Page created by Gloria Nunez
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          Atur recae vellit
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                                           BUSINESS TRAVEL
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                                                      IN ASSOCIATION WITH
                              BUSINESSTRAVELLER.COM                         AMEXGLOBALBUSINESSTRAVEL.COM

                                                                                                                                                                                Cover image: PriestmanGoode ‘Pure Skies’
THE FUTURE OF BUSINESS TRAVEL                                                                          GLOBETRENDER.COM/DOWNLOADS

   GLOBETRENDER X BUSINESS TRAVELLER                                                                     GLOBETRENDER
                                                                                                         THE FUTURE OF TRAVEL
                                                                                                                                                CHINA NEXT:
                                                                                                                                          THE FUTURE OF LUXURY TOURISM

              elcome to        travel industry.             higher than it did before,
              Globetrender’s       From Employee            and there will be far fewer
              Future of        Empowerment and              handshakes taking place.
Business Travel report         Optimised Facetime, to           Of course, the return            TRAVEL IN THE AGE OF COVID-19

(published September           Health Certificates and      to business travel will, to
                                                                                                             IN ASSOCIATION WITH

2020), which has               the Caring Economy,          some extent, depend on
                                                                                                                                                          IN ASSOCIATION WITH

been co-produced               the nine trends              country restrictions and
                                                                                                  Download Globetrender’s                 Download Globetrender’s
with Business Traveller        Globetrender has             quarantine regulations,              Travel in the Age of Covid-19            China Next: The Future of
magazine, in association       identified represent both    but the intention is there,                   (free report)                  Luxury Tourism (free report)
with our sponsor               new and accelerated          and this is in spite of the
American Express Global        shifts taking place as       lack of a vaccine yet. (If
Business Travel.               a consequence of the         and when there is one,        dealing with profound
    It’s not easy predicting   Covid-19 pandemic, and       recovery will be quicker.)    ethical and moral                        IN ASSOCIATION WITH
the future of travel,          the widespread adoption          Globetrender believes     decisions when it comes
let alone at a time of         of out-of-office working.    that key to reinvigorating    to balancing people and
turmoil. However, thanks           Although business        business travel will be the   profit. There will also
to a bespoke, in-depth         travel has been              widespread adoption of        be social challenges
survey of global business      dramatically curtailed for   Covid-19 testing, both at     to surmount when it
traveller sentiment            many months, close to 40     home and at airports –        comes to meeting again
conducted in July and          per cent of respondents      particularly when it comes    in person. However,
August, combined with          to the Business Traveller    to transatlantic trade        Globetrender believes
expert forecasting from        survey said they planned     routes between the UK         that increased empathy,
Globetrender, this report      to begin travelling again    and the US, for example,      tactical efficiency, long-
                                                                                                                                                   Jenny Southan
gives what we believe          for work before the end      which have so far been        lasting flexibility and
                                                                                                                                                Editor and founder
is a reliable snapshot of      of 2020, while 8 per cent    heavily restricted.           greater creativity will
behaviour and trends           already are. However,            With the pandemic far     benefit business travel –
for the next 12 to 18          unsurprisingly, health and   from over, responsible        and travellers – for many
months in the business         safety now ranks much        corporates will be            years to come.

GLOBETRENDER.COM X BUSINESSTRAVELLER.COM                                             – 2 –                                             AMEXGLOBALBUSINESSTRAVEL.COM
Globetrender is a digital
magazine and travel
trend forecasting agency
dedicated to the future of
travel. Founded by Jenny
Southan, it delivers
cutting-edge insights
into how people travel in
the 21st century, and its    JENNY SOUTHAN                 ROSE DYKINS                      OLIVIA PALAMOUNTAIN            MARISA CANNON                  MICHELLE HARBI
editorial and consulting     EDITOR AND FOUNDER            CONTRIBUTOR                      CONTRIBUTOR                    CONTRIBUTOR                    CONTRIBUTOR
services arm people          Jenny has 13 years worth      In addition to being a writer,   Olivia is a freelance travel   Marisa is a travel writer      Freelance journalist
with the knowledge they      of experience working         researcher and online            and lifestyle writer and       and editor, formerly           and editor Michelle
need to future-proof their   as an award-winning           editor for Globetrender,         editor. She has created        deputy editor of British       writes about all aspects
businesses.                  travel journalist, with ten   Rose is a freelance travel       publications including         Airways’ Business              of business travel,
                             years as features editor      writer and editor, and           international business         Life and First magazines       specialising in aviation
                             of Business Traveller         formerly staff writer for        title Milestone magazine       and staff writer at Business   and accommodation. She
IN ASSOCIATION               magazine, a job that          Business Traveller. Her          and her work has been          Traveller magazine. She        was formerly managing
WITH WATERFRONT              enabled her to travel all     work has been published          published in the likes         has covered business           editor of Business
PUBLISHING                   over the world. Since         in The Telegraph, Metro,         of The Telegraph, The          travel and corporate           Traveller magazine. For
Waterfront Publishing        leaving in 2017, she has      The Sunday Times Travel          Guardian and City AM.          events sectors while           this report she explored
(waterfront-publishing.      been freelancing for          Magazine and various             She is fascinated by the       working for Business           how some aspects
com) is an independent       titles such as Condé Nast     in-flight magazines. She         new and the next, with         Traveller in both Hong         of the business travel
magazine publisher           Traveller, The Telegraph      has a particular interest        a special focus on how         Kong and London, and           experience will change
based in London. It          and Mr Porter, as well as     in the future of work, and       communication trends and       has worked for brand           for the better in the
creates print, mobile        running Globetrender.         innovations that help            technology are disrupting      titles including Jaguar        post-Covid world – from
and online media,            Her most memorable            people work agilely,             traditional boundaries         Land Rover, IAG Cargo          touch-free journeys
and provides editorial,      business travel               efficiently and safely while     among work, rest and           and Regus. She is              through the airport
design, proofreading and     reporting assignments         running a business from          play. She is also a writer,    also a frequent writer         to greater employee
marketing services. It is    were to Iran, Detroit,        their laptops, wherever          researcher and online          and forecaster for             empowerment when
the publisher of ABTA        Azerbaijan and Cairo.         they are.                        editor for Globetrender.       Globetrender.                  planning trips.
Magazine and Cruise
Adviser, both aimed at
the travel trade.

