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contents PRESIDENT'S WELCOME 3 CEO REPORT 4 COMMUNITY TEAM NEWS 6 ANZAC DAY 2019 8 2019 LE TOUR DE TAREE 10 MANNING VALLEY RELAY FOR LIFE 22 president’s CLUB TAREE COMMUNITY TEAM COMMUNITY GRANTS 24 PAINT THE TOWN READ 28 report FUNCTIONS WITH LISA 29 DINEON19 30 KOKODA YOUTH LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE PARTICIPANT 32 CASH OR CAR 33 ON THE COURSE 34 and it is remarkable to read, as you will you haven’t as yet renewed remember later in this edition, the direct impact that the renewal process closes on the PRO SHOP 36 that this initiative has had on families 30th June 2019. We trust you believe CHARMAINE WILSON 37 Welcome to the winter 2019 edition of from the Manning Valley and the Great that we continue to offer value for WHATS ON 38 CT Connect. Lakes. your membership. Our promotions continue to be well supported, and Thank you to those members who To date the event has raised an the introduction a few years ago of participated in this year’s election incredible $96,596 for sick children management process. I take this opportunity to and their families who need the members pricing continues to be well Chief Executive Officer received by all members. MORGAN STEWART welcome to the Board of Directors, support of Ronald McDonald House Brand & Communication Manager Murray Relf. I also take this opportunity Charities. The Team works incredibly I would also like to welcome to PAUL ALLAN to once again thank Peter Fitzpatrick hard on this initiative each year, and I the Team, Paul Courtie as our Golf Operations Manager MAL NEALE for his commitment and contributions would encourage your support when Professional and Melinda Allan as Finance Manager to Club Taree during his time as a and where possible. It is incredible to our Golf Coordinator. For those not PETER LAVELLE Director. understand that to date over the last aware, Club Taree has taken over the Executive Chef four years the Team has ridden the operation of the Professional’s Shop JONATHAN FLANAGAN I announced at the Annual General equivalent distance to travelling from which allows for a more streamlined Meeting that we had been successful in Sydney to New York on spin bikes. service for our Members, as well as Customer Service Managers ASHLEY COOPER receiving approval for our Development greater flexibility and opportunity for TEEARI LYNCH Application for Tabatinga. The approval We look forward to the spectacle of Club Taree moving forward. Supporting KYE SINGE has come through with 54 conditions, this year’s event, with more riders Paul and Mel in the Pro Shop are also JACINTA HARVEY all of which are workable. We will than ever, and a greater commitment Sally Geary and Dwayne Paulson. work through to gain a Construction to engagement and fundraising for Certificate with the current plan to our Community Partner, and friends Planning for the 2019 Stacks contact start construction in February 2020. at RMHCNNSW. Each year the event Finance Taree Legends Pro Am has A 121 Wingham Road, Taree P.O. Box 40, Taree We will continue to keep you updated is supported by members, guests, commenced, the Team looks forward P 6539 4000 E throughout the process. partners and suppliers – thank you to to presenting another successful W all supporters of this unique event. event along with our sponsors and #clubtaree @clubtaree Congratulations to the Club Taree event partners. Community Team for their recent The Club Taree Community Team’s THINK! ABOUT YOUR CHOICES efforts in the 2019 Manning Valley 5th Anniversary year initiative, the Club Thank you for your continued support CALL GAMBLING HELP 1800 858 858 Taree Community Team Community and patronage of Club Taree, we WWW.GAMBLINGHELP.COM.AU Relay for Life, and in gaining notation as the fundraising champions of the Grants was extremely well received continue to commit to offering quality CLUB TAREE PRACTICES THE event in raising over $11,000 to support throughout the community. There was products and services to our Members, RESPONSIBLE SERVICE OF ALCOHOL the work of the Cancer Council. immense interest in these grants, with while continuing to also support our misson: Paul receiving a large response to the our Community. Our Team remains For the fifth year in a row, the call for applications. Congratulations hospitality focused, and look forward highlight of winter at Club Taree to those organisations which were to welcoming you very soon. to use our collective awesomeness to make a will be le Tour de Taree. This event positive difference in our community through awarded a grant. always creates immense interest raising funds, promoting awareness, offering Membership renewals are currently Geoff Watman from our membership and our wider support & providing welfare. open, and we have received a large President community. The event has continued to grow since its inception in 2015, renewal uptake in the first few weeks, if page 2 page 3
ceo’s report had over the last four years. In 2018 it became the face of ClubsNSW’s DoSomething! Day campaign, an initiative which encourages people to the last four years, the $96,596 raised has provided 97 families 582 nights of accommodation at Ronald McDonald House in Newcastle or 1600 plus visits Community with Clubs from all over NSW. As always my condolences to those members who have lost loved ones. We are pleased to advise that the development application for the Tabatinga indoor recreation make a difference by getting out there to the RMHCNNSW Family Room at Please take care of yourselves and and doing something. le Tour de Taree John Hunter Hospital. facility was approved by MidCoast Council in mid-April and we are working now through the epitomises this premise, what could be each other. detailed process of obtaining a construction certificate. With the length of the approval time The Team are committed to raising easier than jumping on a bike. impactful funds again in 2019, and I Morgan Stewart, concluding in April, this has meant that the project would not be constructed and opened in The ride creates an amazing would encourage your support when ACCM, AFAIM, CAHRI time for Christmas 2019. atmosphere throughout the Club, and and where possible. Chief Executive Officer It’s the Board and my view that its not small number of people that attend as an employee of Club Taree, Paul a great sense of teamwork, comradery The Club Taree Community Team a prudent spend of your money to our AGM, we humbly accept that our Courtie as our Golf Professional. We and community prevails as we all continues to be on the radar of Clubs pay premiums to have a construction Membership base is confident in our also welcome to our Team, Melinda work together to raise funds for our all over NSW, which is a true testament project rushed in the hope of a governance, strategy and performance. Allan as our Golf Coordinator, and Sally friends, and corporate partner Ronald to the authenticity of our Team. Christmas opening time. We won’t rush For those who were unable to attend Geary. Melinda will be active in our McDonald House Charities Northern a project in order to deliver an asset to our AGM, I would encourage you to community helping to grow the game NSW. Again this year the Club Taree membership and the community