"The Gift That Keeps On Giving" - St. Paul's Lutheran Church ...

Page created by Benjamin Hunter
"The Gift That Keeps On Giving" - St. Paul's Lutheran Church ...
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
Concordia, MO                                                                                                January 2022

                                            “The Gift That Keeps On Giving”
                                            By the time you read this article, most—if not all—of the Christmas gifts have been
                                            opened. The kids’ toys may have already been played with and set aside as they
                                            move on to the next great thing (which might actually be the box the toy came in).
                                            Perhaps a few items are in a stack, ready to be returned since they were not the right
                                            size or style. Due to shipping delays, delivery drivers could still be dropping off last-
                                            minute gifts to your front porch.

                                            Thankfully, the true Gift of the holidays is not found amidst the colorful paper and
                                            bows, has no sales receipt for a quick-and-easy return, nor is it stuck on some cargo
                                            ship off the California coast. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son,
          401 S Main
           PO Box 60
Concordia MO 64020

                                            that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 ESV,
                                            emphasis added). This is God’s gift to you, to me, and to all people—the Gift that
                                            keeps on giving.
                       monthly newsletter

                                            Long after the holidays are a distant memory, Jesus continues to offer forgiveness
                                            for our every sin (Hebrews 10:14). He shares His supernatural peace, which cannot
                                            be found in the things of this world and which surpasses all human wisdom and un-

                                            derstanding (John 14:27; Philippians 4:7). Our Savior extends mercy in place of
                                            punishment (Luke 6:35-36). Jesus shares grace that covers all our imperfections
                                            (Ephesians 2:8-9). In Word and Sacrament and in our public worship and private or
                                            family devotions, we unwrap His gifts once again. Every day is like Christmas

                                            As a congregation, we are sharing a gift with you to help you
                                            experience this Good News of the Savior—a gift you can
                                            enjoy at church, school, home, and on the road. We’ve pur-
                                            chased unlimited access to thousands of Christian videos and are
                                            giving free access to everyone in our church and school as well as friends of St. Paul’s.
                                            RightNow Media offers discipleship resources for kids, youth, adults, couples, fami-
                                            lies, and church leaders. These videos can be accessed on your TV, phone, or tablet.
                                            My family has enjoyed watching a number of their resources, including “What’s in
                                            the Bible?” (a show for families with kids) and “Bible Unearthed” (a series geared
                                            for children and youth that has useful information for adults too). RightNow Media
                                            is scheduled to launch at St. Paul’s on January 9, so watch for more information.

                                            In the New Year, our commitment to preaching, teaching, and reaching remains. This
                                            has been our congregation’s calling for over 180 years. As times and technology
                                            changes, we continue to share the gift of Jesus to those in our church, school, com-
                                            munity, and beyond—the Gift that keeps on giving.

                                            RightNow Media serves Christian congregations that represent diverse traditions and doctrinal
                                            affiliations, including sister congregations of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. To
                                            read their doctrinal statement, visit www.rightnowmedia.org/about/us-doctrinal-statement.
                                            To understand how RightNow Media selects its content, which currently includes over 20,000
                                            titles, see www.rightnowmedia.org/us/selecting-content.

                                            Pastor Michael
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                                                                         Family Life Ministry
Be Near Me Lord Jesus
I gaze out the window watching as the sun’s rays dwindle and
the evening shadows lazily lengthen across the landscape.
Advent has been preparing me for the coming of Christmas,
the coming of Christ. I gaze into the crystal globe sitting on my
library table that has shepherds surrounding the manger with
Mary and Joseph loving looking upon the Savior of the world.
My mind wanders back to that account that I have heard so
many times before. I try to imagine myself in Bethlehem on that
crowded evening. I try to put myself in Mary’s shoes traveling
some rugged miles on the back of a donkey carrying the Savior
in my womb, arriving late with no place to stay. I try to put my-
self in Joseph’s shoes seeing this bizarre chain of events play out
as I knock upon countless doors only to be rejected by the person
on the other side because there simply is no room. And before
the account ever reaches this point, I wonder what the angel Ga-
briel thinks before he delivers the news to Mary. Does he wonder what God is up to or does he simply
deliver the news without hesitation? And then there are the shepherds in the field. To imagine that the
angels appeared in all their glory to this group of ragtag men on a hillside. My, what a sight that must
have been! When it comes down to it, it really does not matter what questions were swirling around in
the minds of these people whom God called to be a part of His plan. What does matter is that they said
“yes” to God’s calling and moved forward in faith.

