The Fez Official Publicaton Alee Shriners Savannah, GA September - of 2021

Page created by Fred Oconnor
The Fez Official Publicaton Alee Shriners Savannah, GA September - of 2021
The Fez      Official
          Alee Shriners
          Savannah, GA

The Fez Official Publicaton Alee Shriners Savannah, GA September - of 2021
Shriner’s Pledge 0f
“ I pledge allegiance to my Flag
and to the country for which it
stands, one Nation under God,
  indivisible, with Liberty and
         Justice for all”
     Sponsored by Alee Shriners
         100 Eisenberg Drive
            P.O. Box 14147
         Savannah, GA 31416
  Office Hours 9:00 am -4:00 pm
          Monday - Thursday
         Office 912.355.2422
          Fax 912.355.0136
Colleen Humphries..............Secretary
 PP JJ Johns...........................Editor

            2021 DIVAN
 Potentate - Freddie Humphries, Jr.
    Chief Rabban - Steve Lingle
 Assistant Rabban - Robbie Moore
High Priest & Prophet - Carey Hodges
   Oriental Guide - Danny Fries
      Treasurer - John Farley
 Recorder - PP Dave Armstrong, Sr

   Ceremonial Master - Noble Earl Cox
Ceremonial Master - Noble Frank Stephens
     Director - Noble Steve Cowart
 Temple Marshall - Noble Jamie Corcelius
  Marshall of Units - Noble Reggie Dyal
Captain of the Guard - Noble Reggie Dyal
     Outer Guard - Noble Ken King
      Chaplain - Noble Carlos Ruiz

Illustrious Potentate - Freddie Humpries
       Elected - PP C. Mack Griffin
      Elected - PP James “JJ” Johns
    Elected - PP Dave Armstrong, Sr.
     Emeritus - PP Lester A. Claxton
      Emeritus - PP Calvin Hodges
   Emeritus - PP J. Brooks Gaudry, III

       Web Master JJ Johns, P.P.


           Roger Hutchinson
       Like us on Facebook-
           Alee Shriner

  To insure publication of you
News Articles for the Fez, they
       must be emailed to no later
10th of the month. Not respon-
sible for articles or ads emailed
   to any other email address.
Please do not use all caps, and
 single spaced (keep to half a
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When pictures are used - please
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Page 2                                          Fun, Fellowship and Masonic Values
The Fez Official Publicaton Alee Shriners Savannah, GA September - of 2021
Haunted House Work Schedule
October 1 & 2
Knights of Mecca
Waynesboro Shrine Club
Augusta Shrine Club
Legion of Honor
Thomson Shrine Club
October 8 & 9
Bryan County  
Claxton Shrine Club
Clown Unit
Hinesville/Ft. Stewart Shrine Club
Keystone Kops  
Quint Shrine Club
October 15 & 16
Brunswick Shrine Club
                                     Haunted House
Hillbilly Unit                       The Mistress of the
Jesup Shrine Club
Road Runners Club
                                     Manor NEEDS you!
                                     The time has come to scare
October 22 & 23                      Savannah! We need help
Director’s Staff                     working the Haunted House. You
Dune Cat Unit                        do not have to belong to a Unit
Effingham Shrine Club                or Club and if you do, you do not
Pirate Unit                          have to only work your assigned
Screven County Shrine Club           night.
                                     We need Nobles and Ladies to
Statesboro Shrine Club
                                     help with security (parking lot
Swainsboro Shrine Club               and Lines), and help inside as an
Tybee Lite Shrine Club               actor or security. See rules for
October 29 & 30                      Haunted House for times etc.
Cabiri                               Any or all weekends. We will be
Iron Knights                         grateful for your help!
Mobile Unit                          Questions?
Oriental Band                        Call Patrick Welsh – 912-429-
Patrol Unit                          3059
Tattnall County Shrine Club

      If this year is even half of last year, we need as
      many volunteers as many weekends as possible!
Please arrive at 6:30 pm ready to work. MUST stay till 11:30 pm - 12 am.
 If needing costume, must arrive by 6:30 pm. DO NOT LEAVE UNTIL
                     Chairman: Patrick 912.429.3059

          Celebrating the Past t Making A
             Difference That Will Last
The Fez Official Publicaton Alee Shriners Savannah, GA September - of 2021
Mobile Unit                                                                  Augusta Augusta Ladies
        Classics                                                                    Go-Cart   Auxiliary
Greeting and Salutations,                                                                                          October is here!
   As the victory lap was completed, the checkered                                                                    We have all had beach time, now it is time for
flag waved and the dust settled on 2021 Mobile Unit                                                                the crispy fall air! Festival and parades are in the
                                                           Captain Atkins would like to thank Nobles, Paul
Classics (MUC) Car Show, we can look back and                                                                      making. Sharing time with your club members at
                                                        Bennett, Bobby Lively and Illustrious Sir Clyde
consider this event a success. Thru the heat, the                                                                  these events can bring joy to all. The year is almost
                                                        Bowie for coming out to the work day held on
sweat and the tears this day turned into not just                                                                  over. I hope your membership with your Ladies
                                                        Saturday August 28, 2021. Though we were small
another car show but, a Shriner event. With some                                                                   Auxiliaries have met your expectations. If not, you
                                                        in numbers we did get a lot accomplished. Captain,
127 participants, a live band, and food trucks, we                                                                 should step up and take the leaders position so
                                                        Jimmy Atkins would like to thank all those who
finished the event proud of what was accomplished.                                                                 you can share your ideas next year. We are only
                                                        participated the Farm Festival parade sponsored by
A thank you goes out to our major sponsors of                                                                      as good as the team members that follow us, and
                                                        the Waynesboro Downtown Development Authority
Once Driven Restoration, Savannah Classic                                                                         they will if you lead them with new ways and ideas.
                                                        Saturday September 11, 2021. We had a fun time
Cars, & Badger Rentals, as well as our Trophy                                                                     Our stained glass Angels and Trees fundraiser is
                                                        while making people of all ages smile! It sure was
sponsors, Trophy vendor and support from Coke-                                                                    still going on. They are handmade by Lady Kathy
                                                        fun getting back in the seats of those carts! Our next
A-Cola. They helped make this year’s car show an                                                                  Willis. Beautiful for your windows, a gift or on your
                                                        parade will be Blythe Fever Parade which has been
outstanding event. All members of the Mobile Unit                                                                 Christmas trees. Contact myself or an Augusta
                                                        approved by Illustrious Sir Freddie Humphries on
Classics were out in full support of the event, with                                                              Ladies Auxiliary member to get one!
                                                        October 16th, 2021 in Blythe Ga. We look forward to
our own Ladies Auxiliary leading the pack. We are                                                                    “Gratitude gets us in the habit of paying attention
                                                        riding in this great parade.
blessed to have such a supportive Ladies group                                                                    to all things going well in our lives”
                                                            A huge thank you to Noble Henry Jenkins and
that push our Nobles to make our events a success.                                                                   “Let no one come to you without leaving better
                                                        Lady Georgia for providing our meal at the August
Our Event coordinators of Nobles Trey Hopkinson,                                                                  and happier”. Written by Mother Teresa
                                                        meeting. Food sure was great!
Duane Terkildsen, Ken Porter, Stathy Stathopoulos,                                                                   Have an awesome month see you at a parade or
                                                            The members of our unit continue to support our
and Larry Klopp put in many hours to coordinate                                                                   meeting!
                                                        Treasurer, Noble Paul Bennett making plans for
the event, attending other car shows and handing
                                                        a Virtual 10 Grand Party. If you are interested in
out flyers. Thank you goes out to Brother George                                                                  Lady Sharon Bennett
                                                        participating or helping, please contact one of the
Prickett, of Altamaha Lodge #227, for coming out                                                                  Augusta Ladies Auxiliary President
                                                        unit members.
and assisting the Mobile Unit with set up for the
                                                            Nobles, please continue to keep Noble Howard
event. We have now finished this chapter of the
                                                        Martin and Lady Betty in your prayers as they are
Mobile Unit Classics 2021 book and moving on to
                                                        dealing with health issues. Noble Howard was a
the remainder of the year.

