Timeline 2030: Finding our path to prosperity - Fujitsu Global

Page created by Beatrice Rose
Timeline 2030: Finding our path to prosperity - Fujitsu Global
Timeline 2030:
Finding our path
to prosperity

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Timeline 2030: Finding our path to prosperity - Fujitsu Global
Timeline 2030

Disruption has become the defining theme              This is a well-trodden narrative. Doing business in a
                                                      world defined by disruption. But there is another side
                                                                                                                   experts to determine the prominent trends that are
                                                                                                                   likely to shape the world by 2030.
                                                      to this story, the human one.
of doing business in the 21st century. This is                                                                     At Fujitsu, we talk a lot about ‘human-centric
                                                      We need to do so with our eyes open and ensure               innovation’. This is realised by combining three key
happening at both a global level, via political       that digital technology doesn’t lead to some people          value drivers: the creativity of people, intelligence
                                                      racing ahead while others are left behind. We need           derived from information and connectivity of things
turmoil and market volatility, and at an industrial   to maintain an equilibrium between people and
                                                      technology so that everyone has the opportunity
                                                                                                                   and infrastructure.

one with technology transforming business             to prosper.                                                  I believe that timely and co-ordinated action across
                                                                                                                   global governments, business, education and society

models, creating huge challenges and new              Rapid technological change is causing enormous
                                                      shockwaves. It’s fundamentally disrupting the social
                                                                                                                   as a whole will ensure that, as technology advances,
                                                                                                                   we have the right leadership, skills and workforce to
                                                      fabric we’ve been used to for decades: the delicate,         embrace and prosper from the next shift in history
opportunities in every market.                        fragile, interwoven relationships between the state,         from the industrial to the digital paradigm. It all
                                                      citizens, civil society and business, and the way we         depends on what kind of future we choose.
                                                      learn, work and communicate. We are only just at the
                                                      beginning of it.
                                                                                                                   Duncan Tait
                                                      We’ve already seen some of the early implications: it’s
                                                                                                                   SEVP and CEO of Fujitsu
                                                      enabled entirely new types of business to emerge; it’s
                                                      changed how media and information are consumed;              Americas and EMEIA
                                                      it’s undermined faith in traditional institutions, cut out
                                                      middlemen and levelled hierarchies; it’s weakened
                                                      the link between labour, productivity and capital; it’s
                                                      rapidly making traditional skills out-dated.

                                                      Not surprisingly, people are struggling to catch up with
                                                      all of this.

                                                      That said, I believe that we are at a crossroads, where
                                                      we have the choice to take action now and use
                                                      technology to take us on a path to prosperity.
                                                      This is why we have created the following scenario
                                                      study, using some of the world’s best academics,
                                                      futurologists, commentators, business leaders and
Timeline 2030: Finding our path to prosperity - Fujitsu Global
Methodology                                                                                                           Name                          Organisation

                                                                                                                      Volker Ziemann                Economist, OECD

                                                                                                                      Ralf Gonenc                   Country Studies, OECD

                                                                                                                      Dr Tom Loya                   Strategy Director, University of Nottingham
These scenarios were developed by Trajectory, drawing
on the insight and knowledge of world-leading experts                                                                 Michael Brennan               Consultant, Profusion
in a range of fields. After a horizon scanning process        Trajectory is an insight and forecasting consultancy.
that identified more than 50 trends that would shape          Through established and innovative methods it helps     Iain MacMillan                Founder, RMM
the future, Trajectory consulted more than 20 experts         organisations understand how markets, people and
from around the world who rated the trends and                the world is changing.                                  Professor Jane Vincen         London School of Economics
analysed their future impact on humanity and society.
                                                              It’s work is thought provoking, often challenging       Sean Geer                     Ex Wired Magazine Editor
These experts include representatives of global               conventional wisdom about the world and the future.
institutions including the OECD, Pew Research Centre,
                                                                                                                      Professor Oriel Sullivan      Sociologist, University of Oxford
the World Energy Council, the London School and               The scenarios were created using a four-step process:
Economics and the University of Oxford. Based on
these ratings and consultations, Trajectory then                                                                      Kumud Sengupta                Founder, Market-Vision, Dubai
identified and developed the scenarios.
                                                                                                                      Richard Barkham               Global Chief Economist, CBRE

                                                                                                                      Lee Rainie                    Director of Pew’s Internet, Science & Technology program

                                                                                                                      Harry Armstrong               Head of Technology Futures, NESTA
                                          Analysis of a broad range of trends to understand the drivers of

1              Horizon scanning           technology demand, social change, business and globalisation,
                                          as well as other key factors.
                                          Output: long list of trends information
                                                                                                                      Ross Sleight                  Chief Strategy Officer, Somo

                                                                                                                      John Koldowski                Asian Institute of Technology

                                          Recruitment of a wide panel of experts to review the
                                                                                                                      Zulandi Van Der Westhuiszen   Deputy Director, Scenarios & Resources, World Energy Council
               Expert interviews          trends and drivers.
                                          Output: Experts approached, trends list circulated
                                                                                                                      Dr Joseph Reger               CTO, Fujitsu

                                                                                                                      Olly Buston                   Founder, Future Advocacy

                                          The trends rated for likelihood and impact by the
               Scenario creation          network of experts.
                                                                                                                      Zulandi Van Der Westhuiszen   Deputy Director, Scenarios & Resources, World Energy Council
                                          Outputs: development of a trends map

                                                                                                                      Katerina Elias Trostmann      Analyst, World Resources Institute (Brazil)

4              Development                Trends map analysed and scenarios identified                                Margaret Heffernan            Entrepreneur and Writer
               of outputs                 Output: scenarios and key trends identified
                                                                                                                      David Gentle                  Director of Foresight and Strategy, Fujitsu

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Timeline 2030: Finding our path to prosperity - Fujitsu Global
The Trends
Our experts rated a total of 50 trends for certainty and impact,
leading to the creation of the below Trends Map.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ageing world

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The world on line
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Artificial Intelligence
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Urbanisation continues

                                                                                                                Personalised healthcare

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Digihealth rolled out                                      Robotics
                                                                                                                 Global issues ignored
                                                                                                      Food for all                                                         Labour unrest                            Emerging markets drive globalisation
                                                                                                                                   Geographical fragmentation
                                                Sustainable world
                                                                                                                            Taxation rethink                Intolorance rises Healthier for longer

