IN THIS ISSUE Club Rides Member Trips Club Events ...and much more! - October 2013 | Volume 18/2 - BMW Motorcycle Club Pretoria, South Africa

IN THIS ISSUE Club Rides Member Trips Club Events ...and much more! - October 2013 | Volume 18/2 - BMW Motorcycle Club Pretoria, South Africa
     Member Trip
      Club Events
  ...and much

                                                             October 2013 | Volume 18/2

         QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER of BMW Motorcycle Club, Pretoria, South Africa
IN THIS ISSUE Club Rides Member Trips Club Events ...and much more! - October 2013 | Volume 18/2 - BMW Motorcycle Club Pretoria, South Africa
                                                                                                                                                                            SIAS WAGENAAR
                                                                                                                                                                            The first thunderstorms and rain                                       the end of September 2013. We wish to          make this the best place to be, so get to
                                                                                                                                                                            welcomed us into summer and this is                                    thank you, our members for joining our         know them, join in and enjoy our many

    club INFO                                                                  Visit our website and register on the forum!
                                                                               Send your email address to to ensure you receive our
                                                                               weekly Club correspondence: The Triple R - Reminders, Rides & Requests
                                                                                                                                                                            our typical South African weather (the
                                                                                                                                                                            best weather you would find in the
                                                                                                                                                                            world!), giving us lots of sunshine and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   club and for making this such a fantastic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   place to be.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  club activities!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2013 GS Eco
                                                                                                                                                                            riding opportunities, which brings me to                               It has many times been said that               We wish all our members going to this
committee members                                                                                                                     EDITOR:                               ATGATT! (All the gear all the time!)
                                                                                                                                                                            One very important aspect and maybe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   members of a motorcycle club have at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   least one thing in common: their love of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  year’s GS Eco only the very best and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  trust you will all have the best of times.
• Chairman				Sias Wagenaar
• Secretary				Karin Botha
                                                                                                                                      SPOKE & PISTON                        the most valuable of all riding gear is                                riding motorcycles. With this, everything      We also thank our BMW dealers for their
• Treasurer				Hendrik Pelser                                                                                 Daleen Dudley                         the brain. Common sense and logic                                      else: age, gender, looks, economic             involvement and assistance in getting
• S Captain				                Hein van Rensburg                                                                         must not be discarded. We use public                                   background etc. disappear. This is where       us all to East London.
• GS Captain				               Alwyn Engelbrecht                                                                 Cell: 083 386 8281                    roads which are also used by many                                      you relax, laugh, talk or simply observe, it
• Regalia				Karin Botha
• Bramley				Pikkie du Plessis                                                                                                                       other road users. These roads are filled                               is up to you…                                  2013 Year end Function
• Clubs Africa Reps			Sias Wagenaar                                                                                                                    with many hazards and they seem                                                                                       We will have one month once we are
				Dani du Preez                                                                                                                                      to wait for us bikers in continuous                                    Our vision of “shared riding pleasure”         back from the GS Eco, before we set off
• Webmaster & Publications		   Daleen Dudley                                                                                                      succession.                                                            with our mission “to foster fellowship,        for our year end function at the Numbi
• Co-opted Member, Memberships Dani du Preez                                                                                                                                                                               through the safe, supportive and               Hotel in Hazyview. Unbelievable, but this
                                                                                                                                                                            ATGATT, like everything, has its limits.                               responsible riding and enjoyment               is how quickly we have sped through
                                                                                                                                                                            Please remember not to push these                                      of BMW motorcycles, in a courteous             2013. We are indeed looking forward to
vision & mission                                                                                        IMPORTANT!
                                                                                                        Non-Club members are welcome to attend Club riding events
                                                                                                        as guests. They are, however, required to sign an indemnity form    limits. Please ride at speeds that will                                manner”, brings me to another point.           see many of our members joining us for
Our Vision:                                                                                             before participating. The form can be down-loaded from the          allow you to safely avoid hazards, but if                              Should you join the club inter alia to         another huge occasion.
Shared riding pleasure                                                                                  website. The Club has an official policy regarding the use and
                                                                                                        financial compensation of support vehicles on official overnight
                                                                                                        Club trips.
                                                                                                                                                                            unavoidable, ATGATT combined with a                                    complete the various rider challenges,
Our Mission:                                                                                            Spoke & Piston also appears on our website. Please send articles,
                                                                                                        pictures, comments, etc. to
                                                                                                                                                                            lower, safer speed should help minimize                                is also fine, but also get to know the         Keep riding and make every second a
To foster fellowship through safe, supportive and responsible riding and                                INDEMNITY: Although reasonable care has been taken to ensure        or even prevent bodily injury.                                         club and its people whilst you prepare         lasting moment!
                                                                                                        the correctness of all material contained herein, the publisher
enjoyment of BMW motorcycles, in a courteous manner.                                                    cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies that may occur or        Let us do just that!                                                   for these challenges and please join in
                                                                                                        damage/loss sustained as a result of advice given.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   on all the many activities. It is for this     Safe riding!
                                                                                                                                                                            The BMW Motorcycle Club Pretoria –                                     reason,“to foster fellowship”, that we
                                                                                                                                                                            2013                                                                   require one year’s membership before
                                                                                                                                                                            We have grown to more than 500                                         these challenges can be concluded and
Thank you to all the contributors who made this issue possible! Thanks for allowing us to use your photographs!                                                             members, to be exact, 534 members at                                   acknowledged. After all, our members

   UPCOMING                                                                                                                                                                 2014 MEMBERSHIP
   EVENTS                                                                                                                                                                   On behalf of the Committee a sincere THANK YOU for your loyalty towards the Club. Without loyal members, the most significant
                                                                                                                                                                            part of a Club, we wouldn’t have so much fun!

SUNDAY                                           3 November
                                                 S & GS Poker Run
                                                                                      8 December
                                                                                      S & GS picnic at Hennopspride
                                                                                                                                                                            In order to build on the success and to have a strong platform from which every one of us can enjoy our BMW’s you are kindly

                                                                                                                                                                            requested to renew your membership by the end of February 2014.

                                                                                                                                                                            The new membership structure for 2014 includes Country Family and Pensioners Family options.
Bramley christmas function
Join the club and the children from Bramley Children’s Home on 30 November for the annual Christmas function to be held at The Big Red Barn. We will once again              Membership Type                                                                              Full Year
spend some time with the children and also hand out some Christmas presents. More information on the forum or contact Pikkie du Plessies at pikkie@bmwclubs.                 Joining Fee (Payable on joining or re-joining after memeber lapse                            R50 if you are interested in joining on the day or can assist with preparations before the time.                                                                           Ordinary Membership (Single)                                                                 R300
                                                                                                                                                                             Family Membership (Main member + 1 family member 18 and older)                               R360
Club Year-End Function 29 November to 1 December                                                                                                                             Country Membership (Single - more than 100km from Club House)                                R170
Join us at Hotel Numbi in Hazyview to celebrate a year of Shared Riding Pleasure! There will be a Lowveld braai with traditional dancers on Friday night, outrides for
both S and GS riders on Saturday and a gala function Saturday night.This is one weekend you should not miss! More details and booking information is available on            Country Family Membership (Family of 2 - more than 100km from Club House)                    R250
the forum or contact Daleen at for more information.                                                                                                   Pensioners Membership (Single - Proof to be supplied)                                        R170
                                                                                                                                                                             Pensioners Family Membership (Family of 2 - Proof to be supplied for both)                   R250
                                                                                                                                                                             Student Membership (Proof to be supplied)                                                    R170
For more information on these and other rides, visit and follow the discussion on the forum.
IN THIS ISSUE Club Rides Member Trips Club Events ...and much more! - October 2013 | Volume 18/2 - BMW Motorcycle Club Pretoria, South Africa
JULY | GS                                              TECNICAL

                                                                                                                                           DE WILDT
                                                                                                                                           HENDRIK PELSER

