EMI 2022 Technical Program

Page created by Bonnie Bowen
EMI 2022 Technical Program
EMI 2022

Technical Sessions

Wednesday, June 1

       10:00 AM                   10:20 AM                     10:40 AM                    11:00 AM                      11:20 AM                     11:40 AM
                                                        The Next Frontiers in Natural Hazards Engineering: Advancing the Vision of Ahsan Kareem,
Hodson 210                 #M101
                                                        Chair(s): Alexandros Taflanidis
Keynote presentation: Connecting the History and the    Let’s Continue to Share     A Vision of Engineering       Evidence Theory: What,       Hurricane-Resilient City:
Future of Tall Buildings                                This Path Together to       Education Inspired by the     Why and How in               Markov Decision Process-
                                                        Build an Even Better        Career of Ahsan Kareem        Engineering for Natural      Based Problem
                                                        Future                                                    Hazards                      Formulation and Machine
                                                                                                                                               Learning-Based Solution

Tracy Kijewski-Correa*                                  Yukio Tamura*               Fred Haan*                    Ross B. Corotis*, William    Teng Wu, Shaopeng Li*
                                                                                                                  Seites-Rundlett, Cristina

                                                        Physics-Based Data-Driven Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Materials
Hodson 213                 #M203
                                                        Science and Engineering, Chair(s): Lori Graham Brady
Symplectic Encoders for    Probabilistic Event          Bayesian Calibration of a   Hybrid Mechanistic- and       Structural Simulations via
Variational Dynamics       Localization Using Floor     Cluster Dynamics Model      Data-Driven Estimation of     Finite Element Network
Inference                  Vibrations                                               Concrete Beam Shear           Analysis
                                                                                    Failure Mechanics

Kiran Bacsa*, Zhilu Liu,   Yohanna MejiaCruz*, Juan     Pieterjan Robbe*, Tiernan   Jacob Pavelka*                Mehdi Jokar*, Fabio
Wei Liu, Eleni Chatzi      M. Caicedo, Zhaoshuo         Casey, Khachik Sargsyan,                                  Semperlotti
                           Jiang, Jean M. Franco        Habib Najm

Krieger 170                #M208                        Mechanics and Physics of Granular Materials, Chair(s): Marcial Gonzalez

Introduction: Symposium    Graph Embedding              Analysis of Tapped          Active Learning Sensitivity   A Thermomechanical           A Simple Constitutive Law
on the Mechanics and       Plasticity for Granular      Granular Systems Using      Analysis for a Visco-         Framework for Modeling       for Comminuted Ceramics
Physics of Granular        Solids                       Machine Learning            Plastic Sand Breakage         Fluid-Saturated, Brittle     Under Multi-Axial Loading
Materials                                               Approaches                  Model                         Granular Materials in
                                                                                                                  Dynamic Flows with High

                           Nikolaos Napoleon            Vishagan Ratnaswamy,        Dimitrios Tsapetis*, Mohit    Aaron Baumgarten*,           Bryan Love*
                           Vlassis*, WaiChing Sun       Anthony Rosato, Youngjin    Chauhan, Michael Shields,     Nilanjan Mitra, Ryan
                                                        Chung, Noor Mili*, Denis    Aaron Baumgarten,             Hurley, K.T. Ramesh
                                                        Blackmore, Jonathan Dye     Nilanjan Mitra, Ryan
                                                                                    Hurley, K.T. Ramesh

       10:00 AM                     10:20 AM                     10:40 AM                     11:00 AM                    11:20 AM                     11:40 AM

Krieger 180                  #M210                        Reduced-Order and Surrogate Models for Mechanics of Porous Media, Chair(s): Xiao-Hui Wu

Use of Multifidelity         Learned Operator             Learning Constitutive
Training Data and            Surrogate Models for         Relations in Multiscale
Transfer Learning for        Parametric PDEs              Viscoelastic Materials
Efficient Surrogate Model

Su Jiang*, Louis Durlofsky   Nicholas Nelsen*             Kaushik Bhattacharya,
                                                          Burigede Liu, Andrew
                                                          Stuart, Margaret Trautner*

Hodson 313                   #M211                        Challenges and Advances in Material Damage Modeling, Chair(s): Mostafa Mobasher

Modeling of Damage and       A Fast Solver to             Non-Local Continuum          Two-Way Coupled             Poro-Damage Phase Field
Failure in Heterogeneous     Peridynamic Models of        Modeling of Damage in        Modeling of Rate-           Damage Models for
Brittle Solids Under High-   Pitting Corrosion Damage     Elastic and Viscoelastic     Dependent Deformation       Hydraulic Fracture
Rate Compressive                                          Porous Media                 and Cracking in             Propagation in Glaciers
Loading                                                                                Heterogeneous               and Ice Shelves
                                                                                       Viscoelastic Solids

Sakshi Braroo*, K.T.         Longzhen Wang*, Siavash      Mostafa Mobasher*, Yijun     Yong-Rak Kim*, Santosh      Ravindra Duddu*,
Ramesh                       Jafarzadeh, Florin Bobaru    Chen, Haim Waisman           Kommidi, Jamilla Teixeira   Xiangming Sun, Theo
                                                                                                                   Clayton, Emilio Martinez-

                                                          Advances in Experimental, Theoretical, and Computational Fracture Mechanics, Chair(s): Ange-
Latrobe 120                  #M213
                                                          Therese Akono / Arturo Montoya
Fatigue Response of          Low-Cycle Fatigue            Fracture Toughness of        Adaptive Wavelet-           Coupled Crystal Plasticity   Finite Strain Ductile Phase
Metakaolin-Based             Performance of Cu-Al-Mn      Electrospun Nanofiber-       Enhanced Cohesive Zone      Phase-Field Model for        Field Fracture Modeling of
Geopolymer                   Superelastic Alloys Under    reinforced Geopolymer        Phase-Field FE Model for    Ductile Fracture in          Steel Structures
                             Different Temperatures       Composites Using Scratch     Crack Evolution in          Polycrytalline
                                                          Tests                        Piezoelectric Composites    Microstructures

Ange-Therese Akono*          Huanpeng Hong, Bora          Yunzhi Xu*, Ping Guo,        Saikat Dan*, Preetam        Thirupathi Maloth*,          Sina Abrari Vajari*,
                             Gencturk*, Hadi Aryan,       Ange-Therese Akono           Tarafder, Somnath Ghosh     Somnath Ghosh                Matthias Neuner, Christian
                             Amit Jain                                                                                                          Linder

       10:00 AM                     10:20 AM                    10:40 AM                      11:00 AM                    11:20 AM                     11:40 AM

Hodson 316                   #M219                       Mechanics of Wood and Wood Based Materials, Chair(s): Markus Lukacevic

Phase Field Method-          A Novel 3D Discrete Beam    Damage Classification of      Micromechanics of Non-      Multiparametric Cutting
Based Modeling of            Lattice Model: from         Wood Samples Using            Embedded Spruce Wood:       Force Prediction Model for
Fracture in Wood             Mesostructure to            Acoustic Emission             Novel Polishing and         Various Wood Species
                             Macroscopic Behaviors of    Technique and Pattern         Indentation Protocol
                             Wood                        Recognition Network

Sebastian Pech*, Markus      Hao Yin*, Erol Lale,        Parinaz Belalpour             Luis Zelaya-Lainez*,        Ondrej Dvoracek*, Daniel
Lukacevic, Josef Füssl       Gianluca Cusatis            Dastjerdi*, Eric Landis       Giuseppe Balduzzi,          Lechowicz, Martin Hauser,
                                                                                       Christian Hellmich, Josef   Stephan Frybort

                                                         6th Mini-Symposium on 4M (Modeling of Multiphysics-Multiscale-Multifunctional) Engineering
Krieger 304                  #M222
                                                         Materials and Structures, Chair(s): Marte Gutierrez
Multiscale Nonlocal          PDEM Modeling of            Experiments and               Identification of Dam       Modeling Cracks in Clay at   Beyond Elastocapillary:
Elasticity: A Distributed    Borehole Stability in       Multiphysics                  Leakage Using               the Nanoscale Through        The Elastic Plateau-
Fractional Order             Transversely Anisotropic    Computational Modeling of     Hydrothermal Coupled        Full-Scale Molecular         Rayleigh Instability in
Formulation                  Rock                        Desiccation Behavior in       Analysis and Distributed    Dynamics                     Polymeric Gels
                                                         Inorganic Microfiber-         Temperature Sensing
                                                         Reinforced Engineered
                                                         Barrier Materials for
                                                         Geological Repository of
                                                         Nuclear Spent Fuel
Wei Ding*, Sansit Patnaik,   Marte Gutierrez*, Guowen    Julia Grasley, Mohammad       Binyam Bekele*, Chung       Zhe Zhang*, Xiaoyu Song      Berkin Dortdivanlioglu*
Fabio Semperlotti            Xu                          Rahmani*, Abdullah            Song
                                                         Azzam, Gabriel
                                                         Nsengiyumva, Yong-Rak
                                                         Kim, Jongwan Eun,
                                                         Seunghee Kim

