Page created by Gregory Lawson
                                                     DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT                        TO H E LP PE TS

                                                        PROFILE ON JONATHAN MOORE                CE O CO N N E CT W ITH GRE G CEL ESTA N,
                                                       PRESIDENT OF INVISION ADVISORS                  CE O O F CE LE STAR C ORP.



J U N E 2 0 2 1 | T B B W M A G . C O M | $ 7. 9 5

                                                                                                 KRIS DEHNERT &
                                                                                             RANDALL THOMPSON

                                                                                                                                JUNE 2021

JUNE 2021
JUNE 2021


                                                            COVER STORY

                                                            Thompson &
                                                            Kris Dehnert
                                                            12   One Liners
                                                            30   Sports: USF Athletics
                                                            32   Q&A with Jared Moskowitz
                                                            38   Real Estate Profile:
                                                                 Jonathan Moore
                                                            42   Philanthropy
                                                            44   Great Places and Spaces
                                                            45   Mansions on the Market
                                                            48   20 Questions
                                                            50   The Privileged Palate
                                                            52   The Good Life
                                                            55   On the Scene
                                                            64   The Experts

                          ON THE COVER                      From TBBW
                                                            6 Letter from the
                          Dugout Mugs
                          founder, Randall                       Managing Editor
                          Thompson, and                     56   CEO Connect with
                          Kris Dehnert, CEO,
                          at George M.                           Greg Celestan
                          Steinbrenner Field.               60   Wrestling with Wealth

              JUNE 2021

                       LET’S GET                                                   Back toBusiness!

                       C ont a c t U s : ( 9 5 4 ) 3 7 7 - 0 9 4 3 | M a r ke t i n g @ R iver s i d e H o t e l . c o m


                                  The Best Summer Ever
                          h, to be in Florida in the summer. Warm sun, cool          game. Just go live and go wild! Wear sunscreen and
                          water, boat days and sipping frozen drinks by the          stay hydrated, but, seriously, go out and play—the
                          pool. What’s not to love?                                  governor said so.
                             I mean, aside from the muggy hot air and                   That’s it. Go have fun. Not a bad assignment, eh?
                          mosquitos. But, again, pools.                                 I know we are all sick of talking about it, and
                             Now last summer, we all probably spent more time        hearing about it, and Lord knows we’re tired of
                          than we ever wanted to at our homes, in our pools or       worrying about it, but the pandemic meant the large
                          in our backyards. But this year look out, Tampa Bay,       majority of us worked ourselves to the bone. If I have
                          because we are leaving the house. Seriously, I don’t       to do one more Zoom conference … just saying.
                          want to be there anymore.                                     The average workday grew longer. People weren’t
                             I gave Bridgette Bello, CEO and publisher, a break      taking breaks. We weren’t socializing. We had to
                          on this page this month because I have an assignment       remind each other to eat. People stopped using PTO
                          for you.                                                   days and taking vacations because—what was the
                             As managing editor, it is my job to find story ideas,   point? We can work anywhere and everywhere now.
   6                                                                                    All of that leads to burnout and a lack of
                          write content and manage the flow of the magazine
                          each month. There are a few other, minor, tasks            productivity. All work and no play … you know the

                          I also contribute to the TBBW team, but the print          rest of the story.
                          magazine, email newsletter and website are really             The only thing I ask of you is the next time I see
                          my top priorities.                                         you; I want to hear all about it. I want you to share
                             I often get asked how I find stories. It’s a            with me what you did “last summer” … which was
                          combination of me stumbling over things I think            basically the entire year of 2020.
                          are interesting, people reaching out and directing            You never know, I might even get a
                          my attention to something and Bridgette asking me,         story idea out of it. People make
                          “Why haven’t we covered this yet?” a lot. She’s so         great stories, and people
                          connected to the community and finds some of the           like to read about people.
                          best story ideas by chatting with you, our readers—        And if people aren’t
                          and the leaders of Tampa Bay.                              experiencing anything
                             With that being said, sometimes I just have some        what is there, really, to
                          off-the-wall ideas. Shocking, I know.                      write about?
                             Nine times out of 10, when I bring one of these            So go out and play
                          ideas to Bridgette and Jason Baker, vice president,        for a bit. It’s good for
                          associate publisher and partner at TBBW, they tell         you.
                          me to go forth and be crazy, and I love them for it.          Really.
                          My job is fun. What can I say?
                             This brings me back to your assignment for the            Stay cool this
                          summer.                                                    summer,
                             Remember the first day back to school in the              Jo-Lynn Brown
                          fall, when the teacher didn’t really know what to do         Managing Editor
                          with us and we would have to stand up and give an
                          awkward spiel about ourselves and our summer?
                          You’d go over, in your head, what you wanted to
                          say but sometimes nonsense would roll out of your
                          mouth instead when you spoke? Just me? Cool.
                             I’m not making you do that. You’re welcome.
                             But I do want you to complete the assignment
                          below before I see you again in the fall.
                             Go out. Have fun. Travel again. Visit the beach.
                          Charter a boat. Go kayaking. Attend a baseball

              JUNE 2021
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                                                 The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Tampa are not owned, developed or sold by The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C.
                                               Tampa Bay Oaks Condo, LLC uses The Ritz-Carlton marks under license from The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C.

       LESSEE. This Condominium is developed by TAMPA BAY OAKS CONDO, LLC ("Developer") and this offering is made only by the Developer’s Prospectus for the Condominium. This offering is not directed to any resident of a jurisdiction in which this offering is prohibited by law. Developer, pursuant to license or marketing agreements
with each, has a right to use the trade names, marks, and logos of: The Related Group and of Marriott International, Inc., both of which are Licensors only and neither of which is the Developer. Consult the Prospectus for all terms, conditions, and unit specifications and to learn what is included with purchase. This condominium is not
oceanfront; the sight line of the tower depicted is conceptual and situated with frontage along Bayshore Boulevard in Tampa. This ad is summary in nature generally depicting The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Tampa and Developer’s contemplated features and amenities, all of which is subject to change or modification by Developer. The
Ritz-Carlton® is the registered trademark of Marriott International, Inc. 2021© Tampa Bay Oaks, Condo, LLC with all rights reserved. The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Tampa are not owned, developed or sold by The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. or its affiliates (“Ritz-Carlton”). Tampa Bay Oaks Condo, LLC uses The Ritz-Carlton marks
under a license from Marriott International, Inc. which has not confirmed the accuracy of any of the statements or representations made herein.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                JUNE 2021
CEO AND PUBLISHER           Bridgette Bello

                                        VICE-PRESIDENT/ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER                 Jason Baker

                                                MANAGING EDITOR          Jo-Lynn Brown
                                                                                     COPY EDITOR       Jason Davis