that take time to read through the Annual of golf, develop relationships and Community Team, along with their I encourage you to skip ahead a few wasn’t 100% tested and ready to go, so Report from 2018, it is available online create partnerships for our favourite initiatives have been entered into the pages and take a look at the direct instead we’ll take the time necessary or at reception, it is a great resource for game moving forward. ClubsNSW Clubs and Community impact that le Tour de Taree has and construction will commence on commentary around the performance Awards, across multiple categories. July brings with it our favourite event had on Manning Valley and Great Monday 3rd February 2020. of Club Taree. Finalists are announced in June, and of the year – le Tour de Taree. This Lakes families. The Team take great we will need to wait patiently through Thank you to those who took the time Our golfing community would be aware year the event celebrates its 5th inspiration from just how much riding until November to celebrate the out to attend the AGM in April. Each of changes to the Pro Shop here at Anniversary ride. It is incredible to a bike, and raising funds, can impact awesome links between Clubs and the year there is commentary around the Club Taree. We welcome on board think of the impact this event has families at their times of need. Over page 4 page 5
we communicate them. I guess it’s The Team is abuzz with the lead up to We have been out and about a bit over because they are both an important part the 2019 le Tour de Taree, and what the last few months, with the Relay, the of our story. We started the Club Taree will be our 5th Anniversary ride. This delivering of the Community Grants, Community Community Team to make a positive year our Team will travel 3,460km to the launch of the Paint the Town READ impact, nothing is more impactful once again raise funds for our friends event, and Taree parkrun’s birthday. than looking at the two figures we at Ronald McDonald House Charities In recent weeks I have finished the constantly share. I personally believe Northern NSW. At the conclusion of nominations for the 2019 Clubs and that our Team should be championed last year’s riding the Team had ridden Community Awards, Finalists for for their efforts, and their contributions. a total of 15,713.2km – which in real the Awards are announced in mid- terms is the distance between Taree In a study by Volunteering Australia June. It is always an honour to be Team News and New York – amazing really when during 2017 it was noted that recognised by your peers, particularly you think about it. Together, from the Volunteers across Australia contributed when the awards focus on community le Tour de Taree alone we have raised a total value of $477.5 million and over commitments. The Team is still on $96,596.14 for RMHCNNSW. 12.3 million volunteer hours into our a high from last year’s “Heart of the communities and economy. Australia This year we are aiming to be bigger Community” Award. There are so many is ranked as the 3rd most generous than ever, of course we are going to amazing stories from Clubs all over In early May we were super proud with your donations we were able to country in the world, behind Malaysia need your help. The Team is introducing the state, it really is an honour just to It has been a massive couple to host the 2019 Manning Valley raise an impressive $11,346.45 for and the USA on the World Giving Index, a range of new fundraising activities in be considered. Following the finalist of months in the ‘community Relay for Life here at Club Taree. This the Cancer Council. In total the event which assesses countries on their per 2019, including a Trivia Night, a Toy announcements, the award winners space’ here at Club Taree. community event epitomises the raised just over $30,000. The Club capita based on their volunteer time, Raffle and also a Finish Line Party. will not be announced until early As you know May marked the start of sense of community which we aim Taree Community Team was named contributions to charities and help Behind the scenes, we have had Team November. our 5th Anniversary year. To kick off to uphold every day. It allows people the “Fundraising Champions” at the offered to strangers. members working on the Tour for a few In wrapping up, I ask for your support the celebrations we ran the Community to come together to raise funds for conclusion of the event. months ago, there are many pieces Sometimes I wonder how many of the 2019 le Tour de Taree where you Grant program, where we were cancer research, service support and that need to fall into place to make the In total we had 43 team members help people we have been able to help, can. We know that not everyone can inundated with applications across prevention education, while allowing event happen. In 2019 we have had the out, whether it be by volunteering, or that may otherwise not have been afford a donation, but have a chat with a wide section of our community. It people to join together to celebrate our most number of riders to date sign up by walking, contributing a total of 256 helped if it wasn’t for our Team. I also our Team, and let them know they are was extremely hard to choose which cancer warriors, and remember loved to participate, with a total of 59 staff volunteer hours. often think how many more people doing an awesome job. Together we organisations to support, as there ones who may have lost their battle members opting to participate this could be helped if other workplaces can make a difference. are so many worthwhile projects with this horrendous illness. To date the Club Taree Community year. implemented similar initiatives and and organisations in our community Team has now volunteered a total of Funds raised on the day will remain other Teams of people committed to In the coming pages you will be able Paul Allan needing support. Further on in the 6518 hours and raised an amazing local, ensuring that members of our making a positive difference to their to find out more about this year’s le Brand & Communication Manager magazine you will be able to read about $339,384.98 for our community. Some community are supported. The Club community. I think we are proof that Tour de Taree activities, fundraising Club Taree Community Team Leader the recipients of our 5th Anniversary people have asked me over the years Taree Community Team ran a number a little bit of enthusiasm and a whole opportunities and events. Grants. why we record our totals, and why of fundraising initiatives and along load of teamwork can do wonders. page 6 page 7