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From a collective
pause to getting
back in the race

Globetrender, the UK’s leading travel
trend forecasting agency, is helping travel
and tourism companies navigate what’s
coming next through bespoke consultancy

If you would like individual guidance on how to
future-proof your company, email editor and founder
Jenny Southan at

Download Globetrender’s latest trend reports

       usiness Traveller      from these events not            In addition, loyalty
       is the leading         only informs future          programmes are
       magazine for           editorial pieces for the     examined, deals and
the frequent business         magazine, but led to         promotions are collected                                                                                                                                                             A P R I L 2 0 2 0 £4.30

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PICKING UP SPEED                BIG IN JAPAN                            FRUIT OF THE WINE                PLUS

traveller, with 14 editions   the establishment of a       and feature stories cover                                                                                                                                                                     How European rail
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        is being reinvigorated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Osaka’s talent for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         sealing the deal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cellars in the Sky
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  winners celebrated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Algarve • Private investment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Tried and Tested reviews

worldwide – in the UK,        research arm: Business       a wide range of issues
US, Asia-Pacific, Middle      Traveller Insight.           such as health, security,                                                                                                                                                                                                WORLD IN OUR
East, China, France,              Business Traveller       technology, golf,                                                                                                                                                                                                             HANDS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Can carbon offsetting
Germany, Denmark,             is a consumer                automotive, financial and                                                                                                                                                                                                          make a difference?

Hungary, Africa, Russia,      publication aimed at         buying property.
Poland, Israel and India,     entertaining business            Lastly, we don’t                                                                                             M A R C H 2 0 2 0 £4.30

as well as a number           travellers, saving them      forget that frequent                                                                                                 CELLARS IN THE SKY
                                                                                                                                                                                   The winners of our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PARISIAN NIGHTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   New hotels in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        THE ROUTE AHEAD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Making flying easier for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   New York • Buying currency
                                                                                                                                                                                  airline wine awards               French capital                      people with disabilities   • Tried and Tested reviews

of websites including         money and making             corporate travellers are        their travelling life        often the most frequent                                                                                                                             PHIL ADELPHIA
   With editorial staff       easier. Each edition is      leisure travellers, so                                                                                                                                     STORY
based in our offices          packed with editorial        we examine where to                                                                                                                                              Innovating in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           birthplace of the US
around the globe,             on the latest news           escape on your next
Business Traveller is         about airlines, airports,    break and what to do if
                                                                                           S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0 £4.30

uniquely placed to            hotels and car rental.       you are lucky enough                MADE IN MANHAT TAN                            ISL AND MENTALIT Y                     GREEN MILES                         PLUS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            001 OFC BT APRIL COVER FINAL.indd 1                                                                                               16/03/2020 14:40

                                                                                               New hotel options for your                     The Canaries’ plans for         The latest electric and hybrid      European rail • Italy

ensure that each edition          We review travel         to get time off when                 next trip to New York                          post-Covid tourism                  cars on the market          • Tried and Tested reviews

reflects the needs of our     products, including          travelling on business.
readers locally.              the latest gadgets,              Every day, tens of                                                                      SCREEN
    Launched in the UK        technology and               thousands of visitors                                                                       TIMEAirports adapt to
in 1976, the magazine         accessories designed         read the latest news                                                                             the new normal
has expanded into             to make the traveller’s      at businesstraveller.
events with frequent          life easier and more         com, and when they fly,                                                                                      001 OFC BTMARCH COVER FIN.indd 1                                                                                                     13/02/2020 10:02

lunches, dinners, drinks      efficient. And we look at    they have the option
and presentations to          destinations – where to      of watching Business
our readers, who enjoy        stay, what to eat, what to   Traveller television
meeting one another           see and how to behave,       on board dozens of
and swapping tales and        all delivered by our own     the leading airlines                                                                                                                                                                                                       For more information
tips from their travels.      writers and journalists      through the in-flight                                                                                                                                                                                           
The knowledge gained          around the world.            entertainment systems.                                                                                                                                                                                
                                                                                       001 OFC BT SEPT_OCT COVER FIN.indd 1                                                                                                          13/08/2020 12:42

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                                                                                                                                                                                      Adobe Stock
QUANTITATIVE DATA              SURVEY RESPONDENT                65% of respondents        16% worked for firms                When searching                These are based
For this report,               PROFILE                      were either owners            between 1,001 and               for trends, we apply          on STEEP – Social,
Globetrender partnered         The final sample was of      or partners in their          10,000 employees. 10%           the “three times” rule. A     Technological, Economic,
with market research           2,020 Business Traveller     businesses, or senior         worked for companies of         one-time occurrence is        Environmental and
company Business               readers – with 43% from      management/director           101-500 people; 5% for          an anomaly, twice is a        Political – forces.
Intelligence, in association   the UK, 18% from Asia,       level. They had flown an      501-1,000; 5% for 51-100        coincidence and three         Innovation is at the root
with Business Traveller’s      12% from North America,      average of 22 times each in   (4% don’t know).                times is a trend, worthy of   of every trend, so we are
Business Traveller Insight     11% from Western Europe      the 18 months preceding                                       further exploration.          always looking at what
division, to conduct a         (including Scandinavia),     July 2020.                    ANALYSIS AND TREND                  The identification        is new and disruptive.
July-August 2020 survey        and 8% from Australasia          In terms of the size of   FORECASTING                     and naming of trends is       Just like news reporters,
of global business traveller   (8% were collectively from   business they worked for,     At Globetrender, we             based on IOI: Intuition,      we ask the questions
sentiment in relation to the   the Middle East, South       39% were part of teams        focus on qualitative            Observation and               “who”, “what”, “where”,
Covid-19 pandemic.             America, and Eastern         of up to 50 people, while     research underpinned            Investigation. This is both   “why” and “when”?
                               and Southern Europe,         21% worked for major          by quantitative data. We        a creative and academic       But like investigative
                               including Turkey).           companies of more             always consider how             process. For every “micro”    journalists, we then
                                                            than 10,000 employees.        the life cycle of a trend       trend, we also consider       dive much deeper.
                                                                                          moves from the innovators       the “macro” trends that           By discovering
                                                                                          that trigger them on the        represent the wider           multiple examples of
                                                                                          minority fringes to the early   cultural shifts in consumer   a trend, conducting
                                                                                          adopters, early majority,       desires, motivations,         desk- and field-based
                                                                                          late majority and, finally,     values and behaviours         research, interviewing
                                                                                          the laggards.                   around the world.             insiders and producing
                                                                                                                                                        case studies, “qualitative”
                                                                                                                                                        proof of it is generated.
                                                                                                                                                        At Globetrender, we rely
                                                                                                                                                        on our unique access to
                                                                                                                                                        travel industry experts
                                                                                                                                                        and ongoing consumer
                                                                                                                                                        observation to remain
                                                                                                                                                        ahead of the curve. Email
                                                                                                                                                        for further insights and
                                                                                                                                                        bespoke consulting into
                                                                                                                                                        the travel of tomorrow.