                                                                                                                        Jesup Shrine
                                                        member of the go-cart unit for a long time.
   The Parade season is around the corner. 2021
                                                            Nobles, it’s that time of year again, so please get
has flown by and doesn’t leave any sign of slowing
                                                        your Alee Temple, Augusta Shrine Club and Go-Cart
down. The MUC has started preparing and furcating

                                                        Unit dues paid. If you have a hardship, please let us
for the next several months events. SASA is on our
                                                        know so we can help. Remember Shriner’s helping
heels with the Haunted House right behind it. We
                                                         each other! Our unit is looking for those who have
are looking forward to helping make these events
                                                         the need for speed while making children and adults      Greetings from the Jesup Shrine Club,
an overwhelming success, as years past.
                                                         smile. If you are interested in becoming a member            Its hard to believe that it’s already the middle of
   A special Thank you goes out to all who assisted
                                                         of the Go-Cart Unit, see any member and we will get      September! Lots of things have been going on and
in, attended and supported the Mobile Unit Classics
                                                         you set up. We have plenty of carts to go around and     lots of things are coming up!
with all we do through-out the year. Without you, all
                                                         we need some butts to fill them. If anyone knows             The Jesup Shrine Club Ladies Auxiliary collected
these vents would be useless. Thank you for the
                                                         of a Mason who might be interested in becoming           and donated school supplies for Wayne County
memories made and the memories yet to come.
                                                         a member of the world’s greatest philanthropy, let’s     Schools! This has become a yearly mission and we
                                                         get him signed up and extend an invite to him to join    are thankful to have ladies that care so much about
Fast Lane and the
                                                         our unit.                                                their community!
Pit Crew
                                                            If you are interested in visiting our meetings, we        The ladies also sponsor American Red Cross
                                                         meet on the third Wednesday of each month at the         blood drives every 60 days. Even with the
                                                         Augusta Shrine Club 1826 Phinizy Road Augusta,           challenges of Covid, these drives have exceeded
                                                         Georgia. We eat at 7:00 pm and we meet at 8:00           previous years. Cindy Bauer with American Red
                                                         pm. Ladies are always welcome. If you would like to      Cross visited Jesup Shrine Club and presented
                                                         visit our meeting, please call our Secretary, Clyde      the ladies with another certificate for outstanding
                                                         Bowie P.P. at 706-945-7377 to make sure we have
     Temple Ladies
                                                                                                                  service. In 2020 263 units were collected at these
                                                         enough food to go around.                                blood drives and that was 35 more units than in
                                                            On behalf of our Captain, Noble Jimmy Atkins,         2019. Thank you ladies! Also, there are some Jesup
                                                         thank you to all who come out, ride, support and work
                                                                                                                  nobles to thank as well. These nobles show up
                                                         on the carts to keep them going while Celebrating        each drive to help check people in and are equally
                                                         the Past Making a Difference That Will Last in 2021.     appreciated. Nobles Richard Burns, Bob Brannen,
                                                                                                                  Wade Knight, Jim Overstreet, and William Bennett
   Happy Fall Ya’ll!! This time of year reminds me of
                                                        Clyde Bowie, P.P.                                         (I hope I haven’t left anyone out).
warm apple pie, sweater weather and ghosts and
                                                        Secretary                                                    Coming up soon, October 2 is The 2nd Annual
goblins out searching for the elusive sweet treat!!
                                                                                                                  Jesup Shrine Club Regulators Inshore Fishing
   The temple auxiliary has also started its planning
                                                                                                                  Tournament! The Regulators really know how to
for the 2021 Children’s Christmas Party. The
                                                                                                                  host a tournament and we can’t wait to be there to
auxiliary would like to take this opportunity to ask
                                                                                                                  support them and watch the results!

                                                         Statesboro Shrine
the units,
                                                                                                                     October is on the horizon, and this means
   clubs and auxiliaries to donate to the Children’s
                                                                                                                  Haunted House!! We always show up with a big
Christmas Party so that we are able to provide our
                                                                                                                  group to provide security and some of us actually

temple children with memories they can take with
                                                                                                                  look pretty spooky! We cannot wait to scare you
them of
   a day filled with love and laughter. And remind
                                                        Dear Alee Nobles & Ladies,                                   Jesup should have a big showing at Ceremonial
them they are more than patients to us, they are
                                                        The resurgence of Covid has broken last year’s            this year and we can’t wait to support our new
our family. Please donate so we can spread those
                                                        reports in so many ways. Because of this, the club        members! Plans are being made already for plenty
big, beaming
                                                        decided to cancel the golf tournament.                    of events for the new nobles to get involved with.
   smiles across those beautiful faces.
                                                        The club itself continues to meet and participate in      Just watch us grow!
    As always everyone, stay safe, stay healthy and
                                                        the Alee Fall events and parades.                            Thank you to all who love and support the Jesup
remember those who are sick, or recovering from
                                                        We hope and pray all Alee nobles and ladies stay          Shrine Club! We would be nowhere without our
injury or illness in your daily thoughts and prayers.
                                                        well and enjoy the cool weather during this time of       Temple and Divan!
                                                        the year.                                                    We meet the second Thursday of each month,
   say an extra prayer for those who are suffering
                                                                                                                  and we live visitors! Come be with us. Social hour
in silence with battles some of us may never
                                                        Yours truly,                                              starts at 6pm and 7pm dinner is served, and the
                                                        Secretary Tony Phillips                                   meeting starts afterwards.
Barbara Arnold
                                                                                                                  Best Regards,
Temple Auxiliary
                                                                                                                  Jesup Shrine Club
Secretary, 2021

Page 4                                                                                          Fun, Fellowship and Masonic Values
The Fez Official Publicaton Alee Shriners Savannah, GA September - of 2021
Hinesville - Ft.                                                            Greenville Hospital Representative
 Stewart Shrine Club                                                    On behalf of Board Chairman, Timothy Ludwig and the entire Board of Directors we extend fraternal greetings
                                                                        from Shriners Hospital for Children Greenville and hope that all are doing well. Our Greenville Hospital
Alee Club of the Year 2016, 2017,                                       continues operating under budget while providing the best care possible to children with orthopedic and other
              & 2018                                                    conditions.
                                                                        These are some highlights as of July 2021:
Alee Parade Club of the Year 2018                                          • Hospital Performance Dash Board:
   Fall is the 4 quarter in a year-long football