                                                         Mitigating Risks of Large-Scale Lithium-Ion Batteries as Energy Storage Systems or Electric
Shaffer 202                  #M228
                                                         Vehicles in Urban Environments, Chair(s): Ali Ashrafi
Fire and Explosion Testing   Implications of Large-      Implications of Electric      EPRI's Battery Storage
of a Lithium-Ion Energy      Scale Lithium-ion Indoor    Vehicles for Fire Safety of   Fire Safety Roadmap
Storage System Mockup        Energy Storage for Fire     Indoor Parking Spaces
                             Safety in Urban Areas

Adam Barowy*                 Ali Ashrafi*, Mahesh        Ali Ashrafi*, Mahesh          Dirk Long, Lakshmi
                             Bailakanavar, Nezar         Bailakanavar, Nezar           Srinivasan*
                             Abraham                     Abraham

       10:00 AM                      10:20 AM                      10:40 AM                      11:00 AM                    11:20 AM                     11:40 AM
                                                            Additive Manufacturing: Novel Processing, Design, Materials, Structures and Functions, Chair(s):
Hodson 303                    #M229
                                                            Gianna Valentino
Additively Graded             High Rates and                Image-Based                   Thermal Modeling of Laser   Multi-Physics Modeling of
Materials for Thermal         Temperature Effects in        Experimental Investigation    Powder Bed Fusion           Additive Manufacturing
Management                    Nanoindentation Testing       of Fatigue Crack Initiation   Additive Manufacturing of   Processes via a Mixed
                              on Hardness in SLM            and Small Crack Growth        Refractory Materials        Interface-
                              INC718                        of Additively Manufactured                                Capturing/Interface-
                                                            Ti-6Al-4V                                                 Tracking Approach

Sharon Park*, Alex Lark,      George Z. Voyiadjis*,         Changyu Meng*, Jie            Li Ma*, Gianna Valentino,   Jinhui Yan*, Qiming Zhu
Arunima Banerjee, Kevin       Reem Abo Znemah, Paul         Chen, Luke Hase,              Mitra Taheri, Morgana
Hemker, Gianna Valentino      Wood                          Yongming Liu                  Trexler

Shaffer 301                   #M301                         Structural Identification and Damage Detection, Chair(s): Manolis Chatzis

Improved Finite Element       Crack Detection, Location,    Long-Term Dynamic             Vibration-Based             Damage Sensitivity           Demonstrating the Value
Model Updating of a Full-     Quantification, and           Strain Monitoring of a 110-   Assessment of Local         Features in Steel-           of Vibration-Based
Scale Steel Bridge Using      Visualization Using a         Years-Old Steel Railway       Damage in Prestressed       Concrete Composite           Structural Health
Sensitivity Analysis          Distributed Fiber Optic       Bridge: Influence of          Concrete Beams Based        Beams Under Moving           Monitoring Across
                              Sensor Based on Optical       Damage vs. Temperature        on Joint Acceleration and   Loads                        Different Time Scales
                              Frequency Domain                                            FBG Strain Data

Bjørn T. Svendsen*,           Xiao Tan*, Yi Bao             Dimitrios                     Menno Van de Velde*,        Mariateresa Lombardo*,       Antonios Kamariotis*,
Øyvind W. Petersen,                                         Anastasopoulos*, Guido        Edwin Reynders, Geert       Giuseppe Marano,             Eleni Chatzi, Daniel
Gunnstein T. Frøseth,                                       De Roeck, Edwin               Lombaert                    Alessandro Palmeri           Straub
Anders Rønnquist                                            Reynders

                                                            Practical Applications and Value of Advanced Computational and Probabilistic Modelling in the
Shaffer 100                   #M306
                                                            Life-Cycle of Structures, Chair(s): Paolo Bocchini
Reliability Centered          Structural Topology           Assessing the Current and     Effect of the Structural    Decentralized Actor-Critic   Impact of FE Modelling
Rehabilitation Optimization   Optimization Using an         Future Probability of         Wall Modeling in the        Deep Reinforcement           Approach in the Long-
for Concrete Hydraulic        Enhanced and Robust           Hurricane Ida’s Blackout-     Seismic Response of         Learning Approach for        Term Assessment of
Structures.                   Genetic Algorithm             Heatwave Compound             Buildings with Force-       Optimal Life-Cycle           Prestressed Structures
                                                            Hazard                        Limiting Connections        Management of                Based on Probabilistic
                                                                                          Between Diaphragm-to-       Transportation Networks      Outcomes – Case Studies
                                                                                          Wall Joints                                              on T-Girder Beams

Arslan Tahir*, Claus Kunz     Xingjian Wang*, Clay          Kairui Feng*, Ning Lin,       Carlos Franco Mayorga*,     Mohammad Saifullah*,         Emanuele Canestro*,
                              Naito, John Fox, Paolo        Avantika Gori, Dazhi Xi,      Kyoungyeon Lee,             Charalampos Andriotis,       Alfred Strauss, Helder
                              Bocchini                      Min Ouyang, Michael           Georgios Tsampras           Kostas Papakonstantinou,     Sousa
                                                            Oppenheimer                                               Shelley Stoffels

       10:00 AM                     10:20 AM                      10:40 AM                      11:00 AM                     11:20 AM                   11:40 AM

Hodson 305                   #M308                         Origami/Kirigami Inspired Structures and Metamaterials, Chair(s): Evgueni Filipov

Out-of-Plane Compressive     Shape-Fitting Origami with    Keynote presentation: Geometric Scaffolds for Knitting     Continuous Modeling of      Mechanics of Origami
Stiffness of Spin-Valence    Curved Creases and                                                                       Creased Annular Strips      Bellows
Kirigami Units               Pinches                                                                                  with Tunable Bistable and
                                                                                                                      Looping Behaviors

Isabel M. de Oliveira*,      Steven Woodruff*,             Randall Kamien*                                            Tian Yu*, Francesco         Mengzhu Yang, Fabrizio
Sigrid Adriaenssens          Evgueni Filipov                                                                          Marmo, Sigrid               Scarpa, Mark Schenk*

Hodson 211                   #M312                         Structural Instabilities: From Failure to Function, Chair(s): Stylianos Yiatros

Determination of Ultimate    Investigation of the          Application of Acceleration   Exploring the Interaction    Stability Analysis of
Capacities of In-Situ        Buckling Instability in       Amplitude Control and         Between Different            Rotary-Straightened Steel
Prestressed Stayed           Free-Floating Thin-Shell      Voltage Control Tests to      Instability Phenomena in     Members with Multiple
Columns Through Probing      Domes                         Strong and Weak               Vertical Axis Turbine        Stiffness Reduction
                                                           Nonlinear Structures          Blades                       Models Using Machine

Luke Lapira*, Jiajia Shen,   Kieran Barvenik*, Zachary     Eric Robbins*, Fernando       Benjamin Terry*, Richard     Hyeyoung Koh*, Barry
Ahmer Wadee, Rainer          Coogan, Eleonora Tubaldi,     Moreu                         Wiebe, Michael Motley        Rosson, Hannah Blum
Groh, Leroy Gardner          Matteo Pezzulla

                                                           Coupled Chemical, Physical and Mechanical Processes in Cementitious Materials for Regular
Hodson 301                   #M315
                                                           and 3D Printed Constructions, Chair(s): Mohammed Alnaggar / Roman Wan-Wendner
Keynote presentation: What Does Irradiation do to          Bond Behavior of              Finite Element Analysis of   Permeability and
Concrete? Insights on Effects at the Paste and             Irradiated Concrete with      Chloride Ingress in          Diffusivity Simulation
Aggregate Levels                                           Reinforcing Rebars            Prestressed Bridge           Based on Gray Lattice
                                                                                         Girders                      Boltzmann Method Using
                                                                                                                      3D Microtomography of
                                                                                                                      Cement Composites

Elena Tajuelo Rodriguez*                                   Amani Cheniour*,              Mojtaba Aliasghar-           Jongmin Rim*, Juhyuk
                                                           Mohammed Alnaggar             Mamaghani*, Ioannis          Moon
                                                                                         Koutromanos, Carin
                                                                                         Matthew Hebdon

       10:00 AM                     10:20 AM                     10:40 AM                     11:00 AM                    11:20 AM                      11:40 AM
                                                          20th Symposium on Biological and Biologically Inspired Materials and Structures, Chair(s):
Hodson 315                  #M403
                                                          Dinesh Katti
Keynote presentation: Complex Biomechanics: from          Fluid Induced Migration of   Engineering Complex         A Biomechanical Model for
Atoms to Patients                                         Prostate Cancer Cells        Energy Landscapes with      Ultrasound Elastography
                                                          Towards Bone Metastasis      Magneto-Elastic             Imaging of Breast Cancer

Christian Hellmich*, Stefan Scheiner, Johannes            Kalpana Katti*, Haneesh      Sinan Keten*, Xinyan        Mutaz Dwairy*, JN Reddy,
Kalliauer, Niketa Ukaj                                    Jasuja, Sharad               Yang                        Arun Srinivasa
                                                          Jaswandkar, Dinesh Katti

Hodson 311                  #M405                         Inverse Problems – Theory and Applications, Chair(s): Loukas Kallivokas