                                                                                         Migration declines                                                                       End of retirement
                                                                                                                                               Digital Currencies
                                                                Universal basic income                                                                              End of net neutrality
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Smart cities
                                                                                                              End of employment                                          Capitalism challenged                                   Digital citizenship
                                                                                                                                                                   Digital divide
                                                                                                                                             New era of protectionism
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Internet regulation                       Hyper-personalisation
                                                                                                                                             Car ownership ends                                              Privacy concerns
                                                                                                                                                                                  Deregulated lives                              Trust erodes further

                                                                                                 End of homeownership           Autonomous working                              Play society

                                                                                                                                                                          Personal data commodification
                                                                         Pay gap disappears                              Death of distance
                                                                                                                                                                                            Touchless interfaces
                                                                                                                                     Singularity arrives
                                                                                                                                                                             Hybrid leisure
                                                                                                                                          Universities decline

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Smart Homes

                                                                                                               End of the degree      Business blamed for inequality
                                                                                                                               End of gender


The trends were compiled based on a horizon scanning                •   Published academic and sector reports (e.g.                                                                            The Trends Map is built upon two axes, certainty (x-axis)                                       This map, combined with the interviews with the
exercise, using:                                                        Gartner, Harvard Business Review), wider reports                                                                       and impact (y-axis). The further along the impact axis a                                        experts led to the development of the following
                                                                        and articles                                                                                                           trend sits, the surer we can be that it will take hold. The                                     scenarios: Road to Regression and Path to
•     Proprietary Trajectory data and research                                                                                                                                                 further along the certainty axis a trend sits, the bigger                                       Prosperity.
•     Global datasets (e.g. World Bank Data, IMF World              These were then broken down into themes –                                                                                  the impact it would make on the world.
      Economic Outlook, Pew Global Issues, UN World                 encompassing technology, business, political, social,
      Population Prospects and others)                              consumer and demographic trends.

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Timeline 2030: Finding our path to prosperity - Fujitsu Global
While 50 trends were reviewed in developing Timeline          An increase in the number and proportion of older             Perpetual Learning                                         Steadily increasing flexibility will afford individuals
2030, there were ten that stood out as having the most        people will drive change across society, including                                                                       greater control over what they do, when they do it
impact on our future. These were:                             changes to retirement, working lives and public               As the life-course changes and the pace of innovation      and how – with richer technology helping to erode the
                                                              services. Businesses must adapt to both an older              accelerates, individuals will need to constantly upskill   importance of proximity and driving the death
Automation                                                    workforce and older consumers. Although this trend is         in order to remain employable.                             of distance.
                                                              occurring all over the world it will be most keenly felt in
Driven by advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and        advanced economies, where the number of retired-age           Perpetual learning will change the role and nature of      Internet Regulation
robotics, automation has the capacity to transform            people will grow substantially.                               education and the employer-employee relationship. As
workplaces, economies and society.                                                                                          automation makes further inroads into ‘human’ jobs         Multi-tier internet access will become the norm as
                                                              Urbanisation                                                  and the technology development continues apace,            governments exert more control, ending the era of
The autonomy provided by increasingly sophisticated                                                                         organisations – and governments – will need to invest      restriction-free access for most of the
AI will see robotic capabilities increase drastically, with   Half of the global population lives in cities and more        in futureproofed skills and a continuous programme of      world’s population.
less need for human supervision. In the short term,           than one million people are moving to cities worldwide        training.
more jobs in manufacturing and industry will be taken         each week.                                                                                                               The nature of this regulation is critical; an international
by machines, with more ‘white collar’ jobs (analytics,                                                                      Digital Identity                                           approach would lead to consistency and the evolution
legal clerks, customer service and retail) threatened in      In many places this is an essential component of rising                                                                  of common standards on privacy and data security,
the next 10-15 years.                                         prosperity, as urban areas are more likely to provide         As the proportion of people with internet access           while a market by market approach would drive
                                                              access to clean water, technology, employment and             increases, public services will become exclusively         fragmentation and demand greater agility from
The World Online                                              education. It also provides challenges in terms of            digital, with interactions between citizen and state       businesses, consumers and content providers.
                                                              housing, food systems and pollution. As the urban             automatic and digitally mediated.
Over the next 15 years the number of individuals              population grows, future cities will harness digital                                                                     Food for All
around the world with access to the internet will             technology to provide more efficient services to address      Governments will be incentivised to invest in digital
increase. By 2030, this could reach 70% (from around          these challenges.                                             services through the potential for saving money,           Growing prosperity will cause more affluent
45% today). This growth will be concentrated in                                                                             although advanced economies will have to retrofit          populations that crave more varied and high
emerging and developing economies.                            Globalisation                                                 digital services onto existing provision while emerging    quality diets, which will threaten the current global
                                                                                                                            nations can leapfrog and design services around            food system. This disruption carries huge risks –
Greater internet access results in the democratisation        In the short and medium term, the spread of                   the latest technology. Digital identity will also enter    from economic turmoil to political instability and
of information – and extends access to education,             information, people and trade more easily across              new territory, including biometric IDs and internet        humanitarian crises.
enterprise, services and commerce, which ultimately           international borders that has led to rapidly rising          regulation.
drives greater prosperity. The speed of this growth           prosperity in many parts of the world is under threat                                                                    To counter this the world will embrace new political
and the nature of access depends on wider factors             from a resurgence of nationalist economics                    Flexible Convenience                                       and technological solutions. Robotics will help
including national and global economic growth and             and protectionism.                                                                                                       mass agricultural processes, including pollination
investment in infrastructure.                                                                                               The accelerating pace of digital change will reshape       and milking, while vertical farming will concentrate
                                                              In this period, globalisation will continue to be             individual lives as well as societies, workforces and      vegetable growing in urban centres, resulting in year
 Ageing                                                       embraced and driven by emerging economies. In the             economies. Consumers will have access to new and           round and locally sourced diets.
                                                              longer term, a second wave of globalisation will be           richer forms of entertainment, and hybrid, mixed-
Rising life expectancy and falling fertility rates            driven by advanced economies as the political mood            reality technology will provide fresh opportunities for
will continue to cause a steady ageing of the                 changes once more. Ultimately, globalised economic            entertainment and leisure.
global population.                                            systems will continue to dominate over the next
                                                              15 years.