                   BUSINESSTRAVELLER.COM                                             – 6 –                                                  AMEXGLOBALBUSINESSTRAVEL.COM

                     PAGE 8: EXECUTIVE     PAGE 25: TREND 5:      PAGE 33: TREND 9:       PAGE 40: CASE STUDY:
                     PAGE 9-14: SURVEY                            PAGE 36: CASE STUDY:
                     RESULTS                                      INSTITUTE OF TRAVEL
                     PAGE 16: TREND
                     1: EMPLOYEE

                                           PAGE 27: TREND 6:
                                           CARING ECONOMY
                                                                                          PAGE 41: AMEX GBT
                                           PAGE 29: TREND 7:                              INTERVIEW
                                           ULTRA FLEXIBILITY
                                                                                          PAGE 43-46: EXPERT
                                           PAGE 31: TREND 8:                              PREDICTIONS
                     PAGE 19: TREND        CORPORATE NOMADS
                     2: SMARTPHONE                                PAGE 37: CASE STUDY:
                     CENTRICITY                                   VIRGIN ATLANTIC

                     PAGE 21: TREND 3:                            PAGE 38: CASE STUDY:
                     OPTIMISED FACETIME                           SAFE SPACES BY UPFLEX

                     PAGE 23: TREND 4:                            PAGE 39: CASE STUDY:
                     HEALTH CERTIFICATES                          SINGAPORE FAST LANES

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        his 2020 report        the end of the year.         wouldn’t travel at all if       One in four if they are      why the vast majority of       case studies and expert
        on the Future of          Of course, well-being     they have to self-isolate       aged between 25 and          corporates will be sticking    interviews with industry
        Business Travel has    is now a major concern,      for a period.                   54. (Older people will be    to familiar travel brands.     thought-leaders who
been co-produced by            with health and safety          Another key finding          a little more cautious.)        Going beyond the            share their predictions on
travel trend forecasting       now ranking as equally       from the survey was             Trust will play a big part   data, this report covers       what’s coming next.
agency Globetrender            important to price when      the fact that despite the       in rebuilding business       nine trends shaping the
and Business Traveller         booking a trip. That said,   shift to remote working         travel confidence going      future of business travel:     WANT TO KNOW MORE?
magazine. After                the resilient, mission-      and the subsequent              forwards – trust in other    Employee Empowerment,
conducting a survey of         driven mindset of the        widespread adoption             people that they have        Smartphone Centricity,         If you are interested in
more than 2,000 business       business traveller is        of video-conferencing,          washed their hands, trust    Optimised Facetime,            learning more about the
travellers across the          revealed in the data: it     just over three quarters        in employer duty-of-care     Health Certificates,           data, email enquiries@
world, our analysts were       shows that the majority      of business travellers          policies that they will be   Automated Gateways,  
able to identify the key       of people are either         think that face-to-face         looked after if they get     the Caring Economy,
patterns in behaviour and      completely or somewhat       meetings with clients           ill, and trust in hotels     Ultra Flexibility, Corporate   For bespoke consulting
sentiment, as well as how      confident about              are preferable for sales        and airlines that they       Nomads and Airline             on the future of business
these fit in with emerging     travelling on business       meetings and pitches,           have sanitised interiors     Innovation. The research       travel, email jenny@
trends on a macro level.       again. Only 13% are not      while 60% agree that            appropriately, which is      concludes with a series of
   No one needs to             confident at all.            the majority of deals
be reminded that                  Until there is an         and decisions can’t be
business travel has been       effective vaccine widely     made virtually.
decimated by the global        available, having the           So although day-
Covid-19 pandemic, but         option to fly in first or    to-day work can be
what this report reveals       business class is the        done outside of the
is how the business            thing that would most        office, it doesn’t mean
travellers of tomorrow         incentivise people to        Zoom will be replacing
will be responding and         travel for work again, in    business travel. What
adapting. Interestingly, for   addition to high levels of   we can expect is greater
example, just over one in      cleanliness on transport     critiquing when it comes
ten corporates have been       and going to destinations    to the value of travelling
travelling throughout          with good healthcare         for meetings, especially
the crisis in spite of         systems. Most people         internal ones.
restrictions, while almost     would be willing to take        What are the chances
50% are either travelling      a Covid-19 test to avoid     someone will reach out
now or expect to be by         quarantining – and most      to shake your hand?

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        89% of business

       travellers around
     the world stopped
 travelling when there
                                                                    the percentage increase in
were travel restrictions
                                                                    business travel since travel
  in their region during
                                                                        restrictions eased
          the pandemic

                   11% of business travellers travelled                   would be less likely to travel if
                   when there were travel restrictions
                   during the pandemic                            91%    they were required to quarantine
                                                                               at their destination

     Of those that did travel for business                                would be less likely to travel if they
   during this time, 41% were at the most
          senior levels – owner/partners
                                                                  85%     were required to quarantine when
                                                                                 they returned home

                  17% have travelled since lockdown
                  travel restrictions eased (mainly
                  short-haul or domestic)


                       BOOKING A BUSINESS TRIP

                           Health and safety is now a major concern for business travellers.

                                       Before the Covid-19 pandemic, only 5%
                              ranked health and safety as the most important factor when
                                     booking a trip vs 40% during the pandemic                       40%

              PRE-PANDEMIC                                                               DURING THE PANDEMIC
                                           77%            PRICE              64%

                                           18% HEALTH AND SAFETY 64%

                                           75%         SCHEDULE              61%

                                           65%    LOYALTY SCHEME             48%



          How confident are business travellers
               about travel in the future?

          14%      completely confident

     34%           some concerns but would probably
                   travel for business regardless
                                                                         What conditions would mean people were more

     39%           a number of concerns that would need
                   to be clarified before feeling confident
                                                                           likely to travel for business in the future?
                                                                        (Respondents were asked to rank the top three in order of importance)

          13%      not confident at all
                                                                                           Vaccine for Covid-19 80%
                                                                                Ability to travel in business or first class 75%
                                                                                High standards of hygiene on transport 74%
                                                                       Travelling to a destination with a good healthcare system 69%
                                                                           Purpose of visit could not be achieved remotely 65%
                                                                         Needed to travel to a destination that you know well 63%
                                                                              ‘Travel corridor’ in operation to destination 61%
                                                                       Confident no new restrictions introduced during your trip 61%
                                                                                      Quick Covid-19 test on arrival 59%

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  What would business travellers be willing to do to
        increase confidence/ease of travel?
            Take a Covid-19 test to avoid quarantine
                                                                                  Regional confidence
           Take an antibody test for health certificate                     Respondents from the  UK     and US
                                                                          are more confident about starting to travel
                             64%                                         on business again than those from Australia
               Wear a face mask while travelling                                          and Asia