An Approach for Soft        Identification of Seismic     Inverse Design of            Wave-Source Inversion for   Full-Waveform Inversion       Estimation on the Initial
Tissue Material Parameter   Input Motions in a Near-      Omnidirectional Shields      the Detection of Moving     of Seismic Input Motions      Imperfection of a Thin-
Estimation from Clinical    Surface 2D Domain             for Band-Gapping             Loads                       at a Domain Reduction         Walled Copper Shell
Imaging Data Using a        Subject to Unknown SH         Acoustic Waves in 3D                                     Method Boundary in a          Structure
Three-Dimensional Level     Incident Waves                                                                         Domain Truncated by PML
Set Method

Aminallah Pourasghar*,      Bruno Guidio, Chanseok        Ke Ma*, Heedong Goh,         Stephen Lloyd*, Chanseok    Bruno Guidio*, Heedong        Le Cao*
Timothy Wong, Marc          Jeong*                        Loukas Kallivokas            Jeong                       Goh, Chanseok Jeong
Simon, John Brigham

                                                          Advances in Computational Methods for Uncertainty Quantification and Robust/Performance-
Shaffer 300                 #M407                         Based Design of Structures and Systems Exposed to Natural and Man-Made Hazards, Chair(s):
                                                          Seymour M.J. Spence
Development of Active-      Autoregressive Surrogate      Multi-Fidelity Parallel      Efficient Estimation of     Assessment of Seismic
Learning-Based Surrogate    Models of High-               Sequential Design            Wind-induced Nonlinear      Risk of Structures Using
Method for Estimating       Dimensional Time-             Strategy Under               Responses with              Manifold Learning-Based
Reliability of Stochastic   Dependent Wind Turbine        Classification Constraints   Prescribed Mean             Surrogate Modeling
Wind-Excited Systems        Simulations for               with CFD Applications        Recurrence Intervals
                            Uncertainty Quantification                                 through Limited Suites of
                                                                                       Wind Records

Jungho Kim*, Sang-ri Yi,    Styfen Schär*, Stefano        Fei Ding*, Jize Zhang,       Srinivasan Arunachalam*,    Dimitris Giovanis*, Michael
Junho Song                  Marelli, Bruno Sudret         Ahsan Kareem                 Seymour Spence              Shields, Alexandros

       10:00 AM                     10:20 AM                      10:40 AM                     11:00 AM                    11:20 AM                   11:40 AM
                                                           The Sixth Mini-Symposium on Advanced Analysis for Earthquake Engineering, Chair(s): Kevin
Shaffer 302                  #M601
Selection of Simulated       Impact of Detailing on the    Numerical Simulation of     Quantification of Seismic
Earthquake Ground            Lateral Performance of        3D Printed Concrete Walls   Energy Demand and
Motions for Nonlinear        Cold-Formed Steel             Under Mechanical Loads      Capacity of Nonlinear
Analysis of Near-Fault       Framed Walls                                              Structures

Maha Kenawy*, David          Zhidong Zhang*, Matthew       Hao Chen*, Mohammad         Kevin Wong*
McCallen                     Speicher, Amanpreet           Aghajani Delavar, Petros
                             Singh, Tara Hutchinson,       Sideris
                             Benjamin Schafer

Latrobe 107                  #M604                         Advances in Quantitative Resilience and Sustainability, Chair(s): Meshkat Botshekan

A Potential of Mean Force-   Implementation of             The Effect of Urban         Towards a More               HYBRID: HYper-Reduced       Modeling Damage for
Based Lattice Element        Machine Learning Models       Texture on Flood Hazards    Sustainable Road             Basis Reduction via         Resilience Assessment
Method for Modeling          to Predict Storm Surge in                                 Transportation System:       Interactive Decomposition   Under Natural Hazards: A
Response of Structures       Coastal Cities                                            Application of Statistical                               Discrete Simulation
                                                                                       Physics to Smartphone                                    Framework

Shayan Razi*, Mazdak         Mahmoud Ayyad*,               Sarah Balaian*,             Meshkat Botshekan*,          Esmaeil Rezaei*, Yanlai     Soolmaz Khoshkalam*,
Tootkaboni, Arghavan         Muhammad Hajj, Reza           Mohammad Javad              Mazdak Tootkaboni,           Chen, Negin Alemazkoor,     Shayan Razi, Mazdak
Louhghalam                   Marsooli                      Abdolhosseini Qomi, Brett   Arghavan Louhghalam,         Arghavan Louhghalam,        Tootkaboni, Arghavan
                                                           Sanders                     Franz-Josef Ulm              Mazdak Tootkaboni           Louhghalam

                                                           Resilience of Coastal Structures, Systems, and Community Subjected to Hazards, Chair(s): Wei
Krieger 302                  #M606
                                                           Zhang / Jamie Padgett
Conditional Neural           Neural-Network Based          Effect of Foundation        A Study on the               Urban Planning and
Network-Based Parameter      Wind Pressure Prediction      Flexibility on the          Hydrodynamic Response        Coastal Hazards: A Future
Estimation for Non-          for Low-Rise Buildings        Interaction Between         of Hypar Thin Shell          Oriented Agent-Based
Gaussian Wind                with Genetic Algorithm        Elevated Light-Framed       Against Waves via a          Model for Coastal
                             and Bayesian Optimization     Timber Coastal Housing      Decoupled SPH-FEM            Community Resilience
                                                           and Solitary Waves          Analysis and Goda's

Haifeng Wang*, Paolo         Zhixia Ding*, Wei Zhang,      Vasileios Kotzamanis*,      Gaoyuan Wu*, Maria           Dylan Sanderson*, Dan
Bocchini, Jamie Padgett      Dongping Zhu                  Dimitrios Kalliontzis       Garlock, Shengzhe Wang       Cox, Mehrshad Amini,
                                                                                                                    Andre Barbosa

       10:00 AM                       10:20 AM                      10:40 AM                     11:00 AM                     11:20 AM                    11:40 AM

Hodson 216                     #M607                         Developments in Performance-Based Structural Fire Engineering, Chair(s): Thomas Gernay

Damage Assessment of           Damage Assessment             The Effects of Heating       Performance-Based            Ductile Fracture of
Reinforced Concrete            Methods for Rapid Post-       Duration on Post-Fire        Optimization of Structural   Advanced High Strength
Tunnel Linings                 Fire Tunnel Inspection        Structural Steel             Fire Mitigation Strategies   Steels at Elevated
                                                             Mechanical Properties        for Roadway Tunnels          Temperatures

Nan Hua, Anthony               Thomas Vitalis*, James        James Gordon, Erica          Zheda Zhu*, Aerik Carlton,   Chenzhi Ma*, Thomas
Tessari, Negar Elhami-         Viglas, Simos Gerasimidis,    Fischer*                     Spencer Quiel, Clay Naito    Gernay
Khorasani*                     Scott Civjan, Nicholas
                               Menz, John Czach,
                               Joseph Rigney

                                                             Civil Infrastructure in a Changing Climate: from Nonstationary Risk Assessment to Developing
Krieger 300                    #M608
                                                             Adaptation Strategies, Chair(s): Eun Jeong Cha
Optimization of Coastal        Time-Dependent                Hurricane Wind and           Quantifying the Long-Term    Resilience Enhancement      Bio-Inspired Adaptive
Protection Amidst Sea          Formulation for Storm         Freshwater Flood Risk        Effects of Climate Change    of Power Distribution       Building Envelope for
Level Rise, Given Limited      Surge Predictions             Assessment Considering       on Sea Conditions and        Systems in a Changing       Energy Efficiency
Resources: Case Studies                                      Climate Change               Fatigue Deterioration in     Climate: Investment
in NYC                                                                                    Ship Hulls Across the        Planning via Multi-Stage
                                                                                          Atlantic Ocean               Stochastic Optimization

Yuki Miura*, George            Aditya Pandey*,               Chi-Ying Lin, Eun Jeong      Mohamed Soliman*,            Nariman Dehghani,           Xiong Yu*, Jianying Hu
Deodatis, Kyle Mandli          Alessandro Contento,          Cha*                         Mohammad Tamimi, Omid        Abdollah Shafieezadeh,
                               Paolo Gardoni                                              Khandel                      Ashkan B. Jeddi*

Shaffer 304                    #M609                         Analysis and Prediction of Wind Effects on the Built Environment, Chair(s): Catherine Gorle

Understanding the Physics      Large-Eddy Simulation of      Impact of Inflow             Real-Time Hybrid             Extrapolation of Wind
Behind Peak Pressure           Wind Loads on a Tall          Turbulence on Validation     Simulation of Wind-          Pressure Coefficients for
Events                         Building Located in a City    of Large-Eddy Simulations    Induced Aerodynamic          Low-Rise Buildings at
                               Center: Validation with       of Wind-Induced              Vibrations on a Tall         Different Scales Using
                               Experimental Data             Pressures on Buildings       Building                     Meta-Learning

Mattia Fabrizio Ciarlatani*,   Abiy Melaku, Jeroen           Lup Wai Chew, Catherine      Liang Cao*, Haitham          Yanmo Weng*, Stephanie
Zhu Huang, David Philips,      Janssen, Peter McDonald,      Gorlé*                       Ibrahima, Thomas Marullo,    Paal
Catherine Gorlé                Nickolaus Sundholm,                                        James Erwin, James
                               Girma Bitsuamlak*                                          Ricles, Amal Elawady,
                                                                                          Arindam Chowdhury

       10:00 AM                     10:20 AM                      10:40 AM                    11:00 AM                     11:20 AM                      11:40 AM

