The door collection homes by senior - An innovative range of aluminium doors that perform as perfectly as they look - Alexander Windows

Page created by Charlie Alvarado
The door collection homes by senior - An innovative range of aluminium doors that perform as perfectly as they look - Alexander Windows
the door
homes by senior

An innovative range of aluminium doors
that perform as perfectly as they look
The door collection homes by senior - An innovative range of aluminium doors that perform as perfectly as they look - Alexander Windows
The door collection homes by senior - An innovative range of aluminium doors that perform as perfectly as they look - Alexander Windows
Transform your home with
our beautiful aluminium doors.
Sleek, stylish and built to last, aluminium doors are the perfect way to
accentuate and add value to your home. The attractive aluminium frames
and high performance glazing maximise the flow of natural light, giving
picture perfect views and easy access to your outside space as well as
creating bright and airy interiors.

Unlock the potential of your home with aluminium doors that have
been designed to perform as well as they look.

04-07    Introduction                    20-21    Configurations: Folding and Sliding
08-09    Security Built In               22-23    Configurations: Sliding
 12-13   The PURe Difference
                                         24-25    Size Overview
16-17    Folding and Sliding Doors       26-27    Colour Your Thinking
18-19    Sliding Doors                   28-29    Finishing Touches

The door collection homes by senior - An innovative range of aluminium doors that perform as perfectly as they look - Alexander Windows
solutions to
        suit your style

           For more than a quarter    Today we offer a flexible range of products that are ideally   the UK to meet the highest safety and security standards.
                                      suited to meet the demands of both traditional and new-        They are also fully recyclable and energy-efficient so can
         of a century we have been    build homes. Naturally strong and easy to maintain, it’s       help reduce your carbon footprint and heating bills too.
     at the forefront of the design   easy to see why aluminium doors are a popular choice and
                                      a smart investment. Offering exceptional durability which      The strength of aluminium allows our doors to support
          and development of high
                                      outperforms traditional timber systems and providing a         much larger spans of glazing within a slim frame and this
          performance aluminium       sleeker, more attractive finish than PVC-U, all of our         gives uninterrupted views and greater light diffusion to
                  glazing systems.    aluminium doors and windows are manufactured here in           transform not only how your home looks, but how it feels.

The door collection homes by senior - An innovative range of aluminium doors that perform as perfectly as they look - Alexander Windows
“Our motto is to ‘give our customers what they
want, when they want it’, which is why you’ll find
our range of high quality doors and windows is
fully supported by a trusted and reliable network
of installers across the UK.”

Mark Wadsworth, Managing Director

The door collection homes by senior - An innovative range of aluminium doors that perform as perfectly as they look - Alexander Windows
products that
The door collection homes by senior - An innovative range of aluminium doors that perform as perfectly as they look - Alexander Windows
Attractive designs combined with exceptional performance
Our stylish aluminium doors have been         • Save money on your heating bills
carefully developed to improve your home      • Help reduce external noise pollution
in more ways than one. As well as offering    • Future-proof your home by improving
excellent thermal and acoustic performance,     its energy-efficiency
they can help create living spaces that can   • Enjoy cosy and peaceful interiors
be enjoyed all year round.                      whatever the weather

The door collection homes by senior - An innovative range of aluminium doors that perform as perfectly as they look - Alexander Windows
         built in

        Your home is your    That’s why we have put security front and centre to create a door        security regulations, including the requirements of PAS 24:2016,
                             range that offers complete peace of mind. With our aluminium doors       approved document Q of the Building Regulations and Secured by
       sanctuary from the    you can enjoy the flexibility of open plan living with the reassurance   Design. This gives our customers the reassurance of knowing that all
        outside world and    of top quality security features.                                        of our doors have been independently checked, tested and certified.
        we understand the
                             Our aluminium doors are strong and hardwearing and more                  With security features you can depend on, our aluminium doors are
     importance of feeling   importantly, reliably secure. All our doors and hardware have            available with a choice of handles and locking systems to meet your
          safe and secure.   been designed to offer protection from intruders and meet the latest     individual needs and to ensure that safety always comes first.

The door collection homes by senior - An innovative range of aluminium doors that perform as perfectly as they look - Alexander Windows
The door collection homes by senior - An innovative range of aluminium doors that perform as perfectly as they look - Alexander Windows
as individual
as you
Whatever your style,    Whether you want to match to an existing décor
                        scheme or try something new, all of our aluminium
 we can offer a wide    doors can be personalised to your exact tastes.
    selection of door
                        Our doors are available in a variety of styles and
furniture and colour
                        an almost unlimited choice of colours, making
  options to provide    them ideally suited to properties of any size.
   the perfect match
                                                                             Turn to pages 24-27 to find out more.   11
the PURe®

Sustainable and
built to last, with a
 life expectancy of
     up to 40 years.

                                     Double or triple glazing
                                     options available, up to    The PURe® range takes our
                                     50mm, to maximise thermal
                                     and acoustic performance.
                                                                 already high-performance
                                                                 aluminium doors to the next
                                                                 level, offering even greater
                                                                 energy-efficiency and
                                                                 protection from the elements.