game. Time to sprint forward with all your might for
                                                                                                                                    YTD 2020        Goal       YTD 2021
                                                                                              Total Referrals                         1,963         2,142        2,444
a triumphant finish.                                                                        New Patient Visits                        1,334         1,601        1,886
   Congratulations to all involved in the planning and                                         Clinic Visits                          6,724         6,771        8,525
execution of the Alee Auction. Several members of
                                                                                             Telehealth Visits                         688           996         1,401
                                                                                       Total Outpatient Encounters                    7,412         7,767        9,926
HFSSC attended and had a great time. Some will                                            Outreach Clinic Visits                        54            53           26
never forget the special, but humorous look given                                          Inpatient Discharges                        121           133          139
                                                                                      Outpatient Surgery Encounters                    474           612          538
by a particular lady when her husband raised his                                              OR Utilization                         69.14%         70%         67.99%
paddle to bid on a particularly expensive item. The                                  Percentage of First Case On Time                91.80%         85%         66.00%
“eyes” tell the whole story. One may wonder if we                                                  Starts
are referring to Dawn, Barbara, Cyndi, Tiffany, or                                        Average Daily Census                          3.20         3.65          3.50
Amanda. We will never tell, but will quietly laugh
                                                                        Alee Shrine continues to do well with a total thus far of $68,995.00 being donated to the hospital by our
to ourselves whenever the memory pops in. Don’t
                                                                        Nobles and Ladies thru July! What a great job by all! Thank you to Illustrious Sir Freddie Humphries, our
worry, it’s for a good cause…..
                                                                        2021 Divan, Nobles and Ladies, who work so tirelessly raising money for Shriners Hospitals for Children
   We worked the streets again collecting donations
                                                                        Greenville! In July, Greenville received a total of 3,472 gifts with a year to date total of $3,031,692 being
for the Hospital Crusade with amazing results. We
                                                                        donated to the hospital. $607,607 of the total was donated by the 18 Shrine Temples supporting Greenville.
surpassed our goal for the year and look forward
                                                                        The hospital is making preliminary plans for Santa’s Workshop 2021. We anticipate the Workshop opening
to a generous presentation at the next ceremonial.
                                                                        the first or second week of December. If Alee Club or Unit will be doing a toy drive this year, or you know of
Special thanks to the folks traveling through or living
                                                                        a toy drive in your communities, please let Illustrious Sir Grayson or myself know. All toy deliveries should be
in the Eulonia and Ludowici communities, your
                                                                        scheduled in advance, so the Hospital can prepare and keep our patients, donors and staff safe.
compassion and generosity are overwhelming. We
                                                                        As of July, Alee Shrine Temple referred 37 patients who will benefit from the services of Greenville. Please
also want to express our appreciation to the HFSSC
                                                                        keep up the hard work locating and referring those children who would benefit from the excellent medical
Ladies Auxiliary for their work and support in these
                                                                        care offered by the Doctors and Staff of Greenville.
events. We know it would be much more difficult
without their participation.
                                                                        Our hospital continues to see referral rates improve:
   It is with a great deal of disappointment that
we have cancelled the Paintball Tournament that                                                                 Total Referrals from Temple Areas
was scheduled for October 9th. We cancelled for                                                Shriners                      July                 Year to Date
reasons beyond our control but are keeping the                                             Acca                                1                         6
event alive in our planning for next year. In place                                        Al Sihah                            0                         6
of this, we are presenting an Ax Throwing &
                                                                                           Alcazar                             3                        11
                                                                                           Alee                                1                        37
Cornhole Tournament on October 16th, hosted by                                             Amran                               0                         9
SplitFin Brewery in Midway. The event will be held                                         Cahaba                              1                         3
                                                                                           Hasan                               2                        11
from 4 to 8 pm with cash prizes and concessions                                            Hejaz                              229                      1,720
available. Entry is $25 per player for each event.                                         Jamil                               4                        38
You can participate in one or both tournaments.                                            Jericho                            12                        64
                                                                                           Kazim                               5                        27
To participate in the Ax Throwing competition, kids                                        Kerbela                             1                        23
must be 10 years old or older. Lessons will be                                             Khedive                             0                         4
provided, free of charge.
                                                                                           Oasis                              24                        154
                                                                                           Omar                               13                        55
   Earlier that day (October 16th) we will hold our                                        Sudan                               7                        25
annual Pumpkin Patch at Bryant Commons Park in                                             Yaarab                             10                        58
                                                                                           Zamora                              1                         6
Hinesville. Rumor has it that the annual Hinesville                                        All Other Shriners                 71                        216
Scarecrow Stroll will be merged with our Pumpkin                                           Totals                             385                      2,473
Patch which should make it a more festive event.
Covid restrictions may require this to be a “drive-
                                                                        The Shriners Hospital for Children Greenville’s Ambassador Lilly will be representing the hospital this year at
thru” event like last year, but even those restrictions
                                                                        the Shriners Children’s Open in Las Vegas and we are happy to report that she achieved her fundraising goal
did not take away from the fun and entertainment.
                                                                        and raised $5,053.00. Lilly would like to thank all those Nobles and temples who supported her.
You can reserve your pumpkin in advance by
                                                                        Noble’s, on behalf of Board Chairman, Timothy Ludwig and the entire Board, we would like to thank you for
calling any of the members of our club or sending a
                                                                        all the support Alee Shrine has given Shriners Hospitals for Children Greenville and look forward to your
message to our Facebook page.
                                                                        continued support!
   We will present a second Cornhole Tournament
on October 30th at the Twisted Oak Ranch in
                                                                        Respectfully Submitted,
Ludowici, from 4 to 8 pm. Like the first one, cash
                                                                        Clyde Bowie, P.P., Member
prizes and concessions are available, plus we will
                                                                        Dr. Ralph “Buddy” Grayson, P.P., Associate Member
have large tv’s on site for all our football fans. No
                                                                        Board of Directors
alcohol will be served but you are welcome to bring
                                                                        Shriner’s Hospital’s for Children Greenville
your own. A Halloween costume contest is also
being planned in conjunction with this event. The
tournament will be held in a large roof-covered
arena so weather should not be a factor. Entry fees
are $25 per player.
   We look forward to seeing all of you at SASA
and working with you at the Haunted House. Best
wishes to all who have worked so hard this year to
make the Haunted House another successful event.
As a reminder for HFSSC members, our duty nights
at the Haunted House are October 9th & 10th. More
details to follow.
   Our prayers are with each and every one of
you as we all continue to fight through this phase
of the ubiquitous Covid pandemic. Hopefully we
will see the end of this sometime soon. Until then,
remember to brace yourselves, as pumpkin spice
flavored everything is coming.

    Fall has always been a favorite season. The time when
everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been
saving up all year for the grand finale.” Fall colors are funny.
They’re so bright, intense, and beautiful. It’s like nature is trying
to fill you up with color, to saturate you so you can stockpile it
before winter turns everything muted and dreary.

Celebrating the Past t Making A Difference That Will Last                                                                                                              Page 5
The Fez Official Publicaton Alee Shriners Savannah, GA September - of 2021
August Golf Unit                                     Waynesboro
   The unit is quite right now and President Ernie
Martin does not have much to report at this time.
He did say we will start working on the 2022 Golf
                                                           Shrine Club
                                                             Nobles, time sure is marching on as this year is
Tournament soon.                                          flying by and boy what an awesome time and honor
   Please keep Noble Howard Martin and Lady Betty         it has been to serve Waynesboro Shrine Club as                Well, the Directors Staff continues to roll on with
in your prayers as they are having health issues.         President for the second time.                             its Unit and Shriner’s children’s Hospital fundraisers.
Also keep all our nobles and ladies who may be               Lady Leanne and I would like to thank all the           The first was a night of excitement with the Sapphire
suffering from health issues in your prayers. There       Nobles and Ladies of Waynesboro for your hard              Bullets of Pure Love. The evening supplied an
are so many who are having health issues because          work and long hours you put in to make our annual          exciting night of music and dancing. The gathering
of Covid and other things, and I know it makes them       Farm Festival another success! I would also like to        was enjoyed by all and has always helped the Unit
feel some better just knowing people care.                thank all those who were able to get out and sale          coffers. Rumor has it the Chef Brock Lebau will be
   If anyone is in the Augusta area and would like to     ads. I know some are able to sale more than others         organizing the event next year due to the retiring
join us for a great game of golf, let us know so we       and your hard work does not go unnoticed. We had           of Past Organizer Chris Oglesbee. Maybe Chris
can hit a few rounds. We have a lot of beautiful golf     a wonderful time and some awesome food. I have             will take over cooking duties next year. Should be
courses to choose from.                                   to give a huge shout out to Illustrious Sir Freddie        interesting?
   President, Noble Ernie Martin, would like to invite    Humphries, the 2021 Divan and all the units and               Another fund raiser, for the Shriners Children’s
you to come out and be part of the Augusta Shrine         clubs who were able to join us, making the parade          Hospital, was also a success – The Savannah Gun
Club Golf Unit. Our regular meetings are back on          and festival a huge success! We hope that you will         Show. This event has always helped in raising the
track with most of our members attending. The unit        come back next year and do it again. If you know of        monies the unit donates to the Shriner’s Children’s
Caddies (Ladies) are always welcome to come join          anyone who would like to participate in the parade         Hospital.
us. We meet on the fourth Thursday of the month,          or a vendor who makes and sales crafts, please                Both these events could not have been successful
after the meeting, we usually go to one of the many       let them know about our festival and urge them to          but through the volunteering of the Director Staff
local restaurants for great food and fellowship. We       come see what it’s all about in 2022. I also have to       members and those outside supporters that commit
look forward to you visiting and getting involved in      thank the farmers, who this festival celebrates, for       assistance to the unit through the year. Director
this outstanding unit.                                    their hard work making sure good food is grown for         Staff President, John McPipkin, wanted to convey
   Noble’s and Ladies, we look forward to seeing you      the American people to put on the tables for families      a thank you to those members and supporters who
on the greens with a hole in one while Celebrating        to enjoy.                                                  made these events possible.
the Past, Making a Difference That Will Last in 2021!        Well, it’s that time of the year to start making           The unit meetings will be in call back on
                                                          plans for 2022. We have our nominating committee           September 20th to organize the remainder of the
Clyde Bowie, P.P.                                         in place, and they are looking for our next slate of       year which will include the exciting November new
Golf Unit Ball Washer                                     officers. I am sure Waynesboro Shrine Club will be         member initiation and the Christmas Party which will
                                                          placed in good hands.                                      include the installation of officers. The nominations
                                                             Nobles, I ask that you please consider becoming         of the 2022 new officer list will be also discussed.
                                                          a Fez Patron. It’s only $20.00 a year for each unit or     Rumor is Ric Jones may be nominating himself for
                                                          club you are listed under. This helps offset the cost of   an officer’s position for 2022. But surely, why would
                                                          the Fez paper. It would be nice to see Waynesboro          he want to be a member of a unit that would have
                                                                                                                     him as a member. (Guess the character that made