Shaffer 2                    #M614                         Modeling Deterioration of Structures and Infrastructure, Chair(s): Gaofeng Jia

Stochastic Differential      Long-Term Performance         Remaining Capacity of       Development of a Physics-    Assessing the
Equations for the Modeling   of Aged RC Structures via     Corroded Steel Beam         Based Model to Simulate      Vulnerability of Long-Term
of the Deterioration of      Life-Time History Analysis    Ends in New England         an Extra-Terrestrial         Deep-Space Habitats
Engineering Systems                                                                    Habitat with Damageable      Subjected to
                                                                                       and Repairable               Micrometeoroid Impact

Leandro Iannacone*,          Codi McKee*, Petros           Aidan Provost*, Dr.         Adnan Shahriar, Sterling     Seyed Arsalan Majlesi*,
Paolo Gardoni                Sideris, Mija Hubler          Georgios Tzortzinis, Dr.    Reynolds, Arsalan Majlesi,   Amir Behjat, Adnan
                                                           Simos Gerasimidis, Dr.      Arturo Montoya*              Shahriar, Arturo Montoya
                                                           Sergio Breña

                                                           Advances in Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence for Structural Health
Shaffer 303                  #M701
                                                           Monitoring and Inspections, Chair(s): Jian Li / Vedhus Hoskere
Keynote presentation: A Literature Review on Deep          Super-Resolution Models     Inexpensive and Scalable     Optimized DCNN for            Fusing Infrared and Visible
Learning-Based Pavement Crack Segmentation                 for Visual Structural       Detection of Corrosion       Crack Segmentation Using      Images of Different
                                                           Inspections                 Using Semi-Supervised        Bayesian Optimization         Resolutions via
                                                                                       Deep Learning and                                          Convolutional Neural
                                                                                       Minimal Labeled Data                                       Network

Shanglian Zhou, Carlos Canchila*, Wei Song                 Kareem Eltouny,             Mohamad Alipour*, Devin      Carlos Canchila*,             Zahra Ameli*, Eric Landis
                                                           Seyedomid Sajedi, Xiao      Harris                       Shanglian Zhou, Wei Song

Krieger 308                  #M712                         Data-Driven Approaches to Engineering Mechanics, Chair(s): Fatemeh Pourahmadian

Manifold Embedding Data-     Linking Material Properties   Physics-Informed Neural     Evaluation of Knowledge      Machine Learning Models
Driven Elasticity            to Microstructure In Liquid   Networks for Ultrasonic     Transfer Models for          for Prediction of Single
                             Metal Elastomer               Elastography                Estimating the Lateral       and Multiple Concrete
                             Composites via Machine                                    Strength of Reinforced       Properties with SHAP
                             Learning                                                  Concrete Columns             Method Interpretation.

Bahador Bahmani,             Abhijith Thoopul              Yang Xu*, Fatemeh           Hongrak Pak*, Stephanie      Rodrigo Teixeira
WaiChing Sun*                Anantharanga,                 Pourahmadian                Paal                         Schossler*, Xiong (Bill) Yu
                             Mohammad Saber
                             Hashemi, Azadeh

      10:00 AM                    10:20 AM                    10:40 AM                      11:00 AM                   11:20 AM                  11:40 AM
                                                       Geomechanics of Geological Carbon Storage and Enhanced Hydrocarbon Recovery, Chair(s):
Krieger 306                #M801
                                                       Amin Mehrabian / Yanhui Han
Nanoconfinement Matters    A Novel Multiphysics        Full Coupling of CO2-CH4       Evaluating Stimulation     Research on Multi-Gas    Experimental Investigation
in Humidified CO2          Multiscale Multiporosity    Diffusion and Sorption with    Efficiency of Chemically   Three-Dimensional        of Non-Monotonic Fracture
Interaction with Calcium   Shale Gas Transport         Solid Deformation in Gas       Treated Microproppant      Development and Carbon   Conductivity Evolution in
and Magnesium Silicates    Model for                   Shale Enhances Natural         Pack in Microfractures     Storage Technology of    Energy Georeservoirs
                           Geomechanics/Flow           Gas Recovery and               Using LBM-DEM Coupling     Deep Coal-Bearing Rock
                           Coupling in Steady and      Geological CO2 Storage         Approach                   System
                           Transient States            Capacity

Mohammad Javad             Zihao Li, Yuntian Teng,     Wei Zhang, Amin                Yanhui Han*, Feng Liang    Bing Hou*                Zihao Li, Qingqi Zhao,
Abdolhosseini Qomi,        Ming Fan, Nino Ripepi,      Mehrabian*                                                                         Yuntian Teng*, Ming Fan,
Siavash Zare, Ali          Cheng Chen*                                                                                                    Nino Ripepi, Xiaolong Yin,
Morshedifard*                                                                                                                             Cheng Chen*

          02:10 PM                          02:30 PM                             02:50 PM                           03:10 PM                          03:30 PM
                                                                       The Next Frontiers in Natural Hazards Engineering: Advancing the Vision of Ahsan
Hodson 210                        #M101
                                                                       Kareem, Chair(s): Tracy Kijewski-Correa
From Full-Scale Monitoring to     Predicting Dynamic Response of       Inelastic Response of Wind-        Past, Present and Future of       A Common Framework to
Digital Twins and Beyond:         Slender Structures in                Excited Tall Buildings: Reduced-   Performance-Based Wind            Represent, Analyze and Share
Scholarship Development           Windstorms                           Order Modeling and Biaxial         Engineering                       Wind Pressure Data
Inspired by Dr. Kareem’s Vision                                        Load Effect

Yanlin Guo, Yue Dong*             Partha Sarkar*                       Jinghui Huang, Xinzhong Chen*      Seymour Spence*                   Luigi Carassale*

Hodson 211                        #M201                                Multiscale Behavior of Damage and Failure Mechanics, Chair(s): Chandra Prakash

Concurrent Multiscale Modeling    Fracture of 2D Materials – In situ   Multi-Scale Crystal Plasticity     Data-Driven Parametrically-       Experimental Evaluation of
of Damage Evolution in 2D         Experiments and ML                   Approach to Simulate Creep in      Upscaled Continuum Damage         Damage Growth and its
Materials                         Parameterized Force Fields           Superalloys                        Mechanics (PUCDM) Model for       Relationship with Stress State
                                                                                                          Composites                        for Ductile Fracture in Stainless

James Lee*, Jiaoyan Li            Horacio D. Espinosa*, Xu             Shahriyar Keshavarz*, Carelyn      Xiaofan Zhang*, Somnath           Surajit Dey*, Ravi Yellavajjala
                                  Zhang, Hoang Nguyen                  Campbell, Andrew Reid              Ghosh

                                                                       Cementitious Materials: Experiments and Modeling Across the Scales, Chair(s):
Hodson 301                        #M202
                                                                       Christian Hellmich
Bounds of Relaxation Functions    Carbon Nanofibers (CNFs)             Compressive Behavior and           Hydration-Induced Densification
for Aging Composites              Dispersed in Ultra-High              Constitutive Modeling of Nano-     of C-S-H Gel Studied Based on
                                  Performance Concrete (UHPC):         Enhanced UHPC                      NMR Data: Investigation of
                                  Mechanical Property, Workability                                        Different Curing Temperatures
                                  and Permeability Investigation

Kairat Tuleubekov*, Lev           Linfei Li*, Boning Wang, Mija        Milana Cimesa*, Mohamed            Nabor Jiménez Segura*,
Khazanovich                       Hubler                               Moustafa                           Christian Hellmich, Bernhard
                                                                                                          L.A. Pichler

          02:10 PM                           02:30 PM                            02:50 PM                           03:10 PM                           03:30 PM
                                                                       Physics-Based Data-Driven Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification in Computational
Hodson 213                         #M203
                                                                       Materials Science and Engineering, Chair(s): Kirubel Teferra
End-to-End Deep Learning           Predicting the Yield Behavior of    Uncertainty-Quantified            Stochastic Modeling and
Method to Predict Stress Tensor    Polycrystalline Aggregates          Parametrically-Upscaled           Experimental Identification of
Field for Composites with          Using a Generalized Schmid          Continuum Damage Mechanics        Anisotropic Elasticity-plasticity
Application in Multiscaling        Factor Approach                     (UQ-PUCDM) Model for Plain        Constitutive Laws for Additively
                                                                       Weave Woven Composites            Manufactured Materials

Ashwini Gupta*, Anindya            Coleman Alleman*                    Yanrong Xiao*, Somnath Ghosh      Shanshan Chu, Johann
Bhaduri, Lori Graham-Brady                                                                               Guilleminot*, Athanasios
                                                                                                         Illiopoulos, John Michopoulos

Krieger 170                        #M208                               Mechanics and Physics of Granular Materials, Chair(s): Anthony Rosato

Particle Mechanics Approach to     Quantification of Breakage          Tracking Sequential Particle      Mechanics of Coarse-Grained          Mechanics of Ant Tunnels
Modeling Impact Response and       During the Compaction of            Shape Evolution in Crushable      Soils Subjected to Thermal
Wave Propagation in Bonded         Granular Materials Across Strain    Sand via X-Ray Tomography         Cycling
Particulate Systems                Rates

