The Friday Flyer - Unity Freedom Aspiration Tolerance Respect - A Wise Pay

Page created by Byron Coleman
The Friday Flyer - Unity Freedom Aspiration Tolerance Respect - A Wise Pay

           Friday, 22nd March, 2019
The Friday Flyer - Unity Freedom Aspiration Tolerance Respect - A Wise Pay
Below is the grid that identifies what clubs we will be offering after Easter up until the final full week before May
  half term. The grid shows what is running on what day and how many places are available for each club. These
  clubs will go ‘live’ on Wisepay on Monday 25t March and will remain so until they are full.

  If you have trouble signing up to clubs on Wisepay, please see our office as soon as possible- they can help you
  to use the system to sign up to the club(s) of your choice.

  As always, we are interested to hear of other clubs that our children would be interested in taking part in and so
  if you have any feedback, please see Mrs Armstrong and she will do her best to facilitate any feasible ideas
  ready for next half term.

  Monday                 Tuesday               Wednesday                 Thursday                   Friday

   Mathletics                                     Badminton            Performing Arts
    (Open to                                      (KS1 & KS2)           (All key Stages)
                          (EYFS & KS1)

    Football                                        Cookery
      (KS2)                                      (All key stages)
                          (KS1 & KS2)

       Art                  Science
   (KS1 & KS2)            (KS1 & KS2)

Outdoor Games
(open to everyone)
The Friday Flyer - Unity Freedom Aspiration Tolerance Respect - A Wise Pay
The Friday Flyer - Unity Freedom Aspiration Tolerance Respect - A Wise Pay
The Friday Flyer - Unity Freedom Aspiration Tolerance Respect - A Wise Pay
It is vital for your child to reach their potential that they come to
school every day. Learning starts at 8.45am (8.30 or 12.30 for Navy
Blue Class) and every minute a child is late is a missed opportunity
for learning and therefore punctuality is incredibly important as well.
Our whole school target for attendance is 97% and this is something
we will be striving very hard to achieve.

Each week, we track the percentage of attendance across the school
and announce it in our Friday assemblies. We will also be sending
home the information so you can keep track of how close we are to
meeting our target.

Class                      Weekly % Attendance

Reception                  98.4%

Year 1                     97.5%

Year 2                     95.7%

Year 3                     92.5%

Year 4                     94.2%

Year 5                     94.7%

Year 6                     92.9%

 Well done to Reception who are our greatest attendees this week!
The Friday Flyer - Unity Freedom Aspiration Tolerance Respect - A Wise Pay
Earth             Mars
    359              301

 Saturn             Venus
  276                263

Our winning team this week is Earth.
The Friday Flyer - Unity Freedom Aspiration Tolerance Respect - A Wise Pay
This Week’s
                          Learning in
                           Ruby Class

 This Week:
 We have been looking at animals and their young and looked at all
 the animals on the farm. We had different animal puzzles to
 complete. We     also   decorated   farm   animals   using   different

 Next Week:
  We will still be looking at animals and their young. We will have
    pigs in mud. In the garden we will create tractors using milk
   crates and will also investigate washing farm animals that have
                          been covered in mud.

             At Home
                You could go to the library and look at
               different animal books. We will be looking
          at “Peekaboo Moo” and “Doing the animal bop” book

                             This week’s
                         Makaton, is “Who”
                          and “What”. You
                         could practice these
                          with your child at
The Friday Flyer - Unity Freedom Aspiration Tolerance Respect - A Wise Pay
This Week’s Learning in Navy Blue Class
                                       Hello parents and carers!
 We have had another great week in Navy Blue class. We have continued our fairy tale theme, this week we
  have read Cinderella. The Children have had opportunities to make crowns and glass slippers. Build a new
                      castle for Cinderella, and explore a small world Cinderella scene.

We enjoyed going to forest school this week where we discovered the pond had acquired some frog spawn!
The children were excited to look at it and talk about what will happen to it over the next few weeks.

                         Because of the rain we had lots of fun in the mud too!

                       Mrs Spriggs kindly gave us some strawberry plants from her garden which we
                             planted in pots. We cannot wait for them to grow!

                      Next Week:
                        We will be thinking about Easter and we will have some EGG-
                           straordinary learning planned!
At Home:
  Can you help your child hold a pencil or pen correctly? Can you help them to make marks on paper?
   they can practice their drawing and writing anywhere! Talk to them about what they are drawing
                               and of course, let them bring in anything they do at home to show us!
The Friday Flyer - Unity Freedom Aspiration Tolerance Respect - A Wise Pay
This week’s learning in Jet Black Class
The Phase 3 phonics sounds that we have learnt are: j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee and igh, oa,
oi, oo (long), oo (short), ow, ar, air, ear. If your child does not recognise any of these sounds please go on
youtube and show them the Mr Thorne does Phonics video clips and play the sound they do not know.

New sounds we will be learning next week are- er, ur, or and ure.

We have also learnt the tricky words: I, no, go, to, the, into, are, my, she, he and we.

By the end of next week we will have learnt all of our Phase 2 and 3 phonics sounds ready for Year 1. We
will be revising and recapping these sounds until we are confident in reading and writing them (applying
them). I am incredibly proud of the children’s hard word and the parent’s commitment to attending sessions
and reading/writing with your child at home.

This week in Literacy we have been extending the children’s writing skills by writing not one but two
sentences! The children should now know that we start a sentence with a capital letter, as well as capital
letters for their names. When reading a story book to your child this week please can you highlight this by
getting your child to find the full stops. I am sure they will be great capital letter detectives.

This week in Maths we have be securing the children’s knowledge of doubling and adding single digit
numbers. The children have also been subtracting/taking away single digit numbers. Please encourage your
child to do this at home in fun ways such as I have 5 smarties you took 3, how many are left? The more
practical the activity the easier it becomes for the children to understand and remember.