   club RIDES

Neill Weldon
We were 22 bikes and five pillions that       Many club members were pleasantly              the fact that Lenny continually complains
met bright and early at the BP for the ride   surprised at its existence and also had to     of carbon build-up on the club members
to Magaliesburg. It was a slightly chilly     test the sun dial for accuracy.                bikes we picked up the pace on this
morning at 5 degrees, which made the                                                         stretch (it had nothing to do with hunger).
coffee all the more welcome. Just past        The next scenic piece of tar was a slow        A pleasant breakfast was then enjoyed
the Pretoria West/Sandton turn off, traffic   ride past Bekkers High School and then         with great company.
cops were having a huge speedtrap             along the road to Rustenburg where we
set up and then just off the N14, on the      stopped at the fuel station just before        Thank you to all the riders and pillion’s
Lanseria road, some of us were stopped        Olifantshoek dam. This service station is      that accompanied us on this ride and
for licenses and registration plates being    equipped with pay as you go toilets (R1)       a special thanks to Rudi, our sweep for       After completing two recces with Alwyn,    of clothes and off we were! DeWildt is        up bikes some sore arms the next day,
checked, but luckily we all could then        but at least they are clean.                   ensuring that we didn’t lose anyone           we were ready to take a technical club     known for two main things: alleys of          but no major falls were reported and
continue without any further intervention                                                    along the way.                                ride to DeWildt. Sadly, two trucks on      rocks and a Labyrinth of tracks, capable      we were lucky to have no injuries. Two
on to the Hartebeeshoek Observatory           After fuel both for bikes and riders we left                                                 Alwyn’s commute home didn’t agree          of getting even the most frequent visitor     riders proved their abilities when they
where we stopped for a smoke break.           for Magalies via Boons and Derby. Due to                                                     with his weekend plans and left him with   lost. The latter was notably evident when     demonstrated how to run start a 1200
                                                                                                                                           thankfully his life, but a wrecked bike.   the sweep (yours truly) and a couple          GSA by towing it over coconut hill’s
                                                                                                                                           Spietkop (Dicky) stepped up and 07:00      of others arrived at the rest stop 30         boulders. Somewhere along the track
                                                                                                                                           on Sunday, 7 July he took the road to      minutes before Dicky and the rest.“Hi, I’ll   the group was split and some riders
                                                                                                                                           DeWildt with 2 degrees’ cold wind and      be your sweep for the day. Follow me!”        found themselves in a dry river bed
                                                                                                                                           11 bikes on his tail, ready for a hard                                                   with some tricky sand patches in the
                                                                                                                                           day’s fun on those famous rocks!           The long stretches of tweespoor               corners. This was not on the planned
                                                                                                                                                                                      provided the group with hours of fun          track however and while searching for
                                                                                                                                           Once the long tar trip to the north of     and were not too tiring, bar the two main     the original planned route and the rest
                                                                                                                                           Pretoria was done, we had a quick stop     long rocky stretches. There were enough       of the group, this crowd was split into
                                                                                                                                           to get rid of some of the many layers      spills to give the guys who helped pick       even smaller clusters! Soon DeWildt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    was littered with large BMW bikes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    scattered all over the place! By the time
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the exhausted group that were leading
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    arrived at the rest stop, the group that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    were following were already waiting and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    After resting with a few cold ones, it was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    high-speed gravel highway from DeWildt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to Beestekraal Station where we had the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    usual good food and banter about the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ride we had just had!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Thank you to Alwyn for doing the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    planning and to Dicky for being willing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to lead such a technical ride on such
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    short notice!
IN THIS ISSUE Club Rides Member Trips Club Events ...and much more! - October 2013 | Volume 18/2 - BMW Motorcycle Club Pretoria, South Africa
CLUB RIDES continued

                                                                                                                                          We did not see a lot of game this time
JULY | GS                                                    EASY                                                                         around but believe me there is plenty

                                                                                                                                          game in the reserve.The group dynamics
                                                                                                                                          on the ride was great and correct following
                                                                                                                                          distances was kept by all and even though
                                                                                                                                          it was a huge group, they made it so easy
                                                                                                                                          for the lead and the sweep.

                                                                                                                                          We were soon through the reserve and
                                                                                                                                          picking the pace up a bit we arrived at
                                                                                                                                          Mystic Monkeys at about 09:15.The food
                                                                                                                                          was already prepared and the drinks
                                                                                                                                          were cold. All in all a very relaxed ride and
                                                                                                                                          from the feedback I received it seems
                                                                                                                                          everybody had a good time.

                                                                                                                                          Most people went exploring the zoo and
                                                                                                                                          all the animals/birds being kept.The
                                                                                                                                          speciality was walking with the owner
                                                                                                                                          getting acquainted with the big cats as
                                                                                                                                          well. It is quite a place and the overall
Aaaahhhh man! What a ride! Huge                 Awesome ride on some amazing new           Have to say Thanks to Stephan and              neatness and condition of the animals
thanks to everyone for making it such           roads, thanks to all for joining and a     Richard for the ride... It was my first time   deserves a pat on the back of the owner.
a splendid ride, great company and              special thank you to Stephan for leading   off-road and it was truly amazing! Can’t
just a fun morning all round. Thanks            us on those brilliant dirt roads.          wait for the next one!!                        AUGUST | GS
to Stephan for leading and Richard for          - Richard Livingstone                      - Fourie Scheepers

                                                                                                                                          MYSTIC MONKEYS
sweeping. - Hanlie du Preez

                                                                                                                                          Mario Marais
                                                                                                                                          Thanks to all for a great trip! Everybody                                                                                                                                          SUITABLE
                                                                                                                                                                                          COLOUR   GRADE                                       ROUTE TYPE                                         TECHNICALITIES
AUGUST | S                                                                                                                                cooperated, collaborated and I think                                                                                                                                                 FOR
                                                                                                                                          had a lot of fun! Thanks a lot to Richard

                                                                                                                                                                                          Green    A       Very easy route, well-maintained gravel roads. No sand at all, no tweespoor. Hard     Little to none. It could   Especially
                                                                                                                                                                                                           compact dirt roads. Easy for Newbies. Pillion friendly.                               have been a highway!       Newbies &
                                                                                                                                          the sweep and everybody who gave                                                                                                                                                  Pillions
                                                                                                                                          advice, picked up bikes, and so on.
PIETER STEENKAMP                                                                                                                          It was great to have Deon Dry’s two
The Mystic Monkey’s ride proved to be a                                                                                                   sons join us as this ride was dedicated                  B       Easy route, well-maintained gravel roads. No sand, no tweespoor. Compact dirt         Some rocks on              Newbies &
winner last year and as such the rides                                                                                                    to him. It was good to share a few                               roads with some rocks. Moderate for Newbies and Pillions.                             gravel road. Nothing       Pillions
committee has opted for the ride again                                                                                                    memories and build new ones. We                                                                                                                        technical.

in 2013. Must say it is indeed a nice and                                                                                                 had 44 bikes (of which one had to turn
relaxed ride for the S group.                                                                                                             back due to battery issues), and at least
                                                                                                                                          four pillions. There was a nice mix of          Orange   A       Somewhat more technical riding. Moderate maintained gravel roads. Some sand,          Shallow small              Moderate
                                                                                                                                                                                                           river crossings and tweespoor. Not for inexperienced Newbies. Techinical if ridden    sand section, rocks,       riders
Being back on the bike after my accident                                                                                                  experienced and less experienced and                             with a Pillion.                                                                       river crossings and
but still not comfortable with the dirt I led                                                                                             a gender balance. Dani said:“To my                                                                                                                     tweespoor.

the S-group to Mystic Monkeys.                                                                                                            knowledge this was one of the biggest
                                                                                                                                          if not the best lady rider turnout ever!                 B       Poorly maintained dirt, gravel etc. Rocks, sand, mud holes, ruts, inclines, water     Deeper sand sections,      Moderate to
A total of 43 bikes and 47 souls joined                                                                                                   Daleen, Zanda, Elmarie, Rika, Hanlie,                            crossings and other similar obstacles make this road difficult for larger, heavier    rocks, river crossings     Advanced

the ride for the day.The route was from                                                                                                   Trudie, yours truly (Dani) = 7. Well                             adventure motorcycles and requires some rough terrain riding skills.                  and tweespoor.             riders.

BP on the N1 north and we turned off at                                                                                                   done!!”. The ride was a long 154km
the Hammanskraal off-ramp. We had a                                                                                                       and a fairly “interesting” introduction
stop at the off-ramp to regroup and allow                                                                                                 to GS riding for the people who joined          Red      A       Extremely rugged road that contains highly challenging obstacles such as steep        Tecnical sections          Advanced
                                                                                                                                                                                                           drop-offs, deep & fast moving water crossings, very steep inclines with loose         of sand, river and         riders.
for everybody to pass through the toll                                                                                                    us for the first time. There was sand                            surface, boulders, deep & long mud sections. Generally not passable by large          tweespoor.
gate. Just beyond the turn-off we entered                                                                                                 twee spoor and two water crossings                               adventure bikes, extremely difficult for large dual sport motorcycles such as 650cc
                                                                                                                                                                                                           thumpers, and very challenging for smaller dual sport / trail bikes. Should be
Dinokeng Nature Reserve and the speed                                                                                                     (or 3 if you did the level 3 one). The                           attampted only by those with significant rough terrain / off-road riding skills and
dropped to a very sedately 40 to 50 km/h.                                                                                                 ride showed the camaraderie between                              experience.
IN THIS ISSUE Club Rides Member Trips Club Events ...and much more! - October 2013 | Volume 18/2 - BMW Motorcycle Club Pretoria, South Africa
CLUB RIDES continued

riders. Hanlie reported:“A very special         According to this the route was Green a     Some quotes:                                 Grabe het genadiglik ‘n goeie recce           Baie dankie vir ‘n besondere lekker rit,   Dankie Jak en Jaqui wat die agterhoede
thanks to Zanda, Johan and Casper              (tar), mostly Green B (gravel roads), and    “Lekker sand, stof, water crossings, plain   gedoen en dus was ons gewaarsku               Grabe en Annie.                            gedek het en vir die “spanner” om my
who decided to let their bikes also have       shorter and longer stretches of Orange       sailings. Alles in een bottel. Vandag was    omtrent die uiters skerp spoedhobbels.                                                   spieeltjie mee vas te draai.
a little horizontal rest - all this in comic   A (technical if ridden with pillion). Only   elke val ‘n meesterstuk.”                    Grabe, dankie aan jou en Annie vir die        Ek ry so lekker saam met die groep dat     - Dries Haasbroek
support at my last tumble. You guys are        the road near the quarry and the twee                                                     moeite wat julle gedoen het om hierdie        ek vergeet om fotos te neem, die stoppe
awesome!”                                      spoor after the first small water crossing   “Yeehhaaa ... thanx for another              rit ‘n suksesvolle en baie lekker rit te      is so kort dat ek net kans kry om my pyp
                                               and the optional water crossing was          AWESOME dirt ride ... I had a blast !!!      maak. - Jak Wagenaar                          brand te maak voor ons weer opklim.
There was some discussion after the            Orange B.                                    This club rocks”
ride about how to describe a route to
indicate the level of difficulty. SKIP_ZA      Finally, look up, open up and go with the
proposed the following Green, Orange           sand dance... keep it loose and relaxed!
and Red grades with subgrades A and B.