                                                                               CREATIVE DIRECTOR           Melanie Smit

                              ART DIRECTORS        Alexander Hernandez, Frank Papandrea, Evelyn Suarez

                                                     Amy Hammond, Tom Layberger, Drew Limsky,

                                   Kim Linton, Debbie Lundberg, Jim Marshall, Michael Mikuliza

                                                    Ryan Gautier, Michael McCoy, Michael Mikuliza

                                               OPERATIONS DIRECTOR            Monica St. Omer                     

                                             MARKETING COORDINATOR               Stephanie Muniz

                                                             CHAIRMAN       Gary Press

                                                                                 TBBW Magazine
                                               327 11TH AVENUE N, SUITE 100, ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33701 | 727-860-TBBW | WWW.TBBWMAG.COM

                                                             Manage Your TBBW Subscription
                                  Is TBBW arriving in your office with an outdated subscription label? Contact Monica St. Omer at to give us updated information,

                                such as a new executive or someone no longer with your organization. Visit to see our digital content and sign up for our weekly newsletter

                          ©2018 TBBW magazine is published by Lifestyle Media Group, all rights reserved. TBBW is a monthly advertising magazine. All contents are protected by copyright and

                            may not be reproduced without written consent from the publisher. The advertiser is solely responsible for ad content and holds publisher harmless from any error.

              JUNE 2021
JUNE 2021


                      SUSAN MAURER
                      TAMPA BAY MARKET PRESIDENT
 10                   AXIOM BANK

                      WHAT COMES NEXT, TAMPA BAY?

                           A year ago, phones in Axiom Bank’s commercial lending department started                •     Make sure you have a sustainable emergency plan to continue the
                      ringing off the hook – and they haven’t stopped. On the other end are business                     business. So many businesses had to scramble last year because they
                      owners, and entrepreneurs, hoping to talk to someone – anyone - who can help                       were caught off guard and had not put together a true, well-rounded,
                      them with pandemic-induced concerns, and challenges, and provide information                       emergency plan.
                      about government relief programs. We also saw several new clients looking                    •     Build your business cash reserves up so that you have anywhere from
                      to grow their businesses, or portfolios, and wanting assistance from a well-                       6 to 9 months of cash reserves. And leave it alone, until an emergency
                      seasoned team that was still doing new business.                                                   happens.
                           Axiom Bank worked around the clock to help those that needed it and to                  •     Ensure optimal efficiencies by reviewing each of your departments,
                      provide immediate answers. Besides just helping with the PPP relief program,                       no less than once a year.
                      which was over $70 million in financial aid, we helped many businesses get                   •     Lastly, investigate whether business interruption insurance is
                      back on their feet with a quick response and quick relief. We also saw new                         something that can assist you in an emergency.
                      relationships grow with the bank and build up the Tampa Bay economy.
                           Now, with widespread vaccinations, easing economic conditions and rising                The Tampa Bay area is seeing a surge of tourist bookings for the spring
                      consumer confidence there still won’t be a quick fix that will take us all back to        and summer months. Many local hotels, and rental car companies, are already
                      pre-pandemic levels, but the Tampa Bay market is one of the number one areas              reporting that their months ahead are sold out.
                      of growth in the United States.                                                              Houses are flying off the market in less than 24-hours of listing. Our
                           As it grows, attracting new talent, better infrastructure and fertile soil for new   downtown, on both sides of the Bay, is booming and vibrant and full of cranes,
                      enterprise, there will be ample opportunities for businesses to recover.                  building. Economic development in our region abounds.
                           Even though the uncertainty of the pandemic left people unsettled, for the              So “What comes Next, Tampa Bay?” The new normal is right around the
                      most part of 2020, only a small amount of the businesses qualified for the PPP            corner. Hugs can be more than a virtual gif sent through a text, people can once
                      2.0. This means that the businesses not only survived but didn’t lose 25%,                again have the one-on-one conversations that we all crave and the business
                      or greater, in their gross revenues in 2020 compared to 2019. We also saw                 world is getting back to full steam.
                      residential properties in the Tampa Bay area market increase in value.                       And when that happens Axiom Bank is here for you.
                           Yes, there were several empty storefronts, but in some cases, this was due
                      to businesses looking hard at their expenses and where they could cut the                    Susan Maurer is the Tampa Bay Market President for Axiom Bank. At Axiom,
                      extra “fat.” Bringing business in house, when so many people have turned to               we pride ourselves in our concierge service levels; we bring banking to you.
                      the internet for shopping, just made more sense in a lot of cases. The gloom              From cutting edge deposit and mobile products to a commercial suite of lending
                      and doom that was portrayed by the media doesn’t necessarily depict what it               services designed for businesses of all sizes and in all stages of company life
                      is like in the Tampa Bay area. While we start to return to this new normal, here          cycles, Axiom is all about maximizing your potential. By providing high-touch
                      are some things you can do, as a business owner, to prepare for the next time             value and convenience to our consumer and business clients alike, we live up
                      the unexpected occurs:                                                                    to our tagline: We Make Life Easier.

              JUNE 2021


Find out how Axiom Bank
can make your life easier
                            Toll Free 1-800-584-0015

                                               JUNE 2021
oneliners                                              PINELLAS

                                                                                      ► Climate First Bank, a community lender
                                                                                      being formed in St. Petersburg, named           ► DocuPhase, a Clearwater-based
                                                                                      Michele Glorie as chief financial officer       company, acquired Clearwater Payments,
                                                                                      and chief operating officer, and Valarie        an electronic billing and payment company
                                                                                      Nussbaum-Harris was named executive vice        based in Dallas.
                                                                                      president of the bank’s Tampa Bay region
                                                                                      and a government-guaranteed lending             ► Lingr, a new restaurant from local chef
                                                                                      executive.                                      and former Top Chef contestant Jeffrey Jew,
                                                                                                                                      was expected to open in May at 400 Sixth St.
                                                                                      ► Mainsail Lodging & Development named          S., St. Petersburg.
                                                                                      Michael “Mickey” Melendez to be the
                                                                                      general manager of the Fenway Hotel in          ► The Florida Department of
                                                                                      Dunedin.                                        Transportation named Forward Pinellas the
                                                                                                                                      2020 Planning Organization of the Year.
                                                                                      ► CodeBoxx, a web, app and software-
                                       ► AmeriLife Group, an insurance                developer training company, moved its
                                       company in Clearwater, promoted Kelly          headquarters from San Francisco to 136
                                       Atkinson to senior vice president for brand    Fourth St. N., St. Petersburg.
                                       management and creative services.
                                                                                      ► Eckerd Connects, a St. Petersburg-based
                                     ► PostcardMania, a marketing company             nonprofit organization, named Oliver Bell,
 12                                  in Clearwater, was honored as a winner of        founder and CEO of Oliver Bell; Amelia
                                     Energage’s first national Top Workplaces         Wright Brewer, executive director at

                                     Woman-Led Culture Excellence Award.              JPMorgan Chase; and Holly Kortright,
                                                                                      executive vice president and chief human
                                     ► Stoneweg US, a real estate investment          resources officer for Navy Federal Credit
                                     firm in St. Petersburg, announced its official   Union; to its board of directors.
                                     partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation,
                                     a nonprofit organization dedicated to planting   ► First Citrus Bank is planning to open at
                                     trees across the country and around the world.   300 First Ave. S., St. Petersburg.