Marcial Gonzalez*                  Brett Kuwik*, Max Garcia, Ryan      Dawa Seo*, Giuseppe               Alessandro F. Rotta Loria*, Jibril   Robert Buarque de Macedo*,
                                   Hurley                              Buscarnera                        B. Coulibaly, Yize Pan               Edward Ando, Shilpa Joy,
                                                                                                                                              Gioacchino Viggiani, Raj Kumar
                                                                                                                                              Pal, Joseph Parker, Jose

                                                                       Reduced-Order and Surrogate Models for Mechanics of Porous Media, Chair(s):
Krieger 180                        #M210
                                                                       Dakshina M. Valiveti
Physics Guided Deep Learning       A Multilevel Sampling Approach      Applying Reduced-Physics          On the Modeling of Porous
Manifold Linearization of Porous   for Uncertainty Quantification of   Modeling to Accelerate            Structures via Variable-Order
Media Flow Equations               Large-Scale Subsurface Flow         Depletion Planning Optimization   Calculus
                                                                       Under Subsurface Uncertainty

Marcelo Dall’Aqua, Emilio          Hillary Fairbanks*, Umberto         Shua He, Santosh Verma,           Sansit Patnaik*, Mehdi Jokar,
Coutinho, Eduardo Gildin*          Villa, Panayot Vassilevski          Alireza Sanaei*                   Fabio Semperlotti

          02:10 PM                          02:30 PM                         02:50 PM                        03:10 PM                         03:30 PM

Hodson 313                        #M211                            Challenges and Advances in Material Damage Modeling, Chair(s): Mostafa Mobasher

A Fourth-Order Phase-Field        Efficient Phase Field Fracture   Integrating PINNs with FEM to    Modeling Fracture in Rate-      Homogenization of Coupled
Fracture Model: Formulation and   Calculations: Domain-            Model Non-Local Continuum        Dependent Polymer Networks: A   Discrete Models for Mass
Numerical Solution Using a        Decomposition Solvers and        Damage                           Quasicontinuum Approach         Transport and Fracture in
Continuous/Discontinuous          Adaptive Re-Meshing                                                                               Concrete
Galerkin Method

Lampros Svolos*, Hashem           Haim Waisman*                    Panos Pantidis*, Mostafa         Ahmed Elbanna*, Ahmed           Gianluca Cusatis*, Jan Elias
Mourad, Gianmarco Manzini,                                         Mobasher                         Ghareeb
Krishna Garikipati

                                                                   Advances in Experimental, Theoretical, and Computational Fracture Mechanics,
Latrobe 120                       #M213
                                                                   Chair(s): Ange-Therese Akono / Arturo Montoya
Innovative Method for             A Comprehensive Experimental     A Multiphysical Surface-Force    Determination of the Cohesive
Progressive Crack Growth          Program of Concrete Notched      Based Fracture Theory for        Fracture Energy of Biofilms
Analysis                          Beams Using Digital Image        Subcritical Crack Growth in      Using Scratch Tests
                                  Analysis to Identify Concrete    Surface-Reactive Environments
                                  Fracture Parameters

Eric Cheifet*, Joseph Cluever,    Mohammod Minhajur Rahman*,       Mehdi Eskandari Ghadi, Yida      Haklae Lee*, Ange-Therese
Evan Schickel, Robert Vecchio     Zahra Ameli, Christian Carloni   Zhang*                           Akono

Hodson 316                        #M219                            Mechanics of Wood and Wood Based Materials, Chair(s): Fiona O'Donnell

Application of Variability        Glulam Beams with Finger-        Modeling Concept for the         Computational Modeling of
Response Functions for Cross      Joints – Numerical and           Estimation of Bending Strength   Time-Dependent Behavior of
Laminated Timber Panels with      Analytical Model                 and Height Effect of Glued       Laminated Timber
Nonlinear Constitutive Laws                                        Laminated Timber Beams

Fiona O'Donnell*, Sanjay          Barbara Fortuna*, Goran Turk,    Markus Lukacevic*, Christoffer   Susan Alexis Brown, Danyang
Arwade                            Simon Schnabl                    Vida, Josef Füssl                Tong*, David Corr, Gianluca

          02:10 PM                           02:30 PM                          02:50 PM                          03:10 PM                 03:30 PM
                                                                     6th Mini-Symposium on 4M (Modeling of Multiphysics-Multiscale-Multifunctional)
Krieger 304                        #M222
                                                                     Engineering Materials and Structures, Chair(s): Qiming Wang
An Equivalent D50 to Predict the   Mechanics of Bioinspired Living   Multifunctional Zirconia-         Tensile Deformation in Polyurea:
Erodibility of Cohesive Riverbed   Materials                         Reinforced Metal-Matrix           An All Atom Molecular Dynamics
Soils in Nebraska                                                    Composite for Energy              Study
                                                                     Dissipation and High
                                                                     Temperature Applications

Basil Abualshar*, Chung Song       Qiming Wang*                      Marwa Yacouti*, Maryam            Arunjyoti Sinha Roy, Nilanjan
                                                                     Shakiba                           Mitra* Somnath Ghosh

                                                                     Additive Manufacturing: Novel Processing, Design, Materials, Structures and
Hodson 303                         #M229
                                                                     Functions, Chair(s): Jochen Mueller
A Study of the Effects of Oxide    Overcoming Mutual Exclusivities   Computational Design of           Multiphysics Modeling of Frontal
Films on the Cold Spray            in the Mechanical Properties of   Additively Manufactured           Polymerization based Layer-by-
Behavior of Aluminum and           Cellular Solids via Direct-Ink    Composite TPU Materials           Layer 3D Printing of Thermoset
Titanium Alloy Powders             Writing                                                             Polymer Components

Mobin Vandadi, Arvand Navabi,      Jochen Mueller*                   Seda Oturak*, Callie Zawaski,     Zhuoting Chen*, Morteza Ziaee,
Trevor Bond, Ridwan Ahmed,                                           Melinda McKeehan, Wesley          Mostafa Yourdkhani, Xiang
John Obayemi, Joseph                                                 Reinhart                          Zhang
Oghenevweta, Nima Rahbar*,
Winston Soboyejo

Shaffer 301                        #M301                             Structural Identification and Damage Detection, Chair(s): Hamed Ebrahimian

Exploratory Study of System        Rail Defect Detection by          A Fault Detection and Diagnosis   Linear System Identification of
Identification and Seismic         Noncontact Vibration              Algorithm for Extraterrestrial    the UC San Diego Geisel Library
Response Monitoring of Pipeline    Measurements                      Habitats and its Experimental     Building
Systems Using Drone Videos                                           Validation

Mohamed Moustafa*, Luna            Korkut Kaynardag*, Chi Yang,      Zixin Wang*, Yuguang Fu,          Lin Sun*, Joel Conte, Michael
Ngeljaratan                        Salvatore Salamone                Adnan Shahriar, Benjamin          Todd, Jose Restrepo, Yehuda
                                                                     Wogen, Mohammad                   Bock
                                                                     Jahanshahi, Amin Maghareh,
                                                                     Arturo Montoya, Shirley Dyke

          02:10 PM                            02:30 PM                             02:50 PM                           03:10 PM                            03:30 PM
                                                                         Practical Applications and Value of Advanced Computational and Probabilistic
Shaffer 100                         #M306
                                                                         Modelling in the Life-Cycle of Structures, Chair(s): Paolo Bocchini
Computational and Experimental      Probabilistic Investigation on the   Structural Evaluation of Ledges   Improving the Computational           Multi Hazard Assessment of
Insights into Life-Cycle            Behavior and Reliability of Steel    in Shiplap Hinge Joints Using     Efficiency of Life-Cycle Building-    Aging River-Crossing
Structural Reliability Assessment   Connections Combining Slip-          Empirical and Strut-and-Tie       Performance Estimation                Reinforced Concrete Bridges
of Concrete Bridges Under           Critical Bolts and Fillet Welds      Methods                           Through Reduced Order
Corrosion                                                                                                  Modeling and Multi-Fidelity
                                                                                                           Monte Carlo Techniques

Mattia Anghileri*, Luca Capacci,    Mohammad Tamimi*, Omid               Shaymaa Obayes*, Monique          Dimitrios Patsialis*, Alexandros      Reza Filizadeh*, Eric
Fabio Biondini                      Khandel, Mohamed Soliman             Head, Daniel Baxter               Taflanidis, Dimitrios                 Hernandez, David Rosowsky

Hodson 305                          #M308                                Origami/Kirigami Inspired Structures and Metamaterials, Chair(s): John Brigham

Dynamic Homogenization of           Modular Architecture for             Harnessing Pre-Stress for         Frustrated Metamaterials as
Periodic Origami Inspired           Origami-Inspired Flat-Folding        Continuous Equilibrium Under      Pop-Up Domes
Structures                          Robots                               Gravity

Othman Oudghiri-Idrissi*, Bojan     Alexandra Haraszti*, Manan           Maria Redoutey, Evgueni           Paolo Celli*, Olivine Silier, Lucas
Guzina                              Arya, Sarah Hovsepian                Filipov*                          Annink, Chiara Daraio

                                                                         Analysis of Heritage Structures: Tools and Methods for Assessing Unknowns in
Latrobe 107                         #M313
                                                                         Historic Monuments and Structures, Chair(s): Rebecca Napolitano
Impulse Response Testing for        A Methodology to Support the         Three-Dimensional Visualization   Load Sharing In Accidental
Evaluation of Heritage              Adaptive Reuse of a Historical       of Nondestructive Evaluation      Hybrid Structures
Structures                          Dwelling: the Case Study of a        Results
                                    ‘Sobrado’ House-Type