If you have ever doubted God’s love, all you need to do is look into the manger. God descended to
earth when He sent His Son to be born of a virgin. He had eyebrows and possibly pimples. He experi-
enced pain and fatigue. His feelings were hurt and he probably had headaches, too. It seems almost
uncomfortable to think of God in this way, doesn’t it? Yet that is exactly how He planned it. God sent
Jesus specifically into our world to experience what we experience. Jesus is not a pre-packaged item to
be set upon a shelf. He came into the muck and mire of this world to save us so for goodness sake, let
Him in. It is only through His entering our muck and mire that He can pull us out of it.

I’m sure all of us have been where Joseph and Mary were at some point. Lingering in the inbetween of
what God says and what makes sense. Questioning God’s plan and wondering why He does what He
does. I’m sure that we have stared into a dark sky having doubts. I’m sure we have wondered if we are
on the right road, and I’m sure we have wondered if there is a plan behind the events that are currently

I read these words yesterday and I think they are worth thinking about. “Change always brings fear
before it brings faith. We always assume the worst before we look for the best. God interrupts our lives
with something we’ve never seen, and rather than praise, we panic! We interpret the presence of a prob-
lem as the absence of God” (God Came Near by Max Lucado).

Joseph did not let his confusion disrupt his obedience. He packed up his family and went to another
country because God told him to. He didn’t have all the answers. He didn’t know how things would turn
out, but he drew near to God because he trusted Him completely. Let us do the same. Draw near to the
manger and open your hearts to receive your Savior. Immanuel, God with us. “She will bear a son, and
you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21

~Gina Martens, Family Life Director
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                                                                                         Congregation News
Tails from Thomas Comfort Dog
Greetings to all of you! I hope you are enjoying this Advent season and are looking
forward to celebrating the birth of our Savior!

Jessy talked me into writing this article again. That’s OK with me. I have many
things to tell you. I am happy to tell you about my health. When I came here, it was
thought that I might have a problem with my body, specifically with my bones,
joints, and ligaments. My handlers took me to a special place called MU, where sev-
eral dog doctors looked at me and did many tests. They decided that I am healthy, and that I am “good to go” being a Com-
fort Dog. I should be able to do all the commands that I have been taught. I must admit, sometimes I’m a little “stinker” and
don’t do the commands quickly or correctly. But as they say, “He’s still a pup,” so I get to try again to do it right.

I greeted those who came to the Family Advent Sunday School. Families were able to start the holiday season with ideas
about making those few weeks leading up to Christmas to be Christ-filled.

All of my Comfort Dog people hosted the Advent meal before the first Advent service of the year. They served baked pota-
toes, salad, delicious desserts and drinks. We had a good crowd. Thank you to all who came to eat and support the Comfort
Dog Ministry.

                                       We were asked to visit our friends in Joplin. They are working on getting another
                                       Comfort Dog since Jackson and Louie have passed in the last couple of years. I under-
                                       stand that those two dogs were the inspiration for our congregation getting Comfort
                                       Dogs, namely Jessy and me. As people from our congregation went to help out after
                                       their terrible tornado, they met Jackson and Louie and raved about how helpful they
                                       were in comforting those devastated at that time. That excitement led to us getting
                                       info about the dogs and finally receiving one--and then, two. The Joplin congregation
                                       is having trouble getting all the people they need for their team. Their Top Dog
                                       thought that maybe having Jessy and me visit, it would spark interest in their congre-

                                        Christkindlemarkt was held again this year on the campus of St. Paul Lutheran High
                                        School. Jessy had told me it was a special event, so we both went this year. I walked
                                        around and met many people. My problem is that I like to sniff and eat some of the
things that are on the ground, and there were many smells that night. But it was still fun to see all the people who attended
and to listen to the special music.

One night there were many tornadoes in the country. One of the places hit was Edwardsville, IL. Jessy has good friends that
live in the country there. They were fine. However, an Amazon plant was hit and several people died. Our good Comfort
Dog friend, Esther, lives very close. She was able to be there for the vigil and to comfort those who had lost loved ones.
 Thank you, Esther, for sharing God’s comfort with those hurting people.