                                     ► The construction of Aravilla Clearwater,       ► The Breakthrough, a black women-owned
                                     a partnership between Autumn Senior              business that offers business coaching,
                                     Living, Cleveland Construction and Small         training and coworking space, opened at
                                     Brothers, received a certificate of occupancy    12360 66th St. N., Largo.                         ► Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital,
                                     for the assisted living for Memory Care                                                            in St. Petersburg, welcomed Brea, a
                                     Community.                                       ► TeBella Tea Co. plans to open at 1445           2-year-old yellow Labrador Retriever and
                                                                                      Central Ave., St. Petersburg.                     the hospital’s first facility dog.

               ► Nicole Peterson, vice president and mortgage loan officer with BB&T, now Truist, joined the Valor Capital team as a preferred lender for Serena by the Sea, a
               condominium development in Clearwater.

              JUNE 2021
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                                                                       JUNE 2021
oneliners                                               HILLSBOROUGH

                                                                                                               the more than 2,400 youth
                                                                                                               mentoring relationships across
                                                                                                               the Tampa Bay community.

                                                                                                               ► JoAnn Aubry and Chris Smith
                                                                                                               opened Fasthire Staffing at            ► Hillsborough County
                                                                                                               6704 E. Fowler Ave., Temple            commissioners Les Miller Jr.
                                                                                                               Terrace.                               and Sandy Murman will be
                                                                                                                                                      joining Shumaker Advisors
                                                                                                               ► Skidata, a parking access            Florida.
                                                                                                               and revenue management
                                                                                                               company, was selected to create
                                                                                                               “frictionless” parking suites for    development at 3473 Aegean Sea
                                                                                                               three parking garages owned by       Way, Building 3409, Seffner.
                                                                                                               Strategic Property Partners in
 14                                                                                                                                                 ► The U.S. government awarded
                                                                                                               Water Street Tampa.
                                                                                                                                                    Entropy Technology Design,

                                                                                                               ► Fit Bowl Co. Superfood Bar         a Tampa woman-owned small
                                                                                                               opened at Sparkman Wharf, in         business, a contract to further
                                                                                                               Tampa.                               research, and develop, their
                                                                                                                                                    technology for the detection,
                                                                                                               ► Blue Sky Communities and           identification, tracking and
                                                                                                               Metropolitan Ministries celebrated   non-lethal disablement of small
                                                                                                               the grand opening of SabalPlace,     unmanned serial systems for the
                                                                                                               a 112-unit affordable housing        Defense Department.

                ► Engel & Völkers Florida expanded in the region with Engel & Völkers South Tampa, with
                Cherie Pattishall and Michael Wyckoff acquiring the territory and leading the new brokerage
                as license partners.

                                     ► The Port Tampa Bay board           ► BRP Group, a Tampa-based
                                     of commissioners approved            insurance distribution and
                                     an agreement with Celadon            related services firm, named
                                     Development Corp. to lease           David Smith president and
                                     37 acres for the construction        executive operating officer of its
                                     and operation of a paper fiber       guided solutions division.
                                     manufacturing plant.
                                                                          ► Terrence Wright joined
                                     ► The University of South            Moffitt Cancer Center as
                                     Florida announced a $1.4             vice president of facilities and
                                     million gift from Helios             support services.
                                     Education Foundation to
                                     benefit the Florida College          ► Big Brothers Big Sisters of
                                     Access Network, a statewide          Tampa Bay and Aussie Grill,
                                     organization hosted at USF with      a fast-casual food concept,
                                     a mission that supports student      announced a multiyear                  ► Bank OZK (Nasdaq: OZK) launched its professional practice
                                     success.                             partnership that will support          group with Tampa Bay attorney Diane Morton serving as executive
                                                                                                                 vice president.

              JUNE 2021
► Katz Acquisition Corp., a
         Tampa-based bank holding
         company, acquired Camp Grove
         Bancorp, the parent company
         of Camp Grove State Bank in
         Camp Grove, Illinois.

         ► DataLink Software, in Tampa,
         named Todd DeWeese as a
         senior vice president of provider

         ► Memorial Hospital of Tampa,
         an HCA West Florida facility,
         appointed Chris Conn its new          ► Vernon Ellinger was honored at a Tampa Bay Lightning game as the latest Lightning Community Hero.
         chief financial officer.                                                                                                                                   15
                                             ► Santosh Mohan joined Moffitt

         ► Tampa property owner, and         Cancer Center as the new vice
         operator, Milhaus, named Dave       president of digital.
         Brackett as senior vice president
         of property operations.             ► Terrence Cook was promoted
                                             to regional vice president for
         ► TLR Group, a Tampa real           Coldwell Banker Realty’s west
         estate investment company,          central region.
         purchased the GTE Tower at
         601 N., Ashley Drive, Tampa, for    ► Coca-Cola Beverages, in
         $20.055 million.                    Tampa, promoted Thomas
                                             Benford to president and chief
                                             operating officer.

                                             ► Tanner Bailey joined the
                                             Skyway Capital Markets
                                             managing broker dealer
                                             Sslutions team, in Tampa, as
                                             regional vice president for
                                             the Southeast markets with
                                             a primary focus on leading
                                             the growth of distribution for
                                             Skyway’s Registered Investment
                                             Advisors practice.

                                             ► Lissette Gonzalez was
                                             named senior vice president
                                             at Bloomin’ Brands and will
                                             oversee the company’s global
                                             supply chain.
► Senior architectural designer David                                              ► Fifth Third Bank promoted Tampa-based Esther Marshall to community
Behrens returned to API(plus), an                                                  development and social responsibility market manager for the southeast United
architecture firm in Tampa.                                                        States.

                                                                                                                                                     JUNE 2021
oneliners                                            S A R A S OTA

               ► The Fountains at Lake Pointe Woods, an independent and assisted living community in Sarasota, completed a nearly $150,000 renovation of its independent living
                        ► Construction on the               ► Firmo Construction, based         at Cortez, a 92-unit apartment

                        Metropolitan, a 200-unit            in Sarasota, completed the          complex in central Bradenton,
                        apartment community on the site     ground-up construction of the       for $12.05 million.
                        of the former Manatee Inns, in      three-story Tru by Hilton by
                        Bradenton, by developer Pearl       Interstate 75 and State Road 70     ► The Forestar Group started
                        Homes, is expected to begin in      in Bradenton.                       construction of Star Farms, at
                        the second half of 2021.                                                Lakewood Ranch, a 700-acre
                                                            ► Earth’s Ally, a Sarasota-based    gated neighborhood.
                        ► Southwest Airlines added          company that sells a natural line
                        nonstop services between            of organic gardening products,      ► New College of Florida
                        Sarasota Bradenton                  began a retail partnership with     named Patricia Okker, a dean at
                        International Airport and Dallas    Lowe’s.                             the University of Missouri since
                        Love Field Airport and Gerald                                           2017, as its president-elect.
                        R. Ford International Airport, in   ► Pedcor Cos., based in Carmel,                                          ► Children First named Andrea Johnson,
                        Grand Rapids, Michigan.             Indiana, acquired The Palms         ► The Community Foundation           vice president, IT architect for JPMorgan
                                                                                                of Sarasota County named             Chase, to its board of directors through a
                                                                                                Ranata Reeder as vice president      new partnership with BoardLead Tampa
                                                                                                of knowledge and equity.             Bay.