                     Upgrade class of travel

              Fly direct rather than change planes

     Acquire a biometric ‘fast pass’ through a travel gateway

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                           BUSINESS TRAVEL
                                                                                            HEALTH AND SAFETY

                                                                                            58%           say their company’s
                                                                                                          duty-of-care policy is
                                                                                            much stricter since the pandemic

                                                                                            BUSINESS ETIQUETTE

  To what extent will business travel be preferable to
                                                                                         say they wouldn’t shake hands
     remote working, once travel bans are lifted?
                                                                                         in a meeting

                      agree that being face to face with
                      clients is preferable to remote working
                      for sales meetings and pitching
                                                                         25% ofshake
                                                                                 people aged 25-54 would be happy to
                                                                                     hands in a meeting

        55%           agree that remote working is not
                      satisfactory for HR
                                                                              of people aged over 55 would be happy to
                                                                         19% shake hands in a meeting

      60%             agree that the majority of deals and
                      decisions cannot be made virtually                                    SUSTAINABILITY

                                                                                            67%           view remote working

                      agree that most meetings cannot                                                     as a way to help
                      be achieved more efficiently and                                      kickstart carbon footprint reduction
                      concisely remotely

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                              GETTING BACK ON THE ROAD
                                  When will business travellers start travelling again?

                                             8% are already travelling
                                       39% expect to start travelling in 2020
                                       37% expect to start travelling in 2021
                            5% will try not to travel for business going forward
                                                  11% don’t know

How has Covid-19 affected your travel budget?                      How important will be using familiar travel brands?

38%          say travel budgets have
             remained stable                                                              87%         say they are likely to
                                                                                                      stick with the airlines
                                                                                          they know and trust in the future
31%         say travel budgets have
            been reduced

31%         say travel budgets have
            been severely or entirely cut
                                                                                          80%           say they are likely to
                                                                                                        stick with the hotel
                                                                                          brands they know and trust

       the view?
If you are interested in learning more
  about this survey please contact
As travel bans lift, tech companies and TMCs will be unveiling
new online tools and real-time information services to give
corporates the confidence to get back on the road.
By Michelle Harbi

                                                                                                                                                                                 Adobe Stock
  f there are any upsides     destinations, transport        TMCs to access up-to-           John F Rizzo, Deem’s    essential bookings by            SAP Concur,
  to be found amid the        and hospitality providers      the-minute information       chief executive, said:     phone to better control       meanwhile, has extended
  devastation caused to       worldwide.                     on the global Covid-19       “We have an opportunity    their movements.              access to its TripIt Pro
the travel industry by the       In this, they are playing   situation. Free to use, it   and an obligation to           If there is another       travel organising app
pandemic, then one will       a key role in getting          aggregates data from         help business travellers   upside to all of this,        – previously only for
surely be the growth in       companies moving again.        hundreds of sources,         feel confident about       it is that the huge dip       individuals – to EMEA
Employee Empowerment          As travel technology           allowing users to            being on the road again,   in air travel has led to      corporate users of
as travel management          firm Amadeus put it in         search for updates           empowering travellers      significant global carbon     TripLink, its tool for
and technology                its June report, Insights      by destination, airline,     to make the best           emission reductions. This     capturing bookings made
companies create new          for the New World of           airport, hotel chain,        choices for themselves     is another area in which      direct with suppliers.
tools that put the power      Travel: From Human             rail operator or ground      and their businesses.”     American Express Global       As well as aiding with
in travellers’ hands and      Touch to Human Tech:           transport provider (see         Also boosting           Business Travel is seeking    traveller tracking, the app
allow them to make            “The demand for the            case study, page 40).        employee autonomy is       to empower travellers         suggests ways for flyers
informed decisions about      latest and most updated        Other TMCs are rolling       the gradual reopening      – in June it added a          to offset their carbon
their future trips.           information is crucial         out tools designed to        of online booking tools    carbon emissions filter       footprint and includes
   While business travel      for travellers: from the       track the virus, assess      – when the pandemic        to its Neo self-booking       neighbourhood safety
has been on pause,            health status at their         risk and aid the decision-   broke out, many            tool, enabling users to       scores that factor in
providers have taken          destination, to travel         making process.              companies switched         filter their search results   Covid-19 data – helping
the opportunity to            rules or conditions,              Corporate travel          them off and instructed    for air and rail travel in    travellers to feel happier
develop services that         to key information on          technology provider          staff to make any          order of emissions.           about flying once more.
will give employers           hygiene standards at           Deem plans to introduce
and employees the             their hotel. Providing         its own risk-management
confidence to get back on     travellers with useful         tool in early autumn.
the road when the world       and current information        Called Travel Safety
reopens. We’ve noticed        will be fundamental to         Check, it will be included
a trend, in particular, for   regaining their trust and      free for clients using
TMCs (travel management       reassuring them that           Deem’s platform and
companies) and third-         travel is safe.”               will offer “curated, real-
party software developers        In July, American           time key data points
introducing new platforms     Express Global Business        across hotel, ground
that provide clients          Travel unveiled Travel         and flight offerings”,
and travellers with the       Vitals – an open “briefing     including information on
real-time Covid-related       platform” for travellers,      cleanliness procedures
information they need on      travel managers and            and virus hotspots.

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The digitisation of travel is being accelerated by the
pandemic, with palm-sized personal super computers now
vital for making contactless transactions of every kind.
By Marisa Cannon