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Timeline 2030: Finding our path to prosperity - Fujitsu Global
Timeline 2030:

The Path to Prosperity
A vision of our future
                                            On the road to 2030, nascent technologies like robotics      with forms of Universal Basic Income – help to shore
                                            and AI will come to be commonplace, mixed reality            up the core foundations of society as hundreds of
                                            will reimagine the way that we interact with the world       thousands of people transition roles.
                                            around us and personal biotech will give us greater
                                            control over our health and wellbeing than ever before.      The impact of AI isn’t limited solely to industry,
                                                                                                         however. Its impact is felt across services industries too
                                            The full potential of these technologies will be driven      – with careers like accountancy and law both seeing
                                            in no small part by targeted and sustained investment        largescale automation of repetitive activity. However,
                                            into network infrastructure by governments around the        businesses have invested in retraining workers with
                                            world. As a result, internet access extends to more than     new skills for new roles.
                                            90% of the world’s population by 2030, connecting
                                            even the most isolated parts of the globe. Major             Machine learning also plays a major role in the
                                            gains made in the 2020s help to boost the number             development of Zero-UI technologies, with touchless
                                            of highly educated people in emerging economies,             interfaces redefining the way that we connect with
                                            giving birth to a culture of cooperation and innovation.     people and things. These inclusive, voice and gesture-
                                            Technological advancement continues to accelerate as         activated tools, while widely embraced, become
                                            a result.                                                    particularly significant for impaired and older citizens.

                                            In this new age of innovation, fields like AI and robotics   Consumer technology as a whole becomes more
                                            enjoy rapid progress. Machine intelligence continues         personal and more heavily integrated with our daily
Technology:                                 to fall short of our own, but ever-increasing levels of      lives. The proliferation of augmented and virtual reality
                                            sophistication combine with major breakthroughs in           devices builds the foundation for a multitude of hybrid
Global connectivity creates a golden        robotic engineering that make automation possible            reality applications. Fundamentally changing the way
                                            on a whole new scale. The manufacturing industry             that we play, learn, shop, communicate and more, the
age of innovation.                          is transformed by the emergence of smart factories,          perpetual integration of our digital and physical lives
                                            where the only need for human interaction is in              through mixed reality becomes normal.
Technology has long been an engine          and supervision.                                             Even greater developments loom large on the horizon,
                                                                                                         the field of biometrics taking a new turn as digital
for change, and advancements made           In advanced markets, more than 90% of human                  implants become an impending reality. Even as the
                                            labour in manufacturing comes to be replaced by              ethical and legal debates about their implementation
in recent years are beginning to            AI. And, before long, AI begins to play a key role in        rages on, the world begins to contemplate an
                                            administration, customer service, retail and accounting      existence in which man and machine become one.
radically alter our potential future.       too. Long aware that this change has been coming,
                                            global governments react in advance to avert an
Although technology plays a leading         employment crisis, focusing instead on programmes
role, it is people that are at the centre   that provide outgoing workers with the new skills to
                                            thrive in the digital world. Taxation reforms and new
of everything.                              approaches to welfare – including experimentation

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Timeline 2030: Finding our path to prosperity - Fujitsu Global
Economy: prosperity reigns as                              Unfettered by the chains of economic nationalism,           approaches to agriculture are insufficient. New            Africa is now the last remaining continent with a larger
protectionism gives way to                                 global markets continue to expand. Economies’ natural       methods are needed, and technology once again              rural than urban population.
global economics                                           ability to find ways to replace and generate new source     answers the call. Advanced markets capitalise on
                                                           of wealth creation sees a more prosperous world.            the potential of vertical farming, bringing crops and      A balance has been found between the public
While technology plays a major role in forging a path to                                                               produce closer to urban centres and minimising             and private sectors. Centring their vision around
prosperity in 2030, it does so only by virtue of equally   Emerging economies see particularly rapid rises in          transport costs and emissions in the process. In           people, businesses have stepped up to the plate of
momentous developments elsewhere.                          prosperity, benefiting as they do from better standards     the Global South, greater connectivity allows for          responsibility. With considerable power and influence,
                                                           of education and stronger, richer connections with the      agricultural robotics to farm in previously unusable       companies align business goals with the shared
A connected and collaborative world, one in which          rest of the world. Advanced nations enjoy small but         areas, and floating sea-platforms make use of              goals of society, contributing to society, as well as the
progress and innovation can thrive, can only exist         sustained improvements to living standards while,           open water for crop production. Continued research         economy. This fosters greater trust in business and
when local agendas are put aside. While protectionist      across the globe, absolute poverty is all but eradicated.   into the mass production of synthetic food delivers        services, while creating a sustainable environment
and isolationist policies come to define the late                                                                      promising results.                                         for growth.
2010s, a renewed focus on global economics by world        Society: a connected world works
leaders in the early 2020s paves the way for a more        together to tackle the big issues                           This focus on farming is essential to meet the demands
cooperative and prosperous future.                                                                                     of a global population that will grow to 8.5bn by 2030.
                                                           As steady economic growth helps to create a more            India, which becomes the world’s largest country in
This alignment of political views, focused as they are     equitable world, many of the problems associated            2022, accounts for more than 15% of that figure alone,
on global collaboration, ensures that many nations         with financial imbalance begin to recede. As an age         with a population in excess of 1.5bn by 2028. China’s
are able to tackle the big questions together. Chief       of global cooperation dawns, nations work together in       populace remains stable at 1.4bn.
amongst those are the growing economic and social          an attempt to conquer major issues related to society
implications of automation. As the Fourth Industrial
Revolution takes hold and hundreds of thousands of
                                                           and the growing global population. A future has been
                                                           realised where the relationships between workforces,
                                                                                                                       These dramatic gains are offset - albeit only slightly ‒
                                                                                                                       by changes elsewhere. Birth rates in Africa, Asia and
                                                                                                                                                                                  A connected and
jobs are threatened across the globe, many countries
implement radical new taxation policies, shifting
                                                           enterprises and society are interconnected.                 Latin America have fallen to more manageable levels,
                                                                                                                       while the population of some countries including           collaborative world, one
                                                           In 2026, the G20 reacts to exponential technological        Germany and Japan has actually begun to shrink. At
                                                                                                                                                                                  in which progress and
the burden away from labour and towards capital.
Revenues raised go towards arming workers affected         growth by establishing a new body to shepherd and           the same time, demographic trends that began in the
by automation with new skills, limiting unemployment       govern the global response to digital issues. Its remit     late 2000s continue to have an impact on advanced
and ensuring that the economy continues to grow.           includes powers to enforce equality around regulation       markets, as a growing contingent of older people           innovation can thrive,
                                                           of the internet, as well as the development of a            present an increasing strain on welfare and healthcare
The flight to automation has a profound positive
impact on businesses and the economies they operate
                                                           common approach to privacy and data security. This
                                                           body also leads the way on large moral and ethical
                                                                                                                       alike. By 2030, some 23% of people in advanced
                                                                                                                       markets are aged 65 or over.
                                                                                                                                                                                  can only exist when
in. With costs reduced as automation becomes more
efficient, reshoring becomes an increasingly viable
                                                           issues; cyber warfare and the growing implications of
                                                           the singularity are paramount concerns.                     The vast majority of people around the world now           local agendas are
prospect. Wanting to reduce outlay on transportation                                                                   live in urban areas, a factor that has helped to drive
and distribution, many organisations in Europe, North                                                                  further prosperity in the Global South. Greater access      put aside.
America and Japan opt to bring their production            At an environmental level, a food crisis in 2022 ‒          to resources, technology infrastructure, sanitation and
centres back onto home territory.                          caused by severe drought in Australia and in Eastern        jobs presents fertile ground for economic growth.
                                                           Africa in tandem with the rising price of exports
                                                           from the US ‒ provides ample warning that existing