               ► Jewish Family and Children’s Service of the Suncoast appointed Christa           ► Architecture firm CMSA Scholz, Oswald & Shaffer moved to its new
               Mannarino as chief development officer.                                            corporate headquarters at 2724 Fruitville Road, Suite 102, Sarasota.

              JUNE 2021

oneliners                                          POLK

                ► Ohio-based coworking company CoHatch is opening at 211 E. Main St. in downtown Lakeland.

                                                                                              ► Polk County Fire Rescue is       ► Florida Polytechnic

                                                                                              building four new fire stations    University will offer the
                                                                                              this year, with the recent         state’s first bachelor’s degree
                                                                                              approval of four more by the end   in cybersecurity engineering
                                                                                              of 2022.                           beginning in the fall 2021
                                                                                                                                 semester. The degree was
                                                                                              ► Trez Capital, a private real     recently approved by the State
                                                                                              estate lender, funded a $5.55      University System’s Board of
                                                                                              million development loan for a     Governors.
                                                                                              new residential community in
                                                                                              Eagle Lake, a town located off
                                                                                              U.S. Highway 17 near Lakeland.
                ► Cushman & Wakefield arranged the sale of a 710,962-square-foot
                distribution center located at 8100 State Road 33, in Lakeland.               ► Watson Clinic added
                                                                                              Michnitza Brutus as a nurse
                                                           ► Brightway, the Charlene          practitioner at 1600 Lakeland
                                                           Rodriguez Agency, an insurance     Hills Blvd. in Lakeland.
                                                           firm, moved to 231 N. Kentucky
                                                           Ave., Suite 216, Lakeland.         ► The Lakeland Chamber of
                                                                                              Commerce named Shannon
                                                           ► Citrus Connection, a public      Powers director of events and
                                                           transit provider in Polk County,   programs.
                                                           is partnering with FlixBus USA
                                                           to expand bus travel between       ► Blackton, a Central Florida
                                                           Lakeland and points south in       supplier of wholesale materials
                                                           Florida.                           and supplies to the home
                                                                                              building industry, was awarded
               ► Dean Saunders, founder, managing          ► After a brief closure, the       a contract from D.R. Horton
               director and senior adviser of SVN/         military gallery at the Polk       to provide flooring for 112
               Saunders Ralston Dantzler in Lakeland,      County History Center              townhomes including models         ► The Lakeland Chamber of Commerce
               received the Realtors Land Institute’s      reopened with a new look and       planned at Atria at Ridgewood      named Emily Mort as director of
               Apex 2020 top national producer honor.      new displays.                      Lakes in Davenport.                marketing and communications.

              JUNE 2021
                               En                                         FOOD SO
                               Scene                                     EXOTICALLY
SETTING THE STAGE FOR BUSINESS                                        FEEL LIKE YOU’RE
Hospitality is a part of every business, and I love the business of
hospitality. Here are questions and answers from over 34 years...
and an occasional good story.
                                                                        ON VACATION.
                       –Maryann Ferenc of Mise en Place Hospitality
                                                                      TRAVEL WITH US.
We could all use a little easy this summer so here are some
frequently asked questions and answers about making
entertaining easy this summer.

Q: What’s your favorite wine for summer?
A: Cold wine. Seriously - I’m not a cold beverage person
but during the summer I want my wine to be super chilled.
Summer whites should be crisp and racy. Albariño, Vinho
Verde and Sancerre are great examples. Rosés from Spain or
the south of France are ideal for summer. Red should not be
complicated or heavy. Chilled Beaujolais is a favorite. There
are lots of reds from Portugal that are perfect in summer.

Q: How do you plan a summer menu for a gathering?
A: As with any time of year, you think about the purpose of
the gathering first. Is food the main dish of the gathering or
is there a program or an agenda that needs to be addressed?
Fresh and healthy food is always going to play better in the
summer because it appeals not only to our eyes but to our
bodies. That’s what our metabolism is seeking. I think the
best summer menu is three or four colorful, light starters or
side dishes and one main item that satiates the appetite.
Plus a sweet icy finish!

Q: Give us one essential piece of advice for
summer entertaining.
A: Have a rain plan! Summer weather in Florida does not
have to ruin your party if you have a back up plan. Let
go of the stress that it won’t be the same party and make a           WHAT CAN MISE EN PLACE DO FOR YOU?
solid plan. Some of the best parties we’ve thrown were
Plan B. Like watching the pouring rain from a garage that                442 W. Kennedy Boulevard Tampa
was decked out like a garden.                                             813-254-5373 |

                      BILL HEINZ
                      VICE PRESIDENT AND CO-OWNER,

                      TO SMART OR NOT TO SMART IS THE QUESTION IN 2021?
20                        Is it a realistic for consumers, be they business or residential, to expect that    Area. With a “Smart Park” type solution, customers/subscribers get access to
                      quality reliable Internet be available like other utilities? Is it time we considered   high speed, reliable, quality internet, without having to wait months for fiber