           Tampa Clinic
                                                          Shrine Club have 100% participation. If you would
                                                          like to pay through the Shrine Club, please see me         that statement in one of his movies and win a free
                                                          and we will get it done.                                   unit meeting raffle ticket from Uncle Bill).
                                                                                                                        As the year begins its move to completion, please

                                                              As President, I would like to invite all Shriners
                                                          and Ladies to come and visit our club. We meet             join in thanking John McPipkin for rising and taking
                                                          on the third Thursday of each month. We eat at             on a second term as President for 2021. (Take a
   Nobles and Ladies. It has been a while since my        7:00 pm and meet at 8:00 pm. We usually have a             Bow, John). President McPipkin will be handing
last posting. Our Tampa facility is alive and very        mouthwatering grilled, by Chef Jody, steak, baked          over the reign to the current Vice President, Randy
strong. We are making great strides in our new            potato, salad and dessert but you never know what          Burney for the 2022 year.
model as we change from a Hospital to a clinic. We        you will get to eat in Waynesboro. Just know it will
are partnering with other hospitals to ensure that we     be great food!                                             Till we meet again, we hope to
continue to provide excellent care for our children.          Members, please check your dues cards and              find everyone in a good place.
That being said we will be having a ceremony at the       if you don’t have a 2021 card, please contact our
University of Florida in October. This will establish     secretary, Noble Jimmy Allen at 706-551-0727 to            Arrivederci
a very strong relationship that will provide services     get your dues paid. 2022 is fast approaching. If you
at their location in Gainesville. This will provide       are unable to pay your 2020 or 2021 dues because
services closer to our Georgia children in need of        of a hardship, please let our secretary know so we

                                                                                                                            Mobile Unit
care.                                                     can help. Brothers helping brothers.
   Many other options are being looked at. We are             Please stop by and see what’s going on in the
actively seeking out other locations and we will keep     Bird Dog Capital of the World while we Celebrate

moving forward and never quit making the care for         the Past, Making a Difference That Will Last in 2021!
our children the best possible.
   If I can ever be of service, please call any time.     Fraternally yours,
                                                                                                                      Wow! It is October where has the year gone. Pa-
                                                          Clyde Bowie, P.P.
                                                                                                                      rade season is right around the corner. Looking
Yours in the faith.                                       WSC President
                                                                                                                      forward to it. Hope to see you there. Our Auxiliary
Ken Porter

                                                                                                                      is moving forward with plans for 2022. Selecting
                                                                                                                      new Officers is always a challenge.

                                                                                                                       We are seeing increase in Covid and the Covid
                                                                                                                      variant every day. If this is the “New Normal” I do
                                                                                                                      not like it at all. Please keep first responders, our
                                                         25TH Annual Illuminated Christmas Parade                     members, their families, all Nobles and families in
                                                         When: Friday, December 3, 2021                               your prayers.
                                                         Where: Hinesville, GA
                                                         Line-Up: Begins at 4:00pm                                    Looking forward to the Fall Ceremony with all can-
                                                         Step-Off: 6:30pm                                             didates and ladies. This is one of the most ex-
                                                                                                                      citing times in the Alee Nation. A chance to bring
                                                                                                                      new members into Shrinedom and to highlight the
                                                         Jesup Christmas Parade                                       world’s greatest philanthropy.
                                                         When: Saturday, December 4, 2021
                                                         Where: Jesup, GA                                             We are continuing to sell Rada Cutlery. If you are
                                                         Line-Up: 5:00 pm SW Broad Street                             interested, please a member of our Auxiliary.
                                                         Step-Off: 7:00 pm         NEW TIME
                                                                                                                      We have a few members under the weather, please
                                                         25 Richmond Hill Christmas Parade
                                                           TH                                                         pray for their speedy recovery. Also, prayers for
                                                         new times                                                    Nella and O’Dell Talley, who lost their son recently.
                                                         When: Saturday, December 4, 2021
                                                                                                                      Until next time, we will see you about the temple.
                                                         Where: Richmond Hill, GA
                                                         Line-Up: 8:30am Richmond Hill                                RCJ
                                                         Elementary school on Frances Meeks Way, off
                                                         Hwy 144 (Ford Ave)
                                                         Step-Off: 10:00 am
Page 6                                                                                              Fun, Fellowship and Masonic Values
The Fez Official Publicaton Alee Shriners Savannah, GA September - of 2021
         10/2/2021      Jesup Fishing Tournament      11/3/2021
         10/9/2021      Hinesville Paint Ball Tournament
         		 CANCELED			11/10/2021
         10/16/2021     Hinesville Ax throw		         11/16/2021
         10/16/2021     Augusta 10 K Party		          11/16/2021
         10/15/2021     Statesboro Golf Tournament 11/16/2021
         10/30/2021     Hinesville Cornhole		         11/30/2021
         10/29/2021     Hinesville Scare Crow		       11/30/2021
         10/23/2021     Quint Sportsman		             11/24/2021
         10/23/2021	 Tattnall 2nd Amendment           11/24/2021
         10/16/2021     Hinesville Pumpkin Patch      11/16/2021
         11/13/2021	 Jesup Gun Raffle		               12/14/2021
         11/22-12/23/21  Cabiri Poinsettia Sale		     1/2/2022
         11/4/2021	 Mobile Gun & Ammo Raffle 12/5/2021
         11/6/2021      Hinesville Paper Drive		      12/6/2021
         11/19/2021     Quint Run what ya Brung       12/20/2021
         Now-Dec 31     Paper Sale
         Now - Dec 31 Tybee Lite Super Club		         MONTHLY
         Now - Dec 31 Brunswick Last Friday each
         		             month Spaghetti Dinner        MONTHLY
         Now - Dec	 Jesup Ammo Raffle		               12/31/2021
         Oct 5- Dec 12	 Clown Raffle			               12/31/2021
         Now – Dec 8	 $800 gift card raffle		         12/31/2021
         Now - Dec 31	 Bryan 50/50 raffle at Liberty
         		             Auction	 		                   12/31/2021

Celebrating the Past t Making A Difference That Will Last          Page 7
The Fez Official Publicaton Alee Shriners Savannah, GA September - of 2021
Alee Nobles and Ladies at work...It takes many
                                                            hands to make our temple GREAT! Annual
                                                            Sportsmen Auction - auctioneer, bartenders,
                                                            ticket sells makes an success event. Hines-
                                                          ville Ft. Stewart Shrine Club Nobles out on the
                                                          streets for a paper sale along with mascot Stan-
                                                           ley. Jesup Ladies Auxiliary collecting school
                                                         supplies for their schools. Ill Sir Buddy and CR
                                                           Steve helping the Dune Cats spread the word
                                                                     about Shriners philanthropy.

                                                                                                             There is always work along with the fun.
                                                                                                              We have a lot of hard working Nobles.
                                                                                                              Drifters had a awesome Comedy Show.
                                                                                                             Mother and Son danced the night away at
                                                                                                             the Directors Staff’s event. Mobile Unit
                                                                                                             Classics Nobles hosted a Huge Car Show

Thank you to all our photographer volunteers...Lady
Cookie Moore, Denise Bennett, Roger Hutchinson, PP
Buddy Grayson and Duane Terkildsen. Your efforts
are greatly appreciated. Wish we could print them all.