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Education: digital skills become                            While education has changed for young people and              civic issues such as planning, forums and elections.     Leisure: the death of distance revolutionises
a cornerstone of learning                                   children, it has also changed for adults too. Living          Many activities in the latter group are now managed      our free time
                                                            longer lives and in a world that is faster and more           exclusively online, greatly reducing costs.
As the 2020s progress, widespread recognition of a          agile, people are investing in new skills, knowledge,                                                                  By 2030, technology has advanced to the point at
future in which working life is dominated by technology     relationships and networks to be ever-prepared for the        With so much of the global population now living in      which we no longer even need to travel in order to
prompts many nations to implement digital skills            next career change. Lifelong learning is not a concept,       urban areas, the concept of smart cities becomes ever    enjoy many of our daily activities. Mixed reality devices
tuition into their national curricula. Starting from an     but a reality that the vast majority of people live by.       more vital to civic planning. Data-driven intelligence   mean that physical proximity to work becomes almost
early age, these lessons are quickly seen as essential,                                                                   helps cities determine the best strategies and           irrelevant for the majority of white-collar workers, who
and come to be valued alongside literacy and                Public services: digital citizenship brings                   measures for conserving energy, reducing congestion      are able to conduct most of their business from home.
numeracy as a result.                                       services to all                                               in growing cities, limiting food waste, and more.
                                                                                                                                                                                   With leisure time on the rise, the same technology
The changing dynamics of the labour market ‒ in             Just as at the start of the 21st century, population          Existing cities are retooled to take better advantage    is used to revolutionise social experiences. Friends
which digital skills are in increasing demand ‒ push        growth ‒ particularly in countries with a large               of digital tech, while new developments in emerging      from different cities, countries even, can have dinner
many more young people into higher and further              proportion of elderly citizens ‒ continues to put             economies are designed to do so from day one. Free       together using mixed reality devices. Consumers enjoy
education. Emerging economies see a particularly            public services under pressure on the road to 2030.           public Wi-Fi allows the provision of smart services to   front row seats at huge sporting events or the latest
dramatic change in the number of enrolments, with           The difference now, though, is that earlier efforts to        citizens, while large-scale driverless car and smart     blockbuster via virtual auditoriums and cinemas.
more than 50% of teenagers in China and India moving        improve connectivity and infrastructure have enabled          grid solutions help to regulate traffic, energy and      Film, TV, music and gaming become fully immersive,
on to college, university or vocational training after      many core services to be digitalised. This creates major      emissions. With digitally driven cities and services,    personalised experiences, played out in our living
leaving school. Global university rankings begin to         efficiencies for public bodies and an engaging way for        AI and robots have made everyday life more efficient     rooms and overlayed upon the world around us.
change as a result, with four of the top ten now located    citizens to manage their interactions with government.        and more secure, taking on the vast majority of
in emerging markets (and three in China alone).             Digital citizenship, an established standard in every         menial tasks.                                            The way we interact with that technology has changed
                                                            advanced nation, begins at birth. Newborns are                                                                         forever, as well. While touchscreen interfaces still exist,
For those without the means to attend university on a       issued with a digital ID number alongside their birth         Healthcare is one of the areas most affected by the      they are rapidly coming to be seen as outdated. Voice
three or four-year course, new ways of learning provide     certificate, giving them a lifelong link to public services   new era of digital connectivity. Telehealth becomes a    and gestural recognition technologies are the new
them with alternative routes to study. Nanodegrees,         that range from welfare and healthcare provision to           widely accepted and popular way for doctors to treat     standard, allowing us to interact with everything from
shorter, vocationally focused courses provide a cheaper                                                                   patients, while biometric trackers help people with      our homes to our cars without ever pushing a button.
way for students to achieve qualifications, while remote                                                                  chronic and serious illnesses to understand, monitor     The vast volumes of data generated by our possessions
learning makes smart use of technology to reduce                                                                          and control their conditions. Older people, of whom      provides us with new and engaging ways to track our

                                                            Lifelong learning is not
costs for others. At some institutions, more than half of                                                                 there are an increasing number thanks to continual       impact on the world around us, sparking a renewed
students opt for the latter.                                                                                              healthcare improvements, are provided with social        interest in our personal environmental responsibility.
                                                                                                                          digital assistants that provide conversation and
As this next generation of students begins to graduate,     a concept, but a reality                                      companionship in order to help combat loneliness.
there are subtle alterations in the employer-employee
dynamic. Many choose to specialise in portfolio
careers, ones that play to their hobbies and interests
                                                            that the vast majority of
as much as they do pay the bills. Self-employment
becomes a common choice as technology continues to
                                                            people live by.
democratise the sale of goods and services.