                      the Internet as a utility just like power and water?                                    build outs, if they are approved and can be funded.
                          These are the questions that service providers, developers and management               There is an alternative. By utilizing an Enterprise-Level solution consisting
                      companies are asking themselves these days as quality internet access is an             of access to existing buried underground fiber pathways and wireless
                      absolute necessity for virtually everyone today; be it at home or at work.              mmWave technology, PBX-Change has been able to provide quality, reliable
                          A SMART PARK could be business complex, condominium, hotel or                       and affordable Internet access, both in the “retro fit” model and in new
                      residential area with ubiquitous WiFi for all common areas, where businesses/           developments.
                      residents could activate their individual Internet over the phone at the start of           PBX-Change’s July 2020 roll out to Tempo at Encore!, Tampa Housing
                      a tenancy because the locations were constructed with pre-wiring for internet           Authority’s development in downtown Tampa, is a perfect example of what
                      access ports. With a Smart Park type solution, customers, and subscribers, get          can be done in a short period of time by a locally owned and operated provider
                      access to high speed, reliable, quality internet, without having to wait months         that is willing to think outside the box This single philanthropic idea and action
                      for fiber build outs, if they are approved and can be funded.                           has created an entirely new line of business opportunities. For more on this,
                          For new buildings, it would seem obvious to take advantage of improved              please see
                      technology and provide the best solution for your tenants or customers,                 the-right-chord/ .
                      instead of the handshake deals that benefit developers and “mega service                    Utilizing a 5Gbps feed to the property via mmWave gear from Siklu - ultra-
                      providers.”With a bulk agreement, even older buildings can be retrofitted into          fast, reliable and installed at the mixed-use apartment complex in just a couple
                      a “Smart Park” type environment, resulting in a far lower per user cost, than           weeks - PBX-Change was able to provide service to 203 units, and common
                      what the subscribers are typically paying per month.                                    areas. The service has been active for almost 12 months and is easily meeting
                          The Senate passed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan COVID-19 aid               five nines, 99.999% up time standards.
                      bill on March 6, which will allot another $17 billion for broadband investment.             In the fast-moving, technology aware Tampa Bay marketplace, both
                      This is the largest, single federal investment in broadband infrastructure and          subscribers and service providers are beginning to look beyond what was
                      affordability to date.                                                                  previously deemed as the “acceptable reliability, quality and deployment time
                          As part of this bill, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will              line.” Instead, they expect that Internet access be treated as a utility that is
                      set up an E-rate Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF), which will go towards               readily and seamlessly available, in any location of their choice.
                      paying the total cost of equipment, including computers, Wi-Fi hotspots,                    Schools, business parks, condominium complexes, mobile home parks,
                      modems, routers, and connected devices and communications services                      HOA environments are all ideal candidates for this type of ‘Smart Park’
                      deployed at eligible schools and libraries, for both in-building and remote use.        deployment. The key is a bulk subscriber agreement. With enough momentum
                          In the greater Tampa Bay Area we are seeing some “Smart Park” type                  (and local users), PBX-Change can install a rock solid network, at an extremely
                      office buildings, and housing developments, but they are still far from                 affordable cost per user, which allows developers, property managers and
                      the norm. What options do local developers or property managers have?                   business owners the opportunity to offer quality, reliable Internet access as a
                      Traditionally they would have turned to one of the “mega service providers”             utility to their end users.
                      that have deep pockets and access to Federal, State or local county funding,                Bill Heinz has spent 20 years in the telecommunications industry. Bill is
                      but those wheels turn very slowly. Nor does this approach gel with the rapid            Vice President, and co-owner, of PBX-Change and has been with the company
                      increase in entrepreneurial, high-tech growth we are seeing in the Tampa Bay            since 1999. Reach Bill:

              JUNE 2021
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   THA realized that having          SOLUTION:
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   internet was costly, and didn’t   wired and wireless, to 203 residential units, the pool and all common areas.
   provide WiFi in any common        The property is fed with excess capacity, future-proofing the solution for
   areas. A planned solution         years to come.
   would provide faster access
   and bemore reliable.              OUTCOME:
                                     “Encore Tampa has always strived to be a community where people are
   Leroy Moore, Sr. VP and COO       connected to one another, equipped with convenient access to jobs and
   of THA, realized early on that    opportunities, and able to live more affordable and sustainably. We achieve
   the need for these residents      those goals best by creating win-win partnerships such as what we have
   to have ubiquitous access to      with PBX-Change. This relationship has brought high speed connectivity to
   high quality internet was a       203 families at Tempo at Encore and we hope to extend this partnership in
   top priority. With Tampa Bay      the coming year”
   Fiber’s SMART PARK Solution,
                                     The Tampa Housing Authority (THA) provides 3,026 housing units to
   Home Schooling and working
                                     residents from all walks of life, including the elderly, disabled, and
   from home is easy.
                                     families with children.

                                                                  (813) 734-8994
                  Business Voice & Internet Solutions   
                                                                                                                    JUNE 2021

              JUNE 2021


                                        B Y J O - LY N N B R O W N
                                PHOTOS BY MICHAEL MCCOY
                                                      JUNE 2021
andall Thompson owes a lot of his major life             and pleaded with me. He brought out a a yellow legal
                          moments to a baseball field.                                 pad of notes, sat me at the dinner table and gave me all
                             Born and raised in Orlando, Thompson grew up             the reasons why he thought that I should go and take
                          near a field, an intentional decision on his father’s        at least one semester of playing college baseball.”
                          part. He wanted his son to play ball.                          Thompson finally relented and called the coach
                             Once he stepped onto the field, he realized that it       to accept the offer. “I’ve never seen my dad so
                          was where he would spend his free time up until, and        emotional,” he says.
                          into, his adult years.                                         It was for the best.
                             Thompson, president and founder of Dugout Mugs              “I’m better in simpler, and smaller, environments.
                          and the mastermind behind the wildly successful             When I got to this smaller college and I got to be a
                          product of the same name, came up with the idea             part of this team, I felt much more at home,” he says.
                          while coaching at Florida Institute of Technology.             By the time Thompson was a sophomore in college,
                             His career as a professional baseball player had run     he started getting attention from scouts. As a junior, it
                          its course and he saw a baseball bat cut in half.           was expected for him to be a higher draft pick. But the
                             The rest, is Dugout Mugs history.                        pressure got to him and he, admittedly, didn’t handle
                             The company made about $60,000 in its first six           it well.
                          months. After Thompson brought Kris Dehnert on                 “My draft stock plummeted,” he says.
                          board in 2017 as chief executive officer and partial            He went undrafted his junior year. Two weeks after
24                                                                                    the senior draft, in which Thompson was not picked
                          owner, revenue skyrocketed. The company made $1.1
                          million that year and $2.2 million the next year, this      up again, he received a phone call from the Toronto

                          year it has the goal of $22 million, but Dehnert is         Blue Jays where he played for 1 1/2 seasons.
                          confident it will hit the $25 million mark.                     He laughs when asked what led to him being
                             Now with a new line of “aluminum” mugs, the              released. He admits, ultimately, he thought he just
                          company is ready for another home run.                      wasn’t that good. But he also recalls an, rather
                                                                                      hilarious, incident on a bus and a rap song he wrote
                          A BASEBALL DIAMOND                                          and delivered.
                             Thompson grew up on a baseball field.                        “I can speculate and say that my freestyle rap
                             “We moved into a new home when I was about               got me released. But ultimately, I just wasn’t good
                          four years old. And the story goes that the house was       enough,” Thompson admits.
                          picked because it was right around the corner from a           In 2012, after his release from the Blue Jays, he
                          baseball field,” Thompson says. “That was the field           held a few jobs but ended up coaching in 2014 at his
                          that I ended up growing up and playing baseball on.         alma mater, the Florida Institute of Technology.
                             His parents divorced at an early age and Thompson           “The hitting coach was cutting baseball bats in half
                          says he and his sister were raised by a single dad.         in the dugout, creating his own training tool, and I
                             His dad later remarried.                                 saw loose barrels in the dugout. I thought to myself,
                             “His story is that when they would do a draft for        I could probably turn that into a pretty cool drinking
                          Little League, he would always draft kids whose             mug,” he says.
                          parent checked “single” and was a mom. He would                In 2015, he brought the vision to life.
                          prospect the single moms. I think that’s where I got
                          a little bit of my genius from,” Thompson says and          A PARTICULAR SET OF SKILLS
                          laughs. “They’ve been together for 20 years. They got          Dehnert, born in Winter Haven and raised in
                          married on the baseball field in which they met.”            Central Florida, has been a hustler since elementary
                             Thompson went on to play baseball in Little League       school he says.
                          and then high school. He ended up playing ball at the          “I would drive down to AT&T and get the old wire,
                          Florida Institute of Technology, in Melbourne, after        go home and strip it, and take out all the color while
                          graduation.                                                 rolling it up to sell to girls for $1 a piece to make
                             It was a decision that he and his father had different   bracelets,” he says. “I would talk my mom into letting
                          ideas about.                                                me go with her to Sam’s Club so I could get bulk
                             “I fought my dad over that. I wanted to quit             pencils and then go sell them for a quarter apiece at
                          baseball. I didn’t want to go play at Florida Tech. I       school. I would buy candy in bulk and sell it for 50
                          wanted to go to a big college and have a big college        cents a piece.”
                          experience,” Thompson recalls. “He pleaded with me             While earning high academic marks, Dehnert did

