Targeting cloud-based and remote production - European Broadcasting ...

Targeting cloud-based and remote production - European Broadcasting ...

Targeting cloud-based
and remote production

                     Multiplying the value of Europe’s newsrooms
   Frédéric Brochard (France Télévisions) on technology priorities
      Why broadcasters still need the DVB Project, and vice-versa
                                                        and more...

                                            tech-i | | March 2021   1
Targeting cloud-based and remote production - European Broadcasting ...
             Issue 47 • March 2021
                                                                           4                          14
Cover story: The COVID-19 pandemic
has accelerated the development of
remote production solutions that take
advantage of the cloud. This issue
of tech-i includes an update on the
activities of the new EBU Hybrid &
Cloud Production Group (pages 8-9),
including a recent technology test at

                                                                                  7                   16
the World Biathlon Championships
in Antholz, Italy (pictured on the
cover). You can also read about
Yle’s development of a cloud-based
radio studio and RTVE’s use of
5G technology with cloud-based
production and distribution.
Cover photo © Biathlon Antholz /
                                           3    Spearheading the renaissance of media innovation in Europe
Manzoni / NordicFocus
                                                Antonio Arcidiacono on the need for Europe-wide collaboration
                                                on innovation
Editor-in-Chief: Antonio Arcidiacono
Managing Editor: Patrick Wauthier          4    Emmy Awards; SMPTE presidency
Editor: Eoghan O’Sullivan                  5    Discussing the future of European media R&D                                     Report on a panel discussion at PTS 2021
Design: Louise Tait                        6    Yle works towards cloud-based radio production
Printed on FSC certified paper by               How Yle is creating a fully featured radio studio in the cloud
Graphius (FSC CO14767)                     7    A 5G journey through the cloud
                                                Pushing the boundaries of new production and distribution
© European Broadcasting Union                   technologies at RTVE
All rights reserved. The reproduction
of articles in tech-i is authorized only
                                           8    Live production in the cloud – learning through collaboration
with the written permission of the              The new EBU group on Hybrid & Cloud Production mounted a
publishers. The responsibility for views        pilot production at the Biathlon World Championships
expressed in tech-i rests solely with      10   Strength in diversity: multiplying the value of Europe’s
the authors.                                    newsrooms
                                                Introducing the News Monitoring tool and the Recommendation
                                           11   Eurovision News Monitoring: what’s under the hood
                                                How EuroVOX and PEACH provide the core functions
TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION                    12   Looking beyond the media technology horizon
Get an edge
                                                A new report on how PSM R&D labs see the future media
• Our goal is to be an incubator to             landscape
  advance media technology.                14   Who needs conventional broadcast networks when you’ve got
• We catalyse innovations so they               the internet! Right?
  deliver for all players
• We stimulate active collaboration so
                                                Roland Beutler recommends caution when relying on Big Tech
  that you get more than innovative        15   Sustainability Matters: Tackling climate change one
  technology – you get a real                   conversation at a time
  competitive advantage.                        A mobile app aims to make sustainability part of the day-to-day
                                                technology conversation at ITV
Sign up to receive tech-i magazine,
EBU Technology & Innovation                16   In my opinion: Finding new levers to meet the challenges of
newsletters or event alerts: tech.ebu.          tomorrow
ch/subscribe                                    France Télévisions CTO/CIO Frédéric Brochard
EBU Members are encouraged to
                                           17   Partner Profiles: DVB Project
follow and contribute to the work               Still serving broadcasters, with more urgency than ever
of our Strategic Programmes and            18   No single approach to sign-in dominates
Communities of Practice.                        The latest research from the EBU Media Intelligence Service
Visit:                 19   In the spotlight: Karl Petermichl
                                                Strategy and Governance Officer to the CTO, ORF
2    tech-i | | March 2021
Targeting cloud-based and remote production - European Broadcasting ...

Spearheading the renaissance of
media innovation in Europe
Antonio Arcidiacono, Director of Technology & Innovation, EBU

Consider, for a moment, the                                              the first materialization of this
differences between the US                                               vision with the launch of the
media landscape and our                                                  News Monitoring and the
situation here in Europe. On the                                         Recommendation Box projects
other side of the Atlantic, we                                           (see pages 10-11). AI
find large and uniform markets                                           technologies are leveraged to
where content and platforms                                              combine trusted news from
can gain mass audiences and                                              multiple EBU Members, made
take advantage of considerable                                           available to any journalist or
economies of scale.                                                      citizen in their own preferred
  Europe, in contrast, is a                                              language. This represents not
multicultural, multilingual                                              only a wider choice but also a
patchwork of medium and                                                  unique democratic weapon
(mostly) small markets: we are                                           enabling comparison of
more than capable of producing                                           independent information
interesting content and                                                  sources.
technology products but are
limited by the size of each                                              OPEN TECHNOLOGY
individual market. The potential    the most obvious ones. These         Part of our public service
return on investment constrains     technologies can be applied to       mandate is also that of setting
the amount of product               help create an offer that can be     the reference for technology
development that can happen,        consumed in all markets at a         innovation. It is a role the EBU
whether in production or            sustainable production cost.         has been fulfilling for decades,
distribution.                         I see the potential for an         driving innovation in media
  These constraints were less of    enlarged content offer               technology in collaboration with
a problem before the age of         combined with a common set of        international bodies such as
globalization. However, today       products and distribution            DVB, SMPTE, ITU, HbbTV,
we see that the inability to        services aimed at a mass             5G-MAG, ETSI, WorldDAB and
compete, not only on                European market – more than          others. Our historical leadership
production but also on R&D and      500 million people. With             role was recently acknowledged
innovation in general, leaves the   individual countries having          with the receipt of three
door wide open for the large        increasingly diverse audiences,      Technology & Engineering
OTT operators – mostly based        the smart application of AI and      Emmy Awards (see page 4).
in the US – that can continue to    data technologies can help             The EBU remains today the
invest in product innovation.       identify the best opportunities      largest structure coordinating
With the exception of the           for export. And the economies        European media R&D&I
anglophone native productions,      of scale that arise will enable      activities. It is the natural
other European products often       targeting of content and             candidate to lead the
find a natural resistance to        distribution services in the other   development of open
export and consumption in           four continents.                     technology solutions that
markets other than their own          So, the way to address this        benefit EBU Members along
national ones.                      challenge of Europe’s non-           with the entire industry and
                                    uniform markets is in combining      society at large. I want to see
LEVERAGING AI & DATA                original, high quality content       the EBU leading a European
How can we address these            with technological innovation to     hub of excellence in media
constraints on investment? Can      attract audiences, while             technology development,
we avoid wasteful replication of    developing a sustainable set of      driving innovation where
efforts to develop distribution     products in the long term. To        technology and media creation
solutions that are deployed only    develop and maintain innovative      come together. We must fight
at a national level? The answers    products we must join forces         back to ensure we can leverage
lie partly in new AI-based and      and produce the required tools       our own tools of production
data technologies, including        in both production and               and distribution, so that citizens
language management and             distribution technology.             get the most out of Europe’s
smart recommendation among            We have recently announced         rich cultural heritage.
                                                                         tech-i | | March 2021   3
Targeting cloud-based and remote production - European Broadcasting ...