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The People of 2030: The Road to Prosperity
Bianca, 31:                                                            Vincent, 28 :                                                           Michael, 73:                                                           Aadyha, 36:
A designer living in Sao Paulo, Brazil                                 A mechanic in Lagos                                                     A retiree in Bridgend, Wales                                           A developer in San Francisco, US
Living in a newly built smart home in the centre of Sao Paulo,         Although he initially trained as a mechanic on the ‘old’ kind of cars   Spending much of his life working in a local car manufacturing         Aadyha’s decision to relocate from the UK to California when she
Bianca works as a designer and sells her artwork to customers all      when he left school, Vincent jumped at the opportunity to retrain as    plant, Michael quickly moved onto a role in a DIY store when his       finished university was frowned upon by her family, worried as they
around the world. She began selling her prints at local markets        a qualified engineer servicing Lagos’ growing network of driverless     career came to an end due to the introduction of smart factories       were about her moving to the US when intolerance seemed to be on
before moving on to wholesalers, but after setting up on an online     cars. The world around him has been transformed since those early       in 2021. While he was never particularly confident with new            an upward trend. She found work as a developer almost immediately
store, Bianca found that she was able to sell to customers all         days. The city has been growing wealthier, and its citizens too, due    technology, heavy investment into healthcare ensured that he           and settled happily into her new home. After starting a new Fintech
around the world. Now, she has begun to use mixed reality devices      in no small part to widespread connectivity and major technology        was given the time and support to get up to speed with his new         business with three colleagues in 2023 she encountered enormous
to provide those customers with a clear idea of how her work will      investment. Vincent is confident about the future and assured in his    telehealth and self-monitoring devices. These help him to keep         success and has been able to take advantage of the huge digital
look in their homes. Advances in localised automation also mean        work; Lagos is continuing to expand outwards, which means more          his hearing loss and diabetes under control, and provide him with      leaps forward. Her home is smart enabled and communicates
that her designs can be printed cost-effectively in her customers’     people are using driverless cars to commute into central business       regular check-ups with his doctor. Newly assured about his ability     automatically with her connected car. She works exclusively from
home nations, reducing shipping costs. Excited about the future,       zones. His biggest priority now is ensuring that his two children are   to get to grips with technology, Michael has now embraced it as        home, being an early adopter of the sophisticated MR technology
Bianca is exploring opportunities to become involved in the interior   able to get access to the education opportunities that will allow       a way of keeping in touch with friends and family and pursuing         that is driving a burgeoning death of distance. Her life is always on
design aspect of Brazil’s burgeoning housing market.                   them to make the most of a heavily digitalised economy.                 his hobbies.                                                           her terms, and she has more flexibility and free time than before
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      starting the business.

The People of 2030: The Road to Regression
Bianca, 31:                                                            Vincent, 28 :                                                           Michael, 73:                                                           Aadyha, 36:
A designer living in Sao Paulo, Brazil                                 A mechanic in Lagos                                                     A retiree in Bridgend, Wales                                           A developer in San Francisco, US
Bianca runs a small design business from home, selling prints to       Having trained to be a mechanic after leaving school at 16, Vincent     Michael, who spent 40 years working at a car manufacturing             Moving to California from the UK in 2018 after finishing university, Aadyha
local wholesalers and occasionally in person at markets nearby.        worked mainly on traditional cars before looking into a training        plant, was made redundant when the first wave of automation            found her skills in high demand. After working for a start-up for several
The business provides her with a small income, but she is growing      scheme for the city’s planned new fleet of driverless cars. When this   took hold in 2021. With unemployment rising across the country,        years she decided to go it alone, but has found self-employment hugely
increasingly jaded with its lack of progress. With the economic        scheme failed to materialise and the food crisis of 2022 created a      his search for a new job was to no avail. Today, Michael lives         inconsistent, and she feels worse off now than 5 years ago. The need to
crash causing a huge fall in demand from overseas, her plans           huge cost in the rise of living, Vincent’s regular work began to dry    alone, and struggles with health issues including hearing loss         constantly invest in training to keep up with the latest tech is a major
to sell prints online fell through. While she watches big retailers    up. And, just as the region began to recover, a global economic         and diabetes. While he was provided with a telehealth screen in        drain on her financial resources and time. She feels she is failing to take
boosting their sales through technologies like VR and 3D printing,     downturn put the brakes on Lagos’ nascent tourism industry. For         2028, his hearing issues make it difficult to use and he instead       advantage of the huge strides forward in tech development, including new,
she knows that this is a route she can’t afford to pursue. With        the past decade, Vincent has had to make do with an irregular and       finds himself journeying to his local surgery on a monthly basis.      sophisticated MR technologies, connected cars and smart homes. Aadyha is
two daughters to support, for the first time since she started her     unreliable stream of work. Things have gotten better in the past        Michael’s experiences with technology have made him resentful          increasingly worried that she has missed her chance to progress and thinks
business, Bianca is considering retraining as a nurse or carer in      few years, however, as hints of prosperity have emerged. Now,           and pessimistic about the future. With unemployment now at 21%,        that as the gulf widens, she will never be able to achieve the standard of
order to establish a more stable income.                               Vincent is focused on ensuring that his children are able to develop    he plans to vote for a party with strong anti-automation policies in   living she once expected to attain.
                                                                       their digital skills to make the most of the growing technology         the next election.
                                                                       investment into the city.

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The Road to Regression
A vision of our future

Technology:                              By the end of that decade, breakthroughs in both          With economies faltering due to an uncertain job          This cycle quickly becomes self-perpetuating. As growth
                                         fields begin to test the limits around what machines      market, government plans to invest in critical network    in these regions stalls due to their lack of connectivity,
The charge towards automation creates    can achieve. While robots continue to lag behind          infrastructure fall by the wayside. The rapid surge in    investment money that would otherwise have gone
                                         humans in terms of sheer dexterity, and the               connectivity seen at the beginning of the 21st century,   towards improving network infrastructure begins to dry
mass unemployment                        majority of AI systems boast limited functionality        when global internet availability grew from just 10% in   up. Investment that does go ahead is focused almost
                                         and comprehension, their sophistication is such           2001 to 50% in 2015, comes to a grinding halt.            exclusively on conurbations, creating a digital divide.
Many of the trends that come to define   that wholesale industrial automation becomes a
                                         tangible reality.                                         By 2030, only 60% of the worldwide population is able
the world in 2030 can be traced back                                                               to get online, and even then access is highly regulated
                                         At first, this development has little impact on human     and uneven. Advanced economies enjoy relatively
much further.                            labour. Early smart factory prototypes constructed        uninterrupted, high-speed access, but developing
                                         in North America and Northern Europe in 2018 still        nations find themselves particularly hard pressed. In
Early advances in robotics and AI        require a large degree of human intervention to           emerging nations, more than 2bn people are reliant
                                         function successfully. As technology continues to         on mobile internet alone, significantly undermining
during the 2010s, although seen          advance, though, smart factories become increasingly      commerce, education and entrepreneurship in
                                         self-sufficient, resulting in a growing unemployment      those areas.
as significant at the time, pale in      crisis in advanced markets from 2024 onwards.