              JUNE 2021

not quite fit in with the college setting. He lasted a                               denominator across all the ventures I’ve had,”
little over a semester.                                                             Dehnert says. “After that, I had a lot of fan pages,
    He ended up working at a Gold’s Gym, where he                                   where I sold apparel online. We did a little over $20
met his first mentor, Dave Gurnsey.                                                  million in sales of t-shirts through Facebook.”
    “We’re still very close to this day. He always hates                               He established his own agency, Dehnert Media
when I say he was my mentor because he feels like we                                Group, allowing him the freedom to really flex
learn a lot from each other,” Dehnert says.                                         his media muscles. “If there’s even a glimmer of
    Dehnert quickly rose in the industry, through social   A WINNING TEAM           opportunity, I snatch it,” he says. “I ran some of the
media and gamification. He thought outside the box          Randall Thompson         largest, unofficial pages for Duck Dynasty (Sadie and
and created marketing strategies that resonated with       and Kris Dehnert         Uncle Si) because I knew how to scale pages through
the gym’s customer base.                                   hang out in a            gamification. My media agency managed social
    “I brought dump trucks into the gym and dumped         suite at George M.       media for a number of large companies in the MLM
sand to build a beach and put a tiki bar up where          Steinbrenner Field, in   space, real estate and reality show stars.”
girls in bikinis were giving away protein shakes for       Tampa.                      Dehnert was in the midst of his hustle game when
member appreciation days,” he says. “Everything I                                   life came abruptly to a halt.
do. I just make sure it’s memorable. It’s not who you                                  “I had to have this meeting. On the way there, I
know, it’s who knows, and remembers, you.”                                          ruptured my appendix,” he says. “I decided to go
    Dehnert had moved up as much as he could at the                                 to the meeting anyway and not go to the hospital.
gym, so he moved on to real estate, which he did for                                Because that was what was most important. I was
a while. But his true talents were evident in sales and                             so busy being so busy. And then on the way home,
communication, notably using the new platform, at                                   it became so bad that I ended up on the floor of the
that time — Facebook.                                                               Starbucks bathroom.”
    “I realized that I could do what I do best, which                                  When Dehnert starts this story, he’s a little comical
is interaction communication, belly-to-belly sales,                                 in his delivery. And then his eyes tear up and, despite
relationships, one to many. I started leaning heavily                               his jovial demeanor, it’s apparent this was a real, life
into that. And social media, that’s kind of a common                                changing moment for him.

                                                                                                                                           JUNE 2021
                                                                       Charities and giving back: Dugout Mugs
26                                                                     donates $1,000 each month, through
                                                                       Cheers to Charity, an initiative that has

                                                                       helped numerous foundations and
                                                                       organizations in the baseball community
                                                                       including the David Ortiz Children’s
                         “So I thought to myself that the more         Fund, Mariano Rivera Foundation, Lance          a Facebook group for former minor and
                      important thing was to go to this meeting        McCullers Jr. Foundation, Negro Leagues         major league baseball players.
                      and then the Stanley Cup [game] the next         Baseball Museum and more. “We also run             “Somehow, [Dehnert] is always where
                      day. My 6-month-old was at home. I hadn’t        a mug for the month, of which its profits       he needs to be,” Thompson says. “I saw
                      even seen her walk,” he adds. “I think it’s      go toward the charity,” Dehnert says. The       that he’d been in business. I saw that he
                      the best thing that’s ever happened to me.       company has donated more than $40,000           was in Tampa. And so that’s how I ended
                      And it really changed my perspective on          to charities in the past 12 months.             up searching his background. I was trying
                      things.”                                             Thompson also looks for opportunities       to sell [the Dugout Mugs] online in a
                         He had all these deals going on and to        to support children in the sport. “I keep my    much bigger way.”
                      him, none of it mattered anymore. Not            eyes wide open for opportunities to help           Thompson wanted to pick Dehnert’s
                      the money, not the people, not the fancy         people out,” he says.                           brain on expanding Dugout Mugs sales in
                      cars. He had a new outlook on life. He           Things to do: “I collect experiences, not       the online space.
                      wanted to find something, a person or an          things,” Dehnert says. He enjoys fishing,          “I’m right in the middle of saying ‘no’
                      opportunity, that deserved what he had to        boating and shooting — for sport. Where         to everybody, right? And I said, ‘No,
                      offer. And he wanted to focus on putting         he does indulge is travel. “I’ve had the        dude, not going to happen.’ He’s like, ‘I’m
                      family first. To make every moment count.         opportunity to see a lot of the world.” Italy   driving through St. Pete.’ I was sitting in
                         But as he said earlier in the conversation,   was his favorite. His dream is to own a tiki    a St. Pete bar on a break. And he’s like,
                      “It’s not who you know, but who knows            bar where he can play guitar on the beach.      let me just pop in there. And I said, bring
                      you.”                                                “I’m a beach guy. I told my wife,           me one of these mugs. So he brought me
                         Thanks to social media. A former              my vision of making it is I have my two         one, it’s still on my desk,” Dehnert says. “I
                      baseball player, and coach, knew Dehnert.        daughters, Giuliana and Isabella, and           thought it was a weird idea but he told me
                      And he had a venture that would spark his        a tiki bar. And I’m drunk on the beach          to carry one and to tell him what people
                      interest.                                        playing a guitar. And they can’t tell me not    thought about it. So I did that. And I got
                                                                       to because I bought the damn thing. So I        a really good response. We circled back
                      A DIAMOND-IN-THE-ROUGH IDEA                      get to play music and hang out with my          around maybe four, or five, days, later, and
                         Thompson was looking around for help          daughters. And then I can fish and chill,”      started the conversation.”
                      in the ecommerce space. Somehow, some            he says as he laughs.                              The company, according to Dehnert,
                      way, neither Thompson or Dehnert recall,             Not bad Kris, save us a seat.               needed to be capitalized, but the timing
                      Dehnert had found himself mentioned on                                                           was off for Dehnert as he had just lost