                                                              SMPTE elects EBU
                                                              T&I’s Hans Hoffmann as
                                                              The SMPTE standards organization has
                                                              elected Hans Hoffmann, Head of Media
                                                              Fundamentals and Production at the EBU,
                                                              as its president for the 2021–22 term. On
                                                              1 January, Hoffmann became the first
                                                              European in the history of the organization
                                                              to serve in that role.
EBU receives three Technology                                   The appointment further strengthens
& Engineering Emmy® Awards                                    the EBU’s ties and partnerships with the
                                                              wider entertainment industry. The Society
The European Broadcasting Union has been awarded              of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
three Technology & Engineering Emmy Awards for                is based in the US and operates as a global
excellence in engineering creativity, recognizing three key   professional association of engineers,
technologies that were collaboratively developed by the       technologists and executives working in
EBU and that have shaped or underpin systems widely           the media and entertainment industry. Its
used by the broadcast industry today.                         work underpins many of the technologies
  “These three Emmy Awards confirm that collaboration         used by media organizations around the
between organizations is key to successful innovation,        world.
and we will continue on this path”, says EBU Director           “It’s an honour to be elected to this
of Technology & Innovation Antonio Arcidiacono. “They         leadership position at SMPTE,” said
are proof of the power of collaborative, leading-edge         Hoffmann. “I look forward to collaborating
innovation to shape the future of technology and make         with the fantastic SMPTE team in White
a lasting, practical impact. We’re very pleased to have       Plains, the SMPTE Board, and the SMPTE
the work of the engineers and experts who drove those         membership to identify the Society’s
developments honoured in this way.”                           gravity points — strengths and areas
  The first Emmy Award recognizes the EBU’s role in the       we need to develop to grow now and
creation of the Advanced Authoring Format (AAF), an           in the near future. We have a world of
interchange file format that paved the way for cross-         opportunity ahead of us, and we need to
platform post-production workflows, the benefits of           be agile in positioning the Society to delve
which are still enjoyed by the industry today.                into the areas that address the rise of the
  The second Emmy Award honours the standardization           cloud, IP, remote workflows and media
and commercialization of broadcast, hybrid electrical         creation, artificial intelligence and machine
and fibre optic camera cable and connectors, a design         learning, software in place of hardware,
for physical interconnect solutions that helped to            and personalization and ‘immersiveness’ in
accommodate the growing bandwidth requirements in             media consumption.”
digital media production systems and has since come to          Hans Hoffmann was also recently
be relied on by vendors, broadcasters and media creators      awarded the FKTG’s Richard Theile Medal
around the world.                                             2020 for outstanding services in television
  The final of the three Emmy Awards rewards the              technology. The award recognizes his
EBU’s contribution to work on Common Encryption,              services in the development of HDTV
a fundamental technology design that separates the            and UHDTV television systems and his
encryption function from the content contribution or          significant contribution to international
distribution system and can accommodate the presence          standardization committees.
of multiple encryption or conditional access systems in
                                                                                            Hans Hoffmann,
parallel. The technology allowed industry participants
                                                                                                 EBU Head
to deploy successive generations of increasingly                                                  of Media
sophisticated conditional access systems as part of new                                      Fundamentals
services on satellite and cable.                                                            and Production

       Nominations are now being
    accepted for the EBU Technology
        & Innovation Award 2021
4    tech-i | | March 2021
Targeting cloud-based and remote production - European Broadcasting ...

Discussing the future of European
media R&D
With the closure this year of one            He pointed to the shorter                the EBU has a role to bring
of the world’s foremost R&D labs           development cycles that have               together the requirements and
for broadcast technologies, the            become the norm and noted that,            views of the broadcasters. “We
Munich-based Institut für                  while many Members were                    shouldn’t forget that it’s always
Rundfunktechnik (IRT), it seemed           working on similar projects, they          important to be close to your own
an apt moment for the EBU                  were usually at different points in        audience and to have a look at
Production Technology Seminar to           the cycle.                                 your local and regional needs and
explore the state of media-related                                                    requirements and specifics. So,
R&D. A discussion panel with a             FUNDING GAP                                you cannot only rely on the big
primarily European focus, but also         Two institutes in the German               players from the West Coast,
including NHK STRL (Japan),                Fraunhofer network were                    because they naturally have to
brought the online conference to a         represented in the discussion:             have a global view.”
close and pointed out several              Harald Fuchs heads the media
paths to future success.                   systems and applications                   GAIA-X POTENTIAL
   Gino Alberico, who leads the            department at Fraunhofer IIS,              Both of the German panellists
research centre at Rai in Italy, said      while Ralf Schäfer is responsible          mentioned the cloud as an area
a key question for broadcasters            for the video division at                  ripe for development and
today was “make or buy?”, where            Fraunhofer HHI. Both stressed the          collaboration. Once again
it is important to find the right          growing importance for the                 highlighting the European angle,
balance. PTS 2021 had shown                broadcast industry of EU-funded            Ralf Schäfer saw the GAIA-X
several examples of broadcasters           projects.                                  initiative as an opportunity to
experimenting with available                  Ralf Schäfer pointed out that, as       work on an open standardized
technologies – he highlighted              a public research institute, HHI           platform. It might, he said, open
Yle’s first steps in synthetic media       has to work on topics where                the path to additional European
using a web-based tool – but               funding is available. “One problem         Commission funding for
broadcasters would still need to           is that in Europe we lost the              collaboration, given that over-
develop tools and infrastructure           consumer electronics industry              dependency on certain cloud
to solve specific needs within             and therefore it’s quite hard to           providers could prove to be an
their own organization. Avoiding           get funding for consumer                   obstacle for collaboration.
vendor lock-in should be a                 electronics or broadcasting                  The director of NHK’s Science &
priority, he said.                         topics.” HHI continues to do               Technology Research
   His counterpart at BBC R&D,             relevant work, particularly on             Laboratories, Kohji Mitani,
Andy Conroy, said that EBU                 video coding, but also as an               brought a perspective from
Members can still play a vital role        offshoot of applications for fields        outside Europe to the discussion.
in R&D: “We can bring our values;          like medicine or security.                 Picking up on the need for
that’s what distinguishes us, public          Picking up on this point, Harald        collaboration, which had also
service media; we can bring our            Fuchs said that European projects          been identified by the other
values to bear on the space.”              continue to be important and that          panellists, he mentioned personal
                                                                                      data stores as an important topic
                                                                                      for all countries and regions and
                                                                                      thus one that was ripe for
                                                                                      collaboration. When it came to
                                                                                      personalized media services,
                                                                                      “transparent and highly
                                                                                      accountable technologies are
                                                                                      required to enable our viewers to
                                                                                      enjoy user-centred broadcasting
                                                                                      services with peace of mind.”
                                                                                        Overall, the discussion re-
                                                                                      emphasized the need for strong
                                                                                      media-related R&D capacity in
                                                                                      Europe and the importance of
                                                                                      collaboration, both between
                                                                                      institutes and across disciplines.
                                                                                      The EBU is seen as a natural
Clockwise from top left: Andy Conroy (BBC R&D), Kohji Mitani (NHK STRL), Gino         facilitator to coordinate such
Alberico (Rai CRITS), Ralf Schäfer (Fraunhofer HHI), Harald Fuchs (Fraunhofer IIS).   activities.
                                                                                      tech-i | | March 2021   5
Targeting cloud-based and remote production - European Broadcasting ...