                                                                                                                                         SEPTEMBER | GS

                                                                                                                                         Graag wil ek dankie se aan Stephan
                                                                                                                                         Heyl. Die GS trip Loskop Dam toe was
                                                                                                                                         ongelooflik lekker. Ek dink almal sal
                                                                                                                                         saamstem daar was iets vir elke tipe ryer,
                                                                                                                                         groen oranje en rooi. Dankie vir almal wat
                                                                                                                                         dit so lekker gemaak het.
                                                                                                                                         - Scheepers Fourie

                                                                                                                                         Agreed, it was a lekker ride with a mix of
                                                                                                                                         challenges to suit wobblers like me as well
                                                                                                                                         as the klipspring gurus. Stephan, jou rock!
                                                                                                                                         - Grant Bower


Brilliant organization Grabe and Annie!        Trip there and back past Loskop Dam          Groepdinamika was onverbeterlik
Much appreciated by all and for Jac and        has some great scenery and always            en die rit ‘n algehele sukses. Baie
Jacqui sweeping.                               a pleasure to ride. We should have           interessant om deur die minder formele
                                               taken our costumes. It was 28 and real       woonbuurte te ry en te besef dat ons so
I counted 22 bikes and there was at            summer.                                      uiters bevoorreg is.
least 10 pillions, so a great group. Nice
warm day and easy ride enjoyed by              Took off at 7h30 and was there promptly      Die kos en die atmosfeer by ons
everybody. Food good and supported by          at 10 am. Spend a good 1h30 min              eindbestemming was werklik baie
a few cold ones.                               in great conversation and food with          goed en ons het beslis waarde vir geld
                                               friends. - Hein van Rensburg                 ontvang.
IN THIS ISSUE Club Rides Member Trips Club Events ...and much more! - October 2013 | Volume 18/2 - BMW Motorcycle Club Pretoria, South Africa
                                                                                                                                      THE SAFETY BEAVER
   club RIDES
                                                                                                                                      WITH CREDIT TO BIKE RIDERS WORLDWIDE
                                                                                                                                      CONTRIBUTED BY B2R (BORN TO RIDE)

                                                                                                                                                                                     home or when people ride where               front of you. You can jump forward
                                                                                                                                                                 6 TIPS              they think it is safe. Never be              and out of the way quickly when

                                                                                                                                                                WHICH C              comfortable anywhere and you will            danger approaches. Remember to
                                                                                                                                                                      YO  U R
                                                                                                                                                                SAVE                 be able to avoid the guy coming              stay in first gear with clutch in at the

                                                                                                                                                                    LIF E            out of his driveway or the person            stop. It is of no use if you first have
                                                                                                                                                                                     skipping the stop street on the              to put the bike in gear.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              5. Summer is approaching. Watch for
                                                                                                                                                                                3. When stopped in traffic, angle the            less traction in corners, on mud and
Oor die naweek an 20-21 Julie het                ingesluit die graf van die onbekende         Wat ‘n ongelooflike lekker naweek!                                                   bike slightly so that you have a clear        on road stripes and markings. Be
‘n groep van 16 fietse en 27 mense,              Ingelse soldaat, die “Derde Graf”, die       Baie dankie Johan en Trudie vir julle                                                view in your mirror for anything from         very aware of spilt diesel in corners.
sommige per motor, die pad na Val gevat          grafte van die Joiners, die Whiskey trein,   gasvryheid, Saterdag oggend koffie                                                   the back. You will be able to avoid           It is rare but will drop you quicker
vir ‘n anderste naweek. Johan en Trudie          Skuilkraal en Skuilkrans waar boervroue,     oppad na Val en een van die mees                                                     the truck with no brakes or the old           than anything if your front wheel
Maree het ‘n roete vanaf Val gereël wat          kinders en oumense geskuil het               ongelooflike naweke wat mens kan        1. Dress for the accident and not the        lady on the phone.                            hits the diesel patch.
bestaan het uit ‘n aantal interessante           gedurende die Vryheidsoorlog.                beleef!                                    comfort no matter where or when
punte wat elke persoon moes besoek                                                            - Sias Wagenaar                            you ride. ATGATT.                      4. When you approach a stop in traffic,       Stop and take pictures when you ride.
en waar hulle ook meer geleer het oor            Dankie vir julle moeite Johan & Trudie.                                                                                           place your bike at an angle behind         It makes you rest more and gives
Suid Afrika se geskiedenis. Elkeen het           Dit was baie interressant en ons het die     Wat ‘n RIDE! Vir my was dit besonders   2. Lots of accidents happen close to         the left or right wheels of the car in     great memories.
slegs die GPS koördinate en ‘n aantal            naweek baie geniet. Val was defnitief nie    want Johan het my terug gevat na waar

vrae ontvang van waar hulle die punte            vaal nie.                                    ek van my kinderjare gespandeer het.
moes ontrafel. Hierdie het onder andere          - Elmarie Bierman                            - Willem Nordeje

                                                                                                                                      GET WELL SOON!
                                                                                                                                      All of the best to Elmarie Bierman who broke her collarbone during a motorcycle
                                                                                                                                      accident. We wish you a speedy recovery.

                                                                                                                                                                                Our friend Deon Dry passed away on 30 July. Our sincerest condolences to his
                                                                                                                                                                                wife Alma, sons Dean and Quintin, his family and friends. May you find peace and
                                                                                                                                                                                comfort in this difficult time. Deon, we will miss your jokes, your songs, your laughs

                                                                                                                                                                                and most of all your company! Rest in peace Droogie!

Tracy van der Schyff
I have a Dakar and this is my great niece of nearly 4
years old. She absolutely adores my bike – and as you
can see – have for years.

I personally thought this was the best BMW
advertisement EVER. Can’t train a kid to “look
impressed or in such adoration”.

The two photos are taken about 3 years apart.
IN THIS ISSUE Club Rides Member Trips Club Events ...and much more! - October 2013 | Volume 18/2 - BMW Motorcycle Club Pretoria, South Africa
numerous advantages of membership.           New Chairman of BMW Clubs                   positions. New to the Executive Board
                                                                                                                                       You will find loads of information           International                               now occupying David’s seat as Vice-
                                                                                                                                       about club life, news, events and links      After 17 years on the Board, Ian            Chair Motorcycles is Matz Rosenquist
                                                                                                                                       to BMW Classic, the BMW Museum               Branston from Canberra, Australia           from Sweden.
                                                                                                                                       and the BMW Parts supply as well as          recently moved to the USA and
                                                                                                                                       information about all the national clubs.    resigned as Chairman after serving in       To conclude
                                                                                                                                       Downloadable newsletters with news           this capacity for 10 years. During the      The following quote says it all:“It is the
   clubs africa                                                                                                                        and reports from the worldwide BMW
                                                                                                                                       Club scene are regularly publicised.
                                                                                                                                                                                    annual Clubs International Council
                                                                                                                                                                                    Meeting held in September in Slovenia,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                BMW brand that brings the product but
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                it’s the clubs that bring the lifestyle.”
                                                                                                                                       The publication was known as Council         David de Bruyn, 7 years the Vice Chair      Thank you for sharing a superb lifestyle
                                                                                                                                       News but to give the newsletter a clear      Motorcycles, was elected as the new         with all of us by being a member of the
                                                                                                                                       and international identity it was recently   Chairman! David and his wife Rita -         BMW MCC Pretoria and consequently
                                                                                                                                       renamed to BMW Clubs‘ World.                 Secretary of Clubs Africa – are regular     also of Clubs Africa and the huge
                                                                                                                                       For information on local clubs and news,     guests at our Club Nights and many of       international BMW family.
                                                                                                                                       visit BMW Clubs Africa’s website www.        us know them well. Bernhard Knöchlein,
                                                                                                                              where links to        Vice Chair Classic & Type Clubs, and Phil
                                                                                                                                       all African based clubs are available.       Abrami, Vice Chair Cars still hold their

                                                                                                                                       CLUB NIGHTS
                                                                                                                                       Club Nights are for members only. In future you need to present your membership card when attending Club Nights.

                                                                                                                                       Guests must be signed in by members in the guest registers available at the two entrance doors. A committee member will be
                                                                                                                                       in attendance to assist with this.
                All members of BMW Motorcycle Club Pretoria, in fact, all members of the official
                   9 motorcycle clubs and 3 car clubs in Africa are part of a huge international                                       The outside area will be cordoned off as to limit access to the public and uninvited guests. Please enter through the doors on
                                    organisation; call it a family if you want.                                                        club evenings.