                                                                                                                                                                                           Virgin Hotels
         s the effects of      with their mobiles, as well                                                                    flight magazine, accessed     to pack face masks or
         Covid-19 ripped       as control lighting and                                                                        through free onboard wifi     pre-book safety-approved
         through the global    activate “do not disturb”                                                                      portals, while passengers     airport transfers.
economy, hoteliers,            signs. Citizen M rolled                                                                        on all airlines are being        The argument for
airlines and travel brands     out a similar feature                                                                          encouraged to stream or       analogue travel services is
quickly realised that a        for its properties in the                                                                      download entertainment        growing weaker still, with
return to market would         summer, while five-star                                                                        on their own devices          many clients, especially
require drastic changes        Peninsula Hotels launched                                                                      to discourage use of          of millennial and younger
to the way they operate,       a “PenChat” e-concierge                                                                        backseat touchscreens.        generations, preferring
much in the same way           service for 24-hour instant                                                                        Expense management        digital interaction over
that air travel and security   messaging (no more                                                                             is another area where         human. “Successful travel
transformed in the wake        picking up the bedside                                                                         contact is being              providers will continue
of 9/11. Digitisation has,     phone) in the spring.                                                                          reduced. American             refining the blend of
and will continue to be,          In the world of long-stay                                                                   Express Global Business       human resources with
one of the key vehicles        accommodation, serviced                                                                        Travel’s Neo travel           artificial intelligence to
for this change as             apartment providers The                                                                        and expense platform          drive better and more
customers look for ways        Ascott Limited intends                                                                         has optical character         efficient customer
to do business, travel and     to review the design and                                                                       recognition capability,       service,” says Raksa Ouk,
make transactions without      layout of residences,                                                                          which automatically           senior director of digital
coming into contact with       ensuring they are “future-                                                                     takes in travellers’          traveller experience and
unnecessary touchpoints.       ready for continued                                                                            expense details when          product marketing at
   Recognising                 growth”, with plans to                                                                         receipts are scanned,         American Express Global
the acceleration of            include thermal scanning                                                                       circumventing the need to     Business Travel.
“Smartphone Centricity”        sensors to track footfall                                                                      handle, store and submit         She says: “Many of
(a trend that Hilton and       and crowds. A mobile                                                                           paper versions.               today’s business travellers
Marriott hotels helped         app is set to launch later                                                                         Travel managers across    are happiest self-booking
kickstart a few years ago      this year, offering guests     to use their smartphones       opportunity to pre-book          the board are enhancing       on a platform that serves
with keyless entry, for        contactless apartment          to check in, verify            15-minute security slots,        their contactless services,   them the best choices
example), Virgin Hotels        entry, payments and            their identity and pass        ensuring crowd control           with many now offering        with clarity and simplicity,
upgraded its mobile app        check-in/check-out.            through passport control       and social distancing are        push notifications direct     and when they want the
Lucy with new contactless         Swiss-based airport         at multiple airports           maintained.                      to client mobiles, which      human touch for support
features in July 2020,         tech company SITA is           worldwide, while                  British Airways has           include government            or expertise, they may
enabling guests to check       working on a tool that         Manchester airport is          launched a digital iteration     advisories, destination       well prefer live webchat to
in and unlock room doors       will enable passengers         offering travellers the        of the airline’s High Life in-   updates, and reminders        making a phone call.”

GLOBETRENDER.COM X BUSINESSTRAVELLER.COM                                                 – 20 –                                                AMEXGLOBALBUSINESSTRAVEL.COM
Video-conferencing will remain an integral part of
the way people work but the need for face-to-face
human interaction will be more pronounced than ever,
especially when it comes to securing deals.
By Jenny Southan

                                                                                                                                                                                     Adobe Stock
           ne of the big       our survey of Business         helped them ‘get by’ –           With huge pent-up        flight bookings will begin   There will need to
           questions hanging   Traveller readers              but serious companies         demand for business         to resurge.                  be a clear return on
           over the industry   revealed, there has been       and organisations don’t       travel, and the fact that       However, due to the      investment for all trips
is: will video-conferencing    a 55% increase in business     want to just ‘get by’. To     76% of frequent flyers      increased risk to health     undertaken.
replace business travel,       travel since lockdown          build a positive culture,     surveyed by Business        and safety, and the fact         With less spending on
now that everyone has          restrictions eased, and by     to develop bonds and          Traveller agree that        that travel budgets for      team meetings, some
been forced to embrace         the end of 2020, almost        relationships, to cultivate   being face-to-face with     many companies will          companies will have more
it and can acknowledge         half of business travellers    creativity and inspire        clients is preferable to    have been reduced,           budget available for sales
its benefits? The simple       expect to be back on the       people, we need to meet       remote working for sales    facetime with clients will   trips, which will be critical
answer is no.                  road again, with another       face-to-face.”                meetings and pitching,      need to be optimised.        for rebuilding balance
    In fact, while             37% expecting to be                                                                                                   sheets after the crisis.
technology from                travelling in 2021.                                                                                                        According to our
Zoom and competing                What’s holding                                                                                                     survey, 60% of business
companies such as              them back right now?                                                                                                  travellers believe that
Microsoft Teams,               Quarantines are a big                                                                                                 the majority of deals and
BlueJeans and Google           hurdle – according to our                                                                                             decisions can’t be made
Hangouts will remain           survey, 91% would be less                                                                                             virtually, which suggests
a core part of the way         likely to travel if they had                                                                                          that there will be a rush
companies operate in the       to self-isolate for a period                                                                                          to meet with clients and
Covid world and beyond         at their destination.                                                                                                 “green light” projects
– its main use will be for        Andrew Crawley, chief                                                                                              as soon as it becomes
internal meetings and as       commercial officer for                                                                                                possible to do so.
a replacement for face-        American Express Global                                                                                                    “Zoom fatigue” (a
to-face communication          Business Travel, says: “The                                                                                           condition that relates
within offices as remote       inability to travel freely                                                                                            to mental exhaustion
working takes over (see        has reinforced the value                                                                                              from too much video-
page 31 for our Corporate      of meeting in person.                                                                                                 conferencing) is real,
Nomads trend).                 Video-conferencing                                                                                                    after all, and if anything
    Video-calls during         has been very useful,                                                                                                 will be whetting people’s
the pandemic haven’t           but we have all been                                                                                                  appetite for sitting round
been what has prevented        operating in a diminished                                                                                             a real-life table. Even
business travel from           state. Many of our clients                                                                                            if it means wearing
occurring – it has been        have talked about how                                                                                                 a face mask and not
travel bans. As data from      video technology has                                                                                                  shaking hands.

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  Creating a rigorous Covid testing and certification system
    that is valid, credible and internationally recognised is a
 major challenge. But until a vaccine is widely available, this
                  will be the best solution for business travel.
                                                By Rose Dykins