Yle works towards cloud-based
radio production
Yle’s Mikko Nevalainen describes how the Finnish broadcaster has created a fully-featured radio
studio that runs entirely in the cloud.
Our vision for this project was
that, equipped with nothing
                                           “A node that is to be used for the remote
more than a microphone, a                  production of a full radio show might have
laptop and a good internet
connection, a Yle radio presenter
                                           several outside sources defined and set as
could go on air with all of the            inputs.”
functionality and features they
would have available in a typical
radio studio. We delivered on this         can be used stand-alone or in         IP stream with the appropriate
vision by putting everything in            hybrid contexts.                      codec, bit rate and sample rate
the cloud: the user can just                 Once everything has been            for whatever service is targeted.
browse to the appropriate URL,             configured in the back end, the         Once the user has logged in,
login, and go live.                        software takes care of                loaded the appropriate playlist
  The solution offers a simple             connectivity, contribution and        and configured their microphone,
way to replace a studio                    delivery. When the user logs in,      they can connect to the media
environment remotely, a need               the preconfigured settings are        player. The connection uses
that became all the more urgent            loaded in the front end. They see     WebRTC and the Opus audio
during the past year. But it can           all of the different sources that     codec.
also serve as a lightweight                might be needed for a radio             The output of the studio is
back-up solution when you don’t            show, such as regional news           mixed and delivered as an IP
have sufficient studio space               studios, music libraries,             stream that can easily feed
available.                                 programme jingles, etc. There is      web-based players or audio-on-
                                           also the usual radio rundown and      demand systems. FM delivery is
USER-FRIENDLY                              audio monitors, while the             also possible, simply requiring
The main goals of this project             provision of a talkback function is   the stream to be routed to the
were to prioritize ease of use in          on the roadmap.                       correct place for playout.
terms of the user interface and              The system is based on a series
the user experience. It should be          of media nodes, each configured       TOWARDS DEPLOYMENT
accessible at any time from any            according to what should be           Having successfully delivered the
location and should enable fast            available. For example, a node        proof-of-concept, we are now
publishing to the web for audio-           that is to be used for the remote     exploring how to deploy this
on-demand or podcasts.                     production of a full radio show       service as easily as possible. The
Importantly, it should be                  might have several outside            aim is to use cloud-based
platform-agnostic: available for           sources defined and set as            distribution with a repository
deployment either on the public            inputs. The node’s own output         where we can set up docker
or private cloud or on premise. It         would in turn be configured as an     images: you just spin up the
                                                                                 machine and you have the studio
                                                                                 environment up and running.
                                                                                   Although the complete system
                                                                                 is not yet used in production, the
                                                                                 playout function is already being
                                                                                 used daily on three national
                                                                                 channels. A Lawo mixing desk is
                                                                                 used to create the live feeds as
                                                                                 AES67 streams to the media
                                                                                 network and the media node
                                                                                 player is controlled as a webpage
                                                                                 inserted inside Lawo’s virtual UI
                                                                                 known as VisTool. In this case the
                                                                                 media node is running on a
                                                                                 virtual machine with R3LAY
                                                                                 Virtual Patch Bay as a soundcard
                                                                                 interface, controlled with the
A screenshot of the interface with a live (test) show in progress                Ember+ protocol.

6   tech-i | | March 2021
Targeting cloud-based and remote production - European Broadcasting ...

A 5G journey to the cloud and beyond
RTVE has been pushing the boundaries of new production and distribution technologies on an
innovation journey that will help define the future of broadcasting, writes David Corral.