Linda Seymour*                      Daniele Melo Santos Paulino*,        Torin McCue*, Carlo Citto         Donald Friedman*
                                    Ella Hill, Heather Ligler,
                                    Rebecca Napolitano

          02:10 PM                          02:30 PM                          02:50 PM                           03:10 PM                            03:30 PM
                                                                    Topology Optimization: from Algorithmic Developments to Applications, Chair(s):
Hodson 311                        #M401
                                                                    Alireza Asadpoure
A Frame-Element Based             Topology Optimization of          Seismic Topology Optimization      Local Stress Constraints in         Reliability-Based Topology
Topology Optimization             Dynamic Structures Using a        of Tall Buildings Using Modal      Topology Optimization of            Optimization via an Inverse
Framework for Low-Density         State Space Representation        Decomposition                      Structures Subjected to Arbitrary   Tangent Constraint
Designs                                                                                                Dynamic Loads: a Stress             Approximation
                                                                                                       Aggregation-Free Approach

Josephine Carstensen*             Andrew H. Fletcher*, Philip M.    Amory Martin*, Gregory             Oliver Giraldo-Londoño*, Miguel     Alberto Torres*, James Warner,
                                  Renkert, Andrew G. Alleyne, Kai   Deierlein                          A. Aguilo, Glaucio H. Paulino       Miguel Aguilo, James Guest
                                  A. James

                                                                    20th Symposium on Biological and Biologically Inspired Materials and Structures,
Hodson 315                        #M403
                                                                    Chair(s): Christian Hellmich
Patient Specific Finite Element   Material Models for Fibrous       Nature Inspired Microvascular      Why Gannets Survive Repeated        Biocompatibility of Geopolymer
Analysis of the Influence of      Elastomeric Biological and Bio-   Active Cooling Network Design      Plunges at High Velocity            Scaffolds for Bone Tissue
Intraocular Pressure on the       Inspired Materials                Using Steady State and                                                 Regenerative Engineering
Optic Nerve Head                                                    Transient Topology Optimization

Soumaya Ouhsousou*, Amin          Shruti Motiwale*, Christian       Jonathan Gorman*, Reza             Bart Boom*, Anthony Nguyen,         Ange-Therese Akono*, Xinlong
Pourasghar, Lucy Q. Shen,         Goodbrake, Wenbo Zhang,           Pejman, Ahmad Najafi               Andrew Duim, Aidan Sleavin,         Wang, Chongwen Duan,
Chhavi Saini, Mengyu Wang,        Michael Sacks                                                        Simon Shimel, Frank E. Fish,        Guillermo Ameer
John C. Brigham                                                                                        Tadd Truscott, Ed Habtour

                                                                    Advances in Computational Methods for Uncertainty Quantification and
Shaffer 300                       #M407                             Robust/Performance-Based Design of Structures and Systems Exposed to Natural and
                                                                    Man-Made Hazards, Chair(s): Aikaterini Kyprioti
Extended Polynomial Chaos         Application of Probabilistic      Multi-Criteria Optimal Design of   Efficient Global Sensitivity        Markov-Transformable
Expansion-Based Framework         Learning on Manifolds (PLoM)      Uncertain Building Systems         Analysis for High-Dimensional       Processes to Model
for Sensitivity and Reliability   for Performance-Based Seismic     Subject to Stochastic Wind         Outputs Combining Data-Driven       Deteriorating Engineering
Analysis Under Uncertainty and    Assessment of Reinforced          Loads                              Probability Models and              Systems
Modeling Errors                   Concrete Moment Frame                                                Dimensionality Reduction

Zhiheng Wang*, Roger Ghanem       Kuanshi Zhong*, Javier Navarro,   Thays Duarte, Arthriya             WoonghHee Jung*, Alexandros         Leandro Iannacone*, Armin
                                  Sanjay Govindjee, Gregory         Subgranon*                         Taflanidis                          Tabandeh, Paolo Gardoni

          02:10 PM                           02:30 PM                         02:50 PM                            03:10 PM                          03:30 PM
                                                                    Resilience of Coastal Structures, Systems, and Community Subjected to Hazards,
Krieger 302                        #M606
                                                                    Chair(s): Wei Zhang
Quantitative Multi-Hazard          Life Safety Risk for Coastal     Prediction of Waterborne Large      Simulation-Based and Risk-        Prediction of Communities’
Community-Level Hurricane          Communities Affected by          Woody Debris Accumulations          Informed Assessment of the        Flood Resilience in a Changing
Risk Assessment Approach           Nearfield Earthquake and         and Scour for Bridges in            Effectiveness of Tsunami          Climate: A Multi-Stage
                                   Tsunami                          Flooding Events                     Evacuation Routes Using Agent-    Framework Using Machine
                                                                                                        Based Modeling                    Learning Techniques

Omar Nofal, John van de Lindt*     Mehrshad Amini*, Daniel Cox,     William Hughes*, Wei Zhang          Zhenqiang Wang*, Gaofeng Jia      Moustafa Naiem Abdel-Mooty*,
                                   Andre Barbosa, Dylan                                                                                   Wael El-Dakhakhni, Paulin
                                   Sanderson                                                                                              Coulibaly

                                                                    Developments in Performance-Based Structural Fire Engineering, Chair(s): Negar
Hodson 216                         #M607
                                                                    Elhami Khorasani
Keynote presentation: Performance Evaluation of a Coupled Fire-     Residual Strength Assessment        Post-Fire Stability and           Fire Spread in Buildings
Atmosphere Wildfire Simulation Platform: The 2018 Camp Fire Case    of a Heat-Straightened Steel I-     Performance of Tall Steel         Considering Seismic Damage to
Study                                                               Section Member Exposed to a         Buildings                         Active and Passive Fire
                                                                    Fire Event: A Case Study of a                                         Protection Systems
                                                                    Brent Spence Bridge Stringer

Kasra Shamsaei, Timothy W. Juliano, Matthew Roberts, Hamed          Hizb Ullah Sajid*, Ryan Slein       Serdar Selamet*, Aykut Onursal,   Maxwell Coar*, Maria Garlock
Ebrahimian*, Branko Kosovic, Neil P. Lareau, Ertugrul Taciroglu                                         Yusuf Özer

                                                                    Analysis and Prediction of Wind Effects on the Built Environment, Chair(s): Marco
Shaffer 304                        #M609
Initial Considerations for the     Large-Scale Turbulence           Advancements in the Physical        Equivalent Turbulence Profiles    An Investigation on the Effects
Development of a National Full-    Modulation in the Wind Tunnel    Simulation of Non-Synoptic          from Randomized Terrain in a      of Translating Tornadoes on
Scale Testing Infrastructure for   Using a Multi-Fan Flow Control   Extreme Wind Events in a Large      Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel        Wind Loading Using a Potential
Community Hardening in             Instrument                       Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel                                            Flow Model
Extreme Wind, Surge, and
Wave Events (NICHE)

Forrest Masters*, Arindam          Pedro L. Fernández-Cabán*,       Ryan Catarelli*, Forrest Masters,   Mariel Ojeda-Tuz*, Mohit          Shuan Huo*, Jin Wang, Fred
Chowdhury, Amal Elawady,           Ryan A. Catarelli                Brian Phillips, Jennifer Bridge,    Chauhan, Ryan Catarelli,          Haan, Gregory Kopp, Mark
Hermann Fritz, Catherine Gorle,                                     Kurtis Gurley, Tai-An Chen          Michael Shields, Kurtis Gurley    Sterling
Tracy Kijewski-Correa, Frank
Lombardo, Pedro Lomonaco,
Kristin Taylor, John van de
Lindt, Paul Vasilescu, Ioannis

          02:10 PM                          02:30 PM                        02:50 PM                         03:10 PM                      03:30 PM
                                                                  Recent Advances in Response Modification Devices and Strategies, Chair(s):
Shaffer 202                       #M613
                                                                  Konstantinos Kalfas
Experimental Studies on the       Adaptive Shape Memory Alloy     Characterization of Energy       Impact of Spine Strength and
Design Parameters of              Cable-Based Isolation Systems   Dissipation During Cyclic        Stiffness on the Seismic
Pressurized Sand Dampers                                          Loading of a Sand Damper         Response of Strongback

Konstantinos Kalfas*, Nicos       Sasa Cao, Osman Ozbulut*, Fei   Usama El Shamy*, Ehab Sabi,      Peter Talley*, Mark Denavit,
Makris                            Shi, Jiangdong Deng             Kostas Kalfas, Nicos Makris      Nicholas Wierschem

Shaffer 2                         #M614                           Modeling Deterioration of Structures and Infrastructure, Chair(s): Gaofeng Jia

Corrosion Cracking Behavior of    Evolution of Bending Failure
Reinforced Concrete Under         Mode and Bearing Capacity of
Freeze-Thaw Cycles                RC Beams with Corrosion
                                  Propagation of Steel

Xiguang Liu, Ziwei Yan*, Ditao    Chao Jiang, Hao Ding*, Xiang-
Niu                               Lin Gu, Wei-Ping Zhang