                                                                                                                                                                                 Adobe Stock
        or the sake of the     changed at short notice           Since July, all air
        global economy,        when Covid-19 cases rise.      passengers flying to China
        it’s encouraging       For example, Singapore         have to present a negative
to see nations with            recently made it               Covid-19 test before
closed borders making          mandatory for passengers       boarding the plane. They
exceptions for business        arriving from Hong Kong,       must have taken a test
travellers. For example,       Japan and Australia’s          within five days before
although Australia’s           Victoria state – all of        boarding in a facility
international travel ban       which have seen a surge        recognised by overseas
will likely be in force        in cases – to spend their      Chinese embassies or
until some time in 2021,       14-day quarantine in a         consulates. Meanwhile,
Prime Minister Scott           dedicated facility, instead    a reciprocal “fast lane”
Morrison has suggested         of their place of residence.   agreement is in place
there will be some scope          The International Air       for essential business
for “essential business        Transport Association          travellers flying between
travellers” to come and        (IATA) has urged               six Chinese provinces
go. However, when              governments to                 (Chongqing, Guangdong,       are free to hit the ground    pilot a paid-for service.   that they’ve contracted
it comes to gaining            avoid quarantining air         Jiangsu, Shanghai,           running and carry on with        Looking ahead, as        the virus. Sophisticated
access, arrivals will need     passengers in favour of        Tianjin and Zhejiang) and    their business.               more becomes known          AI technology could
to have proof of a clean       a “layered approach” of        Singapore (see case study       Other destinations         about how the virus is      eventually be an
bill of health, something      measures. For travellers       on page 39).                 have introduced Covid-19      transmitted, predictive     alternative option for
that will become as vital      coming from countries             The Safe Travel           testing on arrival for all    technology could replace    certifying business
as a passport in months        deemed to be higher risk,      Pass requires business       inbound passengers            physical testing. For       travellers’ health.
to come.                       this includes Covid-19         travellers from the two      to give them an option        example, Etihad has            For now, the tech
    A sensible alternative     testing prior to arrival at    nations to get tested        other than quarantine.        launched a Covid-19         works in tandem with
to blanket quarantines,        the departure airport, with    upon arrival and remain in   For example, Vienna           risk assessment tool,       the rest of Etihad’s new
health certificates            documentation to prove         local-authority-mandated     airport charges arriving      soon to be added to its     measures, including its
make business travel           a negative result. Still,      places for one to two        passengers €190 for           mobile app. Created in      “Fit to Fly” self-service
considerably more viable.      destinations vary wildly       days until the test result   the service, and the          partnership with Austrian   check in and temperature
Quarantine requirements        in the health certification    comes through. If they       British government is         healthcare company          screening service at
not only mean two weeks        they now require – and         test positive, they must     being lobbied to do the       Medicus AI, it’s a five-    Abu Dhabi airport, which
of isolation for travellers,   loopholes for business         undergo treatment            same – at the time of         minute questionnaire        checks travellers’ heart
but the conditions are         travellers aren’t without      straight away, at their      writing, Heathrow airport’s   that helps travellers       rates, temperatures and
constantly reviewed and        risk either.                   own expense. If not, they    Terminal 2 was about to       evaluate the probability    respiratory systems.

GLOBETRENDER.COM X BUSINESSTRAVELLER.COM                                             – 24 –                                              AMEXGLOBALBUSINESSTRAVEL.COM
Biometric technology will become the norm at transit
points across the world as passengers enjoy more hygienic
and convenient touchless travel – from curb to seat.
By Michelle Harbi

                                                                                                                                                                           SITA Smart Path/Delta Air Lines
        sing your face as                                                                                        on tech-driven, zero-       the pandemic by
        a passport will                                                                                          touch check in, security    upgrading its automated
        soon be a much                                                                                           and boarding.”              immigration lanes with a
more common feature                                                                                                 Airports such as         face and iris recognition
of the business travel                                                                                           Heathrow and Dubai          system replacing
experience. A growing                                                                                            International have          traditional fingerprint
number of airports                                                                                               been spending big on        scanning, and rolling
have been introducing                                                                                            biometrics in the past      out contactless check
biometric technology to                                                                                          couple of years, with       in and bag-drop kiosks.
streamline the passenger                                                                                         Emirates having installed   American Airlines has
journey through the                                                                                              a “biometric path” from     introduced touchless
terminal, and that trend is                                                                                      check in to boarding        bag-drop for domestic
set to accelerate swiftly                                                                                        at its hub’s Terminal 3.    passengers across more
in the post-Covid world                                                                                          British Airways, American   than 230 airports.
as authorities seek to                                                                                           Airlines and Lufthansa         And it’s not only
mitigate risk and limit                                                                                          are among the carriers      airports that are looking
human interaction.                                                                                               using biometric boarding    to make journeys safer
   Using facial recognition                                                                                      in some locations. Rome     and speedier. From
to clear immigration                                                                                             Fiumicino began trials at   March next year, Eurostar
is not new, but it’s in                                                                                          security and boarding at    will start trialling facial
the whole end-to-end             The same year,            PhocusWire in July: “I        In May, Ibrahim         the start of this year.     recognition, too, allowing
journey from curb to gate     SITA, an IT company          was talking to a group     Ibrahim, managing             Star Alliance is         rail passengers to pass
that great strides are        specialising in aviation,    of customers recently      director of Portland       working with Japan’s        through a “biometric
now being taken. Delta        reported that 71 per         and they said it would     Design, a London-          NEC Corporation on a        corridor” to board
Air Lines was one of the      cent of airlines and 77      be major for them, to      based consultancy          biometric data-based        services at St Pancras
pioneers of this, in late     per cent of airports         make sure they could       that has worked with a     identification programme    International.
2018 launching the first      were planning major          implement biometrics       number of airports, told   that will allow members        Some people may
“biometric terminal” in       programmes or research       as quickly as possible.”   CNBC Global Traveler:      of its carriers’ frequent   have privacy concerns
the US at its Atlanta hub,    into the technology. SITA    SITA’s Smart Path facial   “We are seeing five        flyer schemes to “pass      about the use of such
allowing passengers           chief executive Barbara      recognition system is      years’ innovation in       through curb-to-            technology but, post-
to check in, drop their       Dalibard believes the        in use at the likes of     five months, and much      gate touchpoints” in        Covid, many may see it
luggage, pass security        Covid-19 crisis will speed   Beijing Capital, Qatar’s   of the impact will be      participating airports.     as an acceptable price to
and board using facial        up adoption, telling         Hamad International and    permanent. We will see        Singapore Changi         pay for staying healthy on
recognition.                  travel tech news site        Kuala Lumpur.              a turbo-charged uptake     has responded to            the road.

GLOBETRENDER.COM X BUSINESSTRAVELLER.COM                                          – 26 –                                         AMEXGLOBALBUSINESSTRAVEL.COM
Recognising that health and safety is now equally
important to business travellers as price, savvy airlines,
hotels and travel management companies are doing
everything they can to ensure the individual is protected.
By Marisa Cannon