To say goodbye to 2020 we
decided to, in a way,                                                                              Six different
technologically challenge the                                                                      distribution
pandemic by doing a special
                                                                                                       were fed
broadcast. We took the                                                                          simultaneously
opportunity of a concert                                                                        from the cloud
produced by Radio3, our national                                                                         Below:
station focused on music and                                                                       Shooting at
culture, to come full circle on an                                                               Madrid’s Casa
innovation journey, both in terms                                                                      América
of the production techniques and
how we distributed the content
to all RTVE channels, from radio
or streaming to conventional
  Technologies like AI and 5G
have been on RTVE’s innovation
agenda for several years. In the
area of telecoms technology in
particular, we have taken
pioneering steps for the media
sector as a partner in the
European 5G-MEDIA project.
                                     American artists on stage at         latencies, as well as graphics
FIRST STEPS                          Madrid’s Casa América. Taking        overlays and preloaded videos,
This particular journey, however,    the FM radio broadcast as a          among other technical
began in June 2019, at the 7th       starting point, we used a multi-     possibilities.
Global 5G Event in Valencia, we      camera signal mixed in the cloud       Added to the system,
mounted what was one of the          to serve all of RTVE’s platforms,    synchronized across the different
world’s first stand-alone live 5G    both conventional broadcast and      connected devices, was footage
broadcasts for television. Within    digital, also providing vertical     from three smartphones,
a month of that trial, we had        video where required. In what        connected to a Wi-Fi network
begun using a public 5G network      was another first for Spain, we      generated with a 5G router
for news contributions.              used a 5G backpack to achieve        through the TVU Anywhere
  A further step forward was to      this unique audiovisual coverage.    application.
mix several cameras in the cloud       An audio feed taken from the         The different video and audio
and broadcast fully in 5G during     mixing desk for the event was        signals were mixed and
a conference on advantages and       fed in stereo over a cable to a      simultaneously distributed
risks of 5G in the audiovisual       camera. This audio, the very         directly to their destinations from
sector, organized by the             same that was enjoyed by             the virtual mixer. So, having
European Parliament. Then, as        anyone listening to the FM radio     started with a “simple” 5G
part of 5G-MEDIA, a radio play       broadcast, served as the unique      broadcast 18 months previously,
called La vida es sueño was          reference for all devices and        we completed the circle in
mixed entirely using edge            formats served by the                leveraging native 5G and cloud
computing. Other cases – and         audiovisual coverage.                broadcast techniques to
steps forward on this journey –                                           distribute through the six
included the use of purpose-built    CLOUD-BASED PRODUCTION               outputs available on the system:
mobile apps to enable 5G             The camera receiving the audio       in horizontal for YouTube, Twitter
broadcasts and a pilot project to    was a standard RTVE model, but       and Facebook, via RTMP for the
install a small 5G cell in the       was now connected to a TVU           RTVE website, SDI for our 24-
Castilla-La Mancha parliament.       One backpack, a unit with six        hour television channel, and – as
  All of these previous steps        modems, two of which are 5G          a novelty – in vertical for
prepared the ground for a truly      and the rest 4G. The backpack        Instagram.
impressive operation. At the end     signal was sent to a virtual mixer     We hope that in 2021 we’ll be
of November 2020, Radio3 put a       system, TVU Producer, that           able to go even further with this
new generation of Latin              allows remote operation with low     technology.
                                                                          tech-i | | March 2021    7
Targeting cloud-based and remote production - European Broadcasting ...

Live production in the cloud –
learning through collaboration
From roundtables to hands-on tests, Paola Sunna explains how EBU Members and industry
players have been working together on discovering and defining best practices for the fast-
emerging field of cloud-based live production.
COVID-19 gave a boost to the use of the cloud for         • A related topic that should not be underestimated
media production. For post-produced content this is         in terms of importance is intercom. Complex
relatively straightforward. For live production it is a     productions require a robust back-channel for
serious challenge.                                          team communication. Intercoms nowadays span
  While office workers and families at home have            the whole space from dedicated (robust)
become reasonably used to working, teaching and             hardware devices to virtual phone apps. It is a
learning via Google Meet, Zoom and the like,                question of picking the right tools and
professional live productions are much more difficult       understanding what dependencies are introduced.
to ‘cloudify’ because they require more real-time         • Maybe the most important feature that users are
interaction with strict timing constraints. Indeed, a       asking for is being able to create and recall set-ups
survey performed by the EBU Hybrid & Cloud                  easily. Given the potential complexity of the
Production (HCP) group last September confirmed             complete cloud-based set-up, it is essential to
cloud production workflows to be the number one             easily be able to go (back) to tested and trusted
challenge for broadcasters.                                 configurations.
  To address the need for cloud production best
practices, the EBU HCP group adopted a multi-             MARKET SOLUTIONS
perspective approach: exchanging the latest user          A second series of roundtables has put solution
experiences, identifying market solutions and             providers at the centre. In Q4 2020, the HCP group
organizing hands-on testing.                              hosted sessions on Grabyo, Grass Valley’s AMPP,
                                                          Kiswe Studio, Microsoft Azure, Simplylive, Sony’s
USER EXPERIENCES                                          Virtual Production, and VizRT’s Vectar Plus.
Since September 2020, EBU Members have                      Solution providers can currently be divided into
regularly exchanged cloud production experiences          two main groups: cloud infrastructure providers and
in biweekly group calls and dedicated roundtable          providers of ‘applications’ that run on top of the
sessions. In the latter, frontrunners present their       cloud infrastructure. A further subset of the latter
latest learnings, triggering a subsequent                 are companies with strong broadcast expertise, that
conversation between the participating Members.           are effectively creating the cloud equivalent of what
The presentations are recorded, so those who              used to be hardware products (like video switchers).
missed a session can watch it later on. So far,           At the other end of the spectrum we find ‘digital
experiences from BR, RTBF, RTÉ, VRT and Yle have          services’ companies, where the emphasis is more on
been shared, providing insights into innovative           interfaces and workflows. The business model for all
production approaches for both television and radio.      of them is a subscription and/or pay-as-you-use-it
  Several areas emerged quickly as requiring further      model.
• The first one is the choice of interconnect,            HANDS-ON TESTING
  including decisions on bandwidth, video stream          The third activity of the HCP group consists of a
  codec (and settings), and bitrate. SRT is a popular     number of hands-on trials in which Members and
  choice for many current operations, but                 vendors test cloud-based live production set-ups.
  interoperability between applications and even          The first one was organized last month, for the
  between dedicated SRT encoders and decoders             Biathlon World Championships 2020 in Antholz.
  can be tricky to get right.                             More tests are being planned for 2021.
• Minimizing latency is a key aim. Depending on the
                                                          Learn, share, test!
  combination of tools and interconnects this can
                                                          The EBU group on Hybrid and Cloud Production
  easily go up to seconds (for the round-trip), which
                                                          has over 150 EBU Member participants. The group
  would rule out remote camera control and
                                                          is led by Conrad Gouws (RTÉ) and Markus
  complicate two-way communication.
                                                          Ostertag (SWR), with Ievgen Kostiukevych and
• Mix-minus audio is high on the list as another point
                                                          Frans de Jong of the EBU T&I team coordinating.
  to check. In practice, mix-minus returns for remote
                                                          The group meets ‘in the cloud’ every second week.
  contributors can be created relatively easily with
                                                          Besides continuing the roundtables series (with
  audio matrices and mixers, but for ease of use it is
                                                          Members and vendors) and trials, the group is
  important to know how much of this functionality
                                                          working on a report with use cases, requirements,
  is present and directly usable in the cloud-based
                                                          etc. More at

8   tech-i | | March 2021
Targeting cloud-based and remote production - European Broadcasting ...
Testing cloud-based
production at the Biathlon
World Championships
At the end of January 2021, the EBU, Eurovision
Media Services, Finnish broadcaster Yle, Italian
broadcaster Rai, Grass Valley, and Simplylive
worked together to test cloud-based live
production technology during the Biathlon World
Championships in Antholz (Italy). For this test, the
                                                                  Yle, Finland
focus was on the backhaul of six feeds: three
different main programme feeds and three                         respectively, Simplylive and Grass Valley’s AMPP
additional remote-controlled PTZ cameras at the                  production tools. The set-up was intended as the
shooting range and an interview location.                        precursor to a larger trial where special attention
  The signals were received in Geneva, Helsinki                  will be paid to remote control of the cameras,
and Turin, with Yle and Rai staff validating the                 audio, remote commentaries, and graphics
reception in their broadcast centres using,                      integration.