celebrating our The goal of le Tour de Taree has always been the same – to make a positive difference to the welfare of 5th year of sick children and their families. In 2019 the Club Taree Community Team is hosting their 5th Annual le le Tour de Taree Tour de Taree. Over the years we’ve had some massive Tours, but this year will be epic. We have more riders than ever before signed up to ride, and more ways to raise funds than ever before. This year our team once again mirrors our ‘sister ride’ le Tour de France in travelling a total distance of 3460km over 23 days. Established in 2015 on a whim of a conversation, le Tour de Taree has seen a total of 64 different riders collectively ride 15,715.2km over 88 days in 628 hours to raise $96,596 for sick children and their families. It was our Team that chose Ronald McDonald House Charities Northern NSW (RMHCNNSW) as the sole beneficiary of funds raised. It would be safe to say that back in April 2015 when the idea was conceived no one in the team would have been acutely aware of just how much Manning Valley families rely on the services and programs of RMHCNNSW. Each week 12 families from the Manning Valley and the Great Lakes use the facilities of RMHCNNSW, equating to 624 local families every year calling on RMHCNNSW for support at their most vulnerable times. le Tour de Taree continues to be our Signature Event, one that the entire team can participate in whether it be through riding, raising funds, and community engagement or support roles. Who will win the cup? Did you know that our Team compete for the coveted le Tour de Taree Cup? The Cup was introduced in 2018, and is awarded to the individual rider who rides the most kilometres over the 23 day Tour. Medals are also issued for 2nd and 3rd riding 3,460km in 23 days places, being those who have ridden the second and third longest distances over the 23 days. We also like to celebrate other Team Members with acknowledgment of other achievements like fundraising champion, most awesome moment. to raise funds for RMHCNNSW It is also extremely important to note that everyone’s contribution, no matter how big, how small is significant, and just as important as anyone else’s. The awesome thing about the le Tour de Taree is that we all need to work together and support each other for the event to be a success. Saturday 6th to Sunday 28th July 2019
So what impact has le Tour de Taree had? Our Team is proud to have made a significant difference over the last 4 years. We asked RMHCNNSW to break down what type of impact le Tour de Taree alone has had on families with sick children; • Provided 582 nights of accommodation at Ronald McDonald House Newcastle to 97 families • Enabled 1600 family visits to the Ronald McDonald Family Room Newcastle • Allowed 30 families to relax and reconnect at the Ronald McDonald Retreat in Forster AMAZING isn’t it! We need your help The Team is on a mission to make the 2019 event a HUGE success. To do this we need your help. Our Members and community have been amazing from day one, but we need your continued support to continue making a strong and positive impact in our community. Helping is easy. You can donate, attend one of our awesome events, sponsor a team member, or issue a challenge to a particular team member, purchase chocolates, or raffle tickets.
Join us for a High tea Saturday 27th July 2019 2:30pm Tickets $35m or $40nm Featuring a glass of sparkling wine on arrival, freshly brewed tea & coffee served with a delicious selection of sweet & savoury treats $10 from every ticket sold will be donated to RMHCNNSW as part of le Tour de Taree fundraising
the history of cheese Cheese. The name resonates in that happy place, somewhere between bliss, and give me more. Most people in the world love cheese. Beyond the world of cheddar and tasty, there is a world of discovery, some discover it early on, while others discover it later in life, whatever you do get out there and discover it. Cheese is tasty, convenient and • Australia produces more than 160 • The oldest known cheese was from versatile, and it has been a part of our different varieties of cheese. 1615 BC in China and resembles diet for thousands of years. Cheese is • The most stolen food in the world cottage cheese. packed with key ingredients and plays is cheese – around 4% of cheese • Historians suggest that cheese is an important role as part of a healthy produced is stolen. older than recorded history, as far back diet. as 7500 years ago. • American cheese cannot be legally Cheese naturally contains many sold as cheese • Kraft singles cannot be called cheese important nutrients such as protein, because less than 51% of it is actually • Philadelphia cream cheese wasn’t vitamin A, vitamin B12, riboflavin, cheese. invented or produced in the American phosphorus and zinc. In fact cheese city – the name was used because of • Most cheese should be served at is the second highest source of the city’s reputation for high quality room temperature. calcium in the Australian diet, which dairy foods. • Mice don’t actually like cheese - they is important because half of all Australians still aren’t getting enough • Cheese can become addictive, as it prefer sweet foods. calcium in their diets. But before you contains trace elements of naturally • Cheese production has seasons, as it go and eat cheese all day every day, occurring morphine that comes from ripens like fruit. consider the salt and fat contents of the cow’s liver • Chinese are the worlds least most cheeses. Enjoy in moderation • Gouda accounts for over half the consumers of cheese – with the is perhaps the best advice, or look for world’s cheese consumption average intake being just 100grams low fat and low salt alternatives. • The French have a different cheese per year. Next time you prepare a cheese platter for every day of the year. Cheese • The Danes are the biggest consumer engage your guests with these super experts estimate the total number of of cheese, enjoying 28.1kg of cheese cheese facts. different French cheeses is around per person per year. • It takes 10 litres of milk to make 1 1000. • The French (who many, including kilogram of cheese us, thought would be first) come in a respectable 4th, consuming 27.2kg of cheese per year. • In Australia, we consume 13.6kg of cheese per year. Held as a fundraising event for the 2019 le Tour de Taree JOIN US FOR A HIGH CHEESE Saturday 13th July from 3pm Tickets $40m / $45nm Featuring a delicious selection of cheeses, grazing platter & French desserts. Enjoy with Robert Oatley Wine. page 17
toy raffle Join us at the Finish Line Sunday 28th July at 4pm As our ride comes to an end on Sunday 28th July, join us at the finish line to celebrate our 5th le Tour de Taree, with fundraising, raffles and prizes to be won! page 19
did you know? In homage to the 5th Anniversary le Tour de Taree, and to get you motivated for the Trivia Night launch, take a look at these super interesting facts about cycling, and the bicycle itself. Who knows, one of these facts may earn you bonus points on July 5th at the launch of the le Tour de Taree. ‘bicyclette’), bikes were typically called • Cycling is the world’s biggest sports • le Tour de France is one of the most be 85% effective in preventing head • 16.6% of the total Australian History ‘velocipedes’. goods business worth approximately famous bicycle races in the world. injury. population had ridden in the previous • The first human powered land vehicle • You may have heard of the Penny- 51 billion dollars annually. Established in 1903, it is considered to • The risk of fatality while cycling is week and 37.4% had ridden at least was constructed by Giovanni Fontana farthing, an early type of bicycle that be the biggest test of endurance out of just once every 32 million kilometres once in the previous year. in 1418. Trivia Biking Facts featured a front wheel significantly all sports. (Second to le Tour de Taree) (20 million miles), or