              JUNE 2021
                                                                                               M. STEINBRENNER
                                                                                               George M. Steinbrenner Field
                                                                                               is the spring home of the New
                                                                                               York Yankees and home of the
                                                                                                   Class A Tampa Tarpons.
                                                                                                   For more information
                                                                                               regarding premium seating
                                                                                                at George M. Steinbrenner
                                                                                                    Field, please contact
                                                                                                   Jennifer Magliocchetti
                                                                                                    at 813.673.3026 or


everything. He had a restaurant that closed    steel mugs that Dehnert says,
and he had lost a lot of investment in the     will open its venture into a
cannabis space, in Denver.                     whole new market.
   “I was all over the place, as you              The unlikely duo of
could imagine. And I said, ‘I don’t have       Dehnert and Thompson has
[capital]. But I have time. And I have a       succeeded in the business
very particular set of skills,” Dehnert says.  and there doesn’t seem to be
                                               plans of them slowing down
A SIMPLE PLAN                                  anytime soon.
   Dugout Mugs has had collaborations             “Chris and I, we’ve grown a
with Budweiser, Fox Sports, DraftKings great relationship over the past five years,”
and Bodyarmour Sports                                      Thompson says.
Drinks. One of its most                                        Spending an afternoon with
successful      verticals    is   COPYRIGHT NOTE:          the two “Dugout Boys” proves
corporate gifting.                The New York             it’s a business match made in
   The company has turned         Yankees’ trademarks      heaven.
down offers to carry its          and copyrights are           “If you’re good at profit,
patented mugs in box retail       used with permission     that’s the easy part, right?
stores. On the day of the         on the New York          That’s what it’s like with us.
TBBW interview, Dugout            Yankees.                 I mean, there’ll be triple digit
Mugs launched on Zulily.                                   growth five years in a row,
“We’re probably crushing it                                through a pandemic, and no
right now,” Dehnert says as he reaches for baseball going on. We did it. Because
his phone, then puts it back down on the we’re us,” Dehnert says. “We create a
table.                                         place that our tribe, and our people, want
   In July, it launches a line of stainless to be. We are authentic.” ♦

                                                                                                                               JUNE 2021

                      JENNIFER MURPHY, LL.M.
                      OLDER LUNDY ALVAREZ & KOCH

                          Congratulations, you have survived the dating             the other party, (ii) did not voluntarily and expressly       bliss and tranquility, so get it done as early as possible.
                      phase of your life (hopefully forever) and you are now        waive, in writing, the right to disclosure beyond what            Anyone getting married should consider entering
                      engaged! Whether your blessed union is the result of an       was provided, and (iii) did not have (or reasonably           into a prenuptial agreement. If the steps described
28                    awkward set up by your mother, or a well-intentioned          could not have had) an adequate knowledge of the              above are followed, the risk of a successful challenge
                      friend, that has blossomed into true love; or the result of   property or financial condition of the other party.           by the less wealthy party is significantly lower.

                      a rare but successful foray into the soulmate-promising       FL Stat. § 61.079(7)(a) (2020). In addition, following        Divorce is emotional, and often expensive, but can
                      dating app world; or even the result of a good old-           certain formalities can increase the likelihood of an         be less contentious if these matters have been
                      fashioned, often frowned upon – especially by the             agreement’s enforceability. For example, each party           agreed upon before the marriage when both parties
                      H.R. director – office romance, you, my friend, should        should be represented by independent legal counsel,           are in love and more inclined to act reasonably
                      consider entering into a prenuptial agreement before          which may counter an argument that the challenging            with respect to the other party. In addition, the
                      you get married.                                              party did not understand what they were signing.              negotiation of the agreement itself will tell you a lot
                          A prenuptial agreement (referred to as a                  In addition, each party should pay his or her own             about your spouse-to-be. Entering into a prenuptial
                      “premarital” agreement under Florida law) is “an              attorney’s fees. However, the two most important              agreement and agreeing on the significant terms
                      agreement between prospective spouses made in                 factors to bolster an agreement’s enforceability are          that are often heavily litigated during a divorce can
                      contemplation of marriage and to be effective upon            proper disclosure and time.                                   result in a less expensive, faster, and less emotionally
                      marriage.” FL Stat. § 61.079(2)(a) (2020). Unlike a               Each party should provide a full and frank disclosure     charged divorce proceeding, down the road, should
                      normal contract, no consideration (such as money or an        of his or her assets and financial condition to the           that unfortunate situation occur. But hopefully that day
                      exchange of promises) is necessary for the agreement          other party, with enough time for each party to ask           never comes and you and your spouse live happily
                      to be enforceable other than the marriage itself. Like        questions and understand the full scope of the other          ever after.
                      most contracts, however, it can be specifically tailored      party’s financial situation. In addition, each party should
                      to meet the needs of the parties under their particular       provide copies of their two or three most recent tax          ABOUT THE FIRM:
                      circumstances. Common issues addressed in a                   returns. The goal is to avoid the argument by the                 OLDER LUNDY ALVAREZ & KOCH, founded in
                      prenuptial agreement include: division of marital assets      challenging party that if he or she had known what            2003, is a full-service law firm with offices in Tampa,
                      and liabilities in the event of divorce, alimony and rights   the other person really had, they would have never            Clearwater, Dade City, Trinity and Wesley Chapel.
                      to assets, or a share of the other party’s estate, upon       accepted or waived what they did in the agreement.            OLA&K attorneys offer a fresh and innovative
                      death. The only thing that cannot be covered in a             As to the time factor, the goal is to avoid or reduce the     approach to the practice of law, with their skills and
                      prenuptial agreement is child support or child custody        possibility of an argument that the challenging party         interdisciplinary expertise, they deliver extraordinary
                      as these provisions are not enforceable and the court         signed under duress or coercion. The parties should           service and results. No matter what the issue is,
                      will always consider what is in the best interest of the      negotiate and execute the agreement well in advance           OLA&K attorneys will have a precise understanding of
                      child(ren) at the time of divorce.                            of the wedding. How much time is necessary? It                the client’s needs and will deliver customized solutions.
                          A premarital agreement will be enforceable in             depends on the circumstances, but ideally, before             ABOUT THE AUTHOR:
                      Florida unless the challenging party can prove that: (a)      any wedding invitations go out or deposits are paid.              Jennifer Murphy, LL.M. is an attorney at OLA&K
                      he or she did not enter into the agreement voluntarily;       The more difficult it would be to cancel the wedding          with significant experience expertise in contract law,
                      (b) it was the product of fraud, duress, coercion or          (because of financial or emotional impediments), the          including pre and post nuptial agreements, providing
                      overreaching; or (c) it was unconscionable when it            duress or coercion argument increases. As you can             business and tax advice and structuring martial
                      was executed and, before execution, the challenging           imagine, negotiating the terms of your hypothetical           settlement agreements. She has won numerous
                      party (i) was not provided a fair and reasonable              divorce with your betrothed in the weeks leading up           awards for her superior representation. Contact Ms.
                      disclosure of the property or financial condition of          to the wedding is not necessarily conducive to marital        Murphy at 813.254.8998 or visit