Eurovision Media Services, Switzerland                            Rai, Italy

      2020 Biathlon World
   Championships, Antholz, Italy                                                   Cloud-based production tests

                                                                               RTP Stream

     3 x production feeds
                                                  6 x SRT streams


                                                                               RTP Stream

       3 x remote feeds

Sketch of the set-up for the first cloud production trial in Antholz.

                                                                                       tech-i | | March 2021   9
Targeting cloud-based and remote production - European Broadcasting ...

Strength in diversity: multiplying the
value of Europe’s newsrooms
Justyna Kurczabinska, Head of the EBU News Exchange & News Strategy, introduces an
innovative digital news collaborative project that gives journalists – and soon the audience –
almost real-time access, in their own language, to news published across the EBU membership.
Public service media is Europe’s                   updated list of additional articles   in the News Exchange, including
largest newsroom, spending EUR                     on the same topic published by        radio-only Members who wish to
5.5 billion annually and                           other sources, generated using        integrate their content. This
employing over 40,000                              AI and machine learning               expansion of the pilot has been
journalists. There are 47                          technology from the EBU               possible thanks to the recent
international all-news PSM                         PEACH project. For busy               decision of the EBU News
services active in 2020, and                       journalists, this means precious      Committee to invest reserve
many PSM are considered the                        time is not wasted searching for      funds that had been earmarked
most trusted news brands in their                  additional relevant content –         for news in the monitoring tool,
respective countries.1                             they have what they need at           as a strategic innovation project.
  PSM produce strong, trusted                      their fingertips.                     The tool has the potential to
digital content and have trusted                     All articles are translated         become an essential PSM hub of
digital platforms. The problem is                  automatically into English,           articles from all around Europe.
that, today, we do not have                        thanks to another EBU project,        As more Members join, the
in-depth digital collaboration in                  EuroVOX. The user can perform         diversity of views will increase.
news, and we are thus not                          translations into additional            2021 will also see a move to
leveraging our strengths to the                    languages at the press of a           testing the public-facing vision,
full.                                              button. The tool currently            displaying news from all around
  What if we could exchange                        supports Finnish, French,             Europe on online pages where
online content between PSM                         German, Italian, Portuguese,          the participating news providers
newsrooms in Europe?                               Spanish and Swedish, and more         choose to integrate it as the
                                                   languages can easily be added.        Recommendation Box. This EBU
NEWS PILOT                                                                               News B2C project is now co-
With this question in mind, in the                 EUROPEAN CITIZENS                     funded by the EU2 and has ten
spring of 2020 the EBU and 14 of                   The PSM organizations                 participating Member
its Members began to pilot a                       participating in the project are      organizations as of February
collaborative way of sharing                       convinced that impactful, fact-       2021.
digital news content among                         based, and trustworthy news             Each participating company
themselves. It was initially only                  with public service values should     will have full editorial control of
for monitoring purposes                            be offered to the European            all content published on its
internally in their newsrooms, but                 audience more widely than             services. All workflows and
also with a vision to explore the                  today. This need is underlined by     technical solutions will be
possibility of publishing these                    internationally relevant topics
news items in several languages                    like climate change, the refugee
across the participants’ online                    crisis, tensions and polarization
platforms in the future.                           in European politics, and, right
  At the time of writing, the                      now, the economic and social
monitoring tool that emerged                       impact of the COVID-19
from this project is collecting an                 pandemic.
average of more than 750                              In the words of Eric Scherer,
articles daily, offered through a                  co-chair of the Steering
simple web interface.                              Committee, “This is a strategic
  The application allows editors                   project for all of us: for the EBU,
to filter the content by                           for its Members and, not least,
categories (sports, environment,                   for European citizens. This is a
politics, science, etc.), by source,               tool against populism, a tool
and by date. Text queries can be                   against misinformation, a very
entered to search for specific                     important tool.”
  At the end of every article, the                 NEXT STEPS
user is offered a constantly                       February 2021 marked the roll-
                                                   out of the monitoring tool to all
1 Public Service Media and News – EBU 2020 Media
Intelligence Service                               the EBU Members participating