comparison to the rapid progress         It is not just in manufacturing and manual jobs that AI
                                         has substituted human workers. The services industries
made during the 2020s.
                                         have severely been impacted too, including prestigious
                                         professions such as law and medicine. Although AI is
                                         not able to do everything, faster and more accurate
                                         information processing and decision-making has seen
                                         many human functions and jobs redundant, leaving
                                         both skilled and unskilled people out of work.

                                         With an eye on efficiencies and cost reductions,
                                         organisations have failed to reallocate and retrain
                                         people. An opportunity to drive new value has been
                                         missed, as the world’s mindset around AI and humans
                                         has not evolved to fulfil the potential of people. Even
                                         with the insights and value that AI can help deliver,
                                         where digital technology could have augmented, it
                                         has simply replaced.

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Rural locations are left with low bandwidth or mobile       of nations are now tracking at unemployment rates in        Consumer affluence dwindles in unison with tax              Eastern Africa and Australia alongside rising export
connections at best.                                        excess of 20%. While manufacturing bears the initial        receipts, leaving businesses with a shrinking market        prices from the US. Rather than prompting a global
                                                            brunt of this turmoil, before long, roles in fields such    at which to aim their products and services. This           rethink of supply chains and agricultural planning, a
This drop-off in connectivity has a marked impact on        as administration, customer service and retail, as          confluence of factors eventually results in a credit        reserved response sees token investments made into
innovation. Gains that were expected to materialise as      well as traditionally high earning professions such as      crunch, with many analysts warning of an impending          vertical farming and synthetic food production, and
the Global South came online go unrealised, scuppered       accountancy and insurance, also come under threat           downturn on the scale of the 2008-09 crash. Living          support for both remains scant. Food prices continue to
by limited access and a population that fails to benefit    from automation.                                            standards, already below early 21st century standards,      rise as a result.
from advances in education and stronger links with the                                                                  continue to flatline in the face of declining prosperity.
rest of the world.                                          Many governments in advanced nations are caught                                                                         International collaboration is further undermined
                                                            out; plans to help reskill and redeploy many of             In emerging economies, the situation is not quite           by widespread cyber warfare as nation states and
In spite of this, technology continues to advance, albeit   these workers are eventually drawn up, but are              as severe. While the impact of reshoring leads to           affiliated and unaffiliated attackers launch assaults
at a slower rate than expected. Connected devices           implemented too late to prevent immediate and               a substantial decline in the customer service and           on key infrastructure and services. The reaction to this
are radically enhanced by the evolution of touchless        sustained disruption. Tax and welfare reforms, touted       manufacturing industries in those nations, gaps in the      by many countries is to strengthen their protections
interfaces, voice and gestural commands, providing          as possible solutions, also stall at an early stage.        labour market are partially filled by a slowly growing      against intrusions. While some use this solely as a
consumers with whole new ways of interacting with                                                                       technology sector. As is the case with advanced nations     way of safeguarding critical systems, other nations
the world around them. Rapid iteration of virtual and       New labour models begin to develop in these markets.        though, jobs in this field are suited primarily to the      introduce strict controls that effectively serve to
augmented reality devices also continues, creating          At the top are a number of high-value, highly skilled       highly skilled and many school leavers and graduates        regulate the flow of information. With net neutrality
higher quality experiences and a much broader range         roles. But further down, low-value, low skill jobs have     are unable to find work commensurate with their level       principles long since abandoned, the subsequent
of potential applications for this technology. The          been automated. This leaves large portions of the           of education.                                               imbalance in access and data standards meets uneven
user base for these devices remains small, however,         populations without security and few opportunities                                                                      regulation head on to create numerous issues for
throttled by luxury-good level price points.                to progress in their lives. There is a palpable sense       Society: navel-gazing policies set                          business that operate internationally.
                                                            of resentment amongst people in these roles and             nations adrift as challenges grow
Economy: global markets struggle as                         those who have been unable to find work in the                                                                          As the decade rolls on, public dissatisfaction in many
unemployment grows                                          post-automation crunch. Movements against the               Businesses are not the only organisations looking           economies begins to mount. Joblessness reaches
                                                            ‘digitalisation of human jobs’ begin to spring up.          inwards. The protectionist economic policies that took      an all-time high, leading to political turmoil as anti-
The disruption caused by the automation economy is                                                                      root in North America and Europe in the mid-2010s           establishment challengers accrue support from a
not limited purely to industry. Long-standing dynamics      At the upper end, competition for talent becomes ever       continue to draw support from many quarters, leading        populace disillusioned with the impact of technology.
of production are also upended, with a plethora of          fiercer. Well aware that their skills are in high demand,   nations to turn further away from globalisation.            Proposed policies that range from taxes on robots to
international businesses choosing to reshore their          many Gen Z and Millennial workers – disenchanted by                                                                     a sweeping rollback on automation gain widespread
operations on home soil now that labour costs are           corporations’ ability to match their demands – opt to       Some national governments have focused on point             support. Public services around the world are put under
no longer the primary concern. Many manufacturing,          maximise their opportunities through self-employment        scoring by criticising major international organisations.   increasing strain by shrinking workforces and ageing
customer services and analytics operations are moved        and portfolio careers.                                      Public confidence in those bodies and the issues they       populations.
back to advanced economies during the mid-to-late                                                                       address begins to erode as a result.
2020s. This creates significant turmoil for developing      Falling employment, as well as widespread resistance                                                                    At a more local level, urbanisation has rocketed. There
nations, even the most of advanced of which are             by businesses around higher rates of corporation tax,       This prolonged isolationist approach to governance          are now 41 megacities around the world, up from 28 in
heavily reliant on outsourcing as a source of revenue.      results in dwindling tax revenues. Welfare provision is     means that there is little in the way of global             2014. Many of these exist in emerging and developing
                                                            cut as a result, and the state pension begins at 70-75      collaboration, particularly around some of the bigger       markets in Asia, South America and Africa. Despite the
An overall failure to perceive the implications of the      in most countries.                                          issues facing humanity. This is clear as early as 2022,     potential of digital technology to create sustainable
Fourth Industrial Revolution means that the majority                                                                    when a global food crisis is caused by drought in           and liveable smart cities, many of these cities struggle