                                                                                                                                                                                      Adobe Stock/Kempinski
                                                             first – at the expense         would cover the cost          booking tools to cities       US to develop resources
                                                             even of business               of passengers’ medical        where the infection rate is   such as the availability of
                                                             performance. Global            expenses up to €150,000       no longer at a safe level.    individual guest amenity
                                                             health insurance may           with a daily €100                According to an IATA       cleaning kits, and hand
                                                             become mandatory               quarantine allowance for      survey conducted in July,     sanitiser and disinfecting
                                                             for business travellers,       14 days should they be        a third of travellers said    wipes in rooms. Marriott
                                                             and greater interest in        diagnosed with Covid-19       that they would avoid         has adopted electrostatic
                                                             “premium” policies may         during travel. Etihad         travel to mitigate their      sprayers with hospital-
                                                             begin to build, says           subsequently launched a       exposure to Covid-19,         grade disinfectant to
                                                             Laura Hay, global head of      similar wellness insurance    but the top three             sanitise all surfaces,
                                                             insurance at KPMG.             scheme for people on          measures that would           plus signage in lobbies
                                                                 Major insurers such        flights operating until the   make them feel safe           to remind guests to
                                                             as Allianz and Axa have        end of the year.              are airport screening,        socially distance.
                                                             developed policies                 Traveller tracking        compulsory face masks            In the UK, Southend
                                                             that include cover for         tools will also see           and social distancing         airport is working to
                                                             pandemic-related               enhanced adoption,            on aircraft. Airlines         minimise touchpoints
                                                             cancellation across            not only monitoring a         have taken this stance        during passenger
                                                             insured events, as well        traveller’s destination       on board, with many           screening, installing
                                                             as varying degrees             and accommodation,            dressing cabin crew in        equipment that can scan
                                                             of overseas medical            but who they plan to          full PPE, and mandating       hand luggage without the
                                                             assistance. Business           meet and where. This will     the use of passenger face     need to remove liquids
                                                             travel insurance in            invite greater protections    masks and even face           and electronics from
                                                             Italy, which was one of        around privacy and data       shields (in the case of       bags. It is also installing
                                                             Europe’s worst-affected        controls, alongside clear     Qatar Airways).               more self-service bag
                                                             countries during the           advice around the ethical        Hotels across the          drops to avoid staff
                                                             peak of the outbreak,          use of traveller tracking     world have ramped up          coming in contact with
                                                             is the market segment          technology.                   cleaning procedures,          luggage. London City

  n an effort to restore      of-care policies, as well as   expected to grow the               Corporate travel          focusing on public            airport has installed
  confidence among            new hygiene and health         most in the next seven         managers will, in addition,   touchpoints such as door      “CrowdVision” technology
  business travellers, the    protocols across airlines,     years, with an estimated       need to work with risk        handles and elevators,        that uses smart cameras
industry is ramping up        airports and hotels.           jump of 15.6%.                 management providers to       as well as enhanced           to detect where clusters
efforts to make travel safe      In the age of Covid-19,         Airlines are also trying   monitor high-risk zones       in-room sanitisation.         of people are gathering,
again. Among these are a      corporate travel policies      to provide reassurance.        and disable booking           IHG is working with the       so that staff can channel
range of enhanced duty-       will put employee safety       In July, Emirates said it      requests on online            Cleveland Clinic in the       passengers elsewhere.

GLOBETRENDER.COM X BUSINESSTRAVELLER.COM                                               – 28 –                                              AMEXGLOBALBUSINESSTRAVEL.COM
Free cancellations, date changes and elite status
extensions will become par for the course as the
industry attempts to bolster future bookings.
By Marisa Cannon

                                                                                                                                                                                        Adobe Stock
         ovid-19 and            Qatar Airways is allowing      standards, and pressure
         cancellations          unlimited date changes         is on travel management
         have become            until the end of 2020.         companies to provide
synonymous in the world             In the same vein,          this visibility. “For hotel
of travel, with flexibility     members of elite               bookings, there could
the word on every travel        airline clubs such as          be a range of rates for a
buyer’s lips. A poll from       Cathay Pacific’s Marco         property, such as your
the Global Business             Polo Club, United’s            corporate negotiated rate,
Travel Association (GBTA)       MileagePlus and British        the TMC’s own special
published in July found         Airways’ Executive Club        rate, or from providers
that more than half of          will benefit from a one-       such as or
TMCs have changed               year extension on their        Expedia,” says Margaret
their travel policies to        status, notwithstanding        Bowler, director of
include clarifications          several caveats.               global hotel strategy at
around unused tickets               Major hotel groups such    American Express Global
and more detailed pre-trip      as Marriott, Hilton and        Business Travel. “But as
communications, a trend         Intercontinental Hotels        long as you’re booking
that is set only to intensify   Group (IHG) have instated      via the TMC channel,
as business travellers          short-term extensions on       we can help determine
look to safeguard their         their cancellation policies,   which is the best rate for    to meet these demands          employees returning to        “We are working closely
trips against evolving          while Langham Hotels has       you, factoring in price,      through security alerts,       business travel.              with [planners] on flexible
travel restrictions.            gone further, extending        flexibility of cancellation   interactive risk destination       For meeting planners,     cancellation fees, more
    Free cancellations,         its policy to offer full       terms, and what amenities     mapping and Covid-19           flexibility is yet more       flexible attrition,” said
date changes and elite          refunds on all stays up to     are included.”                dashboards offering            crucial, with the threat of   senior vice-president of
status extensions are           December 18, 2020.                As country entry           information on the spread      spiking drop-outs in the      global sales Carol Lynch in
now standard among                  While demand for           requirements continue to      of the virus and health risk   face of travel blockades.     an interview with Breaking
major hotels and airlines,      flexibility continues to       shift, business travellers    ratings for most frequently    Wyndham Hotels &              Travel News. “We’re
with United permanently         soar, the pandemic has         will look to cover all        visited destinations.          Resorts’ “Count on Us”        working with them on
eliminating change              reinforced the importance      bases in the event of a       Having access to               initiative, launched in       reduced F&B minimums,
fees on economy and             of giving business             sudden border closure,        real-time updates              May, has been expanded        anything we can do to
premium bookings for            travellers access to           ensuring “know before         on area lockdowns,             to the group’s meetings       add flexibility where they
flights within the US. Delta    comprehensive offers           you go” information is        quarantine measures            and events business,          need it in order to just
is waiving change fees          that also meet their           at their fingertips. Travel   and flight restrictions will   offering heightened           even plan. You really have
until September 2022 and        company’s biosafety            managers are looking          be non-negotiable for          wiggle room for planners.     to be flexible.”