Speaking of hurting people, we were asked to visit Sweet Springs High School following the death of one of their students.
We visited her first hour homeroom classroom. There were many tears, but also many stories of friendship and fun that
made them laugh. We then went into the halls and computer room, where students could come visit when they felt sad. We
were happy we could be there for them.

One of the students at school thought I needed a special covering for my crate. She and her
Grandma made a special blanket, with dog paws and even my name on it. Thanks, Layla and Grandma Sharon. That is
really cool!

There are many special services in the next few days. Jessy and I are looking forward to seeing our friends and many new peo-
ple who may be here visiting family and friends. Since this is my first year at St. Paul’s, I would like to say how much I love
this church and all the people here. God has certainly blessed this congregation, and I am so thankful to be here.

Jessy and I would like to wish you Merry Christmas. Rejoice in Jesus, the new-born Savior!

Thomas and Jessy
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                                                                          Congregation News
Lutheran Women in Mission
LWML Mission Statement
As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully
proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip
women to honor God by serving others.
“Serve the LORD with gladness! “(Psalm 100:2).

Missouri District LWML Convention will be June 3-5,
2022, in St. Louis at the Sheraton Westport Chalet, St. Louis. The theme will be “For Such a Time as
This” from Esther 4:14.

                                     New Heart to Heart Logo
                                     The current LWML Heart to Heart (H2H) Sisters Committee has
                                     updated their name. They are now the Heart to Heart — Sisters
                                     of All Nations Committee. This new name will enable a clearer
                                     understanding of the purpose of this program. Heart to Heart —
                                     Sisters of All Nations is LWML’s program to motivate, equip,
                                     challenge, and mentor multicultural women to serve the church,
                                     participate in LWML, witness to the world, and grow in relation-

Concordia Zone LWML Spring Rally is scheduled for April 23, 2022, at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in
Saline City (Slater), Missouri. The speaker will be Katie Davis, a Young Woman Representative who
attended the 2021 National LWML Convention.

Ladies Aid No. 1 will meet January 4, 2022, at 7 p.m., in the Parish Office. A Bible study, “A New
Spring Wardrobe,” will be led by Joanne Reinke. Programs for the year will be discussed.

1912 Ladies Aid will meet January 11, 2022, at 7 p.m., in the Parish Office. Mission and service projects
for the year will be selected. Their theme for the year will be “For Such a Time as This,” which is the
theme for the upcoming Missouri District convention. The group plans to sort at Orphan Grain Train on
January 25, at 1 p.m.

  New LWML Vinyl Stickers are available for purchase.
  Designs include the LWML logo, President Debbie’s
  HIS logo, and the “I am the Heart of LWML” logo.
  They are priced at $1 each or 3 for $2.50. Vinyl stickers
  can be used on travel mugs, laptops, phones, and many
  other surfaces. They are a great way to promote LWML!
  The stickers are approximately 3” x 2” and may be pur-
  chased through the LWML Office at (800)252-5965.
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                                                                                    School News

Merry Christmas and Happy New
At the end of January, St. Paul’s Lutheran School celebrates National
Lutheran Schools Week during which we celebrate our freedom of reli-
gion in schools. National Lutheran Schools Week provides our net-
work of more than 1,800 LCMS preschools, elementary schools and
high schools with the public opportunity to proclaim and celebrate
God’s work among us in Lutheran schools. We thank God for the op-
portunity to provide excellent academic preparation for the children we
serve. We are most grateful for the opportunity to share Jesus’ amazing
love with children and their families.

National Lutheran Schools Week gives us an opportunity to proclaim these great blessings within the
communities we serve. Lutheran schools are amazing incubators for faithful witness of God’s love for
us through Christ by teachers and students alike. “In All Things” is the theme for the 2022 National
Lutheran Schools Week celebration.