                                                        BY DANI DU PREEZ

The beginning
A group of BMW motorcycle riders
founded the first BMW Club in
Düsseldorf in 1928. New clubs were
                                             retain members for the following
                                             • Host Club events in a democratic
                                                                                            BMW Bikefest & BMW GS Eco
                                                                                            Two national events, BMW Bikefest
                                                                                            and BMW GS Eco, in cooperation with
                                                                                            BMW Motorrad are annually organised
                                                                                                                                       The new long sleeved shirt has arrived! Made from eActive fabric that draws perspiration away from your skin to the fabric
established all over the world in the        • To conduct club events in an                 by Clubs Africa. Hundreds of BMW           surface, keeping you dry and comfortable. Dark blue with the club logo on the back and front. Get yours at the next club night
years to follow. Today, with over 200 000         exemplary and responsible manner.         enthusiasts get together for a weekend     for only R190!
members and 680 clubs globally the           • To support, encourage and take               of riding and sharing their passion.
international BMW Club organisation               part in cultural and social activities.   True to the BMW Group’s commitment         OTHER ITEMS STILL AVAILABLE:
is the world’s largest network of clubs      • To provide a special image to the            to social responsibility, substantial      Fleece Jacket  R220                                                                                                     LIFE CAPS
representing a car and motorcycle                 public including compliance with          donations are given to the local           Pit Shirt      R250
manufacturer.                                     traffic laws and regulations.             communities after each Bikefest. Given     Life Caps      R50                                                                       CLUB PIT
The umbrella association of all BMW          • To assist fellow club members and            the motto of the Eco, one tree for every   T-shirt (Grey) R90                                                                        SHIRTS
Clubs recognized by BMW is the BMW                BMW drivers and riders in distress.       registered motorcycle is planted to        Mugs           R50                             CLUB
Clubs International Council and your         • To always seek to improve driving            support the ‘Food and Trees for Africa’s                                                 FLEECE
representative body as a South African is         skills and drivers’ and riders’           program. These trees are planted in the
BMW Clubs Africa.                                 responsibility to others.                 vicinity of the venue.                                                                                                                                 CLUB
                                             • To maintain their vehicles in                                                                                                                                                                       BUFFS
The mission                                       the best possible condition for           Websites
BMW Clubs Africa’s philosophy is in line          the safety of all concerned and           Visit the
                                                                                                                                                  Long                                                CLUB
with the Constitution of the International        aesthetics in order to reflect BMW        com website to find out more about the               sleeve                                             T-SHIRTS
Council in that it strives to attain and          values.                                   BMW Club family and to make use of the                shirt
IN THIS ISSUE Club Rides Member Trips Club Events ...and much more! - October 2013 | Volume 18/2 - BMW Motorcycle Club Pretoria, South Africa
                                                                                                                                             GIEL CILLIE

 MEMBER TRIPS                                                                                                                                The RFS Econorun was held during the
                                                                                                                                             weekend of 30 and 31 August 2013.
                                                                                                                                                                                         If you travel too fast you waste fuel
                                                                                                                                                                                         and penalize yourself and if you run
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      •   Class D: Dual Purpose (adventure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          bikes) up to 1000cc fitted with
                                                                                                                                             This is an event to determine which         late 0.5 litre of fuel get added to your         original type tyres, two or more
                                                                                                                                             bike uses the least fuel over a set         consumption per ½ minute late.                   cylinders only

                                                                                                                                             distance with all the elements of nature,                                                •   Class E: Dual Purpose (adventure
                                                                                                                                             environment and skill as a contributing     The Saturday morning we started                  bikes) above 1000cc fitted with
                                                                                                                                             factor and staying within the time limits   again on a 329km leg to Graskop                  original type tyres, two or more
                                                HEIN VAN RENSBURG

                                                                                                                                             set by the organisers.                      via Bosbokrand, Sabie to Sudwala                 cylinders only
                                                                                                                                                                                         caves for the first refuel then onto         •   Class F: Single cylinder bikes any
                                                                                                                                             The event was held over ± 850 km            Whiteriver, again Sabie and Graskop,             engine size
                                                                                                                                             starting on the Friday on the first leg     down Kowynspas towards Sabie again,          •   Class G: Cruisers (foot peg rule,
                                                                                                                                             of ± 520km from 4 x 4 Megaworld in          Kiepersol and with the final refuel at the       refer SR 14.3) up to 1000cc
The Musketeers decided to spend the long        Alwyn and Michelle on the way down to                                                        Zambezi drive, via Delmas with the first    Big Five Garage 10 km from Hazyview.         •   Class H: Cruisers (foot peg rule, refer
weekend of 8-11 August in the Midlands          do Sani Pass.                                                                                refuel at Bethal.                           There were different classes of entries          SR 14.3) above 1000cc
Meander and Nottingham Road in                                                                                                                                                           catering for all shapes and sizes of         •   Class I: Touring with panniers (after
Kwazulu Natal. The weather bureau said a        We left Harrismith at 10h00 and took the                                                     From there we went to Barberton for the     bikes and 46 entrants of which 26                market options acceptable) 1000
huge front will be covering Natal when we       N3 down to Mooirivier where we would                                                         second refuel and the overnight stop at     were BMW’s. The BMW with the lowest              cc – unlimited. Any bike over
were there, but that have never stopped         turn off to Nottingham road. It was cold                                                     Numbi Hotel in Hazyview. Willie Fick and    consumption was a 10 year old F650CS.            1000cc with panniers.
us going on any trip before. When you           the whole way down and it started to          saw some interesting articles and had          his team really do a great job with the                                                  •   Class J: Pillion 1000cc – unlimited
have the bike stare in your eyes, weather       drizzle. We fuelled up at Mooirivier and      a coffee. A visit to Nottingham Road will      accommodation and refreshments.             •   Class A: Road bikes up to 800cc,             with or without panniers.
disappears.                                     took the R103 past Nottingham Road.           not be complete without a lunch at the                                                         two cylinders only                       •   Class K: Open class: any bike that
                                                This would give us a good idea on             Nottingham Brewery. We arrived there at        It was an all tar event and the average     •   Class B: Superbikes 600 cc –                 doesn’t qualify for any of the other
Flip, Nerina, Hester and I decided to make      where to go the next day. We all stayed       12h00 and found a good table inside as it      speed on the first day was ± 85 km/h            1000cc (three cylinders or more),            classes or older than ten years
the route short by leaving to Clarens for       in different guest houses in the North of     was still cold.They brought a tasting of the   and on the second day ± 100 km/h                801cc to 1000cc (two cylinders or
one night on Thursday 8 August. Karl and        Pietermaritzburg and were looking for a       beers and we each picked a favourite. We       and that indicates the level of riding          more)
Eloise could only leave early on 9 August       nice place to have dinner. We found the       had a really good lunch there and enjoyed      involved. You must really concentrate to    •   Class C: Road and Superbikes 1001
and we said we would meet them at               Old Main Brewery at Wagon Crossing            the afternoon in the beautiful countryside.    stay on time.                                   – to unlimited
Harrismith the next morning at 9.               close to where we were staying and met
                                                there to have dinner.The beer and food        We went back around 15h00 and went
We left at 14h30 and were in Clarens just       was very good and we each got a Tequila       to the Howick Waterfalls. We decided to
as the sun was setting. We stayed in the        or two to heat up.                            meet at the Old Main Brewery for dinner.
Rosewood Cottage which is just off the                                                        When we got on the bike around 18h00
main street and walking distance to all         On Saturday morning we took off to            it was dark, cold and misty outside. We
the pubs and restaurants.The temperature        Nottingham Road and made a ride for the       slowly drove to the restaurant and met Flip
was 8 deg C and we could see the                whole day stopping at different places.       and Karl with their better halves there. We
weather changing for the worse. We went         This road goes through beautiful green        had a good steak and watched the Natal/
to the German pub and enjoyed a few             countryside and we explored a lot of roads    Lions game.
Erdingers and some German sausages. All         turning around when it got to dirt. I am
too soon the cold was forgotten and we          sure we could make very good GS routes        We decided to take an early morning and
were enjoying the hospitality in Clarens.       here after I rode Sani Pass and came back     left at 7h30 to go back to Pretoria.The
We migrated to the German Micro Brewery         all along the Drakensberg Mountains to        wind was howling (what else is new?)
to sample their beer.                           Nottingham Road.                              and it was cold. The road to Villiers was
                                                                                              shrouded in thick mist and it was very
We left at 8am on Women’s day after a big       Out first stop was at the Belgian Chocolate   dangerous as you could not see far. After
breakfast to go and meet Karl and Eloise        factory. It was a disappointment as it        we cleared the mountain we stopped at
in Harrismith.They called us and told us        was the same chain you also find in           Villiers and filled up the bikes and took a
they were already there. By now the cold        Dullstroom. All commercially packaged         break at the Wimpy.
front had arrived with lots of rain overnight   and no manufacturing. We left without
and our bikes were very dirty being parked      buying anything.                              We were home just after 14h00 and had
outside for the night. Although it was cold     The second stop was at a group of shops       done close to 1500 km over the 4 days.
there was no rain as we left to Harrismith.     and restaurants a few kilometres down         This trip should be on everybody’s bucket
We stopped at the Engen and ran into            the road. We walked around here and           list as it has so many things to see and do.
IN THIS ISSUE Club Rides Member Trips Club Events ...and much more! - October 2013 | Volume 18/2 - BMW Motorcycle Club Pretoria, South Africa
niemand kan dit glo nie! By Sani Top       dop in die een pannier slot afgetrap, so      toe. Die laaste bietjie grondpad tussen
 MEMBER TRIPS continued                                                                                                                    Chalets kuier ons lekker saam almal wat    die enigste ding om te doen was om            Frankfort en die Vaaldam was heel rustig,
                                                                                                                                           ons op die pas ontmoet het.                terug te draai. Die risiko was te groot met   voor ons die Maandag middag verkeer
                                                                                                                                                                                      ‘n fiets met vol panniers… Nie te min         tref oppad Pretoria toe.
                                                                                                                                           Sondag oggend drink ons koffie saam die    ons sal hom weer aanpak. Op Clarens
                                                                                                                                           Boere van Ventersdorp voor ons die pad,    slaap ons die Sondagaand oor, kaggel          Die naweek was die beste naweek, dit het
                                                                                                                                           teer en grond, na Bezuidenhoudtspas        vuur, pizza en reën op die sinkdak. Hoe       alles gehad van opwindende grondroetes
                                                                                                                                           aanpak. Die pas lyk aanvanklik maklik en   romanties.                                    tot heerlike gesprekke met vreemdes,
                                                                                                                                           ons kan net nie verstaan waaroor almal                                                   maar die beste van alles, die beste
                                                                                                                                           so gaande was nie, maar ons het vining     Maandag oggend gaan ons vir ‘n                herinneringe.
                                                                                                                                           uitgevind. Die laaste stuk wou Alwyn die   welverdiende Full Body Massage in
                                                                                                                                           panniers afhaal, maar ek het die sleutel   Clarens voor ons die pad aandurf huis         Dankie Alwyn!!!