Page 8                                                                                        Fun, Fellowship and Masonic Values
The Fez Official Publicaton Alee Shriners Savannah, GA September - of 2021
Potentate's Message
     Today is a Fun Day, a Fun Month, Fun Year, what a great time to be an Alee Shriner
     Last month many journeyed to Myrtle Beach for SASA (South Atlantic Shrine Association) for FUN
   and FELLOWSHIP with Nobles and Ladies from at least 20 other temples. We were looking forward to
   the FUN and Fellowship this event ALWAYS brings. Thank you all for allowing me to become the newly
   installed 5th Vice President, I promise to always represent ALEE to the best of my Ability, and always put
   Alee first.
     It was with a heavy heart, and only after seeking the counsel of some of the most dedicated and wise
   Nobles. The decision was made to cancel the 2021 Alee Christmas Circus. Every effort will be made to
   respect the wishes of all that have already donated. Thank you all for all the early efforts to make this a
   Feztastic event.
     November brings Veterans Day when we Honor all that have Served our country through our Military. If
   you enjoy our way of life, please thank a Veteran, it is because of them we can continue to do everything
   we do in this country.
     November also brings our Ceremonial, the time we invite Masons to join our GREAT Fraternity. Get those petitions into the office.
   Remember to tell the Candidates how much fun it is to be an Alee Shriner, and how fulfilling it is to help a child. Also, in November, we
   celebrate those achieving Honors in the first ever, Rite Honors Nite.
     Thank you for all the thoughts, support, calls, texts, and prayers for Colleen and our family with the death of her DAD it is truly great to
                                   have a big family of friends.
                                      I am asking each and every Noble and Lady to PLEASE consider working the Haunted House! We expect
                                   larger than normal crowds and we desperately need volunteers! - one Friday and/or Saturday or every Friday
                                   and Saturday! ALEE NEEDS YOU!
                                      Remember your Blue Lodge (Get those petitions in for the Fall Ceremonial), your Rites and our Shrine
                                   Patients and families. Remember to check on those you do not see all the time; many are dealing with Covid
                                   or illness in their family. Your phone call could be just what they need. We have an obligation to our brothers
                                   - remind them how important they are to Alee.
                                      Thank you!

                                   Illustrious Potentate Freddie L. Humphries, Jr

                                  First Lady Colleen’s Message
       Well, September is practically over and again; my emotions are everywhere. First, I am just so happy for
   all the 2021 Alee Teams have accomplished in spite of or because of Covid and we have so much ahead.
   One can only be excited: Haunted House (Come out and work this fun event), Ceremonial (Get your
   petitions in by October 29), Honors Night (Celebrating those receiving Red and White caps), Grand Master
   events at Alee and SASA. That brings me to number two, I am so proud and excited for Ill Sir Freddie
   getting installed for the SASA line as 5th Vice President. SASA is always FUN, and I know there are great
   plans to make 2021 memorable. Third, I am so proud and just tickled with the First Ladies Coffee Table
   book. I just hope I captured the memories made for the last 125 years. I have several books available now
   and will place a second order if there is interest. For the First Lady’s Project, I am selling the 125th glasses,
   charms, t-shirts, and the book. Fourth, Alee won a Dromedary Award from Shriners International for The
   FEZ Magazine. Lady Cheri Johns works hard putting it together. And yes, she and I work as a great TEAM,
   if I say so myself! The FEZ is an important communication tool for Alee – we hope you find the information valuable and timely.
                                    Finally, many know my Daddy, George Ronald Rovolis, Sr, passed away a few weeks ago. The Humphries
                                 are truly blessed with friends. The flowers, Morris Slotin’s, food, calls, emails, and hugs were perfect…just
                                 what was needed, and so greatly appreciated. It is still hard to believe the man that was a Grandfather or
                                 Papou as the kids called him, Father-In-Law, 46+ year Mason/Shriner is gone. I am going to leave you with
                                 his favorite end to his voicemail – “Remember John 3:16.”

                                  John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. that whoever believes in Him
                                should not perish but have everlasting life.

                        Nobles are not the
                       only ones that work.
                       Our Divan members
                          work to make
                            Alee # 1.

Celebrating the Past t Making A Difference That Will Last                                                                               Page         9
The Fez Official Publicaton Alee Shriners Savannah, GA September - of 2021
Chief                                                  Assistant                                         High Priest
  Rabban                                                  Rabban                                            & Prophet
Hello Nobles and Ladies,                                 Well Hello Nobles.                                 Hello Nobles and Ladies,
   What a great day to be an Alee Shriner!!                 A BIG Thank you to all of the clubs and units      What a great day to be an Alee Shriner. A big
   Wow! We had a busy August and September               who helped make the new and improved Alee          shout out to all the clubs and units who made
with all of the clubs and units fundraisers. I           Simitar Auction a huge success, we had a           our auction a success. We had a lot going on
want to personally thank everyone that came              packed house with lots of food, fun, and great     in September. But here we are in October.
out for the Haunted House workday. A lot was             items to bid on. THANK YOU, THANK YOU,             This starts off with one of our biggest temple
accomplished that day, and some have continued           THANK YOU!!! We have had car shows, Fishing        projects. The haunted House. First, I would like
to work out there to make this the best Haunted          tournaments, BBQ cook offs, Boat/Bike poker        to say thank you to each and every one who
House ever.                                              runs, Comedy shows, Haunted House work             turned out for the Haunted House workday.
   In September we had the Waynesboro Farm               days, and Parades going on all over the place.     Also, thanks to the clubs and unit who donated
Fest Parade. Thanks goes to                              Its great to see some resemblance of normalcy      items to make this a very scary time. As usual
   Illustrious Sir Clyde Bowie and all the Waynesboro    in Shrinedome again “But Please Always             we will need all hand on deck so even if its not
Nobles and Ladies for a successful event.                Remember To Stay Safe And Be Considerate           your scheduled time to work, please come out
   I want to thank the Divan and my Advisors             Of Everyone Around You. Don’t forget that the      and help every chance you get. It will be very
for helping prepare the 2022 Budget. It was              Haunted-House kicks off next month and the         much appreciated. There was a lot of good
presented at the September Stated Session and            temple really needs your help and support of       information at our September stated session
will be voted on at the November Stated Session.         our largest Fundraiser of the year so lets get     so please make sure you get it out to the ones
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to call,   behind Noble Patrick Welsh and Illustrious sir     who were unable to attend. Thanks for all the
text or E- mail me. My phone number is 912-658-          Buddy and make this the most Spooktacular          prayers, call, and text about Julie’s surgery.
0986 and my e-mail is                                    Year ever!!!                                       Please while on bended knee pray for all the We need all the               It is great to see all of the clubs and units   sick and shut ins. Also, say a prayer for all the
Nobles to come out and vote and voice your               out doing fundraisers, having meetings, and        families who have lost a loved one. Thanks
opinion, after all this is your Temple and your          socializing the only way we know how to do it!!    again for all you do. And always if you need
money that you help to put in the bank.                  (SHRINE STYLE). A lot of great and fun things      anything don’t hesitate to call.
   We had great time at SASA and if you did              is happening in and about your temple so come
not come you need to consider it for next year.          on out and have some fun with a purpose!!            Continue to support your Blue Lodges,
We need to congratulate Illustrious Sir Freddie             Please do not forget your 10k raffle Tickets    Scottish Rite, York Rite and your clubs and
Humphries, Jr for getting installed as an officer        as it is almost time to give some money to one     units. We are Alee Strong!
on the SASA line.                                        lucky person!!
   This month of October we will be doing the               May God Bless All Shriners, their Ladies,       Fraternally yours,
Haunted House every Friday and Saturday night            Our Shrine Children and Their Families!!           Carey Hodges
and we need all hands on deck to help make this               And until next time LOVE, PEACE, AND
Temple event a success.                                  CHICKEN GREASE!!!!
   The Temple Golf tournament will be Oct 2nd at
the Black Creek Golf Course.
   Lady Donna and I are looking forward to the
                                                          IT TRULY IS A GREAT DAY TO BE AN ALEE
Fall Ceremonial on Nov 12th and 13th. Get those
petitions in for those new prospects.                    Fraternally Yours;                                  Guide
   If you have not turned in your money for your         Robbie Moore AR21
High Roller Raffle tickets, you need to get them                                                            Hello All,
turned into the office as soon as possible. The                                                               Great turnout at the Sportsman Banquet!!
drawing will be at the November Stated Session.                                                             There were some awesome items won. Thanks
   Remember to attend your Blue Lodge, Scottish                                                             to all the Clubs and Units that donated items
Rite, and York Rite regularly.                                                                              and funds.
                                                                                                              Remember, October 2nd, Alee Golf
  Remember our Shrine Children, Doctors,                                                                    Tournament. Hope To see you there! If anyone
Essential Workers and our Soldiers in your                                                                  wants to enter a team or sponsor a hole, please
prayers.                                                                                                    give me a call.
                                                                                                              Hats off to The Pirates for the Pirates Social,
Fraternally yours,
                                                                                                            Goodtimes!!! Enjoyed, The Mobile Units Car
Steve T. Lingle, Chief Rabban
                                                                                                            Show, so many awesome vehicles.
                                                                                                              Many prayers lifted for all that have lost loved
                                                                                                            ones recently. God Bless!
                                                                                                              As always, I am just a call away!!
                                                                                                              REMEMBER TO SUPPORT YOUR BLUE