GLOBETRENDER.COM X BUSINESSTRAVELLER.COM                                                – 30 –                                                AMEXGLOBALBUSINESSTRAVEL.COM
With many companies adopting ‘out-of-office’ working
on a long-term basis, business travellers will be able to
stay in the field for as long as they like.
By Rose Dykins

                                                                                                                                                                               Adobe Stock
                                                                                    further by packing their      those who want to bring       its listings offer discounts
                                                                                    laptop and clocking in        their families to the         to guests who stay for
                                                                                    from a different country.     island for the 12-month       more than a month. The
                                                                                       Hit hard by lost           period.” The Barbados         option of longer stay
                                                                                    tourism revenue,              Welcome Stamp costs           combined with Airbnb’s
                                                                                    certain destinations are      US$2,000 per person,          self-contained, homely
                                                                                    marketing themselves          or US$3,000 for families.     accommodation would
                                                                                    to Corporate Nomads,          Other countries offering      appeal to Corporate
                                                                                    who are seeking to stay       similar visas for employed    Nomads seeking a
                                                                                    for more than a couple of     professionals and             change of scene.
                                                                                    weeks. For example, the       entrepreneurs include            Monumental Marketing
                                                                                    new Barbados Welcome          Bermuda, Georgia and          is a communications
                                                                                    Stamp permits visitors        Estonia (the latter was       agency that currently has
                                                                                    to work from the island       available pre-Covid).         ten employees dispersed
                                                                                    under a 12-month visa,           Airbnb also plans          across the UK, Beirut and
                                                                                    combining their career        to capitalise on the          Switzerland. “We decided
                                                                                    with a Caribbean climate.     Corporate Nomadism            soon after lockdown
                                                                                    Chairman of the Barbados      trend. Its CEO Brian          was announced that we
                                                                                    Tourism Marketing Inc,        Chesky has forecast that      wouldn’t be returning to
                                                                                    Sunil Chatrani, said:         professionals won’t just      the office until 2021,” says

        uring the           to a “hybrid” model,       location – has sped up       “Barbados boasts the          want to work from home,       the agency’s CEO Jamie
        pandemic,           where employees have       rapidly. Formerly office-    fastest fibre internet and    they’ll want to “work from    Love. “We decided that
        businesses that     access to an office but    based employees have         mobile services in the        any home”. In April, the      as long as the team was
were able to operate        mostly work from home.     got a taste for flexible     Caribbean and, with a         company feared a 54%          able to work UK hours,
digitally were forced       Meanwhile, Twitter and     working and appreciated      range of different flexible   decrease in year-on-          they could do so from
to implement blanket        Facebook have pledged      how it can boost their       office space locations,       year revenue for 2020,        anywhere. This was very
remote working to           to allow staff to work     productivity, cut out        the working environment       with short-term lettings      well received. My team
survive. And for some       remotely “forever”.        their commute and            in Barbados definitely        taking a devastating hit.     didn’t want to be cooped
companies, there’s no          As working in a fixed   enhance their work-          enables you to get things     But moving forwards,          up in their flat-shares,
looking back. Nationwide,   location seems less        life balance (those with     done. As our country          Airbnb is focusing on         and would rather be with
for example, has shifted    necessary for so many,     young children may           also offers excellent         longer-term stays – since     family and loved ones. It
to a 98 per cent remote     the trend for Corporate    disagree…). A new wave       health care and a high        the spring, about 80% of      has had a great impact on
working set up, and will    Nomadism – salaried        of professionals will take   education standard,           Airbnb hosts now accept       happiness and wellness
transition permanently      employees with no fixed    remote working a step        we know it is ideal for       longer stays, while half of   and, in turn, productivity.”

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As civil aviation scrambles to recoup billions of dollars
in losses, customers can expect to see wide-ranging
improvements to flying, from more fuel-efficient fleets
to anti-microbial aircraft interiors.
By Jenny Southan

                                                                                                                                                                                          PriestmanGoode ‘Pure Skies’/Factorydesign
        here is no denying       a mindset that turns                                                                           Travellers will be             Nigel Goode,
        the damage               negatives into positives,                                                                   more discerning about          founding director of
        wreaked on               and challenges into                                                                         the trips they book and        PriestmanGoode, says:
commercial aviation,             opportunities. Loss, for                                                                    airlines will be equally       “Those companies who
with airlines around the         some, will be unavoidable                                                                   savvy about the places         embrace innovation and
world collectively losing        but what the global                                                                         they offer connections         invest in it – whether
hundreds of billions             battle with the Covid-19                                                                    to. ROI will be imperative.    they be airlines or in
of dollars. (According           coronavirus is ultimately                                                                   Dynamic pricing will           any other sector of
to industry body IATA,           doing is accelerating                                                                       be used to both entice         the economy – are
revenues from civil              changes that were already                                                                   and then capitalise on         those who typically
aviation will fall 50%,          taking place (for example                                                                   customer demand, while         succeed and deliver to
from US$838 billion in           in terms of digitisation                                                                    contactless technology         growth in the long term.
2019 to US$419 billion by        and sustainability)                                                                         and surgical-style             Clearly there are some
the end of 2020.)                and catalysing mass           environmental impact           the replacement of older       sanitisation measures will     pressing concerns in
   However, IATA also            innovation.                   of commercial aviation         [aircraft] models which are    mean spending time in          the present which take
predicts that in 2021, losses       For those airlines that    predates the current crisis,   on average 20-25% less         airports and on planes will    priority, but the process
are expected to be cut to        have managed to hang          with concepts such as          fuel efficient than newer      be better than ever.           of innovation must be
US$15.8 billion as revenues      in there thus far, the next   flygskam [flight shame]        generations.”                     In 2021, we can also        allowed to continue.
rise to US$598 billion.          12 to 18 months will be       growing in prominence.             In addition to             expect innovation                 “Short-term fixes will
Alexandre de Juniac,             about creativity, thinking       “However, a campaign        sustainability, which          to start transforming          not solve passenger
IATA’s director general          afresh and implementing       to incorporate and             will remain high on the        onboard design, with           anxieties or improve
and CEO, says: “Provided         new ideas, fast – not only    accelerate the adoption        agenda, improved airline       the introduction of            the overall experience
there is not a second and        to secure their business      of green policies in           efficiency and technology      new seat types and             for business travellers.
more damaging wave of            model but to restore          the economic restart           will also be outcomes to       even cabin classes. For        To implement solutions
Covid-19, the worst of the       customer confidence in        following the Covid-19         look forward to. Route         example, design firm           that bring passengers
collapse in traffic is likely    flying again, which will      pandemic has been              networks and fleets may        PriestmanGoode’s Pure          back and meet
behind us.”                      mean a better experience      gathering pace. For            be slimmed down, but           Skies concept (pictured        certification standards, it
   What’s interesting            for everybody, and            instance, in the European      in the grand scheme of         on the previous page and       will take time. Therefore,
about times of crisis is         hopefully the planet.         Union, air transport           things, flying full, modern,   on the cover of this report)   brands that want to
that it forces a “survivalist”      Harry Boneham,             associations have called       fuel-efficient planes will     envisions the introduction     differentiate their future
mentality on to people           aerospace and defense         for decarbonisation to be      be better than sending         of fully enclosed “Rooms”      offering to customers and
and companies, with the          associate analyst at          prioritised in post-Covid-19   aging, half-empty jumbos       in place of business class,    be ready for increasing
most resilient among             GlobalData, says: “The        recovery funding. Among        to all four corners of the     with surfaces covered in       passenger numbers must
us able to switch to             campaign to reduce the        the initiatives suggested is   Earth on a daily basis.        an “anti-microbial finish”.    start this process now.”

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