               SANI PASS                                                                                           MICHELLE EATON

Dit was die 9de Augustus, Vrouedag, die      Backpackers verwelkom ons met warm               sneeu hier en daar en ek is soos ‘n kind
beste geskenk wat Alwyn ooit vir my kon      kos en vriendelike gesigte van orals             Kersfeesoggend. Om die een draai na die
gee. Na net 6 weke van sy ongeluk, 5         oor die werêld wat dink ons is mal as            ander – die sneeu word meer en meer.
weke se fisio, nuwe motorfiets koop en       hulle hoor wat ons beplan. Ontmoet ‘n            Maar so 2km van bo af kom ons by ons
die keuses - gaan ons? Gaan ons nie..?       New Zealandse paartjie met aandete, n            eerste stop; die pad is vol gesneeu. Alwyn
Uiteindelik was dit 5:30 9de Augustus op     Duitser en ‘n Australiese girltjie met koffie.   en die Military Fuel Tanker gesels met
die motorfiets oppad Sani Pass toe om te     Alwyn is op sy senuwees, met die reën            mekaar, maar soos ons hom ken kry hy
gaan sneeu kyk!                              en die wind van Vrydagaand, is die kanse         hom daar op. Tweede stop is Icy-Corner,
                                             vir sneeu maar min? Want dis hoekom              die 4x4’s staan bank vas. Ons druk deur
So uur en n half op die N3 stop ons          daar is!                                         na voor. n Pajero gee sy alles om die
onder ‘n brug. Die ligte motreën dwing                                                        draai maar gly weer terug, almal se harte
Alwyn om sy reënjas top aan te trek. Na      Saterdagoggend is Alwyn vroeg by die             vasgevang in hulle kele. Daar wag ons vir
ontbyt by Wimpy op Villiers, trek ons vol    deur uit. Ek voel ‘n sagte plukkie aan my        2½ ure. En kyk hoe die verskillende 4x4’s
reënjasse aan omdat dit nou lekker reën.     arm, Alwyn fluister saggies “Liefie kom          met verskeie pogings om Icy-Corner om
Deur die reën draai ons af by Nottingham     kyk”, ek is dadelik wakker, mussie op en         ry. Ons wonder of ons dit moet aandurf
Road vir 70km van seepgladde, modder         slaapsak om my gevou soos n Basutho.             of omdraai. Besluit om om te draai, maar
Lotheni grondpad waar ons nie meer           Daar is sneeu op die berge, so ver as            ‘n vriendelike tannie in haar Disco 4 stop
as 20km/h kan ry nie. Elke 10km moet         waar ons gaan ry! Opgewondenheid                 en bied ons ‘n rit op na bo, want 1.7km
ons stop want arme Alwyn se hande is         pols deur ons. Soos wit lig is dit aantrek       van bo af kan ons nie nou om draai
dood van stoei met die fiets en moeg         vol in thermal underwear & ATGATT, eet           nie?! Net verby Icy-Corner besef ons die
gekonsentreer. Slaan die teer pad by die     ontbyt en vat die pad na Sani Pass. Kan          paspoorte is nog in die topbox! Alwyn
kruising oppad na Himeville en 25Km          nie die glimlag van Alwyn of my se gesig         besluit hy gaan dit haal en sommer met
tot by ons slaapplekkie. Ons was nog         afvee nie…Vinnig deur die grenspos,              die motorfiets op bring, ter aanmoediging
nooit so bly om teer te kry nie! Sani Pass   n paar kiekies, deur die hekke. Daar is          van die 4x4’s. Ons ontmoet bo en
IN THIS ISSUE Club Rides Member Trips Club Events ...and much more! - October 2013 | Volume 18/2 - BMW Motorcycle Club Pretoria, South Africa
MEMBER TRIPS continued

NAMAQUALAND                                                              DANA DU PLESSIS
                                                                                                                                            Met baie opwinding en ‘n jaar se beplanning het