                                                                 The cutting-edge patented system is the first
                                                                 on the UK market to benefit from an enhanced
                                                                 thermal barrier manufactured from expanded
                                                                 polyurethane foam (PUR). This material has long
                                                                 been used within the construction industry,
                                                                 traditionally in insulation products, because it is
                                                                 so effective in helping to retain heat. When used
                                                                 within our aluminium door systems it can help
                                                                  to keep your home comfortable all year long.

                                                                 So if you’re looking for a hassle-free and cost-
                                                                 effective way of creating a warm and cosy
                                                                 interior whilst reducing your heating costs, the
        Benefiting from a thermal                                energy-efficient PURe® range offers the ideal
     barrier made from expanded                                  solution. What’s more, all PURe® aluminium
    polyurethane, tried and tested                               doors have been designed to last for up to 40
     and used in the construction                                years, making them excellent value for money
          industry for many years.                               and a great long-term investment for you and
                                                                 your home.

open the door
to quality
Timelessly stylish, our
attractive aluminium
doors will provide years
of enjoyment and trouble-
free performance
Single Door
                                                                                              Open out or open in

         folding and
         sliding doors

     We have styles to suit any space or budget, from the
     traditional elegance of single or double ‘French doors’
     to the popular bi-folding or folding sliding styles that
     provide seamless access to the garden.

          Maximum apature height of up to 2700mm high    Further thermal enhancement
          and individual door leaves up to 1300mm wide   available for added energy savings

                                                         High tech roller design ensures
          Leaf weights up to 125kg
                                                         years of trouble-free operation

          High quality weather seals to prevent
          draughts, heat loss and external noise         40+ years life expectancy

Double Door           Folding Sliding Door
Open out or open in   Open out or open in

                               Enhanced performance option. The PURe® door range features
                               patented technology to provide even greater thermal and weather
                               performance. For more information please see pages 12-13.

Sliding Door
                                                                                        Perfect as a residential patio door

         sliding and
         lift/slide doors

     A modern and stylish alternative to a traditional
     patio door, sliding doors are ideal for maximising
     the sense of light and space in a home and are
     precision engineered to effortlessly glide open.

         Individual door leaves are available up   Further thermal enhancement
         to 3000mm wide and 3000mm high            available for added energy savings

                                                   High tech roller design ensures
         Leaf weights up to 300kg
                                                   years of trouble-free operation

         High quality weather seals to prevent
         draughts, heat loss and external noise    40+ years life expectancy

Double Track                                            Triple Track
                                                             Practical yet stylish                                   Stunning wide views

                                                             Our classic double-track sliding doors offer            Offering a larger opening aperture of 66%,
                                                             a 50% opening aperture to provide access,               our triple-track option enables all three door
                                                             ventilation and natural light all year round.           panels to slide to achieve wider views and
                                                                                                                     beautiful full length sliding glass walls.

Slide: Available as a double or triple-track system, our     Lift and Slide: For larger doors panels that are
range of aluminium sliding doors has been designed           heavier, our Lift/Slide option provides the perfect
to be easy to use and maintain. Our traditional sliding      solution. Here, the door sits directly on the track
doors sit directly on the rollers and can be easily opened   and the handle is used to ‘lift’ the door up onto the
by using the handle to pull the door along its track.        rollers so it can gently slide open.

One pane
                            Single door
                            1L / 1R

sliding  and
folding    doors

                            Two pane
                            Double doors

                        Note: These are just
                        some of the available
                        configurations. Please
                        speak to your installer
                        for the best solution
                        for your own project.
Three pane                  Four pane                        Four pane                          Six pane
Inclusive of single door    Inclusive of double doors        Not accessible from outside        Inclusive of double doors
3L / 3R                     3L1R / 1L3R                      4L / 4R                            5L1R / 1L5R

Three pane                  Five pane                               Six pane                                        Seven pane
Inclusive of single door    Inclusive of single door                Inclusive of double doors                       Inclusive of single door
1L2R / 2L1R                 5L / 5R                                 3L3R                                            7L / 7R

Eight pane                                              Eight pane
Inclusive of double doors                               Inclusive of double doors
3L5R / 5L3R                                             7L1R / 1L7R

Two Pane
                       Single track slide
                       XO / OX

sliding  and
lift/slide doors

                       Two pane
                       Double track lift and slide
                       XX / XXH

                   Note: These are just
                   some of the available
                   configurations. Please
                   speak to your installer
                   for the best solution
                   for your own project.
Three Pane                    Three Pane                                  Three Pane                    Four Pane
Single track slide            Single track slide                          Triple track lift and slide   Single track lift and slide
OXO / OXOH                    XOO / OOX                                   XXO / OXX                     OXXO / OXXOH

Three Pane                    Three Pane                                  Three Pane                    Four Pane
Double track lift and slide   Double track lift and slide                 Triple track lift and slide   Double track lift and slide
XXO (Type1) / OXX (Type1)     XXO (Type2) / OXX (Type2)                   XXX / XXXH                    XXXX / XXXXH