                                                                  Advances in Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence for Structural
Shaffer 303                       #M701
                                                                  Health Monitoring and Inspections, Chair(s): Wei Song / Jian Li
Keynote presentation: Physics-Based Graphics Models as Visual     Artificial Intelligence Based    Autonomous Classification of   Unsupervised Image to Image
Inspection Testbeds                                               Digital Twinning Framework for   Road Roughness Using Deep      Translation of Structural
                                                                  Structural Cyber Physical        Convolutional Neural Network   Damage
                                                                  Systems                          Considering Environmental

Vedhus Hoskere*, Yasutaka Narazaki, Billie F. Spencer Jr.         Mehrdad Shafiei Dizaji*, Zahra   YoungJae Lee*, Robin Eunju     Subin Varghese*, Vedhus
                                                                  Zhiyanpour, Aya Yehia, Devin     Kim                            Hoskere

          02:10 PM                        02:30 PM                           02:50 PM                            03:10 PM                           03:30 PM
                                                                   Uncertainty Quantification-Aided Machine Learning in Engineering for Hazards,
Krieger 300                     #M702
                                                                   Chair(s): Som Dhulipala / Michael Shields / Henry Burton
Adaptive Sequential Sampling    Deep Neural Network-Based          Multifidelity Active Learning for   Localized Approximations by        Physically-Informed Deep
for Polynomial Chaos            Regional Seismic Loss              the Failure Analysis of a Nuclear   Polynomial Chaos Expansions        Learning of High-Dimensional
Expansions of Vector-Valued     Assessment Considering             Fuel                                for Highly Non-Linear Functions    Nonlinear Dynamic Systems
Response Quantities             Correlation Between EDP                                                                                   Subject to General Stochastic
                                Residuals of Building Structures                                                                          Wind Excitation

Lukáš Novák, Miroslav           Chulyoung Kang*, Taeyong Kim,      Som Dhulipala*, Wen Jiang,          Lukáš Novák*, Miroslav             Bowei Li*, Seymour Spence
Vorechovský*                    Oh-Sung Kwon, Junho Song           Benjamin Spencer, Jason Hales,      Vorechovský
                                                                   Michael Shields

Krieger 308                     #M712                              Data-Driven Approaches to Engineering Mechanics, Chair(s): Fatemeh

Discovering Dynamical           Convolutional Autoencoders for     Time-Domain Linear Sampling         Neural Networks-Based
Equations Using a Denoised      Compressing and Decoding           Method for In-Situ Ultrasonic       Elementwise Classification to
State-Variable Transformation   Metal Microstructures              Imaging                             Detect Multiple Voids in a Solid
                                                                                                       Using Elastic Waves

Jacqueline Wentz*, Alireza      Dharanidharan Arumugam, Ravi       Jian Song*, Xiaoli Liu, Fatemeh     Fazle Mahdi Pranto*, Shashwat
Doostan                         Yellavajjala*                      Pourahmadian, Houssem               Maharjan, Bruno Guidio,
                                                                   Haddar                              Stephen Lloyd, Chanseok Jeong

          04:20 PM                          04:40 PM                            05:00 PM                            05:20 PM                           05:40 PM
                                                                     The Next Frontiers in Natural Hazards Engineering: Advancing the Vision of Ahsan
Hodson 210                        #M101
                                                                     Kareem, Chair(s): Tracy Kijewski-Correa
Variational Multiscale Immersed   Effects of Different Shape         Evolution of Bridge Aeroelasticity   Addressing Spatio-Temporal         Wind: A Force for Good
Boundary Method for               Parameters on the Wind             and Wind-Resistant Design of         Features in Storm Surge
Incompressible Turbulent Flows    Pressure Peak Factors for          Long-Span Bridges: The               Surrogate Modeling Through
                                  Hyperbolic Paraboloid Roofs        Contributions of Ahsan Kareem        Separable Gaussian Process

Arif Masud*, Soonpil Kang         Michele Barbato*, Fabio Rizzo      Miguel Cid Montoya*                  Aikateritni Kyprioti, Alexandros   Lance Manuel*, Paul Veers
                                                                                                          Taflanidis*, Christopher Irwin,
                                                                                                          Norberto Nadal-Caraballo

Hodson 211                        #M201                              Multiscale Behavior of Damage and Failure Mechanics, Chair(s): Yaneng Zhou

A Concurrent Model Framework      Experimental Analysis of           Analytical Stress Intensity Factor   Crack Cooling During Dynamic
for Self-Consistent               Desiccation Cracking               for Shear In-Plane Load in           Crack Propagation in Thermo-
Homogenization Based              Phenomenon of Clays Related        Reflective Cracking Model            Visco-Elastic-Plastic Solids
Parametrically Upscaled           to the Initial Imposed Suction
Continuum Damage Mechanics        Using DIC Method
(PUCDM) Model for High Strain-
Rate Response of Composites

Chandra Prakash*, Somnath         Lamine Ighil Ameur*, Mahdia        Kairat Tuleubekov*, David Brill      Jacob Thiesen*, Jiaoyan Li
Ghosh                             Hattab

                                                                     Cementitious Materials: Experiments and Modeling Across the Scales, Chair(s): Franz-
Hodson 301                        #M202
                                                                     Josef Ulm
Comparison of Graded and          Effect of Time-Dependent Bond      Micromechanical Effects of           Effect of Thermal Cycles and       Numerical Analysis of Post-
Thin-Shell Models for the         Slip on Delayed Failure of         Notch Size in Concrete Under         Fatigue Loading on Concrete        Tensioned Engineered
Interfacial Transition Zone       Reinforced Concrete Frames         Fatigue Loading                      Incorporating Plastic Particles    Cementitious Composite
                                                                                                                                             Members with Unbonded

Robert Zimmerman*                 Roberto Ballarini*, Jialiang Le,   Keerthana Kirupakaran*,              Madiha Ammari*                     Mi Jin Jung*, Pinar Okumus
                                  Livia Mello                        Chandra Kishen J. M.

          04:20 PM                             04:40 PM                           05:00 PM                           05:20 PM                          05:40 PM

Hodson 213                           #M204                             Architected Materials, Chair(s): Stavros Gaitanaros

Incorporating Architected            3D Printed Tubular Lattice        A Reduction-Based Method for        On the Compressive Strength      Advanced In-Situ Fabrication of
Materials in Multiscale Structural   Metamaterials with Enhanced       Modelling Lattice Materials         of Brittle Cellular Materials    Nanofibers via a Modified Wet
Optimization with Deep Learning      Mechanical Properties                                                                                  Electrospinning Method to Yield
                                                                                                                                            Advanced Polymer-Ceramic

Nolan Black*, Ahmad R. Najafi        Huan Jiang*, Hannah Ziegler,      Yash Agrawal*, G. K.                Enze Chen*, Shengzhi Luan,       Yunzhi Xu*, Ping Guo, Ange-
                                     Zhennan Zhang, Sundar Atre,       Ananthasuresh, James K. Guest       Stavros Gaitanaros               Therese Akono
                                     Yanyu Chen

                                                                       Dispersive Waves and Shock in Solid Domains with Micro-Structure, Chair(s): Alireza
Hodson 303                           #M207
Reduced Order Modeling of            Analytical Modeling and           Lab-Scale Characterization of       Comparing Mechanical
Mechanical Metamaterials             Laboratory Characterization of    Micro-Structured Mechanical         Response of Porcine Skin for
Under Dynamic Loading                Elastic Moduli Dispersion and     Metamaterials via Phase             Penetrating and Non-
                                     Poromechanical Responses of       Separation of Overlapped            Penetrating Ballistic Impacts
                                     Dual-Porosity Dual-Permeability   Waves
                                     Porous Materials

Weidi Wang, Willoughby               Chao Liu*, Dung Phan              Joshua Morris, Darshil Shah,        Joseph LeSueur*, Carolyn
Cheney, Reza Abedi, Alireza V.                                         Thomas A. Plaisted, Chrisotpher     Hampton, Jared Koser, Sajal
Amirkhizi*                                                             Hansen, Alireza V. Amirkhizi*       Chirvi, Frank A Pintar

                                                                       Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) Mini-Symposium, Chair(s):
Hodson 216                           #M214
                                                                       George Z Voyiadjis
PRISMS-Plasticity and PRISMS-        Modeling Microscale               A Microstructure-Based Porous       A Dislocation-Based Crystal      Evaluation and Construction of
Fatigue: ICME Frameworks to          Solidification and Residual       Crystal Plasticity Finite Element   Plasticity Finite Element        Microstructural Data Distributions
Advance Boundaries of High-          Stresses of As-Built Additively   Model for Additively                Simulation for the Micropillar   for ICME Applications.
Fidelity Simulations                 Manufactured Materials            Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Alloys       Compression

Mohammadreza Yaghoobi*,              Lukasz Kuna, Kirubel Teferra*     Maxwell Pinz*, Somnath Ghosh        Juyoung Jeong, George            Noah Wade*, Lori Graham-Brady
Krzysztof S. Stopka, Aaditya                                                                               Voyiadjis*
Lakshmanan, Duncan Greeley,
Zhe Chen, John E. Allison,
David L. McDowell, Veera

          04:20 PM                           04:40 PM                          05:00 PM                          05:20 PM                         05:40 PM