10     tech-i | | March 2021

designed to ensure this goal is
achieved.                                                 Eurovision news monitoring
  Our value proposition lies in
creating a first phase for an
innovative network of news
                                                          tool: what’s under the hood?
platforms sharing stories of high                         Sébastien Noir, Head of Software Engineering in the EBU
relevance and pan-European                                Technology & Innovation Department, describes the main
interest. The approach is based                           technical building blocks of the tool.
on using only high-quality
content from respected public                             We designed the news                    review the steps taken:
service brands on platforms that                          monitoring tool in close                transcriptions can be corrected
already have a significant                                consultation with editors and           both in terms of text and timings
audience in their own countries.                          journalists, incorporating their        to make the content more
This kind of news collaboration                           feedback directly in the                accessible. Once done this makes
is distinctive, novel, and in the                         development. The goal is a tool         for a better translation, although
long run might offer an                                   that is easy to use, requires no        the translation too can be edited
important alternative to social                           training, and provides immediate        if required. Finally, a video can be
media platforms.                                          value to the user.                      rendered from the translation
                                                            Flexibility is an essential quality   using a synthetically voiced
PARTICIPATING MEMBERS                                     of the project. Every EBU               presenter, and optionally with
The 14 participating EBU                                  Member has its own tools and            either burned-in or embedded
Members are: Belgium – RTBF;                              workflows. We designed the pilot        subtitles.
Finland – YLE; Germany – BR,                              with solutions for all: content can        PEACH uses machine learning
Deutsche Welle, ARD/                                      be pushed to the tool’s API at          and AI to provide ‘related article’
Tagesschau and ZDF; Ireland –                             time of publication, or the tool        recommendations. It works by
RTE; Italy – RAI; Portugal – RTP;                         can retrieve the newest articles        converting each article into a
Spain – RTVE; Sweden – SR;                                every few minutes on the                vector representation using
Switzerland – Swissinfo (SRG                              Member’s REST API.                      pre-trained deep-learning
SSR); France – FTV and ARTE.                                Once articles are ingested into       language models. The goal is that
                                                          the system, they are converted to       similar articles (semantically
                                                          a standard format: every article is     similar, even if different words are
                                                          represented as a list of sections       used) would be represented by
2 The EU funding has been awarded by the Directorate-     (title, lead, headings, paragraphs,     vectors that are similar.
General for Communications Networks, Content and
Technology (DG CNECT) as part of a project entitled       images, media, quotes). The text           The vectors used may have
“Towards a European Public Sphere: Multilingual
Programmes from across Europe”. In addition to the        component of every section can          more than 100 dimensions to
EBU’s Recommendation Box, the funding provides
support to the European Collection, a curated selection
                                                          then be translated. The audio and       capture the semantics of
of documentaries, magazine shows and reports on           video files are downloaded and          sentences. To find similar articles
current issues in European politics and society. The
European Collection is coordinated by ARTE and draws      sent to EuroVOX for transcription       to a given article, we look up all
on programmes produced by France Télévisions,
Switzerland’s SRG SSR, and Germany’s ARD and ZDF.
                                                          and translation.                        vectors representing each article
The common selection is made available in five              As soon as the text translation       present in the hub and select the
languages throughout Europe on the partners’ digital
platforms.                                                is available, the article becomes       closest in the multi-dimensional
                                                          visible in the web application.         space.
                                                          This process takes a matter of             PEACH can also make use of
                                                          minutes. The journalists therefore      user data; approaches like
                                                          have access to the news almost          collaborative filtering will be
                                                          in real-time.                           taken later, when the content is
                                                            The translation of content is         shown to end users.
                                                          handled by EuroVOX. Developed              The next iterations of the tool
                                                          by the EBU and its Members, it is       will provide automatic extraction
                                                          an open toolbox for transcription,      of topics from the articles. These
                                                          translation and revoicing. It           will be used to surface trending
                                                          provides a single unified interface     topics in real-time, so that
                                                          to language tools from the major        journalists can quickly identify
                                                          cloud platforms (AWS, Microsoft         what is happening now, from the
                                                          Azure, Google, Speechmatics,            perspective of EBU newsrooms.
                                                          DeepL, etc) alongside the ability       The user experience will also
                                                          to plug in smaller vendors and          evolve, to permit a more focused
                                                          custom models. It also provides a       exploration of the diverse
                                                          web application that enables            content produced by European
                                                          easy transcription and translation      PSM.
                                                          of content.                             See
                                                            Journalists and editors can           and
                                                                                                  i |
                                                                                            tech-tech-  i |
                                                                                                                   | December
                                                                                                                        | March2020
                                                                                                                                2021   11

Looking beyond the media
technology horizon
A recent report from a group of public service media R&D labs presents an ambitious vision of
the future media landscape. Hans Hoffmann and David Wood here summarize the three broad
trends identified.

The EBU Broadcast Technology             1. TOMORROW’S USER                    experience, including using
Futures (BTF) group, which               EXPERIENCE                            more sophisticated voice
brings together senior staff from        The rise of what can be termed        activation and digital assistants.
public service media R&D labs,           ‘ambient media’ will have an          The options may be chosen
has recently published a report          impact in two domains: the user’s     by the user or be triggered
with their insights on the future        control and the user’s sense of       automatically by the local
technologies that may be part            reality.                              environment or by the user’s
of, and help shape, the media              In the future users will have       needs.
environment in the coming                ever greater control over               In addition to this increased
decades.                                 what is before them – greater         personalization, users will have
   This article is a taster, with        personalization. Services can         a greater sense of reality. This
much more detail in the full             include elements that provide         will include more realistic images,
report, available from                   additional information about the      sound that can reproduce                     current viewing experience, help      width, height, and depth, and
   The report concludes that new         to find content of interest for the   multimodal presentations that
media technology will arrive             user, recommend content, and          may include haptics (technology
as component parts of three              more.                                 that stimulates the senses of
broad trends, related to user              The next decades may                touch and motion). ‘Space-
experience, content production           thus bring more options               sharing’ content viewing may be
and content delivery. The trends         for personalizing the media           possible, through which people in
may impact at the same time
or separately, and one may be             Ambient media
consequent on another. Exactly            Greater personalization
what arrives, and when, will              and sense of reality
depend on local contexts and                                            User
what is developed. There will be                                     Experience
a ‘right time’ for the introduction
and success of a range of new
technologies, but it will not
be the same in all countries.
And the future will, of course,
include developments that arise
unforeseen today.
   If there is a common overall
thread to the trends foreseen
it may be greater convenience                            Delivery                    Production
and flexibility for the user and
the programme maker and,
most importantly, that the
customer experience and value
proposition will be at the focus of       Cooperative delivery                                    Rich production
innovations.                              Any user terminal;                               Greater flexibility; multi-
                                          broadcast and broadband                     platform content production