over 800 times • 9.5% of the Australian adult • The prototype of the mountain bike • The energy required to cycle at low larger than the rear. The name comes around the world. population, aged 18 and over (that’s was not developed until 1977. to medium speeds is roughly the same Health Biking Facts from the old British Penny and Farthing 1.5 million eligible voters!), had ridden • In 1817, Karl von Drais, a German as the energy required to walk. • Cycling three hours or 30 kilometres Environmental Biking Facts coins which represent the large and in the previous week and 28.0% had baron, invented a horseless carriage • Cycling is the most efficient way to per week halves your risk of heart • How many bikes can be parked in a small wheels. ridden at least once in the previous that would help him get around faster. get around in the world. disease and strokes single car parking space in a paved year. The two-wheeled, pedal-less device Numbers • In 1985, John Howard, Olympic cyclist • Women who walk or bike 30 minutes lot? Anywhere from 6 to 20. • Young children have the highest was propelled by pushing your feet • There are over half a billion bicycles and Ironman triathlon winner from the a day have a lower risk of breast • When Worldwatch Institute compared levels of cycling participation: 44.4% against the ground, the machine in China. Bikes were first brought to US, set the world speed record for a cancer. energy used per passenger-mile of 2 to 9 year old children had ridden became known as the “draisine,” and China in the late 1800s. bicycle when he reached 152.2 mph • Countries with the highest levels of (calories), they found that a bicycle in the previous week, decreasing to led to the creation of the modern-day • About 100 million bicycles are (245,08 km/h) cycling in the slipstream cycling and walking generally have the needed only 35 calories, whereas a 32.2% of 10 to 17 year olds. bicycle. manufactured worldwide each year. of a specially designed car. The record lowest obesity rates. car expended a whopping 1,860. Bus • Although Leonardo da Vinci drew • 5.1% of Australian residents had • There are roughly one billion bicycles would stand until October 3, 1995 • A study of nearly 2,400 adults found and trains fell about midway between, some rough sketches of a contraption ridden for transport purposes over the in the world (about twice as many as when Dutch cyclist Fred Rompelberg that those who biked to work were and walking still took 3 times as many that looked like a bicycle, the previous week compared with 14.1% motor vehicles) and roughly half a pedalled in the slipstream of a dragster fitter, leaner, less likely to be obese, and calories as riding a bike the same Frenchman De Sivrac built the first for recreation or exercise. billion of them are in China. at 167.044 mph (268,831 km/h), a had better triglyceride levels, blood distance. bicycle-type vehicle in 1690. It was record that still stands. • Males are more likely to participate in • Americans use their bicycles for pressure, and insulin levels than those • Bicycles use 2% as much energy as referred to as a hobbyhorse. However, cycling than females: 20.9% of males less than one percent of all urban • Fred A. Birchmore, 25, circled the who didn’t active commute to work. cars per passenger-kilometer, and cost it did not have pedals. Those were and 12.4% of females had ridden in the trips. Europeans bike in cities a lot globe by bicycle in 1935. The entire trip, • An adult cyclist typically has a level less than 3% as much to purchase. added in 1840 by a Scottish blacksmith, previous week. more often—in Italy 5 percent of all through Europe, Asia, and the United of fitness equivalent to someone 10 • If Americans double their bike use to Kirkpatrick Macmillan, who is credited • Among those who had ridden in the trips are on bicycle, 30 percent in the States, covered forty thousand miles. years younger and a life expectancy 2% of all urban trips, they would save with inventing the real bicycle. past week the average number of days Netherlands, and seven out of eight He pedalled about 25,000 miles. The two years above the average. 3.5 billion litres of gasoline annually. • The term “bicycle” was not introduced rest was travelled by boat. He wore out having ridden was 2.9 days. Dutch people over age 15 have a bike. • Bicycle commuting burns an average • Compared to cars, a daily 16 kilometre until the 1860s, when it was coined in seven sets of tires. • The average Australian household France to describe a new kind of two- • Maintaining a bike annually costs of 540 calories per hour. commute saves the rider close to • Mike Hall is the current world record has 1.47 bicycles in working order and wheeler with a mechanical drive. twenty times less than maintaining • Figures show the average person will $15 per day, 5 kilos of carbon dioxide holder for biking around the world in 55.2% of households have at least one and driving a car. lose 13 lbs (5.8 kilograms) in their first emissions and they burn around 360 • Orville and Wilbur Wright, the 91 days and 18 hours. Biking 28,968 bicycle in working. • The bicycle is the most efficient year of cycling to work extra calories. brothers who built the first flying km in total which averages to over vehicle ever devised; a human on a • On a bicycle you can travel up to 1037 airplane, operated a small bike repair 315km per day. bicycle is more efficient (in calories Safety Biking Facts kilometres on the energy equivalent of shop in Dayton, Ohio. They used their expended per kilo and per kilometre) • The world’s longest bicycle is 92 feet • A study found almost three-quarters a single litre of gas workshop to build the 1903 Wright than a train, truck, airplane, boat, car, long. of fatal crashes (74%) in NYC involved Flyer. In Australia or motorcycle. It is 3 times as efficient • Air-filled tyres were used on bicycles a head injury and nearly all bicyclists • Before the word ‘bicycle’ become • 3.6 million people ride a bike in as walking. before they were used on motorcars. who died (97%) were not wearing a popular (coming from the French word Australia each week. helmet. Helmets have been found to page 20 page 21
relay follow up Relay For Life 2019 On Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th of May Club Taree was delighted to host the 2019 Manning Valley Relay for Life. Relay for Life is a chance for the community to come together to recognise and celebrate local cancer survivors, patients and their carers, to honour and remember loved ones lost to cancer and to raise money to help save more lives. Despite some initial rain, the skies soon In total the Club Taree Community Life for funding Cancer Council’s vital cleared and made for an awesome day Team raised $11,346.45 for the research, prevention and support of fun, fundraising with an awesome Cancer Council. The Team was also programs. sense of Community. named fundraising champions at the In 2019, 145,000 new cases of cancer conclusion of the Relay. The Club Taree Community Team will be diagnosed in Australia, and was out in full force. 43 members The event combined to raise in excess 50,000 Australians will die with cancer. participated over the 24 hours, of $30,000. whether it be by volunteering or Each year more than 134,000 walking to represent our Team. In total participants across Australia raise we contributed a total of 256 volunteer over $14 million through Relay for hours during the event. page 22