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to face up to the difficult challenges of congestion,       With many digital services failing to take flight, the     Leisure: short-term outlook and sharp drop                 locations. With an emerging consumer class breaking
increasing population, energy constraints, security of      pressure on health and social care services in advanced    in income sees leisure spend decline                       through in these nations, they quickly become an
food and water supply, and resilience to major events.      markets becomes particularly intense. New digital                                                                     appealing prospect, sheer population size outweighing
While home to huge populations of people, these             applications such as telehealth, self-monitoring           A lengthy economic downturn, which has already seen        an uneven digital landscape. Infrastructure and
cities fail to provide the environment for individual and   and social digital assistants are introduced into the      a decline in living standards in advanced nations,         investment spend is increasingly directed toward
collective prosperity.                                      healthcare ecosystem, but they fail to find a foothold     now begins to eat away at consumer spending and            emerging nations.
                                                            with an older generation that has become suspicious        leisure time. The ‘play society’, which saw consumers
Public services: digital disillusionment                    and mistrustful of technology.                             begin to prioritise leisure spending during the early
further squeezes already strained services                                                                             and mid 2010s, is now a thing of the past. Uncertainty
                                                            Healthcare provision in most areas is adequate at best,    reigns, and continued fear over job security creates a
With tax receipts falling, unemployment rising and          and those that can afford it begin to flock towards        widespread short-term mindset.
people living longer, public services are stretched         private services, where the latest digital technology is
increasingly thin. The same digital solutions that          used to provide a highly personalised and responsive       Leisure spending falls as personal finances continue
have revolutionised business efficiency could have a        service. Healthcare professionals and service leaders      to tighten. Out-of-home entertainment becomes a
similarly profound impact on the public sector, but         implore authorities to allocate funding in order to        pastime reserved for those at the upper end of the
growing hostility towards ‘creeping’ digitalisation         help alleviate the burden on the system, but with          economic spectrum, while retailers struggle to sell new
means that many initiatives fall at the first hurdle.       many treasuries already struggling to fulfil service       technology and entertainment products due to pricing
Money spent on cloud and data experiments has               obligations, little real change occurs.                    that is seen as prohibitive. The latest smart and mixed
been largely wasted due to poor implementation and                                                                     reality devices are seen as luxury items, with few being
insufficient protection from external threats.              In developing markets, where economic growth has           able to afford to upgrade. Businesses that expected to
                                                            been less restricted, public service provision gradually   be able to capitalise on content production for these
Public sentiment towards the concept of ‘digital            begins to improve. With many of those services             devices struggle to find investment as a result. Thrift
citizenship’ is particularly negative. Despite              designed around new and emerging technology                becomes the watchword for consumer spending.
impassioned attempts to bill it as a simple and
comprehensive way for citizens to keep track of their
                                                            however, shortfalls in connectivity and uneven internet
                                                            access prevent many from accessing them effectively.       Personal data, one of the enduring themes of the early
                                                                                                                                                                                  With tax receipts
interactions with government, intensive regulation          This growing digital divide limits high-quality digital
                                                                                                                                                                                  falling, unemployment
                                                                                                                       21st century, becomes a point of debate once again
of the internet prompts many to see the idea as little      service provision solely to the most well connected        as a small minority of savvy consumers embrace the
more than another way for governments to keep tabs          urban areas.                                               monetisation of their information. While many citizens
on their citizens. Privacy and trust have grown to be
even bigger themes, with citizens holding little faith
                                                                                                                       struggle to safeguard their information at even a basic    rising and people
                                                                                                                       level, others sell their data – even that relating to
in government and public bodies to act responsibly.
In this world, a balance has not been struck between
                                                                                                                       healthcare and wellbeing – to the highest bidders.         living longer, public
citizen convenience and freedom; privacy is a volatile
and seemingly unsolvable issue. This underlying lack
                                                                                                                       Technology companies, faced with a shrinking
                                                                                                                       market in advanced nations, shift their focus to the
                                                                                                                                                                                  services are stretched
of trust has seen plans to deliver efficiencies by taking                                                              comparatively affluent Global South. China, India,
everything from planning applications to election                                                                      Brazil, Mexico and Nigeria are all seen as high-value      increasingly thin.
hustings online go unrealised.

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Picking the right path

                                                   It isn’t just up to governments and the public sector        and create brand new ways of working through
                                                   to lay the foundations for a prosperous future. Global       automation and AI.
                                                   businesses can hold as much influence as individual
                                                   governments, so have a responsibility to those lives         But if we move too quickly and replace workers on a
                                                   and economies they touch.                                    large scale, we will see high levels of unemployment
                                                                                                                and labour unrest. The knock on effect will result in
                                                   As business and government leaders, we must                  falling tax receipts, with a huge dependency on the
                                                   therefore collaborate to build a prosperous, balanced        state to support those who have lost their jobs. We
                                                   future for people around the world. This means long-         cannot allow this to happen.
                                                   term thinking and planning, as well as commitment
                                                   to ongoing discussions around transformative                 Instead, we must put people first. By taking a
                                                   mega-trends.                                                 responsible approach to adopting automation, we can
                                                                                                                prevent widespread unemployment. This will drive
                                                   Reflecting on those trends in this report, and not           economic growth, without leaving the labour market
                                                   discounting other influences, I have identified five fault   shell-shocked. The resulting economic gains will
                                                   lines between these two scenarios that I feel require        help deliver on wider global investment in emerging
                                                   action now.                                                  markets and innovation, creating a cycle of growth and
                     These powerful visions of                                                                  development.
                     the future represent just                                                                  This still means investing in key digital technologies
                                                   The transformative potential of technology is immense.       now – including automation, connectivity, cloud, AI,
                     two of the many potential     There is significant debate over the threat that AI and
                                                   automation pose to job security for people across
                                                                                                                security and IoT – the building blocks of our digital
                                                                                                                future. It still means transforming organisations to