Next week in Literacy we will be secretly writing cards to our loved ones in order to celebrate Mother’s
Day. During these discussions we will be talk about who is special to us in our family and the celebration
that every family is different but love is love. If you feel your child will need extra support with this topic
please talk to a member of the Jet Black team. We will also be making soap next week. Please encourage
your child to talk about this process as I presume it will be something new for all of them, how exciting.

 Thanks for your continued support,
 Miss Gale
The Friday Flyer - Unity Freedom Aspiration Tolerance Respect - A Wise Pay
This Week’s Learning in Magenta Class
   Our spelling quiz will now be on Thursday.

                Blue                       Green                      Yellow
                chip                       horse                      careless

                chop                       morning                    harmless

                chill                      north                      hopeless

                much                       short                      colourful

                rich                       storm                      playful

                such                       story                      badly

                push                       child                      happily

                put                        children                   carefully
                        Your group can be found in your Home Contact book.
   Please read with your child regularly, as this will help to build their vocabulary, confidence and
   fluidity. Children are encouraged to change their books independently, as and when they need to.
   Commenting in their home contact book lets us know how they are doing at home; we will also do
   this in school when they read with an adult. Asking question about the book will help build
   confidence, fluidity and comprehension.

  The following tasks have been set for this week:
o Addition and subtraction activities.
o 30 minutes on live Mathletics.

  The following task has been set for this week:
o 30 minutes on live Spellodrome
  The login and password for Spellodrome are the same as your child’s Mathletics’ codes. They can
  also access Spellodrome through Mathletics. The website is:

   Magenta class will have PE every Monday and Friday afternoon. Please ensure that the children
   have appropriate PE kit for these lessons.
This Week’s Learning in Yellow Class
    For our spelling quiz next Thursday, please learn the following spellings:

                   Group A                              Group B

                   fright                               scare

                   frightened                           scary

                   frightening                          scared

                   tired                                sleep

                   tiredness                            sleepy

                   tiring                               sleeping

   Our spelling focus for the forthcoming week will be:
 o Word Families

   The following tasks have been set for this week:
 o Pick the Next Number
 o Problems: Multiply and Divide
 o 30 minutes on live Mathletics
   The following tasks have been set for this week:
 o Subordinate Clauses and Conjunctions (B)

   The following tasks have been set for this week:
 o 30 minutes on live Spellodrome

Well done to all of the children that participated in our Bench Ball tournament last week and
                 those that were part of the Greenwich Music event as choir!
   For our spelling quiz next Friday, please learn the following spellings:

                             Group A                     Group B

                            physician                    narrator

                             optician                      never

                           electrician                     night

                            extension                      once

                           transfusion                     other

                            explosion                       our





                     Your group can be found in your Home Contact book.
  Please read with your child regularly, as this will help to build their vocabulary, confidence and
  fluidity. Children are encouraged to change their books independently, as and when they need
  to. Commenting in their home contact book lets us know how they are doing at home; we will
  also do this in school when they read with an adult. Asking question about the book will help
  build confidence, fluidity and comprehension.
  The following tasks have been set for this week:
  Please continue with Mathletics multiplication and division activities
  Ensure your child knows the 7 and 11 times tables
  Please continue with the set tasks
  The following task has been set for this week:
o 30 minutes on live Spellodrome
  The login and password for Spellodrome are the same as your child’s Mathletics’ codes. They
  can also access Spellodrome through Mathletics. The website is:
   If your child would like an extra activity to do, they can research a famous inventor and write
                                    a short biography about them.
 For our spelling quiz next Friday, please learn the following spellings:

                                            Group A









   Our spelling focus for the forthcoming week will be looking at the spellings with ie and the two
   sounds ‘i’ and ‘ee..

   Our P.E. times are Tuesdays and Thursdays please ensure P.E. kits are in school from Monday
   and taken home on Friday.

  The following tasks have been set for this week:
o Converting units of measure
o 30 minutes on live Mathletics
  The following tasks have been set for this week:
o Relative clauses

  The following tasks have been set for this week:
o 30 minutes on live Spellodrome

         Our big outcome is on the 29th March from 2.00pm
22nd March 2019

   For our spelling quiz next Friday, please learn the following spellings:


   We will also be looking at different homophones and near-homophones each week; this week,
   we will be revisiting: hour, our.

  The following tasks have been set for this week:
o 30 minutes on live Mathletics
  The following tasks have been set for this week:
o Formal and informal

   The following tasks have been set for this week:
   30 minutes on live Spellodrome
Jet Black Class           Emerald Class         Magenta Class

  Atinuke                      Freddie            Summer

               Rainbow Class              Yellow Class

                   Joshua &                    Clay

Indigo Class               Ivory Class        Turquoise Class

 Chimaka                       Cerys               Kelsi
Jet Black Class           Emerald Class         Magenta Class

     Evie                      Ujunwa               Helen

               Rainbow Class              Yellow Class

                   Les                       Nino

Indigo Class              Ivory Class         Turquoise Class

 Temi &
                               Elise               Bogdan
Mathletics Stars of the Week

Jet Black Class                 Emerald Class              Magenta Class

      Shan                        Freddie                      Seyesfunmi

                Rainbow Class                   Yellow Class

                   Patryk                        Andreia

 Indigo Class                   Ivory Class                Turquoise Class

      Temi                        Dylan                          Elli
Spellodrome Stars of the Week

Jet Black Class                 Emerald Class              Magenta Class

    Darsh                            -                              -

                Rainbow Class                    Yellow Class

                      -                             Andriea

    Indigo Class                   Ivory Class                  Turquoise Class

        Aiden                        Dylan                        Bogdan
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