community grants communityManning grants Valley BMX Club The Club Taree Community Team was super excited to be able to give the Manning Valley BMX Club the gift of hot water, its hard to imagine that they have gone 20 plus years without access to hot water in their canteen. Our total grant to Manning Valley BMX was $875, and has opened up a world of possibilities for the hard working canteen volunteers. Paul and Morgan attended one of their recent race nights to hand over the grant, and were super impressed with the friendly community nature of this organisation. Manning Valley BMX is a volunteer run club which is all Manning Valley BMX relies on the hard work and about BMX Racing. BMX Racing is one of the few sports commitment of volunteers, which are most often where total family participation can take place. parents of riders, to help out with admin, canteen, track maintenance, and much more. The Manning Valley BMX Manning Valley BMX has riders aged from 2 years through track is considered to be one of the most technical tracks to 60 plus years, and holds weekly training and club racing in NSW and has been developed over the course of many nights for as little as $3 a session. Any bikes can be used, years to keep up with the growth of the sport in general. however full safety gear must be worn at all times when on the track. There is no limit to participation in BMX Racing, which makes it an excellent, all-inclusive sport for anyone Manning Valley BMX riders compete at club, state and to try. For more information on Manning Valley BMX national levels, and have a number of successful state Club follow them on Facebook or email them on riders, which is impressive for a small regional club. Manning Valley Rowing Club In May Paul met with members of the Manning Valley Rowing Club to hand over a Club Taree Community Team Community Grant for a new BBQ. The BBQ will be used to cater for club members, volunteers and as a fundraising opportunity in the coming months as they work hard to rebuild after damage was sustained during a freak storm in March this year. In May the Club Taree Community Team celebrated the start of its 5th Anniversary Manning River Rowing Club is a welcoming and fun loving masters age groups at all levels of ability. Year with the distribution of the Club Taree Community Team Community Grants. social sports club dedicated to providing the best rowing The Club sustained severe storm damage in March this The grants were the Club Taree Community Team’s We loved meeting with all the groups we were able to opportunities to everyone in the Manning Valley since year, and are currently seeking community support and way of saying thank you for the support we have had help, they have inspiring, hardworking, enthusiastic 1957. The Boat Shed, situated at the end of Endeavour donations to help rebuild and improve the clubhouse for to date. and passionate committees – we love what you do. Place Taree, overlooking the mighty Manning River, the benefit of our community. stands as a monument to the hard work of dedicated We were super surprised with the number of Take a look over the next few pages at the club members. Members of Manning River Rowing Club If you can support, or want to find out more information applications we received, there are so many organisations that we were able to help with the 2019 enjoy the fantastic physical and social benefits of this low about the Manning River Rowing Club follow them on awesome projects, organisations and committees in Club Taree Community Team Community Grants. impact, team and individual sport. MRRC has Recreational Facebook. our community trying to raise funds to offer goods and Competitive Programs to cater for junior, senior and and services for the betterment of our community. page 24 page 25
community grants Community Garden RDA: Riding for the In May members of the Club Taree Community Team met with some of the committee of the Taree Community Garden to hand over an awesome selection of tools and a blower which had been requested through the grants process. We love the concept of the Community Disabled Australia The Club Taree Community Team met with representatives from Riding for the Disabled Garden, and the awesome sense of community that it inspires. The total value of the grant NSW (RDA NSW) Manning Great Lakes Centre to hand over 10 new riding helmets. These was $824. Taree Community Garden was established in 2016 as a Inclusion at no charge by Ray Stack but was recently will replace helmets which are approaching their use by dates and allow maximum project designed to support people in the community to relocated to the PCYC (adjacent to the main building). The participation in their weekly riding. Replacing these helmets will also enable funds raised achieve improved health through physical activity, access garden was relocated to make way for the construction of by RDA to be focused onto their programs rather than equipment. Total value $854.95 to healthy food and community connection. the new Police Station. RDA NSW is a voluntary organisation providing equine programs. The program helps transform shy, cautious The garden was established by Flourish Australia and The garden is maintained by a committed group of assisted activities for people with disabilities to develop people into confident, engaged and enthusiastic riders. Hunter Partners in Recovery in co-operation with the volunteers, who are supported by local individuals and and enhance abilities. This involves programs such as The horse provides vital mental and physical stimulation Australian Government Work for the Dole Program. The businesses through community grants and donations. riding, dressage and carriage driving. Each program is for the disabled participants and immeasurable amounts garden is now under the auspice of community service Taree Community Garden aims to be a thriving hub of aimed at a different ability level, and are available to all of pleasure. organisation, About Inclusion who provide ongoing activity, connecting people for health and enjoyment and age groups. support and management. educating the community on sustainable living practices. If you would like more information on the Manning Great RDA NSW is 100 percent run by volunteers and all the If you are interested in learning more about the community Lakes RDA Centre you can find them on Facebook. The garden was originally situated on land leased to About funds raised go straight to the riders, horses, facilities and garden or volunteering you can find them on Facebook. QUOTA Snugglepot Taree Quota Club was delighted to meet with the Club Taree Community Team at Club Taree for the presentation of a Community Grant. Through the grants Taree Quota Club Day Care Mal and Paul headed over to Snugglepot Day Care Centre on behalf of the Club Taree had requested a donation of 5 therapy dolls for distribution to each of the 5 local Nursing Community Team armed with $818 worth of sensory equipment and activity based Homes. learning tools to hand over to their awesome team of educators. They had a blast talking The