Please join with us through prayer from January 23rd-January 29th as we celebrate school teachers,
pastors, aides, and staff as well as students and families! On Sunday, January 23rd, the whole school
choir will sing in the 10:30 AM service to kick the week off. National Lutheran Schools Week is one of
our students’ favorite weeks. Students celebrate with dress up days (pajama day, twin day, career day),
special events and activities (bowling and ice skating are past examples), and special snacks.
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                                                                                     Mission News

From Darkness into Light
Twenty years ago, a former executive director of Lutheran Bible Transla-
tors traveled to Liberia for the dedication of the Krahn New Testament.
One afternoon he and three others accompanied a colleague from Jar-
wode, the village where they were staying, to the nearby village of
Gbarkeh, where the colleague planned to spend the night. After meeting
with the village elders and enjoying a meal together, the director and his
three friends began the walk back. But they didn’t really know the way
and the further they got from Gbarkeh, the darker it became. With no
streets or streetlights, road signs or GPS, they were not confident they would be able to keep to the trail
as they crossed through the countryside back to Jarwode.

With one small flashlight between them, they pressed on. As they crossed a dry, rocky streambed they
met up with a young boy who was also going to Jarwode—and knew the way. What a relief! Having a
guide made all the difference. The small group made their way out of the darkness back to the light and
security of the village.

                                                          Moving from spiritual darkness—living apart
                                                          from God—towards the light of Christ is the
                                                          experience of all who have come to faith. For
                                                          some of us, that happens at an early age. And
                                                          we usually have Christian parents and grand-
                                                          parents, pastors and teachers to guide us, with
                                                          an abundance of Biblical materials to study
                                                          along the way. For those without such re-
                                                          sources, coming to faith—and maintaining
                                                          and growing in faith—is much more difficult.
                                                          They are like that small group in Liberia, try-
                                                          ing to find their way in the dark, struggling to
                                                          keep to the path, unsure of their direction.

Lutheran Bible Translators (LBT) serves in over 100 language communities, translating Scripture, pro-
moting literacy, and developing resources that allow people to interact with God’s Word in their own
languages. You can offer prayer support to missionaries, translation teams, and those still finding the
path to faith by subscribing to LBT’s monthly prayer calendar. Visit https://lbt.org/pray to sign up to
receive the calendar by email. To receive a printed copy, call 660-225-0810 and ask to sign up for the
printed version of the prayer calendar.

God’s blessings to you in this new year as we bring the Light to those in need of Christ’s love and
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January Birthdays and Anniversaries

                                13. Rolland Beerman
                                    Cynthia (Paul) Heins
                                    Justin Hemme                23. Jules Bobzin
1.    Nancy Reinwald                Blake Northen                   Lettie Brandt
2.   Rebecca Brunkhorst             Blair Sayre                     Mark Oehlschlaeger
     Cheryl Inman               14. Kaitlin Horstman                Beth Schlesselman
     Gary Inman                     Jennifer Jones                  Sydney Wiles
     Lia Meineka                    Ethan Strobel               25. Julie Boehmer
     Matthew Werneke            15. Sarah Meineka                   Hannah Hoeppner
     Ross & Lacey Fiene             Mina Phillips                   Cameron Holsten
3.   John Foster                    Judy Roepe                      Kendall Holsten
     Isabella Haas              16. Cody Hass                       Krystal Inman
     Wayne Myers                    Janna Hess                      Carol Mueller
     Leah Simmons                   Gail Nierman                    Sarah Stilwell
     Whitney Todd               17. Donald Dedeke               26. Kaden Kruse
4.   Matthew Rudowske               Melissa Heath                   Rebecca Schnackenberg
     Jim & Jan Mills                Larry Meineka                   Freya Stilwell
5.   John C. Bobzin                 Mischeal Stauch                 Tim Wulser
     Susan Foster                   Scarlet Stilwell            28. Deb Demel
6.   Jaxson Butler              18. Joshua Bushman                  Tyler Frerking
     Kylie Dittmer                  Esther Mehl                     Paul Tebbenkamp
     Gary Martens                   Donald Phillips                 Stephen Wienberg
     Dayton Schnakenberg            Alan Riesterer              29. Rick Heimsoth
     Benjamin Stumbaugh             Victoria Strobel                Kenneth Hemme
7.   John T. Bobzin             19. Ronald Cordes                   Rebecca Lemmert
     Barry Frerking                 Alic Frerking                   Christian Matisko
8.                                  Gavin Kueck                     Tammy Schlueter
9.  Elizabeth Frerking              Jonah Lange                     Rick Stumbaugh
    Mathew Heath                    Gina Martens                30. Vivian Harms
    Madeleine Kuecker               Luther Schmidt                  Gary Muehler
    Karol Meyer                 20. Erin Chrisman                   Todd Nierman
    Mark Oetting                    Bailey Dunkin                   Jessy Otero
    Paul Schnackenberg              Trent Kuecker                   Carol Wilckens
    David Schnakenberg              Otto Urban                  31. Susan Petty
    Cully & Cathy Jobe              Greg & Risa Bushman             Jerry Werneke
10. Seth Harrington                 Edward & Kristina Strobel       Amy Woods
    Bill & Sandra Blankenship   21. Logan Estes
11. Steve Bishop                    Diane Heimsoth
    Paul Brackman                   Nathanael Poppe
    Jennifer Bredehoeft             Kyle Schemmer
    Caleb Hentges                   Robert & Phyllis Nuelle
    Cathy Jobe                  22. Spencer Brown
    David Pfannkuch                 Elois Muehler
    Beth Schemmer                   Mark Northen
    John Schlesselman               Kelly Rose
    Edward Strobel                  Garth Stuenkel
    Katelyn Stuenkel                Jacob Wasson
12. Faith Anne Brown                Rick & Sheree Heimsoth
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                           Serving this Month - January
Elders -                                      Altar Guild - Linda Strobel;
                                                    Becky Haase; Rachel Lange