                     realities we may find         industries. Indeed, the scenarios bring to life the stark
                                                   realities of how good and bad the outcomes might
                                                                                                                think and operate digitally, but also maintaining a
                                                                                                                responsible, human-centric mindset. Working together
                                                   well be.                                                     with responsible partners, private and public sector
                     ourselves living in come                                                                   organisations can chart the
                                                   There is no question that organisations must embrace         right course.
                     2030. It is not simply a      technology today, but if we are to reap the societal and
                                                   economic benefits technology presents, there are four        The move to automation has already begun, so we
                     choice of one or the other,   core areas we must address: speed of uptake, global          must look at innovative approaches to easing the
                                                   investment, skills investment,                               impact it makes too. This includes taxation reforms
                     but a wakeup call around      and mindset.                                                 and rethinking welfare. This includes making bold, but
                                                                                                                considered experiments with Universal Basic Income,

                     the potential long-term       Automation has the potential to change the world
                                                   in so many ways, from smart factories to automated
                                                                                                                for example.

                                                   accountancy. We’ve seen our own customers drive huge         At the same time, it is critical for businesses and
                     impact of the decisions we    efficiencies, uncover valuable insights                      governments to invest in skills. Whether adoption is
                                                                                                                rapid or steady, automation will see jobs lost.
                     make today.
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We must, therefore, prepare both those in education         What does this actually look like? Predictive analysis     is looking to address the labour deficit through            build intelligent curriculums that empower the next
and in work for a new range of jobs. This area will be      models give people the opportunity to take a               automation and intelligent services. No easy task, but      generation.
explored in more detail later in the report.                more active role in their own health and behave            one that quite rightly is being addressed now.
                                                            preventatively. An informed patient is better able to                                                                  However, it’s not just STEM skills that we must focus on;
Finally, organisations must adopt a forward-thinking        make decisions about what they want to do with their       I urge business and government leaders to tackle these      investments must be made in soft skills.
mindset that sees automation not as a way to cut            lives.                                                     issues collectively. It is essential that business and
costs, but a way to free its workers to do more valuable                                                               societal goals are aligned in a constructive way.           The European Commission’s report into The Future of
work. Inevitably, this means roles will change and          Meanwhile, technologies like cloud and IoT can help                                                                    Work notes that jobs requiring soft skills have grown
training will be vital. This reallocation of resource is    connect the various elements of the healthcare puzzle      Learning. Skills. Education.                                impressively and with consistent wage growth in recent
positive approach will see us find a complementary          – people, clinicians, drugs, hospitals, and more.                                                                      decades, and this trend will only strengthen. These
equilibrium between the analytical power of AI and the      This helps build more personalised services that in        It cannot be overemphasised how important these             include emotional and psychological intelligence,
creativity of people.                                       turn help make a bigger impact on each individual’s        three symbiotic areas are to our future. We are now         understanding people, social interactions and
                                                            life, while driving greater efficiencies for healthcare    are at a critical point in history where fundamental        relationships.
Healthcare and our ageing population                        providers.                                                 changes must be made to avoid mass unemployment,
                                                                                                                       failing industries and suffocated economies.                Soft skills will not only drive value with specific jobs,
While some developing countries have a relatively           Through our Kiduku project In Ireland, we’re already                                                                   but will enable us to better collaborate, communicate
young population, at a wider level the world is ageing.     seeing great progress with an IoT, where assisted          There are key areas to focus on: science, technology,       and co-create across the board.
This has major consequences for society, as older           living is supported through enhanced monitoring,           engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills, creative
people are the main recipients of public services,          empowering older and disabled people to live more          skills, and soft skills.                                    Similarly, creativity, where minds are pushed to come
particularly healthcare.                                    independent lives.                                                                                                     up with new ideas and experiences, will be held up
                                                                                                                       We hear it every day, and for good reason; we must          as uniquely powerful. We must foster our creativity
This is not an easy area to address, but investment         At a diagnostic level, while medical professionals are     emphasise digital skills. Technology will be the            and develop new ways to encourage and value such
in healthcare is of the upmost importance. Get this         great at asking the right questions, often AI can be       platform on which public and private services sit. We       thinking from a young age.
wrong, and we will fail to provision services to large      better at answering those questions. Consider rapid        need people to continue this journey, to build new
populations, with service structures and workforces         and more accurate diagnoses provided by AI, as one         services and products, to analyse data and to work          We must foster these skills across digital, human
pushed to the point of collapse.                            example. Such work is already taking place on a            with advanced robotics.                                     and creativity.
                                                            smaller scale at San Carlos Clinical Hospital in Madrid,
Get this right, particularly with sensible investment       Spain.                                                     This means ensuring digital skills are embedded in          This is true across the world, which means access to
in technology-enabled health, and we can build the                                                                     all learning stages. The White House’s report, Artificial   education must be addressed too. We must ensure we
infrastructure and services to meet the needs of our        We can also enhance treatment. Aside from more             Intelligence, Automation, and the Economy, underlines       deliver this efficiently and effectively. One key areas
older population.                                           accurate diagnoses and treatments, technologies like       this, noting, “For all students, coursework in STEM,        will be the continued development of Massive Open
                                                            robotics can also deliver improvements. For example,       and specifically in areas such as computer science, will    Online Courses (MOOCs) in recent years. Provided
Data analytics, process automation and connectivity         automated administration of treatment can be               likely be especially relevant to work and citizenship in    we can deliver on the connectivity to enable these,
are the key technology enablers. We must build and          delivered as a patient’s condition changes in real-time.   an increasingly AI-driven world.”                           education can be brought to a far larger group of
adopt predictive and preventative healthcare solutions                                                                                                                             individuals.
and invest in telehealth, including the infrastructure to   There are implications for businesses too, which must      To achieve this, we must work towards public and
support it.                                                 adapt to an older workforce and older consumers. In        private partnership on an international scale to            The final area that progress must be made in is
                                                            Japan, the working population is actually shrinking.                                                                   perpetual learning. Surrounded by digital disruption,
                                                            Taking a long-term view, the Japanese government                                                                       the need for new skills and services can appear at any

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