Club Taree Community Team valued the idea Additionally doll therapy is a non-pharmaceutical way of with children from each room, and getting a super cool tour of their outdoor play space by suggested by Quota and purchased the Therapy Dolls. challenging emotions and behaviours that may develop the kids, even playing a few games and answering a bucket load of questions. The learning Child representational Therapy or Doll Therapy can bring in dementia. There are no medication side effects or drug great joy and comfort to the right person. They have been interactions with doll therapy. tools were put into place immediately, much to the delight of those there on the day. known to reduce responsive behaviours and improve Snugglepot Day Care Centre are an early childhood and The equipment will be critical in supporting sensory For 72 years Taree Quota Club has been supporting woman sleep. For those people who have a nurturing nature and out of school hours service. They are nationally accredited seeking children, while also being available for all children and children at home and abroad. Quota members share who need to have something to ‘fuss over’ a therapy doll and have been serving families of the Manning Valley for to enjoy, learn and promote activity and wellbeing. the values of serving and encouraging others, developing can make the perfect companion. Therapy dolls have also over 27 years, they offer experienced, qualified, devoted friendship and promoting international understanding. To Congratulations to Snugglepot – if you would like to know been known to increase smiling and decrease challenging and caring staff. find out more about Taree Quota Club contact Club Taree more about them you can find them on facebook. behaviours among carers. Therapy dolls can also bring joy, and we can put in you contact. The equipment that the Club Taree Community Team has and enhance feelings of purpose to address challenging emotions and behaviours that may develop in dementia. donated will be utilised across their four learning spaces. page 26 page 27
functions with Lisa Paint The Town REaD and they are back in use, ready to take either by the kilometre or by time. We the chill out of the air and to keep you are always up to a challenge and are a warm if you choose to dine outside. very competitive group so bring it on - If the heaters are not on, simply ask any challenges will be considered. a staff member who will be happy to While hibernating through these winter have them switched on for you. Staff months, cast a thought to the end of at our café always keep the fridge full Let’s all read, talk, sing and rhyme with children from birth is the key message of Paint the the year and your holiday plans. I know of yummy sweet treats and warm it is hard to think of those warmer Town REad. savoury goodies to warm your insides. months when it is so cold outside but And of course, the coffee machine is On Wednesday 15th May the Club Australian children arrive at school Paint the Town REaD works to the Christmas bookings are filling up always on, ready for your order. Our Taree Community Team was asked to without the skills necessary to make overcome this by motivating and we already have preferred dates I hope you are all rugged up as we Café opens at 10am every morning so participate in the launch of the Paint the most of their early education? communities across Australia to read booked out. So, if you are planning that approach the cooler months of the feel free to drop by and give us a try. the Town REaD initiative in Taree. with their children so they’re ready to work or family celebration, think about In some communities the figure is year. As darkness rolls in each night, learn to read at school. With winter upon us, it also means booking that date soon so not to miss BBQ Bob, Morgan, Paul, Courtney, Lisa, much higher. Research shows that we shut the doors and close the we are getting closer to one of my out. Again and again the Terrace is Amanda and Sarah headed down to no matter how good their subsequent blinds, turn up the heat and do not favourite times of the year, le Tour de proving to be the most popular of our the PCYC to cook up a storm feeding teaching, these children can fall further venture out of our warm homes. Here Taree and bike power. Once again you venues and many missed out last year the crowds of children, parents and and further behind. They may struggle at the Club and, in particular, at our will find us riding the bikes, pushing the so I highly recommend booking in soon carers with a delicious BBQ. with literacy, employment, health and restaurant Dineon19, we tend to find pedals and raising funds for Ronald if you don’t want to be disappointed by happiness for the rest of their lives. that the lunch times get busier and Did you know that more than 20% of McDonald House Charities Northern missing out. the nights get slower as people catch NSW. This is our 5th year and we want up with their friends and family in On a special note, The Secret Garden it to be our biggest and best one yet. the middle of the day – opting not to is currently being re planted so that venture out during these colder nights. While we all have fun and enjoy what when spring rolls around, the flowers Of course, Friday and Saturday nights we are doing, the main reason we are will bloom and we will be already for are still very popular though, so it is doing this is to raise money to try to the festive season. It will be beautiful always advised to book a spot at our make life that bit easier for those who to see the colourful displays that come restaurant Dineon19 so that your table are suffering. We have various events through this year. This venue is perfect is available and ready in advance. throughout July in the Club with the for small work functions with numbers profits being added to our fundraising limited to 30 guests and with your own If you are planning to catch up with efforts. You will find these events in bar and staff it is the perfect private friends for a coffee and a chat, don’t this issue of Connect and I would love venue. But please remember it is an forget our café. Our café is ideal when for you to join us for one or even more adult only venue. planning a morning or afternoon of these events by purchasing a ticket coffee catch up but we have plenty I am here to answer any of your for yourself from Club Taree Reception of room to enjoy a warm cuppa in our function enquires so please give me and while you are there, why not grab beautiful Member’s Lounge or even on a call on 6539 4000 or email me at one for a friend as well to keep you the Terrace during the glorious sunny or grab company. If you would like, you can winter days. And to provide that bit me when you are in the Club. I am also sponsor the staff, individually or of extra comfort, we have bought the always happy to talk. as a group, on our bike ride sponsoring Terrace’s gas heaters out of storage page 28 page 29