Six pane                                                    Six Pane
Triple track lift and slide                                 Triple track lift and slide
OXXXXO                                                      XXXXXX

Ali Fold : Overall Frame Width
                      Recommended minimum - maximum

sliding  and          Aperture (m)

                                          0   1         2            3

lift/slide doors
overview                              1           0.7 - 1.1

                                      2                       1.3 - 2.1

                                      3                                   1.9



                   Number of leaves



                        Your home is as
                      unique as you are,
                   which is why we offer
                     a bespoke solution
                    and a flexible range
                           of door sizes.
Ali Fold HD: Overall Frame Width
                                                                                                 Recommended minimum - maximum

                                                                                                  Aperture (m)

        4        5           6            7          8           9                                                      0         1            2           3           4           5      6          7          8           9         10      11

                                                                                                                  1                         0.7 - 1.4

                                                                                                                  2                                        1.3 - 2.7

- 3.1                                                                                                             3                                                        1.9 - 4.0

            2.5 - 4.2                                                                                             4                                                                    2.5 - 5.4

                        3.1 - 5.2                                                                                 5                                                                            3.1 - 6.1

                                                                                               Number of leaves
                                    3.8 - 6.2                                                                     6                                                                                                 3.8 - 8.0

                                                4.3 - 7.2                                                         7                                                                                                               4.3 - 9.3

                                                            5.0 - 8.2                                             8                                                                                                                           5.0 - 10.6

                                                                                                                                                        *Measurements shown are approximate. Please see table below for more accurate details.

                                                                                      Overall frame width (mm)                                                                                Overall frame height (mm)
    Our handy sizing matrix* can help you choose
                                                                                                Minimum                      Max Ali Fold           Max Ali Fold HD                           Minimum                      2014
    the most effective combination of door widths                                          1                          730                   1130                  1430                        Max Ali Fold                 2700
    and number of leaves to suit your space and,                                           2                          1360                  2162                  2762                        Max Ali Fold HD              2484
                                                                        Number of leaves

    as all doors can be made to measure, you can                                           3                          1952                  3194                  4094
    be sure to find your perfect fit. With a range                                         4                          2582                  4235                  5435
                                                                                           5                          3174                  5216                  6716                        NOTE: The information contained on this page is intended
    of options for small to medium sized spaces,
                                                                                           6                          3804                  6257                  8057                        as a guide only. We recommend engaging the services of a
    there is also the Ali FOLD HD option for when                                                                                                                                             trade professional to accurately measure and advise on the
                                                                                           7                          4396                  7238                  9338
    you want to go big and bold.                                                                                                                                                              right product for your specific application.
                                                                                           8                          5026                  8279                 10679


colour your
thinking      White


              Standard Colours
              Choose from three stock standard
              RAL colours. If you have a specific
              colour in mind, we can colour match*
              for a bespoke solution.
White                  Black                 Parisian Blue          Wild Damson            Glacial Spark           Heritage Sage           Pebble Grey
9910                   9005                  SPR501                 SPR502                 SPR601                  SPR602                  SPR701

Grey                   White                 Dove Grey              Smokehouse Grey        Indian Sandstone        Ayers Rock              Toffee Pecan
7016                   9910                  SPR702                 SPR703                 SPR801                  SPR802                  SPR803

Black                  Grey                  Satin Mist             Black Pearl            Twilight Embers         Raven Black
9005                   7016                  SPR901                 SPR902                 SPR903                  SPR904

Dual Colours                                 Signature Colours
You can even choose to have dual* colour,    To help you decide on your perfect design our exclusive Signature Collection brings
with different colours on the exterior and   together the most popular and on-trend colours and powder-coated paint finishes.
interior surfaces, and specify a metallic,   From classic neutral tones to more vibrant shades, our inspirational palette has
textured or anodised finish.                  something for everyone.

                                                                *Minimum order size may apply. Colours shown are representative only, please request a sample before ordering.   27
Patio Handles                     Folding Sliding Handle     Intermediate Handle                      Folding and Sliding Door             Folding and Sliding Door
                                                                                                        Fully framed                         Low threshold

                                                                                                        Folding and Sliding Door             Folding and Sliding Door

                                                                                                        150mm cill                           190mm cill

                                                                                                        Sliding Door                         Sliding Door
                                                                                                        Single/ddouble treack                Triple track
Satin Nickel

  Finishing Options                                           Handle Options                         Threshold Options
  All of our aluminium doors can be further accentuated       The small details can make a big       Designed to perfectly suit your home
  with a choice of hardware, from handles to hinges, letter   difference, which is why we offer a    and your family, our aluminium door
  plates to locking systems. Guaranteed to last and easy to   choice of door handles in a variety    range is also available in a flexible
  maintain, our full range of hardware choices come fully     of finishes, all of which complement   range of thresholds for easy access.
  backed by a manufacturer warranty.                          our aluminium windows too.

Broaden your horizons even further
 with our range of sleek and stylish
 aluminium windows - the perfect
 partner to our aluminium doors.
Choose from our slimline Ali VU and thermally-enhanced
PURe® aluminium windows, all available in a variety of
styles, configurations and an unlimited choice of colours.
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