              JUNE 2021


JUNE 2021
              BY TOM LAYBERGER


                          USF is on a mission to

                          cultivate a strong sense of
                          community through athletics
                       niversity of South Florida President Steven     the importance of cultivating a strong         quickly in that conversation that President
                       Currall made it clear on December 11, 2019,     sense of community through athletics.          Currall and Michael Kelly were committed
                       the day Jeff Scott was introduced as the           Perhaps not surprisingly, Currall’s         to seeing these projects through.”
                       Bulls’ new football coach, that he wanted       name was referenced several times by               USF lacks an indoor football facility,
                       athletics to be an area of emphasis.            Kelly and Scott during a Feb. 24 video         something that has been problematic
                         Currall, who took office only five months     conference discussing renovations to           when it comes to thunderstorms that
                       earlier, worked closely with athletics          the 17-year-old Lee Roy Selmon Athletics       disrupt practice. Even after the rain has
                       director Michael Kelly in bringing Scott on     Center and what will be a new indoor           passed, wet fields pose an injury risk
                       board, including accompanying Kelly in          performance facility.                          and limit what a coaching staff can do.
                       visiting the former Clemson co-offensive           The projects have a combined cost of        Moving inside to a gym to conduct a
                       coordinator at his South Carolina home.         $25 million and will be financed entirely      walkthrough hardly replicates being on
                       His remarks, during the introductory            by private funds. They also represent the      the gridiron. Hence, an indoor football
                       news conference, left no doubt as to his        first of a two-phase plan of improvements      facility is crucial.
                       level of excitement, and fervor, when it        and new facilities.                               The indoor performance facility will
                       comes to athletics.                                “When Michael and President Currall         cost $22 million and benefit the entire
                          “I firmly believe a strong intercollegiate   came up to visit with me in December           athletic program, as well as host non-
                       athletics program holds an essential role       2019, one of the questions I had was           athletic university events. A football
                       in the advancement of a strong university,”     about facilities and plans for facilities in   field will be included within the
                       he said that day, when he also spoke about      the future,” Scott says. “I could tell very    building’s 88,000 square feet. Work is

              JUNE 2021

slated to commence at the end of this           Kelly indicated that a football operations    new feature for USF athletics,” Kelly says.
summer with the expectation it will            center will be part of the second phase,          That meant a phased approach. It also
be completed by the time the 2022 fall         with a date yet to be determined. Such a       meant getting started on a couple of
athletic seasons begin.                        project was initially revealed to the public   projects without additional delay.
   St. Louis-based architectural firm          in November 2017. However, only about              “The urgency of wanting to make
HOK, which designed USF Health’s               half of its projected cost of $40 million      something of the here-and-now for our
Morsani College of Medicine in                 had been raised by the time Scott was          current student-athletes, particularly
downtown Tampa, was brought on                 hired. Shortly thereafter, the pandemic,       coming out of the pandemic, became
board to design the indoor facility. RR        and its resulting uncertainty, hit.            that much more important,” Kelly says.
Simmons Construction, which has                   While there was a pause in on-field         “That is why we revised the plan to have
an office two miles from USF and has           athletic activity the first few months of      it go in phases.”
worked with the university on several          the pandemic, the wheels were turning              During the conference call, Kelly
projects over the years, will handle the       off the field with Kelly, his staff and        reiterated something he has said in the
construction.                                  Scott preparing for the initial phase.         past, that he is a believer when it comes
   Renovations to the Lee Roy Selmon              “We had a focus not only to endure          to having an on-campus stadium. That
Athletics Center began in April. The work      the hard times that all of us have dealt       is not a priority at this time, however.
will cost $3 million and greatly benefit the   with but position ourselves to emerge          Upgrading and constructing facilities for
football program in the form of meeting        from it with renewed vision, energy,           football, and other sports, is what needs
rooms, a new locker room and a lounge.         momentum and ready to take on a great          to be addressed. ♦

                                                                                                                                        JUNE 2021
young man in a perpetual hurry, Ron DeSantis—an unlikely ally
                                                                  Jared Moskowitz has been in pub- from across the political aisle.
                                                                  lic life for 15 years, and he’s only    Soon after COVID-19 struck, the
                                                                  40. Politics has always been in his new Emergency Management di-

                          man in a
                                                                  blood.                                rector made some bold moves: For
                                                                     Born in Coral Springs, Mos- example, he took to task the pow-
                                                                  kowitz grew up in a political erful 3M company for rerouting
                                                                  household—his father was a big its N95 masks—masks that had
                                                                  fundraiser for the Democratic been designated for Florida—to
                                                                  party—and he remembers that higher-paying foreign countries.
                                                                  Jesse Jackson was the first politi- Moskowitz’s intrepid, indepen-
                                                                  cian he ever met, and that Bill and dent streak earned even greater
                                                                  Hillary Clinton and Joe                         visibility once the vac-
                                                                  Biden were in his fami-                         cines became available,
                                                                  ly’s home.                   COVID STRATEGY     when he bucked guide-
                                                                     Moskowitz, a gradu- After COVID-19           lines from the Centers
                          FRESH OFF HIS TENURE AS DIRECTOR OF     ate of Marjory Stoneman struck, the new         for Disease Control and
32                                                                Douglas High School, Emergency                  Prevention in order to
                               FLORIDA DIVISION OF EMERGENCY      earned his bachelor’s de- Management            prioritize seniors in the

                             MANAGEMENT, JARED MOSKOWITZ          gree in political science director made         retiree-heavy state.
                                                                  at George Washington some bold moves.              When South Flori-
                              OPENS UP ABOUT A YEAR OF CRISIS     and his law degree from                         da Business & Wealth,
                                   AND CONSIDERS HIS FUTURE       Nova Southeastern. He                           a sister publication to
                                                                  soon jumped into the political        TBBW, caught up with him, he
                                                                  waters, interning for Vice Pres- didn’t hold back.
                                                 BY DREW LIMSKY   ident Al Gore and serving as an
                                                                  elector for then-candidate Barack
                                                                  Obama in 2008. A six-year tenure
                                                                  on the Parkland City Commission
                                                                  came next, and then Moskowitz
                                                                  won his seat in Florida’s House of
                                                                  Representatives, which he held
                                                                      from 2012 to 2019. He resigned
                                                                          in order to be appointed to
                                                                             his Emergency Manage-
                                                                                 ment role under Gov.

              JUNE 2021
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