Burgers linga longa $10 lunch specials june: slow cooked beef cheeks available 7 days for lunch + all served with chips & onion rings for dinner Monday & Tuesday nights add GF bun +2.5 25m 27nm *$11 non members | add side salad +2 slow cooked in red wine, with pesto Beef & bacon 14.9m 16.9nm mash, Dutch carrots & jus GF Roast of the day GF wagyu beef, rindless eye bacon, Curry of the day cheese, mustard & ketchup july: slow braised pork thai share, experience, enjoy spiced vegetable fritter green curry 22m 24nm Battered Fish & Chips with steamed jasmine rice GF Calamari & Chips 14.9m 16.9nm with rocket, fried halloumi, red onion august: pulled Beef burger Penne Boscaiola GFO Dineon19’s new Winter Menu starts on Monday 3rd June marmalade & lime aioli V 16m 18nm Lambs Fry & bacon GF open 7 days a week for lunch from 11:30am & dinner from 5:30pm chicken schnitzel with tempura fried onion, shredded red cabbage, smoked cheese & fries GFO sausages, mash , peas & gravy GF call 6539 4000 to reserve your table 14.9m 16.9nm sweet potato, lentil & chickpea with bacon, ranch sauce, cheese & smashed avocado GFO spiced risotto GF V entree mains toasted garlic butter brioche cardamom glaze pork belly butter chicken weekly specials 6m 6.9nm V 22m 24nm reg: 16m 18nm sml: 13m 15nm desserts wednesday night: world with pumpkin puree, smashed chats, with steamed rice & naan bread monday: steak night warm oreo chocolate brownie chicken parmigiana night bruschetta 10m 11.9nm sweet potato crisps & broccolini GF 200g rump steak with chips, salad & chicken & mushroom 10m 12nm your choice of sauce for only $12. with chips, salad & 5 delicious flavours tomato & parmesan with balsamic with hot fudge sauce & ice cream pan fried crispy skin salmon Available Monday nights from 5:30pm to top your schnitzel for only $15. glaze on toasted garlic brioche V cream fettuccine Available Wednesday nights from 24m 26nm reg: 16m 18nm sml: 13m 15nm sticky date pudding 7m 9nm tuesday: kids eat free 5:30pm pork belly bites 10m 11.9nm with garlic mash, wilted Asian greens, with garlic crouton & parmesan with butterscotch sauce kids aged 12 & under receive a free with side of house chipotle bourbon tarragon & lemon cream sauce GF cheese GFO kids meal with each adult purchasing sunday night: roast night BBQ sauce GF bread & butter pudding 7m 9nm a main meal from the Dineon19 menu. 2 course meal of soup & roast of the lamb shank 22m 24.9nm prawn & chorizo linguine with custard day for only $12. Available Sunday soup of the day 8m 10nm with roasted seasonal root vegetables, Available Tuesday nights from 5:30pm reg: 18.9m 20.9nm sml: 14m 16nm *Terms & conditions apply, see staff for details nights from 5:30pm with toasted Turkish roll garlic mash & red wine jus with spinach in creamy tomato sauce GFO salt & lemon pepper squid M - members | NM - non members | GF - gluten free | GFO - gluten free option available (see staff) | V - vegetarian | REG - regular size serving | SML - small size serving Menu items may contain traces of peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, sesame seeds, fish, shellfish, soy & wheat. Please notify our staff should you have any food allergies 10m 11.9nm with rocket & garlic aioli GF favourites Cocktails now available Barramundi Reg: 18.9m 20.9nm Schnitzel Reg: 15.9m 18.9nm Sml: 15.9m 18.9nm Sml: 12.9m 14.9nm salads beer battered or grilled, with tartare, chicken schnitzel with chips, salad & choice of chips & salad or mash & choice of sauce GFO mushroom stack 18m 20nm vegetables GFO parmigiana Reg: 17.9m 19.9nm at the Main Bar char grilled mushroom, flame roasted capsicum & zucchini, fried halloumi on Seafood Basket 23m 25nm Sml: 14.9m 16.9nm a bed of rocket, balsamic glaze V GF beer battered barramundi, scallops, chicken schnitzel topped with tomato prawns & fried squid, in a tortilla sauce, sliced leg ham, mozzarella, with Dineon19 winter salad 19m 22nm basket with chips, salad & tartare GFO chips & salad GFO wilted mixed greens, toasted walnuts, avocado, roasted Spanish onion, dried Salt & Lemon Pepper squid cranberries, quinoa & honey mustard Reg: 19m 21nm Sml: 16m 19nm dressing V GF DF with chips, salad & tartare GF Caesar salad reg: 15.9m 17.9nm sml: 13.9m 15.9nm char grilled steaks shredded cos leaves, parmesan, diced 300g Rump 25m 27nm Lamb Cutlets 23m 25nm bacon, boiled egg, Caesar dressing, with smashed chats, roasted Spanish with bacon, garlic mash, roasted topped with our garlic crouton crumble onion & seasonal buttered greens GF Spanish onion & herbed pumpkin GF & a side of anchovies 300g Pork Steak 23m 25nm STEAK SAUCES: GF salad additives GF house chipotle & bourbon BBQ glazed • gravy +0 • mushroom +0 prawns +5 halloumi +4 • Diane +0 • pepper +0 pork steak, with garlic mash, seasonal chicken +4 squid +4 • prawn & garlic +5 buttered greens & sweet potato crisps avocado +3 page 30
New promo Henry Woods 2019 Club Taree Kokoda Youth Leadership Challenge Scholarship winner We are super excited to introduce Henry Woods. Henry is the recipient of the 2019 Club Taree Kokoda Youth Leadership Scholarship, and will represent the Club Taree Community on the Kokoda Youth Leadership Challenge in September and October this year. The Challenge involves an arduous Henry is no new start to challenges, During the trek, Henry will celebrate 10 day trek across the original he holds the NSW Notice Title, and the his 21st birthday, which he is looking Kokoda Trail in Papua New Guinea, NSW State Champion title for the 69kg forward to, knowing that he will be able presentations at significant battle sites division. Throughout his boxing career, to mark this milestone birthday having and discussions on sacrifice, courage, Henry has learnt that dedication, the memories and lessons to always mateship, endurance and leadership. commitment and enthusiasm can carry with him for a lifetime. It provides participants with a practical change worlds, and has a passion Let’s catch up with Henry as he trains leadership experience based on the for the focus, strength and grit that is ready to depart on the 30th September. achievements and sacrifice of our required to overcome challenges, and diggers during the Kokoda Campaign. keep going. cash or car Henry is a valued Team member of Henry is a volunteer at the PCYC Club Taree, and can be seen just about assisting with coaching, including anywhere in the Club, primarily in boxing for fitness classes for maintenance, or in the bar. disengaged and disadvantaged youth. How will you be training for I hope to develop my mental What are you most daunted by? Kokoda? toughness, learn what the army I am daunted by the possibility of not went through and experience a new the choice is yours I will be doing my regular training of completing the trek. boxing 5 days a week, plus different country. I am also looking forward to meeting and making new friends Of the four values of Kokoda, types of walking and running eg. with my fellow trekkers and the Courage, Endurance, Mateship Beach, stairs, hills with a weighted locals. and Sacrifice, which is the one back pack. I will be training in my boots to wear them in before the that aligns most to you? What is your motivation for doing jungle terrain. We will ask this question again when you return, but before you the trek? I am motivated to test myself in all areas including physical and mental. Endurance, because I never give up and want to see challenges completed to my best ability. $20,000 Cash or a go what do you hope to get out of the experience? Through the Kokoda experience The opportunity to take part in the trek excites me to have an experience that most people will not get. $40,000 Honda CRV VTi-S AWD Major Draw from 7pm Wednesday 28th August Terms and Conditions available at Club Taree Reception | Authorised under NSW Permit LTPS/19/32635 page 32