                                                                                                            Fraternally Yours,
                                                                                                            Danny Fries, Jr.
                                                                                                            Oriental Guide

Page 10                                                                                     Fun, Fellowship and Masonic Values
William N Acosta        C. M Griffin P.P.        William R Overstreet
Euel Akins              Matthew V Groover        Tanner W Page
Curtis K Armstrong Jr   Rodney G Hall            Justin Patrick
Derek L Ashman          Ernest Hamilton          Walter F Pelton III
Doyle J Barnes III      Cale M Harris            Jesse Powell
Christopher K Barnes    Gary C Hart              Ramon T Powell
William E Bashlor       Christopher L Headrick   Billy J Ray Jr.
Bobby L Beckum          Joseph W Holaway         Gregory W Ray
Phillip W Bedgood       William H Holden Jr      Jason E Rigdon
Russell P Bell          Alton W Johnson          Stephen D Rountree
David V Bell            Charles R Johnson        Michael Wayne Roush Sr
Joshua B Bell           Logan T Johnson          Alfred L Sauls
B. Chris Blaine Jr.     John P Jones             Chandler T Schexnayder
Robert F Brannen Jr     Donald F Jones Jr.       Thomas C Scott
Robert G Bunkley        Thomas M Kait            Robert A Seamans
Chris A Bunten          Sidney J Karp            Ronnie E Shoemaker
Thomas L Carter         Hunter L Kicklighter     Gary E Smith
Tracy M Carter          Kevin J Knight           Floyd Clinton Smith
Ronnie James Caudle     Richard W Lammons        Henry B Staley Jr
Lawrence F Cheely III   John D Lanier III        Efstathios A Stathopoulos
James C Cheney II       Gregory W Lard           William W Strickland
Chester F Cielock       William C Laroche        Cleveland H Strickland
Donald C Combs          Samuel Wistar Lewis      Johnny E Tapley Jr
Walton B Cox            Thomas H Long            John Edward Taylor
Mark T Daniels          Donald S Luse            Charles S Terrell
Joseph B Davidson       Daniel W Mackinnon       Richard B Terry
Samuel C Davis          Larry W Martin Jr.       James E Todd
Ned Franklin Deloach    Ronald L McIntosh P.P.   Ralph Dawson Trapnell
Harry L Eason Jr.       Corey R McLaughlin       Bobby R Tuten
Henry R Evans Jr        George E Miller Jr.      James David Tyler
Terry W Fennell         Alex S Mills II          William B Tyson
Shannon D Fields        James R Mitchell         William V Tyson III
Lafe Wm Fisk            Charles W Moody          Robert L Ward
George M Fox Jr         Theodore E Moore Jr      Dave E Warren Jr
Raymond H Futch         Alfredo J Nieto          Patrick D Welsh Sr
Tony J Gay              Jerry E North            Patrick D Welsh Jr
Martin Ohara Gillette   Ollie B Odom Jr          David A Whitman
Clyde E Griffin         Frank E Odom Sr          John W Witt Jr
Odis W Griffin          Roy G Oliver

            October Birthdays

                                                  Have A

Celebrating the Past t Making A Difference That Will Last                    Page 11
News from Shriners Hospital for Children
The morning 12-year-old patient Parker’s                                          Shriners Hospitals for Children
life changed forever began just like any                                          RECOGNIZED SIX TIMES BY U.S. NEWS &
other.                                                                            WORLD REPORT
                            He rushed out the door, hopped in his mom’s
                          car, helped settle his baby brother and together,       Shriners Hospitals for Children has once again been ranked
                          they headed to school, chatting excitedly about         nationally in two specialties in the 2021-2022 Best Children’s
                          the day ahead.                                          Hospitals ranking published by U.S. News & World Report, the
                            Less than 20 minutes later, EMS would be              global leader in quality rankings that empower consumers to make
                          pulling the family from a heap of twisted metal.        better more informed decisions about find the best medical care
                            That morning on the road, Parker’s mom,               for their children.
                          Sharonda, suffered a seizure and lost
                          consciousness — but as her car sped out of              The following locations ranked in pediatric orthopedics:
                          control, Parker jumped into action.
                            “Parker was sitting in the back, but when he          #7 Shriners Hospitals for Children – St. Louis
                          realized something was wrong, he unbuckled              (in partnership with St. Louis Children’s Hospital – Washington
his seatbelt and got to the front to take over the wheel,” Sharonda said.         University)
“He saved our lives.”
   While Sharonda walked away with a few broken fingers and a fractured           #13 Shriners Hospitals for Children – Erie
tailbone, and her youngest son unscathed, Parker was transported to               (in partnership with UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh)
the hospital with a broken ankle, broken ribs, punctured kidneys and a
perforated gallbladder.                                                           #22 Shriners Hospitals for Children – Northern California
   Nineteen days into his two-month-long hospital stay, Parker was told           (in partnership with UC Davis Children’s Hospital)
he would need to have his leg amputated — his broken ankle hadn’t
allowed blood to circulate properly. Understandably, he was devastated.           #28 Shriners Hospitals for Children – Salt Lake City
   For months after the amputation, Parker’s mental health rapidly                (in partnership with University of Utah Health and Primary Children’s
declined.                                                                         Hospital)
   “He developed severe depression and anxiety,” Sharonda said,
explaining the once avid athlete was convinced he would never feel like a         #41 Shriners Hospitals for Children Medical Center - Lexington
kid again. But he was going to try.                                               (in partnership with Kentucky Children’s Hospital)
   Parker decided he would fight for the life he loved. A few months later,
he found himself at Shriners Children’s Greenville, where an in-house             The following locations ranked in pediatric urology:
Pediatric Orthotic and Prosthetic Services (POPS) team fabricates
thousands of custom-fit assistive devices every year.                             #37 Shriners Hospitals for Children – Northern California
   With consultation from renowned physician David Westberry, M.D.,               (in partnership with UC Davis Children’s Hospital)
a team of highly skilled physical therapists and orthotists began working
to ensure Parker would make a full recovery. He would be fitted with a
prosthetic designed for comfortable support and, of course, lots of activity.