12   tech-i | | March 2021

                                      – separately or at the same time        new content forms and user
                                      – targeting a range of different        experiences will see media
                                      content formats, each serving           services being available on a
                                      different markets or different          wider range of different types of
                                      groups of users.                        receivers. The range of delivery
                                        The decades to come will bring        platforms will remain terrestrial,
                                      programme production that               satellite, cable, IPTV, wired and
                                      meets the needs of future user          wireless internet and Wi-Fi,
                                      experiences in a multiformat            but some will be limited in the
                                      world. Infrastructures will provide     new kinds of services they can
                                      local, remote, and distributed          provide because of bandwidth or
                                      production by using IP-based            other limitations.
                                      networks, the cloud and                   The new wireless broadband
                                      serverless computing. Production        systems 5G and eventually 6G
                                      resources will become more              may have a significant role in
                                      ‘available on demand’. The new          providing media services. An
                                      workflows that will become              attractive option may be to
                                      possible will have a major impact       combine broadband services
                                      on programme making. Metadata           with broadcast services and
 Who is in Broadcast                  will continue to be a key enabler.      create ‘intelligent concurrent
 Technology Futures group?            AI and machine learning tools will      networks’.
 • BBC, UK				                        support editorial staff in a variety
 • EBU, Switzerland                   of tasks, including programme           FACTORS SHAPING SUCCESS
 • IRT, Germany			                    generation and detection of fake        The technologies and services
 • NHK, Japan                         news. And both sustainability           that will be successful in
 • Rai, Italy				                     and content accessibility will be       practice will depend not only
 • Yle, Finland                       strategic challenges for content        on the novelty and capability
 • VRT, Belgium                       production.                             of the technology itself, but on
                                        The full report, again, goes          a collection of success factors
                                      into detail on the points above,        that include: the prevailing
different locations may share the     showing the ways in which               societal and media climates; the
emotions of the experience with       content production may be               desirability, affordability and
each other.                           transformed.                            availability of equipment and
  The overall impact will be a                                                content; the challenges then
heightening of the sense of           3. TOMORROW’S MEDIA                     faced by media providers; the
reality through more immersion        DELIVERY                                need that the new development
and increased image and sound         The third trend detailed in the         would fulfil; and others.
quality. A further new experience     report can be summarized as               Can we go further and
may be created by combining           the rise of ‘cooperative delivery’.     predict more precisely what will
real or conventional media            This will firstly be marked by the      happen in the coming decades?
content with digitally created        emergence of a mixed delivery           Unfortunately, the future will be
worlds. The BTF report goes           environment, where both                 determined not only by what
into greater detail on all of these   broadcasting and broadband              is probable based on today’s
aspects and more.                     – wireless or wired – provide           knowledge, but also by ideas and
                                      media services. Each will have          systems that emerge unforeseen
2. TOMORROW’S CONTENT                 their strengths, and different          in the coming years. But while
PRODUCTION                            combinations will be used in            consequently we cannot predict
The second trend foreseen             different countries. 5G may be          the exact shape the media will
by the BTF group is the rise          combined with satellite and/            take in the coming years, it
of ‘rich production’ for media        or terrestrial broadcasting in          is reasonable to assume that
content. Production facilities will   intelligent cooperation.                the trends and tendencies
increasingly be arranged to allow       This will be coupled with             identified today by the BTF
production locally or remotely        the increasing availability of          group and detailed in the report
or a combination of both. This        all services on any terminal,           are accurate and will be among
will include outsourcing some or      including fixed TV or radio             those that will happen.
all of the production chain, and      sets, portables, tablets or
the use of the cloud (or, in fact,    smartphones. Content providers          Read the report and form
multiple clouds).                     will, in each case, make use of         your own judgement about
  A further aspect of this trend      the specific capabilities of these      what is at or beyond the
will be increased production          devices to reach and engage             media technology horizon. It
flexibility, whereby it will be       with audiences.                         is available for download from:
possible for content to be made         The delivery to the user of 
                                                                             tech-i | | March 2021   13

Who needs conventional broadcast networks
when you’ve got the internet! Right?
Roland Beutler (SWR), who chairs the EBU strategic programme on Distribution, recommends
caution when it comes to relying on the Big Tech companies. Above all, PSM organizations must
work together.

With the proliferation                                                                 building their own
of the internet and its                                                                network infrastructure
apparently unlimited                                                                   to connect the world.
opportunities, many                                                                    Facebook is launching a
representatives of public                                                              global satellite network;
service media (PSM)                                                                    Google plans to deploy
organizations seem                                                                     its own undersea cable
to be losing faith in                                                                  between the US and
conventional broadcast                                                                 Asia.
distribution networks.                                                                   On top of controlling
We see PSM focusing                                                                    the physical internet
more and more on                                                                       infrastructure, Amazon,
on-demand content                                                                      Facebook, Google and
and services, which                                                                    Apple are major content
require bidirectional                                                                  providers through their
communication. The latter, by            reach, prominence, attribution,      respective platforms. Google
definition, cannot be offered            branding, control and costs.         and Apple have a dominant
by unidirectional broadcast                                                   global footprint in mobile devices
networks. However, broadband             IN THE OLD DAYS                      using their respective operating
networks, both fixed and mobile,         The internet used to be a web        systems, Android and iOS. They
which may be the appropriate             in the proper sense, meaning it      are also now present in stationary
option, are usually beyond the           consisted of many independent        devices such as smart TVs and
control of PSM organizations.            entities such as different core      increasingly in cars, with Android
They can make use of broadband           and access networks, exchange        Automotive and Apple CarPlay.
networks only in the same way            points and peering arrangements      And finally, even though the
as any other service provider            between participants. Microsoft      European Commission tries to
who wants to deliver some                primarily sold operating systems     contain their influence, GAFAM
data or communicate with                 and office software, Google was      seem to operate outside national
its customer base. Renting or            a search engine and Amazon a         or even supernational regulation.
leasing dedicated capacity on            bookseller. This is now a fading
managed broadband networks               memory.                              DANCING WITH THE DEVIL
may quickly become a very                  The so-called GAFAM                So, can the internet take care of
expensive endeavour.                     companies (see image) set out to     the distribution of our content
  It is not surprising, therefore,       completely control the internet      and services? In principle yes, but
that there is massive hype about         infrastructure end-to-end.           PSM organizations should follow
over-the-top (OTT) distribution          Google and Amazon had built          the advice of a popular German
across the internet. It helps to         huge server farms to cope with       (actually Bavarian) song: “If you
increase the reach of media              their original services. These are   want to dance with the devil, you
offers, is undoubtedly very              now also used to offer all kinds     better wear good shoes!”
flexible, and can in principle           of cloud services to external          It’s unlikely that PSM will be
give access to content both              customers. They are heavily          able to buy good shoes off-
at home and on the move.                 used by PSM organizations in         the-shelf. Our only option is to
Most importantly, it targets             production, contribution and         join forces to gain visibility in
strategically relevant devices           distribution of their media          a GAFAM-dominated internet
such as smartphones and tablets.         services.                            world. This means defining our
  PSM organizations make use               In the past, the deployment        requirements and injecting
of OTT distribution through              of undersea cables or satellite      them into the right bodies and
their own apps and websites.             networks was typically achieved      standardization groups in a
But they also utilize third-party        through creating international       timely manner. The currently
platforms. Both ways have their          consortia. Nowadays, Google          widespread notion of being
pros and cons when it comes              and Facebook are pursuing these      better off going one’s own way
to fulfilling the requirements of        kinds of network deployments         will fail when trying to dance
PSM organizations related to             independently. They target           with GAFAM.

14   tech-i | | March 2021

Tackling climate change one conversation
at a time
In January 2021, a new company-wide mobile app went live at ITV. Home Planet
aims to make sustainability part of the day-to-day technology conversation at the
UK broadcaster. Matt O’Shea tells the story.