                                                                                                                                            15 van ons besluit om Namibië se suide te toer...
Some club members joined JB Train             The S-group left on the N7 again,              The rides the next day were optional
Tours on 8 September for a bike trip to       turning off on the Eendekuil road to the       and a few couples made use of the
Namaqualand. The trip started off with        R365. We stopped in Piketberg to fill our      opportunity to rest and some only did
a major hiccup as Spoornet cancelled          tanks and then rode a short distance           short rides from the lodge. The S-group
the train. Everyone decided that they still   back on the R365 to turn off towards           that left at about 10h00 was very small:
wanted to join the trip and would ride        the Versveld Pass. This road goes to           only four bikes, which included that of
down with the bikes.                          Piket-Bo-Berg, where one has wonderful         the leader, Du Toit. He took us on the
                                              views over the surrounding countryside.        R363 to Vredendal and Klawer, and                                                                                                                     MARINDA GREYLING
The group left for Klerksdorp to              The pass was also a very nice and              thereafter on the N7 to Vanrhynsdorp
fill up and then we travelled via             twisty. Unfortunately there is only one        where we stopped at a local nursery          Met baie opwinding en ‘n jaar se              paartjies wat stillerig was met Jack wat      steke kry nie...dankie tog vir ‘n neckbrace
Wolmaransstad, Bloemhof, Christiana           road in and one out, so one makes              that sold some of the succulent fynbos       beplanning het 15 van ons besluit om          so seer gebyt Kang gestop en gou     anders was hy verseker nie meer met ons
and Warrenton, where we stopped               a u-turn at an airfield. We then went          plants to be seen in the area. We then       Namibië se suide te toer...ons was ‘n paar    ‘n ontbyt deurgewerk voor ons die pad         nie…
to fill up again, to Kimberley for the        through Piketberg again and rode on the        took the R27 back to Vredendal, where        wat 2 jaar terug saam Woema ook ‘n            verder aangedurf het...Namibië se grens
first overnight stop. After an early start    R399 to Velddrif and Club Mykonos in           we stayed on the R362 to Lutzville           toer gedoen het...dit was amazing maar        aangekom en gelukkig het dit ook redelik      Gelukkig het ek vir reisversekering…
the group rode a whopping 800km               Langebaan for the next overnight stop.         and Koekenaap. After we had seen             baie stresvol omdat almal van ons nie         gou gegaan...                                 ambulans het bietjie verdwaal maar
to Hopetown, Strydenburg, Britstown,          The next day we rode to Saldanha               Koekenaap (not a lot to be seen, to          grondpad ondervinding gehad het nie en                                                      darem daar aangekom...dit het soos ‘n
Vosburg, Carnarvon and Williston for a        where Johan took us up probably the            be honest), we went back to Lutzville        het besluit ons sal dit weer moet doen...     Lekker gery WIndhoek toe...die aand           leeftyd gevoel maar was eintlik net 40
lunch stop. The group visited the largest     only hill in Saldanha, from where we           where we filled up our steeds’ petrol        rustig en op ons tyd...met baie foto’s...en   het ons ‘n booking gehad by Joe’s beer        minute...Joss is toe na die WIndhoek Medi
post box in South Africa in Calvinia, the     had a lovely view over the bay and back        tanks. We then rode past Strandfontein       so het dit dan gebeur dat ons die 24ste       House... Jagermeister is duidelik hulle       Clinic geneem waar ek, Callie en Pieter
waterfall in Nieuwoudtville and took          to Langebaan. Thereafter we rode to            to Doringbaai (also called Doornbaai)        April weggetrek het vanaf Rustenburg          top verkoper dis net bottels en bottels en    Willering vir hom gewag het... genadiglik
the road via Vanrhynsdorp to Klawer for       Paternoster for a visit to the Paternoster     where we stopped for lunch. After lunch
                                                                                                                                          11H00 die oggend.                             bottels...natuurlik baie bekend vir hulle     is net Joss se gewrig gebreek...Pieter het
the second overnight stop. This was a         Hotel. The hotel’s bar is well-known for       we visited the wine cellars of Fryers
really long day but everyone was much         its assortment of panties hanging from         Cove, where some of us bought some                                                         Eisbein...daarna het ons maar gaan            agter gebly want dalk kon Joss ontslaan
relieved that they had travelled just         the ceiling, and one wonders whether           local wine. We returned via Lutzville        Ons eerste stop was in Zeerust vir koffie     slaap want die volgende dag het ons           word en hy verder in die backup die toer
under 1 300 kilometers in two days            some thereof were still worn when              to Melkboomsdrift, where I enjoyed an        en broodjies voor ons die pad aangedurf       grondpaaie begin en sommiges van ons          saam ons doen...Die volgende dag moes
without incident.                             the owners arrived at the bar. From            afternoon nap for the first time on the      het Botswana grens toe waar al die            was maar lekker senuweeagtig vernaam          hulle weer opereer en Pieter het maar
                                              Paternoster we went to Velddrif, where         trip.                                        formaliteite binne 30 minute afgehandel       onse twee sussies...ek en Lynette...          by ons aangesluit...ons is toe Walvisbaai
The next day the group split up for           we visited a local fishery. Thereafter we                                                   was. Ons eerste nag het ons by Jwaneng                                                      toe...almal het sy ding gedoen want dit
the first time, going all the way to          took the coastal road past Laaiplek and        The last day we left for Worcester to        in die Cezar Hotel geslaap...heerlik geëet    Opgestaan die oggend almal het mekaar         was eintlik ons rusdag...sommiges het
Langebaan, with the GS-riders doing           Dwarskersbos to Elands Bay. Just before        load the bikes on the train. We took the     en gedrink tot laat... ook bly om te gaan     by die garage gekry waar ons volgemaak        gaan quad ry ander het gaan drink en
some dirt along the way. The S-group left     Elands Bay we rode past an abundance           N7 to Citrusdal and turned off close to      rus vir die volgende dag se amper 400 km      het...Hochland Pass is een van die passe      Duin 7 gaan uitkyk en uitklim...die ander
on the N7 towards Clanwilliam where           of lovely flowers, which necessitated a        Eendekuil and rode to Porterville, where     tot by Ghanzi Kalahari Arms Hotel...          wat pragtig uitsig het en ons moet maar       het Walvisbaai gaan verken...die aand het
we stopped at the dam to look at one of       revisit when we left. From Elands Bay the      we got onto the R44. From Porterville                                                      versigtig ry by die afgronde...Ek, Callie,    ons almal heerlik saam gebraai en gaan
the sluices being open. We then took the      group split up again: the GS riders took       we rode to Gouda and took a detour
                                                                                                                                          By Kalahari Arms aangekom en ook              Dries en Lynette het laaste weggetrek         kuier...
R364 through the Cederberg Wilderness         the dirt road running next to the ocean        from the route to visit Tulbagh and the
Area, which turned out to be a wonderful      directly to Lamberts Bay, whereas the          Old Drostdy. From Tulbagh we rode            sommer met die bestuurderes gereël vir        en het maar stadig gery aangesien my
road with lots of nice twisties. We           rest of us tar riders went via Leipoldtville   on the R46, bypassed Wolseley and            pap en sous ons wil braai die       sus baie versigtig is...Kobus v Rensburg      Die volgende dag is ons Solitaire toe...wat
stopped at the “Englishman’s grave”,          to the R364 and then to Lamberts Bay.          then on to Worcester. We experienced         verduidelik toe vir ons waar ons die beste    het stadig van vooraf gery gekom...het        ‘n aaklige pad om te ry...ons senuwees
made a u-turn and came back the               After lunch we left for Vredendal, the GS      a fierce cross-wind for the last about       vleis kan koop...alles gereel en hoe later    ons gestop en gese een van ons vriende        was klaar en tot die boffins het gese
same way. On the way back we stopped          riders taking the only gravel toll road in     10 kilometers before we got to the N1.       hoe kwater...almal kuier heerlik en kan nie   (Joss) het geval en dit lyk nie goed nie...   dis ‘n moeilike pad...dit is deur God se
at the grave site of C Louis Leipoldt, a      the country that runs next to the railway      We made it to the station in time and        wag vir Namibië die volgende dag nie...       daar aangekom het dit baie erg gelyk...       genade dat een van ons nie op daai pad
well-known Afrikaans author and poet.         line from Lamberts Bay to Doring Bay.          waited about half an hour for the train to   Lekker geslaap behalwe vir die roarings       Joss het half op sy maag half op sy           geval het nie... ons was moeg toe ons by
Back in Clanwilliam, we stopped at the        The S-group went past Graafwater to            arrive. When the train arrived we loaded     van die leeus wat so effe teveel gedrink      sy gele met sy linkerkantste arm half         Solitaire aankom maar buiten die feit dat
Ramskop Nature Reserve, which borders         Clanwilliam, and then on the N7 to             and fastened the bikes, got on the train     het die vorige aand...               hand was blou en hy het gese     dit ‘n slegte erge mislukke onaangename
the Clanwilliam dam, for lunch. The GS        Klawer. From Klawer we took the R363           and thereafter relaxed on the train for                                                    sy gewrig is seer en hy wil      pad was was die natuur beeldskoon en
riders joined us again at this spot. The      to Vredendal where we stayed for two           the next 24 hours. We arrived back in        Volgende oggend die pad gevat met ‘n          gesig was vol bloed soos sy sonbril hom       pragtig...lekker appel paai geëet...daar is
reserve is exquisite, and the single place    nights.                                        Johannesburg at about 17h00 on the
                                                                                                                                          gejuig Windhoek toe...daar was maar ‘n        gekap het...gelukkig nie erg dat hy moes      net ‘n hotel, algemene handelaartjie wat
where we saw most flowers.                                                                   Saturday.
MEMBER TRIPS continued

baie duur is...o ja en ‘n petrol   wag vir die res om by ons aan te sluit...      sy strokie gehou wat hy gekry het toe ons
het geswem by die hotel, die water was            Daarna is ons almal terug Lodge toe by         ingegaan het...hulle laat Dries toe deur
baie koud...                                      Obelix Village... Behalwe vir ‘n paartjies     met geen gesukkel...dankie tog... 14H10
                                                  wat ‘n maagaandoening en naarheid              kom ons in Upington aan waar ons gou
Volgende dag was dit Sossusvlei toe...die
pad was pragtig en ons kon goeie spoed
                                                  ontwikkel het gedurende die trippie, het
                                                  ons steeds baie lekker gekuier en hulle het
                                                                                                 ietsie voor ons Kuruman toe ry...16H30
                                                                                                 kom ons daar aan...pak af, trek gemaklik          OTHER EVENTS
handhaaf...gekuier Sossusvlei Lodge... net        hulle maar baie braaf gehou dat ons nie        aan en wals af eetsaal en bar toe om
na 12 ingeboek by Desert Camp...lekker            moet dink hulle is sussies nie...              sommer die rugby ook te kan kyk...ons is
geswem en om die bar gekuier...                   Die volgende oggend opgestaan...               so lus vir lamskerrie en wat ‘n verrassing
                                                  Vandag ry ons Ais Ais toe waar ons by          toe ons daar kon en hulle vir ons gemaak
Die volgende stop was                             die Warmwater bronne Ai Ais Country            het...die heerlikste buffet van die hele
Helmeringhausen...weer was die pad                Resort bly...die pad was ook baie mooi...      toer...ons trommel dik ge-eet... En
wonderlik...kon net sowel ‘n teerpad              dit is ‘n ver ent en daar is nie petrol voor   hoogtepunt die Bulle wen!!!
wees... ek dink die appeltert is hier die         264km nie... ons eerste stop was Canon
beste...Cobus het hom geweldig geniet en          Roadhouse vir kos en petrol......van daar      Sommiges het toe gegroet want almal
het tot bestel vir die klomp hoor     af is ons eers Fish River Canyon toe...pad     het maar hulle eie tyd gery die volgende
daar is Wifi was almal natuurlik op hulle         is wonderlik teen die laaste keer wat ons      oggend...ons res wat oorgebly het het           BY DALEEN DUDLEY

Ipads en selfone...het soos ‘n internet cafe      hom gery het...baie foto’s geneem en           06H30 gery in die snerpende koue van
gelyk... Julle is op vakansie mense...            geskiedenis uitgedeel en toe is dit tyd om     2.5 grade direk in die son vas...aaklig!!!!!
                                                  die laaste 180 km aan te durf Ai Ais toe...    In Vryburg gestop vir ontbyt en daar vir
Toe Luderitz toe. Pad was weereens lieflik        die pad was heel aangenaam en toe ons          Degies, Kobus en Dawid gegroet waar ek,
en ons kon lekker sleep...ons het in Aus by       afdraai het ons so tussen die klowe gery       Callie, Dries, Lynette, Dries C en die backup