             Reprinted from Shriners Hospital for Children - Greenville website

Page 12                                                                                    Fun, Fellowship and Masonic Values
FEZ PATRONS - Thank You For Your Support
Divan                                      Keystone Kops (EIEIO)                    P. P. Charlie Brewer & Lady Sandy     TATTNALL SHRINE CLUB
Illustrious Sir Freddie Humphries Jr and   James Blakewood & Lady Ceilia            Andy Cato & Lady Wendy                Dr. Jesse Bradley & Lady Marsha
Lady Colleen                               Steve Cheshire & Lady Lydia              Jerry Fisk & Lady Helen               David Stephen Lanier
Chief Rabban Steve Lingle & Lady Donna     Mike Connor & Lady Sara                  Fred Gilluly & Lady Ophelia           Steve Lingle & Lady Donna McCutchen
McCutchen                                  Larry Shelton & Lady Alethia             Ernie Martin & Lady Ramona            Robbie Moore & Lady Cookie
Assistant Rabban Robbie Moore and Lady                                              Todd Shafer & Lady Tammy              Walter Smith
Cookie                                     KNIGHTS OF MECCA                         Floyd Sherrod & Lady Martha           Jason Willett & Lady Amy
High Priest & Prophet Carey Hodges and     R.E. “DE” deRussy & Lady Nancy           Jim Tyler & Lady Joanne               Lady Cheryl Willett
Lady Julie                                 Tim Hocking & Lady Cyndi
Oriental Guide Danny Fries and Lady        Ill Sir Freddie L. Humphries Jr & Lady   AUGUSTA GO-CART UNIT                  TYBEE LITE SHRINE CLUB
Sheila                                     Colleen                                  100% Participation                    P.P. Dave Armstrong & Lady Marlene
Treasurer Johnny Farley and Lady Roula                                              Jimmy Atkins & Lady Donna             Steve Lingle & Lady Donna McCutchen
Recorder PP Dave Armstrong & Lady          MOBILE UNIT 100% Participation           Paul Bennett & Lady Sharon            Lady Gladys Stewart
Marlene                                    Jimmy Anderson                           Jack Bradford & Lady Anna             W. David Stewart
Potentate’s Team Derrick Lewis & Lady      Robert Anderson & Lady Peggy             P.P. Clyde Bowie & Lady LeAnne
Tracey                                     P.P. Dave Armstrong & Lady Marlene       Don Harris & Lady Faye                PAST POTENTATES
                                           Jim Arnold & Lady Barbara                Chris Jenkins                         Dave Armstrong & Lady Marlene
DIRECTOR’S STAFF                           Bill Barrow                              Henry Jenkins & Lady Georgia          Dale Barnard & Lady Paula
Jeff Ball & Lady Marlene                   Lee Benson                               Bobby Lively                          Ralph & Patrice Calhoun II – Omar
Lady CaRita Connor                         Gary Branch & Lady Juanita               James Paul                            Shriners
Lady Louise Fountain                       Ben Carroll & Lady Dena                  George Reckentine & Lady Ann Marie    Lady Pat Cooper
Benjamin Kates & Lady Noelle               P.P. Lester Claxton & Lady Glenda        David Sutherland & Lady Shari         Phil Davis & Lady Linda
Steve Lingle & Lady Donna McCutchen        William “Red” Davis & Lady Wanda         Frank Valentine & Lady Celeste        C. Mack Griffin & Lady Stephanie
Ken Rimes & Lady Deanne                    D. Morgan Derst & Lady Pam Miltiades     Lady Jewell Whitton                   Calvin Hodges & Lady Faye
Tom Rushing & Lady Yvette                  Dr. Bruce Elder and Lady Jeanne          Jim Williams & Lady Linda             James “JJ” Johns & Lady Cheri
Lady Maude Viar                            Earl Futch & Lady Charlotte                                                    John B. Johnson & Lady Judy
                                           Dale Hardie                              BRUNSWICK SHRINE CLUB                 C.S. Kaney
DUNE CATS 100% Participation               Lady Barbara Heath                       G. David Butler & Lady Gloria         Ron McIntosh
David Armstrong II & Lady Cheryl           Lady Sylvia Hill                         Benjamin Kates & Lady Noelle          Lady Nellie Nelson
Lady Linda Burnsed                         P.P. Calvin Hodges & Lady Faye                                                 Jay Robbins
Ben Carroll & Lady Dena                    Trey Hopkinson & Lady Celeste            BRYAN COUNTY SHRINE CLUB              Charlie Stokes & Lady Marion
Ernie Compton & Lady Shellie               P.P. Jim “JJ” Johns & Lady Cheri         Lady Sybil Formby
Jamie Corcelius & Lady Stephanie           Michael Johnson & Lady Stephanie                                               NON UNIT/CLUB
Delma Cowart & Lady Kim                    P.P. C. S. Kaney                         EFFINGHAM COUNTY SHRINE CLUB          Don Combs & Lady Susan
Earl Cox & Lady Brenda                     Larry Klopp & Lady Ernestine             Johnnie Barnes & Lady Wanda           Daniel Eure
Lady Jacqueline Dowling                    Steve Lingle & Lady Donna McCutchen      Johnny Barnes & Lady Mandi            PGM Clyde Griffin & Lady Judy
P.P. Brooks Gaudry & Lady Dianne           Steve Marrero & Lady Valerie             Carey Hodges & Lady Julie             Jason Jones & Lady Dana
Ill Sir Freddie Humphries, Jr. & Lady      Roberto Medrano & Lady Anna              Steve Lingle & Lady Donna McCutchen   Lady Tommie Patrick
Colleen                                    Michael Martin & Lady Nancy              Robbie Moore & Lady Cookie            Jimmy Purvis & Lady Ann
Andrew Johnson & Lady Haley                Ed Mast & Lady Barbara                   Mike Morris & Lady Kim                Lady Dianna Scott
Logan Johnson                              Mobile Unit Ladies Auxiliary             Rickey Neidlinger & Lady Sheri        Kim Shirah & Lady Gail
Michael Johnson & Lady Stephanie           Robbie Moore & Lady Cookie               Pat Thompson & Lady Olivia            Hal Sims & Lady Glenda
David Kearney & Lady Mireya                Butch Mosley & Lady Judy                 Gary Uptain & Lady Cathy              Jon Turner
Chris Lain & Lady Kat                      Paul Newman & Lady Rose                                                        James VanFossan & Lady Brenda
Michael Leddick & Lady Mitzi               Gary Oglesby & Lady Patricia             HINESVILLE/FT STEWART SHRINE
Mike Martin & Lady Nancy                   Ken Porter & Lady Barbara                CLUB                                  AZIZA COURT #108
Ray Morin & Lady Jennifer                  Lady Joyce Presley                       100% Participation                    Lady Tonya Donaldson
Billy Mullins & Lady Ruth                  Charlie Rahn & Lady Debbie               Jim Arnold & Lady Barbara             Lady Shirley Humphries
Justin Myers & Lady Chelsea                Steve Reed & Lady Gloria                 Tyler Arnold                          Lady Brenda Loven
Terrell Nease                              P.P. Frankie Rivenbark                   William Badger & Lady Sheila          Lady Jen Markham
Elliott Phillips & Lady Sarah              Drew Rogers & Lady Deanna                James Baker & Lady Tori
Lady Marya Phillips                        Harry Rogers & Lady Brenda               Wayne Barnes & Lady Flo               The office apologizes if there is an error.
George Pratt III & Lady Cheryl             Stathy Stathopoulos & Lady Penny         Robert Boatright and Lady Meagan      Please call and let the office know, and we
Charlie Rice & Lady Aviva                  O’Dell Talley & Lady Nelia               Leon Boyce                            will correct it.
Doug Richardson & Lady Deborah             Duane Terkildsen & Lady Sherry           Mike Braver & Lady Dawn
William Roberts & Lady Carol               P.P. Alfie Waite & Lady Beverly          Steve Bulwinkle
Taylor Robinson & Lady Maci                Matthew Woods & Lady Jenoa               Eric Castano & Lady Brandi
Jody Rogers & Lady Lori                                                             Charles Futch & Lady Brandy
Charles Stewart & Lady Tiffany             ORIENTAL BAND                            Oscar Garmon & Lady Sandy                These We Do
Jimmy Stokes                               Carl Hendricks Sr & Lady Sequel          Steve Guzan & Lady Josie
Lady Delaine Sumner
Neal Thompson & Lady Amelia
                                           P.P. Jim “JJ” Johns & Lady Cheri
                                           Lady BettyLong
                                                                                    Tim Hocking & Lady Cyndi
                                                                                    Roger Hutchinson
                                                                                                                             Not Forget
Barry Vonbergen & Lady Vickie              Craig Perry & Lady Annette               P.P.” JJ” Johns & Lady Cheri
Bob Ward & Lady Suzanne
H.L. Waters
                                           Don Samples & Lady Kristi                Butch Kesner
                                                                                    Roberto Medrano & Lady Anna
                                                                                                                                In Memory
Dana Williams & Lady Krissy                PATROL UNIT                              Lady Nellie Nelson                         Noble George R Rovolis Sr
Kenny Williams & Lady Jennifer             Lady Eleanor Ashworth                    Walt Pelton & Lady Mary                 Illustrious Sir Thomas Newsome
                                           Lady Shirley Boyles                      Carlos Ruiz & Lady Kathi
HILLBILLY UNIT                             Robert “Bob” Brannen                     Jimmy Shanken & Lady Brigitte               Noble Jesse Steve Hubbert
P.P. Dave Armstrong & Lady Marlene         Lloyd Hodges & Lady Ann                  Mike Smart & Lady Lori                         Noble Jack Duncan
Richard Burns & Lady Lillian               Lady Loxie Lamar                         Lee Smith & Lady Tiffany                   Noble David Henry Martin
Lady Pat Cooper                            Lady Elizabeth Miles                     Dwayne Sutton & Lady Amanda
Reginald Dees & Lady Mildred               Craig Perry & Lady Annette               Arnie Walker & Lady Annette
Hillbilly Gals                             Frank Stephens & Lady Bobbie             Franklin Wallace & Lady Linda
Tim Hocking & Lady Cyndi                                                            Adric Wallace & Lady Loraina
Carey Hodges & Lady Julie                  PIRATES UNIT                             Charles White & Lady Nordene
Carlos Ruiz & Lady Kathi                   Charles Dixon & Lady Wendy               Matt Woods & Lady Jodie
                                           Danny Fries & Lady Sheila
IRON KNIGHTS                               Robbie Moore & Lady Cookie               JESUP SHRINE CLUB
Frankie Barnes & Lady Amber                Mike Morris & Lady Kim                   P.P. Dave Armstrong & Lady Marlene
Howard Major                               Rickey Neidlinger & Lady Sheri           William Bennett & Lady Denise
                                           Steve Premo & Lady Deborah               Larry Brantley
KEYSTONE KOPS 100% Participation           Pat Thompson & Lady Olivia               Wayne Brewer & Lady Fran
Chris Barnes & Lady Amber                  John “Pops” Williams & Lady Lynn         Richard Burns & Lady Lillian
Ed Cope & Lady Beth                        Kenny Williams & Lady Jennifer           Jim Howell & Lady Colleen
Robert Cossio & Lady Deanna                                                         P.P. John B. Johnson & Lady Judy
P.P. “Buddy” Grayson & Lady Laura          ROADRUNNERS                              Ronnie Jones & Lady Rhonda
Scottie Hendrix & Lady Julie               R.E. “DE” deRussy & Lady Nancy           Wade Knight
James Ivanowski & Lady Summer              Howard Major                             Al Lane & Lady Donna
Keith Lynes & Lady Christy                 Steve Premo & Lady Deborah               Mike O’Neal & Lady Annette
Ollie Odom & Lady Cheryl                                                            Jim Overstreet & Lady Kay
Lady Setona Page                           AUGUSTA SHRINE CLUB
Tony Reardon & Lady Karen                  Robert Crowley & Lady Jewelle            SCREVEN SHRINE CLUB
Walter Reardon & Lady Kari                                                          Ben Boyer & Lady Kay
John Shealy & Lady Cindy                   AUGUSTA SHRINE CLUB GOLF UNIT            David Wells & Lady Sherril
Bill Smoak & Lady Debbie                   100% Participation
Billy Tyson & Lady Melissa                 Jimmy Allen & Lady Peggy                 STATESBORO SHRINE CLUB
Charlie Tyson & Lady Gail                  Jimmy Atkins & Lady Donna                Tony Phillips & Lady Diane
Terrance White & Lady April                Sam Arazie & Lady Joan                   Patrick Sweet & Lady Margie
Chris Williamson & Lady Marla              Lamar Baxley & Lady Carol
Rusty Zittrauer & Lady Kristen             Archie Black & Lady Janelle              SWAINSBORO SHRINE CLUB
                                           P.P. Clyde Bowie & Lady LeAnne           Curtis Armstrong & Lady Kellie