Pro Am The problem we face on our golf green in Australia. This turf is known course is the lack of water we have overseas as Trinity Zoysia formerly available at our disposal to keep the L1F. Upon investigation we have found turf grass healthy through the warmer the characteristics to all be in our months of summer. We rely on rainfall favour if it does in fact handle being and runoff to fill our irrigation dam and groomed at putting green heights. It over the past 3 summers the weather is very salt tolerant, requires 50% less pattern has changed considerably from water than our current bent greens, seasons prior. It seems gone are the has minimal thatch accumulation, days we would hit near on 40 degrees requires less nutrition and experiences during the day and we could guarantee low to no disease development. a nice heavy low pressure storm build The problem we have is, can it handle up and hit us that afternoon giving us being cut at 3mm? We removed the continual runoff into the dam keeping old surface off our 19th green and our water levels acceptable to water removed old organic material and re all parts of the golf course. This hasn’t levelled with a USGA specification happened now for 3 summers and sand quality before laying 200m2 we have found ourselves looking for that we were able to bring up from a alternative solutions to combat this. source disclosed. The turf arrived at We thought we found a winner when we a height of 18mm. Six weeks in and drilled down and found water through multiple topdressings later we have the means of a bore. Once tested the turf currently at 9mm (May). We on the the water was too high in Sodium don’t intend on dropping the height and Bicarbonates to water our salt any further going into winter, with it sensitive putting surfaces but would being the first trial we don’t have the course be suitable for everywhere else. If it data to suggest whether it is affected wasn’t for our irrigation system being by dormancy or not. Therefore, we will on one complete ring main we would continue to maintain and groom with have received the result we desired. light scarifying, coring and topdressing However it wasn’t to be, therefore whilst the cooler months are here and the idea of trialling a new strand of once we see the night temperatures with Mark Spraggs turfgrass for a potential putting green climb again that will be the real test in replacement became our next best giving us a potential long term fix to option. our water problems. Upon doing some investigating on If anyone is interested in looking at the American courses, particularly in trial I can be contacted via email at Texas with a climate similar to what we have in the warmer months, as well as talking to Morgan, we have been able to get our hands on a new strand of grass not yet trialled as a putting page 34
Mel &Taree Club Paul Pro - Golf Shop Paul Courtie Golf Professional Paul Courtie joins Club Taree as our new Golf Professional. Our golfers are already familiar with Paul, but now that he is part of our Team we wanted to introduce him to all our Members. As our Golf Professional, Paul can be found in the Pro Shop, or out on the course playing, or giving lessons in the art of golf. What are you looking forward to most I was 10 and 6 months in I was hooked. about joining the Club Taree Team? Favourite television show? I’m looking forward to the Pro Shop being I don’t watch commercial TV but I love part of #teamawesome and working watching SV Delos on YouTube through towards a common goal of a better club. the TV Favourite place in the world to visit? If you could play a round of golf with So far it is Mexico but I also love Bali any three people, who would they be What is the best piece of advice and why? someone has ever given you? Greg Norman, he was my idol growing My first boss told me always aim a up and has been super successful in higher than you think is possible!! business. Anthony Robbins, love his Aim for the stars even if you miss you’ll work and love personal development. land among the stars! And the Dalai Lama, I love his teachings Where does your love of golf come from? I started working at a driving range when Mel Allan Golf Coordinator TUESDAY 22 OCTOBER 2019 Melinda Allan has recently joined the Club Taree Team as our Golf Coordinator. You will see Mel all around the Club, but mainly in the Pro Shop, on the course DOORS OPEN 7PM | SHOW STARTS 7:30PM |TICKETS $40PP and out and about in the community talking all things golf. SHOW IS SUITABLE FOR AGES 16 & OVER ONLY What are you looking forward to most My family has been involved in Golf at about joining the Club Taree Team? Club Taree for the past 30 years, so I feel Being a part of something BIG! Now very comfortable in this space. I love Membership Renewals that the proshop is run by Club Taree getting out on the course for a game that ensures we have a great team every chance I get. You are out in nature environment. Giving back to the and that is the best feeling in the world. community through #teamawesome Favourite television show? is also something that I am looking Food safari, MasterChef. Club Taree Membership Renewals are pricing on a majority of goods and • Swipe Rewards – we have increased forward to. Bring on le Tour de Taree now open. Members have until the 30th services at Club Taree. the number and range of instant win If you could play a round of golf with June 2019 to renew their membership• Earn rewards every time you spend. prizes, points and vouchers. Favourite place in the world to visit? any three people, who would they be in order to retain access to all the • Use your rewards points to purchase • Entry into member only Promotions My husband and I have recently returned and why? benefits of Club Taree membership. ‘Pit Stop Rewards’ gift cards including and Draws such as the Cash or Car from Italy! It is an amazing place and am My dad, he loved his golf and I didn’t have We are delighted again in 2019 to be Woolworths, Visa, movie tickets and promotion. looking forward to returning. the opportunity to play a game with him offering 1, 3 and 5 year membershipmore! • Use of our free courtesy bus service. What is the best piece of advice before he passed away. Cameron Smith, options across all membership • Annual Birthday Gift – simply swipe • Invitation to member only events. someone has ever given you? I love watching him play golf on TV. His categories. your card during your birthday month • Access to the best Club facilities in If you love what you do you will never calm temperament and cool attitude is at the swipe terminal and choose from the Manning Valley. work a day in your life!! inspiring. And Tommy Little, I think he To renew please visit Club Taree five great gifts. Reception during business hours. Where does your love of golf come is so funny and we would have the best • Birthday Bonus – swipe your card from? time on the course. Benefits of Club Taree Membership: on your birthday to receive a bonus • Members receive members only birthday gift.
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