Hodson 305                         #M308                             Origami/Kirigami Inspired Structures and Metamaterials, Chair(s): Mark Schenk

Simulation of Thermo-              Evaluation of Kirigami Façade     Hydrodynamic Characteristics of   An Attack on Non-Triangular
Mechanical Coupling in Origami     Concepts Towards Optimal          Shape Morphing Curved-Crease      Flexible Polyhedral Surfaces
Assemblages                        Design for Irradiance and Air     Origami Surfaces

Yi Zhu*, Evgueni Filipov           Rodrigo Arauz*, Aminallah         Hardik Patil*, Evgueni Filipov    Zeyuan He*, Simon Guest
                                   Pourasghar, John Brigham

                                                                     Computational Methods for Stochastic Engineering Dynamics, Chair(s): Ioannis
Shaffer 302                        #M310
A Wiener Path Integral             Stochastic Response               Survival Probability              Data-Driven Parsimonious
Quadratic Approximation for        Determination of Nonlinear        Determination of Nonlinear        Modeling and Analysis of
Stochastic Response                Dynamical Systems: A Wiener       Oscillators with Fractional       Dynamic Cerebral
Determination of Nonlinear         Path Integral Technique           Derivative Terms Under            Autoregulation via Diffusion
Multi-Degree-of-Freedom            Accounting for Fractional         Evolutionary Stochastic           Maps
Systems                            Derivative Modeling               Excitation

Ying Zhao, Apostolos Psaros,       Ilias Mavromatis*, Ioannis        Vasileios Fragkoulis*, Ioannis    Maria Katsidoniotaki*, Ketson
Ioannis Petromichelakis, Ioannis   Kougioumtzoglou, Apostolos        Kougioumtzoglou                   Roberto Maximiano Dos
Kougioumtzoglou*                   Psaros                                                              Santos, Eliza Miller, Ioannis
                                                                                                       Kougioumtzoglou, Randolph

Hodson 313                         #M312                             Structural Instabilities: From Failure to Function, Chair(s): Stylianos Yiatros

A Building-Block Approach to       Stochastic Analysis of Buckling   Experimental vs. Numerical        Stability of Stainless Steel     Cross-Section Instability of
the Conceptual Design of Shape     Load of Beams on Elastic          Stability Assessment of           Frames with Different Beam-to-   Advanced High Strength Steel
Adaptive Structures                Foundation                        Anisotropic Laminated Web         Column Connection Types          Thin-Walled Members
                                                                     Cantilever Beams Under Tip

Ed Wheatcroft*, Rainer Groh,       Zheren Baizhikova*, Jia-Liang     Garima Sharma*, Hayder            Mohammed M. Eladly*,             Chu Ding*, Benjamin Schafer
Mark Schenk, Jiajia Shen,          Le, Roberto Ballarini             Rasheed                           Benjamin W. Schafer
Alberto Pirrera

           04:20 PM                         04:40 PM                          05:00 PM                         05:20 PM                         05:40 PM
                                                                    Analysis of Heritage Structures: Tools and Methods for Assessing Unknowns in
Latrobe 107                       #M313
                                                                    Historic Monuments and Structures, Chair(s): Linda Seymour
Investigating Lost Heritage       Effect of Sloping Sand/Bedrock    Dealing with Multiscale          Rapid Generation of Numerical
Structures: Digital               Interface on the Static and       Complexity and Uncertainty for   Models for Cultural Heritage
Reconstruction of Vezir’s Great   Dynamic Response of the           the Case of the Thin-Shell       Structures Conservation
Bridge                            Adobe Pyramid of Huaca de la      Classrooms of Cuba's Historic
                                  Luna, Perù                        School of Ballet

Andronira Burda, James            Anna Remus, Lale Yilmaz,          Moriah Hughes*, Shengzhe         Antonio Maria D'Altri*, Branko
McDonagh, Moriah Hughes,          Selman Tezcan, Renato             (Jackson) Wang, Maria Garlock,   Glisic, Stefano de Miranda,
Branko Glisic*                    Perucchio*                        Branko Glisic                    Rebecca Napolitano

                                                                    Coupled Chemical, Physical and Mechanical Processes in Cementitious Materials for
Hodson 316                        #M315                             Regular and 3D Printed Constructions, Chair(s): Roman Wan-Wendner / Mohammed
Algorithms to Optimize the        On the Emergence of 3D            Additive Manufacturing of        Improving Printability and       Chemomechanical Properties of
Printing Ink for 3D Printing      Printable Engineered              Carbonated Cementitious          Sustainability of Cementitious   3D Printed Cement Pastes
                                  Cementitious Composites:          Materials                        Mixtures Using Cellulose         Containing Halloysite Nanoclay
                                  Extrudability and Buildability                                     Filaments

Claudiane Ouellet-Plamondon*      Muhammad Saeed Zafar*, Amir       Paula Bran Anleu*, Yann Le       Ugur Kilic*, Ahmed Omran,        Michael Kosson*, Lesa Brown,
                                  Bakshi, Maryam Hojati             Pape, Qiyi Chen, Parans          Osman Ozbulut                    Florence Sanchez
                                                                    Paranthaman, Rigoberto
                                                                    Advincula, Brian Post, Celeste
                                                                    Atkins, Adam Brooks, Elena
                                                                    Tajuelo Rodriguez

                                                                    Topology Optimization: from Algorithmic Developments to Applications, Chair(s):
Hodson 311                        #M401
                                                                    Mazdak Tootkaboni
A Topology Optimization           Topology Optimization of          Topology Optimization with       Optimization of Local Topology
Framework for Multi-material      District Heating Networks Using   Filament Interface               and Stacking Sequence in
Design                            a SIMP-Like Multi-Material        Considerations for Extrusion-    Laminated Composites
                                  Penalization                      Based Additive Manufacturing     Considering Strength Criteria

Alireza Asadpoure*, Mohammod      Yannick Wack*, Robbe              Hajin Kim*, Jackson Jewett,      Chuan Luo*, Federico Ferrari,
Minhajur Rahman, Seyed            Salenbien, Tine Baelmans,         Josephine Carstensen             James Guest
Ardalan Nejat, Navid Changizi,    Maarten Blommaert
Mazdak Tootkaboni

           04:20 PM                            04:40 PM                             05:00 PM                          05:20 PM                          05:40 PM
                                                                         Probabilistic Assessment, Inference, and Optimization Under Uncertainty, Chair(s):
Shaffer 100                          #M406
                                                                         Charalampos Andriotis
Accurate Wildfire Prediction by      Short-Term Heat-Induced Risk        An Efficient Seismic Reliability   Simulation Free Adaptive
Geostationary Orbit Satellites       Assessment of Urban Scale           Method Accounting for              Reliability Analysis Method for
and Rate of Spread Adjustment        Energy Systems                      Stochastic Earthquake Model        Structures Under Stochastic
Factor                                                                   Parameters                         Loadings

Seungmin Yoo*, Junho Song            Byeongseong Choi*, Mario            Xuanli Sun*, Martin Williams,      Chi Zhang*, Abdollah
                                     Berges, Matteo Pozzi                Manolis Chatzis                    Shafieezadeh

                                                                         Advances in Computational Methods for Uncertainty Quantification and
Shaffer 300                          #M407                               Robust/Performance-Based Design of Structures and Systems Exposed to Natural and
                                                                         Man-Made Hazards, Chair(s): Arthriya Subgranon
Impact of Hazard Uncertainty         Collapse Reliability of High-Rise   Optimal Generation of              Enabling Uncertainty              Subset Simulation-Based
Evolution on Variability of          Reinforced Concrete Structures      Multivariate Hurricane Intensity   Quantification Across             Stratified Samplings for Rare
Building Seismic Damage              Under Extreme Winds                 Maps Using Multivariate Hazard     SimCenter Modules for             Event Simulation in Wind
Assessment                                                               Quantization                       Simulation in Natural Hazards     Engineering

Jorge Mario Lozano*, Iris Tien,      Liuyun Xu*, Seymour Spence          Liyang Ma*, Daniel Conus, Wei-     Aakash Bangalore Satish*,         Srinivasan Arunachalam*,
Elliot Nichols, J. David Frost                                           Min Huang, Paolo Bocchini          Sang-ri Yi, Joel P Conte,         Seymour Spence
                                                                                                            Alexandros Taflanidis

                                                                         Junction Flows, Local Scour Processes and Mitigation Strategies in Riverine and
Krieger 302                          #M503                               Coastal Environments, Chair(s): Celso Castro-Bolinaga / Aly Mousaad Aly / Panayiotis
Initiation of Motion Conditions in   Reynolds-Averaged Simulation        Ignition of Self-Supported         Evaluation of Distributed
a Turbulent Boundary Layer           of Langmuir Turbulence in the       Turbidity Currents via Waves       Temperature Sensing to
Flow in Aeolian and Fluvial          Coastal Ocean                       and Currents                       Improve Scour Predictions at
Environments                                                                                                Bridge Crossings

Hridaya Bastola, Cheng Chen,         Juan Penaloza Gutierrez*,           Celalettin Ozdemir*, George Xu,    Celso Castro-Bolinaga*,
Panayiotis Diplas*                   Andres Tejada-Martinez              Samuel Bentley                     Rebecca Hatley, Chadi Sayde,
                                                                                                            Mahmoud Shehata

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