We started the                                                                     platform was how
ITV Home Planet                                                                    quickly we could iterate
journey in November                                                                 – we failed really fast!
2019. ITV was busy                                                                  We’d implement ideas
developing new 2030                                                                 as we thought of them
environmental targets                                                               and when they didn’t
and I had just taken on                                                             work, we’d row back.
the role of Technology                                                              The no-code approach
Lead for ITV’s Green                                                                made for rock-solid
Team Steering Group,                                                                releases, so no need
the group responsible                                                               for all the effort of
for embedding change                                                                testing or release
on the ground.                                                                      management.
   I was thrilled and
nervous – I still am!                                                                 THE TEAM GROWS
I’ve been working                                                                     We had fantastic
with technology for                                                                   support from ITV
more years than I                                                                     Technology leadership.
care to remember,                                                                     The results of a
and I understand how                                                                  pilot were great. We
serious climate change                                                                expanded our team
is, but bringing the two                                                             to three – enter Anna!
things together is tricky                                                           She added a much-
and it’s new ground. There are      individuals could compete, and        needed creative touch to the
two things working in my favour:    great tips for sustainable living.    application, turbo-charged our
the issue of climate change            Although convinced we had          plans and made the idea of an
is one that the ITV teams will      a good idea, we hit our first         ITV-wide roll-out a reality.
engage with brilliantly, and the    blocker: we had no funding              At the time, the ITV Client
people who work at ITV are a        and there were only two of us!        Strategy team was working on
clever bunch. If we could raise     On the upside, Marc is a great        a commercial proposition called
the profile of sustainable living   technologist, and I had a sense       Home Planet. There were clear
and climate change, bring the       of what good looked like. Hey         synergies between their goals
issue forward in the mind of        presto, we were a two-person          and ours, they loaned us their
our technology teams, then the      product team!                         branding (huge thanks Client
plans would follow!                    We were going to need a            Strategy!) and the product was
                                    low-cost, low-barrier-to-entry        complete.
GAMIFICATION                        (so no databases!), intuitive           It’s early days but there are
Discussing all this with Marc, a    platform. A platform that             signs of something good.
colleague, we knew we needed        anyone could use to build             Sustainability is more a part of
to get the issue of climate         mobile phone applications. A          the technology conversation
change out there, and in the        no-code platform. Marc quickly        than ever, and the teams are
right way. The engagement           got to work testing no-code           setting up to rebalance the
should be fun; we wanted            platforms, and I added tips for       impact of technology on the
to inform and to inspire            living sustainably to a Google        environment.
conversation. It was decided, we    Sheet. Marc found a platform            Our no-code experience in
would gamify sustainable living!    that ticked all the boxes: Glide      developing and releasing Home
  What would become ITV             uses spreadsheets as a data           Planet has shown us that the
Home Planet was born – and          source, it has a brilliant user       days of monolithic programmes
we had set our sights beyond        interface, and (boom!) it has a       are behind us. With today’s
the technology teams. Our very      free tier. Marc plugged Glide into    technologies, the right idea and
own mobile application would        my tips spreadsheet, and we           a small product team, our ideas
be available to everyone at ITV,    had ourselves a prototype!            can be realized as swiftly as
with leaderboards so teams and         The great thing about the          they can be communicated.
                                                                         tech-i | | March 2021   15

Finding new levers to meet the
challenges of tomorrow
The France Télévisions group of tomorrow will be free from the constraints of infrastructure and
boosted by AI, writes CTO/CIO Frédéric Brochard.

Today, artificial intelligence already enables us to   communication, and the development of collective
increase our potential and supports our public         intelligence assisted by AI.
service remit by improving, for example, the             Moreover, other innovations, such as the
accessibility of our 24/7 news channel franceinfo      development of open-source smart TV
with the imminent deployment of semi-automatic         technologies, or even 5G, are encouraged by the
24/7 subtitling intended for the deaf and hard of      development of synergies through our
hearing.                                               collaborations and our sharing of experiences with
                                                       other players from the French public service
COLLABORATION & VIRTUALIZATION                         audiovisual sector and within the EBU.
Due to changing contexts, illustrated by the major
COVID-19 crisis, and new modes of programme            ESSENTIAL ROLE FOR EBU
consumption, a successful business transformation      All European public service broadcasters face the
requires us to be ever more mobile and scalable.       same challenges – adapting to new uses, new
Staying ahead of changes in collaboration methods      competition, the proliferation of technologies and
and business needs therefore becomes a                         distribution channels – while resources
priority. The virtualization and flexibility of                 stagnate or even decrease in most cases.
our technical ecosystem, far from signifying                     However, it is unthinkable to reduce the
greater individualization, allows us to                          resources allocated to content creation,
maintain proximity and increased                                 so it becomes necessary to find new
collaboration in all circumstances. The tools                     levers. This is where I see the role of the
adapt and make it easier to ‘do it together’                      EBU as critical in bringing together
by abolishing distances and physical or                           experts and interested Members around
geographic requirements.                                         a topic.
  Offering virtualized and secure systems,                          However, it seems essential to me to
incorporating the latest innovations                                focus energies on the most interesting
available from ordinary laptops,                                        activities and with the highest
accessible with one click from                                             added value for as many
anywhere in the world, allows                                              Members as possible. I am
our specialists to focus on their                                           convinced that CTOs are in the
value-creating activities. The                                              best position to determine the
recent deployment of an office                                               strategic axes to be followed
suite as SaaS (Microsoft Office                                              thanks to their scope of action
365), remote production, or                                                   within their company. I hope
even the virtualization of the                                                that, in the near future, we can
entire news editing process                                                   convene a discussion among
(Dalet Galaxy xCloud), are                                                    CTOs in order to help the
only individual steps towards                                                  EBU’s Technology &
greater sharing, facilitated                                                    Innovation department and
                                                                                the Technical Committee to
                                                                                 direct the work towards the
“It seems essential                                                              most strategic and
                                                                                  significant projects.
to me to focus                                                                      The health crisis has
energies on the                                                                   confirmed the importance
                                                                                   of our public service remits
most interesting                                                                   and the social ties that we
activities and with                                                                have helped to maintain,
                                                                                   through our education,
the highest added                                                                 information and culture
value for as many                                                                 offers. It is up to us to
                                                                                 confirm that the ties that
Members as possible.”                                                          bind our companies will
FRÉDÉRIC BROCHARD                                                             enable us to meet the
CTO AND CIO, FRANCE TÉLÉVISIONS                                            challenges of tomorrow!

16   tech-i | | March 2021
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