                                                                                                                                                                                          WOMEN’S DAY 2013
Klein Aus Vista gestop vir ‘n melkskommel         tot teen die oord vas...dit was yskoud net     voertuig afgedraai het terug Rustenburg
en koeldrank en daarna is ‘n paar                 voor ons die klowe in is en toe ons daar 12H30 by die huis gekom...dit was
Kolmanskop toe en die res het gaan                stop trek ons net baadjies uit...heerlik       ‘n wonderlike toer saam met wonderlike
inboek by Luderitz want hulle kon nie wag         warm...                                        mense en ek weet hierdie toer gaan ons
vir die vars oesters by Shearwater Oysters                                                       nog lank naby die hart le...dankie vir almal
nie...Joss se bike afgelaai en die trailor        Vroeg opgestaan...pad gevat grenspos           en dankie Liewe Jesus dat almal veilig           Rocks, more rocks, flying, rain, mist, mud,   falls and spills, a few new scratches,      misty and gave everything an eerie
gaan ingee sodat hulle hom ordentlik kon          toe…moes vir Dries C deursmokkel omdat         terug is.                                        blood, sweat and tears, ok maybe it was       bruises and injuries and a lost bike, but   feeling to the surrounds, making it feel
fix en toe Ritzi’s toe om te gaan eet en          sy paspoort weg was…gelukkig het Dries                                                          just rain… that was all we encountered        we eventually conquered this pass and       like a true adventure. We visited some
                                                                                                                                                  on a fantastic trip to the Lekgalameetsi      were rewarded with a stunning ride          waterfalls and road nice twisty roads
                                                                                                                                                  Nature Reserve, Tzaneen and                   through the nature reserve. This reserve    through the forests. We encountered lots
                                                                                                                                                  Magoebaskloof over the long weekend           is really beautiful and definitely worth    of mud and rode in drizzling rain most

                                                                                                                                                  in August. All of that… and great             a visit. You do however need to get         of the time, but all made it back safe
                                                                                                                                                  company, LOTS of laughter, camaraderie        permission to ride through with a bike.     without any spills, just some really dirty
                                                                                                                                                  and friendship. And of course exploring                                                   bikes as evidence of this awesome ride.
                                                                                                                                                  some fantastic routes on our bikes.           The next day the rain welcomed us to
                                                                                                                                                                                                a wet and misty Tzaneen. More than          Unfortunately this great weekend had to
DANI DU PREEZ                                                                                                                                     On Friday we tackled the Orris                half of the group opted to stay dry in      end and the long boring tar road home
Vier van ons klublede het deel                    van vroue en meisies. Die                                                                       Baragwanath Pass taking us into the           front of a fire with some Milo keeping      was a real anti-climax but we all agreed
uitgemaak van die groep van 20                    versekeringsmaatskappy First for                                                                Lekgalameetsi Nature Reserve. This            them company while four of us decided       that we had a fabulous time! Thanks to
motorfietsryers na Mafikeng en                    Women, was die groot donateur en                                                                pass is not for the fainthearted with lots    to brave the wet and cold weather. In       everyone that joined.
Gaborone as deel van die Bikers for               het R100 000 aan die ‘Lifeline Crisis                                                           and lots of rocks and sheer drop offs.        the end the weather contributed to a
Mandela Day inisiatief.                           Centre’ in Mafikeng geskenk asook                                                               There were lots of walking for some,          stunning ride as some roads were really
                                                  R100 000 aan die Midrand se Miriam
Deon Prommel, Tertius du Plessis, Pauli           Makeba Sentrum vir meisies. Die groep
Massyn (die amptelike ‘GPS dude’ vir              motorfietsryers se bydrae was om
die naweek) en Dani du Preez het saam             groentetuine by die sentra aan te lê,
met Zelda la Grange en ander vername              asook verfwerk aan geboue en speel-
mense soos DJ Fresh (5FM) en Saint                apparaat.
Seseli (Wild at Heart TV reeks) hulle 67
minute per dag aan gemeenskapwerk                 Dit was ‘n groot voorreg om deel te hê
gewei en boonop heerlike kilometers op            aan die Bikers for Mandela Day en om
hulle BMW’s bygevoeg.                             so voort te bou aan Nelson Mandela
                                                  se erfenis van goeie dade en om die
Daar is vanjaar gefokus op sentra                 wêreld ‘n beter plek te maak.
wat aksie neem teen mishandeling
 OTHER EVENTS continued

                                                         WIE SÊ OOIT NEE?
                                                                                                                                                                         WEEKEND              DANI DU PREEZ

Die idee vir ‘n “koek-en-tee” uitstappie    Dit is nou ‘n venue in ‘n ander klas -      gemaak, dit was nou oulik!
het ontstaan na die suksesvolle “Ladies     stylvol ge-decorate deur alles “Engels”.    En so het die kuier begin. Lamingtons,
Weekend” wat in Mei plaasgevind het.        Van tong-in-die-kies tekens, teddy          koeksisters, chocolate brownies,
Ek het oorspronklik net ‘n handjie vol      beertjies, antieke meubels en sommer        poffertjies, sout tertjies, toebroodjies en
belangstellendes verwag, maar was           nog vele meer. Allerhande winkeltjies       skons... daar was genoeg - en ‘n groot
aangenaam verras toe 21 van ons             verkoop enige iets van tuisgemaakte         verskeidenheid - vir almal. Lekker! Oor
dames in Heidelberg by Her Majesteas        konfyte, gevriesde pasteitjies,             grappies en gesels het ons die oggend
Salon op Saterdag, 3 Augustus               handgemaakte geskenkies en selfs            in die wintersonnetjie geniet.
bymekaar kom. Daleen het ons klomp          juwele, om slegs ‘n paar te noem.                                                         An invitation went to all Club members      weekend with an amazing musician.              Thank you to Dani and Clint for an
op motorfietse op die scenic roete gevat,                                               Die fotos is ‘n herinnering van die           to join Clint Cunningham, brand             We were treated to a fantastic venue,          awesome weekend. This is a weekend I
en selfs ‘n paar manne het saamgery.        Die tafel was pragtig gedek met             belewenis om saam interessante, unieke        ambassador of BMW Motorrad for a            fabulous food and entertainment                will never forget and hope we do it again
Ons het vir Trudie langs die pad gekry      staanders vol heerlike soet en sout         en pragtige vrouens te kuier. Wat ‘n          weekend of fun. Clint’s birthday was        provided by Clint.                             next year.
en die res was alreeds by HMS. Wat ‘n       peuselhappies. Pragtige tee koppies,        voorreg om deel te wees van ‘n klub           celebrated end of July at Meulstroom
blye ontmoeting om almal op die stoep       suiker blokkies en servette het die tafel   waar die dames deel wil wees en waar          Lodge, 90kms from Pretoria with excellent   Friday was amazing. After a braai we sat       Tom Nel: Thanks for organizing this great
te kry!                                     mooi afgerond. Karin het “dankie dat        ons meer geleenthede gaan skep waar           music and bike riding!                      around the fire while Clint entertained us.    trip over the weekend, much appreciated.
                                            jy saam kom kuier het” geskenkies           ons saam kan vriendinne word.                                                             I could have sat there all night. His music,   We enjoyed it tremendously. The bike ride
                                                                                                                                      Deon Prommel writes:                        humour and personality were so amazing         route on Saturday was enjoyable and
                                                                                                                                      WHAT A BAND! WHAT A BIRTHDAY! WHAT          to experience in such an awesome               the Black Label at the shebeen the best
                                                                                                                                      A WEEKEND! Thank you to all that were       setting.                                       thirst quencher ever. Ons het dit geweldig
                                                                                                                                      involved in organising the CLINT & CO.                                                     geniet, baie nuwe vriende is gemaak en
                                                                                                                                      CLUB WEEKEND.                               Saturday evening we were treated to the        sal so iets weer ondersteun. Die BMW
                                                                                                                                                                                  CLINT & CO BAND. Clint was on top form         Klub en die bikers is tops, dankie vir jul
                                                                                                                                      This was an awesome experience with         backed by some really talented band            vriendskap!
                                                                                                                                      fellow club members sharing a birthday      members.
the course stimulating and really took the           After the final ride, we had nice refreshments      A special thanks has to go Judy a truly great
                                                                                                                                                          time to help everyone individually and in the        and we concluded with discussion on what            instructor, I know that everyone had the most
                                                                                                                                                          group. We continued to build on our skills,          we learned and if we accomplished what              fun on our bikes ever and learned a lot in
                                                                                                                                                          and lastly we took what we learned and               we set out in the beginning of the training.        the process! Especially on the skid course.
                                                                                                                                                          applied it on the “snake track” at the back          All the feedback stated on how this whole           Thanks again to ADA, it was professional, it
                                                                                                                                                          of ADA. This incorporated everything from            experience only improved our riding skills.         was all-encompassing and your facilities are
                                                                                                                                                          cornering at speed, shifting body weight,            This was preceded by handing out of                 top-notch! Anyone who would like to do a
                                                                                                                                                          loose rocks, uphill, downhill and the dreaded        certificates. A job well done!                      DP1 Course ADA is the place.

                                                                                                                                                          sand! But we all made it, fairly unscathed                                                                                            - Scheepers Fourie
                                                                                                                                                          (except for two casualties Trudie and Antois).

