer
     with your product or service and        Making sure     experience and satisfaction

                                             that your
     will continue to purchase them,                         seriously.
     guarantees you a steady revenue

         It’s universally established that                           Learn from
     it costs more to acquire a new          are satisfied           previous
                                             with your
     customer than retain an existing
     one. In these uncertain economic                        It’s not yet certain how long this
     conditions, you’d have to spend a
     lot more on marketing and sales
                                             product or      situation will last, neither is it
                                                             clear how much of an impact it
     to acquire a customer.                  service and     will have on the economy.
                                                                  But if there’s anyone from
                                             will continue
                                                             whom we can learn about
             employees                       to purchase     business survival, it is companies
                                                             who have been in similar
     While you might be tempted to
                                             them,           situations and still found ways
                                                             to add value to their customers’
     view your human resources from          guarantees      lives.

                                             you a steady
     a cost perspective, right now, your                          In looking to the past, we may
     employees could be your most                            see a way for the future.
     valuable assets. When motivated,
     their ideas and dedication can
     lead to unique solutions that           stream.”
     might not occur to you. But more
     importantly, if you keep your
     employees assured and happy,
     they’ll do a better job of keeping
     your customers happy.

            Be empathetic
     Many customers are living the
     same scenarios you are.
        So, while you might be in

31                                                                                 Back to top
     OR NOT TO
     Instead of talking about                                   a low productive workplace, as employees want to
     life after Covid, we must                                  seem busy. Keeping this in mind, a better approach
                                                                would be to opt for short time and limited hours,
     shift our focus to a life with                             which can allow you to retain most of your staff and
     Covid. The reason being, all                               avoid huge retrenchment bills that put unnecessary
                                                                strain on your cash flow. You will also gain the good
     facts considered, this virus is                            work ethic of your staff and management in these
     continuously evolving and is                               trying times.
     here to stay for some time.                                     Let’s consider rental next.
                                                                     Rental seems to be one of the costs that is most
     Therefore, as Professional                                 difficult to work around. The first consideration here
     Accountants we need to adapt                               is leasing agreements and the penalties due should

     and actively restructure our                               they be broken. A second consideration is the fact
                                                                that huge office space is no longer a necessity due
     business models to survive (and                            to the opportunity technology affords us to work
     thrive) through this pandemic.                             from home.
                                                                     The business decision regarding how to cut costs
                                                                depends on your type of industry. That being said, I
                      By Kevin Moonsamy,                        would opt to pay a penalty, reduce office space, and
                      Professional Accountant                   save on further unnecessary rental, rather than lose
                      (SA).                                     key personnel who cannot be replaced later when
                                                                the need arises.
                                                                     When weighing up the above costs, of course,

                                                                other considerations also feature. These include
                 hese are difficult times, and the first item   analysing the need for certain employees and
                 of concern on everyone’s mind is cost          whether downsizing is the right choice. In other
                 saving or cost cutting. One of the major       words, we must ask ourselves whether all current
                 costs, other than fixed costs, consists        retrenchments are based solely on Covid-19 or had
                 of two main variable costs: the cost of        they been coming, with the pandemic being the
     human capital and rental. I have been noticing a           final nail in the coffin.
     lot of companies opt for the disposal of human                  I am aware this cannot be applicable to all
     capital or section 189, which we all know too well as      sectors, and many have valid reasons for their
     retrenchment.                                              decision to retrench. The intention, however, is
         When disposing of human capital, the main              to encourage key individuals and managements
     question is “How will your company manage if               to explore all options before disposing of human
     you come back to full working capacity?” It must           capital.
     also be noted that employee loyalty and morale                  Today’s learners are tomorrow’s leaders. But
     decrease during and after the process of seeing work       remove them today, and tomorrow will never
     colleagues be retrenched. Furthermore, it leads to         come.

32     Professional Accountant                                                                            Back to top
Mental health
     Hidden Solutions for

     The beauty of each problem is the hidden solution

                                           he 5th of July 2021, a      Former President Jacob
               By Roberto                  cold Monday morning      Zuma had been sent to prison
               Coelho.                     across Mzansi, as 57     on contempt of court charges,
                                           million people woke      as a democracy younger than 30
                                           up to a week that will   years flexed its muscles. However,
                               live in infamy.                      these metaphorical muscles were

33   Professional Accountant                                                             Back to top
Mental health
                               not strong enough to prevent         be available in the form of a
                               a nationwide “insurrection” or,      hobby (here, the prescription is
                               removing the euphemism, an           unique to each individual).
                               attempted coup.                          At the end of the day, most
                                   The insurrection, which          individuals seek to “switch
                               already has its own Wikipedia        off” in front of the television.
                               entry, was the latest blow in        However, well-known author,
                               a 15-round heavyweight fight         entrepreneur and public
                               fought by ordinary South African     speaker Richard Mulholland
                               citizens. The battle began many      said, “We should not turn off, we
                               moons ago as South Africa            should turn over.” Pursuing a
     The difference            faced a decelerating economy
                               accelerated by mass corruption.
                                                                    hobby, relaxes and revitalises us,
                                                                    while we learn important lessons.
     between a                 This was followed by a global            Mulholland also stated, “I don’t

     hobby and                 pandemic causing lockdown
                               after lockdown, destroying small
                                                                    think outside the box, I have just
                                                                    had many boxes to think out of.”

     watching                  businesses.
                                   Events have forced us to the
                                                                        The beauty of a hobby is that
                                                                    we can learn lessons that apply
     television                physical and mental edge, and        to different aspects of life – we

     (for example)
                               overcoming these atrocities          become more well-rounded
                               and bouncing forward seems           problem-solvers, thinkers and

     is active                 overwhelming. Yet, the beauty
                               of each problem is the hidden
                                                                        A light bulb may flash for a
     participation,            solution.                            work problem while playing a

     which can
                                   The solution to the Covid-19     board game with your family or
                               health crisis comes in the form      you may arrive at a solution to

     stimulate                 of a small transparent vial
                               with a needle attached to the
                                                                    a head-scratcher while lost in a
     your brain to             end. The goal: herd immunity.            The difference between

     release stress
                               Anyone and everyone (without         a hobby and watching
                               contraindications) should be         television (for example) is

     (both from                vaccinated.
                                   It is both a humanitarian
                                                                    active participation, which can
                                                                    stimulate your brain to release
     Covid-19 and              and patriotic act. At the time of
                               writing, more than four billion
                                                                    stress (both from Covid-19 and
                                                                    our political future), allowing you
     our political             humans had been vaccinated           to lead your team, family and life

     future),                  worldwide and more than 10
                               million in South Africa, including
                                                                        As we mentally prepare

     allowing                  myself.
                                   A local insurrection
                                                                    for the next round of our
                                                                    heavyweight fight, we can cast
     you to lead               together with a slow-acting,         our minds to our latest off-site

     your team,
                               unsympathetic South African          adventure and apply the tactic.
                               government, however, requires            Please note – This suggestion

     family and life           a much more complex solution.
                               The hope remains that President
                                                                    is to encourage a more well-
                                                                    rounded, balanced lifestyle. It is
     forward.”                 Ramaphosa will overcome all          not a solution to serious mental
                               ANC-related challenges and           health problems.
                               implement the required reforms.          If you or a family member is
                                   As we protect ourselves          suffering or may be suffering from
                               from physical harm with the          a mental health disease, contact
                               vaccine, we must do the same         a doctor or other professional
                               with mental fitness. Relief may      immediately.

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