Sound System - 8:00am                         Dial-A-Devotion - Rev. Andrew
               10:30am                                          Lehenbauer

Ushers - Jeff Schlueter; Darl Fuhrmann;
                  Chris Wasson

8:00 AM - Randy Mahnken, Capt.;               10:30 AM - Ben Lange, Capt.;
Rusty McGinnis, Alan Vogelsmeier,             Greg Schmidt, Andrew Oetting,
Jeffrey Heins, Roger Luedeman,                Stan Kirchhoff, Greg Brown,
Kevin Hemme, Neal Hinck,                      Kyle Borgstadt, Aaron Frerking,
Kent Petty, Mark Schelp,                      Allan Hentges
Pat Inman, Mark Petersen,
Chris Maggert
January 2022 - Church Calendar
                   Sun                         Mon                         Tue                   Wed                            Thu        Fri                    Sat
2                         3                          4                           5                         6                          7          1
8 (C) & 10:30 Worship
9:15am SS & Bible Study                                                          12pm Womens Bible Study
9:30am GSCC Worship                                                              (PO)
                                                     7pm Ladies Aid #1 (PO)

9                         10                         11                          12                        13                         14         15
8 & 10:30 (C) Worship
Services                                             10am Lifelight (PO)                                   9am Lifelight (PO)
9:15a, SS & Bible Study                                                          12pm Womens Bible Study
9:30am GSCC Worship                                                              (PO)

                          7pm Worship
                          w/Communion                7pm 1912 Ladies Aid (PO)

16                        17                         18                          19                        20                         21         22
8 (C) & 10:30 Worship

Services                  9am Lifelight (PO)         10am Lifelight (PO)                                   9am Lifelight (PO)
9:15am SS & Bible Study                                                          12pm Womens Bible Study
9:30am GSCC Worship                                                              (PO)

                                                     7pm Mens Club (PO)

23                        24                         25                          26                        27                         28         29
8 & 10:30 (C) Worship
Services                  9am Lifelight (PO)         10am Lifelight (PO)                                   9am Lifelight (PO)
9:15a, SS & Bible Study                                                          12pm Womens Bible Study
9:30am GSCC Worship                                  1pm Orphan Grain Train      (PO)

                          7pm Worship
                          w/Communion                7pm Elders

30                        31
                                                                                                                                                 CC - Conference Center
8 & 10:30 Worship
Services                  9am Lifelight (PO)
                                                                                        St. Paul’s Evangelical                                   PO - Parish Office
                                                                                          Lutheran Church                                        GSCC - Good Shepherd
9:15a, SS & Bible Study
                                                                                                                                                 Care Community
9:30am GSCC Worship                                                                          401 S. Main                                         S.S. –Sunday School
                                                                                      Concordia, Missouri 64020                                  B.C. -Bible Class
                                                                                        Church Office: 463-2291                                  (C) - Communion
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