                                                                                                                                                          DP2 TRAINING
                                                                                                                                                          DP2 training uit n Newbie se uitkyk punt

OFFROAD TRAINING: DP1 AND DP2                                                                                                                             Die GS opleiding was gedurende September
                                                                                                                                                          en sedert die opleiding het ons die stofpad
                                                                                                                                                                                                               om die paal ry en die tou styf hou. En langs
                                                                                                                                                                                                               die kragpaal stop en jouself teen die paal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   hanteer soos pro’s. En beter – hul kan hul
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   kennis oordra na ons, die gewone ou op ons
                                                                                                                                                          menig male weer gaan aandurf. As ek nou              balanseer, en weer wegtrek, sonder om jou           fietse. Dankie menere!
                                                                                                                                                          terugkyk, het ek basies net vasgeklou aan            voete neer te sit!
Over the weekend of 14-15 September 16 of our club members gathered at ADA for some GS offroad training                                                   die fiets dat ek nie afgegooi word nie... Nou                                                            Die ADA fasilitieite is uit die boonste rakke!
                                                                                                                                                          is daar meer beheer en met meer beheer               DP2 opleiding by ADA bestaan uit “cone              Van die skid pan, die outrides op die plaas
– 8 each for the DP1 and DP2 courses. What a fun weekend of learning it was!!!                                                                            geniet ek om my BMW motorfiets ry soveel te          oefeninge” van verskillende tipe skills, en dan     en dan natuurlik daai lekker stort na ‘n lang
                                                                                                                                                          meer.                                                die kersie op die koek is dat ‘n mens uitgaan       dag. En moet ook nie komkommer dat jy
                                                                                                                                                                                                               op “outrides” op die plaas, en dan ‘n paar          gaan honger ly nie –Hein sorg vir jou: van

                                                                                                                                                          Die 2 punte wat vir my die meeste uitstaan           oefeninge te gaan toepas in die veld! Dan           lekker onbyt, vars vrugte en yskoue water en
                                                                                                                                                          was: (1) om te kyk waar jy wil gaan, die brake       sien jy hoekom en waar om die skills wat jy         sap gedurende die dag en ‘n braai met lekker
                                                                                                                                                          ‘n slide in die T-junction in was baie lekker en     geleer het toe te pas in die veld. Die skills       malva poeding in die aand wat in ‘n kos
It’s all fun and games until the magic words “it’s a race” are spoken…!                                                                                   hoe die fiets in die draai in gly is net WOW;        word op ‘n praktiese manier vasgelê.                tydskrif kon gewees het!
                                                                                                                                                          en (2) as jy ‘n tegniese gedeelte ry, dié op te
Let me start at the beginning. Seven              Was the course worth the bruises, roasties,           something that was different from the DP1         breek in seksies, en dan te konsentreer op           Wat die September GS (DP1 & 2) opleiding            As jy ‘n Dual Sport Adventure motorfiets ry en
members of our club enrolled for the DP1          dent on the shiny Akro, half-burnt clutches           to the day course is that we moved along at       korter seksies. Die regte lyne te kies, die skills   by ADA ’n sukses gemaak het was die groep           die afgelope jaar nie opleiding bygewoon het
course at ADA on the weekend of 14-15 July        from being stranded in the sand? Oh yes. The          pace and got to more technical aspects.           toe te pas en die seksie te voltooi, en dan op       van die Klub wat dit mee gemaak het. Die            nie, is ADA die plek vir profesionele opleiding
2013 - Antois, Skip, Frans, Cor, Trudie, Sandra   smiles, fun, laughter, friendships that were                                                            die volgende seksie weer te konsentreer. Dit         kameraderie van die GS groep was weer               uit die boonste rakke. En hulle is net om die
and myself, Hanlie. We could not have wished      formed and what we’ve achieved made up                We started with basic controls and worked         maak tegniese uitdagings meer hanteerbaar.           teenwoordig met aanmoediging en hulp                draai...
for a better and more capable Instructor/         for it all. It was an opportunity to learn and        on our balance on the bike, this continued                                                             gedurende die naweek. Daar is heeltyd lekker                                     - Alwyn Engelbrecht
Sargent Major, Judy Veith. From early on Judy     build confidence – essential for enjoying our         for most of the day. All the riders in the DP1    Daar is natuurlik ook die koppelaar beheer           gelag, gekuier en gehelp...
laid down the ground rules and if we were to      dual purpose motorcycles!                             course was struggling at first but soon got       oefeinge - altyd pret. Om die beton blok             En dan natuurlik die fasiliteite en instrukteurs.
follow these, no-one would leave on Sunday                                                              the hang of it. We learned a lot on the first     met die paal en die tou om die paal. Dan al          Johan en Mark weet hoe om hul fietse te
broken or seriously injured.                      Thank you to the Club for subsidising the             day, correct positioning of hands, feet, elbows
                                                  course fees. Thank you to ADA for their               and body position as well as how to shift our
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember.        fantastic facilities, hospitality and quality         body weight in turns. The day was long and

                                                                                                                                                          ECO SKILLS TRAINING
I do and I understand – this is the               instructors.                                          extremely hot, we enjoyed the rest periods
Chinese proverb that Judy practised when                                            - Hanlie du Preez   in-between to get much needed fluids.
meticulously taking us through various
exercises. Exercises included basic balancing,    Yes, we’ve done it!! This was the overall             After the first day, we relaxed and sat around
mounting and dismounting your steed from          feeling after the last course exercise. But let       the camp fire. Later the evening we had
the right-hand side (which nearly caused the      me start from the beginning. On Saturday              a technical discussion on how to pack             On 14 September I attended the ECO Skills            during the day included circles, cones, and
dreadful domino effect), slow riding elements,    Morning (and Friday for some) we made our             your bike for a long ride, this included the      Training offered at the Bloemendal Adventure         figure-eights as well as an exercise of tight
riding between poles, etc. As the day             way to the ADA Off-road Training centre near          essentials, gas stoves, food etc…                 Park. This date clashed with the DP1 & 2             turns with direction control and balance
progressed, we realised that each and every       Hartebeespoort Dam, fully packed with a tent,                                                           courses that many of our club members                followed by garage manoeuvres. Then humps,
exercise was a stepping stone to something        sleeping bag etc… ready for an adventure.             It also needs to be mentioned the great food      were attending at ADA, so our club members’          log jumping, sand riding, riding between
much more challenging, yet exciting. And                                                                we had the whole weekend, we ate amazing          attendance was not very good. There were             poles and in an S shaped rut. We also did
so it came – split the group in two teams         We signed in for our respective courses,              Boerewors Rolls (with the best boerewors          10 people that attended the course with skill        uphill recovery and downhill control.
with an identical course which included the       enjoyed a coffee and rusk and were directed           in the world), the evening we had Skaap           levels that varied from no formal training to
morning’s exercises. After demonstrating what     to our respective starting points. The two            Tjops, Chicken and Malva Pudding, Ice cream       people that have completed the BMW level 2           By the end of all that we were pretty
we must do, it was time for the challenge. It     groups were split between DP1 and DP2,                and Custard!! Plus we had ADA’s infamous          and ADA’s DP2 courses. The differences in skill      exhausted and were starting to make stupid
sounded fairly straight forward… until Judy       where the day course riders for the time              chicken burgers the next day. This was truly      levels were handled by splitting the group           mistakes so stopped exercises and went for
said “it’s a race”. Well without giving too       being also fell in to the DP1 group. We made          fine dining, and some weren’t ashamed to a        in two, one group taken by Stephan Heyl,             a really nice outride around the farm. We did
much away, let’s just say medical attention       our way to a seat under the Lapa, while DP2           second (or even third) helping!                   assisted by Tertius and the more advanced            not do the kilometre long sand ride or the
was required during the lunch break. Fun,         guys were already on their bikes and riding                                                             group was taken by Luhan Heyl, assisted by           sand quarry. But maybe another time when
indeed!                                           out to the course.                                    The start of the second day was straight onto     Eddie.                                               I’m feeling stronger I will give them a try.
                                                                                                        our bikes and picking up where we left off the
The rest of our course included more              Judy from ADA led the discussion introducing          previous day. We continued to build on what       The training content was adapted to the skill        I have now attended training courses at
“advanced” elements, only to mention a few,       her and the two other instructors. Each               we learned and theory was often followed by       and fitness levels of the attendees with some        ADA, Sabie Valley Riding Academy and
from bike recovery on an uphill, riding on        person had to introduce themselves                    practical implementation. The overall feeling     noticeable exclusions, such as the seesaw            Bloemendal. This has given me access to
slopes, sand riding and culminating on the        and specify what it is that you are here              between us DP1 rides was that of excitement,      and mud pit. There were no complaints from           many different trainers, each with some
ride up Snake Hill. That was more challenging     to accomplish. We all had a good laugh                ready to learn the next thing and eager to        the students about these exclusions.                 valuable advice that I have been able to take
than we thought, really pushing each and          at some of the comments. After all the                implement it on the bikes.                                                                             away with me. These training courses have
every rider in different ways.                    discussions we jumped on our bikes and                                                                  We started with the normal loosening up              taken me from an off-road idiot in January to
                                                  started with the basics again, however                Judy our instructor was amazing and made          exercises riding in a circle, followed by some       now having the skill and confidence to ride
                                                                                                                                                          slow riding. Other exercises undertaken              Bezuidenhouts Pass.
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