Celebrating the Past t Making A Difference That Will Last                                                                                       Page 13
Morris Slotin Travel Fund
IN HONOR OF                              John Wainright
Illustrious Sir Thomas Newsome           Bobby and Norma Tuten
Ill Sir Charlie Stokes and Lady Marion
Ill Sir C.S. Kaney                       Ruth MacMillan
Ill Sir Brooks Gaudry and Lady Dianne    Bobby and Norma Tuten
Ill Sir JJ Johns and Lady Cheri
Shirley Boyles                           GENEROUS DONATION
                                         Gene Britt
Illustrious Sir David Blissett
Barbara Hall                             Happy 87th Birthday to Lady Nellie
Noble George R Rovolis ( Dad to          Charles and Nordene White
Colleen Rovolis Humphries)
Ill Sir Charlie Stokes and Lady Marion
Ill Sir Brooks Gaudry and Lady Dianne    SPEEDY RECOVERY
Ill Sir JJ Johns and Lady Cheri          John and Nancy Deal
Lady Pat Blissett                        Ill Sir JJ Johns and Lady Cheri
Lady Pat Cooper
Harry and Lillian Burns                  Ill Sir Frankie Rivenbark
Bob and Barbara Plank                    Ill Sir JJ Johns and Lady Cheri
Dale Ienuso
Doreen Long                              HOSPITAL DONATIONS
Kelly Long                               In Memory of Charles Dixon
Shirley Boyles                           Tim and Jamie Mercer
Judy and Sonny Sears                     Leland and Carolyn Powell
Vaden Management Enterprises LLC         Donna Rushing
Craig and Annette Perry
Ellis, Painter, Ratteree & Adams LLP     In Memory Debbie McElveen
                                         Brad and Jamie Usry
Noble Jack Duncan (Oriental Band)
Ill Sir JJ Johns and Lady Cheri          Donation given to Roadrunner at a
Betty Long                               gas station
RB’s Logging Company Inc
Sylvia Williams                          Appreciation for Ill Sir Dave
Eddie Horne and Family                   Armstrong & Lady Marlene
Nancy Fornataro                               Helping in Texas
Keith and Jan McKinny                    Ill Sir Brooks Gaudry and Lady Dianne
Danny and Lisa Nelson
                                         If ever there is an error, please know it
Noble Billy Boyles, III (Hillbilly)      was a clerical error from the office. If
Lady Pat Blissett                        you call and inquire, we will straighten
Pug Chase                                it out as quickly as we can.

                                         Prayer List
Noble Steve Hubbert (Drifters)
Ill Sir JJ Johns and Lady Cheri

Noble Ronald Formby (Bryan County        Ill Sir Frankie Rivenbark
Shrine Club)                             Ill Sir Brooks Gaudry
Lady Pat Blissett                        Noble Cle Lynes
                                         Noble Delma Cowart
Dalton Courson (Son of Joy and           Noble Donald Westberry
Joey Courson – Jesup Shrine Club)        Noble Ed Zipperer
Ill Sir JJ Johns and Lady Cheri          Noble Erv Sloan
Lady Pat Cooper                          Noble H.L. Waters
Harry and Lillian Burns                  Noble James Dale Hadden
                                         Noble Jim Smith
Daniel Scott Vaughan (Son of Scott       Noble John Hinely
and Sallie Vaughan – Director’s          Noble Les Gordon
Staff)                                   Noble Randy Waters
Shelly and Ernie Compton                 Noble Robert Gardner
Barbara Hall                             Noble Michael Hogan
                                         Noble Roy Purvis
Lady Glenda Thompson (Wife of            Noble Sandy MacNeil
Aides Team & Hillbilly – Jimmy           Noble Wayne McDowell
Thompson)                                Lady Annette O’Neal
Ill Sir JJ Johns and Lady Cheri          Lady Nancy Crews
Hillbilly Unit                           Lady Denise Bennett
Dutch and Sandy Martin                   Lady Teresa Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Reardon                Lady Wannette Yarbrough
Bobby and Norma Tuten                    Lady Terri Lawson
Valerie Reel                             Patrick All II
                                         Chris Mock
Mary Lou Silas (Wes Silas’s
Grandmother)                             If ever there is an error, please know it
Lady Pat Blissett                        was a clerical error from the office. If
                                         you call and inquire, we will straighten
Bessie Boatright                         it out as quickly as we can.
Pug Chase

Christopher Talley (Son of Odell &
Neila Talley)
Lady Pat Blissett
Mobile Unit Classics
Larry and Ernestine Klopp

Gabriel Ramirez
Harry and Lillian Burns

Angelia Suzanne Wainright
Bobby and Norma Tuten

Page 14                                                                              Fun, Fellowship and Masonic Values
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